The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, December 19, 1924, Image 1

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I I I f Willi Va"--
Community Tree
For Xmas Evening
Christmas Tree and Program at the
Community Church Christmas Eve
Everyone Invited
The Christmas tree and exercises
of the Community Church Sunday
school will te held on Wednesday evu
December 24. at '".so in the clmr-ii.
Everyone is invited. Come and be su8
lo bring the children whether members
cf the Sunday school or not.
Next Sunday the children will giv
Heir offerings for the children of tic
near East and on Christmas eveui tigj
tiie older fclks who desire,, will have
an opportunity to aid these little ones
whom the America lias undertaken to
care for through gifts from her peopl
.-4.i.' ...... . -mJtti-
Arthur G. Sorlie, republican, who
was elected governor of North Dakota.
Word of Death
Word came to Boarilman on Sunday
night of the sudden death of Mrs. Ar
thur Peterson of Ilermiston of pUHt
munia. Mrs. Peterson is a sister-in-h.w
of Mrs. Oscar Kosar of Board-
n:uu who ift for Ilermiston tmuiedi-
n short time in the Signs home. Most
(i hist winter they were at Castle
Reck where Mr. Peterson was em
ployed witli the Shotwoll Constructs i
company. The case is especially sa.l
for Mrs. Peterson leaves beside her
husband, six small children, the oldest
but ten years of age and the youngest
n year old baby. The oiler children,
Pick, Dorothy, and Marjorle attended
Boardman school last year.
(Jrange Elects
The Greenfield Grange held its rcgu
lar meelMig on Monday evening in
Root's hall. Thirty two members were
in attendance, and elected the follow
ing oflicers for the ensuing year: C! us
V.'ieklamler, master; tee Mead, over-ncc-.r;
Chas. ItfUubnugh; secretary;
( has. Xizer, lecturer ; .and Tom Miller
us treasurer.
On Saturday, January ::. 102.". the
local grange is to In Til "joint installa
tion of officers with the Irrigon and
Ciiial'llla grnnsrs. in Root's liall. All
Mange members are urged to he pres
ent and help make the meeting n success.
To Handle Dairy Products
The local depot of the Mutual
Creamery company, under tlu super
vision ottG. C. Wayden, is eontem
platlnf the handling of all dairy pro
duct!. Tie stock of cheese has al
ready lecn received here.
Entires Aid Meets
Ladles aid met on Wednesday at
the Ilnrry Warren home with a small
attendance on account of the severity
of the weather and the nearness r.f
Christmas, All who were- pr vent :
joyed Ota afternoon. Sacks were given
out for the Xinas trent. At the close
of the social time the hostess served
a delicious lunch.
Ninety-six Per Cen'. oT Enalnerner
Favor Walkout
San Francisco. Ninety. -six per ecu
of the members of the Enhismen's
union on the Southern Pacific railway
system have voted to strike unli s lh
railroad management consents to t
conference "to effect a peaceful set
tlement of the matters in controversy,"
union officials announced.
The vote does not mean an inime
diate strike, according to union of
ficials, but it places in the hands of
union executives tho power to call
out the men at any time, if they con
elude a walkout la necessary.
The threatened strike of engineers,
firemen and hostler employes on the
Southern Pacific railroad was averted
when the management of the i
In pnswer to what was virtually an
ultimatum from the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers and tho Bro'h r
hood of Locomotive Firemen and Rtf
gineraon, r greed to meet rcprc3enta
Uvea of the men for a settlement o!
a long drawn out wage controversy.
CVER $61,000,000
Olympia, Wash. State expenditures
will approximate $61,000,000 for the
ensuing bienuium. Such are the bud
get requests and estimates under con
sideration by the state finance commit
tee in making budget recommenda
tions to the coming legislature for the
biennial period of April 1925, to March
31, 1927.
Exclusive of any provisions for state
highway construction and mainten
ance, which depend entirely upon leg
islative provision by indirect revenues,
or for capilol building construction, re
quests for the various state offices and
departments submitted to the finance
committee aggregate $38,265,104.51.
For state highway purposes the 1923
legislature appropriated $19,018,459.85,
and n'so appropriated, 2,Otu.0U0 for
capitol building. On the same basis
the requests would total $r9,283,564.36. j
However, as the finance committee in-
aerted an item recommending $4,000,
100. &T completing the new admlnis-i
trattve building of the capitol group, j
instead of $2,000,000 the amount would
b brought to $G1,283,564.36.
