he Boardman Mirror Boardman, Oregon MARX A. OliBVHLAMD, Publisher Mrs. A. T. Ilereim, Local Editor. TUnUSHED EVERY FRIDAY $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE- Entered as .second-clas;? matter Feb 11, 1921, at the postofflee at 13 o aid man, Ore., under act of Mar. 1879 BOARDMAN LOCALS Jack Gorliaui was a Heppner caller Sunday. Harry Warren and wife motored to Portland Wednesday. W. A. Murchie and wife and Claude Rallencer drove to Eugene Monday on buinness. Mrs. W. A. Price and son, Billy, to Walla Walla last week for a visit with her parents. Doroihy ISoardiuan. leaves Sat urday for Salem where rshe will reent. years work. . Clay Warren waH a Portland visitor a few days last week returned last Sunday. Francesl'.laydi n and Ethel Ilroyles left Saturday for Portland where they plan to work. Itev. and Mrs. E. E. Cox of New Plymouth, Ida., stopped Wednesday and took dinner with C. J. Btoyden, The McDanlels, Ah x Warrens and Hikes returned last week from their hunttat trip to the mountains. Next week is the Pendleton Round up and everybody, of course, will be there. Here's hoping the weather will be good like this week, so we say, "Let 'er Ruck." Dr H. C. Curry, the Seattle Eye sight Specialist who lias made proles Klonal visits to lloardnian lor many years, will be here again soon. Watch this column lor dale. The three Imus KlrlH, Esther, 01 and Blanche have returned to Hoard man for t he school term. Tliey haw rOonH at (iot'hams fcgftlS this year lor a short time when their parents plan to move In for the year from their wheat ranch . Mr. and Mrs. Win. Leathers of Hernilstoti called at the .lacli Corham home Sunday on their way home, as did Mr ami .Mrs WhlltaUer of RW ll. ion. The same day Win. Fritz and wife of Woodlnvlllc, Wash., visited the Ciiirliams. School has started for another year with all teachers present and a large enrollment. I'rof. J. O. Russell, for merly of Wasco; is superintendent. Mrs. Crowder has returned to the delight of all the high school stu dents.. She spent her vacation at her home in Hermlston. Mrs. Jen nie Degendorffer came Monday from Kellogg, Idaho, Where she has been all summer with her recently ac quired husband, she having been married in February in Spokane Mr. Griggs spent part of his vacation at Seattle attending the U. of W. He has returned wearing the beginnings of a new facial decoration which is causing much Interest. Mrs. Joyce Willis of Tillamook Is the new 7th and 8th grade teacher and is well lik ed already. At present she is boarding at the Blayden home but will take housekeeping rooms at the Coiliams shortly. Miss Eoui.se Sears came Sun day In her Ford coupe from awr home at McCoy. She attended summ r school at Monmouth and Co.vallis and also had a pleasant trip to Miss ouri the early part of the summer She and Mrs. Degendorffer are at the cot tage. Miss Alice Aldrtch of Portland Is also new. She has the 3rd and 4th grades, Is good in music, dramatics and, art, so will be a great asset to the community. Miss Barbara Hlxon of Portland was her'1 last rear and is known and loved by all. Her little folks think her perfection plus and she has started the year v.'ilh 15 be ginners who begin thetf flflrt venture in the school world under very calla ble hands .Misses Hlxon and Aldricn and Mrs. Crowder are all making their home with the ISallcngers this year. We have every prospect of a good school and hope for support and cooporation of every patron oft he school wllh the splendid corps of I ei hers we now have. Mrs. W. O. King anil Mrs . Clen Hadley were joint hostesses last week for Ladies Aid and this was the first meeting since June. A large number of ladies were present and much busi ness was transacted and plans for the winter made A play is to be given Shortly by the Aid, which Mrs. J. O. Husseii lias rery kindly consented to direct . She hits had much experience In this line and a good play is antici pated. Home talent plays are always well received in Boardman and al ways play to I l ull house The play se lected Is "Miss Molly" a farce with laughs from stall to finish. This will be given the latter part of September or early in October. Plans for the haaar vv re also made and II was decided to make some snif fed animals at the next Aid meeting which will be held Sept. 17 at the Adolph Skoubo home In the east end where Mrs. Skoubo will be hostess on her ipactOUS lawn. Mrs. J. Allen presided at the meeting and at the closee of the business session a DOUnteOttS luncheon was served by the hostess. Jionrdman School Note's The Uoardman Community schools Dave opened and the first week of regular work has been done. The Several