PAGE 4 THE BOARDMAN MIRROR FRIDAY NOVEMBER (1, 1014 Girls Start Hockey Practice Boardman Utellem Edited by (hi' BRWikntB of flic Hourdman High School KOI K'l'H K1K. LSM-JJJBS FRIDAY NOVEMBER M, 19M Members of the Junior ami Senior cnsilsh classes participated in an in teresting debate at school on Wednos day. The proposition was, "It should Ih' considered as wrong for men to suioke, swear, drink intoxicating lie nor as for women to do so." The girls held the affirmative and were out pointed by the hoys on the negative. chant of Venice", and are progress ing very rapidly on it. Although the English 7 class has lcen working on pnrlituentary drill for the last two weeks, there was a de cided lack of action at the last stu dent body meeting. We wonder why'' The largest part of the Boardman Ugh school Journeyed to Heppner on ' N'ovemlier 21. to sec the last game of the football season. This was made possible by the hiring of the West End; school litis to take the students and rooters over. The bus accomodated ; about 'AD players, high school students and part of the faculty. A good game vas looked for and Boardman left determined to keep their second place in the league. The Junior class held u Bwetiag Wednesday afternoon for the purpose i f deciding on some definite way of raising money to pay for their class rings, hut nothing definite was de cided concerning the matter. Thej did choose tliclr cluss colors, pink and silver. Which was greatly disapprov ed by Howard. Hector Wli'klandor has Is-en absent trom the Sophomore class because of illness. ive la shown Miss Morotht II I ce, who is captain of the Br)' a Mawr ! .'H'key team now preparing fur Wf c ni 1 games wiih the I en t us of other college, Miss l,re Is the daughter of l'lishu Leo. vice president of the I'cunsylvunla railroad. WATER SUPPLY TO LOS ANGELES COT nrl Avers and Bay Iiempsey have lieeu absent from school The ancient history class having; The student body of the Boardman completed the study for the second i high school has joined the Junior Bed weeks are reviewing for a test. j Cross by paying the usual monitor -hip fee of one dollar to the cause. The english class having finished ' Cacti room of the grade school has the classic. "The Ancient Mariner". aim Joined by paying their fee of are now taking up unotlier, "The Mer- fifty cents per room. Long Service Hosiery "Phoenix" Famous for years among women of fastidious tastes. Fashioned to Fit the Foot and Ankles WITH REINFORCEMENTS WHERE THEY ARE NEEDED - Wmoh'i hnd Misses' Silk Hose In AH the Wanted shades inelu ding the new Piecanny Brown. 1.1.",-I.'.,f,-1.35,-1.85, and up to the f&M full silk. All of thefinest threads and weaves. Buy Them by the Box for Xmas. Indies silk and wool at LM Children all wool In plain and ribbed patterns $1X0 a pair. Also rhildrens ribbed, mercerised at fifty cents. Upper Street Millinery & Gift Shop Cox Residence Main Street Arlington, Ore. Ruling on Tax to Aid Oregon. Salem, Or.- In a revolutionary opln ion. from the point of Tlew of slat' taxation. Attorney General Van Winkle held Monday that the 6 pel cent tax limitation amendment applies to the stale income tax that has been collected this year. The 6 per cent limitation has never been Interpreted as applying to any tax except a direct levy. The result of the opinion. Ir put into execution will be that tin state will have sufficient revenues during the next year to serve all state departments and institutions notwith standing the repeal of the Income tux at the recent election. Bobbed-Hair Choir Singer Strike. Washington, D. C. Bobbed hair girls in the choir of Mount Vernoa Methodist Episcopal church have quit because Rev. Burke Culpepper, an evangelist, temporarily occupying the pulpit, denounced bobbed hair and said It was against the teachings of the Bible. I.ob Angeles, Cut - Practically tin entire flow of tin; Los Angeles aiuc duct, this city's chief source of water visiting friends for domestic ami tud u ' r i,i 1 uses, was diverted Into the Owens river near Pine, ahout. 