The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, December 05, 1924, Image 1

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Round Up City To
Fete Wool Growers
Outlook Bright for Sheepmen Comln;:
i'ear Kwi-i In Hlg Demand
Prices Stahlicd
Tin' :.'7th annual Convention of the
Oregon Woolgtower Association will
1st held In Pendleton on .liinuury 14
mill ID IVJu, according to word from
Mac Hoke, seere'try of the ntMiN'lr
Mr Hoke stall's tlinl the sheep mi l
Wool growers of Oregon ure facing l In1
I lightest prospect for tin- coming lw
or throe yeurs that the Industry bat
over known; while prlci'H ure not o
peetcd to n uch war Unit levels 1 1-
coat of production la expected to b
stnhiill.ed ami to i emu I n nt sue'i h
lev,. 1 1 ii ( tin- returns from Iambi U 1
wool will allow the grower u reus n
able profit from all aptMttOM,
It ll it p pi i rout tluit there I not OB
1 tt worhl shortage of wool hut like
wise a shortage of breeding ewes ami
prices lielng offered at thin time for;
lauih contracts mul for wool tire llkelv
to he well uiulnliiliieil for a eon si d
criiUc length of time.
Caruso's Final Resting Place
Mm H. H Weston relurneil Iiii
v.cck fr-m n I'ortlatnl visit
Mr and Mrs It K Pickering and
Mrs Tom Melton and children were
overnight vUltom at the Nate Ma
cumber home on their way home from
liiundvlew where they spent TtWIllfl
giving Mr uud Mrs rilHlllH "
Atiut and I'ncle of Mr Mn. ..m',. r
They left on Monday for their home in
M' ii hum. stopping at 1'llot Rock
when- Mr. Melton live
One of the most enjoy a hie of nil
the Thniikngtvlng dinners uis tin
ill ltootn hull, when the Meffonl fnml
lies gutheretl. making 21 guests nt the
fcetal hoard. Those who enjoyed
this lovely dinner were: the Lag Hoots
Mux liew 'vihn, Mni in ItootiT, of Her
mitten. V II Mefford family. Mr and
Mrs. Jack OaWaaW of Arlington and
Ellis Garrett and fumllv.
I'et,. Klavln returned from Heppner
for Thunkwgh lug dinner ut the Mike
.Vliirshull home. He report that wool
la forty cents u pound mid thin the
outlook la good for spring sheep sales
Tutu Brady and Chat. Marshall of
the John Day country were dinner
guests at the Mike Marshall home 08
Joe Cumin Is hauling hay from his
ranch here- t John Mclutlre.
Elmer Westerfeldt has finished the
bullng of 150 lejH of hny on the F. II
Edmonds place und moved the Imler
on Monday t the llnmer Canon place
T. E. Broylea, Chas. llllon. W A
Knauff mid A I. At res were Ileppnei
visitors on Sunday.
Cliai lililnhniigli mid Walter Kuullff
have miiioiinced themselves as nin.ll
date for road supervisor.
Mr. and Mm. Hum Shell were din
tier guests nt the ('has. Wlcklnml'r
home on Sunday.
A. I' Ay res Is hauling gravel for a
i in rete bus merit for a new house
J. C. Bailing.'!- was u business lsi
or In Irrlgou on Saturday,
Mr. and Mm. Paul IieMiiuro aid
son Russell nml Miss Hurhiirn MIon
and Messrs. V. A. and Hoy Gllbret h,
drove to The Dalles Saturday to visit
relatives and friends.
A new generator has been pttreh
nsed for the electric light system for
the school und once more the building
litis electricity.
John Peterson ami sons John nml
Arthur uud Jin Parity of The Wll
lows were vlaltlug friends on the pro
Ject on Sunday.
K. T. Mulroucy and Mr. Dngiin of
Whltromb Washington were guests of
II. II. Weston this week.
On Wedneaday, Fred Edmonds re
turned to his home at Vancouver, via
the Kurd. He was accompnnlcd as fur
PortUd by Krnnk otto.
