WORLD P NNGS E OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Events of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest, and Other Things Worth Knowing. PRESIDENT'S SON IS DEAD Blood Poisoning Proves Fatal to Calvin Coolidge, Jr. The cabinet lias resigned. This change In the Chinese government be came known In PekiD Tuesday. Petty Officer Flowers of the United States destroyer Sycard was killed Monday In an automobile accident in Calcutta, says u dispatch from that city. Jewelry estimated at $25,000 in value was stolen Sunday night from the apartment of B. Charles Ehrman, San Francisco importer, while he and Mrs. Khrman were out driving. Dates for formal notification of President Coolidge and Charles ;. Dawes, republican vice presidential candidate, of their nomination by the Cleveland convention are fixed for July 24 and 31, respectively. The lower part of Main street In Jacksonville, Kla., Monday was en veloped by a fire which destroyed the large warehouse building occupied by the Quaker Oati company, the Booth Fisheries and the St. Johns river boat line. The appointment of Kenneth Dur ham of Spokane as director of the fl partment of labor and Industries was announced by (iovernor Hart Tuesday. Mr. Durham, who succeeds Edward Clifford, resigned, bus been supervisor of industrial insurance for the past year. illown into Bend, Or. by the storm Which passed over the mountains Mon day evening, or coming in answer to n migratory Instinct, swarms of large moths, believed to be of the pandora variety, affixed themselves to I In; walls of buildings and telephone pole 19 in the city Monday night. Six persons, including Dr. F. W. Me Nalr, president of the Michigan Col lee of Mines, lost, their lives and 17 others were Injured Monday when a solid mail train on the Chicago, Hurl ington & tjulni y road crashed Into the rear end of the eastbound passenger (rain No. 2, from Denver, at Huda, 111. The ltev. George nougats Byeri, an Americas citizen attached to the Presbyterian mission, was murdered June 24, presumably by bandits at Kuchck, Island of Hainan, according to information received by American Minister Bchurman at l'ckln and for warded to the stute department Men day. The derelict of the tramp steamer Hridgetown, which last cleared Bar hadocB in February with a $2,000,000 liquor cargo ami siiwe was reported on the Jersey coast rum row, was report ed Monday by Captain I.alnson of the Royal Mail liner Ohio to have been sighted last Wednesday elf the I'.raud Hanks. A lighted lantern, hung below, kept n cougar up a largn Cottonwood tree Saturday night at the home of (ierland Uoblnson. who lives two miles north west of (ioldendale. At daybreak Sun day morning the animal was shot by Itobiusou and Otis Morgan, a nearby neighbor. It measured fi foot 8 inches from tip to tip and weighed 100 pounds. Proposed consolidation of the South ern Pacific and Kl Paso & Southwest ern railroad system wus defended in a statement Issued Tuesday by Julius Kruttsi hiiltt, i hairmuu of, the South em Pacific company. He said the union would insure preservation of existing routes and channels of trade and commerce In harmony with the policy of the transportation act. the same bandit who three weeks ago held up and robbed the North Sacramento branch of the California Trust & Savings bank of $2000 held up (he bnuk again at 11 o'clock Tues day and took $600. The bandit was identified by the bank offlcluls as the nutu who had beeit there before. He was unmasked ou both occuslons. He operated in the same maimer and tied iu an automobile as before. Further evidence of the crafty super mind of Nathan Leopold Jr . who w ith Itichard l.oeb. murdered little Hobert Pranks, came Tuesday when the stale luarned of what appears to have been un attempt to shift the blumo for the murder to (he shoulders of a fellow studei.t, George Lewis, who was brought in for questioning. Lewis Is un ornithologist and had taken one of Leopold's lasses ou a field trip about the time of (ho murder. Washington, D. C. Calvin Coolidge Jr., son of the president, died Monday night at Walter Reed hospital of blood poisoning. The end came after the boy had battled with the utmost bravery and fortitude for five days against a dis ease which had racked his body with pain and sapped the reserve strength of his frail constitution. President and Mrs. Coolidge, who had maintained constant vigil at the hospital, were at his bedside, hope ful and cheering and comforting their son to the last. A sinking spell, the fourth he had suffered in 24 hours, brought death. Notwithstanding the use of oxygen und other restoratives, the courage which had withstood crisis after crisis and had beaten death off repeatedly was unable to meet' the attack. The col lapse began at 0:30 o'clock and he died at 10:30 oclock. E. T. Clark, the president's per sonal secretary, emerged from the sickroom at 10 o'clock and told those waiting outside that the