M LOCAL The Packards wore laBt week-end Pendleton visitors. Nona Hands weeks In Hood la spending River. a few The to the Gallia's moved section house at Wednesday Coyote. Mr. and Mrs. Schuell of Irrlgon attended the rabbit drive Sunday. Charles Hands home with his son present. is making his Royal Rands, at Jack Gorham went to Monday, where he had a tracted. Arlington tooth ex- Buster Hands Mt. Hood where ramping trip. lias returned lie lias been from on a Miss Thyra P. Heck left Wednes day for avisit with relatives at La Cross, Wash. Mr. find Mrs. Leo Root enjoyed a brier nutation trip by motor to Port land last week. Howard Packard relumed frm Seattle Saturday, where he has been tot the PMl few weeka. Mrs. Hopkins and children Friday tor BhanlkO where Mr kins has work on a ranch. leave llop- 8PAQLB-PACKARD Amid a number of friends and relatives, Miss Olaudine Belle Pack ard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Packard of Boardman, and Lowell Spagle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spagle of Hubbard, Ore., were united in marriage Sunday at the home of the bride's aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. John Jenkins. Miss Packard looked lovely in a gown of baby blue crepe de chine with silver ribbon. Miss Edna Broyles, close friend of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, wear ing a beautiful gown of delicate pink with all-over laee. Howard Packard, brother of the bride, acted as best man. Rev. Hughes of Umatilla and lioardman performed the ring cere mony on the lawn. The bride car ried a boquet of beautiful fern and bride rosebuds. A delicious luncheon was served by Mrs. Mamie Packard and Mrs. Anna Jenkins assisted by others. Mrs. Nizer made the wedding cake, which was delicious; and Mrs. Louise Rands made the bridal cake. The guests were Mr and Mrs. Al bert Spagle and Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Milb r of Hubbard, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Packard, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nlaer, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Warren, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Broyles, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Ranids, Mr. Chajs. Barnes, Mr. Ople Waggner, Mr. Elmer Wes tervelt, Alverla Jenkins, Master Mar cus Spagle, Mrs. Irene Sprague, Misses Ethel and Hrma BroyloB, all of Boardman. Mrs. Spagle is one of fioardman's most accomplished and popular young ladies. Beautiful gifts too numerous to mention were received by the happy couple, including a rolling pin sent by Chester Packard from Seattle, the bride's uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Spagle will reside In Boardman, Mr. Spagle being em ployed by the state highway com mission for the present. Their many friends extend heart iest congratulations. , xtreme dry weather I come In on the rrlgon districts in In an effort to work interesting; pacts Did Vou Know? that the poultry industry of the United States in 1923 was Valued at $1,047,000,000? That it: 1b greater than the value of all the cattle raised in the same period; is about six times the value of all the horses and mules; is seven times the value of all sheep; is nine-tenths as great as all the swine raised; is twelve times as great as all the wool produced ; is one-third as great as all the dairy products; is $3,000,000 greater in value than the wheat crop; is half the value of the corn crop and greater than all other cereals combined: is three-fifths the value of the cot ton crop; Is five times the value of the ap ple crop and double that of other fruits and fruit products com bined; is seven times greater than the sugar crop; is more than three times the val ue of the tobacco crops; is double farm garden crops; is more than twice the value of the combined potato and sweet potato crops; Is over three times the total for est products. EYE SPECIALIST COMING Dr. Clarke, of the Clarke-Strain Optical Co., 112 Sixth street, Port land, will be in Irrlgon. Headouart ers at Mrs. G. A. Grabed's residence, from 9 a. m. until 1 p. m., Wednes day, July 23rd At Boardman from 2 p. m. all afternoon and evening, at Highway Inn, Wednesday, July 23rd. At the request of President Charles Wesley Tenney, the editor has again been asked to announce through the columns of this paper that the trus tees of Gooding College will award a $50.00 scholarship to the honor graduate of the local high school for the fall term which opens September 9th. In case the valedictorian does not accept, the honor will be open to gome other graduate provided he has a good high school record and is recommended by his local princi pal and pastor. This help, together with the offer of Gooding College to give all worthy students an opportunity to work for half their board and room, will make it possible for many worthy young men and young women to at tend college this year who would otherwise not be able to go. Tony Campanelli, section boss at Coyote, was married to Mrs. Webb from Spokane on Sunday at Hep pner. C. G. Blayden took ttie bride and groom and Mr. and Mrs. Rich aid Dingmon over to Heppner. COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICK Every Sunday Sunday School 10: Church Service 11: Christian Endeavor 7 All are welcome. 