The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, September 19, 1924, Image 4

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    The QoardntftC Mirror
Boaidmaii, Origolrf
m!i. omsvbi. vi. PnbUsMf
ji,s. I T. Hcivim, Local Fditor.
Entered as second class matter Feb
U, 1921, al the postonVe at Board
man. Ore., under net of Mar. S, 187
Mr. and Mrs. F.H.Moore of Curium
are visiting at the BUU Caret t home.
Mr. and Mrs, J.C Pallcnger n4
Maxino motored to Hem.lstou Tuoe
day. Dorotliy P.onrdman left Saturday
for Salem as her school opens Mon
day the 15th.
Ray I.amoreaux and wife of Irri
gon called on the Fred ilraham family
Saturday evening
Roy Gilbrcth returniKl last wtek
from Longview, Wn. where he has
been for some time.
Mrs J. Gorham. Mrs. Johnson of
M.sner and Mrs. K. Rands motored
to Arlington Thursday
I'lx Itlsrli Seined Classes Organize
The several rhusstw of the high
school met recently and ohvtod the
class officers for the present year.
Freshmen Olasa
The elections resulted as follows:
Eldon Wilson. President
Alex Avers, Vice-President
Mabel Brown, Sec.-Treas.
Mr. tlrbrgs, Class Advisor
Sophomore Class
Norma'" Hailey. President
Kims Itroyles. Sec.-Treas.
Arihur Bullov, Editor
Junior Class
Carl Avivs. Sergeant at
Mrs. Pot. gondolier. Class Advisor
Katherine Brown. President
Mildred Duncan. Sec.-Treas.
Kay IVmpsey. Vice .President
Howard Packard, Editor
Mrs. Crowder. Class Advisor
Senior Class
Prances C.llbreth, President
Elmo Russell. Vice-President
Rlanch Imus. Sec.-Treas.
Professor Russell, Class Advisor
The freshman class were Initiated
last Thursday evening. They founu
i'.iat initiation was not as terrible ns
a few of them had expected. Re
freshments were served in the Cafe
terla. Several of the alumni were
present to witness the introduction of
Yernoiv CVawfoiM lof Woodland
,,. . j... -.. ., f..- .t-,s the IS Freshmen to the real hall of
- ! I . Illllie I ur.uu,' ,-. " 1
visit at the Nick Faler home.
Mr. Togg of flearhart came recent y
to see his daughter Mrs. W O.King.
He left for his home Saturday.
covsTiTi tio DAI phoorvm
I toa rd ma n was a eherd town Wed
nr.-day of this week to observe Con
jstttutlon Day In otxdienoe to the
1 Covenor'st proclamation,
Thr I'oardtmin schools OttlWWMl
Constitution Ia with very appro
ipriate exercises, About fifty of the
friends and parents wen" proMM
Program given at school Wed ties
day. Sepi. 17. at I 10 P Mi
Star Spangled Manner All
Flag Salute led by Mls Aldrlch
The llovenor's Proclamation
Elmo Russell
rnis Song and Pit amble Freshman Class
Recitations Frances tialla
Mary Chaffee
Norma Gibbons
.Song Lois Messenger and Dale Cox
.Quotations 5th and tUI.Cirades
Soiik and Drill .ltd and 4th Grades
Signing of tlx1 Constitution
7th and 8th grades
America's Creed
Short History of the Constitution
Katherine Ilrown
Question and answers on the
Constitution Sophomors
Short Constitutional Address
W. A. Goodwin
Sax. phone Duet
Howard Packard and Elmo Kussell
Elmo Russell
America All Standing
Exit March
We. the peope df the P. S. In order to
form a igore perfect union, establish
Justice, Insure domestic tranquility,
provide for the common defense.
11 1 If 1
A ten pound boy has arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Corey,
Both mother and boy doing tine.
R, F. Williams is assisting t.yle
Se.iin.iii In the garage this week ac
count of the Round- I rush ami
business illicit up
Mrs. it. S. Pamareoux and son,
have moved hack eii their farm since
all their renters have deserted the
County iigeni Morse spent a couple
of days In IrrtgOn getting repairs
made on his 1'ord. He brOkfl the
crank shaft a couple of miles wi st oi
ftrlgon Tuesday
W. T. Wright and Hen Knight are
trying to work up some pl an to get In
plumes en the Columbia rlvM Boul
evard list. They helelvo this line can
bo put In at a co.t of about twenty
the dollars emit !v all doiinllnr. the
work. It will be a tine thing and
should be done as soon as possible.
