i HE MIRROR VOLUME IV moaudman, morrow county, Friday, OCTOBER 10, vm. NUMBER 35. Pirates Made Game Fight SHERIFF A BUSY MAN lux pa) cm may j 0 1 arork neortu f nt Sheriff of p" (tire 1 11 . ubu. Ii f ' : II McKcchtlle, manager of tlir I'lliHlinriili I'linlcs. who "fought hut lost ' Ii, the Dclii for III.- ll.JI Nation il longuc prnmint. McKechtiie'H ri rataa pal up n Milium tattle U cap :n' Ihe gonfalon, bill they Just Ml lion nt (In- i-rltlriil moment. HAPPINESS By THOMAS . ...1.E CI. ARK Un of Kirn, University of IIHnali EVANS Inn) been liorn In New York Ui IiikI llvod there 11II Ma lift-. id' . - iiiioui iih provincial M woel people who have been reared In I u riftt city mill who think IB have seen tho world. IIIm tlrst view of Ne braaka liU truln rolled slowly along the valley of the I'latte was not ,1 verj alluring one. The !! Iuiiuk Birch Ii..- pnrrhed nnil treeless to upparcn.l) limitless llstnnocx, tile low, lillH- HI. palutcd farmhouse In 1 In- midst of tin- hnyatneka and 111 1 f I shitls. the absence of everything Iii-millful or comfortable, im.il to lilm t ma k lift' lliir, IiiiiiihI.v Impossible. "Io linn mill women .-I to live In mull 11 plueeT" hi' inked iiiv "How do they nH'iid thrlr lil-uro ll.no If thi'j- Inn i' iinyT Notliliuj to ilo, noth ing in see, nothing in go t! win. nil thi level ground, I huven'l eeOl a tennis rotirf nr I left New York." Kvuns liinl plnycd tennis ever mIih c he til 11 bay in "prep" school mid ha Gawd not uartaialaiii how with audi womirrfui appaetttBlttai for ttM apon no mil' seemed Inclined In tukc ndviiii tiiKo of them. "Tiicy hni their bouaebold duties.'' I answered, "very laborious oiiea nt llitii'N, nml they have ihrlr children." "1 should think 1 In1) il go UtHMi" ha com iniii ii. "Well, mime of thi'in do," I :m awcrcd, "ns women do In the illy, worn out hj- Boi li'iy nml too much lei mire; hut In general they work il rtf ill 11 rl nml iih hard iih (half BOebands." "It hi'i'Iiih hell to uie," I' una mild. On our way hiH'k from Inuvcr husl lies rcipllreil Unit we vlnll one of lie despised fiirnihoiiHi H. Die miin of ihe Iioiiho wii none, hut his yotmjl wtfi wan nhle to triininii't Ihe business for which we iiiliie. She was nil littruc tlve young ariiinao alih a -hy utile youngster hiding behind her skirt Ilolh she mid her hlpdiiilld hud heen to CoHeKi e discovered! they hud traveled mliie, 11ml. miu-h to Kv nils' .aurpjl, they York. "How do yd I v.. n nuked. "ii lan'i so imd." aha rapltad altoply. "We KaVC cell other, We lire (Olng to have 11 home, ..ml ve hnve him," hhe mild lemlelly, lu US her llllllil on the ebUd'i baad. "I'm very happy," ( 1924. Wnli'rn N. , . r Union ) TO Tin: BDITOfti in oraar uiei the tux pa; know the unmum n lin In d Ii) the pr 1 lacitla County, l ile inlluwim; ilur: III j total number of prUnnera In county jmi for lull four yaara, Hi 10 It 10, 519: total numhi-r of prln oiiei'H lii county ' Jta.fl for Unci' yean nml nine inmitlia dmiiiic ihe pr aanl ftdmlBiatratlon IIH ThU im-nnj al 1; o 1 i ,1,1 in. inj prhion r 1 tin 11 were dnn.i:. 1 he I I'm pi , ill: : I mine. I have handled tiK ,,e prlsuni r. wtiiioui an) laarabaa of deputiaa. hm have lined in.- :iiiiie it iii.il. r thai wax Um d Ii ii )enix ano rlua coil cud throtmh the Sber lif'.i uilii 0 duiinK Houaur ndmlnl u.. tlon utuouiii to 0Yr IKSldO.OO. Thetie flnex at'" in. ul) all fo,- viol:. -tiau of the prohibition law. 'I .' .-: nlmotit tfotilde any equal proccdlnK t 1 r od . The tax pa.M r.i Hhoiilil umh 1 aiel that ihe Sherlff'H o flirt' hal collected In : i mi 11 Mil iloeii i.i.i spi ml 11 l'n4r the pronont law a part of it I ;i ! for tin m mi i.n nt of the pro hlhltltm law. Ii In tpent hy n h' 1 oillcm, mil hy 1 ln Sherirf Mm', ol the problhl'ion enforci uu nt wo- ! don iy the other of:l :cr.: durln;; tie last two vinrx ni made poiulble hy the Hucrwful prohlMtlon work dotml and by Uie f'ti"j collided tbltruKbj the Mlu rlff'a olllce. The a'at ilnent v hit ii lm.'i hi en made by rum.' per e .ill.t thill "llofliier doi 11 no do a'l) ' liilna." t tiHi rly luUe. It would b"! ii.'