The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, November 28, 1924, Image 1

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"War" Map Shows
Tuberculosis Area
War on Cattle Disease Goes
on With Increasing Vigor
in United States.
Prprd bf ih. Cnii.rt Dtpirlrnint
or Arlcultur.)
The war against animal tuberculosis,
under the leadership of th United
State Department of Agriculture,
goes on wllh Increasing vigor from
BOOth to month. In order that the
country wide situation may ho cleurly
undent ood, and that the various re
gion muy know J tint how much ivork
they have ahead of them, the depart
ment recently prepared a new "war"
map which ahowa the eitent of the
plague In all the atatea.
Show Progreaa Mad.
On thla map the ahaded area, vary
Ing from aolld hlaclc to pure white,
allow what progreaa has been mi de
and how the different regions compare.
The scattered white spots Indlcute the
modified accredited ureas, those conn
ilea In which the Infection bus been
reduced to 0.5 per cent or less. In
the areas of deepest shading the In
fection Ik more limn IB per cent. The
other areas have Infection somewhere
between these two extremes.
The area with 0.B per cent or less
of tuberculosis embraces 2 1 .(KM square
miles, or 0.1 per cent of the entire area
of the country. A large part Of the
United Htates, more than 2.0OO.IMS)
square mites, has less than one per
cent. This la practically 00 per cent
of the entire areii, and accounts for
the recent statement by the depart
ment that 30 states promise to be free
of the dlseuae within eight years. A
little more than 18 per cent of the
country's area has from one to three
per cent of the cattle tuberculosis the
area being a little lesa than sW.000
square miles. Herds In areas making
up 103,303 square mllea, or O.B per
cent, have from 3 to 7 per cent of
The total area In which tliere are
herds with from 7 to IS per cent tu
berculous cattle amounts to a little
more than 11.1,000 square miles, which
Is S.O pur cent of the total area. Only
2 per cent of the area, or flO.B07
square miles, has more than U per
cent of the beard Infected with the
disease. The average per cent of In
fectlon for the herd of the entire
country I 3.3.
These figure are the reult of over
ages ubtalned from the teatlng M tU
'lone. The percentages apply to t in
total cattle population which Is esti
mated to be 08.027 ,013 head, but the
lie of the cattle population In the
different areas I not In proportion to
the area. The large area of 2.0U0,tl0
square mile In which there I lM
than one per cent of tuberculosis Is
about 00 per cent of the country, hut
contains only a little more than 50 per
cent of the cattle. The area of grent
t Infection Includes 4.3 per cent of
the cattle.
Many Cattle Tested.
During the month of July. 47 291
cattle were tested In the United
States. Wisconsin lending with (W.fltfl
head. In 30 counties tuberculosis hut
been reducel to 0.5 per cent or less,
the "modified sccredlted" urea. There
are now In the country herds nggrc
gating more thun fi.OOO.OOO cattle which
have been booted once unit found free
of tuberculosis. Fully accredited herd
contain nearly 1,000,000 cuttle, and
more than 7,800,000 cattle lire DDdtl
supervision with a view to belnK inter
accredited. In addition there are more
thun 2,500,000 cuttle la In nls which
tbo owners have on the wulting list
for the tlrat opportunity for testing.
t j t
jver the border 0
aily over
it shelters night from day
e sun had dropped and as quietly
Sped on its ceaseless way.
But in the west there lingered
In dapper hues and fair,
A twilight which awakened
The watcher's heart to prayer., -"-7
Frederick M. Sackett, republican,
who was elected United States sena
tor from Kentucky.
Bun Francisco. An Interpretation
of the recent observations of Mara!
when the planet was at Us closest 1
point to the earth "strengthens the
probability that Mars Is fitted to sup
port life." said Uobert (!. Allken, as
(TOO OUt Of at Licit observatory of the
University of California, In a lecture
o went on to explain: "If, a
many observers In lieve, the greenish
tinge ot mil suidice ureas In the
early Murtlnn summer Is due to vege
tat Ion, then undoubtedly animal life,
al least of low form is present, fur the
two are always coexistent on our
earth. This Is not at all improbable,
but It cannot as yet be regarded as
definitely established."
