RLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Importan Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Events of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest, and Other Things Worth Knowing. Viscount Gray of Fallodon lias re tired from the liberal leadership or thu houHB of lords for personal rea sous, it la announced Tuesday. Chicago will have the 1925 conven tion of the Knights of I'ythias, win Ding over Los Angeles, 85 to till. A resolution to establish a nitiKazine to servo the entire membership of 'JUO UOU was adopted. A severe rain storm in the eastern part of Iowa late Monday and Tuesday resulted In the loss of three lives. drowning of hundreds oi cattle and horses, thousands of dollars crop damage and flooded homes and farm lands. The house rivers and harbors com mission was called Tuesday to hear arguments of n delegation from stock ton, Cat, soekinir government aid to deepen the river channel from nine to lit feet Willi a minimum width of liuo feet. Reduction Of rediscount rates was nulhorized Tuesday for the Interme diate credit hanks hy tin' federal farm loan hoard. The new rale to financial Institutions is 5 per cent and to co operative market ing associations per cent. Miss Lucy 1'age Caston, nationally known reformer and foe of cigarets, died n a sanitarium In Chicago Wed uesday. Her health tailed several months ago after she was injured In u street-car accident, and a malignant growth in her lliroat developed. After September 1 there will he no merit rural mailcarriers driving horses out of Kugeno. On thut date motor route V. will be established, taking over the work of three of the present carriers, and one postofflee, that at Fox iioiiow, win he discontinued. D, Clifford Norman of Oakland, Cal., who was stricken seven months ago with sleeping sickness and who lias slept about three months, remaining only partially conscious for n further psrlodj was pronounced cured Wed nesday and discharged from a hospi tal. The Braitllan federal troops operat ing in the southwestern put or Baa I'aulo state, near the Parana border, an conl Inning their pursuit of the rebels. The latter have been obliged to evacuate I'lraju, according to of ficial advices from l.a Naciou'a cor respondent at Santos. Hinting of u near serious nature Wednesday broke out between PW fascist and antifascist workmen em ployed by an American moving pic lure company which Is making a film production of ''Ban iiur" a taw miles tram Home, Carbineers were sum moned to quell (be disturbance. UnUSOnj allows of devotion between animals huve been capped by a Jersey cow belonging to N. J. Hovln, farmer living seven miles west of St. Helens. Ore. The cow lias a calf three or four months old, hut in addition to this Offspring returned from pasture a few days ago with a 3-wecks-old buck in tow. Disorderly conduit and righting were the charges placed against Tut ted States Senator Dial and John J. McMahan. state Insurance OOttUttlS (doner, who ia opposing the senator tOf reiioinlnul ion and the two were arrested Wednesday after a personal encounter at B campaign meeting in Qaffney, s. C, U M. Karaghan, Hussion ambassa dor to China, has refused to accept the conditions imposed by the United States minister to China relative to the delivery of the Russian legation to M. Knrakhuu. The legation, since the passing of the cinrlst regime, 1ms been In the hands of the diplomatic c ips In l'ekln. Adoption of u carefully planned pol icy for colonl.utioti of Irrigation proj rets to be constructed in tlio future w as urged by lr. K I wood Mead, com missioner ot reclamation, in a special report In' submitted to Secretary Work Wednesday upon his return from a Suou mile Inspection trip in the west Ur. Mead visited projects 111 lituh. Nevada, California, Washington, Ore gon, Montana, Iduho, Wyoming and Nebraska. ITALIAN AVIATOR RESCUED u. s. Vessel Finds World Flier Whose Plane Drifts 100 Miles. RAILROAD MERGER On Hoard IT. S. S. Richmond, off Greenland. The United States cruis er Richmond, after beiDg tossed about on the bleak north Atlantic ocean for 82 hours, and after hope had been given up for the safety of Lieutenant Locatelll, the Italian aviator, and his three companions, picked up the ma rooncd men from their damaged plain shortly before midnight Sunday. All members of the party were well, but were exhausted from the trying ordeal through which they had passed. I.dcatolli's plane was damaged beyond repair, and it was uestroyeu oy me on request of its pilot. The cruiser, v. iih I.ocatelli and his companions or hoard, is proceeding toward Labrador to re-enter the naval patrol for the continuation of the flight of Jdeuton- uits Lowell II. Smith and Erik Nelson from ivlgtut to Labrador. I.ocatelli, who started from Iceland for Greenland last lliursday with Lieutenants Smith and Nelson, was forced down by motor trouble! at 2 M. Thursday. After repairs had been made to the plane Locatelli was