200 miles north of here, by a raiding party of 60 men, who stormed the aqueduct guards and threw open It';' Alabama waste gates Charles Collins, sheriff of Inyo conn ty, telegruphed Governor Klchurdson for troops, rierlurtng Immediate action by the military was all thut could prevent bloodshed. The raiders, alleged to be residents of Oweus valley, where for years a water feud has raged between the city and valley ranchers Bml business men, stood their ground at the spill way and defied Sheriff Collins and representatives of the city of tiM Angeles. They announced that they would continue to waste the water until a committee came from Los Angeles and "ettled" the water rights controversy with them. Sheriff Collins, after vain ly endeavoring to have the waste gates closed, returned to independence to telegraph the facts to Governor Richardson. flue rain on Friday mid Saturday. Prospects are for more ruin and wo can still enjoy more. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd of Hep liner arrived lit Butterfly Flats on ! Friday. They wcif accompanied by I .lack Hynd Jr. and Clifford Drlseolt, both leading lights or the Heppner 'high school who Were to explore the entity spots of Willowcvcck on their kveok end vacation. v. n Chandler of Willowerwk, ranch was doing tmsniess in i ecu uu; last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. I,. L Funk nml dangtt-l tor Miss Qeraidine w on' culled to I Wasco on Wednesday by the doath of their stepbrother D. Yocum. Death; resulted from blood poisoning a a result or bin shot in the leg while J hunt lug. U Rynd "f Bnd Hollow and Miss Nellie i lie of Yamhill arrived in Cecil ou Wednesday after spending a( few days in Portland. Mr, H.vud audi Miss lionev h-fi oO ThnrsdsJ with. .'mU Hynd for lloppnei. liell Ward of lone was a vlsUor at! the hoi .e of Kit rl Ftirinwoitli at Rhea! on Wedie '.day. Mrs. 11 .1 Street' of Cecil, Mrs. Flit of M i' ami Mrs. Ait! Medlock uu I ;. .. . f "Uis'kcllffe" were culling on in T. H. Uowe on, Wednesday. Misses Annli C. Hynd ami Annie f. and Minn1 i. l. aceouipsalsd by E. Hchaf' . II v.l Krel. spent mi en Joy a hie evening at the Legion Cur lit vet which was held in Heppner on Tuesday Mrs Geo. A M 1 1 ler ami son Elvln jot "Hlghvlew" were culling In Cecil on Friday. Elvln Informed us he Is (Installing a fine radio. Miss Annie C Hynd who has been in the lone district re Untied to llulerfly flats ranch on Hun ay accompanied by Mr and Mrs. Archie Bull and liifiint sou of lone. Wld Paliuatcer of WlndyuiNik mid Churles Gray of Morgan made a visit in Hillside ranch on Sunday to loves tlgate , they having heen Inforuied oil had Ix-cti slnick Instead of water. The well drillers Walter Pope ami Shorty Shaver soon convinced them that It wns genuine water which bad been truck at .'iLtt Several lands of sheep ', mk to Sntytlie Pros i f Arlington p . I thru BY LAWYERS ARREST Withdrawal From Liquor Tret) With United States De- manded. recti this r quarters Oregon Text Books May Cost More. Salem, Or. An Increase of 25 per cent in the cost of text books in the grade and high schools of Oregon that are adopted by the state text book commission at a meeting here Is said by J. A. Churchill, state school super intendent, probably to be unavoidable. Wool Growers to Meet In January. Salt Lake City. Utah The sixtieth annual convention of the National Wool Growers' association will be held In San Francisco January 21 to 23, 1925, Secretary F. R. Marshall has announced. ARLINGTON NEWS Pendleton Men Cleared of Charge of Overshooting Hag Limit of Geese Sol Bnnm, starting gisids denier and John Hemlpy, saddle manufacturer of Pendleton Monday were found not guilty of the charge brought against them by Federal Game Warden Geo. Tonkin for overshooting the hug lim it of geese. TWO BISHOPRICS REFUSED Rev. Mr. Fleming Declines Indiana and Washington Positions. Chicago. Tho Rev. Frederic S Fleming, who recently was invited to become bishop coadjutor of the dts trlct of northern Indiana of the Pro testant Episcopal thun h snd a week later asked to accept the episcopacy of Olympis, Wash., announced to his congregation of the Church of the Atonement that he would accept neither place, lie felt, he said, that high honors had been tendered him. but that bo would be of greater serv ice to the church by icmulnlng in his present charge. Envy' Ugly Rcot The least Jndli'lous. 01 deserving who nave nothing to recommend them selves will he finding faall with others No man envies the merit of another Who bus enough of his ovvti.