The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, December 19, 1924, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    pAge 4
But Five Days Off
And Scores of Gifts Are Here For
Your choice.
Among the new (dings lliis week
Noveftj colored handkerchiefs, hand
made, silk underwear, novelty brace
lc is, novelty Ik ads of the belter gradei
IL'nd Decorated articles.
Amber and Pearl Deads. A whole
array of boxed gifts all ready to
mail, in inexpensive every day need
ed Things
Litest Th.'ngs in ITose
Phoei ix, 3 Way, Bobbed Woolics,
S I; & Wool $1.00 a pair.
tties and priced from $1.00 to $2.50
A SilK Dre is '.lakes a Fine Gift for Your Wife
Upper Street Millinery & Gift Shop
"The Gift Different"
Cox Rtsidunce Main Street Arlington, Ore.
Right Selection of
Exhibits for Fair
Uniformity, Color and Qual
ity Essential Factors.
Doing Their Dance for Charity
The importance of proper selection
of fair exhibits cannot be overem
phasized. First of all, the exhibitor
should knew how to select and pack
his fruit and vegetables, if he expects
to be a strong competitor for the
Proper selection of exhibit fruit and
vegetables should begin with a thor
ough knowledge of the varieties and
the requirements for which they are
selected. Let us say we are selecting
a plate of Commercial No. 1 Hen
Davis apples, thai will range 24
inches and up in diameter. It Is gen
erally the best plan to select a little
above the average In size for the vari
ety, should large, oversized specimens
be picked. The Individual specimen in
this case should he the true shape and
color of the lien Davis variety. It
should be free from all Insect stings
anil injury, and should contain no evi
dence of any disease or physical de
fect. In other words, the specimen
should be as near perfect as possible.
In starting out, select specimens of
fruits and vegetables that conform as
nearly to the perfect type as possible.
Then pick all of the specimens for ex
hibit pui poses as nearly nlike as pos
sible in size, color and shape, keeping
in mind that when the judge takes
your vegetables and fruits he consid
ers uniformity, color, quality and free
dom from blemish.
Five Mil ion Dollars .Needed
for Refugee Orphans Under
American Care.
Boardman Utellem
Edited by the Students of the Boardman High School
FOURTH YEAR, 1924-1925
Federal Grades Favored
for Apples in Barrels
United States grades for barreled
apples recommended In 1028 and adopt- ;
ed as the Official grades In a number
of states producing barreled apples In
cluding Wisconsin. Illinois. Ohio, West
Virginia, New Jersey and North and
South Carolina, have been promulgated
by the secretary of agriculture under
the provisions of the food product in
spection law as the official grades for
federal Inspection at shipping point
and In the receiving markets.
At the last session of the New York
state legislature an amendment was
made to the state apple-grading law
which will make It possible for New
York growers and shippers to use the
federal grades in lieu of the New
York state grades.
The specillcations of the grades re
main substantially the same with the
exception that the color requirements
for Baldwin and Black Twig have been
tlxed nt Xi per cent for United States
fancy nnd 15 per cent for Uidted
States No. 1. This color must be good
Color and characteristic of the variety.
Copies of the grades may he ob
tained free upon request to the bureau
of agricultural economics, United
States I department of Agriculture,
By W. E. HINSON, D. D.
Oregon Chairman Near East Relief
Western Washington Chairman
With the co-operation of civic and
religious leaders throughout the Uni
ted States, the Near East Relief has
inaugurated its campaign for the
second observance of International
Golden Rule Sunday on December 7.
The aim is to raise funds to provide
during the coming year for 100,000
orphan children under American care
la Bible Lands. More than five mil
lion dollars is the minimum needed.
Setting aside of one day each year
in honor of the Golden Rule as a guide
to individual, national and interna
tional life, is an American idea which
has been approved and adopted by
twenty-three nations. The day, Decem
ber 7th, will be observed throughout
Europe and in many non-European
countries, such as Japan, Korea and
Four annuul holidays Christmas,
New Year, Eastern and Armistice Day
have heretofore been celebrated in
ternationally. A fifth has now been
Christmas Program mon life, just as I am now doing. I
The Boardman Community Schools mi selling you what I want to say
will give the following program at the since this is my only opportunity, and
school auditorium on Tuesday, Decern- you would be very impolite to leave
ber 2.', at Two o'clock In the after- the room during my talk,
noon. We sell In this life our services as
Selection High School Orchestra labors or our vocations.
