The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, October 17, 1924, Image 4

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    hi T" ardman Mirror
Boardman, Oregon
MARK A. CI.KVHIjA.ND, Publisher
Mrs. A. T. Hereim, Local Editor.
Entered as second-class matter Feb
11. 1921. at the postoffioe at Board
man. Ore., under act of Mar. ", 187
Misp Nell Holsinger, field ropresen
tative of the Paciflo Division of thr
American Rod Cross, spent Tuesday
ovoninc and a part of Wednesday in
our comunlty in the interests of thf
Junior Red Cross work as well
stlmulatlnp the work of the Red
Cross in Kpneral. Mrs. Emmet Coch
ran, of Ilepptier, Ore. Chairman of
the Morrow county chapter tuxow
panted Field Representative Miss Hoi
sineor. I in- Ire-n 1 mv n n rnt ion was
perfected as follows: Jack Gorhara
Chairman Eighth Roll Call; Mrs
Nathan Maconibor, Chairman of local
division; Mrs. Frank Davis, Seeeiaiy
.lack Gorham, Treasurer; Mr. and
Mrs. J. O. Russell, and Mrs. Jack
fiorhani, members of the executive
commitiee. After very Interesting
talks by bolh the County Chairman
and the visiting Field Representative
i he meeting of Tuesday evening stood
Boardman friends were shocked to
hear of Hi,, sudden death of Mrs, Tom
Hendricks who passed away Sunday
morning at 8:00 o'clock at her homi
wi'si of Boardman, She had been in
poor health for some time but had
been up and about her work. Sal
urday night site did not rest well and
Sunday morning Opie Wagner went
to bring Mrs Rands to assist, and
before their return Mrs. Hendricks
had passi'd away. Her body was
taken to Hermlston for embalming
and then shipped to MoMinnvtlle
Where funeral services were held on
Wednesday. Her husband, Tom lien
drlelis, and three sisters are left to
mourn in r death, betide numerous
other re latives and friends. Before
her marriage she was Esther Davis,
ami spent her childhood tit McMinn
vllle. One sister, Mrs. Breeding, of
MoMinnvllle spent the summer here,
returning home just before srhool
opened. The sympathy of the entire
Community Ih extended to (lie he
leaved family.
Mrs. Royal Rands entertained the
Ladles Aid Wednesday with 2!) pies
ent. Some sewing was done for the
bazaar work. The missionary topics
of India and Alaska were discussed.
Plans for the election day dinner
Merc completed. was decided lo
Charge 2C cents and :t,r cents for
dinner. Chicken will be served with
potatoes, salad, pickles, pie and cof
fee, am enjoyed the lunch which
the hostess served Since thr' ne"!
meeting occurs the day after election
it was decided to hold the business
1 ting on Tuesday afternoon al the
Cafeteria, Mrs Kilts will entertain
the following mectlriK Nov. 1 !l at her
On Sunday evening a number of
our people motored to Hermlston in
holies of enjoying The Covered Wagon
but owing to a mtstaks in advertising
the dales, fhoy were disappointed
the dates, they were dtae pointed.
They enjoyed a "movie" in Umatilla
Instead. Those In the party were
Maedames Broyles and Weston, the
Misses Edna. Ethel and Erma linn
's, and Messrs N. A Maconiher and
M. I.. Morgan.
Tom Smith and Wife who have
visited at the Ransler homo, left
Tuesday for their home In Missouri
Mrs. Mailew left Tuesday for her
home In Adams after a visit with her
daughter. Mr. ami Mrs W .1. Thur
man and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stoll of
Pendelton, who came Friday ror a
visit at the Ransler home also de
parted lor their homes Tuesday.
Paul ami Helen Mead had a joint
birthday parly at their home Sunday,
having as guests 19 children of l lie
East End Two birthday cakes
trimmed with candles were the chief
centers of Interest. Kntherlne and
Mabel Brown assisted Mrs Mead
with the games for the nttie folks,
and all had n delightful time Small
candy filled basket were the fa.i, ir
on Saturday Mrs Ceo. Spring and
Mrs. Chris tenstn, motored up from
Portland to the PaJer home. The re
turned on Monday accompanied hv
Mrs, Nick Faler. who will visit In
Portland for several days.