Miss Mnxlne Hnlllngcr Is acting as
assistant nurse to her grandfather, W.
A. Murchle at Wasco this week.
Hho Bleakmnn and Mr. McDonald
of Hurdmun were week end guests of
Bert Hlcnkmnn.
Warren Brlce was taken home from
school on Wednesday, ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Halph Humphries of
Prlnevllle are guests this week of the
T. k. Broylaa family.
Mrs. Eugene Cummins has returneil
from Pendleton where she wua at the
bedside of her husband for several
days. She reports that Mr. Cummins Is
slowly convalescing from his reoenl
operation hut that lie will he confined
In the hospital for several daya yet.
Mm. Dan Itaneler has sold her car
pet loom to Mm. Hunnnn of the Ball
cud of the Project.
Dr. F. H. Knubel of New York,
iinsmmuyly re elected of the
United Lutheran Church at the general
convention In Chicago.
Wui-hlngton. I) C. Tuklng the
measure of tho farmers Rnil the farms
of the country, In accordance with an
act of congress requiring the enutnern
i ion of a census of agriculture every
five years, begun December 1 and will
continue until completed, which la ex
peeled to he on or before January HI
of LMI,
Thero were 6.44S.343 farms In tin
country at the last der. tmiiil consus
In I and the value of the proper
tie wua ITTJHMMM.
Tho Inquiries which the farmers will
he usked to answer number 178
Include the facta concerning farm ten
ure, acreuge. values, debt, expenses,
cooperation In marketing, farm fnclli
ties Including the number of tractors
anil whether the farm Is equipped with
a radio outfit, population, crops hnr
vested, forests and forest products,
und livestock und livestock products.
The Information furnished will be
strictly confidential under all circum
stances und will not tie used as a basis
of taxation.
Road Tax tarries Reclamation Man
Visits Big Turkey Shoot to
Be Held Soon
'Ihl Is I he tomb which Is being prepared for the body of Enrico I
in tba bite tenor's home chapel 111 the Clmltero del 1'hinte, Naples. The , ;
Hill he tiansfctnd here us soon us the decorations have been completed.
Itaardman Locals and Personals
i has. Rand went to Pert land on
business lust week.
Mr and Mm oy Howell and Mr.
aid Mm Keves of Hood River mo-
lured t" Boardznaii und spent Thank'
Civ in;: with thrj home folks. return-
Mrs. Oscar Kosnr nml sou Kver it
y isited at Htruilston over the week
en ! with her brother nml family.
Mrs. Nate M.teoiuler was In Pen
dleton shoiplng last Suturduy.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. .1 ohm -n extCJHl-
Stanley Baldwin, who has again be
come prime mlnieter of Great Britain.
Albany, Or. Clarence Boggie of
Lebanon, cx-deputy sheriff of Linn
county and well known resident, was
arrested as the fourth suspect in the
robbery Saturday of the bank at
Shedd, Or., and according to officers,
confessed his part in the crime. The
arrest was made late Sunday on the
William Smith farm, 14 miles south
east of Lebanon, by Sheriff Richard
and Kenneth Hloom, assistant state
traffic officer.
A special tax election for the pur
pose of levying u 5 mill road tax for
the district was held Saturday last,
lad carried unanimously. This money
will he spent on a new road south of
Irrlgon to the Frederiekson and Bene
flel district. When this is done nex.
year and the little missing link con
nected on the Bowell-Murkham road,
the Irrigon district will have roads
eijuul to any other in the county.
Mr. Taylor of the Reclamation ser
vice spent part of Monday in Irr:gi.:i
on btatlneaa, lining up the ditch r.d
ers on the work in connection with the
reclamation census to be taken till
Don't forget the regular Fa'rm Bur
eau mooting night has been set for
.Monday evening Decemls?r hth in
stead of Hi,, first Saturday of the
month owing to the i;range dance on
Saturday evening. It is expected at
this meeting, the regular meeting nigh;
will Is- permanently set for some othe.
night of the Met owing to these varl
Ott doings being pulled off on Satur
duy evenings so often.
