OnPTI ANH OFFERS A MARKET JL VIV 1 L-irt.llU' FOR YOUR PRODUCE Portland, Oregon VATJDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAYS Complete Change Saturday. Adulta, Week day Matinee, 20c; Evenings, 36o. Oontina oua 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 cents all tiraea. When in Portland Visit 1200 Feet Above the City. DANCING Every Night Except Sun day AMUSEMENTS Afternoon and Evening. Admission to Park Free BIG BALLOON ASCENSION EVERY SUNDAY G OUNCIL CREST PARK I Mallory Select Residential & Transient 15th and Yamhill. Portland, Oregon. Modern Fireproof American Plan RATES MODERATE Hotel C G. APPLEGATH Portland's Oldest FUR House Established 1870. Send for free catalog Remodeling, Repairing, Storage. 129 Tenth Street, near Washington. BLANKETS FROM WESTERN WOOL WOVEN IN WESTERN MILLS D. K. and Silver Oray, Plaids, White, Tan, Scarlet All Qualities in Stock. No Money in Advance. WESTERN WOOL PRODUCTS CO., Worcester Bldg., Portland, Oregon Real Franklin SERVICE Expert examination free All work guaranteed. Sen iible prices. We specialize in Complete Overhauling and Cylinder grinding. ANDERSON & MAYER GARAGE & MACHINE SHOP Moved to New Larger Garage, yth and Hoyt, Portland jj THE MAPLE I LEAF DOES I GOOD WORK i i X Si" J By MARTHA WILLIAMS .'. I" Mr. 4."t.. j,,-- ' (O, Mis, McClur Newspaper Syndicate.) Railway Telegraph and Radio Institute 432-33-34 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon. TREMENDOUS DEMAND FOR ROTH MEN AND WOMEN, BIG SALARIES Day and Night Classes. Write for Prospectus. DR. D. 0. ANDERSON SPECIALIST DISEASES OF THE BONE, LUNG, SKIN My treatment is of EUROPEAN ORIGIN., Compara tively new in United States. I have cured hundreds thought to be incuniMo. Cure not how old your case is. Examination Free by presenting this ad 719 Dekum Bldg., 8rd and Washington Sts., Portland rorrYm At third. - Portland, ore. We Specialize In Hides, Pells, Woo!, ffiohair, Tallow, Cascara, Oregon Giape Root. Goat Skins, Horse Hair Writ for Shipping Tags & latest Price List Portland Hide a Wool Co. tOS UNION AVENUE NORTH, PORTLAND, ORISON. Branch at Pocatello. Idaho 150 RECIPES FOR APPLE DISHES The Union Pacific has just issued a forty page booklet containing 160 rec ipes for apple dishes every housewife should possess. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" and this book tells how it may be done in a 150 ways. It will be sent free to any address on ap plication by letter or phone to Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, 637 Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon. ProstateuFwithout Operation Special attention to BtOtnieh, Bowels, Hectsl twill rYniiile Trinit ies DR. K. A. PHILLIPS , . Broadway Bldg. Portland, Ore. AUKIE PILLS For Weak Kidneys and Inflammation of the Bladder. Price 25c a Box wtU? WINKLER'S PHARMACY I2V4-M North Sixth St.. PORTLAND, ORE jr. Set of $0.00 assSBBBBsfS&vt .Jm ' ' -in tee material WKKBiSMWEK and workmanahip. tt YlniflnSffjsT Painleaa extraction of WsW1 teeth, 50c. 20 years in the aame location. U. S. DENTISTS. 246V4 Wash ington cor. Second. Portland, Oregon. INFORMATION 33 DEPARTMENT PLEATING SPECIAL Cut, seam, hem and machine I Afl pleat skirts reudv for band. f I swlf Hemstitching, pieoting and tucking. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO. 85V, Fifth Street Portland. Ore. BETTY BROWN SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE Be sure to choose the right school. Individual instruction hy highly qualified tonchers is -what we offer our putrons. Expert marcelling,' 75c. "222 Fliedner Bldg. aUtoswithout drivers Larry Sullivan, 7t S. Broadway, Portland. Telephone Main 8740. CAMERA AND KODAK REPAIRING Adolph W. Hair, Abington Big., Portland. Complete Line Bottlers' Suppllea Portland Beverage & Sply Co., 431 Stark CUT FLOWERS & FLORAL RESIGNS Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St. DR. ABRAMS SYSTEM For all Chronic Diseases, Madison Bldjr DENTIST Charles S. TVollln, Suite 702-703 Selling; Building, Portland, Oregon. HOTELS WABASH. Rooma 50c 204 MadiBonSt. Fertilizers $25.00. Red Ash Seed Co.. Vancouver, Wn. "Fertilize With Bralr.s." MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Teaches trade in 8 weeks. Rome pay while learning. Positions secured. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnslde Street, Port land, Oregon. If vou are" 'troubled wltn Appendicitis or Stomach Trouble, write Illzz Company, Portland, Oregon, for free Information In German or English. PERFECTO TRUNK MFG. CO Trunks. Auto Trunks to order. and Pine, Portland, Ore. Third SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Removed without injury to the akin by Ney-Born Depilatory. Satnptl on request. Ney-Born Lab oratories, 619 Morgan Bldg.. Portland Oregon. , , , ..is,. ,un rwrlNin For reliable Cleaning and Dys- KWPSa. ing service send parcels to us. afll'llm We nnv return postage. Inform- 11 k"08 H ation and price3 given upon re- sES? KNKK'S CITY DYE WORKS. F.f.i.ii.h.,1 iscm. Portland. Ore PELTON NOryREBORING NECES PISTON COMPRESSION rjIVO STOPS OIL KllNL PUMPING ni.w nuiHhutnr for Ford & Fordson Our Garage Does All Repair Work Smith & Gaines, 350 BURNSIDE USED CASH REGISTERS Scales, Electric Coffee Mills, Show Cases, Butchers' Display Cases. BOXER TRADING CO., 129 First St. Portland, Oregon JTel. BRoadway 7438 "FOR WOMEN BY WOMEN" Women's Employment Bureau Help of all kinds, 409 Yamhill Street; PAINTS AND WALLPAPER Miller Paint uo., Ill rirsioi. A POSITION FOR EACH (JUAUUATni DECKER BUSINESS tOLLLue ALISiCY BLDG. Your "TEETH SLEEP" While We worK Our Reputation Is our greatest asset. Dr. Keene, 351 Washington St., Portland AMERICAN BEAUTY SCHOOL Experts in all lines of Beauty Work. 825 Medical Bldg.. Portland, Orcgon. ATTENTION LADIES 16 years same spot Sstiltarr besuty parlors we fix you up; wa make all kind of hair pieces nut of comb ings: 1 stein switch, 9.1c; 2 atems, $1.50; 8 stem. 12. Full OOttTM of beauty cul ture 120. 400 llekum Mil-.. I'urtland.JJr. H yon h.ire Stomach. Kidney Liver and Bowel troubles and RHEUMATISM, then write t m state vuur ailment, and enclose 4 cents, in stumps for my Free Booklet. It tells t way buck to health. MARCELLS MIRACLE MINERAL Address, Marcell, the Nature Man, 901 W. Lombard St., Portland, Ore. Pleuse mention this paper. THE LUCILE BEAUTY SCHOOL The Lucile method makes you a real marceller. All branches of Beauty culture taught by expert Instructors. For full in formation write 41 Selliiig-Hirsch Bldg. Phone Main 4337. The Fire Never Touched Us! The North Portland Horse and Mule Co., Union Stock Yards is atill in business. We have just received a consignment of 75 head of horses. We can aupply you also with harness. . m ,r , Remember our address, I nion Stock Yards, North Portland. Empire 0121. OZY Home Restaurant If you come once, you will come back. Tmv. mat itackaireft. no charge. Look for orange front. 204 3rd St. S. McKeraghan RYDER PRINTING CO. Feature Printing for Less 192 Third Btraet Portland, Oregon DR. MARIE D. EQUI Women and finliHeii PHYSICIAN 3,4 Lafayette Bldg SURGEON Dr. Lake, Divine Healing 129 Fourth Street, Portland Big FREE Book for Sufferers from Cancer, Tuberculosis, Chronic Diseases, Piles Write fcr your free copy of my booklet on causes and my successful methods of treating Cancer. Tuberculosis, Piles and Chronic dis eases. Hundreds of Brateful patients testify to the resu'ts possible in your case. Charges for treatment are very reasonable. Address AMERICAN HEALTH INSTITUTE RpeciJists on Chroni' iJineases, Dr. Watt a Director. 215 Colum bia Bid?.. Went Park and Wauninsrton Sts., Portland. Oreifun. DRUGS BY MAIL Let us aend you your Druga by mail Special service given man oruers ,.., Truss Experts. 