T & THE BOARDMAN MIRROR V OLl'NE OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAUNTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. BOARDMAN, MORROW COl'NTY, OREGON FRIQAV OCTOBER 3192? COLONEL DRAIN Col. James A. Drain,-who was elect ed commander of the American Legion at the recent convention in St. Paul, Minn. POLAND WILL FOND WAR DEBT TO 0. S, Washington, D. C. Formal conclu sion of nn agreement with the Polish government for refunding that na tion's obligation to ihe United States, amounting, with interest, to about SlGS,00O,0OO, Secretary Mellon, chair man of the foreign debt funding com mission, announced, and awaits only the approval of all members of the commission. With the signing of the Polish fund ing sett lenient, four governments will have entered in arrangements with the United States by which they will be slowly but surely retiring the obli gations they contracted during the war, while a fifth, Cuba, has paid off its debt entirely. In addition to the British government, Lithuania, Fin land and Hungary have settled their debts with long term funding agreements. Surveys for the proposed Bear creek storage basin for the Portland water system, located six miles above the Bull Run headworks, are being made by a crew under the supervision of Ben S. Morrow, assistant chief engi neer of the water bureau. Merle I. Minear, who slew his sister with an ax and then attempted sui cide in Portland by cutting his own throat, is on the way to recovery. A charge cf first degree murder was fil ed against the man as soon as it ap peared certain that he would recover. The Eugene city council has voted j to repeal the old ordinance which allows anyone to operate a motor bus line on the streets by simply making an application and paying a small license fee, and announced that a new ordinance regulating such lines would be passed and the license fee placed as high as possible within reason. Under the provisions of a temporary injunction granted by the state su preme court, C. A. Murphy, acting chief of police of the city of Astoria and the Astoria city council, are pre vented from closing the soft drink es tablishments operated by A. T. Fuller and Martin Costella pending determin ation of their appeal to the circuit court. A recommendation that the inter state commerce commission require the building of an extension of rail road from Bend to Lakeview, includ ing a connection with the Natron cutoff and from Harriman to a connoc lion with the Natron cutoff was madi in a tentative report to the comniis sion by C. I. Kephart, commission ex aminor. Oregon pensions have been granted as follows: Catherine D. Johnson. Wasco, $30; Percy R. Lyons, Algonui, $12; Sarah E. Davis, Eugene, $30; William U. Keller, Roseburg, $15; Levi B. Gilman, Echo, $50; Clarence Woodard, Portland, $15; William S. Hyner, Eugene, $24; Gustave A. Ols son, North Portland, $12; Fred Reed Portland, $15. For two dollars a year the state fish commission has obtained from J. L. Kendall of Pittsburgh and the Cali fornia-Oregon Power company a 10 J year lease on a small tract of land lying along the banks of the Umpqus river, near the R. A. Booth bridge at Winchester, where It is planned to locate the largest fish hatehery on the Pacific coast. With more than 9,000,000 acres of cutover timber land now on the hands of Pacific coast logging companies, the industry is beginning exhaustive study and research of its problems, both present and future, declared E. T Allen, forest economist of the Western Forestry and Conservation associa tion, before the more than 400 regis tered members of the Pacific logging congress in session in Portland. Construction of the state trout hatchery near Canyon City will Uc completed this week, M. L. Ryckman, hatchery superintendent, has announc ed. The hatchery wil be put in oper ation next spring. The cost of its construction was $11,000 and it wiil serve a country Into which it had been practically impossible to tftke trout fry, because the fish car could not be run over the narrow-gauge rail way which penetrates the district. The supreme court dismissed an ap peal In the case of the estate ol Xarifa Faling, deceased, the Children's home and the Security Savings & Trust company, administrator, appel lants, against Thomas N. Strong and others, appealed from "Multnomah county, where the case was before Judge Tazwell. The appeal was from an order of the court settling a final account of Thomas N. Strong and C Lewis Mead, as executors under the alleged will of Xarifa Faling, execu ted in 1915, and allowing attorney fees of $50,000. Camping in the national forests will h,e restricted to certain areas, accord ing to a plan being worked nut by the forest service, which to some ex tent will be carried out in M25. Camp ing grounds will be established at given points and persons desiring tc spend their summer outings in th loresis win oe assea 10 pucn men Cheese-Washington cream brick, tents there. This step will be taken 21Q22c; Washington triplets, 