patient was sinking, but that his stamina was re s la ting every backward step. Neither President Coolidge nor Mrs. Coolidge came out, and the physicians remained to minister to the suffering b'oy's last minutes. The White House, where a staff had been kept busy while the presi dential residence was temporarily re tnoved to Walter Heed hospital, ceas ed to function for the time, and Secre tary Slemp and others rushed to the hospital. In other parts of the city, Where the illness of the boy had grip ped public interest to the exclusion of almost everything else, thore were anxious inquiries as to his condition and expressions of sympathy for the parents. Announcement that death had final ly ended the sufferings of the frail boy was made by Mr. Clark. He walk ed slowly from the room and those who were gathered there knew from his demeanor that the end had come. The infection developed from a broken blister on the right foot, sus tained during a tennis match with his brother John on the White House courts last Monday. At first paying no attention to it, the youth developed an alarming condition by Wednesday night and physician were summoned. The poison, however, once started, had spread so rapidly that medical skill was without avuil. A number of specialists were called to act with White House physicians on the case and a desperate fight for life was made by the boy, who struggled in great pain and with high fever. Church Asks Freedom. llecorah, Iowa. - Resolutions call lug for freedom of religious worship und absolute separation of church und state were adopted Monday at the closing session here of tho fifth an nual district convention of the Nor wegian Lutheran church of America. Another resolution adopted declar ed "it is the duty of all citizens to obey laws enacted by the govern ment." The Lutherans in still another, resolution deplored war und welcom ed iii banishment, hut declared they si ood ready to "sacrifice oven our tires whenever the government, In order to preserve the common welfare summons us to the field of battle." Tunnel Plan Abandoned. London. Prime Minister Mai Donald announced Monday in the house of commons that the British government had decided against the construction of a tunnel under the English chan nel. Mr. MacDonald declared that the government had accepted the advice of the committee on imperial defense that (he advantages of the tunnel were not commensura(e with its disadvan tages from a defense viewpoint. Cyclone Stops Air Mail. Omaha. - Frank Yager, uir mail pilot flying between Cheyenne and Omaha, was forced down at Chappe.:. Wb, about 25 miles north of Jules burg. Colo., by what air mail officials termed a "young cyclone" at 8:15 Moil day night. A relief plane piloted by Jack Knight was sent from the Omaha field to pick up Yager's cargo. Keno Forest In Flames. Klamath Falls, Or. Lightning cans ed a serious forest fire in the Keno section, II mill's west of Klamath Fulls, Sunday and local firefighters have been uuuhle so far to get the flames under control. Tho fire has spread over a trout of three miles and threatens an immense area ot Weyer hausi-r Timber company pine. Accused Cowboys Free. Mention, England. Court summons which had been Issued against Tex Austin and other promoters of the rodeo In the Wembley stadium und cowboys participating In It. charging cruelty to ttuiuiuls iu the steer-roping contest, were dismissed Monday. FORM NEW PART! IN JANUARY NEXT La Follettee Candidacy For mally Indorsed. it- - Hobart Bosworth CONFERENCE ENDED All Elements at Cleveland Convention Reported in Full Accord at Conclusion. Cleveland, O. After indorsing Robert M. La Follette as a presidential candidate and providing for the organ ization of a new political party next January, the conference for progres sive political action wound up its con vention early Saturday night. The conference empowered its na tional committee to select a vice-presi dential candidate after conference with the "La Follette-for-president committee." La Follette was indorsed as a candi date on his own platform. Tho con vention then adopted for itself a plat form embodying the ideas contained in the Wisconsin document and in the statement of principles issued at the St. Louis session of the confer ence last February. The final day of the gathering work ed out strictly according to plans ol the leaders and without appreciable opposition. But just before adjourn ment some of tho delegates, dazed by tho rapidity of events, had to be as sured by the chair that La Follette actually had been "nominated" and that definite provision had been made for the new party. The confusion arose from the facl that the report of the committee on organization recommended this action and that no separate motion of in dorsement was offered. The report itself was adopted without a dissent ing vote, but the significance ot this action did not dawn on either dele gates or galleries and there