The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, December 12, 1924, Image 1

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Program in Evening Booths Offer
Varied Selections Sales are
Reported Brisk
Newest Submarine at Capital
Another yeur has passed ami once
more the Annual Ladies Aid Bazaar'
is a thing of the past. It was given
this year at the church on Friday I
December 5. There was not as tDUeh
fancy work as usual offered but all
n rticles sold well. The country store
was one of the most popular features I
as always and it was not opened un- j
til evening so that the young folks j
could be on hand to purchase articles
Many and varied were the articles
to be purchased in this concession.
An excellent program was given in
fie evening as follows; Song by audi
ence, America the Beautiful : An Over
Worked Elocutionist. Norma Gibbons .
Song. Mr. Russell, accompanied nt
t'te piano by Mrs. Russell; Instrumen
tal selection, Mrs. Lee Mead ; Duet,
Gladys ami Gloria Wicklattder; Reci
tation, Mildred Duncan ; Solo Miss
Alice Aldrich ; Poem. Mary Anne Chaf
fee ; Cornet Solo, Hector Wlcklander ;
Reading. "White Alalia 8," Mrs. Arth
ur Goodwin ; Violin Solo Victor Hango
Approximately $40.00 was eipared
for the Ladies Aid.
'TTTj w
j'r ' !,'. I ft I j 1 ninaim
Two Cases on Docket of Special In
terest to Boardnian Folks Jury
Turkey Shoot Sunday
The Irrigou Gun Club held its annu
election and business meeting on
The present session of the Circuit Thursdav evening December 11th.
Court, which is convening in Heppuer Xhe followlllg were elected,
BMa week, had on the docket, two;charles Markham, President, Pearl
cases which were of interest to the : Klli(;ht vlce preaident, Wm. YnuWink-
Boardmnn people. One was that of; ,e sewtllvy treasurer,
11. T. Walpole,
was laid over to the spring session of u was dectdM u, mlt m uthcr
the court. h.0Ot for Sundav December 'Jlst, joint
The case of Oregon Hay Growers' wlth ,he lrrigml Distrtct Kami Bur
Association vs Ira A. Berger, was ,. M tlut we t.ouW huVL, moro Brtu
heard and the jury disagreed after an , llalullo l) of k, s,K)0t am,
all night session. 1(rd more gtlsfactory to all concern
ed. This time, rifle targets will be
Ships Hay provided inside of the old school build
ing and light rifles and ammunition
Homer Cason la shipping about 60 will be provided by the gun club for
tons of hay this week tlllJUgh the llii niiriumo Ontrli.or riflo ahnnflno
association. t.U, aisu i. provided If any squads de-
sire this tor longer range shooting.
Building Bridge Birds will all be stated out at each
G. C. Blayden and M, L. Morgan, point of the raffhj and everyone will
are building a concrete bridge for the exactly what he or she. shoots
County across the main canal at the for and cannot get auy substitutes.
Dan Rnnsier home. R, f. Williams was appointed as
Chairman Of the feed. Fred Markhain
Road Tax Defeated chairman of card tables: ( has. .Mark
Consolidation of 39 Offices Is
Defeated By Vote of
68 to 47.
The V-l, Meet submarine, the navy's newest and one of the largest sub-1
marines, tied Op In Washington l'or inspection bv navy officials. It Is .141 feet
long and 27 feet wide. Submerged It has a maximum speed of nine knots an j Au error was made in the report- ham chairman of rifle shooting ; Field
nut upon the surface can attain 21 knots an hour. Its crew consists of !'ng ot the road tax vote in last weeks Captain to handle the (rap shooting
seven officers and eighty men.
Food Sales Planned
Two food sales have been planned
f r the Immediate future to defray the!
expenses of the Christmas treat. On
Saturday the 13th, the town Ladies
Aiders, will contribute cooked foods
for the first sale which will be held in
the post office lobby and the following
Saturday, December 20, the Country
Ladies Aid members will contribute.
Boardman Locals and Personals
Turkey Shoot Sunday
Another one of the ever .popular
Turkey shoots will be held on the
coming Sunday at the Robert YVils n
place. Many fine fat birds are up
for the lucky shots.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Chamberlain
of Parkdale were visitors with Bupt.
and Mrs. J. O. Russell and family for
the past week end
is a cousin of the host
Mirror. The article should have read as provided by the rules of the club.