21c; to prevent forest fires and to obviate Washington Young America, 22c. the necessity of closing the forests oi portions of them to campers during Spokane the dry season of the year, as waj Hogs Prime mixed, $1010.26. done this year. Cattle-Prune steers, $6.757.25. SHENANDOAH ENDS CRUISE New Era in History of Air Navigation Is Written. Lakehurst, N. J The navy dirigible Shenandoah came to earth at its home station here after a journey across the country and back. After circling above the field of the navy air station the crew of the air ship dropped a coil of rope from a trapdoor at 11:50 Saturday night. The Shenandoah brought back a rec ord for dirigible flying. In the 17 days 12 hours since she left Lakehurst for Camp Lewis, Wash., she has trav eled 11,000 miles through storm and gale, over the treacherous heights of the Rocky mountains and along the windswept shore of the far Pacific. Her average speed has been about 60 miles an hour. Washington, D. C. Major-General William f'i. Haan. retired, who com manded the 32d division in France, died at Mount Alto veterans' hospital here after an illness of several months. NUMBER 38 Boardman Locals and Personals explorer rasmussen Mr. ami Mrs. Al Murchie of Wasco. Mrs. Claude Ballinger cauie up for the Iiome talent play, " Miss Molly" which was given last Friday night in the i THE MARKETS Portland Wheat Hard white, $1.53; soft white, $1.50; northern spring, $1.47; western white, $1.48; hard winter, $1.46; western red, $1.43. Hay Alfalfa, $l!tl9.50 ton; valley timothy, $1920; eastern Oregon timothy, $2122. Butterfat 37e shippers' track. Eggs-Ranch, 38fT0c. Cheese Prices f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets, 29c; loaf, 30c per lb. Cattle Steers, medium, $67.50. Hogs Medium to good, $910. Sheep Spring, modium to choice. $8 11. Seattle Wheat Hard white, $1.53; soft white, $1.51; western white, $1.49; hard winter, $1.48; western red, $1.45; northern spring, $1.47; Big Bend blue stem, $1.65. Hay Alfalfa, $22; D. C, $21; tim othy, $26; I). C, $28; mixed hay, $23. Eggs 43 g 60c. Butterfat 43c. Cattle Choice steers, $77.50. Hogs Prime light, $10.25 10.80. school auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Oruduff of The Dalles Oregon, were week end guests jf Professor and Mrs. J. O. Russell. In lideutly they were present for the lo cal play "Miss Molly" which was dir ected by Mrs. J. O. Russell for the Ladies Aid Benifit. Miss Augusta Huckin accompanied them on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. James Glover of Me- Minnville were week end visitors at (lie Russell home. Mrs, Glover is a sister of Professor Russell. Mr. Glover county Commissioner of Yamhill ' r county Miss Alice Aldrich was a week end visitor in Hood River. Mrs. .1. ('. Ballinger and Miss Bar bara Hixon attended the football game at Fossil on Saturday. Mr. and Mis. Jas. Glover of Mc Minnvilio ,lu,i jjft and Mrs. Ross Ornduff and daughter Augusta of The Dalles were week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Russell drove to Wasco on Tuesday night where Mr. Russell attended a meeting of the Mas onic lodge. A. W. Cobb was renewing acquaint ances (n the project last Friday and A Saturday. thi .wr. and Mrs W. A. Murchie of Was. room co are guests of Mr. antk Mrs. .1 fllWest Ballinger. Fourth Birthday Party On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. j. c. Ballinger entertained in honor of the 4th. birthday of her daughter Maxuie. The little folks took possession of the house, anil played kiddy games. In the breakfast nook which was artistic nll. decorated with Hallowe'en fav ors and at a table adorned with a pink and white birthday eake with four lighted candles, the children sat down to a delicious luncheon of sand wiches, brick-Ice-cream and cake. The guests wlio helped .Marine enjoy bet birthday were: Mrs. Ralph Davis anil shns Ralph jr. and Blllle, Mrs Elsie athews and sons Wallace and .lame; Mrs. X. ,. Maoomhsr and ria-nsMW Bfbll Grace. Mrs. lahfc Colon,, ,i daughters Janet and 'Mai'dell. Mrs. M. Morgan end sons Billie and Bobbie. Mis. Murchie and Mrs, BussoU. Surprise Party Given Ci.as. Nlaer was given a very pleas ant surprise last 'I hnrsdn.v evening in honor cf his birthday, when several fiends called, (the evening was spent in conversation and a delicious lunch was serve.) By Mrs. Nizer. Those in attendance were Mi-, and Mrs. Barry Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Kugone Cum ffclns, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Knoff, Mrs. Leslie Packard, Robert Bradley and EUvlra Jenkins. Water System Is On Paying Basis Concrete Pillars Will Mark Entrance To City Limits Many Improve ments on Water System The City council have ordered a number ol improvements on the build Hg covering the city pumping plant. the way of concrete steps, now the covering B, Chaffi week into home on Oi Main I ' ffice is also to B moved his family their new modern the street one block licet. The telephone be moved to the new Mrs. Richard Dingman