The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, August 08, 1924, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Rround-the-World Flier Has Chance to i
Finish Trip.
Events of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
Three outlaws held up the First Na
tional bank of Highlands, 111.. Tuesday
ufternoon und escaped with between
$17,000 and $20,000.
Charles O. Dawes, republican vice
presidential nominee, will open the
republican national campaign at Lin
coln, Neb., August 29.
All preparations have been complet
ed for the arrival of the American
army airmen on their world flight,
at both their landing places in Ice
land, Ilornafjord and Reykjavik.
Men'.i apparol, plain this year, Is
going to bo more so next year, accord
ing to delegates attending the annual
sessions of the Merchant Tailor De
signers' association at Cedar Point, O.
Mrs. Meriam M. Forguson, Texas'
first woman gubernatorial candidate,
increased her lead over Lynch David
son, Houston, for second place to 2.'!2!)
votes, it was announced by the Texas
( lection bureau.
The headquarters of John W. Davis,
democratic presidential candidate, dur
ing the coming campaign will be large
ly in Hie saddle'. His personal base
of operations will bo his home al
Locust Valley, New York.
Sixty natives are believed to have
perished when the mdtorshlp Agusan
binned off tho coast of Camiguln is
land in (ha sea of Mindanao. A tele
gram to that effect was received In
Manila Wednesday from the command
er of constabulary in M isum i s.
The Carnegie corporation of New
Yorli, custodian of the bulk of the
fortune left by the late Andrew Carne
gie, Tuesday paid to Samuel Harden
Church, president of tho Carnegie la
stltute or Pittsburg) an 18,000,000
addition to the endowment for the
educational work of the Institute.
a posse dispatched from Wilming
ton, N. C. to l'hoenix, Brunswick coun
ty, Tuesday night upon receipt or re
ports of a battle between prohibition
officers and bootleggers found the
bodies Of Marshal Lilly, Deputy Halted
Stales, and Clly Prohibition Agent Leo
QeOTgS In their automobile two miles
i rota i lie town.
Tho smouldering feeling between
members Of the Ku Klux Klun and the
anti-Man followers flamed into bitter
ami unexpected hostilities early Wed
nesday In Lancaster and Spencer,
Mass., leaving In its wako Injury and
destruction of property. More than
!0 persons were Injured and properly
damage was estimated at thousands of
Hy way of n demand upon the United
States tariff commission for Inforina
tion as to what It has been doing in
sugar investigations, Senator La Pol
letts of Wisconsin, Independent can
didate for president has promulgated
a declaration which Impartially at
linked both the present republican
and the preceding democratic national
Despite a perceptible slackening in
steel operations in the second quarter
Of tho rear, directors of tho United
States Steel corporation Tuesday de
dared un extra dividend of GO cents
on the common shares for tho third
successive quarter, In addition to the
regular dividends of $1.25 a share
on the common and $1.75 a share on
the preferred stocks.
The National Fanners' and drain
Dealers' association, iu which tOM
grain elevutors In the middle west
bold memberships, has refused to Hi
dorse the recently organized llriiln
Marketing company of Chicago. The
association declared It would continue
to withhold Its Indorsement until the
grain merger plun wus modified to
provide that all stock must bo held
by farmers' elevator companies and
not by Individuals.
The discovery of 250 gold ornaments
thut were ancient heirlooms even in
the time of Homer, the opening of a
Creek tomb that hud not been disturb
el for more thun 3000 years, and the
discovery Hint tho so-called suddlc roof
was not unknown in the architecture
of that early day, are some of the
Important results, Just reported In
Stockholm, of the Swedish srehae
ologlcal expedition, headed by Crown
Prince (iusluf Adolf, which Is excavat
lug the undent dty of Aaino, Uroere.
Washington, D. C. A slight hope
was held Monday night in war depart
ment circles that the trio of American
around-the-world fliers might yet be
able to complete their circumnaviga
tion of the globe as a unit, despite the
mishap Sunday to the Boston, piloted
by Lieutenant Leigh Wade.
Initial dispatihes describing the
wrecking of the Boston were in-,
terpreted as having put Lieutenant
Wade definitely out of the flight, but
later advices that his machine was
being taken to Reykjavik, Iceland, was
accepted as evidence that a more care
ful survey indicated the possibility of
repairs which would enable that ship
to join those of Commander Lowell H.