-HuIe of Life. Sinclair Is Sentenced Hugh Sinclair who was arrested 'n Arlington Inst week by a state pruhl- bltion squad, for the sale of liquor i was fined :iiki mid sentenced to sixty jdays In Jail by the Justice Court at Condon on Tuesday. 13 broadcasting to all the World this season "Come! W in better gramd than ever to entertain jroa and nuke your visit a wonderful experience. " If you have never been to California It should be the effort of your life to go. When you sre ready to plan the tup let the Union Pacific help. Bend word to the undeiticned by phone, or mail or rati, I will give you the benefit of my pertsiial knowledge a:-A experience, or 1 wilt send too CJm maowt SSS ul Kted matter to b had. I know every rouU, cv r every kind of equipment and the exact coat. I wjf: secure your sleeping car accomrruxlatiom, provide you with an outline of your trip, and deliver your ticket. Youaecd not leave your home or your office to attend to bothuorne detail. IhAve the best there is, and ft shall be your the moment I know you desire it. It. S. DAVIS, Agent, Itoardman, Oregon Ogauizutlon of a Women's Auxil iary to the American Legion will be perfected in Arlington on the enmlng Tuesday evening NovemlsT M, when all women ellgabla arc called to meet at the home of Mrs. CIims. f. Story at eight o'clock in the evening. John Louy of lone was a guest with his brother Frank here this week re turning from a trip to Portland, While out hunting a few days ngo Kaymond linker bagged a live mule sriHke and brought his exhibit home. It was lather lute In the seas m and Mr. Hauler was not so active us In the wanner weather. J. C, Itn Monger ltoarduian business man was H vi-dtor In Arlington Inst Siitnrdny. . Murk A Cleveland editor from Htiiu field was here on business Monday. Mrs. H. 8. Lnrarcanx of Irrigon was here a few days this Week visiting relatives here. CltitL NKWS Waler al 320 Tt4 In New Well -Sn vv arid Kains ffotafpad. by Fanni-rs ami SlocUmi'ti Ken Beth Lofaa of Itonrdiiian was visiting his friends around Cecil dur ing the Week end and noticed all of the latest Improvements which have Is i n made In this distric t since he left Cecil. Dick Logau of Four Mlje uccoaipniiicd hliri as fm as Heppner .1 unci Ion god started him on the night road for the hind id promise, Hoard man. Hhi panliig words as usual were, Oh Cecil, with all thy faults I love thee still. Hael Demi and da lighter of the Four Mile section weie cnlllng in Ce cil on Htindny. Mr. and Mrs. (I Fanahlera of Pen t'letoti arrived In Cecil on Monday nnd will spend some time with Mr. nnd Mrs. E. A. Kanshlers In Four Mile J. W. Dsborn of Falrvicw ranch was doing business in The Dulles on Wednesday and Thursday. 3, W. ex pect fo have several thousand acros cf wIiimiI III. on his vnrlous ranches In a short time. Farmers delighted with the late rslni and also the little -now which fell around Cecil to u oepih of about three Inches Thursday night (he 13th, Know only lasted u short time uud finished up with a I NS on tlnHr e .'y to WtM siiis-p is-iontii. : to James McLntlre of ock Creek ftul It. cbiinte of Jol n MonlllSa ami a b id ls'oiig iug to John Kelly nrrlvisl t Hut or f!y flat" and will fs-d fit r rr ibiys before leaing for lb npner. Mrs. Wei i im Com'.st of ! ulrview iiineb. speii" Wedio s lay and Thurs uar visiting hot 'rli-nds In Cell. WILLOWS NKWS Find Snow of Season Falls mi ( reek Fire Conquered at Kniiih home Building lliilrhcriiig I'lare First snow of the season fell on 'I htirsday night covering the ground to a depth of alsiut an Inch which all melted the following day. Mr. and Mrs. Zcnnctt lstan of Itoardiinin sS'iit Wednesday at the home of Mr. Logans brother M. V. Logan. .Mr nnd Mrs. Joe White came near lolng their home nsentlv. Fire start ed In a wmid box nenr n pnrtltlon and was discovered Jit In the nick of time to save the house. Their lils was ashsp In the room and Mrs White stepped out of the i-imim for a minute. She aw smoke coming out of the windows, rushing , H,e res cued the bsbv and called to the men folks and l hey managed to extinguish the blase with buckets of water. The walls and celling were slightly damag ed. It Is Ruppnaed a lighted match or cigarette carelessly tossed Into the box caused the fire. 