Coll MTJS9k
s Km
"eld If
Tires C7
livery Huuaay
Sunday School
Church Service .. .
Christian Endeavor
All are welcome,
10:110 .
11:30 a.
. 7:30 0
The cantaloupe season ; si 111 on
Express shipments are being made
dally and trucks every other day.
The basis of :i child welfare is
health and physical deeloptucnt. The
foundallon of child health llM m
proper feeding In Its broad as pert
the proper feeding of children In
volves around a public recognition m
the interdependence of humans upon
dairy cattle. The white race cannot
survive without dairy products
Kelly-Spi ingl ii I. Is arc alUOJIg the.
OlO-CI aud best known tiros mi the
They have alWIt)'" bad a reputation
tot givbe; v. opt loual iikll'age and!
remarkable nvr .. e.
The Kelly tires f today are 0t$
tin. si thai t eliy lia rot built.
They are slnmi'r, sturdier, will
stand oe'ie punishment and
more mlb ae than the t i " ( hhii
which Kelly reputation mu built.
Tin y iuhmI to lie u Utile higher priced
(ban other tin, but now rodnnil
prlri's ar" In elicit, on .irinimt of
larger tat ;r l.oiilli.--. .aiol hOAOV
Hie cosine no uitire tlmn Other tires
which have lieer b"rne the Kelly
We sell Kcllt -Springfield tlrex Im
iausi we bidtej,. iliev will gin- our
customers the oiom mileage mid the
best service ut Inwctd rout.
KKV. II. N. II Pllll FN, I'rutor.
Eoi bargains in lOOond batfd 4l
see UdM! in IK rinlston. 1)0
TTO It N K Y - A l - I. A
Office In Court House
Mt ' l-NF : - . - (MtEt.ON
Ari'OK.VKY AT l,.W
Arllngtoni Ownon
ThLs year the Poardmnn High
school students have a chance at a
subjeet which Is new In thie school.
I That Is the useful study of book-
The .TfX of men who have been keeping. We have already enrolled
workfftsT on the lilghway near our class nine students. They are
for some time have all returned as follows: Arthur Bniley, Norman
home. Ralley. Weldon Avers Diehert John-
(son. Edward MeClellan. Earl Olson.
Mrs. Sam Shell has her niece. Pearl j Hector Wicklander. Carl Ayen
Bullock of Pendleton spending the , dreti )llnran supt. J. O. Russell Is er hath and some lockers
winter with her.
She is attending
Mr. and Mrs. Bryee Dillabough
and family motored to Portland on
Wednesday where be has a position
in view.
Mrs. A.C.Curtis of Seattle arrived
Monday and is visiting her daughter.!
Mrs. Arlle Packard and .-Irs John
Miss Louise Sears and Mrs Jennie
Deggvndorffer spent the week end at
Joseph. Ore. motoring down Friday
and returning Sunday evening.
big game, O. A.
Pendleton Frida
The O. A. C. Cadet band under the
I tfeCtiOB of Captain Harry lle.tnl.
will be in Pendleton Tor the () A C
Whitman football gane Oct. 3. Pol-
promote general welfare, and secure lowing the game the bandsmen, niem
the blessing of Liberty to ourelveo bers of the O. A. C. team and coach
and posterity do ordain and establish ing staff will be guests at a reunion
this Constitution for the Pulled Static dinner given by the Eastern Oregon IHHKION
of America. ! alumni and former students of the
'college After the dinner the band
The school Is now getting some wlM rurI,u,h Iliu,ir ,,ir ., hlir roll.ui.
Mil- more apparatus. ronsMini: of a show- (Unrf. a, Happy Canon pavilllon for
The new u, Whliman and O. A. C. rnotOT
equipment Is being Installed by the C(.nter8 ,n ,h q. A.
high school manual training class. I c .whltma gan ,T(tm he f,cl
WhltBUUI will have an unusual!)
strong team this year and the battle
, Oct. 3. will be the first by the O A.