Another big Turkey. Kuck and
Chicken shoot is Is'ing planned at thi.
time for DeoemlsT -1st. There seem
to be a demand for more of the goo 1
old ssrt and this time, it Is planne 1
to handle the shoot on an entirely
new plan. Money will b. printed an I
sold by the cashier und this coin will
ho redeomuhle if not use I. It will Is
used in nil branches of the raffle un I
;iN" incepted in the lunch nsim. Tur-
Howell who :.! their hospiiaility on Thanksgiving
jduy ut a bountiful dinner wniih Y.
V. Klltz and wife ami son Noel, and
J. T. llealey und arils ull IfUjufHtl
Mr. und Mrs. (Juy Ixs- former
rculdeiits of ltourdinuu who ure al
ways welcome visitors here, were
guests at (lie h. a Inn on Thanks.
General P. Ellas Call, s at noon
Sunday took the oath as president of
the republic of Mexico.
A foot and mouth dlseuse ijuurantino
In southeast Texas. In effect since 8ep
totnhor 27 was lifted Monday in opt
on fino square miles of territory east
of Houston.
Irn Nelson Morris, former American
mitiisti r of Sweden, has been named
as consul general of Rumania, with
headquarters at Chicago, it was loarn
ed at the state department.
Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, widow of
the late president, will leave for Ha
vana December fl to be present at tho
unveiling of the memorial erected at
eianllugo do Culm in honor of the old
leader of the Hough Hldnrs.
Crime among women apparently is
on l he Increase or more ure being
caught and maul. women leud single
women in running ufoul of the law.
according to statistics compiled by the
California state hurcnu of criminal
Important changes In rules for the
transaction of business in the federal
courts throughout the country, which
are expected to speed up the conduct
of trials, are outlined in letters just
tent to all federal district judges by
Chief Justice Taft.
ing Friday, except Mrs.
Stayed over until Sumlay.
Mrs tJuv Lee ami Mrs 11 Warner
called on Mrs Huiids and Mrs. Lowell
Snl unlay.
Mr unci Mrs. Lowell Spngel return
ed from Hubbard Oregon, where they
spout the thanksgiving with Mrs
Spugels' parents. giving us was Chat. Haines vh
Mr. uud Mrs. (ieo it i.-olen and son ' tjirned recently from PrlaetrlMe. Mr
Lawrence and Mr und Mrs. N. Faller Lae is teaching at Pilot Rett Btjpall
were dinner guests at (he Jack ior- this yr.
hum hoim Thanksgiving Miss BNfctM Will n Sient tin
The Royal NYlghtxirs of Hoardmnn vaentluu at the Paul Immaro home
I hunk the Royal Neighlurs of Arllng Miss Aldrich and Mi-. Willis went t.
ton for the luvltutlou to their dame,
gtvatj on I hank-gi ing night.
UU'it Mefford came on Thursday
I.T a few duys visit with the home
l..ks M is .l Mncoinlsr came with
him Bad iciuined to Arlington on IT.
Iff "III Mis Alls'l't MllcoIloxT re
tnineil on Sunday from a pleasant va
cation sH.n at Urandview with the
formers' parentl when- they have visii turkey was tin
c. tjace Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs
within two hours and a half after the
robbery. The prisoners gave their
names and ages as: C. Creplogle, 17;
M. Sitder, 24, and L. Nelson, 24.
tlielr homes In Portland and Tilla
mook. Mrs. Degeudorffer and Miss
Sears went to Kellogg Idaho.
W. . King uud family injoyed a
delicious dinner on Thanksgiving at
the E. K. Mulkey home.
