The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, July 11, 1924, Image 1

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    "tsnE 3
Mrs. Harriet McLellan
.Mrs. Harriet McLellan, aged elglit
six years, of Atlnnln, Ga., friend nl
the wives of the Presidents since Lin
coin. She remembers Mrs. Lincoln hj
her wide-swaying hoopsklrt ; Mrs
Harrison by her huge leg-of-mutlur
sleeves; Mis. Cleveland by her enor
nious bustle, and Mrs. McKinley by
her pompadour. The first Mrs. Wilson
was a schoolmate of one of her daugh
ters, of Mrs. Coolidge she says
"There's a real White House lady rot
you. Of all the 'tirsl ladies' I've eVPJ
met she Is the most broadminded and
Oregon Oold MJ, Developed by Iv
peiiiiiont Station .May lie Readily
Prepared at Home.
A new sulfur and lime compound
known as "Oregon Cold Mix," ha?
been developed by the experimcn
station to meet the need of grower
for a summer lime-sulfur combine
nation effective against brown ro
and scab and al the same lime hap
less, to tender fruits. Self-boiler"
lime sulfur, which is often used fo;
this purpose, is rather difficult b
prepare and requires fresh, h'p'
grade quicklime, not always avail
The Oregon Mix requires fine!
ground sulfur-superfine fiour but
lack of freshness of hydratod Iim
does not decrease the effectivenes
of the spray. It Is made as fo
lows :
Eight pounds of sulfur flour i
mixed with four pounds of hydrad K
lime. Two quarts of skim milk ai
diluted with two quarts of water ant'
poured into the sulfur and linn
which is stirred to a smooth past
If too thick more water is slowl
Several gallons of water are a
ded to this paste which is well stirrer'
up and poured through a strainc
into the spray tank. The tank li
then filled with water to make 51
gallons of spray.
Whole milk may take the place o
skim milk. It may be used if onl
The cost of the materials Is th'
lowest for this type of sprays, the
station says. Growers have tri r.
it for pear scab on the tenderesi
fruits, with excellent control of seal
and absolutely no damage to tlx
fruit. Station bulletin 201 gives
methods of preparing the Oregon
Cold Mix, which was developed prim
arily for brown rot of prunes ana
E. Cummins is laid up Wit a ver
badly sprained ankle.
Your Conversation"""
j 'I'ontilT" originally was ap
plied to the chief priest of the J
Romu religion. It comes from jjj
"pons" and "faeere," to make I
J bridge. The first pontiff was 1
Aneus Marclus, credited with
having built the SnbllcUro bridge J
over the Tiber river at Home.
The name now Is chiefly applied Jjj
to the pope as the supreme pon-
2 tiff of the Catholic church.
Uan Zelm
CjOEAT Go-getter
Hone economies bulletins issuel
y the United States Department of
gricnlture reach readers in uome
if the most remote quarters of the
lobe. A letter was recently re
ceived by the Bureau of Home Eco
nomies from a correspondent WTlt
ng from Kodaik.inal, Madura dis-
riet. Southern India. This letter
says in part:
"Three or four weeks ago I re
'O'ved from (he Department of Ag
riculture your very valuable circu
lar, No. 254, and it has been r-uch a
boon to me that I feel that I want
'o thank you for it. I have a home
maklng end of the school life in a
"b.ool for missionaries' children in
the hills in South India, and the
"nklng of jellies and jents has bee
me of the bugbears. Many Indian
nils seem to be deficient in pectin,
nd the process of making jam or
dly has always been ro long that
have been obliged to leave 't al
! ltether to Indian servants, with the
result thai a greatly diminlrhd and
often almost flavorless product has
en the result. I have taught one
E our coo'.s to make pectin simp,
"lien il is onco ready the rest of
'tie work Is so simple and takes Such
' little time that it is really a pi' a 3
it's to make it up.
"I b"ve tried It out with rasp
fries and rhubarb, in bo'h jam and
i''-, and our family is delighted
ith the result. I should like to
now if there is any leaflet or recipe
vallable for making orange marmal
ie by the use of the pectin. We
"?t no apples in South India, but
inons are abundant and cheap, so
it is very easy to make up the ex
tact from the peel. I even tried
taking a small quantity of the pec
in extract from the Inside peel of
omeloes, which ate first cousins to
grapefruit, I used it with juice
rom rather sour raspberries, ard
nd the family thought it made
very good substitute for cran
berry jelly."
llgh I'roduciivv Stock Sought to Re
place Loss of BQyOOO Head in
Foot and .Mouth Epidemic.
Oregon dairy cattle are In demand
o fill large orders from California
iairynien and farmers who suffered
oises in the recent epidemic of foot I
ind mouth disease that swept more
nan att.uiw neaa into me Siaugnier
renches. California growers are
uying cooiteralively unde the un
Versity extension service with W. H.
legan, chief of the dairying at the
)avis farm, in charge.
