The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, November 21, 1924, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    I 1 A
I i
Brief Resume of Happenings of
the Week Collected for
Our Readers.
In a Eugene hospUafJJffer'in ttmH ThtflOfflilVfr&fiMlYYOT
broken collar bone, broken ribs and
severe gashes about the body, the re
sult of an automobile smashuf) six
miles north of Junction City.
A number of officials and employes
of the Oregon state highway depart
ment left Salem by automobile last
week for San Francisco to attend the
annual convention of the American
George Huntington Currey, and
Olive M. Currey
Editors and Publishers
PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY , well they don't."
"Oftentimes peepul
who live in big cities
don't know their
next door neighbor
an' it's Just as
! Your Conversation
U, 1921, at the postofflce at Board "June," noted for roses, June
Entered as second-class matter Feb. t
Jasper N. Miller, 84, pioneer edu- Association of Highway Engineers.
Cator of Orppnn riifiH of tho Pno-ono What is hpliavari tn have haon tho
hospital after a brief illness. smallest real estate transaction of maD' 0re" Under act of Mar' 3' 1879 ;j buf an? J,uile brl(le
Steps have been taken to form a record in Wasco county was consum
r .
ane county chapter of the Reserve
ficers' association in Eugene.
yjirForest roads through the Deschutes
national forest are being dragged and
mated when Sheriff Chrisman sold at
public auction a lot at Shaniko to
John McHargue for 75 cents, cash.
News is news. Sometimes it is
pleasant news, sometimes it is sad j ,
news, sometimes it is only interesting, i '
The Pendleton round-up in 1925 will However news is news and it is the!'
smoothed down since the recent rains be conducted for four days instead of 1)oUcy of Ulis tQ pHnt he news
have softened the earth
The production of wheat in Uma
tilla county this year was approxi
mately 4,500,000 bushels, according to
warehouse receipt figures.
John M. Zuebanich, 48, a native of
Austria, committed suicide at the
eastern Oregon state hospital at Pen
dleton by hanging himself.
Isaac H. Rupnelin of Astoria, 43
years old, was almost instantly killed & Co
at westport while loading lumber on
the schooner Charles H. Cramp.
Cutting of lumber at the new Bo
hemia Lumber company's plant three
miles below Cottage Grove started last
week. About 60 men are employed.
three days as formerly, according toj.
impartially and fairly and as accur-
venlr or the once proud and
haughty "Junius" family who
owned many chariots and wen'
to the public baths with the best
of the Romans. Famous peon
nowadays have cigars and soaps
named after them. "June.''
"July" and "August" were the
compliments bestowed on the
"Junius" family while Julius
and Augustus Caesar each named
a month in their own honor.
Community Church Service
Every Sunday
Sunday School 10:30 a. in.
Church Service u :30 n. m.
Christian Endeavor 7:30 p. in.
action taken by the stockholders in at(1,y flg
aiiuuai meeting. ine aaies oi me T) , , - ,, , ,
e ; Rumor however, is seldom news. It
show will be September 16, 17, 18 and ..
18 not ii newspapers function to print
; what may he so or what should be so. j I H' I I I' I I I I I 1 III till l-hi"t"l"'l
baiem, on the percentage DUIt, other effective publicity agencies I
ranks first of the cities on the ra- s(Icn
cific coast in building construction
increase for the month of October.
This is shown in the national month
ly building Survey of S. W. Strauss
More than 300,000 pounds of pyrotol a pound in the spring.
as Dame Gossip and old man X
si an da 1 do their part but such things T
have no place in a newspaper.
It would pay anyone who criticises
a newspaper for "leaving out certain
so called "news" to first find out the
The sheep market in central Oregon f.K.(S in tne t.age,
has strengthened materially with ewes Whe a ncws' st0IT prilte,, tlu,
selling from $12 to $14 a head, stock- uuWl8her legalIv a8 weU ns moralIv
men of the Deschutes country report. resonslle for the effect of sut,h
It is predicted by central Oregon )uhijrntion.
sneepmen tnat wool win sen at. ouc
Of course there are times when the
id hodatol for blasting purposes have Arthur Pace 37. ot San Fran. . .,. .,.......... , J?Z.
een ordered during the past year by ci8C, wa8 klMJ in9tantlv wnen tne . " T""7 "
, . mere in piracy or run me in mis oici
I. TT ?
w .aimers or wasnington county. aut0 in wnicn ne WM ridingj drivell
Mrs. Henrietta Melhase, 70, of by J. F. Leer, also of San Francisco,
world without deliberately stirring up
Klamath Falls, was burned, perhaps went off the grade about half a mile
fatally when gasoline in which she north of Siskiyou mountain summit
was washing a woolen dress exploded, and crashed on the rocks beneath.