A T Hereiai mi l family wen' guests
Thanksgiving at the Nate MacointsT
home at u Ismntlous dinner of which
pieee-ile-resist ii nee.
tiny Ias' were glHMtl
The bank at Shedd, 14 miles south
of Albany on the Pacific highway, keys, duck, chickens or whatever i i
was held up at noon Saturday and the 'put up for raffle will Is- on hand an 1
robbers made away with 1399.85.! ut each and every kind of shoot or
Three of the robbers were recaptured I raffle so that the jiartieipants will he
able to sis- what he is taking part i.i
end for. There will be I small shoo:
ing gallery inside the old tebooi whete
rifles will Is- provided for ladles an 1
children, is-riiiitting them to enter i'i
to things the same as men who gi
into it on u bigger scale. In this wn
the yonnger people can slust for
small charge It is now hoped thnt
t his will be joint with the farm bur
can of the district and this matte
will I- hroiigdit up at uext raeefiii:
on Monday evening December Sth.
N Seutnun is hsjkiug after the de
tails and aiding Clias. Markham vice
president of tin- Oun Club and they
-a that the iss-assioii will ev-eed nnv
thing here to fon undertaken. Watch
for further nnuouni-ements in tlK-s
coltnns and other advertising to be
sent out in ample time to let yoj
know of the event.
90,605 Pertont Give 3,063,952
plut Totals $355,264.
Washington. D. C. The recent cam
paign cost tho republican national
committee $3,063,952. William M. But
ler, chairman, announced, adding that
a surplus of 1355,264, which compares
with the deficit of about 12,000.000 in
curred in 1920, remained in the treas
ury after all expenditures had been
"The campaign was financed by 90.
605 individual contributors," said Mr.
Butler. "Of this number, 83,2119 made
individual contributions of less than
F. Crorliatn home Satanic
Mrs. R. M. Vollmer and daughter
Rthel of Kansas City arrived Sun
day for a visit at the Dun Hiitisier
home. A big fumllv dinner was scrv
ed that day with Mrs. J. A. Miulow
uud sons of Adams, mother and broth
ers of Mrs. Runsier, Mr. and Mrs.
It 1' I'.V.ikniim nml family. Mr ami at the .1
Mrs Chus McDiinlel. Zoo mid Everett evening.
Iladley uud Arthur Bailey all motor
eii to llardlililll the "Hth. where they
mumlisl a dams- given by the Odd
Fellows There was a lurge crowd in
nttemhinii'. 74 tickets being sold for
the affair
V 1 1 evcelleiit play was given by Ihi'
1 lardmnn grade school just preceedtag Mo and three daughters of pendle-
the dance. I'ci'lleut music was glv- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Thurmnn mid two.
en bj be llarduimi orchestra and ad children also of Pendleton and Mr.
ded greatly to the evenings enjoyment Turner, us the Vnlltners' guests.
A splendid chicken supper was S'Tv-' Mrs. Marvin Root ami children left
ill by Mrs. Ida Bleakmmi who has Sunduy for their home ut Heriiiistun
i barge of the hotel ut Hlirduillll The after a few days m the Leo. Hoot
heal people leiurneil on Thursday re home here.
porting it fine time. Miss Zoe Iladley Mr. und Mrs. Va:ighn:in Uevcs and
who is I'aching over lleppnor way Hoy Howell ami wife visited Thankl
Grandchildren Mrs. Harding's Heirs.
Marion, O. Jeanne and George Nee
ly Do Wolf,, respectively 15 and 12
years of ana. grAudchildren of the late
Mrs. Waxrvft'ii; Harding, were left
the bulk oP hr estate estimated to
be in excess of $500,OW, under the
terms of her will, .filed for probate
here. '
(From The Arlington Bulletin)
Error in Income Tax Vote Found.
Salem, Or. In making up his of
ficial election proclamation the secre
tary of state discovered in the official !
the repeal of the state income tax
luw from 16,093 to 12,744.
spenl the vacation with home folks. giving at
Rrnal Bmwg and wife motored to Idg Turke
Waltabtirg for the week end. enjoyed.
the Royal Hiimls home. A
' and all the trimmin's was
The President's Message
Franoe Actt to Pay U. 8. Loan.
Washington, D. C. After a lapse of
more tlmu two years the French gov
ernment has actually begun prelimln-.
nry negotiations looking to un adjust
ment of her debt to the Fnlted Stutes.