unable to make a take-off from the water. The plane armed from a point near the Labrador coast 100 miles to where it. was found 125 miles due eaat of Cape Farewell, the southernmost tip of Greenland. Tie' discovery of the damaged plane whs due lo signalman wans i'lniiston, win., from the bridge of the Richmond, aught, sight of green flares sent up from the plane. s MAKING PROGRESS it Hope Hampton WOMAN GOVERNOR OF TEXAS PROBABLE Fort Worth, Tex. -Texas stands a hance of having the first woman gov rnor in the history of the United Slates. Mrs. Miriam Ferguson, wife of I be ex-governor, who was impeach- d, has received tile democratic nom inal inn, which heretofore has meant led ion in Texas. She received the nomination by one 1 i he largest majorities ever received by a gubernatorial candidal!! in Texas. According lo the official returns' Mrs. rgUSOn, out of an 850,000 total vote, I her opponent, Felix Hobertson of Dallas, by more than 80,000. MrB. Ferguson's nomination prob- ibly means the passing of the Ku Klux Klan as a dominating factor in 1'exas politics. Hobertson built his campaign on a Strictly klan platform and ill his ad dresses admitted be was indorsed and was being supported by the Ku Klux Klan. On the other hand, Mrs. Fer guson, whose campaign was conducted y her husband, ox-Governor James ergUSOn, conducted a strong fight against the klan and one of her prom ises to the voters of Texas was that she would use the power of her office is governor to drive the klan from I'exas. The nominal Ion of Mrs. Ferguson was I tie outcome of a series of cir Umstanaes, In 1917 James Ferguson was Impeached as governor of Texas. lie was charged with mlsnpproprin ion and misapplication of state funds. ilso with the acceptance of a bribe. presumably from the liquor interests. Which at that time were conducting a trong light against prohibition In 'exas. Governor Ferguson was brought to trial before the state senate and pro QOUflced nuilty by a large majority and as a result his impeachment was ordered. Consolidations Made Without Waiting Law. GET STOCK CONTROL Systems Are Grouping Themselves While Federal Commission Works on Plans. Mud Buries Railroad. Reddlngi Cal, A torrent of mud roin a glacial disturbance on .Mount Shasta Continues to POUT down Ash reek und over adjacent territory eight miles long and one half mile wide, burying a railroad, highways and bridges in its path. The mud flow has darkened streams and has made the Saeranienlo river muddv for sev- nil miles. McCloud Is having a hard fight to maintain its water upply. Grapevine Feeds Apple. Sclo, Or. A freak of nature, an ap pie growing on a grapevine, was ills overed in the orchard of W. H. Hart elt '1 uesday. The apple had (Mien from the tree Into the grape vine bl ow and in some manner a twig ot the Ine twilled around the stem of the ipple and nurtured It. The apple is now full grown ami ripe. Famous Humorist Dead. New York. Charles B. Lewis, It, well known as a humorist under his pen name ot "M. Quad," Is dead at his hOWS in Brooklyn. Among the hum orous , haracters he created were Mr md Mrs. Dowser, llrother Gardner of the Lime Kiln club, and the Artsona Kicker. Washington, D. C. Despite the tact that the interstate commerce commis sion has not announced its plans for consolidation of the railroads into a limited number of systems and con solidations are forbidden until that plan has been announced, substantial progress has been made in consolidat ing the railroads since the transporta tion act was passed in 1920. These consolidations have been and ire being effected under a provision of the transportation act authorizing the commission to permit one railroad to acquire control of another either under a lease or by the purchase of stock or in any other manner not In volving the consolidation of such car riers into a single system for owner ship and operation. Under this part of the law, the ma jority of the commission has author ized a number of irailroads to acquire control of other railroads. It has done so over the protest of Commissioner Bastman of Massachusetts, who holds that a number of the control case involved nothing short of cousolida tion of the railroads. The consolidation provisions of the law provide that consolidations must be in harmony witli the complete plan ot consolidation required to he pro mulgated hy the commission "as soon as practicable," The plan not having been issued, Commissioner Eastmai. holds, what practically are cousolida Hons under the guise ot "acquisition of control" are not lawful. TpgBSIBJJ Something to Think About By F. A. WALKER ALWAYS SHINING This is the vary latest picture of handsome Hope Hampton, the "movie" star. However, she is not posing tor a "movie" shot Just as a fashion model for she Is wearing one of the latest "scarab" hats "In turquoise blue and brown, which she brought over from Europe recently" so the fashion note says. O QheWhy I of I J Superstitions By