The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, November 21, 1924, Image 1

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International Control of Habit
Forming Drugs Is Object
of Meeting.
Judge Jacob H. Strahl
Geneva. In the presence of the of
ficlal American delegation headed by
Representative Stephen 0. Porter of
Pennsylvania, the fourth International
conference for International control
of the traffic in habit forming nar
cotic drugs opened Monday in the
League of Nations palace. The con
ference was presided over by Herluf
Zahle, Danish minister to Berlin, and
loading Danish delegate to the League
of Nations assembly.
The object of the conference is to
obtain an agreement for limitation of
the exportation and importation of
narcotics to me '.ical and scientific
An American offensive launched at
the very start appears to have Im
pressed the delegates to the confer
ence that the United States is de
termined to do everything humanly
possible to bring about results from
an international gathering which has
been convoked to strike another ef
fective blow at opium and narcotic
A bitter dispute between delegates
of Japan and England at a different
conference one for suppression of
opium smoking in the Far East near
ly disrupted the latter parley Sun
day and serious fears were enter
tained that Its effects might be noted
at the new conference.
East Sunday the Boardman Gun
Club, held a very successful Turkey
shoot at their trap across the railroad
yards from town. Representative
from Irrigon, Umatilla, Heppner, Ar;
lington and other places nearby were
present and enjoyed the diversions
and free lunch. Sixty five turkeys
were disposed of in the shoot.
Seven men with as many teams and
equipment started on Monday the
work to grade and gravel the County
road west of the Weston ranch. This
Is a good move on the part of Super- i
visor Jenkins as the road was rough!
and sandy and had a good deal of
use being on both the rural route and
the line followed by the school bus.
SsJ' of the Red
Corn" Big Success
Des Moines, la Ballots thrown out
by election juiges in numerous Iowa
counties and estimated to number
thousands may decide who shall be
Iowa's junior senator Smith W.
Brookhart or Daniel F. Steck.
These ballots, missing from the of
ficial tabulations will form the basis
of a contest of the recent senatorial
Steck will institute the contest, he
said, to demand definitely the will of
the Iowa voters rather than for the
purpose of obtaining the senate seat
for himself.
The total vote as shown by the com
plete county canvasses was Brookhart
447,711, Steck 446,961.
Board man Locals and Personals
Mrs. Forest Wolluui and small dough I Pete Farley, one of Morrow Coun
ter of Bend arrived Saturday for a . tys' sheepmen was a business visitor
visit with her sister Mrs. Bailey.
Messrs Messenger & Truman unlaod-
H ed a car of lumber the first part Qfftweck on business
Judge Jacob EL Strahl of the Amer
ican Palestine line, Inc., heads a syn
dicate of American Jews who pur
chased the S. S. President Arthur from
the Emergency Fleet corporation. The
ship was bought for the purpose of
arranging pilgrimages to the Holy
Land. The President Arthur was for
merly the enemy ship Frlncess Ma
tolka. The purchase price Is said to
be Iff'AOOO and added thousands will
be spent to give the ship comfortable
cabin accommodations throughout.
Washington, D. C. Immediate re
peal of the law permitting publica
tion of income tax returns and estab
lishment of a tax commission to sim
plify tax regulations was urged by
the Chamber of Commerce of the
United States in a statement outlining
its position on national economic ques
tions presented to President Coolidge.
The chamber also asked for exten
sion of the budget system, a continua
tion of the principles embodied in the
railroad labor board, establishment of
an immigration commission to recom
mend and administer legislation and
the development i waterways.
Publication of income tax returns,
the statement declared, "violates the
good faith which the government owes
to its citizens to protect them in their
private affairs."
The Howell-Barkley bill, proposing
abolition of the railroad labor board,
was assailed as a "long step backward."
the week for W. A. Murehie Lumber
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ellis left Tuesday
for Taeoma, Washington whew they
will visit for some time.