gnode teachere have each taken hold of their respective duties wiih a fine spirit. In" the high school department, Supt. J. O. Russell was greeted on the first Monday morning by 3S young men and women. This is the laregst High School enrollment in the history of the Boardman High school. The pupils are divided as follows: 10 in the Freshman class; 11 in the Sophomore class; four in the Junior class, and seven in the Senior class. The registration and lesson assign ments were accomplished on the ripening day. Consequently, the High School department was at regular work on the second morning of school. The new su books arrived on Tn there was no inconvii shortage of books in classes except the HI class. The High School held its first as sembly on Wednesday afternoon at 3:15. Songs were sung with Miss Rachel Johnson presiding at the piano. After the songs President James Hoyvell took the chair, and Miss Mildred Duncan acted as seere- ler in due lorm. The principal of business was a motion to e in . football. This motion ollowed by motions to join the Athletic assoiiation and to au o the athleiic manager to pur the needed football material le coming contests. WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOKNETS-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon. t I Sell Insurance ARLINGTON NATIONAL BANK "Oldest Bank in Gilliam County" Founded in 1888 I J. C. BaHenger I Boardman - Oregon ply of text sday so that ccs due to a any of the it- Economics Mrs. Earnest Itrown and four child ren came to Uoardman last Friday af ter a long absence She has been at Waltsburg since June but returned to put i lie children in school. Her sis-ter-ln law, Mrs. Casebolt, and children came, with her for a short visit. Sept. Is "Rally Day" at the Sun day school and it is especially asked that everyone who has ever gone to Sunday school lu re ami as many as possible to be present thai day and make It a real "Rally Day." There will be a short program given at the Sunday school hour and every one Is asked to keep this date in mind and lie present at this time. Needless to say you are welcome any Sunday and every Sunday at the services. Sunday night a show was given in Uoardman vv hleh brot out quite crowd in far (.renter number than attend church services), It was called Jungb Land and was quite Interest ing. A miscellaneous collection of on Imals. reptiles and one member of the Simian tribe culled Hank which uuvo boys and men old enough to knovf better an opportunity to tease, pekr sticks at and abuse The head man of the show who gave the show and tec lure suld: "Have a rope tied around your neck and five or six boys poking sticks at you If you want to know how Hank feels," but the fact that the monkey was tied up and thus helpless gave the young men achance to tease and annoy the poor monkey without any danger of being scratch ed or hurt. Snakes of various kinds, ferret, musk! at pigeons. White mice, etc.. composed his collection. It was an evening well spent. Artificial support for branches overloaded with fruit becomes pres sing just before the crop colors up, with the starches largely turning to sugar as the fruit matures. Most Ore gon trees that have been rightly pruned from the start get along all right without tying or bracing, as it is considered by growers and experi ment station specialists a good prac tice now to alloyv Ihe upright limbs to bend down with their fruit and thus T SMI LI NO WITH KELLYS OFFICERS A. Wheelhouse, Pres. S. A. Rossier, Vice-Pres. H. M. Cox, Cashier Chas. F. Story, Ass't Cashier spread the tr square pieces a few feet big ropes tied to Biipport, are i by the experin ee. Masts of 2-lnch one end on the ground, her than the tree with the branches needing ised and recommended lent station, tbo rather lslve in some districts. Bye Specialist Coming Dr. Clarke of the Clarke-Stram Optical Co., 112V3 Sixth street, Port lond, will be In Irrigon from 9 A. M. until 2 P. M. Headquarters at Mrs. Oraybeal's Friday Sept. 1 9th In Boardman afternoon and evening of same day. Headquarters at the High way Inn. 7e ell .My ':' sring- Id Tires Kelly-Springfields are among the IB Oldest and best known tires on the' 0 market. They have always had a reputation for giving exceptional-mileage and ii iiiarkable service. I The Kelly tires of today are the finest that Kelly lias ever built. They are stronje,., sturdier, will stand more punishment .and give more mileage than the tires upon which Kelly reputation WAS built. ARLINGTON - - - OREGON j11" "i1"' " i m wwiii !! iii mm hhiiiihiiiiii iiiihiiiiiihiiiiiiim in in The Best is none too good Try our Sherwin- Williams paints I and varnishes. There