I AGl 2 THE BOARDMAN MIRKOK FRIDAY OCTOBER 31, 1924 PORTLAND, SfiO.OOO In Premtnma Nov. 1- AMERICA'S LIVE STOCK CLASSIC In the (rri'Ht new Execution Pnhice and Amnhithentrp. the Purlflr Interna tionnl Live Stock Exnoition will he bigger and better than ever, featuring the largest rombined exhibit of pore bred livestock under one roof in America. Beef and Dairy Cattle, Ilorees, Swine. Sheep. Goata: also Poultry Show, Land and Industrial Products, and World'B Greatest Night Horao Show. BKDUCED FARES ON ALL RAILROADS TheBoardmanMirror OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST WILLOWS NEWS CECIL NEWS BOARDMAN, OREGON Finishes Baling of Hay Crop Barn ! Farmers Rush Work Before the Cold George Huntington Currey, and Olive M. Curroy Editors and Publishers Fire Might Have Been Caused By Cigarettes Visit Farm PUBLISHED EVERY Fit I DAY $8.00 PER YEAR IX ADVANCE Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. tittered us second-class matter Feb 11, 1921. nt (lie postofflce at Board- man, Ore., under act of Mar. Native copper of paying qualities 1870. has been found in the North Santiam - mining district. No Hunting or Trespassing" Signs Till: ARLINGTON I ;i 1,1,1 TIN Window r . -Prosperity Stale Ticket Essential To The tall term of the Oregon supreme End Pierce Regime of Ruin court for eastern Oregon opened at In regard to the state ticket there is p('ndleton Monday, more than partisanship or sectional vc'r 30 delegates registered at interests Involved. H is our opinion Oregon State Parent-Teacher con that the greatest calamity that has ev- vention at Corvallis. er befallen the state of Oregon is the The power line of the Pacific Power Pierce administration. In the name of & Light company between Pendleton the people this demogogue is stiiving and Pilot Rock has been completed, to build a political ring that thirsts The asse8Sed varuation of all prop tor power, prlvilldge and extravagance, erty in Marion county for the year Itte Democratic State ticket is compos- mA is 138,425,810, against $37,962,330 (d largely (if Pierce supporters and loot vr ive Pierce a die When youmake it a habit to pass a part of your earn in,'--; through the Receiving window of this hank each paj day you are looking through the Window (if Prosperity. Almosl withoul exception the groat fortunes of torjay h:v their foundation in small sums saved in this mi nner, and there is no reason in the world wh; you should not start the same way. ;Jieir election would tutors control of the various boards governing the business of the state Tf Oregon -is t.i escape another two years of demogogery in the nnme of Democ racy Pierce fnusl lie put in a place where lie is forced to listen t reason Instead of buncoing the public, Therefore we urge the election of Thos, I'.. Kfly for State Treasurer. Sum A. Kozer for Secretary of State. I. If. 'nn Winkle for Attorney General, I II. II. Corey for I'uhlic Service Commissioner, I lie oppcrrl 'nil it s plentiful Uian 6v r Saving, In become wealthy today are more befon , but you must make a start by ARLINGTON NATIONAL BANK Carry on anil rain some more. nflbfcXhZ :.f,V' III iii i mil tst. i, i, s. ii nTWtnjft.riwiiiiiiij .hmjumjmu.iwjiu Plans are in progress for an elab orate reunion of veterans of the 18th Railway Kngineers to be held in Port land Armistice night, November 11. The potato was king at the third fair that Umatilla county has had this year when the annual Umatilla county Potato show was held Friday at Weston. James Monroe Philpott, pioneer of 1851 and member of the Oregon leg islature, died at his home near Harris burg at the age of 76 years and 6 months. Cash in the amount of approximate ly $1500 has been turned over by the A few loofahs ago a farmer we know K&ppy Canyon association as rental Uoid off all his chickens because they ma,ie by the nient show o the Round- . ... nn It. 1 QOA Ai re nor worth feeding, mid now $1.00 1 per dozen eggs are in sight. In the Residents of Scio at a special elec-, oast tew .vein's sheep, dairy cows, po- tion voted to sell the municipal elec ta toes, apples, wheat and many other ric Power plant to the Mountain products have hit bottom and prOdac- States Power company for $42,500. is with panicky nerves have sold out Tne vote was. 124 to 3. only to regret their foolishness a little Novmber 20, 21 and 22 have been while later. There are