'has. i Hennell of Helena. Mont aim arrived Saturday at the home of ids daughter Mrs. m. v. tofan ami will spend the winter with her. Mr. Bennett is an old pioneer of BaatSrc Oregon having passed hrii here In 1KIH and In 1K7I came back to reside on Willow Creek, In ISTtl be iMiughl cut a i by the mime of Holler on BlgW Mil- ii in I lived there for 22 years. Mr. Hennett Is getlng along In years but hi as spry as many much lea his age. He has mining Interests In Montanna and spenihi his summers In Hint seel Ion, Mrs. Karl Funis worth and chlld icti of BIhM Hiding aeci'mipiinlcd by her sister Mrs. Dell Ward of Hepvner spent a few day with their mother Mrs Jctiks of Monument recently, driv ing over nnd encountering a blizzard ti the way. 'aciir Limdell It busy erecting n building this week, for butchering purpoSM In complliitice with the pure fodd laws. Gordon Hall Is assisting him In the work. II ' Rills was an Arlington IiumIiichh visitor lpa week Incident ly Invest ing In his winter (applies, We notsd among oiher Utiflgl five barrels of flour which reminded us of Iho olden days when a years supplies were pur chased at one tins. Vancouver, B. C The arrest In San Francisco of Fred R. Anderson, prom inent Vancouver lawyer, on liquor charges, has routed British Columbia business men and lawyers to the fight ing pitch. They take the attitude that Anderson had gone south on legal business and that ho waa connected with Canadian liquor Intereata only lit a legal capacity. Anderson went to California to represent the steamer Quadra and her crew, held for rum running. Hu waa Indicted by a fed erul grand Jury. It was also decided at the meetings to demand that the Canadian govern menl withdraw from the liquor treaty with the (lulled States. It was do- lured thut If the government didn't take action at an early date the failure to do so would be made an laaue at tho coming election. San Franrlseo, Cal. The grand Jury, In returning the long Hat of In dictments, named Ituasell Whltelaw, a wealthy resident of Vancouver. B. 0.J F ft. Anderson, a prominent at lot SS from tho same city; the entire crew of the Quadra and a number of others. Anderson, who waa here In behalf of the Quadra and crew, was releused on bond, as wrro the mem bers of tho crow. The tndlctmenta followed a long In vestigation by the grand Jury lo the circumstances surrounding the depar ture from Canada of the steamer Quadra, seined by the United Statsa coast guard cutter Bhawnee with litiuor said to he valued at 1600,000 on board. FOB HALF Fine dressed white I'eklli docks for Thiiiiksglviug. Leave orders Si 0, H Warners. Thanksgiving Dance! UK, N I FIT KOYAI. NKKiHHOKS OF AMERICA Al iMUf' Halt GOOD MUSIC! GOOD TIME! TICKETS fl.10 Protect voMreelf against the uncer tainties of winter. We can assure you a gssl (Hisitlou lu your own county, that will pay you well. Write us at inrv. Nog ii r Corporation. 301 Couch Blftfs I'ortlaud. Oregon. DR. ALEXANDER REID Physlrian nnd Surgeon I MAT 1 1, 1. A - OREC.ON Newton Painless Dentists DR. H. A NEWTON, MO R. or. Main and Webb Sis. Pendleton DR. F. V. PRIME DENTISTRY Denial X-ray and Diagnosis IIER.MISTON. OREGON Hank Building Phones: Office 9.1, Residence 751 S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office In Court House IIEI'I'NER - - - OREGON A. H. SWITZER ATTORNEY AT LAW Arlington, Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW IIEI'I'NER, OREGON HERB GREEN Watchmaker and Jeweler Diamonds. Watches, Clocks, Silver ware Time Inspector O-W. R. R. N. Co. TM Main St. Pendleton, Oregon