The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, September 12, 1924, Image 1

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    S a t s o n B
11 Tb-2l
Champion Cyclist Is Here
That the damsite for the Umatilla
rapids project has been officially de
clared satisfactory and also that no
Insurmountable engineering diltieul-
They Are Organizing Smith Club:
v". ,
a letter from F. E. Weyn
engineer of the reelamati
to Congressman N. J. Sit
emit ""'". fTW
i.wr"u mm
1 any
I'eter Moeskops, bicycle clianipion I
of the world, who has arrived in this
country, is taking an active part in
the races held at the Newark velo
drome. Mneskops won the world's 1
championship in Paris August It.
Moeskops is one of the largest bicycle
riders in the world, standing six feet
one InCll and weighing 225 pounds.
Dean of Men, University of
rpllKEE women
sitting m-mss ;
in a railway :
coaeli, talking. Their Voice wi'iv
pitched high. Their enthusiasm wu
evident. It was impossible not to hear j
what they were saying. They w i re
not educated women, and the thing!
thej- were saying were nut. pleas:: ul
things. They were discussing their
friends, in fact, and their acquaint
ances, ridiculing them, laughing loud
ly at their frailties, repeating unsavory
and unkind things that rumor had
brought to their ears.
Their talk was full of "1 under
stand" and "1 Imve heard Sna" "Yon
know they say," of "She said to roe'
ami "I told her" and "You mint fv1
repeat It to a soul." Their stories'
Wire turgid witli specific details i"
make more evident their t rn t li C: 1 1 1 1 "5
und reality, I presume. They recount
ed with meticulous accuracy the time
and place sod accompanying clrcuill
stances of the most trivial hits of
"Let tne see, who was It told mt",
was it Mrs. llrown? No. I think it
wasn't her, it was Mrs. Jones. We
were standing at the corner of (he
street, and I think it was Wednes
day I remember now. it was Tues
day." It was, of course, not germane
to the facts presented who it was or
when, but the accuracy of the detail
helped to make the facts Incontrovert
(Arte. They disenssed (he most private
affairs of people; they tore lo piece-'
and besmirched every reputation (Hej
touched, and they did it ail with an
appearance of personal propriety thai
was maddening. So far as I could
make out. they did' not say n kind
word about any one, and they talked
nbout nothing that was really elevat
ing or any of their business.
It Is interesting that a gossip never
has anything to say about things or
principles. Ills only topic of con
versation Is people, and the things be
says about them are usually destruc
tive. Gossiping Is not confined to
women; men are quite commonly ad
dieted to It. It is not confined to men
and women of the class 1 have h-en.
describing Kven in an Intellectual
community it is common, and Hip
wider experience of the educated am!
their keenness of Intellect, and their
greater ability to uttpr Tp rp and cut
ting things, to ridicule ev thing lhal
Is good and holy, make tin .a all the
more dangerous. The older the p r
son the mre damage he can do by
peddling vicious, foolish gossip. The
character of an Individual may be
ruined nnd is being ruined every day
by these scandal mongers.
It Is I wise custom if you cannot
say good about a pi rsnn to say mth
ciuiremcnt for additional money."
Mr. Sinnott's letter, which was for-!
warded to the East Oregonian fromi
The Dalles Wednesday, is as follows:
Department of the Intertor.Buivau of;
Kcciauiation, Denver, Colorado.
September 3, 192 4.
Hon. N. J. Sinnott,
The Dalles, Oregon.
My dear Mr. Sinnolt:
Your letter of August 19 address
ed to the Commissioner of the Bureau
of Reclamation, making inquiry in
regard to the status of the Umatilla
rapids work, has been referred to this
otlice for reply.
Since the completion of the field
investigations, about April 1, tao
preparation of estimates and de
signs and the writing of the report
have been in progress in this ottice.
This work is now almost finished
and it is expected that the report will
be completed in the next few weeks.