M. J. Deweese and family were Ar
lington visitors Sunday.
Mr. Porter came up from Portland
Friday and returned Tuesday. Mr.
Porter had the good luck to get his car
hack that was stolen some time ago.
Frank Cramer and Jay Cox were
home over Sunday.
0. G. Blayden made a trip to Stan
field Tuesday after receiving a tele
phono call from the sheriff there, tell
ing him he thot he had Mrs. Blayden's
Ford wheel that was stolen last sum
mer, but it wus a wheel off some other
Ford and Mr. Blnyden was somewhat
The Government will no, take
further action on bids advertised for
the last of last month for carrying the
mall from post office to depot.
Mis. J. O. Russell is on the sick list
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Blayden and Mr. and
Mrs. Gorham drove to Hermlston Mon
day evening to see "The Covered Wag
on." C. H. Latourell was in Boardman
Sunday and Monday looking about his
interests and Ineidently hunting geese.
Jn Boardman and vicinity Saturday.
T. E. Hendricks is In Portland this
The Misses Edna and Ethel Broyles
pave moved, into the Chas. Goodwin
souse In town, so that they may de
voir more of their time to the interesl
fit the Cash Mercantile company.
Mrs. Stevens, who was housekeeper
for Kobert Mitchell last spring, has
returned and again taken up her du-
'lles on the Mitchell farm.
Pete Slavln one of the large sheep
men of the county, arrived Sunday to
spend the winter here.
Eugene Cummins was stricken Mon
thly with a severe case of appendicitis
and hurriedly taken to the hospital
fit Pendleton. Early Tuesday morning
he was operated upon and at last re
ports was steadily Improving.
Mr. Porter of the Porter and Conloy
ranch, left Tuesday for an indefinite
stop In Portland.
Delbert Carpenter arrived Sunday
with an uncle from Kansas to take up
the interests of the late L. H. Cnrp"nt
it. They drove thru In a car in six
Tom Brndy has traded his Coyote
Springs ranch, for several hundred a
i res between Rock Creek and John
Day river.
Alex Wilson returned the fore part
of the week, from Portland where he
enjoyed the Livestock show.
Mrs. Glen Carpenter Is quite HI at
Just before Christmas the annual
new crops of negligees make their ap-
On Friday night, November the 14,
"the Boardman high school and grnm
.ncr grade girls presented an operetta
i"The Feast of the Bed Corn". This
was an Indian portrayal built around
tire legendary good fortune of finding
i the red ear of corn.
In preparation for the great feast,
1 the old witch calls upon the Four
'Winds to appear and grant the wish
I I he one who proves to be so lucky
us to find t lie red ear of corn. Soiue-
lliing Is amiss because the Four Winds
do not respond, so all know there is
- ie cue of them who has done wrong.
Knmedtately, the blame is laid upon
liipee Light, the mlselievious one. Af
ler the canoe ride, when little Fudge--,
drowned. It was found that lmpee
pearance In the shops. They are of -Eight had, In reality, brought the
many kinds, ranging all the way from three safely ashore. Because of Ibis
me uuie DreiiKInst jucKer, preuy, uriei gYMl ((MM, ,,,,.,. WHS ,,,, f(. tl(,
and frivolous, to rather gorgeous af
fairs of satin or velvet In long negli
gees. With them appear boudoir and
breakfast caps these are belongings
that make an enticing appeal as
Christmas gifts.
Four Winds to answer I heir plea. The
isVoud appeal was made and for
fhne was with the Indians, the )ueen
being the lucky one to find the red
tmX of corn, This gave her the op-
A light and silky cotton corduroy, fortunlty lo wish that she might see
In many rich and cheerful colors, has
proven Itself to be about the best
medium for negligees that are at once
practical and handsome. They are 'tit
on graceful lines, and the easiest
things to slip on In the morning. One
of them. In henna-colored corduroy,,j Opening Chorus, Dead Leves Among
snown nere. sometimes a lining to
match, of mercerized and silky-looking
cotton materlnl, la used, but as often
they are unllned.
lie vision ef her King and know be
was alive, her wish was granted, and
all gave praise lo the red ear of corn.