Smith and Lieutenant Kric Nelson.
A repair depot has been establish
ed at the Icelandic capital. Not only
have spare parts been placed there for
the engines, but complete sets added
of the specially designed pontoons,
wings, rudders and controls used in
Mm- Douglas type of airplanes which
make up the flight group.
As a result, army officers declared
that "if the fuselage of the Boston"
is sound, she can be rebuilt at Rey
kjavik." It will only be necessary,
they said, that the body of the plane
with its internal struts and braces be
available to the repair forces for the
licjston to lie placed iu commission in
48 hours.
Suggestions were mado that Lieu
tenant Wade be issued one of the
observation planes carried by the
cruisers patrolling the route or that
a spare plane be shipped at once from
lliis side, but hot li proposals were re
jected by tlie army service after care
ful consideration.
The extent to which interest in the
world flight is being maintained was
indicated by numerous messages, both
telephonic and telegraphic, to the war
department seeking information as tu
Lieutenant Wade's mishap, ins chances
of continuing and proffering various
suggestions for his assistance.
Citizens of Boston telegraphed
President Coolidge urging that every
thing be done to enable Lieutenant
Wade to complete the flight and this
request was sent to tho war depart
ment from the White House. Whether
SO extra plane from Langley field
might be made available when the
fliers reach this side was a question
still undecided.
Steps Taken to Put Dawes
Plan Into Effect.
Ambassador Kellogg Is Officially Pres
ent in Interest of American
Nome, Alaska. Russian authorities
have seized tin! Nome, a motorsblp of
this city, and confiscated her cargo,
according to word received here Tues
day from Anadyr, Siberia.
tills llendricksen, master and own
er, Arnold Castol, engineer, and Sam
Magids, charterer of the boat, were
arrested, it was stated.
Magids had an arrangement witli
authorities at Moscow which be un
derstood permitted him to trade in
Siberia, but reports said that the
authorities at Andyr, Which la on the
oast coast of Asia just south of the
Antic circle, refused to recognize this
aut horlty.
Russian authorities of the district
known among Alaskans as Whalen,
that Is to say, the northeastern corner
of Siberia, including Kast Cape and
Anadyr, seized four American trading
vessels last summer, the Iskum of
Taowna. Wash., the Silver Wave and
the Blue Sea of Seattle, and the He
llnda of Noma. The American state
department refused to move iu be
half of the owners or crews of these
boats, because the I'nlted States then,
as now, had no relations with Russia.
Body to be Sent Home.
Naples.--The I'nited States cruiser
Trenton has been ordered to proceed
to Persia to take on board und carry
hack to the United States the body of
Robert W. lmbrle, American vice-
consul at Teheran, who was killed bv
a mob recently. Thirty-two sailors
from the Trenton Monday rendered
military honors at the unveiling of a
tablet here In honor of Italy's war
dead. Phe American consul general
attended the ceremonv.
Mail Lost With Plane.
Washington. 1). C. Loss by fire of
an air mail pluue and 152 pounds of
mail which left San Francisco Sun
day, was reported to I'ostmaster-tien-eral
New. The plane being flown bv
1'ilot Scott was over Great Salt lake
when Its radiators exploded. The
plane took fire and Pilot Seott suc
ceeded in effecting a landing but wus
unable to extinguish the flames or
remove the mull. Scott received slight
Astoria. Building permits issued
during the month of July by the dty
hall represented a value of $327,435,
according to figures given out Satur
day by J. I.. Burgees, dty buildiUK In
London. A new erar in allied diplo
macy dawned Saturday when the
inter-allied conference, with the Uni
ted States officially represented by
Ambassador Kellogg, reached a full
agreement on the program for making
the Dawes reparation plan effective.
After eighteen days and a good part
of many nights, spent at the British
foreign office in Downing street, the
parleys have terminated successfully
so far as their inter-allied aspect is
concerned. The conference now be
comes an international one.
With the arrival of German repre
sentatives in response to the invita
tion dispatched by Premier Mac
Donald, the inter-allied formula for
launching the new scheme to obtain
war compensation from Germany will
be reviewed and the Berlin emissaries
will be asked to agree to it. Final
adjournment is expected the end of
next week.
