The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, December 26, 1924, Image 1

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gg I cKrisimas 1 1 Merry Christmas to All I
tifWlH l Dean of Men. U. meruit oj JHinou ItSjlPV "jjw,
VTAJlVS- real today - li. i) I ani m reminiscent mBflMBr W 5L V, xB8f '7 .4i A ? e"ifSSMgas .
M'MltKR 4(i
character, but the season was full of
possibilities and surprises. The din
ner larked the conventional roast tur
key. Instead there wns a roast goose
or a huge joint of roast beef (following
the English custom with which my
mother was familiar) with suet durap-
lings and gravy. There was always,
too, a loaf of spiced bread and plum
pudding with a delightful sauce of
drawn butter, and there was mince
pie followed with nuts and raisins and
other goodies.
Just as "home" always suggests to
mo sugar cookies, hot from the oven,
with mother warning me not to eat so
many as to make myself sick, so Christ
mas Invariably brings to my mind the
thought of raisins. They were In the
spiced bread Which mother made, the
plum pudding was congested with
them, I found them always on Chrlst
mas morning in my stocking with other
good things to eat, and there was reg
ularly on Christmas day a dish of them
on the table to be eaten after dinner.
It was not altogether what we had to
eat that gave Christmas such a high
place In my regard, though that l.elped
materially, no doubt. It was the mys
tery, the anticipation, the preparation
and the surprise of It all ; the gather
ing together of all the family, the
games, the roaring fire In the fireplace,
and the general hilarity and good will
prevailing that made Christmas for me
the best loved of all the holidays of
the entire year.
"Wo are rather outgrowing Christ
mas," a friend said to me a few days
ago. "I don't believe it Is ever going
to be for any one again just as it used
to be."
I suppose not ; though there are some
events connected with the celebration
of Christmas, there is the real Chrlst-
mas which I am sure I shall never out
grow. If I should hang up my stock
ing by the fireplace now, I feel Just as
ure as I ever did that old Saint Nick
would get In some way before morn
ing anJ fill It as he used to do when
: I was a child. My faith In Christmas
has never waned, end my need for It.
I practice economy badly at any time,
but with the greatest difficulty ut
Christmas time, and especially since
the prices of my own particular varie
ties of frankincense and myrrh have
been so affected by the economic con
ditions. It Is w hat Is In our hearts that
makes Christmas real. The song of
we will make It so, and for us all the
angels are again proclaiming as they
did that night In Palestine, centuries
ago, "Glory to God In the highest, and
on earth peace, good will toward men."
I shall hang up. my stocking at
Christmas Eve, there will be raisins
In it In the morning. I have faith that
the old Christmas joys will be mine
once more.
(By Rev. A. J. Neufeld )
We take the time honored privil
edge of saying to all our good friend,
that we hope they will have a Happy
Christmas Season. The stock word
in "Merry". It is a good wholes e
cherry old word and we use it, re
fusing to try to Improve on it. Merry
Christmas. Let the season be merry !
Let every heart be merry ! Let every
home be merry I Kvery church, every
factory, every shop, every office. ev
cry business, every peace conference.
very financial campaign, every edi
torial room, every man, women an I
child, every Angel in heaven! yes, why
not? So In tic name of Bethlehem
act and the blessed joy of giving
et us all unanimously, heartily, hi
lariously be merry. For Christ the
Babe born iii the manager of Bethdc
Item is all things to ull men and each
las a part In him.
To the artist, He is the one alto-
'ether lovely; to the architect Me Is
the chief cornerstone; to the astrono-
ner He Is the sun of rightoiisiioss i To
lie baker lie is the living bread! 'I'"
he banker He is the hidden treasure;
To the biologist lie Is the life; To tin
milder He is the sure foundation : To
Hie doctor lie Is the great .physician
To the educator He is the grent teach
or ; To the engineer lie is the new
and living wny : To the farmer He is
the sower and the Lord of the bar
vestj To the florist He is the rose' of
shnicii and the lilly of the valley;
To the geologist lie is the rock of
ages; To the hiTl iriilt urist He is the
trtle vine; To the judge Hi' is the
the rlgbtoua judge the judge of all
men; To the juror He is the faithful
and true witness; To the Jeweler Ho
Is the penri. of-gtenl . prb-e : To tic
lawyer He is the councillor, the law
giver and the advocate; To the news
paper man He is lie good tidings of
great j".v : To the oculist He Is the
light of the eyes: To the phllanthro
((1st He is the unspeakable gift : To
the philosopher lie'-is the wisdom of
God; To the preacher He is the word
if Cod; To the sculptor He Is the
king .stone: To the servant lie Is tile
good master j To the statesman He is
the desire if nil nations) To the stu-
iii 11" i- the incarnate truth; To
he theologian He is the author and
finisher of (Our faith J To the toiler
He is the glwr of re-t ; To the sinner
He is tli' laiqb of Cod that taketh S
way the sin of the world; To the
christian He I the Son of the Living
God, tlie Itedeemer ami Lord.
the ansels is in the air if the Christ
mas spirit Is In our hearts, Christmas
U as great a, realits as It. ever tf
.1, s.