C. team under Hie guidance of Pain
J. Schlasler, new coach.
The outlook for exhibits al the Pa
cific International Live Stork Expo
sltion at Portland. Ore . Is extremely
good this year. A number of famous
herds from the East and middle wit
are coming, without fail, and others
tfeppner, Oregon.
If you will eoiue In ld refer t
this advertlMoiiient, we will make you
a discount to Introduce llio Kelly
Seaman's 'ara
. . . . OUKIJON
! Sell
the instructor.
Football is now In full sway and
those who are turning out are get- JOKES
ting Into form quickly. Mr. Griggs. ! Mrs. Crowder -"Francis. when was
our last year's coach. Is spending Sir Humphrey killed?"
every moment possible with the bpys. Francis- -"He was drowned In the
A new football field has been eur- ocean."
veyed and with some leveling of Mrs. C. - "When?"
i III L. l I !.-,..,,..,., MVk !.... II,,.. II
, rnnin icrooiui o win ot in kuvu i-iuuw tin- iniu-.
i shape for the first game of the sea- Ijiteet:!
Ison, Oct. 10th. ' Shorty has a shingle hob.
al biuaker and Jeweler
Plan .Is, Wax lies, lb., ks, Silver- I V- . 1 t 111. ilVwl T
witri X X
T 1 I A.
Time lop- .r Vt . It. H. A . Co. T ' ' " WrBRUn T
72(1 Main St. PENDLETON, OIIK,. MflHfHHmfHfmMH
"Oldest P.ank in QHttaU rounty"
Pounded in 1888
rn Oregon's In hill selecting next war's potato
C. va. Whitman at seed hills that show green and look 1nlfy ,,u'lr ln"n,l"n f "''""
vigorous later than the average are
roommended by the experiment sta
the great Pacific slope event. Among
the herds promised is that of Milking
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Harrison re
turned to Poardman recently from a
summer at Seaside. Mr H. conMnues
about the same as when he left.
Raymond Lo
. . . Shorthorns owned hv IThnnld WimhI
,,n,i Knhv and' "n tor improvement in tne nregon '
Oscar Kosar and family returned on Potato crop The leaves should be Tl. ,
normal for lbs varletv with no unu- mt
his line pereheron.i. and .rv llkelv
Mrs. Bob Smith has been home fori
several days from The Dalles hospital j
where she had a minor operation fori
tumor She Is convalescing nicely.
Monday from a flying trip to Konsaa. ,
by motor having left here Aug 31.
Just two weeks and a day there and
Mi Beth Bleaknian and friend.
Horace Rayhurn of Portland came
Friday and visited at this brothers
home. He will attend the Pendleton
Round-Vp before returning home.
W.A.Murrhie and wife and J C.
Ballenger returned Saturday from a
busineas trip to Eugene. Murchle's
returned to Wasco. Sunday morning.
Mrs E. K. Mulkey and son. Merle,
went to Pendleton Wednesday to
consult a physician . Both she and
Merle have been on the sick list
of late.
Arthur Boye of Grandview, Wash.,
came Wednesday for a short visit at
the Hereim home. He had been
vb-itlng a week with the Larsens ar
Arthur Goodwin of Condon has
pur-haed W. A Goodwin's interest !.-
the Pastime and will move his famiy
here thla week having rented the F
L. Brown house.
Mrs. L. W Mitchell and son rtlch
ard of Portland, came Wednesday to
visit at the home of Mr. an-1 Mrs. J.
contracted pneumonia after the oper
rame with her.
sual wrinkling or mottling. Indica
tions of mosaic. Mosaic leaves have wl" l,rlnK 'f 0,her rMlt
small areas less green and more el- draff "n"e breeders with him The
low than the healthy leaf. Sometimes "I" rial ,raln w,,'' n brot Priceless anl
these leave appear to have thin spots mal arr tN" continent last year
. ... ' aiiflh Hi II 111 i.r,lL. m.I
Miss Flvnn of Hardman. were week- " "pm. I'lants win. unirorm.. gr.n, -' "
. . .. , T, ., . , smooth leaves are the best. They may made such extraordinary time that
end visitors at -he (.len Hadley home. J dug k h,Khly llk,,y , ,,r ntipll,.nt(ul
They ar- both teachers In the h gh now d put lnl0 for g9
schorl Zoe Hadley, who is teaching on cooling out. Seed selection pays
in the mountain, was also home for in the commercial field and is par-;con'" n "' an, ,,a' ' "
llculariy valuable Tor next year's me ira.n, line UM nfinn, win ue
seed plot. "bigger and better."