.n.i- He- truth in h.iy that "Humeri hua done everythlilK that ha: Ix-eti ' done," ami this In ao berauxe the I Sherlff'ii office htu directly di- more than uny pr cedlm: uUtulnl tra-1 Hon und by tin-iine of fini-H rolleoted has made tl pos I tilt- for otter ollh er.. to carry on prohibition work. The lav paeix should know lb it the Sherlff'H dUtlCH have Increased In nlinoait avary depnrtnun;. New forma and kind of taxea must be 00 1 -lorted The safety of Ihe highway. iirrect of mnixh-r.', Is Veritable Tomb of Christ Found? IV-.-' ' -;-);.' ' -A Kir ' aw' v J. B. SWITZLER KILLED Robert LaFo!!ette, Jr. I'i:atilla lost her olde.-.t cltlzon when the life of John H. Switzlfr was cruxlied out last .Sunday niht. MM only a pioneer has pasxi-d on but the est fii'-nd many of the people In l,'.oa Ilia, On koh and Waxhlngion ever had. We have never heard of his hand e'er b Iiik closed to human neid and his bUiWaaea were widely bestowed 1810 with old. river post ip to no Juhi nutalda in. DaWHactia pJt of Jernmileui and in olKoth, 'the ilnce of the abulia," slimvn iiI'ijm., recent dtaroverlex may Identify the verifeble tomb of Chrtat, The QadlllJI there of n ahrlne of Venus lienrH out the ibeory that Emperor Hadrian built a temple of Aphrodite over the luuib. PREVENTING INFANTILE PAhaLYMS Tin- name "Jnfaatfl njbmoawari a. this i. couhiied ntrl-tly to I paralya" lo a not a diseaae infancy nor ia bo a eon : :i nt problem. The Shi riff now him, II, 1 ati'omoblle lie. ni-i h This requires much time. Tlune inatt'-rs toucher wlih court work, the ln 11 .. i, il number of prisoners, mid the Increased ilutl' btounht about by enforcement of the prohibition law- ami ucttcral work, huv doiibUtl the work of tin I rime 1H20. There In no Iner ax. 1 parnj.mla a constant, symptom. T' e ill . I not co n ,. .11 and wrr It i not for th. dh ability that It occasion I ally cauHca, It wou not receive the wide.-pr ad at 1 n Ion that It doe at He present time. Kpidetiilca ocur eei) few )arH In temperate climat.v. 1: 1 a li ra 1 Inlectloa due 10 a :ll- haa itrown I: triable virus. Fit xn r and NoptflU b:Me nil' ivated Hi, iru and prod we ld Ihe disease In monkey... Hose: ow foiiblderri M reptoroccl havInK an aftl attjt lor the c niral nervous &ya:em as the 1 eltaiitx of the 1I1 a e Caj'.ox cur sinaly and in epldemlCB. The mn'orltv of rasas occur In children practically under five years of n;e. One attack Sheriff's of ! nmmrent Iv nrote'-t.-i as -.erond 1 1 in,- vcr. rare. Chlldr. n v.lth a bhrtOfl of a sudden onset wlt'i fevrr. vomit In the niimhi r of n aulai ibpu l Some aiM'clal help has been employed )nK nl,it prohably pain In the back o In eouiieciKin wim tux roiiictions ana nHt in i,e hack, nnd tkuo olllce wot k. Thla la unavoidable and ; pvtiiploiiia of i .la ...1 Irrlia'l .n. Is done lit ihe lowe t cost ton Int. nt , ri, a8 rttflli i'l ' In swnllowtaaT. or dlxturhnncra of special aenae should be Isolated and kept tinter ob?er vnnce. It Is Inipo ih!,. to tta'e deflilil nnd effective meihods of pr. venting this dl u-nse, as Informant in regard to the mode of trnnsml slon la s'ill an unsolved problem, In the ah, m- of this tran!'fortnatlon we arc Jusliflrd In InBlatini: that these eases be Immedla- teh renorted and isolatad All known W II II wood r lee I huve made tha aocnl record by staying on the Job btttWlt St hours p r da No man can slay with Ihe, work more closely than I do. No sheriff before has done so much work at so low a