two proverbs , set as the dates for the Marion-Polk that perhaps Rave a bearing, "Drop a county corn show. The show will be hot platter before it hums" and on the staged under the direction of the other hand "Bat your porridge before Salem chamber of commerce. " Oregon had 120 automobile fatali ties in 1923 as against 113 in 1922, 103 Rain! Rain! and In a country where in 1921 and 87 in 1920. Portland had Noah's promise was almost forgotten 39 fatalities in 1923 as compared with they are praying that Old Jupiter do 40 in 1922, 38 in 1921 and 34 in 1920. Ins durndesl and drown 'em out if he Forest White finished baling his sur plus hay last Thursday morning. Mr. Chandler of Cecil did the work with Miis outfit. The barn on the J. D, Brown place which burned last week Was burned about 2 a. m. and is supposed to have been set afire by someone who had taken shelter there for the night. A quantity of ready made cigarettes were found near there. Maurice Sharrard returned from a trip to Wenatehee Washington where he 1ms been helping his brother Ar thur in harvesting his apple crop the past 5 or li weeks. Mr. and Mrs.. Hugh Van Sehotack an children of Umatilla were visiting the hitters father, John Peterson over Sunday. Pete White of Portland spent a day or two at his ranch last week. Peterson, sons of it home on a visit Days Come Government Trapper to Canyon City for Duties John and Ai John Peterson are with their father. Jiiumic Hamblen of Arlington ware bidden Willow Friday grades i eacher and and Roy Kintzley investigating the the mysteries of ea ve Creek dining Thursday and vacation of due to the Mr. Gentle the Tth absence ist week. and 8th of their Jimmie with his remained over the week end friend Eugene Logan. Some ruin fell here on Sunday night and Monday with more threatening. This is needed and welcomed. Cordon Hall of Eight Mile was an early morning caller at the Joseph White home Tuesday, while hunting for horses. . Mrs. Irene Waldo and children and Dale ami Kenneth Luudel were guests at the J. F. Deos home lasl Saturday. "The barrow and broom brigade has been pensioned off for the season as no more sand storms are anticipated. The fine weather seems to have re lived our people and we notice that Krebs bros. are leveling and improv ing their ditches at the "Poplars", the Hynd bros. are working against time lit butterfly flats, making new ditches, cementing wells etc., while W. H. Chandler of Willow Creek ranch is wanted everywhere t once to bale hay. ','. V. Pedro is busy with the new ad ditions to his place and J. J. McEntire of Kilamey, has a hard time getting all the produce from his dairy shipped out quick enough to supply his cust- mers. R. .E Duncan of the Busy Bee ranch Is so busy delivering honey,, ducks, rabbits and chickens, that he hasn't even time to bet a hat or a hive of bees on the election results. Harold Ahalt is spending a day or two with Leon Logan before leaving for Canyon City. It is understood that Jim Logan is now government trapper cud has left during the week for John Day and the surrounding country. ' , Harvey and Ervin Medlock of Mor gan spent the week end with their Uncle Alf Medlock at Rockcliffe. R. E. Duncan of Busy Ree ranch rested from his labors and took a trip to The Dalles and Hood River last week end. Mrs. E. Thompson and daughter, Virginia (if Hood River arrived at Ew Ing on Saturday and will visit with Mr, and Mrs. J. O'Neal the parents of Mrs. Thompson, for a few days. Miss Cleta Palmatee student of the Lexington high school, spent the week end with her parents at Windynook. Community Church Service Every Sunday Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Church Service 11 :30 a. m. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p. m. All are Welcome REV. B. S. HUGHES, Pastor. Vote For WM. BALL For SHERIFF Of Morrow County A CLEAN MAN WITH A CLEAN RECORD Wm. Ball was born 44 years ago in Morrow County and has been a continuous resident He has been employed by one establishment in Heppner for the past 26 years. He is a concientious man, reliable and trust worthy, qualified for the position of Sheriff and is well worthy of your vote. VOTE FOR Wm. Ball for Sheriff 2 Dedication of the final link of the I Old Oregon Trail in Union county took place immediately west of La Crande, following an outdoor chamber of commerce luncheon at Gangloff