The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, September 26, 1924, Image 1

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Milton Stock It Veteran
... ... ..
' 'ton Stock, veteran ililnl !.--tit
it ii. ulin la now hrtiWm doWM iln
''.. In corner fur iln- fighting liodg
era. Stock I retcrnn of ninny nig
ll'llgUC ClltupitlgUa, hilling Heell SCI Vil e
vitii tin- fthmtt ii" oii u iiic mi.
Loots it i mi t m.
Daan of Man, Unirriljr u(
lUTltS DAYTON wu looking "
Wl hT ltn-nrili-l clothing, mill ho
wabuMl' t" wiuii miiit will
Safety III- disposed of Without llS Hi
oucrlnVe to herself nr in her family
tiho luiit listen u recently t" un 141111.1
unil Hint wanted lo aeem luirlljlil
nil generous unit jet no: yield enllr.
I In hrr emotional Impulses.
"Here are u couple of vests of yo,
I ma ami un old brown skirt of mini',
Kile Mil d lo her daughter. Mnn rn
tiiink I'll ii-ntl ilii'in to tin I'ommlnoi
Tin y ure of no possible uih" fur in)
tli.uf i'Im-, mill 1 luili' ti give huh
anything tiiii I ooold um'.'
"Why ilon't ynu put In tlint gray
tilt of father's?" Moggta naked. "tUkl
your lust winter's coal? Yoll'H DI'O'I
ww Hm in Main, umi they wonM BhN
prri" needy person good sen Ice."
"Tliry aevni loo good in give away,"
Mm. liiiytmi replied, "umi, besides. I'd
' ttiotiiflit I wight rut tlu'tii up umi
Imilil them Into h rag; tin' nj umi
the blue would go beautifully together
lira. Jackson hull uni' In her lii'ilruotii
lust wi'ok Hint pleased me very
Mr Dartoo forgot Unit Mm hud s
trunk full of braid I rug iilri'inly lliul
alio l .i.i no pi nil- for. It whb Just I li
olil hnhlt of hoi. line luu k. of never lie
ln quite able (o make Ihi' Niirri'flili'r
Tin- milt would hmiii in tin- closet un
III II wn moth cm 1 i'ii. Hie rout wtedd
uisa from one closet U itnolhi'r, 01
they would be made Into rugs ft
which alii- hud no uac, while down Hi
street there were men itnd women nnil
I'lilldren with hurdly n nig to hide
thi'lr shivering, naked bodies.
When tllfford ri'por'.i'd to the i ll?
official the onovnl of Mm aoaaaaablt
prnpi'it) in' rouiii nut ipiitr bring i in
a.'if in make H clean breooi of it.
"i limi t bolloto lha other nfJooM
toll the truth," he iplnlnrd in mi In
ttmoto friend, "and I conl afford to
be aklnned." Up wasn't quite honest
ii u ii mot 04b man; or na follow
tiiia holding luH'k. VN 'in not grre our
solves iimt to ii principle with i'iiiii
plole nlmndoli. Winn we give over
WO do 11 gNdgiftgljr. Wlii-ti we t I'll
our wlvA we love them we any so, too
often, with reaen nllolia. We lire
iifrnid lo go nvoronthuolaatlc, ooor
gontroua. orori ii
(4J. till, Wali u S' wplr Unlun )
We ellli'.ena of the (ditto lake H j;no(l i
deul ni pride 111 Hie dully induairy of
OrOgOOi god W have reiiaon lo do i "
I ii in i lie iiiim'Mi HKiiriiiiurui uueriini ,
'if Un entire comiiionweulth. Hut
li Hi we I. now I hut It la H; nd I
portunt, H w ill do no liarni lo for. 1 1
Unit knowledge with Home ioihtiI
flirtil, everj one ol lllrh lilHJ he vei l
IK-d from uvittlnble aourraa.