Mrs.. Emmett Cochran of Heppner
accompanied by Miss Holsinger of
Portland held a Red Cross meeting
Tuesday night at tbe school. Only a
few were present. Plans for thean
nual roll call drive, Nov. 11, were
made. Jack Oorham was appointed
Mr. and Mrs, Willis Tiller, formerly
of Arlington, but now of Portland,
Stopped Monday for a short visit al
the J. T. Healey borne. Healey's had
just started for Hermlston as the
Tiller's car drove up and they missed
each other by a matter of a very few-moments.
Wlildi State Will Grow?
Mr. C. W. Joh
The Dalles came
a visit at the J.
They left on Sum
son and family of
JUnday night for
R. Johnson home
ly afternoon.
NO Income Tax
NO Income Tax
of the documentary evidence as to the
Mrs. George Spring and Mrs.
Rachel Christenson and Mrs. Hoich
kiss of Portland came Friday for a
visit at the Nick Paler home. Mrs
Ealer returned to Portland wth them
for a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smith of San
Francisco came Monday and Visited
until Friday at the Ray Brown home.
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Brown are sis
ters.. Ernest Brown and family wore
Hermlston visitors Saturday, Mr
Mrown having to have some den
al work done.
Mike Marshall was taken to Pen
Beton Wednesday for treatment for
hiccoughs, this being the fifth con
iinuous uay lie mis had them.
J. U. Ballenger and M. L, Morgan
iiotored to Fcho Tuesday on a busl
iess trip. F. F. Klitz accoinpanie(
hem as far as Umatilla.
genuineness of the documents
We find that this evidence substantiates the claim that many millions
V" LMl diverl('d from investments in Oregon industries that
would provide a home market for Oregon agricultural products
we ana me aamage Is so serious and of such
lu our u vigil Dors ana to voters in ail parts of Or
me pint-ii incme tax and to oppose the enactment of
nieume lax Din, al least until such tlm
We do not object to paying a slate, income tax, but we do object to
a that, 'eeps ca"ila olnl of 0llr state, retards-state develop-
1 " l" ctve our tanners dependent upon distant markets.
We resent the tendencv tn five- nrm. tv,o ..,.,.,; t-, -
wiefjun s resources ana
nor pioneer people entittle her
rid Oregon of legislation that
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, S'lver-
Time Inpsector O-W. It. R. & . Co.
726 Main St. PENDEETOX, ORE.
Every Sunday
extent that we anneal I
;on to vote for the repeal ! w"U
cnuuuiieni oi any new state jr 11
Hue other I'acilic Coast states iVvllY
.1 '
fie Id
the courage and eenteiiprise of
o a great destiny. Let us all loir hands to
handicaps Oregon development.
School 10:30 a. m.
Service 11:30 a. m.
Christian Endeavor 7:30 p.
All are welcome.
REV; B. S. HUGHES, rVstor..
For bargains in second-hand
see Rider in Ilermiston
T T O R X E V A 1 . L A
h-Z U
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Price of Port
ind returned to their home on Tues
lay after a three week's visit with w
Miss Myrtle McNeil, a former in
tructor in the Boardman school, wat
enewing acquaintances on the pro
1 1 1 1
Mrs Vlbbert, inollier of Mrs. Chas,
Dillon returned to her home in (iate-
Way, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J,
who have bean at the
ranch for some I in
lor Portland
p. O'Donnell,
Porter & Con
ic, left recently
Mrs. J Imus returned home
ntly from Eugene, where she
been taking medical treatment
A crowd
ds at the
Unvaried the newly
Olson home Tuesday
elms. Barnes was a Boardman vis-
IHir Ihursiav. He is Weill hie on the
ilghway al Prlnevllle.
I". IS. Broyles has returned
I wo-week's business trip lo
Wash, and vicinity.
I 'nil.
Hob Mitchell made a trip to Klick
itat and Ooldendals last week.
Ray llrown and wife
eriniston Monday.
lored o
J. T. Healey went to Arlington on
Tuesday and Wednesday on business
Mrs. W. A. Prlci
i.ake sanitarium.
is at the Hot
W. A. Prln
Del roll. Mich.
