FRIDAY DECEMBER 19, 1924 THE BOARDMAN MTRROR PAOK : OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. TheBoardmanMirror Louis Stass, 55, was killed instant ly near Coburg, when he was struck by a falling tree. J. C. Perry, a Salem druggist, was elected King Bing of the Salem Cherrlaus for the ensuing year. The Associated Oil company will immediately erect a ?20,000 distribu tion plant in Eugene it is reported. Winter's icy grip has forced the shutdown of two of the three pino beetle control camps In Klamath coun ty. Fire, which officials declare to have been of incendiary origin, caused dam age to the city hall at Astoria esti mated at $2500. A total of 10,920 carloads of lumber were shipped out of Bend by tin Brooks-Scanlon and Shevlin-Hixon mills during 1921. By a vote of 51 to 31 a levy fov 20,000 was voted in road district No. I, in the Manzanita-Nehalem count, y, for road construction. Newton C. Cheney of Medford and Earl Leslie Wilson of Portland hav been admitted to practice law per manently in this state. Sower construction work costing approximately $200,000 will be com pleted by the city of Klamath Falls during the coming year. Thousands of boxes of prunes we mailed and shipped by Portland citi zens last week to friends and rela tives in pruneless states. Two large male cougars, travel:".? together, were treed and shot by W O. Allison not far from Ukiah. Tht larger weighed more than 200 pounds The demand for cross-bred lambs to form the foundation of breeding flocks has grown so keen that tht price has been raised to 11 cents ;, pound. Noel Ehy, 18-year-o!d son of Mr. and Mr3. N. K. Eby, who reside in West Sutherlin, was kicked to death by a horse when placing feed in the ani mal's stall. Frozen fog which descended ovei Klamath Falls did considerable dam age to telephone and power lines, and blanketed the city with a fascinating white frosting. The Southern Pacific company has awarded a contract to the Utah Con struction company tor building a: proximately 22 miles of railroad fro:: Grass Lake to Dietz. A special school election called at Roscburg to consider the issuance oi school bonds in the sum of $165,000 resulted In the approval of the bond. by a vote of 416 to 210. Fire, which for a time threatened the entire business district of Malin was checked by the volunteer fire de partment after the Malin hotel had sustained damage of approximate!.. $1000. Benton county is to have an "ecc nomic conference" January 13 and 14 The government has just completed an exhaustive survey of the count? the first to be finished In the Pacific northwest. Fire losses in Oregon, exclusive of Portland, in November aggregated $168,450, according to a report pre pared by Will Moore, state fire marshal. There were a total of 2," fires reported. A bill to limit the powers of county judges in their capacity as juvenile judges will be introduced at the next session of the state legislature, ac cording to J. G. Tate, chairman of the state child welfare commission. Consiruction of a new hatchery for the state fish commission at Beaver creek, which is about two miles from Hebo on the Tillamook highway, has been started. The hatchery will be one of the largest in the state. So rapidly are demands for fiction volumes increasing at the Umatilla county library that the board has found it impossible to buy books in sufficient quantities with the money avai'able to satisfy the demand. Following a check of its own figures with estimates furnished by the coun ty assessors' o'fice, the Multnomah eounty tax supervision and conserva tion onimlssion placed the local 1925 lax levy at 33.2 mills, as against 32.3 mills year. The value of all taxable property In II. e state of Oregon for 1924, includ ing that equalized by the county boards of equalization and that equal ized and apportioned by the state tax commission is $1,058,830,736.61. as r-.-.-.inst $1,042,410,618.66 for the year li)23. These figures are set out in a statement prepared by Earl Fisher, itate tax commissioner. The total in crease in valuation for the year 1924, as compared with those for 1923 is 116,470,117.95. .. BOARDMAN, OREGON Published by The Currey Printing Company George Huntington Currey, and Olive M. Currey Editors and Proprietors PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Consolidation of the Bend Brick company, located 2V miles west of Bend, and the Central Oregon Brick company, located near Terrebonne, has been announced. The new com pany will be known as the Central Oregon Brick company. Because of the growth of the dairy industry in Klamath county the Fort Klamath creamery, which had been shut down for several months, has re- j opened. More than 200 dairy cattle have been shipped into the Fort Entered as second-class matter Feb. Klamath country since October. 