The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, January 02, 1925, Image 1

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Poison Rabbits
By Thousands
Rabbits Die bv Thousands in Poison
ing Campaign Weather Right
For Best Results
K. W. Morse. County agent ami A.
W. Moore, of the U. S. Blologtca I
Survey, superintended the pblsontng
of rabblti In the West End on lust
Saturday ami Sunday. A number of
the farmers gathered at the Weston
ranch, where the hay was cut with an
ensilage cutter and Messrs Moore and
Morse prepared the poison. About :i
thousand rabbits were killed on the
bunch grass between the Westerns and
Marshalls. The Delation Druthers
and Robt. Wilson reported that they
have poisoned several thousand in
their neighborhood ami that several
hundred were killed on the raw land
north of Jenkins and B rices'. A. S
Tate and the Atterburys' report the
lulling of several thousand more in
their neighborhood. The East Enders
were also poisoning and report a large
harvest of the long eared pests in that
section of the Project
Some of the range horses have al
so taken the poison and died accord
ing to reports.
Splendid Xmas Program Given
The Christmas tree at the Church
was nttended by a small crowd on
Xmas eve "because of the bitter cold
weather. The program was especially
good this year, the pantomine direct
id by Mrs. J. 0. Russell was worthy
of especial mention. It portrayed the
mother Mary bending over the cradle
( f the Infant Jesus. The Angels, who
sang, the shepards in their skin cos
tumes, with their crooks and the Three
Wise Men who came bringing their
gifts and bowed in worship, vere all
most realistic. Mr. Russell sang two
selections during the pantonine, ac
companied at the piano by Mrs. Russ
ell. There were several Christmas
songs by the audience, the dialogues
and recitations by the smaller f ilks
were all well rendered and most en
tertaining. Mrs. Horry Warren spoke
briefly on the Armenian question and
then Santa Clans came with a treat
for all.
Washington, D. C. A large increase
in American exports during November
was chiefly due to foreign taking of
foodstuffs and raw materials, it was
shown by commerce department
figures giving a preliminary analysis:
of the month's foreign trade.
Total exports were $493,597,001
against $401,484,000 during the sami
month a year ago. The following ex
port and import figureb with compart
sons for the corresponding totals fot
November, 1923, were Issued:
Exports Raw foodstuffs. $58,599.
000 against $14,461,000; foodstuff:
ready for consumption, $54,800,001
against $52,295,000; raw materials fot
use in manufacturing, $196,385,001
against $160,346,000; manufactured
commodities, $124,939,000 against $118,
668,000; partly manufactured food
stuffs. $50,872,000 against $48,955,000.
Imports Raw foodstuffs, $3,074,000
against $40,134,000; foods ready for
consumption, $29,091,000 against $35,
590,000; raw materials for use in
manufacturing, $112,843,000 against
$97,814,000; manufactured commodi
ties, $61,463,000 against $64,110,000;
partly manufactured goods, $52,931,000
against $50,325,000.
New Submarine Can Go With Fleet
In Any Weather.
Portsmouth, N. II. A seagoing sub
marine, the V-2. which with her sister
ship the V-l can accompany a battle
ship into action and under any eon
ditions the fleet can fight, was launch
ed at the navy yard here.
The V-2 is a sister ship of the V-l
launched here last July. Twice as
large as any ever previously construct
ed in the Cnited States, they are the
first of a group of nine submarines
authorized by congress in 1916.
The V-2 is 341 feet six inches over
all, and displaces 2164 tons on the sur
face. She is designed to cruise as a
member of the fleet at sea in an
weather. Four oil engines provide
6500 horsepower.
Thinking in Peace.
Alone on a desert Island a man may
think in peace, but he may not live
long enough to do him any good.
J Prayer
By Rci'. Ulan Pfwltv Wilson
(Copyright. 1924, WNU)
OR CORD, we beseech thee to
grant that Jesus the Chrut
may dwell in our hearts through
faith to the end that we. being
rooted and grounded In love, may
be strong to apprehend with all
the saints what is the breadth and
length and the height and depth
of the lore of Christ.
Gome into our hearts and Hoes
and dominate our wills as we en
ter another Dew Year and grant
that we may live all through this
year in accordance with tby divine
plan for our lives.
this we ask in the name and for
the sake of our Saolor, 3csus Christ.
ww.:.; ...;:vwwww:'
New Years
Customs in
As In France, so in Scotland, New
Years is the chief festival of the!
year. The eve of the day and the da.