O. E Bradfute of Xenla, O., was re
llC ted president of the American j
Kami Bureau federation for a third
Eight armed and desperate men en
tered the Nanaimo, B. C, branch of
l he Itoyal Bank of Canada and sue
geded in escaping with $"0,000 in cur
August Belmont, internationally
knowb financier and sportsman, died
in New York after an illness of little
more than one day's duration. He was
71 years old.
Recent reports from the allied mili
,.i,y control mission in Germany have
caused considerable worry In allied
quarters. The mission, it is stated,
has found numerous secret stores of
newly manufactured arms.
Japanese constitute less than 3 per
cent of the population of California,
but -produce 69 per cent of the five
i.asir crops and 57 per cent of the nine
principal crops, it was shown in a
survey of race relations on the Pacific
eoa3t completed recently.
Robert D. Carey of Wyoming, who
was named by President Coolidg?
chairman of the commission to devise
relief for the farmer.
But Who'll Pay Us?
Pay what you owe and you'll know
what is your own. Benjamin Frank
Representative John L. cable, itc
I publican, of Ohio, introduced in the
house a bill which proposes that
should the house and Senate fail lo
elect a President after a deadlock,
the secretary of slate would Htitomat
lenlly become President. If anything
prevented the secretary of state from
.,ming the Presidency, the next dlrect mal, advertising,
niii.iiiK ruiiiiiri uranmrr um un
Changes Are Recommended to
Allow Increases in Salaries
of Postal Employes.
Washington, D. C Advances in pos
tal rates, designed to yield close to the
p.oposed $68,000,000 a year Increase in
the pay of postal employes, were sug
gested to congress by Postmaster-General
They would affect virtually all
classes of mail, except letters.
Announcing that his suggestions for
advances were based upon the conclu
sions arrived at by the cost ascertain
ment recently submitted to congress,
Mr. New in his letter transmitting the
rate proposals to Chairman Sterling
of the senate postofflce committee,
gave notice that the department was
prepared "to explain and defend" this
1 cost ascertainment if attacked.
Specifically, the rate advances rec-
, onmu nded would yield $66,390,750, di
vided as follows: Second elsMs mail
newspapers and periodicals, $10,876
j .100; rourth class mail parcel post,
I $12,000,000; third class circulars and
postcards, $12,500,000, increasing the
rate from 1 cent to l'2 cents; register
The real winter weather caught
ISVeral motor owners asleep with the
water in their raditors and some re
port damages to their cars. It is
well to remember this and get the
habit early in the season to drain
radiators every day or use some so
lution to keep it from freezing.
Mrs. John Warner returned to her
home Monday morning on train No. I
Her daughter Mrs. 11. C. Wolfe being
over au attack of the flu or a cold.
The orchard heating demonstration
scheduled at Milton on the 19th, bis
heen postponed until some time In
January. Plans have been made f r
some one to attend this meeting.
Boardman Locals and Personals
W. A. Price and family motored to
Herralston Friday. Mrs. Price hus
been on the sick list the last few days.
E. K. Mulkey was a Pendleton visit
or on Wednesday last week.
Clay Warren left ou Tuesday night
for Portland
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gorham and
family enjoyed u delicious dinner at
the Key Brown home Sunday.
Braving the bitter elements on las;
Tuesday a number of Odd Fellows of
Boardman motored to Pendleton with
Jour local candidates who were given
the first degree. The Penelletou lodge
members proved to be royal hosts
nnd all enjoyed .the banquat anetl.e
dance following the degree work. The
following made the trip. K. 8. Smith,
C. O. Blayden, F. F. Klltz, Walter
Knauff, Roy and Clifford Olson, Ople!
Wagner and Tom Hendricks.
A number of local people motored
to Umatilla Saturday night to see
"The Covered Wagon'". Those noticed
I in the audience were, J. R. Johnson
! nnd family, Mrs. A. B. Chaffee, Helen
('haffee, J. Howell and family, tbfl B.
iv. HUUteys, Aruiur aaeuuru
Blanche imus.
Carl Doering left the Kith, for ids
annual trip to Massaclieuttes and
i other Eastern points Where he will
visit friends ahd relatives. Mr. Dodd
is on relief in his place.
Mrs. Win. Davis came on Thursday
from Portland bringing Junior Davis
with her. Junior was taken down on
Sunday by ids daddy and greatly en-j
joyed the displays of toys etc, espec-;
tally the real live Santa Claus he saw.
Mrs. Davis will remain for a few days.
On Sunday while Elmo Russell nnd
Violet Gilbreth were driving near the
overhead bridge, their car was struck
by a passing car, as Elmo was start
ing to turn around and come home.