is none bet- 1 ter. We have a complete line oi Cedar Flume Stock Building Material Builders' Hardware Cement, Lime, Wood, Coal, Posts W A. MURCHIR boardman, Oregon. They used to lie a little higher priced than other tires, but now reduced prices are in effect, on account Of larger factory facilities ,nnd hence. "" I rrTT1trrilinwilll IHIII iiiWilglMij s,sjss,in mmL the costs no more than other tires . which have never borne the Kelly OOMMTXITY UHTTBOH SERVICE reputation. Every Sunday V,'o sell Kell y-Springfleld tires be- Pause we believe they will give our customers the most mileage and the best service at lowest cost. S. E. NOTSON A T T () K N K V - A 1 - L A W company his place. have mat. shipped in rial and wil 1 i r 1 1 Dor fioi Ihe growth of the new building of the Pacific International Live Stock imposition has been akin to mai l.'. The spirit of the live stock industry materialized and waved its wand, ut tered the cabalistic words n led, and presto! It was there, larger and more adequate than e ver. The . whole Im mense building is enc losed and bulks huge, like some gigantic bird Whjch spreads its wings about to cover Its children, the most valuable broon ever gathered together. It is surpris ing how many Improvements have I n made over the ..1,1 building. The boys anil the girls' club depart ment Is new, and will occupy a space 60x100 foot south or the beef cat tle department The arena Is 84 feet longer than before, and the horse de partment is almost double the size of ttlt fllll 1.111. Til., IkOlllft't- ,1 .,!, I'l ,,l.,..f , I , . , ', , figures in lnvob Is greatly enlarged, and the Interiors . . , i .us i j ear loiai IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS Mr, and Mrs. Fail Hand and Mr. and Mrs. Halph Walpole spent a few days yvith their folks in Irrigon the first of the week. C. C. Barker hss prchasad a bill of Turn A I.um Lumber i building a house on Sunday School 10:30 a. in. HKPPMS. If you will come in and refer to Church Service 11:30 a. m. : thi advertisement, we will make you Christian Endeavor 7:30 p. m a discount to introduce the Kelly tires, All are welcome. Office in Court House OREGON Seaman's Garage A. H. SWITZER ATTORNEY AT LAW I IIUIGON OREGON REV. B. S. HUGHES, Prstor.. Arlington. Oregon George Hand and son Batle I ar of building ri building this s Mrs. Itebbert'a Knlgbt and children have returned from their vacation In California and report a fine time The painters are polishing up the depot this week inside and out. The watermelon season is Hearing Jhe end but cantaloupes nre still com ing on pretty heavy and quality has not been affected by the cool nights. etter If anything but In fact, grai prices are d ports bavin:: are without exception Improved in some particular. iman re te four Monday, limbered 9 50. W. 1! Walpole has his big radio lei melons and took home a load. Foul brood is the Oregon bees' In tailed and reports it working fine, worst enemy, says H, . Bcullen com- flordon Holmes of r-nterson.Wash , lucreln! boo keeper and bee special- , . , 1st at the state college, ami mvd was an Irr,"on victor Tuesday, -rowers keep a sharp lookout for the Garland Jeude and Mr. Singleton, first symptoms. Any diseased colony of the I'nlon Pacific Interline foi ls taken care of at odce to prevent warding freight desks Portland, ipread of ,Ue aBment. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.Lyle TllK QUELLE A good place to oat s' allia" Sunday. Tin y filled up with in Pendleton. kaasasrvv The Highway O. 11 WARNER, Proprietor Boardman, Oregon Wholesome Home Cooking Best place to cat between The Dalles and Pendleton WHEN YOU COME TO THE ROUND-UP NEXT WEEK DON'T FAIL TO VISIT OUR STORE TO SEE THE NEW ARRIVALS FOR FALL. THE STORE IS BRIMFUL OF New Fall Goods Every department is replete with fashionable merchandise that has just ar rived for the season at hand. It would be impossible to tell you of all the good things we have to show you, so we cordially invite you to come and see for yourself. Thentoo, our prices are always lower than you expect to pay for the qualities offered. Inn Here Are Listed a Few Things We Would Like to Have You See Coats, Silk Dresses, Wool Dresses, Children's Coats, Sweaters, Princess Slips Fttrs, Blouses, Corduroy Robes, Underskirts, Corsets, Neckwear, Gloves, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Dress Coods, Silks, Blankets, Comforters, Bags, Purses, Colonial Drapery Fabrics, Curtain Nets, Wool Challis, Silk Underwear, Belts, and many other things too numerous to mention. Pictorial Review Patterns 20c to 35c Vho Crescent D&2 SOOVS CO. i'KMtl.l'TUX, OBSGON Phone 127 Better Merchandise Lower Prices