1 11, 1921, at the, postoffice at Board In a report to the board of direc- j man, Ore., under act of Mar. 3, 1870. tors of the Linn county chapter of the ! American Red Cross society, A. C. . Heyman, chairman of the roll-call ; ! Wl'-oleSOni"? Neglect unve una year in me county, set iortn that a total of $2078 had been raised in the county for next year's work. Eric W. Allen, dean of the school of journalism at the University of Ore- w mm wt gon, will be in Chicago December 29, f"VTJR neighbor across the street, who was t I By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Dean of Men, University of Illinois. 30 and 31, attending the annual con ference of the association of Schools and Departments of Journalism, and the Association of Teachers of Jour nalism. Prices for practically all foodstuffs to be used at the state institutions during the six months starting Janu ary 1, 1925. have increased from 5 to . n ii r r r m n - . r j HUBI. U. UAntI J . j Th' things you whisper behind your bund may not be more Interestln' than th' things you say out loud but they sound more so. Community Church Service v Every Sunday & Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Church Service 11 :30 a. iu. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p. m. "H"M Your Conversation -H-H-H- "PERFUME" "Perfumes," now used as lux- - uiies, once were necessities. I The word comes from the Lat:n words which mean "from" and "smoke." The first perfume were derived from the com bustion of aromatic woods and gums. They were used original ly to counteract the odors Which resulted from the burning of flesh in living sacrifice. 1"I"M"I"M"I"H I 1 1 I 1 1 1 t I N-f All are Welcome REV. B. S. HUGHES. Pastor. For bargains in Second Hand GooUs. see Rider in Hermlston. Oct 24tf lie mother of nine children, all of whom were u credit to them selves and to the community, used to say when asked how she succeeded unaided In rearing her family so suc ;'essfullv. that there was nothing bet ter for children than a good dose of re!. ef for the farmer, 'leglect. I have wondered some times if the fact that youngest sons and only chil Robert D. Carey of Wyoming, who was named by President Coolirige chairman of the commission to devise 35 per cent over those quoted on June dren have so little independence and ! initiative is not because they have at the office of the state board of control. An amendment to the interior de partment bill as passed by the house continuing the appropriation for the Owyhee irrigation project in Malheur county until July 1, 1926, was adopted by the senate appropriations commit tee. The amendment was offered by Senator McNary. Organization of a state constabulary to supercede all special state com never been let alone. The host of par ents and grandparents and aunts and ancles which incessantly hovers around makes any moments of heav enly neglect Impossible. The child is never given a chance to think for him self or to work himself out of a difli cult corner. BUDGET API innw nli I npcnni BY COMMISSION Salem, A total of $2,559,480 will he asked of the forthcoming legislature for the maintenance of the state's 10 eleemosynary, penal and educational Institutions administered by th state A student with whom I talked only board of control, according to budget estimates as approved by the state I Sell-Insurance J. C. Ballenger BOARDMAN, OREGON . , ,,,, Umatilla Pharmacy W. E. Smith, Prop. Mail Orders Given Special Attention QUICK SERVICE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED UMATILLA, OREGON ::tt::::n::::s:j:;t::::!aa:rn:n:jnjt'. J. L. VAUGHAN 2C6 E. Court Street PENDLETON, - OREGON p tt snort time ago assured nie mat at thought the best service I had ever done him during the four years of his undergraduate course was to leave him alone, to refrain from giving him ad and when there was evident reason for missions and agencies now charged j vice when he knew I wanted to do so. with the enforcement of particular penal statutes, is contemplated in a resolution unanimously adopted by tht District Attorneys' association of the bucket commission. This figure is $46,rr14 less than the appropriations for the same 10 insti tutions for the bieimiuni of 