Through its director, Paul V.
'aris, the extension service has been
sked to help locate stock for sale
ind up to the qualification. Thf
ounty agents will help owners of
ii oil stock gel in touch will the Cali-
ornia market.
P. M. Brandt, chief of dairying
t the college station, has also been
iked to lend a hand in locating
iwners of such stock.
Oregon dairy stock in general is
ble to measure up to the standards,
ind the cows in the cow-testing as-
oclatlons show a consistent margin
iver the requirement of 3to pounds
f fat a year per cow. Many of the
best Oregon stock has been tuber-
ulin tested and found to be low in
tercentage of reactors.
Of nearly 50.000 cows tested by
he Oregon veterinary department
ind the federal bureau of animal in
lustry in cooperation with the exten
sion service, fewer than 1 i per cent
reacted. The California demand Is
for cows t. b. tested in herds under
tale or federal supervfaion, and for
ows in cow testing associations.
If not in supervised herds each ani
mal in the herd must be tuberculin
tested and if more than 10 per cent
react no animal will be taken from
he herd
Owners reporting stock for this
;ale are as' ed to give breed, num
ber of animals In each, average
trice, and other items called for.
High grade Holsteins and Guern
seys are sought and probably later
good Jet.- s and Ayrshire. A
irainload Is wanted at Brit, and later
ral snore will probably be called
Girls Carry Offerings to Funeral
Buddhist iris carry Ins offerings to the tomb of the man who committed
hnrl kari because of American exclusion of Japanese Immigrants.
price per I jan ; Fen. i m;.h. .p.-iTI:.; t je?.sjui.v ado. I sEpr. ; oct.Tnov. otc.
DO,FN AT "I -j ' 1 1" 1 1 1
AVL"'VAG P.'iiCLS " )
to 1921 TO 1924 A.
I T", jJ
sc V- -
is PV ! yy j
3o Jz.
js VU2JS8SJ e J
That everyttllng w itlt a shell on foes, Isn't t lie rule any longer. On the mar
ket today, ii stil' u es. but tit a bfk'e below a first-ck'ss egg. Opportunity for
he gret ! si success in Bgg productii D Ilea in BfOdUcUl an article-that Is belter
than the average, then selling it as such. It isn't haul to find u market willing
to pay a premium of 0 to 7 cents h dozen over firsts und from 9 to 18 Cents a
dozen over second, according to the Seara-Roebuck, Agricultural foundation.
The pramluta on fresh gathered BrstS at New Vork City during a three-year
period over freatl-gathered KCOndS "as RUbatantlal as shown by the accompitiiy
Ing chart. During I'ebruary, March and April, when practically all eggs are
good, the pi fees of extra lirsts svei'Uge only from 1 to 4 cents higher thiin tor
seconds. In May the spread begins to ulden. In August the margin on extra
firsts is around i) tents. It continues to widen until In November, when the
high peak is reached, with extras at 82 t ents a dozen and second! ut 41
It costs a little more and it takes a lot of extra effort to market high yuullty
eggs. Yet tilf gain Is ample return for the extra expense and labor.
Vacation Time
THE QUELLE A good place to eat " ..-. ,''.' -t&J'
in Pendleion
I s ; 1 1 j I 1
V )I COUL-D HAVE . J "K-r. M if
Tkat slioe ;S (, JUl '
ALL TO MY- Oh ? ,
t a a 04 e
'$ Aged Parents
Find Stage Is
Noi Degrading
. f W( VtKCt AL, ABIr
W tou "Sitting under, TwEce I
8 all The Time ? Por-Tr I-
'A. fOO LtWcE To T. v t I j t f
Girl Who Ecat Helen Wil'.s
iff vsvsv 'vvvvvvvvJyvtlifvv'?
ii. laai. Wesierii rsew jpaper rntrni. )
AS THE lights went down a hush
of exited aney settled over, the
audience a1 the theater. Most of tin-
faces were alitfhl with anticipation,
hut the old man and WomttU in the
back seats of the first balcony looked
very grave, They were country poo
pie, and they had never been to a the
ater before.
"Please God, It Isn't true, Mary I"
said the old man.
His wife pressed his hand gently.
She knew how deeply he felt upon the j
It was, for those simple minds, a :
tragic situation. Their daughter Lucy
had left the farm three years before.
And some meddlesome busybody had
tOld the old people that she was ac
tually an actress
To their simple minds there could
have been nothing more degrading.
The stage wus the acme of all that
was vilest In the world. They bad
come up to town, without announcing
their intentions, and were now await
ing the rising of the curtain upon
the first act of "The .Merchant of Ven
ice." Portia does not appenr at ti e begin
ning of that play. And before she had
come on the stage the old people were
staring in wonder at the niagnlllcenee
of the setting. More than that. In
place of the Immorality which they
had expected to find Inculcated, they
round a story, so gripping, so pathetic
that they were spellbound.