Spfifiii I nl)t Ma
r 0Mcv!r had, gosh,
A Load of
By, Frank Herbert Svceet.
Newspaper Uiilun.)
ILCOMII did things
in a peculiar way
a peculiarly nice
way . though. It uf-
r -wJ looted tils UariSl"
-JIVmJ ii his gifts, his bust-
IfcJCr 11 e s s' 8 v 0 " ' M
jiiZs friendships. But
then he was a
JbaXhclor ot fifty. Then, too, every'
fliouy loved him, which is a very pe
1 cirttor t"hlhg about a successful busi
ness man with competition, you'll ad
mit. Tli is year Rolcomb wns very busy,
and his Christmas gifts general gills,
you know hadn't even occurred to
Im until two dnys before the day.
lie was passing through a new
street between a restaurant and his
office, when be saw a small shop with
windows crammed with toys nothing
but toys. At this season, nearly the
middle of the afternoon, a toy shop
bttght to be crowded with customers.
This shop was closed. On the steps
stood a small, anxious looking man,
and a big one dangling a large key. It
looked like a store key.
Seemed peculiar. So Holcomh went
to the steps.
"Like to look at the toys," he began.
"Can't now," boomed the big man
"The. chaa can't pay n bill, so I've
taken It. Auction day after tomorrow.
I'm sheriff."
"Meaning," said Holconib. "that If
(he bill is paid, the store belongs to
Ibis man again? How much?"
"or course and $200."
"Whnt'H II all worthy" to the little
"About $50 If sold at auction," de
jectedly. "I picked a hum street. No
"What did you pay or agree to pay?"
"$." K)."
"What will you sell for?"
"Can't sell until- " nodding toward
the sheriff.
Boteomb counted out $200, and
passed il to the sheriff.
"Good by " lie said, "Now what do
you ask?" to the small man.
"I'd rather like gftrjo, but win ho
glad to accept hair that."
Holcomh counfe. i out (bo $.100.
"Che me the key," to the sheriff.
"Thatlk you. Now when n I find
two men to move the toys?"
"I'll be one," beamed the man out
of business.. "I know about toys. And
I can got another man from the next
"Do so, mid I'M bring round my car
'""III the next coiner."
Inside of an hour the Shop was
emptied and the limousine tilled. Then
'lolfomb look the most country of all
the country road-, stopping at every
""UH' that showed signs of children.
"lollo-o," he would cull to any small
bOT or girl he happened to see; "got
son p stuff for your house. Plense take
'' i for me. I'm In a hurry. Give yon
" had provided a pocket heavy
loose quarters.
re were about, three hours of
'it. When the daylight was ((99
i- was empty. He was glad or
rknets, for he hud to go buck
' e same road.
Oregon Seal R'c&rd Excellent.
A ix rord In the l i comber Christmas
Meal Halo was made by Oregon last
year, which places her well toward Hid
top of thfl list of stales In the per
capita sale of seals. Her l!i2,'l record
was 6 8 sold for every person
in the stale, an Increase of uoven
lenlhH of a seul over the 1922 mark.
Portland, and Multnomuh county,
Oregon, last your won a cross count ry
contest against Portland, in Camber
land county, Maine. The race was to
sou who would sell 'ho highest number
of seals per-capita, A large silrer
loving cup was awarded Multnomuh
county, which retched the record ot
9.2 against her opponent's 6.2. Lven
ho, Multnomuh did not reach the top
among the Oregon counties, for she
was slightly surpassed by Deschutes
Tho I!i24 Christmas Seal Sale be
pins December l. and continues until
Christmas. The sale constitutes the
sole support of the Oregon Tuber' n
losis Association, with ull its health
(J I enti-tUbercttlOSU) work, and pro
t.-los funds for the County Public
Health Assoclat Ions. Ninety-five per
cent of th" proceed', ure retained with
I. B its, only per cent being
s at us eoawniskiee to the Nutiouui, ot
pirent organization.
For seveutSjen years, Christ mas
Reals have been following their useful
(iirei r in thtt Uuitd Slutos. 'l bs first