;fha: the count was 20 against and 8 N Seaman was appointed to handle the
for the tax. advertising end and to have charge of
the delivery of the birds.
Buying Hay This arrangement insures a big
Carl McNaught, manager of the success" for the day and sport for ev-
Fisher dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Oregon Hay Grower's Association, was eryhodv every minute of the day.
here from the headquarters at Her-
on Report of Association
Irrigon Cooperative Melon and Po
Mr. Lynn Eastham and Mr
were visitors at the J. T. ilealey home Klitz on last Sunday
last Thursday. They had been duck- Mrs. Harry Warren came home this miston this week, buying up hay
hunting at Stanfield and were on the week from Portland where she has tile project.
I, i. l r.. .!,.! jfllti i r.. , i. .
, ....e hi i ..... oeen ior several weens. ne urougni tatoe Growers Association, inc. lias
is a nephew of Mr. Hoaley. V irginia and Donald Warren back to L 0. O. F. Initiation MmiK,d , (h(, growe Ulis
C. ('. Calkins and family and Mr. Boardman with her. The I. O. O. P. took in four new uvl,k um, gtetoantS to cover the seu-
and Mrs. L I. Fruit and family all of Mrs. Lee Mend greatly enjoyed a "fibers Wednesday evening and plan Slins lsim,ss Watermelons have uv
Spokane were ri nt visitors at the visit with her sister Miss Fleck of t0; lllk(' tll('m to Pendleton in the near , ,-K,.,i better than a cent a pound and
C. S. Calkins home on the east end The Dalles. Inst week. naure cor lormai initiation, me new
C. C. Calkins being n son and Mrs.
Frail a daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. C.
8. Calkins. From here thev drove to
Woco on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain of Park-
Lebanon and Coorovallis where they dale were week end visitors at the J.
visited other relatives. Alice Calkins I). Russell home.
ML W. A. Elect Officers
The M. W. A
, i. ',... accompanied them and thoroly enjoyed Arthur Mefford arrived in Board-
' II 11 I !1 l " ! I i I 1,. ,. ...,.1 alA I .l .......
the trip. man Wednesday evening to spo.nd the " '
A. T. Hereiin and family were the Xm holidays.
floors for the coming year
Washington, D. C. A section pro
posing abolition of 39 land offices was
eliminated from the interior depart
ment appropriation bill by the house.
The vote was 68 to 47 on an amend
ment, offered by Representative Sin
nott, republican, Oregon, to strike out
t he section.
Among the offices for which con
solidations effective July 1 had been
proposed wore: Boise and Lewlston,
Idaho; Lakevlew, Portland, Roseburg,
The Dales and Vale, Or.; Seattle and
Spokane, Wash.
The Sinnott amendment, as well as
the other proposals adopted under
house rules, are subject to another
vote before final passage of the bill,
and it was indicated that the fight
on the former would bo reopened at
that time.
A section of the interior depart
ment bill carrying $8,943,000 for
reclamation work for the fiscal year,
was adopted without amendment in
the house.
The housn accepted the bill's provi
sions for projects at Baker and Uma
tilla, Ore.; Klamath, Oregon-California;
Okanogan and Yakima, Wash.,
and Yakima (Kittitas division), Wash,
and the provision for general Investi
gation of secondary projects.
The house refused to accept three
proposals by Representative SummerB,
republican, Washington, to' Increase
the amounts carried in the Interior
bill by $46,500 for the Toppenish-Slm-coe
irrigation projects, $190,000 for the
, Wapato irrigation system and $46,000
nt irrigon" this year netted the grow- for tno satU8 project,
era as whole for the season LS4 net
here while las! years crop went out s; fcf h Dec9ivin
at 11.51 net to the k rowers. This . . .TIT
had a hie meeting on , ., I A "' "l"''" " "B'. een in
" u.u"h moans liLnires on he entire fouluiL'c t . .
" me niKiu sk.v ny me niiKeu eve, may
for the season and many of I he grow- realiv be a eroup of thousands of
, lie cantaloupes even heat last year's
.less Lower made a hurried trip to ""emliers ore Tom Hendriek. Ople Li(,h 1V1.(J1.(, fir agurei. The ,.rll,(.
Waggoner, Ray and Clifford Olson.
This makes 30 in all
Instead of waiting till after Christmas, as is our usual custom, to inaug
urate our "END OF THE YEAR CLEARANCE SALE" we have been
busy the past two days marking down every dress and coat in stock.