Rut when Portia appeared they
leaned forward with a revival of their
old terror. Portia was Lucy ! Miss
Margaret Lake, n he wh billed. It
was true, then I
There was almost an expression of
pride, but there was also bewilder
ment. Ills Lucy! Their little girl!
How could this be shel
So the play went on toward Its dra
matic auole. And now William Mul
llns ami his wife were following the
developments with bated breath. Antl
the life-long horror of the stage was
forgotten. And when the great trial
scene came on. and Shylock sharpened
his knife, and things looked hail for
his enemy, tears eume Into their eyes.
"He'll get him. Mary!" whispered
her husband!
"Sli-sb !" rang out the nngry whis
pers; antl he subsided Into his seat
in dismay st the storm he had raised.
But when Portia came In, attired as
the doctor of laws, William Mulllns
knew her Immediately,
"That's Lin y I" he whispered
"Mother! That's our girl! Look at
lie sat now like a man entranced,
staring at her And when she coti
founded BhylOCk with her learning,
when, after appealing to his humanity
In vain, she ruthlessly unmasked the
laws and drove hint, suppliant, before
the Judge's seat, the father could re
strain himself no longer
He stootl up in his seat and waved
his hand.
"By Crlcky, Lucy, you've got him!"
he yelled. "Oood girl! That's the
way! Teach the rogue n lesson ! Tell
his honor not to let him get sway
with his life! No mercy!"
There were no lonzer whispers of
remonstrance. Instead, there was an
uproarious outburst of laughter, with
n salvo of hearty handcliinplng to fol
low, And tlte obi psrents. shrinking
hack Into their seats, the observed of
every aye, saw that Lucy had seen
They sat still in their seats, hewll
tiered and dazed, long after the curtain
had fallen and the theater bail begun
to empty. An usher cume toward
"Mr, and Mrs. Mulllns?" he Inquired
blandly, t asting curious RlHnces at the
old couple. "MIhk Margaret Lake
WOUld like to see you In her dresslne
room. Will you step this way please?"
Their da tighter whs waiting. She
was attired In her street gown, and she
hail carefully Waghed every truce of
paint fn Mr fnco
Miss MeKane, Lngiaml s premier
woman tennis player, who defeated
Helen Viiisi American BUtlunai
chaltiplon, wheh they met In the I. n
rion tennis championships prior to lie
Wliuhh don tournament.
Maine Plans Memorial
to Brave'.c
Hunger, Me. The spirit of the old
time Maine lumberman w ho yuieV d the
great log Jams down the ruehlDjj tiv
ersiis to be perpetuated in bruiuttj, u
tlte base of u fountain to be erected
near the BuSfgor public library as a
memorial to the late Col. Luther n.
Hens of Chicago, a former Bangor
resident, will be placed n great bronze
relief depicting three river drivers en
gaged in tiie perilous tusk of breaking
out the key log of u Jam to release th
million.- of logs behind.
Colonel Pierce provided for the foun
tain In his will. The memorial com
mission has accepted a design submit
ted by ('buries K Tefft of New York,
n native of llangor The sculptor ob
tained much of his information ami la
Splratlon for the design from Patrick
Connors of this city, now eighty-tour
years of age, the last survivor of four
brothers who. for ninny years, piloted
log drives down the Penobscot.
"Some men Hgger
thet wluimcn are
angels an' others Hg
ger thet they're hell
cats fer fair With
out goin' further In the matter. 1 s'pose
the difference lies In the way the men
are treated by 'em."
Ah tile coli'tle halted, nil tier
Sheenlghly, at the door. Lucy ran to
ward li .hi. and litis clasped In their
"Father!" she cried, "So you have
found me out! And mother, too!
Why didn't you let me know, and I
would have had a box for you!"
"By gum. Lucy, what would we do
With a boat" ejaculated her father,
"Why, Lucy, we wanted to be some
where where we could see you. We
couldn't have seen you In a box. Lucy.
The way you did up that Dryloeks fel
low whs SCmmptlOUS. Some dented
old tabby told us you were or, the
stage, and we come down here to saVS
you from ruin but I guess we don't
ml ml now ns much as we did do we.
Ami tigf Lucy insisted on Introduc
ing them to her friend to Mr. Cros
venor. the "star" and to various sub
ordinate meat be re of the company i-
together It was a night of surprises
for the old people.
Hut. as they went out together,
Lucy tantle an excuse to run back for
something, und she caught Mr. Oros
venor by the arm.
"I wish we hud told them every
thing!" she whispered, '"Shall I,
He sodded, ami she went on.
"Did you ever stop to think my
dear, It's Just old pOOpIS like these
old fathers and mothers In far away
rlfi SgSS that make the ifage as good
as It Is today, and keep so many of us
better than we would be, perhaps?"
I ThE MAN tntAr
l-t tLn Q IMK ri