Itself are called "Daft Days," or crnz.v
days. And the eve separated fron
its "daft" associate is called "Hog
mapay." But whut this means, nt
one seems to know. The nppllcatlor
of the term is in a custom of childrei
to enrobe themselves in a sheet am'
go the rounds of houses on New Year'.'
eve, knocking at the doors and crying
"Hogmanay." In response they al
ways get an oat cake.
miiiimiiimiiiimiM.eiiiiiiimuimiiiiiuiii a
Ho, Hum!
Twelve Montks Akead
ri ..i. . v
mi & vv;.:.Wa -a v . . .-
By Katherine Edelman
(. 1924, Western Newspaper Union.)
Irrigon Items
VOR wore a tender
smile as he
emerged from the
Carter hospital. A
dry, blinding snow
was falling
the morning
F. C. Fredericksen, rodant control
Chuirman of the Farm Bureau re
ports good success in the rabbit poison
ing campaign begun a week ago pu
Monday. The dead rabbits are to be
found everywhere. 100 pounds of
the poison was used and more woul I
have been put out if the weather hud
kept cold. Mr. Morse, the County A
gent arrived on Tuesday after having
covered several of the other districts
in the county, W. T. Wright, commit -h
'email from the Grange and Mr.
Frederickseu lined everybody up on
and Sunday uud lost no time beginning.
was Sam Oldaker was a surprise visit-
unteriy com, nut or in Irrigon on Weduosdav. He spent,
there was a warm glow around his . the time between trains with former
""i "ble f,,r tne Men Mr. and Mrs. w. R. Walpole.
moment to cold and chill. ; .... , ... , , '
I Mr, Oldaker Will be remembered as
Within his SOlll iO felt ta ti,,.m .
uv. wlwl, ,71 . i,riniiiii,.iit. rcsoilciitu i.l
Hernllaton and is with the Northern
Pacific with offices at St. I'aul.
Stanley Anderson froze one of his
little fingers on Monday morning as
he was carrying a small sack of salt,
about two blocks. It all happpened
victory, a victory won over the great
est enemy the world knows. For, once
more his hand had bellied to avert the
sword of the grim reaper his skill
and surcness of touch had brought
back another soul from the brink. It
bud been an emergency cull this time,
a call that came just as the bells were s" quickly be did not realize it until
tolling the birth of the New Year,
with the chances 100 to 1 against win
ning the fight, but again science and
kill had added another victory to' its
long list. Oeorge Hamilton would
live; his family In the little cottage In
Bower street would have him hack
with them before many days and, In
stead of mourning and sadness, there
would be Joy and happiness in the
he found the finger stiff and white.
Mrs. C. W. Bcncficl who has In
visiting her sister a! Valla Valla f ir
some time, returned home on Wednes
day morning.
.1 l. Goebel bnd the misfortune
to loose one of his liest cows last week
from bloat. The animal had Just fill
ed up on dry alfalfa and the water,
little home. "Thank Hod that I was being fresh from the well ami warmed,
uble to do it," Doctor Trevor wliis- it drank too much and died within
pered to (lie skies as he got into his period of five or seven minutes, an I
1 . t t 1 i.l.
unit- cm. u reeins inn an oimni or h(.f,ir ti1(.
Boardman Locals and Personals
Changes in Oregon School Laws Urgec
Portland, Or. The 1925 legislaturt
will be called to pass upon eight ques
tions involving changes in the present
school laws, including the long-dis
cussed free textbook proposal, teach
ers' retirement fuLd and a request foi
new normal school facilities, as th
result of resolutions adopted by the
6regon State TeacherB' association al
the opening session of the annual con
ventlon here.
- .
Wheat Hard white, $1.83; soft
white, $1.77; northern spring, $178;
hard winter and western white, $1.75;
western red, tl.ii.
Hay Alfalfa, $19.5020 ton; valley
timothy, $22.5023.50; eastern Oregon
timothy, $21 22.
Butterfat 43 44c shippers' track.
Eggs Ranch, 4548Vc.
Cheese Prices f. o. b. Tillamook:
Triplets, 28c; loaf, 29c per lb.
Cattle Steers, good, $7.75 8.25.
Hogs Medium to good, $S.75f9.75
Sheep Spring, medium to choice,
$10.50 14.50.
Wheat Hard white, $1.88; goft
white, $1.84; western white, hard
winter, $1.78; western red, $1.74;
northern spring. $1.80; Big Bend blue
stem, $2.09.