There me lii Oremin iiboul J :!f.,0(.'O
dairy rows, Keventy-three uiul a half
per rent of I he fiinna In the atitte
I. lie .Inlry rattle on them.
In 122 the lnteat Itgurex nvalln'ilo
I from the rafMMta of the frUtite Dairy
umi Kood Commlai'loner I ahow thai
l!i,li20,7K pounda of butter were
made In the Hlnte by li Hi; en amel I a
ami ttie amount paid for the milk was
There were til rheife fiirtutlia In
Oregon, which bouKlit I14M,M6
pouutla of milk mid made i herefrom
10,122,' XG pounda of cheeae. They
paid f 1.978,602.60 for the milk
There Were aeietl i ohdelidi ll milk
factorial arhMk bought tT,MfMI
pounda of milk and paid g 1 . 2 4 !
I3I.1J for It. mukliiK 31.193.90
I mi uiul of condenaiil milk Thua over
ten millon dollam pld for ma
terlnla by the imiiiufuclurinn plulita
of the dairy ImliiMiry for the inllkpro
duriil on 1 1 i: . j ii funua. Add to this
the eattmateil payineiita for milk for
lii' criatii ami Hie vultle of the milk
and rrentii ggod for bome ronaump
tlon. wblrh l $9,999,321 SO and the
total value of milk on the farm la
mora than twenty million dollar
If we try to SOttgtaVto lha' value of
the dairy induairy. we mual Include
the value of the rowa, the burn and
OOnlPtttODl, Ihe value of the i reamer
tea, cheeae farloriea and coudeiiaarlea,
a well na the products, both raw and
PMMfacturiHl. Thia total exceeda two
hundred tiillllnn dollara. Thnae are
taxed and the (axea have a hln ahare
In aiipporilni; (he State anil County
The dairy Indurtry auppurta, in
whole or In part, a fourth of (lie BO
pulatlon of the atate . The farmer,
the hired man. the butter uml cheese
gaakor!, the at my of people working
lor the milk illatrlbulliiK planta of UM
cltb-a. Iho l ien who grow the hay and
prepare the feeds all theae men
and their dependents there la no
'lid to the chain of those who make
I heir living from some phase of the
dolrj Industry. On its continuation
and growth they depend All these
people buy fro. n Ihe home ne-i rh.ini .
they depot :t their money with their
home banks; and they help build
schools and churches. There la no
bualtieaa or charitable enterprise in
Oregon whlc .i doo not derive support
from the dairy industry.
Murh of our atate is adapted pecul
iarly to dairying, but In some sec-1
lions, oaperlall) where logged of laud
or Irrigation projects cry out tor some
means of Immediate profit It has been
fniind that Ihe dair.i row browses
annuel Ihe stumps and returns a
monthly milk chick to her owner: she
rata the alfalfa grown b Irrigation
ami helps her owner meet his pay
The dulrv cow, more than any olh
er agency, maintains anil restores
Ihe fertility of the soil. Without h. i .
crops would soon diminish.
When every citizen fully under
stands that this great industry has
struck a shrewd blow, they will rally
lo the s tl port of Ihe measure lb -signed
to protect It froi i proper competition.
The dairy Industry Is vital to the
I' n pei ,i i ni i iregou, and this pros
perity Is not conllned to the owners of
the cows. It spr. rnls out and cmbracca
every bully , , veti those who mistaken
ly seek lo harm It.
Round-Up Queen on Her Royal Chair Bim Zlri xlnmcK
r. '&rVV t aolaT a aTV"l 1
f '..j-.' . ai'l
. 1
. it I i
V ' V'J
.'iff; yoai. .i
."M WaalajM
Bids were opened Thurs
day by the state highway
commission for the bridge
across the Umatilla river at
Umatilla. Lindstrom & Fei
genson were lowest bidders
at .$47,602. According to a
message from County Judge
Schannep, however, the con
tract will be let to Parker &
Ban field.
Your Eyes
Alius Jnsie Kedg-wick, qU'lt of he Pendleton (Ore.) Itoimd Cp. lmk
the precoduil f roora when she letoetod two hnsky eowponcfeort for ier
si nal attendants Instead of the custom.iry tuiiida of honor.
With reports from Whitman Indica
ting that Nig Itorleske ia putting In
the held one of the strongest teams
that has represented the Mlsslonar
les on the gridiron in years. Eastern
Oregon fans are preparing to view
one of the bust college games ever
played in this section when O. A. C.
and Whitman tangle in
park Friday. October 3.