The program was as follows;
overture, Instrumental
E. W. Peck wus a Boardman caller n Portland hospital, where she re-
Sunday. Mr. Peck owns part Interest
in the Boaniman Oarage.
M. A. Cleveland was In town Mon
day on business.
ntly underweut a serious operation.
The planting of JtafnY"and orha
mental trees along the upper Columbia
Highway was started this week, by
F. W. Swayze, banker of Hermlston t mea working under direction of S. H.
Although tli' Eng-'
llsh are supposed to
fbe th' tea .drinkers
of th' world, yet ii
cnln't be denied thel
t's had a hull lot to do with our na
lonal life. Remember thV Bosiou
a party an' Teupoi Dome.
Asks Protection Against Idaho, Ore
gon and Washington Spuds.
Sacramento, Cal. Urgent requests
that the state adopt quarantine regu
lations against shipments into Cali
fornia of potatoes from Washington,
Oregon, Idaho, and other states where
the Colorado potato beetle is report
ed to exist, were made to the state
department of agriculture at a con
ference attended by potato growers
of the Sacramento and San Joaquin
river delta districts.
State and federal officials have
taken the request under advisement
and will make a complete investiga
tion of the situation, it was announc
ed by Agricultural Director George H.
Roy Bank Robber Sentenced.
icoma, Wash. George l hompson
ired a plea of guilty to the rob
ot the bank at Roy, Wash.,
ember 3, and was sentenced to a
of 10 to 25 years In the state
pejtUentiary at Walla Walla. Thomp
SOh fras captured at Enumclaw, Wash..
UfM days after the robbery and $1217
t (Je bank loot was found on his
Suit to Save Big Battleship is Lost.
I Washington, D. C. The application
Of William R. Shearer of New York,
(or an injunction restraining Seen
tary Wilbur from using the uncom
pleted battleship Washington as a
target was dismissed in District of
Columbia supreme court.
The foreign policy of the Mussolini
government was sustained in the
chamber of deputies by a vote of
315 to G.
The Zeppolln ZR-3 will be brought
to Boiling field, near Washington, to
be christened the "Los Angeles" by
Mrs. Coolidge.
President Coolidge issued a proclam
ation designating the period from
November 17 to November 23 as
American Education week.
Eleven aged residents of the Benov
olent Protective Order of Elks' Na
tional Home at Bedford, Va., died from
the effects of poisoned cider.
The United States has a 1671,740,
000 favorable balance of trade In the
10 months ending November 1, the
department of commerce announced.
John W. Davis, recent democratic
nominee for president, has announc
ed he has resumed the practice of law
in New York City with his former
President Coolidge has no intention
at this time of calling an extra ses
sion of the new congress after March
4, a spokesman for the president de
clared at the White House.
Secretary Work has authorized the
sale at public auction on December 16
of 10 blocks of land in the townsite
of Heyburn, Idaho, located within the
Minidoka reclamation project.
was renewing acquaintances on the
project Thursday.
The well driller, S. L. Beck has
moved his outfit to the Frank Otto
la no and will begin drilling this week.
F. H. Edwards of Ridgefield Wash
Inton Is on the project this week, look
ing after his alfalfa hay.
A. Kelly is having a full sized con
crete basement put In under his house.
W. H. Mefford is doing the work.
Saturday November 22, a Turkey
Shoot is scheduled al the Robert Wil
son place. The hills as printed by the
publishers of The Mirror, advertise
corn fed gobblers fat and juicy.