Every garment in this sale retains its original price ticket showing you
clearly the marked reductions and the unusual savings. We are not
advertising price comparisons as they mean nothing unless backed up by
genuine quality and worth in garments that you must see to know wheth
er thev are the bargains we claim they are.
Not a great many of them left but the styles, colors and sizes are excel
lent in every way. We are determined to dispose of them quickly and
have marked them so attractively low that if you need a coat you will be
sure to find what you want at the price you wish to pay. Just compare
these coats with others you may have seen, and if the values are not a
great deal better than expected, don't buy. We've marked them so low
that they are going to be sold at once, so' be here early to choose. As
low as $6.95 up to $39.75
Here are shown the fashionable styles in popular fabrics, wool or silk,
in a complete range of the good colors in sizes 16 to 50. Not a one has
been reserved and price concessions are so liberal that you will be temp
ted to buy more than one. Remember that our cash prices are always
low, now you buy at still lower prices because we must clean the racks of
all Fall and Winter garments. Here are some of the prices:
$595 $9 75 $11-95 $13 95
$19 75 and $2175
New Stocks
of '
Crescent 'Dry Soods Co.
Ready for vou
The Christmas
Store w ith the
Christmas Spirit
crs netted considerable more. Some
urowers figure their earnings f. o. I.
la tiiHiide and other places but Bin
der the methods employed by I he asso
ciation, the hauling charge, expreaaage
or freight costs, are placed where they
belong. They are no pail of the earn
ings and not figured as such. There
1278 shipments ibis year against
and Mrs. CorUain and M,
I?ands drove to Hprmistou Thursday
have some dental work done.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Iieweese of Ar
lington spent Tuesday at the M. J. Ie
weese home here.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Heck and daugh
ter Mrs Wollani returned Wednesday
from a week's visit with relatives in la W "l ""smess cousisteo
more id less than Chr load shipments
Mrs. Lea Root went to Ilermislon 1 '"' " W1" f ' ' : 1 "im-v
un Thursdav for a few davs visit al "'
the Marvin Root home. i likewise net payments to growers am
Mrs V.M.. it. .HI. , o,i fit.,..,- of minted to more. II has now I n pro
Portland arrived Saturday to work
tor the winter for Krank Otto.
Frank Otto returned on Saturday
from Portland with a five paaaengec
1922 Bulek car.
Judge-elect Ralfih Benge was a
Koardman visitor the fore part of the
Frank Shell of Moscow Idaho, came
on Thursday to spend the holidays
with his only brother Ban) Shell of
Attorney Sam K. VanVactor of Tin
ven licyond any question that the
Pride of irrigon cantalopi stands a-
liead of anything we can possibly groiv
in this district. While N. Bagman,
Seerelary-manager of the Association
was out on his collection lour, he hud
the opportunity to learn first hand
from all sources, I be opinion and do
maud these cantaloupes held every
where .Nearly a $''IMIO business was
done with one uierchanl in l.aCraude
alone, ami one luenhaul in PendlSton
specialised on the Prides ill more than
able ; C. E. Glasgow, liees ; Mrs. C
I Glasgow, chairman social committee ;
1 Messrs (Jlagow, Frederlcksen and V.
Markham, road supervisory commit fcB,
The bureau went on record' fnvorini;
unanimously to retain County road
master McCaleb. That bis work ua:
very efficient and Hint without bgTlug
a bead to the county road work, there
would be little or nothing aeeomp
lished, There has been si talk
of abolishing the position of county
roadmaater. Messrs N. Seaman and
H. W. Otim were appointed as a com
mittee to draft a letter to the county
commission requesting this position I"'
retained and Ihal Mr. McCaleb in our
opinion, was fully competent for the
.. i.i.. .i... ....i .i i .i.i , ..
I Is lies and Ira A. Berger of Portland """"" "" '"" "" """"
loupes rrom ocner nearny aiaincie. ssr
were business visitors on the Project
i lie first of the week.
Messrs. T. E. Hroyles. II. H. Weston,
('has. Wlcklander, 'has. IUllon, Wal
ler Knnuff, Clarence Berger and Ceo.
Mitchell were in attendance ! 'he
circuit Court session In Heppner on
Anderson of the Anderson brokeragi
Company of Portland assured Mr
Mrs. John Wanner of Pol l land Is
bare With her daughter Mrs II. C.