cost. No one else, can do the work lielter for leas inline). No other pi r.son s eklng tie Sheriff's olllce in lu better much with lis problems than I am 1 bavi not had the hest support in law enforce- ,,,,, iv, ,,,. should be used m, 111 from some of the olle I olll -I lls but I have succeeded 111 spite of hum! leaps. Conditions In this reward are1 Improving nnd will Improve still more' In the future I would be glad If all tax payers could Investigate the county records. Fair iixamlnallon of the records make the extravagant claims of certain S' !f serving olTlce r.eekeri liMik fotills'i. W'llh great confldi'lice I make th" cliilm thai If re elected, my next a ! mliilHlralloii will be inore antlsfnc tory to the tax payers and m) ell which Is nhoui to end Yours truly, ZOKTH PJOUSBR, Shertfr such a ! xolnlion. disinfection, screen lug and dusl er.ullctitlon. T'. 1 Infeit- ion mutt be fought on the ground of per onal contact. I'atient should be MHrtatad In a clean, bare room, well 'i i n il to k;-. p out Insects. No vldt ing should be allowed and only noces aarj attandlBI ssbould come In con tact with ihe patient. All discharge rhould b- thoroughly disinfected. In the prevent Ion of any epidemic of communicable diseases it i. a wise policy lo avoid public meetings and gathering piocea. Treatmuit: Two types of serum tUVa heeu used In treating thLs dla- a-e, convalescent human serum and inimune horse serum. Providing the diagnosis can b made In time, both of thse reem to give beneficial r. sults The prevention and management of epidemics of infantile paralysis calls for coopera'lon between citizens, pbyal tteaa and health ollirers. The people MM learn to appreciate that a greater menace lies in the conceal ment of ca:,es and opposlilon to prop 1 r treatment than In prompt reporting and I otattaR of infected cna.'S. This is the grea'est single Hem to combat il: ; a. The success in controlling nn 1 nldemlc depends on the early dlagiio. is of all ca.es. BROriJ) lll'lll MITTENS Jewel MoHier. do you know where I got this awful cold? Mother No. dear. Jewel- Well, I think I got it from going to bed barefooted. Have You Registered Yet? than HJKttTIEIQ) f you do Nor REGISTER WE HAVE NO ROOM FOR YOU He was born In Missouri in but onmn to the Oregon country bis pilWttti when tnree years Cttllng acrons the Columbia fror:i v.h re Vancouver r.ov.- s Orr?;on City was tin rladlng and the Sw.t?.ler.) mad - the tr town by canoe, as .here were road 1 'n those early days. He, with his brohers, Jade and William, came to I'lnatiila when a mere boy and L i.iaillla haa been hla home ever since, altlio he has lived in California and ether places ior different period rof time. J n., as everyone was wont to call him, ran for several years a pack train out of I'matiila, going as far east as Fort IIer.t- n. Mont., then the head of navigation on the Missouri river. At the time he ran the pack trains rmatilla was a thriving city of aeveral thousand pc-ople and there were as many as five steamboat lines (Ml the Columbia. At one tlt.ie he had a store at Fort Henton ;.nd also operated tie Coeur d'Alene river. The rmatilla ferry was owned and operated by him until sold to his son, William, who now operates it. Hei and hip brothers purchased what Is known as Switzzler's island In the Columbia near I'matllla and they raised horses by the thousands, h: vine hands In the Horse Heaven rni.Tiiry, the John Day and the Big Bend. HLs death occurred Sunday ev nln. October 5, 1924, at about 6 ectoct In company with Henry Grltlin he was on his way to Harry Crammer's, Mr. Crammer having promised him a pheasant on this, the opening day of the season. In crossing the track he was struck by a switch engine, which was slowly moving cars in the yard. To mourn