Mr. Alt hen pointed out that from
observations ustronomurs in general
. I God, for beauties shown me,
. i ; The mauve, the crimson and gray,
y That herald the advent of evening
And tell of departing day;
)'For clouds tinged with gold and silver,
Prr kpavpn't lanterns fair.
vi . i A vyi iiui'Mi s . v .v, . j
jk "J L -.11 uitU nnA its XArnnAmrc
I Ul all Ul CCU Ul CUIKi tva nwuuvw,
17 Atf '
y i 1 i it . - s
s 'gwe-
ue J sy .fy
7 7.Xfm
v v. v V.y f
who are loyal,
United States
Taking Census
Of Agriculture
0. C. Clark of Arlington Enumerator
for Northern Gilliam County Asks
Farmers to Fill in lilanks
lrtV.1 I offer this, mv braver. .. -". -
1 ' if. m 4 a m 1
1 thank thee tor friends
For dear ones, for love that is true,
For home and the comfort it brings me
When day and my labors are through;
For victories won o'er the tempter,
For strength of my body of clay.
For peace in our land of freedom,
And hope for the coming day.
Chicago Tribune.
(From The Arlington Bulletin)
About December 1st, C. C. Clark
who has been appointed enumerut'
for the Arlington. Willow Creek. Ko 1
CrOOk, (Hex. lllkkalo and lilalock pre
cincts will begin taking the farm cen
sus data as called by the schedule i.f
1D25 for the United States Census ot
The data to be secured Include,
(enure, acreage values, indebtedness,
farm e tg nillt :. 1 s oooperilhf m 1 1 1 )
ing, farm facilities, population, pnv
ductio'i. ;ind lic slock ri ilistlcs.
It is generally presumed that tills
nation wide census will form a has- '
of fact sufficient to inflwnc- pen lie r
farm legislation at Washington In on
intelligent manner.
Mr. Clark states that a copy of the
schedule including all of the question!
to be asked, will be mailed to all tno
farmers whose addresses are on fi e
with the department of census and re
cjuests thot each farmer fill out the
blanks as far as possible upon re
ceipt of the blank thus saving both
himself and the census taker mm .1
time when calling in person.
Captain Webber of The Dalles U
supervisor of the ninth Oregcn dist
rict under whose direction Mr. Cla
and other enumerators are proceedtn -.
From every stand point the Govern
ment plans on taking the most val .
able and accurate farm census c r
compiled in the United States.
Turkey Shoot Sunday
Boardman Lopals and Personals
o niiwvk Mr T.owr has leased 80
Mr. Wall for a :t .'t ttie itoncn viumou uomr
attenibince is expected.
res of his land to
I year penild.
A turkey shoot will be held Sun'biv
la Vie
Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Johnson were
. t ti it. i. .......
haw, r.ached the conclusion that Mars ",r ' " -hu.u ..o.u-
The Dalles 011 Wedueeday and lliurs
day Kurout home they piiit Friday
spend Tlianksgivlng with John M
lntvre ou Willow Creek.
has both air and water on Its sur
face, hut not enough water to create
miy permanent ocean or even great
lakes, and hardly enough air to make
the atmosphere as dense as our own
at tin- height of our highest mountain
evening at Wasco with Mr. Johnsou's
mother Mrs. J. H. Johnson. Deibert
and Kachcl took care of the ranch ...
their parents' absence
John Jenkins has sold this year's
crop of hay to Pete Farley.
Ceorgt Dillon has
borne In Portland.
returned to his
Canker Is Destructive
and Contagious Disease
In damp weather or In low locations,
canker I one of the most destrtn tiw
and contagious of poultry diseases. Tu
ovoid It, locate your house on u high,
dry apot where the drainage la good
Also make sure there are no holes 01
crocks In the roof and walls of tin
house. Cleanliness Inside the houso Is nlsn
Important, for the organism that cause
canker broods In conditions of tilth ni
well os dampness. The dl sense some
times results from the use of moldy lit
tor or food, or from scratches tbf
fowls receive from fighting, or from
using sharp edged feed or wnter cup;
that cut thorn.