Wolfe Ibis week while Mrs. Wolfe Is
ill with (he flu. She Is reported as
much heller al this writing.
D. H. (iiasgow. brother of Mr. o. B.
spent a couple of days here Hie last
of the week
Mrs c. c. Holland returned to Port
land Wednesday aiicii' Having spent a
few days with her folks. Mr. and Mrs.
C. T. Saling.
The Irrigon Athletic club won tho
basket ball name Friday from the
also'"""1'''1""" ''"'M ,,-v " s,'"n' "f 1"
8. The Irrigon hoys are going In
Seaman w hen he was in Port land, in
fletober, that rrlgot) certainly hud
the world heal on cantaloupes in the
Pride of Irrigon, and that we would
not Ignore him next season. II
thm vtah ihat md sldo N- 'l'h' Irrigon
.i ,,i,,i,.s rhrntwh him hn mob I Htanfield Wednesday
' " .... -.nn "
Hii lot HhliiDfld ut one of the other
houses last summer. The quality ofi'"1""" ,,f " "P""
The Farm Bureau apiNiiuted a corn-
club In connection With plans for the
The bio I
our nroduels is uniiiicslioiiahlv beyond
tha average. It is un to us lo gel i O.emls-r Wat
are lo nave a nieeiing i iinrsiiay evu
and complete plans. Posters should
Into greater quantity
production ami
Washington, D. C Carrying a total spread our famous products to more
of $124,637,715 of which $70,000,000 Is distant points. There Is no reason
for road construction, the agricultural tot Irrigon lection to exist on alfalfa
appropriation bill for the fiscal year alone especially v ben conditions on
beginning July 1, 1925, was reported the hay business are so unsatisfactory
from the house appropriations commit frctt any angle you look Into them
tee I We can raise watermelons and eiin-
Tti. i i .i. i .in i taloiiiH's of our own varielv and no
i inn in an lucrcanc uivi no- ,iei"" Mi l ,, l, ..... ,,,l,. , f,,l ,, !,, i,.
tatoes Unit no other district In this," " ' '"
guard against
Da out early next week.
I, B, McCoy signal malntainer fr
I he 0 It I N made a flying trip
lo Portland Saturday night, return
ing .Monday morning, lo bear a lecture
ami lake in the demonstration of iho
automatic electric control. lie sum
priation for the current year of $f,S,
H23.279 of which $61,000,000 occurs In
cooperative road construction funds.
The total for roads provided in the
hill Is $76,000,000. Rome years ago
part of the country call compete with,
Alfalfa while productive cannot be
classed ahead of its name against
the other places, hence no argument
there was authorized for cooperative ""' """ """' P
road construction $510,000,000 and of Kami Korean Meets
this sum there still remains u balaBCS
of $46,700,000 to be provided by con
gress In 1926-27.
Forest roads and trails are allowed
$4,000,000 for the coming year
Appropriation of $24,000 is made
for the collection of seed grain loans
made In 1921 and 1922 to farmer- l
thesBr west. The 1921 loan was for ,.,l(r(,i chairman
$1,957,407 of which $1,237,855 has been ,,, , itock i II W
collected. The 1922 loan was $1,480,
106 of which $1,046,688 has been re
The Irrigon district Farm Itiireau
held its Snnttal electlOl! Monday eve
December Hth and the following of fir
crs were elected.
C B. OhMgOW, re ' clod president ;
C. T. Saling, Secretary I vice president.
I C, Frcdoriok.son. c T. Haling roHd
overaeer ; F. C. PradericksM rodanl
; n. nicks, b. itet
i ini. 1 1 Her fr nt
fill me collisions. Mrs
McCoy and son Russell and daughter
Myrtle who have spent a few days In
Portland visiting, returned home) Tins
day morning.
iHhuinel Hetulri' k who spent a few
days with Ids father In Irrigon went
to Seattle with his dad Friday where
Mr. Hendricks has been employed as
orchestra leader in the Capitol theatre
Wayne Steward has purchased the
blacksmith tools from CIihh. Powell
and has moved the outfit over t
Seaman's garage building where they
Intend to use it for minor work Harry
and lioh Sinllh have lorn down the
blacksmith building which Mr Powell
W. T Wright, holier alfalfa and pucluiKed from It It l.ane a coiipi"
In m keeping ; Mrs F !l Kicks, better jot yearn ago and moving It out lo
poultry or lu other words, more profit- li's ; i 'e for tttKt Ptftposrs.