Blsbee. brother of Mrs.
arrived Tuesday from
Ohas i.
ilourell Is in Iloardman
W. S. Ferguson, Athena,
lohn F. Herr, Athena.
F. S. Legrow, Athena
W. 11. Crary, Echo.
Joseph Cunha, Echo.
W. H. Daughtrey, Echo.
J. Davis, Freewateri
David Harris, Freewater.
Geo. A. Price, Ereewaier.
F. H. Moes, Helix.
C. S. 'Norvell, Helix.
1. S. Norvell, Heist.
Lorln O'C.ara, Helix.
K. E. Tate, Hefix.
Raymond Crowder, Hermlston.
P. Dodd, Hermlston.
F. B. Swayze, Hermlston,
T. c. Frazter,, Milton.
Paul R. Kingston, Milton.
W. C. McKinney, Milton.
C. R. Samuel Jr., Millon.
'!. W. Collins, Pendleton.
I-'. S. Curl, Pendleton.
Fred W. Falconer, Pendleton.
Mac Hoke,, Pendleton,
lames Johns. Pendleton,
I. B. McCook, Pendleton.
Chash. H, Marsh, Pendleton.
Will M. Peterson. Pendleton.
0. M. Rice, Pendleton.
Dan P. Smythe, Pendleton.
Lyman (J. Rice, Pendleton.
J. V. Tallman, Pendleton.
Thos. Thompson, Pendleton.
F. W. Vincent, Pendleton.
C. C. Bracber, Pilot Rock!
Will Glass, Pilot Rock.
Miss Alts Smith, Pilot Rock.
W. A. Wollan, Stanlield.
M. A Cleveland, iSanfield.
Clork Wood, Weston.
Lance Kellough, Weston.
J. W. Bi'.vmer, Hepfipner.
Vawler Crawford, Heppner.
D. Hallock, Heppner;
E Moore, Heppner,
E. Notson, Heppner.
E. Woodson, Heppner.
V. Hoad, Heppner.
C. Grim. Irrlgon.
R. Walpole, Trricon.
Fred Hollister, North Bend.
II. W. Standard, Brownsville.
J. .J Dohegan, Burns.
W. C. Leever, Central Point.
H. W. .1 Young, Coquille.
C. E. Ingalls; Corvallis.
L. D. Scar! brough, Creswell.
J. J. Roberts, Redmond.
M. J.Hope. Vale.
L. A. Wright, Union.
Mrs. L. A. McArthur, Portland.
Mrs. C. E. McDowell, Prineville.
Miss II. M. SteWler, Spray.
F. L. Meyers, LaCrande.
Kathleen Thornton. Lakevieyv.
Nellie M. Hill, Lexington.
M. L. Boyd, Dallas.
Oscar Hayter, Dallas.
Eugene Hayter Dallas.
L. E. Bean, Eugene.
H. H. Hendricks, Fossil.
A. J. Egan, Gervals.
Homer Ega.n Gervals.
W. W. Lloyd, Halfway.
Ford Groner, Ilillsboro.
Blanche Cook, Jacksonville.
D. D. Joslyn, Jordan Valley.
G. W. Marvin, Silver l ake
J. W. Hoesch. The Dalle .
S. Brimhall, Tillamook,
D. Rorer, Eugene.
C. Miller, Dillard.
F. Adams, Merril.
Mrs. John
her lied with
la grippe
is confined c
Nellie Ma Hill, Lexington.
V. O. Hill, Lexington.
W. G. Scott, Lexington.
lav II Dobbin. Joseph.
Sam Lllch, Enterprise.
Porter J. Neff, Medford.
A. I,. Mills, Portland.
Andrews, Portland.
Noton, Grants Pass.
Orth, Medford.
i Pelton. Ft. Klamath.
Clark, Arlington.
Frakes. Scappoose.
W. Ellis, Burns.
Dinger, Salem.
reata, Rickeall.
E Gates, Medford.
rlhur M. Churchill, Portland.
O. S. Blanchard, Grants Pass.
Tims. Gavin, Shanlko.
