PORTI ANH OFFERS A MARKET VtVIt4Anu FOR YOUR PRODUCE PnMane Oregon VAUDBVILLB PHOTO PLATS Complete (Jbange Saturday. Adult.. Week day Mellnee, line; Kreulagl, 40. Cuntlna ui 1 la 11 p m. Children 10 real, all time I Mallory Select Residential & Transient l&lh ami Yamhill. Pprtland. Oregoa. Modem - Fireproof American Plan RATES MOIIKRATK Hotel C. G. APPLEGATH Portland. Olde.t FUR Houw Kelabltehed 1170. Remodeling, Repairing, Storaf. 12 Tenth Street, Mar Waaliinton. IMPORTED The Best of Everything ImiH.rt.! (irorartaa anil Dellraelee. Wlial your local sr.M'er doe .rry WK MI'KI 1AI.I.IC IN. L. Mayer ('., Ion f ifth titre.il. I'urlklul. Mall Ordera Solicited Miiiftii WITCH TEG'S SON AVIATION- FLYING SCHOOL OPENS JULY t. Individual Initraatlaa by ea-Army Inatructor. Portland Aircraft Construction Co. 11 F.AHT ELEVENTH ST. porti.ani. oukqon VA00, the son of old Wltrh Teg, wlio lived on the mountnln aide, wanted to lie rich, lie did not want to live In a cuve with his Witch Mother, though she did everything within the power of her magic arm to make him happy. It wan not, however, in the power of Witch Teg to give gold to her son, or to any one elae. Stonea she could change Into anl uiuli or mountain Into rocka and treca, and It (HI whlapercd she had changed more than one Into the "Impe of a wild animal. Ho when her MS) naked for gold that he in I giit hecome rich and live In a MAID O'CLOVER BUTTER-ICE CREAM MUTUAL CKUAMERY CO., Portland. namMfutt TBrS - Portland, Ufa. We Specialize In Hides, Pelli, Waal. Meliair, Tellsw, CiKirt, Oiejog Giipc Reel Uat Slust, Horu Hair Writ fur Shipping I'M leteat I'rio l.lal Portland Hide a Wool Co. IM MMIH lathi I WHiM. .lrai,ht ,Vaiil... ldiu SUPERFLUOUS HAIR IUftmv.Nl stlth-nit Irjury U the, skin br Nay-B.rtj .wpltaturr Hirtu'ou reni.i. Nif Hmn Lmlt VtfMtriAjm. M Urny-an Hldg .Vrt'ai.l itMta . See Yellowstone and Southern California Thnie two wonderland have bean reproduced la charming Illustration by lb Union Pacific, and bound In book form with adequate description. ' Beth can ba easily obtained and will prove estremely entertaining na well a Inatructlve. Write for copies to Win McMurray, General Passenger Agent. Plltock Hlont. lorttta4 Ore gon, who will forward tlirm freely to any add re upon receipt of request PLEATING, HEMSTITCHING Butlona. Hcnltoptng ,Parl-Pl.-ol Fdge. Wide Hrmaiit, Mug, Kmliroldri j, Motion )t.,iea All work guaranteed a Smith Plaatlna and Button Work, al Muigin Bfdf., Portland, Or. PER SET on. a. w. ooNOMue MORRISON 4& $7-50 UjjBT ot. r. w. CORN I II SMc.:. li AN! HORSES and MULES Bought, Sold and Exchanged. W ara ihm old faHab. firm thai haa aiwara i. -ail fur ajugr dvallttgr. VS .m.i all h a l reaai.ltaj W rei I by th iUy, ek or Mfth with r wllttuut han.eMM t;l. writ or w1r North Portland Horte A Mutt Co., Union gtOOh Yards. North Portland, Oragon. C mplra Olfl. AUKIE PILLS For Weak y lucre of U ill Price 25c a Box Fur V. Mi k'.lneaand Inflammation af Ik UUuldar. We pay the I'oaUge. WINKLEK S PHARMACY Htt-M Nortk Hlatk it. PORTLAND. ORE Oregon Luggage Co mXIAL PRIi ES on TRt'NKH. HA08. 8t7tT CA.Ht.1. Ilo Hlilk Ht.. Naal IvIulnUia 1 1taaUr mom EBB wjBSfink jwim A Mirrie.ii, o.oil (llil, V. i iun King PLEATINO SPECIAL Cut, Piun, hm end n.ni'hlnn C I AA tleet aktrta reedy for hand f liafiiatM' htng, plrotlng end ' r EAITKRN NOV CUT Y MFC. CO. 15 Vt 1fth titreel Port lead, Ore, INFORMATION . DEPARTMENT Pleating Embroidery Uamatit.'hlri, DutUina ( ovarttd. STEt'HA.YS IWH Tantk Hi.. Portend attention ladies anltary Beauty Parlor Wa ft you up, wa mak alt klnda of Hnlr Hn.u1 ut your OentBtng Join our K. Ihm.I of II. Huty ul- tura, luo tp ill I'.-iiun, in. la , Pboo llraadway IH02, Porilaiid, Orrguo, AUTOS WITHOUT 0IVeS lairry Kulllvun. lit 1 8 llruadway, Pur'land. Tlphon Wuln 74l. ATTgHltS llebullt aarong hind battarlaa, 110 00. 