V V. ' ... 1'iotKv.,
II. M. Cox,' .
fre & A Elostier, VIc-Pree.
iier Cha& v. Story, As-' Cashier
, V l. f
the week end.
Dr H. C.Curry, the Seattle Eyesight
Specialist, who has made professional
visits to Boardmon for many years,
will again be at the Highway Inn
Monday. Sept. 22. For one day only,
Eyes examined Glasses Fitted. Prices
Mrs. Saldern, mother of Mrs J. T.
H.aley, Mrs. Packard, a slater, and
Mrs. Healey, Sr., mother of J. T.
Heaiey, came Saturday for a short
visit at the Healey home They left
Tuesday for their home in Portland
accompanied by Miss Doris Healey
who will
this year.
attend Monmouth again
Mrs. Adolph Skoubo entertained
the Ladles Aid on Wednesday at her
home. spacious lawn made an
Ideal place for the guests, twenty j
In number, who enjoyed the after
noon. RoHtiM business was trans-,
acted. "Rally day" was stressed by I
Mrs. Hoardman and everyone urged
to be present on Kept. 28th at Sun
day school. It was voted to have tl.s
Aid serve an election day dinner,
Nov. 4th Plans for this will be j
CmDlt:tf-M! :u tit" ru-xt iiMM'tlnK and.
111. .1111 .mi. v . . ! iuiiaiu i
Bend were oternigh' visitors at the ! com mittee appointed.
,.f Tvtr itjaWialH". mihr I served a most elaborat
They then vleiu.d at the McKarland , wa assisted by
ranch at Umatilla and at Mrs. J. T. j &nd IMchardson.
Bullock's home at Pendleton. They
T IS diversified farming with dairying and hog and I
-.sheep raising which insurs the permanent prosperity I
of every agricultural section
It provides the farmer with monthly income and reduces
the necessity of seasonal horrowing or otherwise run
ning into debt It enables him to market his alfalfa,
hay and grain in such concentrates as butter, cheese,
cream, milk, pork and wool, lessening freight charges an
d increasing his net revenue
The Best is none too good I
Try our Sherwin-Williams paints
and varnishes. There is none bet- S
We have a complete line oi
Cedar Flume Stock
Build ing Material
Builders' Hardware
Cement, Lime, Wood, Coal, Posts
Boarditt&iit Oregon.
will attend the Round-l p before t:.ey
return home.
Mr. and Mrs C. J. Blayden are
plea(id to announce the marriage oi
their daughter Frances Kllen to Mr.
Walter Olsen of Clatskanie Oregon.
The bride and groom will be at
hoinein Clalskanle In the near future
where Mr. Olsen is Interested in 'he
lumber Industry.
The hostess
lunch. She Garret t
Mrs Skoubo very
graciously gave several violin and
vocal selections. The next meeting
will be with Mrs. Blayden Oct. I,
the first Wednesday In October.
Rider at HermlBtom sells furni
ture, stoves, and all kinds of second
hand goods cheap. 6-2o
WANTED- Fresh eggs and chickens.
French Cafe, Pendleton. au31tf
Her. al ii,.. Dank of Stanfleld, we believe having the rl?ht kind ami
quality or livestock on every fiirm means much to this community and
to each Individual farmer. And ofcourse, we are always glad to en
courage more fanning operations,
A new, bigger and better pavilion will I se the Piirlrir International Idve.
HOCk Exportttod at Portland this year, Nov. 1st to Mth. lien- will be
MMmMod the greatest gathering of purebred beer anil dairy rattle, sheep,
goats, bogs ami chickens ever evhlblted In America, It Is an ipK,t (unity
YOU should not puss by, for her. you may Ml inly quality breeding and mod
ern production methods as practical by the leading breeders of the entire
country. Be sure and attend.'
Bank of Stanfield
mmmmmmmgiimmmmm t, v-ru ; ,m
i it
Let us print those butter wrappers.
The Highway Inn
O. H EARNER, PropHtor
Bbardman, ( rrcgon
Wholesome Horme Cooking
Best place to eat between The Dalles and