his loss are three daugh ters. Mrs. Len Ferrlll of SunnysMe, Wash.; Mrs. H. N Fryer of Yaki ma. Wash.: Mrs. Frank Sharpstein of Walla Walla. Wash . and one son. William SwiUler of Umatilla. His wife died stveral years ago. Funeral services were held in Wal la Walla Tuesday, attended by a large delegation of friends from rma tilla. Ben Splning. Harry Rod 11 bough, Lew Hrownell and I). C. Chap man represented the Masonic lodge of I'matllla. of which Mr. Switzler was a member. llobert Lai-oiK-ite. Jr., is taking an active part In the campaign for the Presidency carried on by bis father, the senator ' oni Wisconsin. School Frocks Recite the Mode' Simplicity miNTKD HINT The hotel wuest had taken a kindly Interest In the bright faced be'dbo--, I who n.'.s'vi red his summons so promptly. "Whot'is your name, my boy?" he inquired. "Tbap calls me Billiard Cue," said Ihe hoy. 'because 1 works so much better with a good tip." The picture of the prett) school brock shown here tells Its simple hut pleasant story with much complete ness. The dress Is made of wool Jer sey. In a castor shade, and has Just enough adornment of fine tucks and bttttOM to reveal the expert workman ship that gives It class. As an expo nent of the mode In school frocks It cannot be excelled they are nearly nil mude on the same line. Tho rourd collar, of unbleached linen, Is brightened by a little fancy stitching, done in a high color, and It Is by fnr he most popular neck finish. There are small, practlcul pockets at each etda, hug sleeves with tucked cuffs, ml a narrow- belt of the material. In spite of their earn ness In stylei there Is plenty of dhersity In school Cm - -because there Is great variety materials used for maklniO I'laln and patterned twills, and erosshnr flannels, vel kusl a a::d fancy woolen, are used. Firings In bright colors brighten up the darker colors as pipings of bright red or green on navy I lue, and short rows of round buttons to 1 utch these pipings maka a very pn try Art - n. In the hem. striped veteen, we , es ... .s rv v. 1 l ie one v.lileh Is at. out to enil mcui svm il f.J.'tl I X hail e Q heen to New ' ' ' 1 $ live In ueb a placer POOOOO Yur Converaitlm OOQOOg . , ; , .j &$L, .y' "DYED IN WOOL" , '. y. ;-- 6 ' 'I b) v mm '.irt .Ublli c S 1 t OuSm '3- N - TO II IS STKNtM.U IMIKIt 5! Ihe supporters of lieo-gi 111 of 5 'iJl BP ' .,. . , . . .. ,. S Kn land were known n- "dyed 6 yi.? Y 'Smgm S . i i 1 1 , yon couldn't 2 In-the-Wool" Tories. The term g ' . - mm' " ,r "bli' '"' b !v ""' a blonde 5 was derived from the dyeing 6 ' fjBgEt?' fgaae iiriilJ'i " halr '" I"" " " jacket? M) wife 2 process hi ivhlch mnlerlals thor i. fAV -SiBi r-VS57" has somehow obtained the idea that 11111 H V.;J0m-V -97ZZSZ30M, other women ore indilferent to me." colors, "Dyad in the wool" is Jt m rj.' .-.-S-' c.. v,c--Vp 5 the mi. we describe sni parti fi jgafj?? -drrTVL T x, or reii adherence In vvblcn I J Wmy7? V? 5 the holder Is s isitiv.'iy 9 aTCS, 1 AlV 17 ' -i c , v . . I steepeil s ... bU ..11 pOMlbilll ? 777 feT N ' " 5 ,.t Bcklenuaa. l ' . IV ' 5 (I I aaatta, it also Incrooaaa his He abil- Ilead the homo paper. S 5 " ities. , n-'tft.'irthrti'ii'.rtnrt irtfirtnirti.ftrtrtj "1 f OH MOM "V LOVELY , P.Jt'I 'otv MAOY W H0J OWE. J. AND OiVP EPMJACd. ' W' Ml SUCH IS LIFE lOOKtT The OU MU5T BE ( ' A PlTE J PEI2CY A TX BlTE M Q ( I nice cooe gbnebouS fc iNV V. bite J ? ': m J Bu BC.Docr uavtJ 13hace ir W7( vs (?) J I T J J V ' s ME. Z. fODtt LITTLE J S , 1 ? 4-' l VLAYMATl-; "J v? J'"?P Uan 2elra -otrrr ' KM til lt IGDffl 'The boss offeiid ml an Interes' In the business today." "He did!" "Yes; he said that if I didn't take an Interest pretty soon he'd Are mt." God expects us to do our best with our opportunity, not with some othei person's