was a total absence of demonstration. Repeatedly, Friday as Saturday, the name "La Follette" was the signal for an outburst of cheering and ap plause. Yet the culmination of the convention's work, coming in the form of a committee recommendation, did not draw even a pattering of hand clapping. All elements in the convention were intent on showing they were back of La Follette's candidacy. After losing a tight before the organization com mittee for immediate formation of a new party, tho socialists, led by Morris Hillquit of New York, were the first to second the Indorsement report. The farmer-labor party elements who backed Parley Christiansen in the 1920 campaign, and who also had urged the "third party ideu," then rallied to the support of La Follette as an Independent, Abraham Lefkow Itx, New York, being their spokesman. Wolves Cause Losses. Klamath Falls, Or. Driven down from the higher mountains by the un usual drought, timber wolves were re ported (o be raising havoc with cattle ranchers on the west shore of Klamath lake. Tho wolves killed six calves and one grown steer at the Doak ranch during the past few days. Two of the wolves have been killed by ranch hands, who report Hie uni tuuls more bold than Is the usual call during a severe winter. According to the ranchers, invasions by wolves at this season have never been known before. Bodies of Five Boys Found. Baltimore, Md. The bodies of five boys, members of the Baltimore Even ing Sun's uewsboy bund, and that of a negro, were found on the hulk of the bay steamer Three Rivers Sunday when the remains of the vessel, which was burned to the water line in Chesa peake bay early yesterday morning, was towed into Baltimore. This brings the total number of victims of the fire up to 10 and accounts for all those known to be missing. Two Juflo-Slavs Slain. Belgrade. An incident is reported from the Italo-Jugo-Slav frontier In which two Jugoslav customs officers were killed. The version of the In cident received here says the customs men. while patroling, met three Italian frontier guards who summoned them to halt. When the customs men pointed out that they were on Jugo slav territory, according to this ac count, the Italians opened fire, killing them and wouuding u civilian. Hobart Van Zandt Bosworth, popular In the "movies," was born In Marietta, Ohio, In 1867. As a boy he was of the Huck Finn type. Bosworth served in the navy, having graduated from Annapolis. He makes his home In Los Angeles. He was long on the stage before entering motion pictures. He is six feet, one inch tall, weighs 200 pounds, has blue eyes, white hair and fair complexion. O Have You This Habit? By Margaret Morison ROBERTA HOOD QOOOOOOOiOOH2l-iKlOCH0l 3 WE SOMEHOW I KNOW CKHKM By DOUGLAS MALLOCH SO MANY times, so many nights, When locked the door, and out the lights, My mother comes and looks at me While I nm sleeping. Just to see If I'm tucked in, and haven't thrown The covers off, as I am known To do sometimes ; If I am warm, And safe from harm und fright and storm. I'm sound asleep, of course, and so I cannot see, and yet I know. So many times my mother stands And smooths the pillows with her hands And sees the quilt is folded right. Yes, in the middle of the night She conies and stands beside my bed And holds her light above my head To see if everything Is well. Perhaps you wonder how I tell? She steps so gently, walks so slow, I cannot hear, and yet I know. So many times our mothers creep To where the little children sleep And watch our breathing. Many a time We know the stairs our mothers climb, For so our mothers keep on guard All day and all night afterward. Of course we cannot heur nor see; We're sound asleep us we can be; They gently come, and softly go; And yet, some way, we somehow know. (B by McClure Newspaper SynJIcata ) Reflections of a Bachelor Qirl Bt) HELEN It OU) LAND PROFESSIONAL CARDS TDOBERTA HOOD had lived all her life up to eighteen on her father's old furm at Pleasant Valley. So when It came time for her to begin to think of her own financial future, she nat urally turned to the city. And In two months she w as one of five girls work ing In the pressing room of the big garment fuetory that supplied up-town shops with children's fine dresses. From eight to five she Ironed dainty ruffles and tucks and plaits. The other workers rarely spoke to her; all went about their business in a dull, I determined way ; at Intervals the man ager looked In ; and ouce In two weeks she drew her pay envelope. She be came so used to the four mustard-colored walls that she was no longer con scious of anything beyond her Ironing board and the shelf ubove. Then one week she went home for Sunday. It was April and the woods were full of violets. Roberta Hood picked a big box of violets and moss to take to the city with her. When she left for her work on Monday morn ing the blossoms were so fragrant that she took a few with her In u glass and