Vestal Choir Grade School Boys Our friends Who have prepared
Reading First Grade ; :is wonderful banquet sold us their
Songs Primary Department I capehilltles as well ns the food. They
Ye Old Time Christmas Third Grade have showed us how and how good
Christmas Tidings 5th and Otli!thej. t.oui,i prepare and present a ban-
Grade Girls and Chorus nuet.
Sleepy Hollow Christmas Program The fact that hundreds of examples
High school Student
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Selection High school Orchestra
Four Upper Grades
Santa Claus & Treat Jerry Goodwill
Parents, friends and all are invited
to be present.
People of the I!:''. clman Community
will probably be : l'.,ied in knowing
that the Boardn an grammer grades,
five, six, seven . .:, J eight will hearken
back to the i id English custom of
caroling. On t 6 1 st Tuesday before
riie Christina Holiday listen for them
Because the community is so large it
will be impossible to sing at every
home but if you will place a light in
your window they will try to stop,
your window tliew willt ry to stop.
If there is anyone who would be so
kind as to offer their car for the
transportation of these children leave
word with Miss Aldrich and she will
appreciate it.
Friibiv oven'nir the oitrlith L'rado en
tertained the victorious seventh grade "'I1'?
spoiling team and members of the fac
j ulty. The program which was con
ducted by Ivye Olson and Helen Board
'man, proved to be a riot of fun. At
the conclusion of the program a fine
; luncheon was served.
Place cards and Invitations which
of salesmanship can be given proves
that it is a big word.
In our schools we are learning the
art of salesmanship winch will prove
a very valuable thing for us in our
later life. In closing I wish to say
that I hope I've sold you something
you will not forget. This speech re
inlnds me of a little story like this.
Biology Prof, (to lazy student)
Name a parasite?
Student : Me.
Prof : Yes but name another one.
By Edward McCellnn, Eng. 7.
When I was a Freshmen
I am really unprepared to give a
speech and being thus taken by sur
prise I am at a loss just what to say
like the business man whose wife
(nine to visit him at his offce one day.
She regarded his pretty young sten
ographer wdtli a baleful eye.
You told me your stenographer was
an (dd maid, she accused.
The husband at a loss, faltered in
Yes, but site's sick today and sent
her grandchild in her place.
When I was a Freshman, I honestly
think i lived in continued dread, that
I might huve to get up and talk o:
nclte something before the whole
school, and even in just our own elns-
Nstalle Hays HsWunnnd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hays llammoni
of Washington, debutants of this season, and Fulton Lewis, Jr., whose Argon
tine tango was a feature of the Junior league cabaret ball, given for charltj
at the New Wilhml hotel.
Should Attract F'uhermcn
The Nile has a greater al lot v of
fish than any other fixer In the world.
An expedition sent by the BrltNh
museum brought buck SLOOO specimens
Hans 'Zoo
Newton rainless Dentisfs
(or. Main and Webb Sis. Pendleton
vn. V. V. PRIME
Dental raj ami Diagnosis
Bank Building
I'hoaea : Office "'. Residence T61
Office in court Room
"Chevon" Is Name Given
to Designate Goat Meat
Hereafter, if the efforts of a number
of organizations and individuals have
the desired effect, goat meat will be
designated by a special name which
Will be comparable to prk, beef and
mutton. The name selected by the
gont-ralsing Interests in the South
west Is "chevon." In reply to requests
for approval of this new name, the
United States Department of Agricul
ture has stated that there seems to be
no reason why this name should not
he adopted and generally applied to
the meat of this domestic animal, and
It. therefore, approves the name
The word "chevon" was created,
after long consideration of many sug
gestions, by organizations representing
the principal Angora-goat producing
region, it was made by combining
parts of two French words, "chevre,"
meaning goat, and '"mouton," meaning
mutton. In other words, "chevon"
means goat mutton.
Wg ' uJiULuai.uiat&'TI g
Arlington, Orfgwi
Watchmaker awl Jeweler
Diamonds, Watches. Clocks, MUer
waie i ime Inspector O W II. R. Ji N Co
HI Main St. lYu.'htoii, OftfW
Hans Boos, captain of the I'uive ,
111) of Pennsylvania soccer team. ku
hi iv Is a good lot of football material
among Chinese students who are1
handicapped by lack of proper coach
ins;. Boos, who was burn In Tientsin i
of German parents, lived In China foi I
nearly 'Ji year and NStys Chine
youths are outhiishu lie about Aieo' i
can sports and guinea. He lesjfced
to play soccer while ,n . ho,. I at Tien:
sin, and became u member of the Pen
qUhd In his freshman year. Now h
Is classed as one of the best pHkyttt I
In American collegiate ranks.