Aid Enjoys Social Hours
The members of the Boardmiiu La
dies Aid. met fin Wednesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. F. F. Klitz. After
a social lime a tasty luncheon was
served and Immediately following Mrs
Klitz was presented with an Indian
blanket, Which was the gift of several
of her friends of the community. The
coming bazaar was the main topic of
conversation during the afternoon. It
was with regret that the time ap
proached for adjournment.
Boardman. The trees are lieing plain
ed at The Dalles and as far east as
possible along the road before the cold
weather set in.
O. M. Morgnn arrived Wednesday
from Portland for a short visit with
his twin brother, M. L. Morgan.
Hector WieklandeA was taken to
Heppner on Tuesday for medical at
tentlon for a very severe infected
Will Hold Bazaar
The Ladies Aid will give their an
una I bazaar on Friday Dccemlior nth,
in the church. A program will be given
in the evening and a general good
, I mo enjoyed. Everyone is Invited.
r Mr.
Wearing Apparel.
A man may take an early fling;
And yet, as a campaigner, fall.
Although hla hat la In the ring;.
His ahoea may never hit the trait
Where Silence Wsa Beat.
Well-Meaning Stranger Pertiaps I
con help you there are one or two
things I can tell you about your make
of car.
Motorist Well, keep them to your
self, there are ladles present. London
Turkey for Everybody
Jap pual Nationality Code Abolished.
Tpkio. An imperial ordinance was
published directing enforcement, be
ginning December 1, of a law abolish
ing dual nationality of Japanese born
in the United States. Argentina, Brazil,
Canada, Chile and Peru.
Union, Or., Man Slain in Home.
Union, Or. William Wiglesworth,
60, respected pioneer of this vicinity,
was shot and killed in his home here
Sunday night by an unidentified per
son. A coroner's Jury failed to fix
blame for the killing. Newton Gam
ble, an aged neighbor, was under ar
rest but popular opinion does not sup
port the officers' theory that he was
Intelligence of Pig
Doubtless the ugliness of pigs and
the ngly noises they make have earned
them their bid name, but actually their
Intelligence stands on a level with that
of a horse.
Graves in France Will be Marked.
Washington, D. C. The battle
monuments commission, headed by
General Pershing, has decided inform
ally that the graves of American war
dead in France will be marked for
all time with white stone crosses In
patterns similar to the wooden mark
ers that have stood over the graves
since the war.
Work of Beautifying Road Willi Trees
Begun Planting East From The
Dalies Itoardmun Supervisor
Sam Boardman, of Boardman, fath
er of the tree planting movement In
Raatern Oregon, bus sinned planting
Ailanthiis trees between The Dalles
mid Pendleton. Ti e v rl began the
first of the week jusi east of Seuferts'
cannery, according to The Dalles
Chronicle, and as many as possible
win be planted before the weather
slops operations.
Barren rocky land along the
lumbia River highway easl of The
es for a considerable distance Is
for the growth of trees and undc
Doarduian's supervision several
were spent digging holes for the plantings-
The trees wees cultivated in a
private misery dining Hie growing sea
son. This tree according to Webster, is
"a Binnll genus of sIuiar.'iliaccMis tree
if East India and China, having i dd
pinnate leaves.'' etc, ami which It is
believed will he adaptable to the ell
unite ef this pnrt of the country it
wus chosen for iis apparent ability to
absorb moisture from the air, as it
teems to thrive better than any other
tree in barren districts, such us these
through Which a section of the Col
umbia Highway pusses, iii appearance
the Ailanthiis is similar to a nut In,
The AliantbUS gives color to Its bark
us well as leaves and In (he fall of
the year the leaves turn a deep green
and red
Mr. Boardman through the schools
and other organisations of Eastern
Oregon, has enconcaged tree plant
ing and bus fostered much tree plant
itig this year In bis own coram Ulty, In
Sherman County and near Arlington.
Aldrh b
Legion to Seek Funde for Orphans.