173 Third St., PortlandOrt WE WRECK AUTOS and TRUCKS Parts Sold at HALF PRICE Write or Call DAVID HODES CO., Inc. Everything from a bolt to an engine. Crind A., Car. Lul Salmon Si, Ptlai, Or. Married Women Lose Federal Job in Germany Berlin. Twenty-five per cent of the federal employees of Germany have teen "laid off" since April 1, in ac cordance with the economy program embarked upon by the government. Previous to that date the civil serv ice pay roll showed 823,955 officials, 60,747 office employees and 706,512 manual workers. The government estimates that this reduction means an annual saving of 15 per cent of the federal budget Tlie people hardest hit hy the re trenchment order were married wom en. Tractlcally all married women whose husbands have jobs were given notice of termination of employment. Sesame oil. pressed from the seed made famous in the "Arabian Nights," Is entering the American market as a high-class salad oil. A red leaf, pure flame-scarlet, clr :led softly down upon Klspeth's bare lead, making an enchanting harmony )f color against her cloud of wavy olden-chestnut hair her greatest ;harm. Otherwise she was no more lian wholesomely pretty. She know It -sighing over the fact. What chance lad she against the tropic beauty of Zaletta, glowing and velvet, dark as ate red roses? Steadfastly she asked if Fate the question. As steadfastly !ame the answer: none at all. Leigh Granville was Beauty's vowed tnlght, withal rich, well-born, (lowered vlth eerie charm. "I want you, Klspeth '. Come 1 Julck!" Valletta called Imperiously !rom an upper window. The Sidney louse, her grandmother's, stood cheek )y Jowl with the prim lloss cottage. Klspeth threaded the boundary shrubs, tier head so high, so level, that the maple gift lay undisturbed thus she came, flame-crowned, face to face with Leigh, newly dismounted at the lawn irate. One glance he had laid hands upon her shoulders, turned her to face lilm, and was laughing down at her. 'At last I Trapped ut last. Always knew you were a beauty, but too con trary to show It " "I see I You've got a crazy fit !' Lls- peth flung back at him. "I'm Just the name as yesterday." "Shame on you for a fibber!" Leigh admonished. "Let me show you con found you to your face with your face." As he spoke he drew her to ward the ramshackle fountain, whose basin yet maintained a mirror sem blance. "Look ! If after this you dare not to wear scarlet I'll have you sent to a nunnery fur keeps." "Why, how nice!" Klspeth retorted. "Anything for a quiet life " "Elspeth! 1 culled you 1" Vuletta shrilled high above them. Leigh raised tranquil eyes to her, saying: "Did you? But you know I was Johnny-on-the-spot I Of course she can't leave me." "Unless she conies I can't go with you to the Bromley dance tonight," Valetta almost shrieked. "The new frock I ordered Is such a mess I won't be seen In It." "Be seen without it and put out all eyes," Leigh commented. "That Is, unless Elspeth will weur red leaves and nothing else." "Stop such disgraceful talk, young man I I aim to keep respectable com pany, or none," Granny Sidney chuckled from the side porch. Itlslng sixty, she kept her head, eke her fig ure, and a wit so pretty It had more than once made Valetta fume. "Itun along home now," she added to Leigh, "so I can find out If there's anything wrong with Valetta's frock or only her disposition." It turned out both needed adjust ment. Valetta was even more Jeal ous than her Spanish coloring war ranted she, had called Elspeth first out of sheer Impertinence, but to find that thus she had thrown her In Leigh's way was Intolerable, especially since she had seen and heard what passed. Elspeth her rival I Impossi ble, she would have said an hour earlier. Now she was raging. Leigh seemed to her the fit reward of pa tience. She had played with other men years and years; he had all she sought In a husband money, brains, position, Inborn