H. IRUINQ KING. REVENGE ON BACKBITERS Farm Income Too Low. Washington, I). C. American agri culture, since the slump ot li)20, UUi slanderer, hy reason of the magic sy not yielded a commercial interest re turn on its Invested capital or a fair wage for the averuge farm operator and his family. This conclusion reached hy agricultural department experts, probably Will bo one ot the first to be placed before President Coolidge's proposed agricultural re lief commission here. Other conclusions arrived at by the departmental experts, who recently completed a series of studies of farm income, also are expected to serve us a basis of data for the committee which the president, in his acceptance speech, said would be appointed for the purpose of helping agriculture to a basis of economic equality. This information gathered hy the experts shows thut the low point of the agricultural depression was touch ed in lSlO-ll, with some Improvement the following year. In the last two yeurs the Improvement haa been quite noticeable, and the department asserts) indications ure that it will continue. As u means of gauging how the agri cultural depression has uffected furm standards of living in the four years since 1919-20, the department points out that in tins period wholesale prices of all commodities declined 25 to 30 per cent, retail prices of 22 food articles 20 to 25 per cent, while the farmer's Income declined as much as till to 72 per cent. Span Pageant Planned. Hood River, Or. -- November 11, Armistice day, Is the tentative date set for dedication of the Waukoma interstate bridge over the Columbia here. Chambers of commerce of Spo kane, Seattle, Portland, Yakima and numerous smaller cities will join with Hood Hiver chamber in the cere monies. It is proposed to present a water pageant, depicting significant Columbia history from the tlnu Lewis and Clarke to the present. of Oil Tank Fires Street. Jamestown, N. l).--Three persons were, injured, one probably fatally, and heavy damage done when an vep. gallon tank of kerosene exploded late Saturday and sent a river of flaming oil down one street. Residences in the vicinity of nu oil-filling station were burned. Three Die In Family Feud. Tulsa. Okla.--Three mon were killed and one was wounded Sunday after noon on a public highway. 21 miles east of Tulsa, in a fight which cli maxed a family feud. The trouble started over an argument between children. TP YOU have reason to believe that people are slandering you bite the corner of your upron and the back biters will bite their tongues. This Is for women. Another way, applicable to both sexes, Is to pinch your ear and the person who is "talking about you" will bite his tongue. These charms work, of course, by sympathetic magic like causes like. Your apron Is a substitute of the slanderous tongue of your traducer: you bite It and the IN THE hearts of the humble, the sun Is always shining. If you will pause a moment to look into the faces of such mortals, you will catch a glimpse of celestial fire whose Intensity cunnot be measured. With humility, these souls have pa tience and faith. They often puss us by unheeded, for they are not given to show or vaunting. Their eyes are mild, their lips ars set In u smile. They go upon their way as softly as do the stars of night, mindful of their course and keeping steadfastly upon it, in all sorts of weather. Only rarely do we worldlings know such souls when we meet them, yet we are conscious of their magnetic Influence. The light that shines from their faces soothes and encourages us. It may be the face of a child, but we catch' the thrill of a new emotion and go soaring off into another realm, wondering what subtle spirit has touched us and left us so sublimely thrilled. This feeling of exaltation, when once experienced, is never forgotten. It clings to us through all the seasons and years of our life, cheering us In sorrow, strengthening us when we are weak, and easing our burdens when we feel that we cannot bear them a day longer. It forms a pleasing background to our existence, a sort of refuge where we may go and find rest when we are unnerved, exhausted and discour aged. Illches, honor and fame lose their luster when In the presence of the soul that is humble, patient and faith ful. Earthly prizes such as these are but the dress of a precious substance from which such a soul Is made made to endure forever, where the light Is always shining and life dis covers Itself in its true sphere. And certainly, whatever It may he with regard to the persons who are now skeptical about such matters, the day will come when they, too, shall see the light, and as likely as not find It shining within their own breasts, In a moment when they least suspecf Its divine prseence. Hidden somewhere within us such a light Is always burning, ready at the touch of the right word to flare up Into a beneficent blaze I ((), McClure Newipaper Syndicate.) o pathy set up, responds by