Preliminary steps toward the grad
ing and surfacing of a road from in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah
oquin to Beatty, a distance of 30 miles, and Montana, constituting the execu-
have been initiated by the Klamath tive committee of the Northwest Elec-
ccunty court. trie Light and Power association, met
Douglas Yocom, 16, son of Mr. and in Albany and discussed technical
Mrs. J. M. Yocom of Portland, died problems. They were guests of tbe
at Wasco from wounds resulting from Mountain States Power company.
A newspaper should exercise an in
fluence for good in the community
life, yet it does not exist for the our-
Uepresentatives of power companies posp of ,)eing (he moru, of h
So many people seem to delight in
getting even with someone and are so
predjudiced in self esteem as to over
look the beam in their own eye, that
a newspaper must continually dissa-
point such people. They think they II but in every nation he that fear
gun The Oregon apple crop has been a enpp wnpn )n realUv thev I eth Him, and worketh right- I
nimrinor itlt wtill rQ l-t i ntlt fi l-l V fl-nTYl h C T" . . , ...... -Vt
the accidental discharge of a
while hunting. moving out well, particularly from the
The official count of the Medford Hood River district, though shipments
city election confirmed the unofficial have slowed down somewhat in the
count in the close city treasurer con- past few days. Total shipments from
test, which whk wnn hv Miaa T.innin the state un to the first of this month
Hanscom by 31 votes. were 2809 cars, or only 177 cars less hp 0reUve "f KHMthing good. It is
Alexander Baillie, 82, a well-known tnan ln tlie same Period last year-
resident of Clackamas station, died Complete unofficial returns from
at the Oregon City hospital from in- every precinct in every county in the
ternal injuries causjii lrom being state disclose that the only neck-and-
struck by an automoftile. neck race among the major candidates
A total of $39,053.28 was expended in Oregon during tho recent election
by C. C. Chapman in behalf of the
repeal of the state income tax law,
according to the report filed by him
with Secretary of State Kozer.
jowaer to kooiu-
should give thanks that the newspaper
has mercy upon them.
The basis of the newspaper is news.
Xews of the first rank is or should
our aim to serve, to create coopera
tion, to build up the community. If
you will cooperate with the rest of
us along these lines you will be the
heni'fh iary as well as benefactor.
We too love our friends and hate
has ended with Senator La Follette u"
549 votes in the lead over J. W. Davis kllow- 11 ' a human trait inherited
for second choice for the presidency. fr"m "'e barbaric days of mammouths
glaciers. But civilization has
There was one fatality due to in-
Tlig wovefrlDer
Bible Thoughts for
the Week
1 I PrO I
All are Welcome
REV. 15. S. HUGHES, Pastor.
For borgai&s in Second Hand Goods,
utuer in Hermiston. Oct 2tf
t Be Not Deceived; God is not
mocKeo : tor whatsoever a man
"J soweth, that shall he also reap.
For he that soweth to his llcsh
"! shall of the flesh reap eorrup-
tlonj but he that soweth to the
I Spirit shall of the Spirit reap I
T life everlasting. And let us not t
I be weary in well doing; for ln
f due season we shall reap, if we T
faint not-Gal. 6:7-9.
T When Thou Passest through
X the waters, I will be with thee;
JJ and through the rivers, they "
shall not overflow thee; when
j thou wnlkest through the lire JJ
thou shalt not he burned ; nel- . .
I ther shall the flame kindle upon T
thee. Isa. 43:2.
T Of a Truth 1 perceive that T
God is no respecter of persons :
I Sell-Insurance
J. C. Ballenarer
Umatilla Pharmacy
W. E. Smith. Prop.
' Mail Orders Given
Special Attention
ihihhi inn mtttmwmimum
206 E, Court Street
Eat and Drink
At The
H New French Cafe
I. McKNEELY, I'rop.
I eousness, is accepted with Uim. T
Acts 10:34, 35.
Thus Saith the Lord that cre
ated thee, O Jacob, anil he that
formed thee, () Israel. Fear not:
for I have redeemed thee, I
have called thee by thy name;
thou art Mine. Isa. 43:1.
Behold at Eveningtide trouble;
und before the morning lie Is
not. This is tho portion of JJ
I hem that spoil us, and the lot
of lb. em that rob us. Isa. 17:14.