leadership. As his wife she would queen It In any company. Hate hot and fluid as lava tilled her heart She wanted to fly at Klspeth's throat as she sat stitching deftly at the misfit frock. What right had she to put on that magic maple leaf? She lay face down for hours, racking her brain, her lava-wrath the while hardening Into desperute purpose. After the hardening she slept soundly for an hour, and woke refreshed, also nerved for anything. Nerve was need ed. She slipped shadow-silent to the dim library, where a silver traveling (lask her grandfather's remained as he had left It long years before. Opened, It gave out aroma bespeaking Its age and era. Time hnd shrunken and strengthened the liquor within. Smiling craftily, she hid It, smiling fearfully she dropped into It something even more potent, then crept back up stairs to perfect every detail of her mad plan. It was too mad to fall she meant to make Leigh drink the drugged liquor till he was quite as mad, else unconscious, then she would take the wheel and drive like the wind any where away from all her world. Stop ping presently at some remote Inn, she would beg shelter for her husband, suddenly 111. When Leigh came to him self she would be sitting In watch. eager to confess, to show him where love for him bad. led her and threaten to kill herself unless he agreed to marry her In the next town. Spoiled and cynical he might be, yet still he had a soft heart. Then, too, there was his vanity. All would, all must, be well. A triumphant home-coining after the sensation of the running away would make a beautiful climax. Writhing bttwixt hope and fear, she made covert preparations, then flung herself down to wait the Interminable hour before dressing for the dance. ror ten minutes time trotted hard withal for her, then out In front came a throaty shout, thrdutler laughter, bellowed greetings, and resounding back-slapping. Valetta knew their meaning. One person only In all the world could thus make of his arrival a noisy solemnity. Andrew McDuff, the oua man she had never been able to whistle down the wind, had found, and followed her. "Bun right down unless you want me to come fetch you," he roared up the stairway. Valetta went, like some thing hypnotized. When she had been kissed three times, slapped on either cheek, nnd hugged till she cried with pain, Andrew explained : "Honey, I've got to go cross the big pond you like that sort of foolishness, so I've come to take you with nie. Hustle and pack I want to catch the midnight train back. Say, can I scare up help best man, a parson and a bridesmaid for you?" "You surely can," Leigh said heart ily. "Here am I, aching to do my darndest. Matrimony Is, I hear, con tagious. I want to start a wave that will sweep the country." And that was that and all of It STATE NEWS lleppuer. Heppuer school will open September S, and from present in dications enrollment will be a record- breaking one. Enterprise. -This year's wheat crop, now being threshed and brought to local mills and warehouses is of good quality, though the yield is only a little better than half of normal FREE 48 Photo of your BABY In its BIRTUDA Y MonM Sowell Studio 145 1-2 Third St. Between Alder & Morrison Hotel I'ortland Hotel Muunonm.. Ungar Building Mary Elizabeth Shop Facial and kcalp Treatments, Marcelling, Permanent Wave, Children's Hair Cutting-, Hair Pveing. Tourist Booth Servtca 25 Cents. Portland, Oregon. How We Get That Way! Show Wrong Interest Salem. -The 11)23 crop of Oreg prunes held by the Oregon Growers' Co-operative association has been cleaned up, according to announce ment made nt the offices of the as sociation Saturday. Salem. Coyote puppies picked up in Oregon by tourists have proved a nuisance in some of the eastern and southern states, according to informa tion received at the offices of Dr. W. H. Lytle, secretary of the s'ate