H. Stewart, Polland.
Mayo. Stayton.
Metschaa, Portland.
Moe, Hood I! ivi r.
Hall, Marshfleld.
Petree, Sixes,
perry, Salem
Daly. Prairie City.
M. Fox, Portland.
Jay Gibson, Gaston.
0( i t rude Glover, Klamath Falls
Chas. H. Castner. Hood River.
Chas. Ray, Cloverdalo.
Frank Branch Riley, Portland.
A. B. Robertson. Condon.
J. E. Roman, Astoria.
E. C. Sammons, Portland.
C. J. Shelton, Baker.
A. A. Smith,' Baker.
Conrad Stafrin, Dallas.
G. W. Steelhammer, Silverton.
Mark N. Tisdale, Sutherlln.
N. G. Wallace, Prineville.
Carl Washhurne. Engrne.
T. C. Wheeler, Cottage Grove.
J. L. Gault, Corvallis.
F. 1
II. 1
I. S
B. II.
1. W
. D.
J. C.
The road work Is on full blast this
week, (loud gravel ts being secured
trOtt the pit south of Win kins anil
Sloeums and the work started from
I He lorry road east on Hie river view S. I.
boulevard. n c
J. J.
D H.
V. L.
F. II.
since June
Oitlober IS
dell a Olson
Wedillnt the seventh
oecnrerd on Moi d i
at Condon when
were nulled hi marriage
to Pat Uattee by Judge Parker of
Condon Mr Puttee la the dnnsh
ter of Mr and Mrs, O B Olson of
the Fast End iind has manv friendii
who wish her hannlnpsa
P .. Is the son of Mr. anif
Pattee of Condon, former rel
t Bourdmnn
W. Sawyer, Bend.
Keh, r. Mt. Angel.
Robbtns, MollaUa.
t Bennett, ifoslen
Lumly, Myrtle Point.
Churchill. Rosehurg.
Honklns, Medford.
J Llljequist, McMinnvillc
Parrett, Newberg.
Enders, Jr. Ashland.
1. Barnuni, The Dalles.
L. J. Chaptn, Salem.
E. J. Faveil, Lakevl nr.
August Stange, LaGrande.
E. J. KuratM, Hillaboro.
Jasa R. Lassv.'cii, Oakland,
R. J. Hendricks, Salem,
Hal E. Ross, Oregon City.
Wm. ii. Daugh rey, Echo.
312 X YES
W. C. Dalton, l-l-a -.adi Falls.
P. F. Chandler Canyon City.
V. C. Stewart, Dayvflle.
W. S. Fergu. on. Athena.
H. W. Gard, Madras.
f. s. Butt, Huntington-
F. II. Gaulkc, Joseph.
C. P. Bishop, Salt hi.
Elbert Bede, Cottage Prove,
w. F. Romans , tntartc
Geo. W. Hubb Bilv rton.
C. E. ingalls, CorvalUa.
A. L. LeavPt, KlAmatS Falls.
F. D. McCully, Joseph.
Lena Miller, Newport.
Will M. Peterson, P, ndleton.
Paul E. Pollman. B- Iter.
C. O. I'ortwood, FoaflJl.
Keith Powell, Woodburn.
George Putnam, Salem.
Russell and
ram here
Mr and Mm A L.
famfly of Griss Valley
Friday for a ehnrt vWi at tho home
of the latter' sister. Mra R K Mul-V-"y.
Mr and Mra R .1 Biikes- alo of
Grnas Vallev. visited at the Matte?
home Sunday
October 34 Fr'dnv l the date act
for the t.adlea Md id-.v "Ml s M,,Mv
Admlaalnn. SR cents and SO cents.
Thl la th uatial admission for plav-
of thla character and will he Mil
worth the price Tie play ts rent- te
wl'h laucha tmi aart to finish
Curtain at R:15. sharp.
Ruga Grim received word from
Rttbtard Saturday that Dr. Weaver
hud passed away and he went lo Hub
bard by llrsl train.