doing actual ly what you have done immitatlvely. Pinching the ear Is a good simulation of biting the tongue und reacts upon the backbiter in the desired manner. It is, moreover an especially appropri ate act of simulation In such cases because of the connection between tingling ears and "people talking about you" a superstition which has already been dealt with in this series. These superstitions are widespread as are all the superstitions connected with sympathetic magic. It is worthy of note that while the doctrine of sym pathetic magic was one of the earliest results of the efforts of prim itive man to establish a relation be tween cause and effect so a belief In that same magic Is the most universal of superstitions today. ((). UcClure Newspaper Syndicate.) o Reflections oj a Bachelor Cjirl Bq HELEN ROWLAND PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. ALEXANDER REID Physician and Surgeon UMATILLA OREGON G. L. McLELLAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon fraternal Building Stanfield, Oregon DR. F. V. PRIME DENTISTRY Dental X-ray and Diagnosis HEHMISTON, ORE. Bank Building 'Phones: Ottlee 93. Residence 761, Newton Painless Dentists Dr. H. A. Newton, Mgr. Cor. Main and Webb Sts. Pendleton "BUSINESS CARDS iMlilllllllMtlllMim Umatilla Pharmacy W. E. Smith, Prop. Mail orders given special atten tion. Quick Service Satisfaction Quaranteed j Umatilla, Oregon J. L. V A UGH AN I 206 E. Court Street PENDLETON, - OREGON Electrical Fixtures and Supplies X Electric Contracting X v m HMIHtMllimMMM A LINE O' CHEER By John Kendrlck Bangs. i i x--3 OBJECTIVES i SOME folks would so i To Tokyo. i And some to far Peru; Some to Berlin, or old Pekin, And iohii to Tlmbuctoo. Some travelers seek The Arctic bleak. And others quulnt Japan, And some there be Who think Paree The fairest coal of man And I admit J There's much In It I, too, rejoice to roam, 1 Dut I opine j These feet of mine Are happiest set for HOME! 2 (O. McClure Newspaper Syndicate ) ?$ o McClure Ktwl?aar SyaSteate, ) fF COURSE, every married man knows that there are no infallible rules for ruling a woman. But every bachelor thinks he knows a few, and never hesitates to whisper them confidently Into the poor Inno cent bridegroom's ear. Here they are as far as I have been able to guther them : 1. Start right. Guard your Inde pendence with your life! Never humor a wife by explaining why you are go ing out or when you are coming back. After she has speut a few hours try ing to keep the dinner hot. and Dlctur- lng you mangled by a taxlcab, think what a thrill It will give her to see you come in well and cheerful, Instead of on a stretcher. t 2. Don't flatter her. When you are tempted to compliment her on her looks or her cooking, control yourself. Be strong. A little flattery may go to her head, and make her so dizzy that she'll wonder why she wasted herself on you. 3. Assert yourselff from the start. Now, is your appointed hour. Every woman loves a "master." Show her that she Is, after all, only your Rib and that you are IT. 4. When your wife talks, never lis ten. She will probably not say any thing worth hearing. And besides, it is much more Important that you should finish reading the sporting sheet, than that you should try to be companionable with one so mentally inferior. 5. Remember thst she is an Ignorant, unsophisticated little thing, and that jm must keep tabs on her and re model her. Never hesitate to criticize her clothes, to laugh at her ideas, and to disapprove of her friends. Thl will make her love you like an "uplifter." 6. Don't be too devoted to her in public. Let her catch you looking ad miringly at OTHER women, now and then. She will soon learn to appreci ate your good taste and broad-mindedness 7. Always keep an eye on the week ly bills, and make her account to you for the money you dole out to her. Every woman needs a guardian and loves to f.fcl like an object of charity, und no woman knows the real value of money, even when she has had to earn It. 8. Never forget that marriage is s monarchy- not a democracy and that there can be only one throne, one seeptsr. and one set of opinions in the house. Grab tn. first I Thess are a bschslor's rules for rul ing s wonisn. Any bridegroom whs will follow them, can make a com plets wreck of marriage, without coin mltUng a slngJe solltsry tin. ( T "eles Rowjanj Eat and Drink AT TUB NEW FRENCH CAFE X E. J. McKNEELY, Prop. Pendleton, Oregon Only the Best Foods Served Fancy Ice Creams Furnished Rooms over Cafe 2 Juick Service Lunch Counter in connection with Dining room You Are Welcome Here )) We Specialize in JOB WORK Take that next job to your Home Printer U. N. Stanfield, President. Ralph A. llolte, Vice-Pres. Frank Sloan, Vice-Pres. W. A. Wollan, Casliier Julia Haggmaun, Ass't l 'ashler Bank of ! Stanfield JBJ-i t M Ml T"",SJ Capital Stock and Surplus $37,500.00 Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Certifi cates of Deposit HHMH