Canker usually takes tho form ot
hard, cheese-1 Ike pstches around tlx
0700, mouth or In the throat of the
fowl. Remove these as fnst ns they
form with a stick or kolfo, being care
fnl to mako thorn bleed no more than
necessary. Then touch up ench ulcer
otod placo with a cotton swnb dipped
In undiluted croolln, which can b
bought at any drug store.
Another good remedy Is equal ports
of borsdc acid, etunphoi
and subnltrate of bismuth blowing
the powder over the fowl's throat unit
mouth with a straw.
Remove all sick fowls from the main
flock so that Infection won't sprem!
through the medium of feed troughi
and drinking vessels.
The publicity clause of the income
tax law promises to be the basis tor
a lively fight at tho next session of
Appointment of Dr Ceorge Parrlsh.
formerly of Portland, Or., as city
health officer of LiOS Angeles was con
firmed by tho city council.
William H. Anderson, former super
intendent of the Anti-Saloon League
of New York, will be paroled out of
Sing Slug prison on I'hrlstmas eve.
The II xt national convention of the
Womon's Christian Temperance Union
will lie held in I. os Angeles, Cal., In
Sept ember, 125, the executive com
mittee decided.
ex rotary rVilbur has no present in
tendon of retiring: from the cabinet.
There have lieen widely published re
ports that ho would retire early next
your to sj OOP) a federal Judgeship in
The Hnltimore Post company, pub
Usher of the Hnltimore Dally Post, was
Indicted by tho federal grand Jury on
charges of publishing Income tax re
turns In violation of section 3167 of
the revised statutes.
Mr and Mrs. J. . itussell arc spend
Ing the Thanksgiving vacation with
friends at Parkdale. They motored
down on Wednesday after school
John Brico has plowed his ten a
cres of corn and planted It to turkey
red wheat, for the lieneflt of the china
Chas. Dillon was a business visit
or In Heppner on Friday, when he
drove the achool bus with the teiun
for the football game.
Mrs II. M.
Thursday Pros
Weston returned on
a ten days trip in
Swamp Lily
The swamp Illy Is not one of the
water lily family. It Is cf the Amaryl
lis family and Is related to the narcis
sus, the snowdrop and the cenmrv
plant. While the wafer Illy or po"''
lily, as It I sometimes called, grows In
nearly all parts of the United States.
the warap Illy 1 found only in
southern states.
Tom Krew Is leveling the remaining I
2T acres of his land preparatory toi
Archie Cumins
Ject on Wcdhosila
arrived on the pro-
in a new Cadillac,
Chas. Karnes who has Ism'd work-
lug on
from PrlnevllU
seedlug It to barley as a nurse crop
with alfalfa in the spring.
Mrs. Lowell Spagle and Miss Edna
! Broyles were visitors ot a tonsorlal
parlor at Hermiston on Saiurday.
The Lowell Spsgle left on Wednes
day for Wood burn where they were to
the state highway for several spend the Thanksgiving holidays at
returned home on Wednesday Jlr. ispagie s porenis.
Brka Dtflfttaagh and hi Parts a
('. Dlllahaugh were Boardman visitors
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Warren drove
over from Condon last week and spent
several days visiting on the project.
All three of the project bay balers
are running full blast this week. There
Is considerable bay yet to !e baled,
and the balers are planning to lie busy
for several more weeks.
Mrs. A. T. Herelm has returned to
Boardman from the Kmanuel hospiial
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0, Bnllinger and
Miixlne left on Wednesday for vToaofl
Misses Barnaul Hlxon and Alice Al
drlch nccompatile.l tlietn ns far ns The
Mrs. Willis Is siM'inllng the holiday
vacation at her home in Tillamook.
! in Portland, where
Tom Mclutyre and Will QUI are to
W. A Murchle who has been serious
ly 111 nt his home In Wssco with dia
betes Is slowly improving In strength.