1923 24 just closing, but Is $H7,007 in excess of state in annual session in Portland. Charles G. Dawes, vice-presidentelect, will be on the program at the annuel convention of the Oregon Wool Growers' association in Pendletor January 14-15, if a report from Boisi that he would be there for the Idahc meeting is correct, Mac Hoke, secre tary of the Oregon association says In accordance with a contract let it, to keep from calling him 0 account i the actual expenditures for the blen for his wrongdoing when he knew that nium, as approximately $114,000 of the I was aware of what he had done and 1923-24 appropriations will be turned disapproved of It. If I had reproved bach to the general fund of the stale him he would have argued; as I did not he changed his conduct. Tt Is a difficult lesson for parents :ind teachers and organisation officers to learn, but it Is often true, never thelcss, that the best way to re form children Is not to notice them the best wny to teach young people 0 lesson Is to set them an example unci say nothing, the best way to Imprest children is not to lay down so man as unexpended balances at the end of this month. The budget estimates for the forth coming bli nnlum make no provision for new buildings, the Increase in the estimated needs for the liennlum over :be actual expenditure!! for the pres ent bienniuni being accounted for al most entirely by the Increased popula tion of the institutions. Eat and Drink At The New French Cafe E. 3. McKNEELY, Prop. Pendleton, Oregon (Only the Best Foods Served) H FANCY ICE CREAMS Furnished liuoms Over Cafe B Quick Service Lunch Counter In Connection Willi Dining Room I You ARB WELCOME HERB tmmtmmtmmtmnmmtmwmtimtw Electrical Fixtures and Supplies ELECTRIC CONTRACTING ttntmmr AUTO REPAIRING At your Home All Work Guaranteed M. L. MORGAN Telephone Call Weston's by orchardists of the Rogue River j rules and to preach less. I have oftei valley last fall to the American Can company for shipment from Toledo, O., between November 20 and Decern ber 14, 110,000 orchard heaters, or smudge pots, in five cars, arrived at Medford to be used in heating orchards next spring. A total of $111,965.63 has been ap portioned to the schools throughout Tillamook county since January, 1924 felt that the reason some fellows d better than others Is because like th old lady's children, they have beer given a dose of neglect -they hav been allowed to work out their own salvation. When we know (hut someone will coddle us and wult on us and run after us and think for us when someone is always at hand to bear our sorrows and carry our burdens and pull us hack from flfincer vp crow to evooet It T according to a report of the county , know bwhnnAn wh ,,, , mc , school superintendent's office. The: n.iml)n(r f they were going on a Jour funds from which this was derived nPV . t know young men who cannot include $44,128 from county, $5430.22 et up In the morning without blns from the state, $42,962.50 from the culled ; I know boys who never get out the books unless they are told. If oui education Is worth anything It ought to teach us to be Independent. Perhaps we need a little more neg lect. (, 1924. Western Newspaper Union.) for Chic Accessories elementary fund and $19,435.91 high school. The work of issuing 1925 motor ve hicle licenses has started In the sec retary of state's office at Salem. Un der the law these licenses cannot be used legally until January 1. Id is Simple Dresses Call suing ana senuing cut mis motor ve hide licenses earlier than usual this year the secretary of state is of the opinion that an eleventh-hour conges tion will be avoided. Organization of the Willamette val ley growers and levying a duty of six cents a pound on cherries imported into the United States are necessary in event the cheny industry of the northwest is to prosper, according to D. L. Beard of The Dalles, who has returned from points in California, where he conferred with a number of cherry growers' organizations. Resolutions were adopted at a meet ing in La Grande of 50 sportsmen, held under auspices of the Wing, Fin and Fleetfoot club, advocating shortening of the trout season indefinitely, hold ing the deer season to the month of October with a limit of one buck, ask ing for a grouse season from Septem ber 1 to October 31, and recommend ing a bounty of $50 on cougars. B. F. Jones of Newport appeared before a subcommittee of the house committee on claims in Washington, D. C, in behalf of a claim of Lincoln county for $186,000. It Is contended SAM G0MPERS SUCCUIYIGS Head of American Federation of Labor Die3 in Texas San Anonio, Tex. Samuel Gompers, who for more than 40 year3 directed the destinies of the American Federa tion of Labor, died here Saturday after realizing his last hope, that the ?nd ccme on American soil. The death of the American labor leader followed a trip to Mexico City where ho attended the sessions of the Pan-Am ericas Federation of Labor. The end came in a loril hospital 11 hours after his arrival from Mexico City, where he had been stricken earlier in the week. Fresh Chris mas Candies We Are Now Displaying a Large and Choice Assort matt of GIFT CANDIES FRKSII FRUITS AND NUTS Lalourell Auto Company BOARDMAN. OREGON As long as the vogue for simple dresses lasts, the Importance of dreaa accessories will be maintained. Wom en look to neckwear, costume Jewelry, corsage ornaments, girdles and the like, for that touch of sophistication Wife Killed for Burglar. Yakima, Wash. Ernest C. Green man, deputy game warden, killed his wife Monday night. They hoard noise, and thinking it was burglars, Greenman took a revolver from be neath hi3 pillow and went into the bathroom where the noise seemed to come from. Mrs. (ireenman went to the front door and was trying the lock when Greenman eamt out of the back room, and believing her k' ill in bed, shot her. Authorities have Investigated and are satisfied it was accidental. Mrs. Greenman was an ex resident of Oregon City, Or. THE MARKETS Portland Wheat Hard white, $1.75; soft white, $1.71; northern spring, hard winter and western white, $1.68; western red, $1.64. Hay Alfalfa. $1919.50 ton; valley timothy, $19(fj20; eastern Oregon timothy, $21Q22. Itutterfat 40c shippers' track. Eggs Ranch, tO 041tye. Cheese Prices f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets, 28c; loaf, 29c per lb. Cattle Steers, good, $7 758.25. Hogs -Medium to good, $X. 75 3.85. h The Best is none too Good - Try Our Sherwin-Williams Paints 1 and Varnishes. The r? is none better also- We Have a Complete Line of- Cedar Flume Slock Building Materials Builder's Hardware Cement, Lime, Posts Wood & Coal that the government in the sale ofwhicn tne lulple fro(.k, ,.',, Mult, i -Spring, medium to choice, the Blodgett timber tract and accom n(,eds. It Is the upkeep of this un- ' 3 panying sawmill deprived the county : obtrusive apparel that keea us busy of one-third of Its taxable property looking for ways and means of urying Seattle by a deal which gave the timber and j I and giving It character. Wheat Hard and soft while, $1 70; mill to the Pacific Spruce company on i bov ' a rouI' "f I,re"' rre- western whlte' har,J , U 67; a tax-exempt basis for years to come.! "f rll,,,"n two ""'" "e ; northern spring. are made of wide niPtal brocades. At $1.68; Rig llond btseatom $1 K5 Assertions that the Indian bureau's tne ,pft ,)lack und Mver , U(M, nn(M, Hay .Alfa!fa yn. (, mgj Um plan of educating Indian boys and wm, silk, suspended on a silver f)tny ,, (.' ,2S; mix.d hay $24 gti la Willi wuue imiuicji uaa yiuvcu cnaiH aim unisiico WHO piivpr lusari, a failure and a plea that the Indian Several colors, and the glinl of gold boarding school formerly operated at appear In the bag with n Dllagree the Umatilla agency be reopened were mounting. An ombre ribbon snot with made in a public statement at Pendle- Kold ihr& wnr,n ,nn Hn'' ,,r"wn . . Q . . . , . . ,. hade, makes the pretty girdle, and ion uy ni""i i-u..-i,.u, bwh i ...-.. ,k ,.n. ,i ,.( .t Jltiw,.- WaKhlnutnn trlnlro. H- yri H1U I aiirui IHC V"llfl niir, ,..,. . WW V t .. n ... , Eggs Ranch, 3745c. Butterfat 44c. Cattle -Choice steers, $7.50S36. Hogs -Prime light, $!i.609.90. Cheese Washington cream brick, W. A. MURCHIE 5 Boardman, - Oregon yyyyyvyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYyyyvyyyy t;:tmmtttutmmimtmtttmttumtmtuu:r4tnmuttmmt The Highway Inn O. II. Warner, Proprietors Bourdman, Oregon Cayuse tribe. The Indians have been The plecea'aire bound with narrow Washington Young America, 22c advocating the opening of the old rlbbon , rpr, find nv ,,ut. hoarding school for some time, and a tong or beads are set on the binding. delegation will leave soon for Wash- Ington, D. C In an effort to obtain a little ad in The Mirror will sell action on their request. it fcr you. 8pokane Hog1? Prime mixed, $9.25 3-9.60 Ca'le Prime steers, $6. 75ft" 25. Wholesome Home Cooking TIIK BEST PLACE TO BAT BBTWKBN Till; DAI I KS AND PIADI.KTON Ksutttttatt:tttn;n;;n;tmmK:tmuattmwmmgmrot