The other car was coming With such
speed that the driver was unable to
stop. Both cars wore damaged but
fortunately no one was Injured.
Alton Klitz returned home on Tues
day after several mouths absence In
Washington where he has been era-ployed.
Jamts Pnrtlow arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Pnrtlow at
nine o'clock Sunday evening Decem
ber Hthij weighing S 1-2 pounds. He.
Uls'.ey of Hermiston was in attend
ance. Another little stranger arrived at
Portland on Monday morning Decern-i
lMr 15. to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Chrlst-eiis.-n,
a baby girl. P ah mother nmj
daughter are reported doing nicely.
A large number of project people
attended the dance Saturday night nt
Juniper Canyon and reported a good
Mrs. A. R. cbuffee bus recovered
from an attack of influCnM attd is
again uble to be at the telephone honro
Mr. Davis of Sunnyside was buyim:
live turkeys in the West end ftfls
week, he bought from ('has. Nizcr, T.
V, Droyles, W. II. Mefford. If. 11
Weston and itoht. Wilson.
Tom Miller has hud two of his liest
horses sick for two weeks with spinal
meningitis. He was forced to kill
them as they were unable to Bland
on their feet. At Ibis willing he
has a third horse, which was affected.
in n sling, and he thinks it will re
cover. Alex Warren and wife returned to
the project this week to spend the
remainder of the winter. "" says
there is no place like Roardinan.
Mrs. Mary Hines and sons Noruuin
and Will Heinflesh came last week on
a visit at the Eugene Cummins home
nnd with oiher Boardman friends.
Miss Marion Swift arrived Friday
to tench in the place of Mrs. I.ii"
Crowder who has resigned. Miss Swift
is from Itctilnn villa and is u gradu
ate of Llnfield College; she comes to
lioardmnji highly recommendil and
with excellent credentials. She Is a
violinist of no mean ability and will
no doubt be a great assesl to the com
munity. A Most delightful turkey dinner was
that given on Sunday when Mr. ami
Mrs. Ellis Garrett were bosls to A. 1 .
Hereim and family.
Prof, and Mrs. Russell attended thf
teachers m eeting at lone Saturday.
ed letters $4,000,000; money orders
$3,(00,000; postal insurance-$3,058,-
100; collect on delivery $1,103,000.
Legislation proposing increased post
ago rats to take care of pay advances
for postal employes is expected to
have active administration support as
a result of a While House conference
bi 'ween President Coolldge and a doz
en republican senators, Tho president
urged that postal pay increase legisla-
ion must go hand In hand wl'h legis
lation increasing the mail ratcB.
Washington, D. C Legislative and
other measures lo fiiv-rt the uacd of a
settled reclamation policy for the
country, as affecting both existing and
future developments, are proposed by
Secretary Work in a program Hubmit
ted to President Coolidge. The plan
which is expected to form the basis of
Ihe administration's reclamation pol
icy, proposes the appointment of a
i-nnerenRldna! committee to draw up a
comprehensive reclamation code.
In addition to the legislation recent
ly enacted to Improve the financial
status of settlers, Secretary Work urg
ed the need of a broad program of re
appraisal of crop values of irrigation
landH as a basis for readjustment of
payments. A definite policy of CO
operation between the federal govern
DMBt and the states In the settling
and development of Irrigation areas, ns
a ell as of w aste lands available for ag
riculture, and for the closer SUM
ment and colonization of already ara
hie lands, were other features pro
l , d tor new legislation.
Tho contractors are now raising Mr
Wadsworths store and gelling it read)
to move to its new location across
from the depot on the highway. They
expect to cross the 26th.
Plans are being made lo post OT-
ry farm in the district against tress
mssera and it Is hoped thai outsiders
will be bared from any hunting wlths
ut permission of the owners. The
farmers have come to the conclusion
that the big city guvs are back of
the present hunting laws that sepir
te the state into various districts
uicl make asperate open seasons f, v
various kind of game so that tlut-e
Ity boys who pay none of the taxo;
are the special privlUdgc to Irani
throughout long season each year.
Money In many instances is no objei
with them ho long as Ihey can have (he
sport whenever they wish, it is aw'i
hoped other districts can be Inters ;
d in like moves.
The basket ball game at Iriigcn.
between riigon and the Slanl'i ' 1
Ubieties on Wednesday evening wi i
i hard fought game. Irrigon boys
were aliead until the last two minutes
Slaufield squeezed out one more poll
and the game ended '-'."i lo M in Bar t
t Slaufield.
t'lie County Court is sending Geo.