park. A per capita payment of $100 to be paid to the Indians on the Klamath reservation in Oregon was authorized by Secretary of the Interior Work. The total amounto be distributed is $122,600. Fines amounting to $1115 were col lected by the Albany police court and justice court in two days as a result of week-end arrests for illegal hunt ing, speeding and violations of the liquor laws. The Porter-Carstens Logging com pany, a corporation, has sold to the Union Lumber company Its railroad line located on the north fork of the Clackamas river. The consideration was $131,000. Dr. Oeorge E. Dix of Marshfield has announced the construction of a modern hotel in that city. The build ing will be full fireproof, six stories, with 150 guest rooms and is expect ed to cost $400,000. The purchase of a part of a farm of 670 acres near Rioth by the state for the use of the eastern Oregon state hospital has been completed, ac cording to Dr. W. D. MeNary, super intendent of the hospital. The public service commission will turn back to the state at the end of the present biennium approximately $15,000 of Its appropriation, according to a letter prepared by H. H. Corey, chairman of the commission. Ole Nelson, ex-policeman of Port land, who recently won a BUit for $6000 back pay from the city, was killed instantly when his automobile overturned on the highway six miles east of Clatskanie. near Reaver Falls The ways and means committee of the Salem cRy council slashed $19, 000 from the proposed budget of mu nicipal expenditures for the year 1925. This action was necessary. It was said, to keep within the 6 per cent limita tion law. Saturday the 14th annual Pacific International Livestock exposition will open at Portland, housed In the now $350,000 pavilion which was built on the record-breaking schedule of 55 working days, upon the ashes of the original pavilion. Poisoned bran scattered in the pas tures of Tule lake to kill grasshoppers was responsible for killing 22 head of grown cattle for the Hock Creek Ranch company, it is reported. The bran was saturated with a solution ol arsenic and the responsibility for the death of the stock has been proven by analysis of the stomach contents The Tule lake country is a winter feeding ground for thousands ol Klamath and Lake county ciHtle. NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION To Increase Tax More Thau Six Per cent Over That or the Previous Year Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 2, of Morrow County, State of Oregon, that an election will be held in said Dist rict at the School House on the 22nd day of November 1924, at two o'clock in the afternoon, to vote on the quest ion of increasing the amount of the tax levy in said District for the year 1924 by more than six per cent over the amount of such levy for the year Immediately preceding, It is necessary to raise this addition al amount by special levy for the fol lowing reasons: To make a payment on the large sum of interest bearing warrants. Dated this 20th day of October. 1924 ATTEST : Anna belle H. Boardman, District clerk W. II. Gilbreth. Chairman Board of Directors. DR. ALEXANDER REID Physician and Surgeon UMATILLA - - - - OREGON Newton Painless Dentists DR. H. A. NEWTON, MGR. Cor. Main and Webb Sts. Pendleton DR. F. V. PRIME DENTISTRY Dental X-ray and Diagnosis HERMISTON, OREGON Bank Building Phones: Office 98, Residence 751 S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER - - - OREGON m A. H. SWITZER ATTORNEY AT LAW Arlington, Oregon FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER 1 hereby announce myself as nn in dependent republican candidate for the office of County Commissioner for the tour-year term. Should I IK1 el ected. I promise to give strict atten tion to the duties of the office and shall at all times endeavor, to the best of my ability, to serve the interests of the entire county. I solicit your support at the November election, OHAR DILLON, Boardman, Ore. Paid Advertisement For bargains in Second Hand Good, see Itidcr in Hermiston. Oct 2ttf WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW HEPPNER, OREGON HERB GREEN Watchmaker and Jeweler Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Silver ware Time Inspector O-W. R. R. & N. Co. 726 Main St. Pendleton, Oregon Vote For WALT RICHARDSON Democratic Nominee for COUNTY CLERK Morrow County