So Impressed is l oach I'aul J. Srhis
By FKKIiKHK'K I). KTKIt'!' Kit. M
1. of Mate IWmnl of Health
Modern civilization haa tmXtt
changed the function Of the eyes of
man. The reading of the printed
page throws an enormous strain op
the eye by requiring it to make man?
more movement' than called for
In visualizing NU-gO objecis Tho ey
Is one of the organs most commonly
strained in modern life. In its mod
ern use, the eye Is constantly focus
ing at short distances I'nfortunale
ly many of u. in fact more than
sixty pV cent, have physi'ia! defects
of vision. By this is meant that tie
eye Is defective to an extent that
causes the vision to be less thai'
normal, or that ood vl. Ion Is obtain
1 strength. In the first place, for , d through an exertion which cause
first lime In history. Mg HoriesKe ,tl.aln No phy. icial defect contri
naa an - , " f i ! rmtes more directly to fatigue and
the great Whitman athletics for all
time will help Nig tutor the Maize Inefficiency than eye strain or Is
and BlttO into shape. more responsible for waste of vitm
Despite early bearish rumons it U,v effort, time and material. Head
evident that Itorleske has a quorum - dtllnM, are e8.
Ill I Tlt'I If'ilt I (1 Mill ,1.111 M. I'll II.IHU
ltound-rp from whlch lo buiid. his 1924 mach
ine. Outstanding among his veterans
is Karl Tllton. rangy halfback who
sler with the formidable line-up that played in 1922 and was the sensation
Whitman Is getting together, that un- ,,f the northwe.-t Other heady back
usually heavy practice sessions are fld men are Hall, Tllton. Lackey and
evi n now going forward behind clo aid Franks, while there is a lingering
gates at Corvallls. Schlaaler though hope In Walla Walla that "Corky"
handicapped by his untamHIarlly Comkrum diminutive quarter, may
with his ateyon, will put a strong be back to take over the signal call
team In the field if he ran Sehl-isler DK
uses the .Notre Haine system of play The line seems to he Nlg's big
and fans who come to PonOlOtOg to problem but with a lot of experienced ( ,., t.s examined by a special! t. Lack
see in,. Aggies uo ineir siuu may ex- malarial ana a nunen oi ni'wroiiii-isj proper care causes a variety of
p. i t to see a real oil. naive released that Is good. Ilorleske snouia nave a; ,
In the new lied and Illack mentor. n,,. that will match lib speedy set of I ey oefecla. Avoid fine worg. h
n, ,. , v, ,..,,,. , i, i fnr kw. work Ls especially bad for children
peclall: frequent restilt.? of eye strain
Prim blurring, restricted dlslan!
vision, ocasional double virion, mus
cular tv itchlngs. digestive dietur
ganeoo and a variety of otlier mani
fest itlonn may be due to eye strain.
Yo r yisji require intel'lgent care.
If you have headaches or if in read
ing, the book Is held nearer than
twelve Inches, you should have your
big league couches in their arly sea-
As for O. A. C, it Is certain the and should not be continuous. Resi
son practice games Is to :iold their famous Aggie d-.ense win not oeiaca-. your frequently from study and
Ktull in n . i. I ..! nspeci to the tng anil coupieu wnn ine iimuui
i ...... ..... ,.i .,..1 ,. t w In. nr.. ,il- tack that Schtssler's followers
; ., , ,; .,,,,,1, I,,,, i i.ia on UUt trttt oD ol tf, " t oya n mm oi
year. Judging from the early season say will be on, NU's men will 1 jtg.