Washington. 1). C. Balthasnr
Meyer of Wlscouslu sod J. B Can
bell of Spokiuio, Wash, were res.'
pointed by President Coolidgo a Ok(
bers of the lutei'&tate commerce ci
You are swapping dimes for dollnn
when you plant legumes.
Blood will tell, and that's why sc
many farm seeds fall In life.
The best factory for converting faru
roughage Into cash products Is th
dairy cow.
If you want to put the unity In com
U Unity you must help your neighboi
push things.
Corn production for the Cnlter
States is now 10 per cent less pel
capita than It was 30 years ago.
A million and a half fanners trlei
co Operative marketing methods Ir
U8, "There's millions In It."
Why leave land to "rest" for Im
proved yields when It will iniprnv
vastly more If you make it "work'
with n growing legume?
Over 000,000 farm boys and girls It
the United States In 1023 learner
through club work how to beat dat
and mother at their own business,
Hessian tly prevention Is dependent
primarily on good farm management
and co openilton. Early plowing, keep
lng down volunteer wheat, good see
td preparation, planting on s snfi
date, and the community co-operatloi
are effective imeusurc.
ndded to the list. The movement was
started in America by the Near East
Relief as a new, striking and inten
sive method of raising funds for the
feeding of the children in American
orphanages in Bible Lands.
On this day December 7 Ameri
cans are asked to eat a dinner of
soup, bread and stew, or of corn grits
and condensed milk, or of rice, maca
roni and cocoa. As they eat this
novel meal, they are asked to remem
ber that, coarse aa it is, it is all that
holds body and soul together for the
orphaned boys and girls overseas, to
whom th( ( lemental factor of hunger
is each day's vital problem.
People here are reminded that, how
ever poor the fare may seem, they can
at least have two bowls of soup if
they like, and two slices of bread.
As they finish their second serving,
they are asked to remember that the
orphan wards of the Near East Relief
can hnve only one serving, for there
is not enough to allow more. They
are asked to remember that these chil
drem exist on such a diet 3G5 days
out of each year, and they will not
livo to become men and women un
less more bread and more soup are
Those who eat the Golden Rule
dinner will not lack distinguished
company. Such a meal will be serv
ed on Sunday in the homes of kings,
prime ministers and presidents.
The Golden Rule Is a universal
creed. It is a common denominator
of all religious and social welfare or
ganizations. It is a test of cur re
ligion and our sincerity. Golden Rule
Sunday Is u day for personal stock
taking, for measuring our lives by a
universally accepted standard of life
to ascertain how nearly we have at
tained to an ideal. It is a day of
plain living and high thinking.
The dinner, however, is not an end
in Itself. It is an occasion, in the
words of President Coolidge, "for
bringing to the minds of those who are
prosperous the charitable require
ments of those who are In adversity."
On Golden Rule Sunday the till kMtll
of all nations will be seated figura
tively at the same table, pa- taking lit
erally of the same food, thinking the
tamo thoughts and entering into a
new realisation of the brotherhood of
Full information, with sample
menus and suggestions tor the obser
Tance of the day. will be furnished
by the Near East Relief, Portland or
were made by the Eighth grade art MS "'" u e reaener nsueu me a ques-
clnsK ndded much to the holiday even if I did know the answer
Spirit. An attractive centerpiece con- 1 wa ofton afraid to say it.
sisted of a Christmas tr f inked Maybe the rest of you who are pres-
by Santa Claus and his t indeer with ent liave never felt tills way, but if
a sled load of mistletoe. yU have I certainly sympathize with
The seventh grade spelling team yon
spelled their way to victory, but have: One thing I was most afraid of was
been challenged to another contest by Student-body meetings, nnd I always
l he defeated eighth grade, this con- rrled to make myself as small as was
test to take place after the holidays, possible for fear they would ask me
The victorious team consists of Mil- to get up nnd make a motion. An-
dved Beck, Borden Reck. Wanda (ill- other was written themes and having
1 roth. Lawrence P.eck, Alvle Mefford, to get up in elnss nnd rend my own
and Arthur Schaffer. and also I was greatly opposed to
. giving speeches, oral reports or reci-
Oregon history is being enjoyed by itlng poetry nnd I was so nervous and
the eighth grade. Maps are being scared 1 would tremble so I could
made of the routes of immigrant trav hardly stand tip, my voice would falter
el. and early exploration. Several and I Often forgot over half I wanted
members of the class wdio were for- to say.