41 Orand Avinui, Portland CHIHOPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS Will bung poll rllf It'a tha rnndara method. You cannot oacaa Rood hMlth with an Impaired riervuna lyatem. Lire, puckworth and klaaten all nr. .lam druc laa diIIh1 ud. Ill Swrtlarut Bldf , Ptrth and Waihtngton, l'ortUiid CAMIRA AND KODAK RIPAISINO Adulpb W. Herr, Ablngton H: . I'm Hand. Com piata Lin eottlar' Suppll Portland llriaaa A Xply Co. 411 Hlark CUT FLOW) )'. A FLORAL RCSIONS Clark llros., Plurtata. :I7 Morrlaon St. OR. ABRAMS SYSTEM For all t'hronlc Iitaoaaa. Madlaon ktldjr OlMTItT Charloa R. Wollln, Htilta 701-701 Balling llulldlng, I ortland, Oregon. FEATHERS N'w Flower and Feather mad to nrrler 10 veara rata I. Untied. We (Urante alt work, old fin faathar cleaned, llurinaa Featkar Kluwcr bliop, SkSV Wuahlag tun BL NonuT WAIIAMH. RoomaaOe. Midi:.,, r rrtllliera 17100 Red Ah Beed To, Vejiceuvar, n. "Fertlllaa With llraln THE LI '('ILK HKAt'TY St IIOOL Th Luelte method rank ynu a raj marceller Ail l.ian. he of lleauty cuttur taught by prt tnattuctora. For full In formation wiJt 41 baling llllacb Uldg I'hona Alain 4117. MOLRR BARBER COLLEQK Tea. he. tra. la In a wka Roma pa- whll laartilna. I'oalilona aacurad. Writ for eataioao. tH liumald bttaaL Port- land, ' 'i agon. SURGICAL CORSETS Idada to meaaure, 417 Waahlngton St if yon m. trmtt.Ud with AppendlctlG Btmch Troubl. writ I tlx Company, Portland. Oregon, for fiaa Information la Oannan or English. PAINTS AND WALLPAPER Miller Paint Co. l?l Fliat 8t. PBRFECTO TRUNK MFO. CO. Trunk, Auto Trunk to order. Third tig Pine, portlind. Or RYDBR PRINTING CO. lure 1'imtlng for I-aa 111 TblrU Htit Portland, Orgoa USED CASH RROIST INS 8cIa Klectrle Coff MUia, Hhow Ca, R.it.-her' PUplav Caaea UOXER TRADINH C . i: Flrat St Pofttand, Oregon JTeL BRoodway 74J PLUMBING MATERIAL Path, alnka. collets, baaln. boilers, pips, valve and fitting fii.ee reaaon- aoie "Soon I'll Ba a Rich Man Mother," He Said. pnlace Witch Teg knew she could not grant hi with. There wa one thing she could do. and that wna to help him get money, and this she did by changing the big rocka around her mountain cuve Into fat !g which Yaco drove to the mar ket and aold for gold. Koon tha gold began to pile up In the corner of the cave, for Yaco's plga were the llneM In the market and brought the highest prices. "Soon I will be s rich man, mother," said Yuco one day, "and I shall live In s palace, ani' when you see me tiding In my conch with four prnnclrrg horses you will be proud of your son." Witch Teg listened with downcsst eyes, for she began to understand that this selfish son had no thought of her, but would leave her as aoon as be was rich enough to satisfy bis greed. If Yuco had keen his mother's eyes III answer to her question would per haps have been more guarded, but he didn't, and so when Witch Teg usked, "And how Khali I be able to see mo flifB a person hk you will be when you drive out In such atyle? You cannot drive up the side of the mountain." "Oh, you enn alt at the foot of the mountain some day and I will drive past," replied the ungrateful Yaco. "You will not expect mo to notice you, of course, for I could not have a witch for my mother, you know, anil live In a palace," "Kit, no," answered the witch, "that would Beret do." Hut she did not In tend that her nelflsh son should leave her to live In a cave while he rode about In a beautiful couch ashamed to own her for hla mother. One morning when Ynco started for market the pigs be drove before him were the plumpest and finest he hud evi r driven dem the mountain and Yaco thought ul CtlS gold ho viould bring hark to add to his store. Yarn did not know that his mother, before the aun wus up and white the mountain was yet misty In the early morning, had gone part wuy down