put them ou the shelf above her Iron ing board. All that day as she looked up at Intervals they seemed something living amid the mechanical routine of her motions. The head of the room came over to take a sniff and said that he came from the country, too. On her next visit home Roberta brought back some Ivy, and the five workers took turns watering It and washing down the glossy leaves. Through this common Interest they be gan to eat lunch together. Then they started a window box, und finally they achieved curtains, and a table where they spread their sandwiches and bot tles of milk. The pressing room had become a matter of Interest In the factory. Fi nally, one day, the president of the company strolled In. He was a pro gressive man and he appreciated the business value of the esprit de corps of this little group. The upshot was u clubroora for the workers of the fue tory a room of their own freshly painted, with geraniums, and a dis reputable yellow cat that they had adopted as their mascot. To open the new club they had a party. The head man In Roberta's room sat next to her. "This Is your doings!" said he. "Aw, go on!" laughed Roberta. But the next spring, when they were married, Roberta put extra effort into "fixing up" their rooms. She had learned the value of the habit of bring ing beauty Into everyday life. HAVE YOU THIS HABIT? ( by Metropolitan Nawapapar Sarvlea.) O If a iiic r rurrt) , By John Kcndrick Bangs. . X i i i i - JULY FOURTH 'PON' this dy was I mad free from very ttnaeled sover- lnty. And made a ruling- monarch of A vast domain of human love A klnf whoa pr!vllea; It (a To serve mankind's necesalttes: And In hla quaet for rrortnl patf To b fortratful of himself: And on hla brow with pride to bear The crown of service true klng-a wear. ( by McClure Nawapapar Syndicate ) VTOBODY Is quite so blase and so phisticated as a flapper, who Is Just recovering from a baby-grande passion. If a man Is looking for an Innocent, simple, unsophisticated wife, with a sweet childlike faith In men, he should pick out a widow of over thirty five, in these days. When a brave, beautiful young girl goes Into the world prepared to resist Its temptations, It Is an awful dis appointment to her, to discover that a "temptation" is as hard to find In the average business office us a pet fly in a candy shop. Oh, yes, every woman needs a hus band, if only as an instrument of self discipline to keep her from EVER growing vain and self-satisfied. The only perfect husbands are widows' husbands. To recall tenderly "a voice that Is stilled" Is no feat, be side listening patiently to a voice that is continually wondering why dinner Isn't ready, where you keep the matches, and what you paid for those "fool shoes." Heaven deliver us from the man with a new motor-horn, the woman with a new phonograph, the boy with a new wulstle, and the neurotic with a new complex 1 The foolish woman says "yes," and robs love of Its uncertainty ; the tact less woman says "no," and robs It of hope; but the wise woman says noth ingand keeps It simmering at Just the right temperature. The task of a modern girl's life Is to keep her mother away from the sort of movies that no woman over thirty should see. Why will a man worry more Intense ly over throwing away an old tomato can that "might have been used for bait," than over losing his watch, burn ing holes In the real lace curtains, or spilling the glue on the Persian rugs? ( by Halm Rowland.) 0? he Younrf Lad Across the Way 0 DR. ALEXANDER REID Physician and Surgeon UMATILLA OREGON G. L. McLELLAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Fraternal Building Stanfield, Oregon DR. fTV. PRIME" DENTISTRY Dental X-ray and Diagnosis HERMISTON, OKE. Bank Building Phones: Office 93. Residence 761. Newton Painless Dentists Dr. H. A. Newton, Mgr. Cer. Main and Webb Sts. Pendleton BUSINESS CARDS MIIIIIIIIIMIMMIIIIIM f Umatilla Pharmacy 'Mail orders given special ntten- W. E. Smith, Prop. tlon. Quick Service Satisfaction Quaranteed t Umatilla, Oregon t 4-1 Mr4-i tj. L. VAUGHAN 206 K. Court Street T PENDLETON, - OREGON X Electrical Fixtures and Supplies X Electric Contracting I Eat and Drink AT THE NEW FRENCH CAFE E. J. McKNEELY, Prop. Pendleton, Oregon Only the Best Foods Served Fancy Ice Creams Furnished Rooms over Cale Juick Service Lunch Counter in connection with Dining room You Are Welcome Here We Specialize in JOB WORK Take that next job to your Home Printer 4eaaaaaaaaaaaaes R. N. Stanfield, President. The young lady acroes the way says she never feel she was married un less she had a church wedding, but she suppose It would be Juet as legal to go to a Jinnies of the peace and have a common law marriace - -in '- - Bank of j Sfanfield I Ralph A. Holte, Vice-Pres. Frank Sloan, Vice-Pres. W. A. Wollan, Casliier Julia Haggmann, Ass't Cashier Capital Stock and Surplus $37,500.00 Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Certifi cates of Deposit