The fundi available tor this work,
viz. the $50,000 appropriated by con
gress and the $10,000 appropriated
by the stale of Oregon, will be suffi
cient to complete all work proposed
lor the present, investigation, and
this office has no knowledge of any
requirements lor additional money.
With regard to the suitability of
the damsite, foundation conditions
have been found satisfactory and no
insurmountable engineering difficul
ties have been encountered. However,
our estimates are not sufficiently
complete to permit arPopinion to be
cann ed as to the commorchU
feasibility of the proposition.
Very trub' yours,
Mr. Sinnott has ali o communicated
the news received to J. N. Teal of
Portland, president of the Umatilla
Rapids association . "The feasibility
of the damsite is the imporant thing," ,
says Mr. Teal, and he is now prepar-j
ing lo go ahead with the long con
templated meeting at Lewislon for
the purpose of explaining the project
plan lo the people of that section of
Idaho. No' date has yet been set for j
the meeting at Lewiston.
Cocklebur plants are poisonous to
swine, cattle, sheep and chickens, ac-:
cording to the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture. This weed has-!
long been suspected, but many per
sons l hot that deaths reported from
this cause were produced by the
mechanical action of the burs rather
than by the toxic effect of the plant.
While the burs may produce tome
mechanical injury, and while the
. . ds are very poisonous, stock pois
oning, the department says, Is caused
by feeding on the very young plants
before the development of true leaves.
To avoid losses from this cause the
mcfet Important thing 'is to prevent
the animals from eating the weedo If
there is a shortage of good forage,
they may eat enough of the young
; cockleburs to cause serious results.
Feeding milk to pigs immediately aft
er they have eaten the weed has prov
ed beneficial, probably because of the
fat content. Good results also may be
i expected by feeding them bacon
grease, lard, or linseed oil.
An extensive and expensive exhibit
: will be that which will be shown at
I the Pacific International at Portland
;this fall by he extension department
of the U.S. Pi partmen of Agriculture.
This year it will illustrate graphic
ally by pictures and charts, elabor-
prepared, tne cost ot me pro
duction of meat animals, particularly
beef. It will show the cost of produc
tion including range, feeding, ship
ping, stockyards, expense, butcher
ing and marketing. This should be of
great interest and importance to
e rv one.
- t'ii A
The Smith bret'eis, (not trade and mark) who have started from Culver
City, Cat., on a transcontinental buggy trip to organize Smith clubs.
til J
Board of Health
The neglect of vaccination in many
districts of certain sections of the U.
S. has led to a recrudescence of
smallpox with the corresponding "su "
eying experienced by Its victims and
a wholly unnecessary sacrifice of
numan Uvea in the years 1922 1923,
amounting to 967 known deaths from
smallpox, and possibly a number of
others which were not reported. Dur
ing the fir3t six months of 1924 an
additional toll of at least 200 human
lives has been taken, every one of
which deaths could have been piw n
ted by vaccination and revaccination.
The increasing number of cases of
smallpox, the continued spread of
thus disease from city to city, and
from slate to state will, if not check
ed, not only augment the number of
victims, but may bring about a con
dition which will seriously interfere
with the movements of passengers on
trains, steamers, automobiles and
other carriers. It is conceivable that
this interference might be of a degree
that would Involve the expenditure of
hundreds of thousands of dollars In
quarantine, a contingency which
might easily be avoided provided our
people can b,e induced to protect
themselves by vaccination and revac
cination. The United States Public Health
Service is being importuned at the
present time to . xerclite its authority
in enforcing Interstate quarantine to
prevent th migration of the unvac
cinated when there is danger that
there may have been exposed to small
pox. it is particularly desirable that
the federal Government may not bo
foi l i d to Interfere in interstate truv
( 1, and it is earnestly hoped that the
authorities of all states, count I v.
municipalities, op other units ioif
Government will Immediately begin
campaigns to secure the vaccination
or 'fi vaccination of all persons Who
have not been recently successfully
vaccinated , pari icularily in those
states where smallpox Is prevalent.