Hay Alfalfa, $22; D. C, $27; tlm
othy, $26; D. C, $28; mixed hay, $24
Eggs Ranch, 4047c.
Butterfat 50c.
Cattle Choice steers. $7. 357 8.50.
Hogs Prime light. $9.609.90.
Cheese Washington cream brick,
2223c; Washington triplets. 21c:
Mrs. Hopkins lias accepted a posi
tion as housekeeper on the Tom E.
Hendricks' farm.
John Brice had the misfortune to
have a young calf freeze to death din
ing the recent cold spell.
V. H. and Albert Mefford were do
ing Christmas shoiqVig in Heppnei'
the i'ore part of the week.
Oscar Kosar returned from Idaho
last week where he has been for some
time past.
Ellis Oarrett was takeu quite sick
Monday night and Deo Root took him
to Hermiston where he will be under
the care of Dr. Illsly for a few days.
Mrs. Caret t is with him there.
Mike Marshall, Kathleen Marshall
and Tom Brady motored to Fort land
last Friday to visit with Cbas. Marsh
all who is employed in a garage there.
Fred Ma lone of Bickleton, Washing
ton, tin old acquaintance of T. E.
Hendricks,, is to arrive this week to
herd sheep for Mrs. H. c. Harrison.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Bl-akney and
children of Echo spent Christmas witli
Mrs. Bleakuoy s mother, Mrs. II II.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Macomber of
Arlington and the I,. V. Root family
were Christmas guests of the home
folks at the W II. Mefford home.
Miss Kathleen Marshall entertained
some of her friends at a dame and
; supper at the Marshall boinc OB Xmas
Zoo Dudley and It Hi lilcakman
were among thovc coming boost for
; the holidays.
Uort Bleakmana have moved i" the
Earl Cramer Place,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Warren had as
guests at Christmas dinner, Mr. ami
I Mrs. B. Bleukman, Mr. and Mrs. Cbas.
McDsniel, Zoe and Everett Hadley.
Earl Cramer and his uurle Hank
drove up from Portland OB Wednesday
The Messengers enjoyed a bounti
j f ul Christmas dinner at (lie ETHckinger
Frank Dohel of tJmstlHa was also
;u guest at the Flickingers Christinas.
The C. E. mailed out 7."i Christmas
handkerchiefs to the mission at Kryp
ton, Ky. All those who so cheerfully
and liberally Contributed to this cause
are extended thanks by the C, B.
J. C. Mallenger and family have re
I turned from Wasco where tin y spent
I the Christinas.
I Wm. Corger and son Jos enjoyed
I Christmas dinner al lb" I,ee Mead
t home.
L. V. Woodurd Is here from The
Dalles looking after the machinery al
the Messner coal chutes during the
COM weather.
Walter Coboon ami family ( Psj
I co are visiting at the Ray Brown
owner could rush aid.
Wm Scbull and son made a busi
ness trip to Pendleton the first of tile
Will In in Knight who has been at
home during the cold spell, returue I
to Ids work with the Welding gang
at The Dalles on Wednesday.
A. .1. Abernathy went to Band Moo
(lay to visit his brother William for
ii few days.
Miss Snow McCoy has been "ii
the sick list and absent from the 1".
O. and store f ir a few days this we. '..
Ceoriro Allen litis written IV Pmu
argument that people were Just as well , nil)u sllvlnK tllHt tm.v M K,V,J1K y
.... " .Mini nn wni or oei-
good to have this huppen Just us the i
year was born."
For this time he knew that he hud
won a double victory. For many years
be had tried bard to interest the old
and wealthy Mrs. Whiteside in the
building of a new hospital for Carter,
to be operated along new and up lo
date lines. It was sorely needed In '
the town and It had been the dream of
Doctor Trevor's life since he hud come
there. Several times he had thought !
that Mrs. Whiteside was on the point
of consenting, but always at the lust
she had fallen back on the oft-used
The 1925 Model
4A in. ,i A . CjUM, I"m
mm 'ufluA . bis
tiT before all these new fandangle
ideas were known.
Then last night had come the call
from the Hamilton home. For years
the Hamilton family had been count
ed by Mrs. Whiteside as her own spe
cial protegees, and she bad spoken
her mind unite plainly to DoctOV Tre
vor Ibis time: "They sav the case
is tiimost hopeless- tinit tbsrs is not
the equipment In the old hospital to
handle such n case and that he can
not be moved to the city. Doctor Fos
ter said there was a chance and you
"ire the only one here that could
take It. If you succeed, II menus the
new hospital within the year."