Pendleton, Oregon
(Only the Rent Foods Served)
Furnished Rooms over Cafe
Quick Service Lunch Counter
In Connection With
Dining Koom
tun ii ii ii i umnRttwittMiuuuMuumw
Electrical Fixtures and
A I! T O R K I A I R I N G
At your Home
All Work Guaranteed
Telephone ("all Weston's
Fresh Christmas Candies
We Are Now Displaying a Large and Choice
Assortment of
"w"" r"r ine tn . rPDort orenared bv the state 1 " strangers about us
son, Nev., two carloads to Monterey, lnS to a report preparea ny ine siaie "
CU and one carload to Corvallis for industrial accident commission. The.'"'" to tbe numbers of the
victim was Matt McKie, assistant , c ma iove.
use in the United States cavalry.
Consolidation of the world war vet
erans' state aid commission and the
state land department will be under
taken at the next session of the leg
islature, it was announced at Salem.
W. R. Neel, state highway engineer
of Georgia, accompanied by a num
ber of other state highway officials
from the east, spent two days last
powder man, of St. Helens. A total j
of 523 accidents was reported during :n Never be Forgotten
the week. Herman Rothschild is dead. Many of
ArtrtiHnn nf -1 cement nonds at 1 ur coders probably have never heard
the hatchery of the state fish com
mission at Bonneville will bring the
capacity up to 10,500,000 fish, and
make it one of the two largest hatch-
of Herman Rothschild, but I good
many years ago he represented Union
County in the Legislature, as the sole
Democratic member of the lower house
Lord for His goodness, and tor J
His wonderful works tQ the Cbll- 4
dren of men. I'm. 107:21.
De Sure mi s.n Will Kind 4
You OM. Num. 82 ;88.
I .f.iT-ilnT .fr.T....f..I. ' .r..T.. "' .Ti-T. --J
Tllll TTHITi TT i t i n l TT'ITV
eries In the world, according to Hugh A German Jew, who was elected on a j
C Mitchell, state superintendent of democratic ticket. He won then and
week inspecting the highways of this "" ' , ' ,, . , . ... ...
hatcheries. Work on the new ponds all thru life by his keen sense of lm
"IC. . . . . , i II .. T,..., I'll L
nas oeen siariea. iirnmin iiooscnim nas ox-en
The Week Ender
Utan of Men, University of
. .aii,tsW
Latourell Auto Company
The Best is none too (Jood -
$ Try Our Sherwin-Williams Paints
Eng'eWaf , u' TstTgisla.uro to investigate and re- Wder for over forty years. They ! aMng excM Cor his absence. 11, T dTUl YdmiMU'ft. I
none better
the state of Minnesota Bpent some
time at Salem last week conferring
with officials of the state highway de
partment. Johnny Gruelle, famous author of
children's books and originator of
"Ragged Ann" dolls and books, is
dangerously ill in an Ashland sani
tarium, following a recent appendicitis
port on the status of Irrigation in this wl" m'ss the warm fire in his store, : had been home over the week end nod j
state has completed its duties and toe warm welcome, the warmer argu- he said he got back late, but bad
a statement is now being drafted foriments. Many who have been awed missed nothing Important, of course.
the consideration of the lawmakers jhy his gruffness will be inspired byjIIe (ouUI 'i,ke "'' "'' ,',lt,ill ,f I
when they convene in Salem next Jan- his memory. ""'J' e boss would be reasonable
ur iiiiu linn n iiiii im,.t in." i w
uary. The report covers 43 active We are glad to hear reportH of snow
admitted, yawning wearily as he told
nd there had beeo soroethinf doing
until he started hack, so, of course.
The Country Newspaper todav is ',,'ere wos n" ""le f"r an
1 II.. a- ( , . . . t i,l i.vixiHif In (i (Tit, .(I
in; rin i mi i ii" i rAui in mvrH
irrigation districts in the state. already being piled up In the hills of .w it. bmt i iA. iur, m,,,
Or. R B. Lee Reiner, superintend-
ent of the Oregon state hospital, has 111 "p ln the hills nnd that the rose a little buck work, but -well, there
left for Manila P I. accomDanied by '""ls nn(' chrj'santhemunjs are utill had been a dance, and n dinner party,
For the second time within a week tnree pnipino patients who had been blooming in Boardman while the grain "nd he had slept until noon Sunday
me power une irom renuieion wnico or(jere(i deported to their former JS "reaKing turn in tlie IlelUs.