The delegates characterized the
negotiations as the most successful
of all the Kuropean conferences held
since the great war and many of them
expressed appreciation of the assist
ance by the American delegates and
"The conference has been a won
derful success so far," said Ambassa
dor Kellogg to The Associated Press.
"It has taken a good deal of time, but
there was a vast amount of ground
to be covered. Everyone was de
termined to accomplish the task, and
I think we have done it. The program
we have adopted is the only one we
will take up with the Germans next
Mr. Kellogg paid tribute to the val
uable work done by James A. Logan
Jr., and the other American experts
He also praised the helpfulness of
Owen 1). Young, who in his unofficial
position as one of the Dawes com
mitteemen placed his opinion before
the conference whenever he was ('all
ed upon.
In Mr. Logan's opinion, the agree
ment reached by the allies marks
their greatest success since Versailles
Mr. Young, likewise, expressed ap
proral of the program as a sound basis
for working the Dawes scheme and
in keeping with the spirit of the ex
pert commission's work.
The medlatlve role of the Americans
continued throughout the conference
and aided materially in bringing the
final accord during the plenary ses
sion, when it was found French and
llritlsh views still were widely diver
gent on technical points which the
experts during day and night sessions
for the past 48 hours vainly tried to
Ambassador Kellogg made a short
speech giving his opinion as to what
should lie done and quick agree I
I A fi
i ni
II '1
Something to
Think slbout
Reflections of a
Bachelor Qirl
rii) sii inn and Surgeon
Big Wool Deal Closed.
Pendleton. Or. - - The wool clip of
Smythe brothers, aggregating 300,000
pounds, was sold Saturday to C. II.
Mrunnon of Buhl, Idaho, for Swift &
Co., according to a statement made
here by Mr. Brannon and verified at
the office of Smythe brothers. The
prices paid for tho clip, which is
thought to have constituted the
largest volume of wool left in the
hands of one outfit in Oregon, was ;;."
to 40 cents a pound. Mr. Brannon said.
Population Bogy Raised.
Williamstown, Mass.- "There won't
he standing room in the United States
10.000 years from now, if the present
rate of increase in population con
tinues," said Professor Henry P. Fair
child of New York uuiversity Satur
day. This statement was made in
opening a round-table conference on
population and related problems ;a
the institute of politics.
Hondurans In Revolt.
Managua, NicaraguaHonduras is
again In the throes of a revolution.
San Marcos de Colon was attacked
Monday by 400 insurrectionists under
Generals Juilo Peralta. Jeremiah
Konseca and Toribio Ramos. Many
were killed and wounded on both
sides. Commandnnte Tortlllo and
Colonel C.allarJo of the government
forces were killed.
fJtyiTHIN your house of clay there
is a rare treasure, worth more to
you than all the wealth of the world.
This remarkable jewel, which you
have never seen, Is you, yourself, hld
len all the time from your most search
ing gaze.
Even by looking Into a mirror, you
run not glimpse its form or discern Its
tieuuty, though at every moment of
your life you are conscious of its ex
istence. This wonderful gem, this spark of
enduring vitality, controls your
thoughts, stirs your emotions and
bestows happiness or wretchedness.
It leads you to destiny. In the twin
kling of an eye It Is capable of arous
ing the fondest love or the most des
picable bate.
It may be generous or selfish, noble
or mean, brave or cowardly, but what
ever Its nature, Its erratic moods are
bevond all human understanding, nev
er comprehended except durkly, from
one moment to another.
To know yourself Is to spend n life
time In the quest and fail at the end,
yet the quest Is worth making.
You may be among the world's
greatest philosophers, but be ns Ignor
ant of yourself ns a Wooden spoon.
You cannot say with certainty wheth
er in battle you would be a coward or
hero, forgive un arch enemy or de
stroy Din, hide yourself if suddenly
Impoverished, or fuce the Jeers of for
mer associates.
Some time ago, a woman Who had
shot Hons In the Jungles of Africa,
fnlnted before a group of Rinillng
friends who had come to bear her lec
ture. Their beaming faces and shin
ing eyes were more overpowering' to
her than the crouches and charges of
snarling wild beasts.