has return- residence, ed from several weeks in the east tins, bill on is building a new g Mrs. Clay Warren was u visitor in '-go on Ms ranch. The building is Boardman last week. ! I Mrs. A. T. Hereim and Chester left eves. Saturday for Portland where she wllL Royal undergo an operation for goitre. Ches ter Will StllV With Mrs. T.nraon nt T.,.1,. anon and A. T. jr. is here with Mrs. Allen during their mother's illness. Mr. nnd Mrs. Pat Patlie have moved into the Boardman Townsitc company house on the highway. Art Wheelhonse of Arlington was in Boardman on Tuesday electioneer ing for Mrs. Lena Snell Shurte. The Misses Edna and Ethel Broylcs were Arlington visitors on Tuesday. F. E. Broyles is having five acres leveled in the southeast corner of the old Frank Cramer laee, which has been occupied by the GHbreth family. The generator for the electric light Plant in the school house burned out last week. Mrs. Betli Bleaknian and Zee Hud ley motored to Boardman last Friday night to attend "Miss Molly". A. W. Cobb came in Friday for a short visit. He has lteen working in Arlington fir some time and plan? to go to Yitklmn soon. by .':( feet and S feet high to the lb nds Beekdolt la leveling ranch atom five the acres high suns, k in- f tlit way. Mrs. Elsie Mathews and tw, Wallace and James of Pilot li rived Monday for a visit with her sis ter Mrs. . A. Maeoniber. J. c. Ballinger look several of tin high IChOOl football liovs o Fossil oi, Mst Mtttrdoy for the game there. The new editors regret their inabll ity to intelligently discuss the politi cal campaign from a Morrow County t many Standpoint. However we will he bet ter informed in the future. We received an unsigned letter this week setting forth somebody's views in regard to a county candidate. We are always glad to get letters for pub lication, but we certainly cannot pub lish unsigned letters. Upon request the editor may withhold publication of the name, but we must knew Unit articles are contributed by responsible parties. Please send in any little news items or reports of social events. We always appreciate the co-operation of our leaders and will be glad to have you make suggestions for the improvement f your paper. IO.VE WINS GAME A fair sized crowd of rooters braved the rain to witness (he football game between lone and Arlington on Friday afternoon on the Arlington field. lone took the lead at the opening of the fight, and annexed a score of is to Ar lington's ti as final. ME:-'. MII IITK CANDIDATE FOB SITKKINTENDENCY Through seme misunderstanding it lias been -given out among some of the Morrow county citizens that Mrs. Sliurte, present incumbent in the oflirc f School Superintendent is not n candidate for reelection, such is eon trary to the fact. Mrs. Shurte is in the race and her friends bOpB lor her success. She Knud Rasmussen, the Danish polar explorer, who recently arrived in Nome after three years' exploration of the Northwest passage. OFFICIALS DISAGREE " OVER TAX PUBLICITY Washington, D. C. The greatest confusion seen in Washington for many a day pervaded the treasury and justice departments over whether in come tax payment lists made public by the new tax law Thny be openly published. Treasury officials were in sharp dis agreement, heads of the department contending that publication would en tail criminal proceedings under Ihe law, While lawyers of the internal rev enue bureau took exactly the opposite view. After a meeting of the cabinet Tues day, Attorney General Stone said a general agreement had been reached on the question of the legality or ille gality of publication of income tax returns, and indicated that such pub lication was regarded an In violation of law. No statement was made after the cabinet meeting. Stone limiting his common) to Ihe remark that tie found the members in general agreement with him, including Secretary Mellon, who has insisted publication of the returns to he Illegal. n , rooi, new windows and et the present tanks. They are also having concrete blocks run. for pillars at the entrances to Ihe city. They will he 30 inches square at the base and ten feet high. This may step some of the speeding on the highway thru our town, for now they have an excuse to rush on not knowing they are approaching a town. 1 Mayor Ballenger and the council are putting forth every effort to finish paying for the water system and are meeting with splendid success, before turning their attention to other badly needed iniproviuelits, such as side walks, lights etc, which are always problems in new towns. Anyway the town ei Boardman can boast of splendid water system, and i ue. a paying is before Ihe people with a past record of performance which many officials would do well to emulate, During her term id' office the schools have pros pored and her relationships with the schools and teacher.,' of the county linve I u ibotil mutual and helpful. Her knowledge of the rouiine of the office, gained through experience, her acquaintance with the needs of ihe schools can