serves Pilot Rock was put out of com- nome8 Mrs. steiner accompanied her 1
mission Thursday when wild geese husband to the Philippine islands,
flew against the line and caused a whfire Bne wjl, vigit ner daughter, j ndmltted the strongest Influence for ' humor t)t,rllse ! unreasonably could
short circuit. Dr and Mrs Steiner will return toK'! in America. It's freedom Is n()t ge't h,H Ii(llnt (f vl(,w
It was annoimced at Salem that a Salem shortly after the first of the "'" on uie law or averages, for jt jg a growing custom, this spend
bill would be introduced in the leg- year. some 10,000 independent minds are at ng the week-end at home or out of
islature at Its next session provid- Portiand will figure In the trial ot "IP '"'lms of ,1,e '"""'ry press. town, but It plays havoc with a man s
ing that all peace officers, on saiary, Cnarlpg R Forbes, former director of I ",rk- ; "owever, adequat.
shall come under the workmen's com- national veterang. bureau, ln the We recommend that the State and tt, tto pt, the
"en8ation law- federal court in Chicago. United Te ! SS 5. Uklng down o.
Funds with which to establish per- states Marshal Clarence R. Hotchklss ln PIBI the goose reserve if they KT9mu for wl,t(.r r putMng
manent airplane fire patrol in Oregon received an order from Federal Judge fpect to get many more violators of up ,n ,ng nprlMK gt-ttlng the teeth
forests will "be sought at the Decrm- George A. Carpenter of the northern ""' liniit lawg- filled or pulled, or tbe tonsils ln or
ber session of congress, it was an- minois district court to have P. J. out. There Is always the emotional
nounced by Colonel Greeley, chief of nwyer auditor of the Hotel Portland, Arlington has made many friend" pull of the sweetheart. One would
the forest service. produce all day books, cash books, I this fall by maintaining open house at be cruel Indeed to Object to a mans
On account of the inclement weather journals and like papers showing sums the auto camp ground long after many JJ "J" go, thlnJ
the last two or three weeks the work paid by Forbes and members of his other municipal auto parks have been f(jf a gon (() , )o hom(, ,v(.k
"Are you going to the Mlchlgsn
game?" I asked another. "No," whs
his reply. "I'd like to, tremendously,
hut a trip like that UpeetS me for two
days and leaves me a mentid Junk
heap for a week after I get hack. I
ran't afford It. I rested this iifter-
noon for two hours and lion got up
We Have a Complete Line of-
Cedar Flume Stock
Building Materials
Builder's Hardware
Cement, Lime, Posts
Wood & Coal
. 1 A I -.1 3 11
on the new highway betwee. Niagara party when they stayed mere irom ammmm i"r ine wa.n.
and Halls 'being done by the United July 1 to July 31, 1922.
States Fidelity & Guarantee company The proposed mass meeting of the Whal ot an Infant
has been discontinued. Harding Memorial association which Ac(.oraing to Mr. Henry Nesblt. an
Thomas Cornelius, for the last two when formed will be a non-profitable American authority, the whsle Is s
years in charge of the Oregon state body, functioning to build and main- mammal, and the female bears one
penitentiary farm at Salem, has re- tain a Harding memorial park at tbe whale calf a year. TJntll the young
signed hia nrmitlnii tn herome ef- nn of Rlue mountains near Meacham, fish Is six months old It is nursed by
t i i..-.- 1 ui. .oc0f,r hoon held at Milton. Decern- 'he mother Just ss sny land baby of m hni. .n.i.
has not yet been appointed. ber 20. has been indefinitely postpon- mammal type Is. A mother whsle Thp wp(;k.,,n,r ,ls,v no, A
Boardman, - Oregon
The Highway Inn
0. H. Warner, Proprietor
Boardman, Oregon
At the next geaaral or special elec- ed, according to Bruce Dennis, tem-
tion in Doujlas county 1 tHe county porary secretary. I he meeting, wnicn
court will submit a proposal to vote would have resulted in permanent or
a 3-mlll levy to construct a new court- ganization of the association, was post
house. The levy will raise H20.000. poned because it was discovered that
hss been seen to swim through th- !. M we, , bla work, end MX much
wafer w
Ith ltj
oung crsdled in Its
Better to Believe
km In tho HaMla at tit arrHu it yiw,,
which, with $70,000 now in the fund, special state ana ieuensi ic6'-" . ,inlPr and more reverent to belle.
will be suflioient cr the buiWing. were necessary first.
than to know. Tacitus.
Interested In It. The explanation Is
simple. He has a double Interest and
does Justice to neither of them His
week-ends give him pb-asure, hut he
comes back to his duties tired, unin
terested and bored.
it), 1924, Western Newspaper Uoloa.)
Wholesome Home Cooking