Her soul was suddenly palsied, her
house of clay crumbled.
You are robust and lustrous today,
but tomorrow you may be weak and
The dominating power within you
has temporarily lost Its force.
Without It you are nothing but dust,
blown hither and thither by the
Judgment cannot be sure, faith can
not be strong, nor Ufa Itself made to
function ns It should, unless the Jewel
you are carrying with you shall be
kept as clear and bright ns the stars
of the Armament.
(J) by McClur Newnpaper Syndicate.)
THERE are only 13 original Jokes,
but every man seems to fancy
that he married one of them.
Every woman knows tluit a man Is a
little hit out f his mind when he pro
poses marriage to her. but her vanity
won't permit her to admit it, by offer
ing blni a chance to escape.
A man never suffers until love Is
quite dead; but It Is the death throes
of a romance which torture a woman.
After the funeral, she can be so re
signed und serene that she almost en
Joys her "grief."
Why will a college boy waste weeks
In working up an effective "line." when
the little ones, "How beautiful you
are!" and "I love you!" which grand
father used, are still the most thrilling
In the English tongue?
As long as a man can make a wom
an cry, he can dictate terms to her;
but no sane man was ever so foolish
as to argue with a smiling woman.
When a man can't find anything
around the house to Improve, criti
cize or "sympathize," fur a whole
week, he begins to think that his
"morale" Is weakening.
Silence Is the lace curtain, through
which a wise woman peeps out at men,
without permitting them to see her un
draped thoughts or to satisfy their
curiosity about mental furnishings.
Marriage Is the point nt which some
women stop kissing and begin hiss
ing. An Innocent young man should be
perfectly sure of Ids heart before he
gives It 'Into a strong woman's keep
ing. In these days. He may never get
It back again !
( by Helen Rowland.)
(J. L. McLELLAN, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Fraternal Building
Ktanfield, Oregon
drTfTv. primfT
Dental X-ray and Diagnosis
Bank Building
'Phones I Ofllee 93. Residence 761.
New ton Painless Dentists
Dr. H. A. Newton, Mgr.
Cor. .Main and Webb Sts. Pendleton
"business cardsT
Umatilla Pharmacy I
W. E. Smith, Prop.
Mail orders given special atten
tion. Quick Service
Satisfaction Qua ran teed
Umatilla. ' Oregon
13. L. VAUGHAN t
20G E. Court Street
X Electrical Fixtures and f
X Electric Contracting f
he Young Lady
Across the Way
Has a man like this proposed
to you?
Symptoms: His broad A trom
bones and bails the rosy dawn
snd dewy eye! He likes yon be
csuse your A Is natural and be
knows his Is flat and often nar
row! His clothes are entirely
Britlsbly cut. Ids spirit Is in
England, though bis forefathers
are gathered here. He Is no ath
lete, yet. when In America, he
can still "take the train." His
climbing, however. Is u miracle
to see!
The serial trapes I never
still from his activities.
Prescription to the bride:
T Teach him the real who's
Jy who,
Absorb this:
by McClura New.ppr Syndlcatf )
Will Be Wasted Apyway
"Captain. I am afraid of seasickness.
What food shall l eatl ttm cbeap
SStr Rasper (Stockholm).
The young lady across the way says
Turkey certainly ought not to be rec
ognized by the civilized world until
she has punished all those responsible
for the Herrin massacre.
(C by McClure Nwip,per Syndicate.)
I expect to
spend my vaca
t un at a couple
of hotels.
Do they do you
They caruialj
Eat and Drink
X E. J. MrKK'lfircr.v'lw..
, .
Pendleton, Oregon
OnIy the Best Foods Served
Jb ancy Ice Creams
Furnished Rooms over Cafe
I Juick Service Lunch Counter
t in connection with Dining room
T ion Are Welcome Here
We Specialize in
Take that next job to your
Home Printer
R. N. Stanfiehl. Pmil.lont
I Ralph A. Holte, VIce-Pres.
Frank Sloan, Vice-Pres.
W. A. Wollan, Cashier
Julia, Haggmaun, Ass't Casliier
II Bank of
! Stanfield
Capital Stock and
Four Per Cent Interest
Paid on Time Certifi
cates of Deposit