Vaccination and revaccination being
perfect protection agiinst the dis
ease is smallpox, it might be argued
that proteciion against the disease Is
a matter which should be left to the
discretion of the individual, but there
is no more reason for leaving the de
fense against an enemy of the state,
such as smallpox in, to the discretion
of the individual, than there would
be leaving t)ie defense of the stale
against an armed invading force, to
the individual. These enemies Ire
equally dangerous. Furthermore,
there are a large number of persona
who are otherwise good cltizi ns, who,
because of indifference, carelessness,
and lack of information, and Often
times because of having been deceiv
ed by false propaganda and delibe
rate nib information either fail or re
fuse to protect themselves and their
truJ&Dg or helpless children until it
is too late. These same children of
aUlnformed or Irresponsible parents,
being tod young to judge for them
s Ives, are entitled to the protection
of the state, and certainly the stale
u derelict in its duties if it allows
such unprotected to be exposed to
: mallpox,
r ox
Uart Zelm
IT 2
Buddy 2 fix it.
ill-, by pictures and charts, elabor- r- Tr'SgWHplsV - , 'V; sff2i
O. A. C. vs. Whitman at Pendle- rtcjrF&JP rVV - Vl Vi W -VA Vi ''-j 1 U
ton. OM. 3. The only collegiate game pbrtfHt -.l...r J fi f7 ifh ,': ' i-3.
in Beaten Oregon this year. w ' ,Y 1 " '
T n j y ; rn i "-7-
'V, There S TmaT Fool NEiGhBoB . yTnE ti5AGt3tEABLE OLD
f Burning Rubbish o The F- 1 Co5 - I'D u To
fes-o. " ' SMELUf "SMOhiE COME5 r?iGHT J ' GET E.VEN XVhTH HIM .
5 . f) ) ml ON 0Ljt? or?CM , ' ,J a S
I Two weeks after Pendleton's annual
classic of the west, the Kound- Up, i
' has again become history. Kound Up
park Willi its spacious grandstand
and bleachers will-echo and reecho to
the shrill, sta:caio bark of football I
signals as two weeks before it had
echoed and reechoed to the scream of
wild horses, the bawling of Texas
aii era and crack of the starter's pis
tols. Then, too, there will be Un
organized yelling that only a real
college football game can produce
with real cheer lenders to lead the
I partisans in their rooting. It has be
come' this anfiual football game in
Pendleton, something of a clas.dc it
self and tills year, with Whitman and
the Oregon Aggies scheduled to
tangle in a battle for gridhon supretn
; aey October 3, will be no exception to
the rale.
The nine is of Special Interest for
several reasons, IB the lirst place it is
Paul J. Sehssler s debut as a Coast
.Conference coach and Sell islershould
be a wonder in this or any other con-
f, rence. While at Lombard college
BchiSsler established himself as oc.e
of the coming coaches of the coun
try. His light t am. drawn from a
student body having but 148 mon en
rolled, was known as the "Ked Tor
nado," and it blew over some of the
strong) si elevens in the middle west.
Another that makes the O. A. C
Whltisan game particularly interest
ing is the fact that this is tlio first
Aggie appearance in Pendleton since
just before the war when the O. A. C.
machine joined battle with Tom Kel
ly's Idaho juggernaut.
The game promises to be a real one,
that Whitman-O, A. C. tilt here Oct.
3, for little Whitman is always well
no in the running in the early season
games and can give any western
s1 lend a real battle at that time of
tile v'ar. Of cour e il is impossible lo
say what O. A. C. will do but one
thing is certain, and that is that the
On gon Aggies will have a real attack
this year. Even though it Is an early
season tilt, fans who Journey to Con
di ton will see Schissler unfold an
SttS -1 that will threaten and pierce
the Whitman line, for "offense" is
one of the main words in the Aggie
coach's vocabulary.