live stock sanitary board. Reedsport. E. Done of South ianse. Wis., was seriously in ui me jail here Sunday as a result of having Irunk a quarter i f a pound of com mercial ether. Ho had bought the oJConlinence in One's Ability Means Success THE FAMOUS PATTENEAUDE SYSTEM OF BEAUTY CULTURE Oives our graduates this confidence because they are thoroughly trained. They are fitted for any position or can stand alone. School open to students at all times. Address 4-a Washington Street, Portland, Oregon Sister had been up late the night before, and when the alarm clock rang at slx-forty-flve she snuggled down for those ten extra minutes that would In drug here, saying that it was lor use the end mean hurry hurry hurry. But the fates were against her. For in start ingvun auiomoone. Forest drove. Decision to proceed immediately with (he construction Of B modern building for the club and for pui.iic affairs has been reached by the Forest Grove Woman's club and modifications in plans already Just as her chin got well Into the cov ers, the front-door bell went buzz-buzz. Of course she knew It was the lady In the apartment across the hall. No one else sounded the bell In that per emptory yet apologetic manner. So she got up. shivering, and put down prepared have been outlined to hasten the window, pulled on her wrapper ., WOrk BEST $3.00 GLASSES ON EARTH Titled to your eyes. Morning! only (in mv I pars timet unnuoni nPTnllRTRIST AND OPTICIAN 721 Corhctt Bldg., 7th Floor, 5th and Morrison Portland, Ui'egou OLLIN The car that gives you 2! to 90 miles to the gallon. Balloon tires. four-heel brakes and many other features. Buck Auto Co., Morrison at 4th, Portland, Or. ZENITH SALES & SERVICE, INC Zeulth. Carburetor and Criu Lubrieatlni System. I0TII AND DAVIS STB., TOKimau "" BUYING AND SELLING SERVICE Wheat farms, orchards, stock ranches, larse or aiuiill tracis, exchanges, city and sulmrtmu homes, business dun s, in nil pans oi Ore gon. Call or write 8TURM-KEEER CO., Ill Etli Street, Portland, Ore. PLYMOUTH PRODUCE CO. Whnleamta Healers In Poultry, Errs, Dreased Mens, Potatoes, Onions Phone Broadway 6199 No Commission 70 North fourth B.. Portland, Oregon We Invito Correspondence PrineviHe. With lil fires raging in extent from two acres to 150 acres aused by lightning during the elec Ideal storm Saturday night, Willi humidity down to 18 and with another led deal storm 1 Ureal en in;,, offli lals of Ihe Ochoco national fort st spent and undid the lock. "Oh, I'm so ashamed to disturb you at this hour!" came a piercing whisper. "Come In," said Sister, as cordially as if her hair were not still up in tight kids. "No," hissed the other, standing Just so that the door could not be closed nnd a chlllv draft Dlaved around Sis ter's ankles : "no. thank you : I can't ft husy Sunday. ...... i : , . ........ In T , .ii I - n-iitirurl t , i "T " ; 7'' "I Albany.-A severe electrical storm Hi.., foir if ,i, hoot had never I'" tint in this section for thre. hpen Ipss nn. hut she managed to years, put out all electric lig'.its in the answer calmly that she'd see. At that City at 10 o'clock Saturday night, re moment the household cnt enme out. ported the Montain State Power cm Sister had turned to feel of the near- pany, which supplies the current. All est radiator, the forbidden door was 00fx telephones also were reported wide open, nnd Alley popped througn. ()U, . ,.