N. Seaman made a trip to Portland
Sunday night, returning on 26 Mon
day evening to see an eye specialist
The strain of carrying on the melon
growers association work having
caused iritis lor which he is under
going iivaimcnt al ptvsi at
Mr. Emmet Cochran Chairman
of Morrow county Red Cross oi Hepp
ner and Miss Xell Hols,,, ,- field re
presentative of tin- Pft.-ltli- IMvi.ion
of the Ann': lean Red Cross, were Ir-
rigoii visicors wtninoday. Tht made
arnangeiui nis for making the annual
UHl Cross drive this year and to
carry on the usual Red Cross nctlvl.
lies the district.
I hereby announce myself as an in
dependent republican candidate for
the othVe of County Commissioner for
the four-year term. Should I
i. ntlon lo thi1 duties of the office and
shall at all tliuea eudeavor, to the
lies' of my ability, lo serve the itl
terwis of the entire county I so
licit our suptwin at the November
CHAS DILLON, Boanlman. Ore.
(Paid Advertisement.)
The Hill Clinic Is conducted
along (he most advanced llmw
of dentstry, which enables pat
ients to obtain the services of a
group of dentists each doing
work he ts best fitted for a I
considerable le;,s cost than Is
required under ordinary prac
tice. Out of town patients work will
bo done as quickly as possible.
The hotel guest had taken a klndD
Interest In the bright faced bellboy,
who naswered his summons so
"Whot is your name, my boy?"
he Inquired.
"Thep calls me Billiard Cue." said
i he boy, 'because 1 works so much
better with a good lip "
Kelly-Springfielils ore
oldest ami best known
tires on
in Court Hoi
Oftf OA
They have
'or giving
always hail
a reputation
mileage and
Tho Kelly tires of today are the
finest that Kelly lias over built.
They are trongr, sturdier, will
stand more punishment and give
more mileage than the tires upon
which Kelly reputation was built.
They used to be a little higher priced
than other tires, but now reduced
prices are in eflTcct, on nccount of
larger factory facilities .and hence
tho costs no more tlran other tires
which have never borne the Kelly
We sell Kelly-Springfiehl tires be
cause e believe they will give our
customers the most mileage and the
best service at lowest cost.
if you will come in ami refer jt
this advertisement, we will make yon
a discount to introduce the Kelly
t ires.
Arlington, Oregon
W( ODSON & Sf.
jipner, Orco
t J. c
i Boardman - Oi -
"Oldest Bank in Gilliam County"
Founded in 1S88
A. Wheeihottse, Pres. S. A. Bossier, Vice-Prey
H. M. Cox, Cashier Chas. F. Story, Ass't Cash'- r
e-4- iv
. mm t
V J.
H-es-j-t.? ,a-Hj-aeo -
'-mmwmmnwm isjupny m j
is none too ood
hes. There is non-
1 1
R00 MORE signers oi above appeal; more Hum l,BO0 contributors to expense
of Batting fails before voters; i-hners and contributors live in all parts
or Oregon ibis advertisement issmd by C. C. Chapman tkliior nf Oregon
Voter, initiator of repeal measure, residence, 169 Lownsdale St., Portland,
M -ill.
complete line ot
F lume Stock'
tig Material
rs' Hardware
imc, Wood, Coal, P?
t'dman, Oreevs.
No man Is Justified in doing
the grounds of expediency,
dore Itooaevelt.
evil on
My arKunnnt i. that War make
rattlin; Kood history; ,ut leuc0 t
poor reading. Thomas Hardy.
The past Is like a funeral mine by
The future comes like an unwelconu
r.u.wt. Kdiuund Cosse
The crest and crownlnK of all kooiI
Lite's final atar, il( Uroihorhood
Ldwiu .Mark'aam.
OOOOOO Your Convrrmtion OOOOC?
Orpheus was n leBendnry
Tlirai iau musician and hero who
popularly uus supposed to
have Invented the lyre. Ills
music Is said to have been so
inna'cully beautiful that the
wild beasts crowded about hi in
to listen. He is also famous for
his Journey to Hades to recover q
r his wife, Kurydlce. Since he is I
5 u patron of music, musical clubs 5
0 arc often railed by his name. g
B 5
Sghway Inn
H WARNER, Proprietor
lardma . I h ron
Wholesome Home Cooking
Best place to cat between The Dalles and