"Ami as Doctor Trevor drove to bis
home th's early New Year morning.
Hie big building, with all Its modern
equipment for helping humanity,
loomed before him already ii dream
building that would soon become a
home during the holidays
Mis. Mead ami Children will
have the middle of Ibis week for a
vfMt al The Dalles.
The program at the KttOOl on TUS
day evening December 23 was very
good, allho on aecounl of weather eon
ditions the CTOWd was small. The or
chestrs and boys of the vestal choir
cine the opening numbers, which were
most effective and appreciated The
efforts of the litle folks were much
appreciated and tbey were wall train
eil. The intermediate grades gave n
detection sailed an Old Time Xmss.
which was very good. The Xmas at
Sleepy Hollow given by the high
School was a hit of the evening. It
was full of fun and all the CM raelers
wsre good from Percy with the half
SOS to the prim maiden teacher.
rather rough treatment hut he In In
ROpM they will cure bis cancer.
Marshall Markbain came home tr0tt)
Pendleton for Christmas ami remsfn-
"d over until Mondav morning
attained at tbs Heriem home at din
uer Frida v evening.
i t'arty's me feeding a large band 'f
sheep at the Krlsleiisen place on Uu
East End.
Nate Macomber returned on Hon Iny
from Pilot Rock where he and familv
pen) Christmas, Mrs Macomber will
return the later part of the week. Din
ing the absence of Mr Macomber Chaa
Karnes looked after the school bouse.
Some of the water pipes at the school
froze ami hurst during the cold spell.
Win OorgOr and son plan to leave
about the first of the year. A son fli
law will come lo take cine of the
ranch on the Basl End.
A most enjoyable evening was that,
pent at the V (. King home on
Xmas night when the Mead family,
Mr and Mrs. C S Calkins and daugh
ter Alice. Mr. Krlstenaen were guests
for the evening. The children all en
Joyed the tree and the evening passed
rapidly ulth games ami a general
good lime. Mrs. King served a de
licious lunch In the later part of Un
even ing.
Open Restaurant and liarber Shi p
Mr. and Mrs C, W Rover have o
DSnSd ' restaurant In the building
formerly occupied by the Messengers
find announce that they ate ready to
handle the business of the Project. Mr.
Itoyer has also opened a tonsorlal par
lor and has everything fixed Up to
handle the trade.
Mr and Mrs ( has Qoodwin of Port Imurdmaii I'.uiltryman Finishes Fine
land ate here for a weeks visit nf the New Poultry House
Goodwill and Warner home
Mrs i;.. Kunzle and children spcut i W A. Knanff has Just finished the
Xmas with the P. M. Smiths. building of a modern two room pbtst-
.1 R Johnson ami family were a- cred cottage for bis poultry. The house
mong the guests al the Highway lnn'lH 38X00 feet, has a Concrete fl .
for Christinas dinner. i"1"1 shingled roof with running water
Oscar Kosar and son Everett were
dinner guesls at the Kilt x home on
Xmns day, Mrs. Kosar was still in
Pondlton vvlLh her little nb-ee.
Arthur Olson and wife of Clats
kanie arrived Ihmi wi-ck for a visit
with thr- bitters pan ids. Mr. and Mrs
0. O. Blavdeii.
Jack (iorham aie' fan:!1" were nlo
dlme r guests at the Blayden home.
Coo. Agee and BoM, Rayburn went
to the valley to gpotd Christmas. LSSB
Age' tb
and other convenleees.
Child Dies of Pneumonia
was a sad I'liristmaa for tin- Ar
I'elerson familv of BermiSttm.
Friday proceeding Xmas Mr Peter- ei
left for Ids old home Kansas, with.") of
Ids children and the laxly of his wife
.tlio died on the I lib of pneumonia.
Utile Eileen aged 4, was left nt St.
Anthony's hospital at Pendleton suffer
brother of Ccorgc came from Ing with the dlseaw She iiasm-d away
home at OhrS and stayed at the stXMSl M0 a. m Christmas morning.
Uii vhiirn home during the cold nap. her aunt Mrs. Oscar Kohht of Board
Mr. and Mrs. Lm M ad and children Bian Is-lng at her bedside when deaj(h
were gOsSts at Hie Herelm home for csme The little one was a lovahlo
Hurler on Sundav evening. 'child ami It seems aad ludis-d tkat hIio
J. C Balh-ngei and family were en- "as called by death.