(limjssiml That meant a quarter of an hour seaivh, and the clock ticked on. Fin- Klamath Falls. -The Klamath Falls ally Alley was cnught. Neighbor Lakeview highway was closed by a brought inside the door, nnd Sister I geriotta slide near Olene Friday night turned ngnln to the stenm-neai I oaused by tho collapse of an irrlga tern, ao, sue saiu, it wu.u t u " , .. ul)ov , ,-oad. It Is "What time IS It, do you tninit r an, I mustn't keep you," was the lady's next move. "Five minutes past seven R PLUMBING MATERIAL Baths, Hinits, toilets, basins, boilers. Dine, valves and fittinas. Prices reason able. Standard Plumbing a Meatina uo. Kast 6th und Morrison Sts. Portland, Or. Cornelius Cafeteria Wholesome food cooked just right by cooks who, know. SPECIAL 26o luncheon served daily that cannot be excelled, Park Street between Washington and Alder. Portland Purity Dairy Lunch Restaurant 125 Fourth St., Near Washlneton St. GOOD THINGS TO EAT at Reasonable Prices. SILK SHOP Foreign and Domestic Knfoury Uros.. 383 Alder Kt. WICKER FURNITURE Trlcos consistent with quality. Here you will find the shades you want. Hpecial Itepair Depart, tuent, 4 :u Alder St., orthuiu. l'lUllH timated that ?4ooo will be required to repair the damage ami tne roau you say? That can't be right, do you will be entirely closed for several think? I feel as If it must be later, days. Hut would yen mind seeing If the other . ,,,., thunder shower late Sunday night broke the long dry spell that has prevailed in tho Salem dis trict. The shower lasted less than Hi radiators are warm? Ours are stone cold. I suspect the Janitor of being lazy 1" The others weren't on, either. The i . . - . m a ladv was lubllant. She had proved minutes and was accompanied oy an tho management in the wrong. electrical display. No damage result- How do we get that way? Hy being ea- from the lightning here, although so much more Interested In what ought to be than in what Is, that we are almost glad When It lsn 1 1 (, 19!4. by the Eastment Syndicate.) Turning Back Ventilated sandals, the kind worn universally at Ihe dawn of clvlli.a Hon, are recommended by a Wood ward avenue shoe dealer ns a solu tion of prevailing foot ailments. "If everyone wore sandals," the dealer a number of fires in the forest were saitl to have been started from this source. La Grande. W. V. Uemoss, con (cased thief of wheat from the farm of drover Orimmett, near here, is in the county jail, having failed to raise $500 bond, awaiting sentence.. Uemoss took a load of club wheat to market instead of forlyfold, which ho had said, "there would be no need for asked prices on earlier, and the mill corrective appliances designed to re lieve fallen arches and other concomit ants of modern footwear. Not only ilint- but the human race would be decldedlv better off. Much money would bo saved. Walking, an exer cise that Is sadly neglected, would be popular because It would be painless." Detroit News. s HEEP DIP Bacteriologists and Medical Science en dorse the wonderful action of Sepol, deodorized sheep dip shampoo. Daily use prevents Dandruff, Itching Scalp and Falling Hair. Thousands use It regularly. At any drug store. Chinese Are Executed. Shanghai. Two Chinese, convicted of kidnaping 20 children, were public ly executed on Ihe principal street of the Chinese city here Friday by Ihe local military officials. Previous to the execution the prisoners were man acled and paraded through the streets with placard attached to them, tell ing of their crimes, after which they were shot in the presence of several hundred persons. . No Heat From Firefly A scientist who bus experimented with problems of light production In forms us that the firefly gives off no heut which can be detected. An In (lnlteslinal degree of heat must be pn duced by combustion and there can t.B nn rombustlon without heat. The flreflv simply bus, ns a light produc Ine machine, a much higher efficiency than uny machine man has been able men liecame suspicious, railing nn sliedff. West Linn. Willamette postofl'in was entered early Niiui-iiay wn-u several registered packages and iner handise valued at $:t.r)0 were stolen The value of the mall matter bad not been determined late Saturday. 