net be questioned. In fact there are so many qualifications that commend Mrs. Shurte for the office she now holds, that it hardly seems possible thai the voters desire S Change in this not the leasi Important, Of the county offices. (By former Morrow Count v Teacher) Can't Frighten Him BRIEF GENERAL NEWS Canada exercised its treaty making lights for the first time when a com mercial pact with Belgium was signed. The taking of the first quinquennial agricultural comma by the United Slates government will commence Io cember 1. Six children were killed and fifteen injured near Lorain, O., when a school bus was struck by an inlorurbun near Sheffield lake. Henry Augustus Buclilcl, former governor of Colorado and chancellor emeritus of Denver university, died al his home in Denver. Frank Chanco, late leader of the Chicago White Sox baseball team, who died recently, left an estate valued ut between $2.ro,ooo and $300,000. Laura Jean Llbhy, known through out America for her writings on love, died at Iter home in Brooklyn after a short Illness. She was flU years old. INFORMATION REGARDING THE HtKKLMCIBLK SCHOOL FI ND 4'or the benefit of any school board . inber who may hnvoeoneeivod the Idea that bis district will not re- elve (he par capita distribution Of Ih'e interest! from the irrcducih'jt' tehool bond. 1 am giving this Informa tion which I have recently received f. in Ihe Stale Office. The distribution was made as usual ' the State Laud Board in August. The per capita distribution is one dol r "nil sixty-four cents against one lollar and Seventy-three cents hist car. As the population of the State Increases you can reasonably expect the per capita distribution will grow less. Thua for, in so far as the records 'llwlise, from the property sold by be stale en which loans have been mede, no loss ims beta Incurred. Ti er., may be soni" loss in Ihe stale vhere Ihe assessed valuation of lands n Eastern Oregon, en which loans ave been m,c. has depreciated to De-half er 1 lie third of the assessed vnltisthn of several yearn ago Tlie losses hew ever will ho so pmnll as e t fo lifted appreciably the rrrr'wiirij schooi fund or I be Interest dlstrtM 'ion I hereon. The dolinquenocs in interest and the 'ii'ieiiseu p.puiiiHon account fo nine oonis OT qi in f he ' 1 hution. niters nave been no losses ami mere will probably he loss. Lena Sneli Shurte. County school Superintendent lor the xr capita dig. thus Mtth n y far If Cemetery Payment One The next payment tract will soon he dm m the cemetery This is a com liilllllt.v affair and Ihe directors are looking lor all tin. families on Ihe pro JeW to hi lp. A dollar per family will wake Ihe payment and It should he gladly given to me ,,f ti,,. directors ' r left at the post office, Last year Me directors Bud some i the busl nessmen paid ll hut that Isn't fair lo Ihe people of the project. (Inly two more payments after this one. U. S. and Canada to Protect Halibut. Washington, D. C. The convention lo protect the halibut fisheries of the North Pacific, which was signed at Washington March 2. tftf, by Canada and the United States, went Into ef fect following the exchange of ratlfi cations between Secretary of Slate Hughes and the Hon. Lapolnte. mln isler of justice of Canada. By this convention a closed season of the hall but fisheries is established from No vember li; to February 15 of each year and the I'nlted States and Canada agree to provide penalties for viola-lions. 'I TO WRKCK VICTUM8 ABE RECOVERING Gift to Obtain Coo 'y Seat Illegal. blympla, Wash. Cities of ihe third class have not the I, ful authority to make gifts jf property to the county, John H. Dunbar, attorney-general, ad vised C. W. Clausen. it auditor. In an opinion. The c ,ly involved In the decision is Kit ip, where for a number of years attcipts have been made to move the county seat from Port Orchard to Charleston or Ing erton. The city OOBfl 1! of Charleston recently offered a the county for a com .house us an in Uucent to obtain thg removal W. 'Ihe following letter was this week n ecked at the Bulletin olllce from An tOfl Blelenberg driver of the car thai hurtled from Ihe Oolumbia highway i i I Thursday killing a six months ol I baby and Injuring three others. L'nlontown, Washington, m. v; ' ( 11 BditOT ;- I am Ihe man who w.i 1 li.ivJhg Ihe Kurd cur Wreck Hi ne 1 your town on October Vi. and III the name of the party, my wife, my broth er Nick Biehmherg and also my sister UISS Kloreiee BMtnbafg anil myself, I most heartily thank everyone of our city that so kindly assisted US in our riiasBtrou.'i misfortune. My wife and si iter are getting a I ng as well as could lie expected mid my Utile hoy thai survived, (ilea Uc lenberg, Is just fine. PI iP make a note cf these in. ms in your paper, Anion W. Blclonbeig, UoiontOWn, Wash. Autistic,. Day, Novemls'r lit Is. at loirs Hall the Boy!) Troiihadors, an Internationally famous immi. 135 90 Imllding to m ., ,,, ,. 1B-to, in Arlington with a popular program l rocal and instrumental selections