Allen to Ceutralla Wash, for Cancer
treatment and ll la hoped the lusli
IllU I heiV w ill he uble to affect a
lire. He leaves this Week.
Fish Commissioner Entitled to Hearing
Salem, Or. Dr. Thomas W. Ross,
recently deposed by Governor Pierce
as a member of the state fl3h com
mtsslOB, is entitled to a hearing and
to demand a stntement indicating the
V n for his dismissal from the com
mission, according to a legal opinion
rendered here by I. H. Van Winkle,
af.orncy-general. Not until this hear
ing ia granted to Dr. Ross and a rea
son for his removal is advanced would
he order of dismissal become effec-'ive.
U. S. Navy Seamen Fire Victim.
San Diego, Cal One navy sailor Is
d ad and seventeen sailors and two
civilians seriously burned as a resulf
of the burning and sinking of a priv-tt
ater taxi, the La Moyne. in the bar
bor early Monday. There wer forty
five men on board the craft when i:
cjught fire Id mid-channo!. An x
plosion or back.';rc cau. ed "S
ast6r and the survivcrs were pie
up by other wster cri;.
-rrjie Man Heads Horticulturists.
Bv rett, Wash. C. E. Fitrgerald of
.'crndule was elected president of the
:n Washington Horticultural
asOeiatlon and Beliingham was nam
1 as the 1925 convention city at the
losing session of the 1924 convention
r.?ra. Vancouver. Wash., was selected
at the summer meet.
J. N. Helgerson Heads Prosecutor.
Psrtland, Or. J. N. Helgerson of
county was named president of
ve District Attorneys' association of
.on for 1925, at the closing session
A tbe annual gathering bare.
Proposal Is Made ai Part of Farm
Aid Program.
Washington, D. C. American busi
ness as represented In the chamber
of commerce of the United States urg
ai President Coolldge to consider the
advisability of calling a conference of
representatives of the several stales
with a view of promoting economy
In expenditures and reduction of tnxa
The suggestion was made as a
part of a program submitted by lie
rhambor as a means of aiding In the
recovery of agriculture.
Some such conference has been In
Mr. Coolldge's mind for some time,
Md the recommendation served to re
new the thought being glvon to it In
official quarters.
French Foil Plot Against Red Envoy.
Paris. An attempt to ussassinate
Leonid Krassln, the new soviet envoy
to France, by a woman ager to
dveuge the killing of her brother by
'he bolshevik! was declared by th
Krepeh police to have been averted hy
iheir arrest of the woman carrying a
revolver In front of the Russian embassy.
Surgeons Elect &i kane Doctor.
Portland, Or. Dr. Charles F. Elken
hary, Spokane, was all 'led president;
llr. Henry R. Btorrs. Vancouver, B. C,
first vice president, and Dr. Hermann
M. Robertson, Victoria, B. C sscond
vice president of the North Psclflc
Surgical association aL its concluding
. .,',' bur.
Flv Cents Per Ciplta for Christmas
Seals Pays fcr Oregon timji.jn.
t he only aoureu
of funds for ths
Hit lubr.i culoslfl,
and Public KealLh
work condnotod
by the Oregon
Tuberculoids As
sociation and its
seventeen affiliat
ed County Publld
Health Associa
tions. Is tho Christmas Seal Sale.
Hvery person w ho purchased seals last
year is entitled to the satisftn I ion of
knowing Hint even ut the small per
caplta expenditure of 5 cents, over a
period of a yea, a long list of thil I
was u( eompllHhed.
Thousands of children were enrolled
In the Modern Health Crusade, and
given the benefit of definite teaching
and practise in the performance of
habits of personal bygienu so net 1
sary to good health. Public Healih
Nursing service was extended Into a
larger numbsr of Oregon counties dur
ing the year tban ever before. Free
tuberculosis clinics were hold. Thous
anda of pieces of literature was dis
tributed. Health films were circul.n
ed. Supplements! y material to aid in
th reaulrod teaching of Health and
Hygiene wus offered to every teacher
In tbe state.
Another piece of the Association's
work, of the utmost value, is the m i
lag of surveys, and Inverttlgat ions i
gardlng the tuber, ulosls Situation in
ths state. The Bureau of Clinics and
Burveys has been able to furnihli a
curate and up-to-date statistics thai
sre fast crystalliiug public opinion I i
regard to the desperate need of addi
tional tuberculosis hospital facilities.
All this was done on 5 ceuts r
capita. If evsry purchaser w old
double bis purchase the Asaoclnii in
eeuld double Its serve I