Mrs. Batlcugcr was able to leave his
bedside this week and return to her
home here, but motored over Wednes- j
dav to spend Thauksglvlug with her
pa reuts.
tlon for goitre. Mrs
fine end says this
she had an operv
llerelm is lookln r
Will lie the final 1
L. J. Blayden arrived last week to
spend the winter with his parents Mr.'
and Mrs. C. 0. Hlayden
Henry Wall
bis family this
of Payette has moved
week on the Jess Low-
Mrs. J. O, Bellenger is nt home s
gnln after spending the Inst two weeks
with her father. W. .V. Murchle wlio
has been 111.
Prof. Jamleson Of the O. A. C. was
n the district Salurdsy with coumy
Vgent Mors. . Mr. .lamb-son was talk
ing aOSrs and cow testing
.ins while Mr. Morse assisted him and
mack' plans for some one from this dis
trict to attend the orchard heating
. lemon, tration at Freewster. Doocm
bot is ;uid IV. It is hoped some one
crtu mak- this trip ss we ore inter
ested in knowing more about beating
shoot Success
The turke-y shoot was pulte a suc
cess Sunday. The day was elegant
-. ., t,i omiwcl attended. Some of
ail, 1 a ,',(,
the lest shooter failed to make any
; scores, giving those who had not had
'.et hid; in previous shoots, a chance
0 cartv embers ftf host birds.
! sank
Plucking Her Geese
It's always com
fort In' for a man
with a namo given
usually to gnrls to
meet another man
name. Misery loves
with th' si
Danger From Wire Tags
Farmers and dairymen should be
ware of the wire tags that come on
feed hags, and other bits of metal
such ns nails, pieces of wire and
screws, which may Mud their way Into
the feed. Once swallowed, such ob
jects may Bad their way to the heart
of die animal, causing death. Cars
exercised In keeping the feed clear ol
these things may be the means of sav
ing to the. herd some of the host cows
Noises Affect Hearing
Most middle aged residents of large
cities lire slightly deaf, due, It la suld,
to the continuous roar of truffle,
In the Commercial
was decided to have
Portland December 11
Smith wou the largest turkey
Of the dav and several others took a-
NKWS WH mn;. as three good birds. Al-
club meeting ltjmiiy plans have been perfected for
a delegation In L completely nw and novel plan lb
for the Anneal ll0X, season where the Indies will lie
the Obi Oregon. MM 'entertained and be given greater
chance to tnke part in the rntfle.
meeting of
John Rolierts took his litle son Bps
to The Dalles Wednesday to see n
W. U. Uekkler of La Crande who i
associated with the work of the
state grange organisations was In Ar
lington ou Monday enroute to drain
county on work of the organisation.
Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan of The Wil
lows visited at A. K. Blnckburne's on.
last Friday.
Fancy Seed Spuds
The car load of faorv certified Seed
potatoes arrived for the Irrlgon Coop
erative Melon mid Potato OroWers
s,BOOCiBtioil TnrortsVr and was unload
ed Wednesday. The whole lot was of
one vurlety. nnmel.v, F.arly Old is.
TtuM variety is pl'iiitev! in this distil t
Mrty iii March and envies on the first
Week in tot before the other dist-
Some hungary vandal visited the- j riots are able to -:t any early potato.
kitchen rcRfrlgernto"' window of the- on the market. W. H. Swltzler of Dn
iitillii had IfXI sacks In tills shipment
deiKit lunch room hist week and re
moved two pans .f sandwich men j and the rest with exception of a few
therefrom, taking '! contents nn IlSxorttS, was distributed BMg the niel-
iionllv rininir no til. ins iicoiln , croweis of the association.
Mr. and Mrs. ' W. Sliurte fronr
Heppner, Mr. and Mrs Ames of Bix-k
Creek and Ilurrv Wlus'lliotise were
all Thanksgiving guests at tin Arth
ur Wlieelhouse horn - Arlington.
Miss Thelmn Hull nf Heppner whs
wns a Thanksgiving r, test of
ter Mrs. George Stephens.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Williams see
gj sridt&l Thnnksglving with her folk
tket left via ferry Wednesday n- 11
a ad srlll vrturn Satorday.
Mts M B. Hand imd son are guests
t ti liome of her folks, Mr. am'
' ,V. 1C. Walpole, for Jt few days.