30 a. 30 a. 30 p. REV. B. S. HUGHES, Prstor.. A. H. SWITZER ATTORNEY AT LAW Arlington, Oregon Mrs. A. Porter of Portland been spending a few days on ranch at Boardman this week. lias the Arthur Albert and wife of New Plymouth, Idaho, were recent vis itors at the C. G. Blayden home. Lauren CuminH and Carl left Wednesday for Pendleton the) will haul wheal for a Avers where While. Sibyl Grace Macomber went to Pilot Hock Wednesday on No. 2. she will viHit with tier iraadmoth- er. A large crowd and lots el' noise compiled tin' -lia r i ;i l S Sunday mJkIiI when Mr. and Mrs. Single were surprised. Earl Cramer and son, Basil, mo tored to Portland Thursday taking Unrle Hank with them. They will spend the summer in Portland. Mrs. Stella Arbuthurt and brother, Sydney, of California came Thursday morning for a visit at the A. T. Hereim home. They lire frlcmlH of the Herelms. Batrd ored to Patterson ami Long Beach to wife inot atteiid the auto rareH laHt week. Macomber had charge of rage during his absence. the Nate ga- Due to the ( jack rabbits hav Boardman and large numbers. out a belter method of summer poisoning, County Agent Morse ar ranged with the U. S. Biological Survey to send Mr F. E. Garlough to work out a better method. Mr. Garlough is now In the Boardman and Irrlgon districts and we expect to have some results within the next week, Mr. Garlough spent the ten days prior to July 7 along Willow Creek, where the poison that was working In other sections waB not working. A satisfactory system of peisoning was worked out and Mr. Roy Fugate, of the Biological Sur vey is In the district now showing the farmers how to use the poison. He will be transferred to the Irrl gon and Boardman districts as soon as a satisfactory system of poison ing Is worked out. It will not be possible, nor is it Intended to come In each man's land and poison his rabbits. It is Impos sible with the limited time these men can help to do more than demon strate to the farmers in the various communities the methods of mixing and putting out posison. On T.iursday, July 10, at Hep pner, Oregon, occurred (be marriage of Miss Hannah Gorham of llold rege, Neb and Frank Aekerman of l.es Angeles. Mrs. Aekerman Is a sister of Jack Gorham and came here recently for a visit at his home. Mr. Aekerman drove up from Los Angeles and soon afterward motored in Heppner, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorham, and where they were married. They left on Mon day for Los Angeles, where they exr pert to make their home The Mir ror extends congratulations. Henry Klages and son. Fred, l,ad very narrow esrape reci nlly when they were blinded by the lights of an approachl&g car Just below Arlington, and their Ford was pushed off the road and they fell over a fifty foot embankment. They were scratched some but lu ll her seriously injured. The other driver was an Arlington resident. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Tlppey of Long Beach, Calif., and Charlotte Olson of Rapid River, Mich., are visiting at the Brice Dillabough home. Mrs. Tlppey and Mrs. Olson are Mrs. Dill abOUgh'l sisters. The fine art of being a safe camp er consists In being dead Bure that FVERY spark is out. What the TrceH Sang: "Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust, If the loggers don't get us, the cigarettes must." FOREST FIRE: A very and disastrous result from a little carelessness. large very I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon June 11, 1924. NOTICE is hereby given that Lee Mead, of Boardman, Oregon, who, on August 25, 1920, made Homestead Entry, No. 021932, for EM. W1? swv being Unit "B" Umatilla Pro ject, Section 14, Township 4, North, Range 25, East, Willamette Meridian, i lias filed notice of inter' ion to make three year Proof, to e. ..blish claim to the land above described, before C. G. Blayden, United States Com missioner, Boardman, Oregon, on the 22nd day of July, 1924. Claimant names as witnesses: Ernest Brown, Thos. Miller, Ray L. Brown, S. B. Richardson, all of Boardman, Oregon. J. W. DONNELLY, 18-22 Register. mi: OREGON STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OFFERS Mrs. J. R. Price, Cove, Ore. Mr and Mrs. J. E. Price, Portland, stopped over for a few days flail with their brother and son while on their way to Yellowstone purk. Ray Detnpsey, Paul Partlow left Alton Kilt?- and Wednesday In the Fred Graham and family have moved .lntol the Albert Macoinbett house. Mrs Graham and two chil dren and her sister. Mrs Johnson, and two children are visiting their mother at Brogan. Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson came hee recently from Kelso, Wash., and Mr. John son Is driving a slate highway I ruck. "A Liberal and Practical Education" In the several pursuits and professions in life Through the following schools and departments THE SCHOOL OF BASIC ARTS AND SCIENCES (Art, English, public speaking, modern languages, history, and the sciences) Providing the foundation training upon which technical specializa tion Is built. . THE TEN TECHNICAL SCHOOLS departments Commerce- four (B.S. degree) Forestry--two departments (B.S., M.S. degrees) Mines three departments (B.S., M.S. degrees) Vocational Education five de- parlm'ts (B.S., M.S. degrees) Military Science and Tactics Ave units (B.S. degree) UnpsityoOregon '- -T ,? The UNIVERSITY of OREGON contains. The College of Literature, Science and the Arts with 22 departments. The professional schools of Archi tecture and Allied Arts Business Administration Education Grad uate Study Journalism Lav,- Medicine Music Physical Edu cation Sociology Extension For a catalogue or any information Wnte The Rtgistrar, UniCeraitg of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon The 49th Year Opens September 25, 1924 i i tWIHIIIIMIMIMIIMIH I Sell C ! Oi J ROUND TRIP J. C. Bal lender Boardman - Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK AT TO K X EYS-A T-LA W Heppner, Oregon. S. E. NOTSON A T T O II X E Y - A 1 - L A W Office In Court House MSPPNEil OKEGON Let us print those buiter wrappers. Excursion Fares on sale dally to September IB Kansas City an. 40 St. Louis ""'t Chicaqo &2.40 Detroit !.08 Cleveland HH.98 Washington 187.96 New Ycrk 143.W1 Boston MB.W Corresponding fares to other important centers. Final re turn limit October 31. .1924. Liberal stop-over privileges going and returning. A side trip t" Yellowstone at small additional cost. Call on R. S. Davis, Agt. Boardman, Ore. WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon tlMMMOHinilMIHIMH It is easy to reach us when you want your CLOTHES CLEANED PRESSED and REPAIRED Service Unsurpassed Satisfaction Guaranteed IMPERIAL CLEANERS ! HERMISTON, OREGON Mall Orders Receive Prompt Attention m4 1 MmiiuifinHim The Highway Inn O. H WARNER, Proprietor Boardman, Oregon Wholesome Home Cooking Initcr'H car for La Crosse, Wash .i where they exiect to work the tmi ante of the summer. Clifford E. Durham nnd family left Friday for their home In Vcr nonla after a week's visit at OW Ellis Garrett home. Arthur Mefford accompanied ihem and plans to work there. Chaffee ko this hand vory badly cut Wednesday while helping the government man cut hay for polaouliiK rabbits Part of one fln iter was marly cut off, but he may be able to save It . last and Mrs H. G. Hurrlaon left week lor a visit to Portland S. aside. Mi Harrison bus been at Seaside for some tlmn. Wahnona Hands accompanied her as far as Hood lllver. (Murk lioardman of New York City came last Thursday for a visit at the S. H. lioardman home. He came by way of l.os Anseles and left Monday morning for home, fio iilK over the Canadian Pacific. Mr. lioardman is a publisher In New York and the trip was made In the interest of bis work Agricultural thirteen depart ments (U.S., M.S. defines! Bati&atrl&S seven depart ments (U.S., M.S. decrees) Home Economics five depart ments (U.S., M.S. degree) Pha rinacy (B.S., Ph.C. degrees) Chemical Kntrincering (B.S. degree) The training includes physical education, industrial journalism, social sciences, and music. Kntrance and graduation requirements are standard. Through the usual rating organizations the College is accredited to the best graduate schools in America. Students life is exceptionally veil organized to develop ideals of leadership and service to the commonwealth. Idmtaston of Prr hraan September '2:!, iiiui For Illustrated booklets ami mctlc Information write to THE REGISTRAR OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OOK VI. LIS, OKFGOX Malcom daughters ho, made Itlaydt'ii BaaalHaa. wife and three of New Plymouth, lda a brief vlit at the C. O. home on Wednesday. Mi Gibbons ami Norma anil Mrs. Frank Cramer and grandson. Basil, left Wednesday night for Portland where they will visit at the Albright home and then go on to Monmouth Mrs. C.lhbons is compelled to spend the larger part of the summer In the valley because of hay fever. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker and three children were visitors at the A. T. Hereim home, eomlim on Mon day evening and departing Tuesday. They motored up from their home at Torrance. Calif., by way of the roast route and arc rcluraing by the Pariflr highway. Tin v were Mr and Mrs. Albert Spagle, father and mother, and son, Marcus, bro ther of liowell Spagle. and Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Miller uncle and aunt, all of Hubbard. Ore , spent a few days on i heir way to Cor-1 In Hoardman, returning home Mon day. Best place to eat between The Dalles and Pendleton ARLINGTON NATIONAL BANK "Oldest Bank in Gilliam County" Founded in 1888 OFFICERS A. Wheelhouse, Pres. S. A. Bossier, Vice-Pres. H. M. Cox, Cashier Chas. F. Story, Ass't Cashier ARLINGTON OREGON The Best is none too good , . v i iTt'1 Ill k H. ilimlHllJHl!liii-.t.i". for comfort and rest and health and the simple life, all in pleasing variations at NORTH BEACH, CLATSOP BEACHES, TILLAMOOK BEACHES or NEWPORT Our ffrnt will hand you "Outing in the Pacilc Northwest" and "Oregon Outdoors" and they will tell you the whole story. A round trip summer excursion ticket via UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM h;T i 1 that wonderful trip through t he ColumhU Hirer Gory. I' t c-t agect trraa? yar itiaeranr tmd auke RALPH S. DAMS. vKent Ito.mliuan, Oregon Try our Sherwin-Williams paints and varnishes. There is none bet ter. also- We have a complete line ot Cedar Flume Stock Building Material Builders' Hardware Cement, Lime, Wood, Coal, Posts W. A. MURCHIE lioardman, Oregon. J