Schissb r plays Notre Dame foot
ball, Which means a lot of snappy end
runs mi :ed in witli sparkling passes
and totally unexpected line bucks.
It is a suprise attack and one that
Keeps tin- speeialors at attenl ion, for
the unexpected is always happening
wherever Notre Dame football i.s play
ed. Behlssler has a splendid nucleus
of former football stars from which to
form his team, while "Nig" llorbske
lias five Veterans of his famous '22
team back and will have a real elev
en, it looks like the best In years, on
the field for Whitman.
The work of eradicating tuber
culosis from the entile herds of the
enuntry has been going forward so
Satisfactorily in recent years that it M
predicated by those in charge of the
Work for the United States Dipn
mi nt of Agriculture that within
vara It is probable that as many as
30 slates may be free of the plague.
in is win permit ot un- consul Idai ion
of the veterinarj force so (hat work
may be carried on more rapidly in
the remaining statee where the ex
tern of Infection Is greater. The sys
tematic plan of .radical Ion has been
going on in earnest since 1917.
According to figures compiled from
eports received by the department
from held lot ces In the varl-im
stales about 3 1-3 per cent ol the
cattle in the country are tuberculous.
In many of the states, of Course, the
Infection is much more extensive.
The progress made in the work
during the fiscal year terminating
June 30, 1 924. was greater than In
any previous ear Tin- accredited
herds increased from 2S.F.26 to48,
1173 A belt, r indication of progress
however, was tin- extension of the
plan whereby areas, such as counties,
have been cleaned up In one whlrl-
uiml campaign. In the past w-ai
number ol counties adopting this plan
Increased from 198 to 317.
During tin. fb;eal year 1921 more
than 6,000,000 cattle were tested.
The prospects are, from present in
dicatlons, that this record will be ex
ceeded by more than a million dur
ing the current fiscal year.
David C. Stephenson
r !
I 'avid i '. Stephenson ol Bvansvlllc
anil tndisnapolls, Ind., Is Kald to be
responsible for the vast network sys
tem of the Klnn in the United laies.
He is thirty-two years old, financially
independent and unmarried.
-X- Your ConvemaHon -X-
A man who lived In Milan.
Italy, w as the first to import
Into Italy the finery which mud
It necessary for husbands nnd
fathers to work overtime, t'nn
equently the "Winner" was not
nt all popular Willi the married
men. Eventually this t IHlBlnaO
begun to specialize on ladles'
headgear, "Mlluner" came lo he
spelled "milliner" and eventual
ly was applied to any denier In
women s unit,.
Prcltv Caps to Aid
the CnuRe of Beauty
if-- jo N
sv' :M
pi 'kg
thu evening fHVes an i our niornlnv
faces HI'S not always eipialh "eaxy to
'o. ill," Uvonlng faces usually have
llilicll the advantage becauHe of prettv
naming In careful lialrdrcNHhig and
i-nlffure ornaments. Bui the moralug
ace amy rival It. There are many
p ret l,i breakfael caps wbonv only mi
li n is lo help the caiiMe of beauty In
i he morning, Two of iheut, shown
liere, have lately .n-rlved in (lie bright
rompi iiy of boudoir iieudwear, The
cup u the top, of dotted net, lace rtb
' bHta nnd blfTon pbdtlng, covers the
! nlfflire i or lael, f one) coiapU-tely.
wit li ll ce SllOlll the face and frlllM of
plait-d eh. Hon falling over the ears.
I'll- olhii cap Is lulled u "wave re
I tainer" nnd Is made of narrow ribbon
lilu.l In rlire uurk iti.tfi.t't, lhl
makes one of the niOSl adorable of
night caps as we11 as a cheerful af
fair for the breakfast table, and I
much apprcela.d h) the buWieUV
I y'. H,M'l 6rr.f lff
7 I I MDDf J V -,- J