It was learned officially here. Jules
Jussernnd, the retiring French am
bassadnr. who is to relinquish his post
here In February, already has held one
conference with Secretary of tho
Treasury Mellon on the matter, and tt
it expected that nnother will be held
before M. Jusserund rot unit; to Paris.
Inoome Tax Reduction to be Delayed.
Washington, D. C. Further tax re
duction will not be attempted until
lute next year, Chairman Smoot of
the senate finance committee announc
ed. If the treasury surplus on June 30
warrants It. an exlrn session of con
gress muy be called In September to
undertake Iho downward revision of
taxes, but nothing cut) he done before,
Juno 30, Suioot said. I
Installs Radios at Farms
Baby Girl Arrives
K. Irhy has recently installed
two fine radio sets, one at the J. M.
II . home in and one at the
llu.el Dean home in Eight Mile. Thes?
folks plun to listeu in on ull the Into
huppeulngs during winter evenings.
Mr. John A. Churchill of Alderdule
and Mrs. B, C. Allnitton of lioosevelt
vtoniM'il on their wuv homo from The
returns from Lane county an error lles FrWav , inform tl)elr 8l8t,ir
that reduced the majority in favor of ... . ... ,. f .,, arrlrlli
tine baby girl mid thnt Mrs. Church
ill was remaining with her new daugh
ter for a short time in The Dalles.
Italian Composer Dies in Brussels. Jhe verdict of "not guilty" found
Hrussels. Italy's premier operatic hy the Jury in tli" trial of Lester Bee
composer. Giaeomo Puccini, died here. !. ..on brought n cheer from a crowded
He came to Hrussels a short time ago 1 court rooiu at Condon Wed ues in ¬
to undergo radium treatment for a eveiiinft This case has attracted con
malignant growth in the throat. iderablt attention. Mr. Beeson hav
ing ban Implicated on chargea of vio
lation of tiic prohibition laws as a re
Milt of a raid on the Iteesou uud Mor-
Portland j.;an On rage here several weeks ag .
Wheat Hard white, $1.68; soft by state OfWrta under the direction of
white, $1.62 ; northern spring, SL61; state Prohibition Director, George L.
hurd winter. $1.60; western white, cleaver. A charge of iiiaintuinlng n
$1.61; western red, $154. I nuisa&ce was brought against lioth ' f
Hay Alfalfa. $19 19.50 ton; Talley'in.,. proprietor nml Ray Morgan fail
timothy, $1920; eastern Oregon , ,1 to appear joining his bondsmen
timothy, $S1&22.
Buttorfat- 38c shippers' track.
Eggi-Ruach, 3947c.
Cheese Prices f. o. b. Tillamook
Triplets. 2c; loaf. 27c per lb.
Cattle Steers, good, $7.50S.
I holding the sack.
I At the regular Monthly meeting on
TaiiartlT evening, the Council adopted
plana mid tpetfltloaa pii'pared by
' rngitiei'f H. H. M "'re for the rebulld
llni of the City iii'wer plant. At an
Huge Medium to guod, $8.509jo. i speadtture of approximately $i7no
Sheep- Spring, medium to choice,!;- monthly saving- in the cost of oper
$9U 12.50. ,
Wheat Hard white, $lj67.; soft
white, $1.65; western whit, $11.62;
afyon of or more mis is-eu r.s..-
Old ted. The chunpes will also Increase
he .capacity of the plant to take care
of tla" increasing power load,
n v. Qesner ims returned after a
hard winter and norther. mnntltfl visit In Portland, ami "ill
$1.60; western red, $1.56; Bfe Bond .sumo his medical practice here In his
M., no. 'MVS , I . WOO,'. m.-.
bluestem, $1.78.
iffices at
rooms will Ik- In lb" MM
ltnv Alfalfa, i'1'2- I C 07. Hm. ii-Nolei tee I
othy, $26; D. C. $2S; nrixed.hay $24. maun . mil. ling over tbe Arliughm Buk-enan-
riWiBq 38f 51c. i . ery.