1 In stolen merchandise consisted of wo men's and children's silk hose, men's shoes, neckties, dress goods and case lots of groceries. Toledo, The Lincoln county fair will be held this year on September -6. With weather conditions more fa voiahle than in former years and keen Interest treated, the active fair board indicates one of tho best ex to make It shows what enormous posit ions yet ins, ids utswwvsv m- posslbllltles of Improvement there are dibit especially will be larger than In our own methods of light produc- ,.Ver, and another new livestock barn tlon. Washington Star. ajrfJJ have to be constructed to suppl merit the two recently built. rinrh Secret . I ". f , I 1 ' . i . T na( , . . i . i ,, i- t i , , I , IlllVli tv, minis f n certain chun-n '" ""w'". - called upon a worunn. n member of his been started by the Hammond l.um congregation, nnd finding no one at bor ompnny at camp 1 1 near i iei i on home slipped a card through the let- n g expected they will get out about tpr box after scribbling upon It the kjx (ars a day for the present as they words, "Sorry to find you out. un. iuml)cred by the recent fire which When the woman returned nnme, . , bridges Mary, the maid met her at tne noor (m , aim present., too . n... . ,.,,. ,)f lo,,H ....... i . w . . ...mi . T fiidlf i-1 hi riff fir 1 " " v.i.. ... i ihls It would never do for the mat- ! I increased as rapidi I it is ter to know the minister's found you possible to get track and camps Into Ex-Senpr Drops Dead. Jackson, Mich. Hx United Stales Senator ('buries B. fownteBd dropped dead Sunday night at the home of Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Hards, where lie, Mrs. Townsend and Mrs. K. S. Loonils. her mother, were guests. He was OS years old. The California statu hoard or edu cation failed Wednesday to decide the QttMUon of what should be done with high school textbooks that are under fire by certain religious groups be cause I hey present tho theory of bio logical evolution. Roads to Riches. Don't be jealous of your friends SUCCeSB, That will BOl neip in iniiKii you successful, rtemember that aome men ire horn rich, others have riches llirust upon them, and the rest of us have to hustle. Best Ballast for Mind. There BO better ballast for keep ing the mind steady on its keel, and saving It from all risks of crankiness than business. Lowell. Long Ski-Slide. The longest ski slide In Ihe world Is in Oberhof, Thuriliglln. It is CO miles in length and the course Is laid out on an old road winding through tho hills of the Thurlngian forest. out." "Re$urrection Bone" Writings of Jewish rabbis ttt ft by gone age refer to a certain bone !n the ()U(H ,1UH De(Jn exceptionally high for shape Monmouth.With the grain hurvest practically completed In this section, the yield per acre of both wheat und human body, known by the name of "Lur." This bone Is also spoken of as the resurrection bone and was b lleved to be the nucleus of the resur rectlon body, because of Its fanciful a dry season. Wheat will average about 2.r. bushels per aerti and oals about 14 bushels per acre. Riddel Dros., who farm about 2000 acres, re .. .. ..I ... . . - , ,...(., ,;.., i, .,t Indestructibility. According to the pon tnai some usjsssp - , h.iui ihi bona could he over 40 bushels to tho acre. 1 In ,llllli 'lt ' ' - 1 , ... , ! neither dloolved, broken, groimd to , lover CTOP U scatt'-rinK and light t.urnad. It! location ll a iuivin' heeii Htarled hint W'ck nioftar ttt milch fl 1 fill if. You Want a Good Position Vi-ry wll T)k iti Af'ountftnry & Ho-tim- M; 1 I'rivat.i- SyT-turiul. Cul uliilir Comtimt'tor, St?tiKruihir. IVniniuinltip, or Com- Th$ ttutoadt Piwlnii CoITNc nf th NortfcwMt which hit won more Accuracy Awitrit and Ciulil M.-i.i. than any otht-r ttfeCMj j" America. Knd for our Kuc('B Ctitalotf. Fourth tr-t near Mor riiton. I'ortlanrj, On-. Irtaac M. Walker. I'rettident is needed In every department of house keeping, tvquslly it...,. I for towels, table linen, sheets and pillow cases. Grocers 1 P. N. U. No. 33, 1924