Indianapolis, Ind. A nation wide
campaign to raise an endowment fund
of $5,000,00(k to care for orphaned rhil
lren of world war veterans and help
less disabled ez aei1 tries men is abott
to be launched by the ASBeriotM
Legion, It was nnnoum ( here at na
'lonal headquarters of that organisation.
The Corn, Chorus
Somebody's Been up to Something,
old Squaw and ('horns.
She's a tegular Indian, Chorus
Burn Her at the Stake, Chorus.
Star of the Farthest North, Queen
iWhal did lmpee Light Do? Fud
gee, Pudgee and Wudgoo.
I've Inherited a most Peculiar Peeling
lmpee Light
(Jhosl Dance, (Ghosts of Dead Trees)
Sleep Seng, Queen and Chorus
Act Two
Tale of Three Little Bears, ImiH'e
Light and ('bonis.
snog Bong, Queen and Chorus.
Entrance or Old Sipuiw, Instrumental
!''lig of Sorrow, Old Hipuiu
Ounce of blaming Arrows, Instru
Bong of Sorrow Ononis
Funeral March Instrumental
Vas there ever Anybody Chorus
Somebody's Hern up to Something,
Pudgee, Pudgee, Wudgee ,v 'horns
'trcantaUon hi Hkjuaw & chorus
Finale 0 Little Bed Ear, Prin
cipals and Chorus
Cast of Characters
Queen Alice
Chief Brma
'id Bqnaa Mildred Duncan
InilM'e Light Marie Mcselig'T
I'Udgee Jessie Klages
Pudgee Iris Gllbreth
Wudgee Margaret Smith
Ghost Dance, violet Gllbretb, Wanda
Gllbreth, Gladys Wilson, Lillian Brice,
' n:i Rhelnhart, liable Brown, Kath
arine Brown
Arrow Dance. Barbara HiXSOUi Helen
Chaffee, Rachel Johnson Thelma Beck
Thyrs Beck and Mildred Messenger.
Sopranos Lillian Brice, Gladys Wilson,
Helen Boardman, Thelma Peek. Bdna
Ithelnbardt, Nellie and Mildred Mess
nger, and Mil hie Brown.
Altos, Violet ami Wanda (illbrelh, Ba
rbel Johnson, Helen Chaffee, Thyra
end Mildred Beck, Blather and Blanche
1 'iiiis and Sophia Mefford.
Tile solo parts were especially pleas
ing to the audience, and showed thill
much time and thought had been ex-
' nded upon their character por
rsyiiS, The old witches' part, lakeli
1 y Mildred Duncan was pniis.-d by
vcryotio, while I tnM-i Li, -Id Matie
Messenger, tin- iiiiscbevioiis one, ad-
Vd life mid fun to every scene. The
Queen, played by Alice Ahlrlch, snn
three beautiful solos and her voice
mid lovely costume were delightful.
The tWO dunces, one the dance of
the Ghosts of Dead Trees, and the
oilier, the flaming Arrow Dance, IVpre
moat beautiful and colorful Interpre
tations. The girls worked hard to
iiinke their operetta a success ami n
was one. We appreciate Mrs. Bus
sels untiring work with the girls and
we extend to her mid Miss Ahlrlch
our praise and thanks for their will
Ing work mid help. Since the net pro-
reeds from the entertainment was to
pay llic football deficit, we were es
poclalty gbul lo have such a good nl-tendeiice.
Why Wood Fire CrachUa
In wood thre :irc great many
small holes er -cll. Home of these
have a little moisture In them. When
the wood gets hot this molaturc turns
to steam and bursts the cells. TMi
make a noise like a small explosion
and s great many such n Ises togethei
make the crackle of the Hre.
Originated Popular Phratm
The phrase "Swinging around the
circle" was first applied by Andrew
Johnson to his trip to Chtcsgo In 186fl
to lay the corner atone of the monu
ment to Stephen A. Douglas. He went
weat and mode political speeches In all
the large cities.