trength at WMtman, BcnnaUer will have to -o har.l to put across a w in. i;,;1ding on moving tra.ns, looking
be forest to use all his stuff ll lie is ill" .V.-ui, tiacK neiu niohs goon who
. i Tk.i ..r mu.m., la hrH on th I'rice. Hovkln. C.arber. Ilell and Ce-
coaches but it Is apple sauce for the Cart, while Sehulmerteh. Ireland and I ing in a recumbent position readingin
r..w niolthev are sure of seeing a r, al Mattson of the rooRs. ale going ui
push the lellernien naru lor
Indicate positions
Keports from
W hitman
Testing cows Tor butterfat piinluc
Hon In onler to weed out the low
producers Is gaining head way In east
Oregon has produced ore world
champion dairy cows than any other
stnle In the Union. This Is possible ern Oregon counties, aayi N 0 .liimi
bolh liecuuse of natural comllllons '" dairy speclallsl for the state col
and the fact that some of our citizen l''1''' extension service, who dir. eta
have devoted their Uvea to Improving 'ow loming association work In the
the quality and productiveness of ''.late.
these cuttle. They work not only f or
their own good, but for I lie benefit of The roremost uatlons In the world
an almont endless chain of people in nil times and ages, have been
who are helped by dairying. nourished by the dairy row.
Uan Znlm
Rxoeciin' Comoanv
oj i r r" 1 I I
7r vuHO 15 thi v-:- j
Rev. N. Nicholaievich
wbolcl03e work. The muscles are relaxed
by directing the eyes on distant ob
1 jects.
Heading on moving trains, looking
for some time at
a dim light, racing a glaring lig .t
these Should be avoided aa harmful to ioi
eyes, lot the purpose of concert li.i
your vision the direction, source now
er and color of artificial illumination
are important. The light should be
steady. It should b,e of sufficient In
tensity to Illumine without glare and
no shadows shoul be produced on the
reading or work surface
He sure your vUion la corrected by
properly fitted glasses Have this don
by an eye specialist. Do not try to fit
Cheap glasses to your eyes. E c niin
from badly fitted glasses may in time
seriously affect your eyesight or
health. Your eyes should be examined
frequently by an eye specialist. Not
only shold he examine the eye for op
tical defects but he should interpret
the eye conditions in terms of gen
eral disease. The eye responds quick
ly tolowered state of bodily efficiency.
Oood health means to a large extent
right living, and the eyes will share
in general effects.
Nothing can take the place of milk
In Oregon without seriously injuring
the financial Integrity of the state.
Itev. Nicholas Nicholaievich. rector
of the Itusslaii Orthodox ehurtii in
Seattle and dean of the PhcMe di
ocese, bus gone to .un rran.'ism to
rOOihal in tile courts the attempt of
the Soviet synod of Moscow to seize
Chorcb property vulued at ntarty half
I million dollars in the Ln.ted States.
Soft Woolly Coatg
for Small G.rh
opfl Blot I
I oMB rtKR'IflSRr' aHiei ti
The steudfnstness of Mary's little
lamb reappeara In her new vvlnter
coat perliape be contributed bis tleece
OWtrd umUing It. At any rate, every
wln re that Mary goes the coat is sure
10 To. and particularly to school.
Many soft, woolly fabrics are used
us fall. In the cozy, all-round orrrlce
tits for little girls aa camera-hair,
unongRf and chinchilla cloths. The
Iw.iys reliable tweeds play their usu
al and commendable part and there
lire certain fahrlc-furs. among pile
Mateo, that excel lu warmth and
iwr.ihillty. A tine model appears in
'he Diet OTO. with iiiu.ller collar and
rent fastening that will convert It
Ota a double-breasted coat, w hen wln
er comes, ll Is smart and pretty In
tun tlamingo cloth. If Miiry acqulrea
' ,s coat she will n-ed no other.
oa l OS
Your I,
f The free "clink'" la one of the
most oeneflclal of the lnstitu-
tlot.s set up in recent times. The Z
wi rd "clluic" I derived from
he (t:eek through the French
cllntqtie" which means "reclin
ing." The clinic patient, prop
erly speaking. Is one who Is con
fined to bed am! who Is treated
In the pi-eeen, e of students of v
meiucai classes.
XX--.XX-.-0-0fr0 0 0
It's tun fer a kid
whut gits spanked
fn quent to grow up
an' have kids of his
own to spank.
hoiw ARC YOU
W sMD 'S Tui j0 V
--1 FRiEND Of If I 5wE? MV J ISN
1 - .!. , y V n:-' loo f n lSTEg