lunate in viewing the 'Covered Wagon' The reason for my cowardice when
have made reports of interest. Many I was a freshman, was. I had until
Orogoninns know too little of our entering high school attended a smail
early history, which is one of the most school numliering altogether about ten
absorbing topics to be found anywhere, pupils and in my last four years,
The class must take the state exam- there were but two In my grade, so
Illations in this subject. naturoly I was about lost when I
became a green little Freshman In
The B. H. s. boys basketball team Boa rdma n high school, even tho It
made a flying trip to Hermiston on ,Vss a small high school compared to
last Tuesday to indulge In a game ninny others.
of basket ball. The local team put up My cowardliness of written themes
a hard battle nnd had the score tied 0r giving talks often lead me into hav-
12 to 12 at the end of the first half. i,,g to give a longer and harder MM
The Hermiston boys surged alien 1 In the next dny so I was something like
the 3rd quarter bringing the score up The old farmer and his wife visiting
-1' to 12, Then Boardman made ber the menagerie.
last stand in the fourth quarter, ou'- When they halted before the HIp-
p'aying her opponents but unable to popotamtts cage lie remarked,
overcome the Hermiston lend before Darned cnr'us fish aint it Ma?
the final whistle and the game ended That ain't a fish, the wife announe-
20 to 111. ed," thats a reptile".
PrrOdent James Bowel! called a Tims the argument began, it pro
meeting of the Boardman Student greased until she belabored the bus
Body last Friday. The reports of the hand with her umbrella,
standing committees were heard ami The old man dodged nnd ran, with
accepted nnd after the meeting ad-1 his wife in pursuit, the trainer had
Journed, Blanche inius, vice president just opened the door of the lions' case,
took the chair and the student body and the farmer popped in Ho crowl-
SBd a few visitors enjoyed the little ed in Miiml the largest Hon and pcer-
Sfternoon program put on by the High ed over its shoulder fearfully at his
Sidiool students. wife. who. on the other side of the
The boys basketball team are to oars shook her umbrella furiously,
play Lexington on Friday December " Goward.", she shouted. "Coward.''
By Mildred Duncan. English
Beirut. Syria. For many centuries,
children in Pales', ine have used, for
grace before meals, a chant which has
been handed down from early church
fathers. The chant survives today as
a thrice-daily exercise in all orphan
Sges of the Near East Relief. Several
thousand copies of words and music
have been sent to America for use in
the observance of Golden Rule Sun
day on December 7.
10th, Since they live bad two games
the hoys feel that the game will lie -
fust and dose. The Boardman team Eugene Cummins who had a very
is going batter this year than at any serious operation at St. Anthony's in
previous year. Pendleton returned home last week
nd is convalescing at ids home on
After dinner speech no. 1. on Sales- tlle west end.
As I stand before you I want you A' Al1 lerson of Oregon City came
to know I bare picked one of the ' n hx"' Sui'lay for ft few days visit
1 roadest of Subjects. It is salesman- nt l",,,, homes and also to look
ship. This word Salesmanship retulads :,f:, r 1 i; fanning interests. He owns
me of a little story I heard a few adjoining the sheep camp of
days ago, it goes something like this. Hrm,-V ',ros-
Auto demonstrator: (who lias been
trying for three bAtUt to sell the earl.
Xoeir I will throw In the clutch.
Uncle Ehen: I'll take her then. I
Arthur Mefford who has been nt
Yornonia for several months returned
home lust week for the holidays. AV
knew If I held off long enough you'd ' M,''f"r1 has been working at
throw in something extra,
Well thnt Is a simple illustration of
Redmond for some time is also home.
George Aajee and Chas, Barnes are
salesmanship. The object Is t, make "nlarlo with highway crows.
a person Ndel.e lie wants what you J. Midlers' of tho East End havo
1 ave to sell him and to convince him purchased an Overland car.
'hat he n Is It and should purchase Mi's. Jennie I egendorf for and Miss
It from you Louise Soars motored to Arlington on
A sells thins- in ,.-m !a-i Saturdui II flint MeL