the mountain and, stretching out her bony arms and hands, had caused wuter to run over tlie rocks and form a brook. If he had he would not have guessed the reason, but his witch mother was making sure her son could not leave her. She knew that all charms are broken when the one upon whom the spell Is east step Into running water. Yaco she had formed from an ugly black rock thut stood by her doorway, and now she would let him take his form again. Howl dewi the mountainside Witch Teg watched her son driving his pigs. For a minute Yaco stopped when he saw the water. Then, seeing It was not deep, he drove the pigs in. Be fore his astonished eyes they resumed their former shape a heap of stones. Yaco stepped In to touch the stones and instantly he became one of them, ouly big. black and ugly Just the shape he had been when Witch Teg chnnge.l him Into the son of a witch. The village folks at the foot of the mountain point out the black rock snd call It the Witch's Son because It is ihapea1 like the I. mi. I of a man, but they do not know that once It was Yaci., the son of Witch Teg, who was ashamed of bis witch mother. (g ky UcClura Newapeper Syndic!.) aa, a aaaaaaaa a t STATE NEWS IN BRIEF. Reflections oj a Bachelor Qirl Bq HELEN ROUDLAHD ' eiendard Plumbing A Heating C. THE WASHINGTON CLOAK-SUIT HOUSE S l"""n la.p.rtr.pj. I , a.n ni., a-,.".. anw .n. I llilsc.' CaaU-Suita. II l si ! If SO LSSISj mu, R oo Aek al.oit eur Spa rial Payment I'iaa Ilea kkoto offer. Man ia. Uila ad. Set of itO.OO Teeth ;$8j HHHBBP W material QBaflr UrTjL7 I'ali.leaa r.trartinn Mr4afVafAeWl iih. Hoc ftj teal a I Ik earn lorallon. II. B. DKN'T I I :.4ll Waak IngBMi er Nerond. Portland. llteon Whet You Hire Snfered Inoufji and have apsnt ettougli R10ny for drug inr Ji tin that have pro duced nO teault In eaaea of Htnmai h kld fiev. I.lver and Hon el liowlilea und ItllKl'M ATIHM. than writ to ma, state your ailment, and amine 4 enta rti tumps ret my f ree Bookiat. Which will lell you tha way bark to Nw l.lfe. Health and lleiiplnea with MARCBLLS M I R AC L K MINERAL Addrraa, Marrall, th Ntor Man, SOt W. Lombard St., Portland, Or. Pleaee nonii.i. thly pa par. DIVINK HEALING - INSTITUTE Old-time Power of God 129 Fourth St., Portland, Ore a, Talaskona tidy MUI , HOTEL EATON Weal Park an I Morriaen Via. lake t-M car at lepot to Waat Park Htreet The Bt Located Hotel In Portland CLEANING AND DYFJNC For rallakla Claamn and Dy. Ing aarvloa ean.l pal all t a a. Wa par return Inforsa. atlnn and ..t. .. given upaa ra- quaat. ICNgrt CITY DYR WORKS.. Eetakllabe.1 1NO. rartland. Or SILK SHOP Foreign end Domeatlo Kefoury elioa , SIS Alder flt PELTON NORBBOR.NQ NBCIS: PISTON holds I IJIOn COMPRESSION RINr. aTors oil rut pumpino D.iW. Iileliilmt.ir for Fnrd Konlson Our ........ Does All Repair Work Smith & Gaines, burnsidk ELASTIC STOCKINGS, 3 TRUSSES AUtntninal Sup,iorter A roe. Supports. Bend for meee urintf blanlia. Lauf-Darii Drug Co. Truaa Kxitarta UaThinl St., Portland. Orm npHC same woman may be a ooddese to i boy, a temptation to a mar ried man and s menaoe to s bachelor. No man Is ripe for matrimony until hla heart has been broken at least once; and Uie first girl who threw him over Is an angel In disguise. Kvery mnn believes that woman's "sphere" Is marriage ; but that a girl ahould never, never think about It, ex cept In the beautiful abstruct, until some man mentions it to her. True love sas, "Ix)ve me or I suf fer I" Infatuation aays, "Love me or I'll make YOU suffer!" Forty-Ove Is the magic age at which a man has Just begun to LIVE when he still retains all hla teeth, some of his hair, the outlines of his youthful figure, and most of hla really worth while Illusions, but has shed most of his egoism, his cynicism, his foolish dreams, and all his Impossible expec tations of life. Youth's Idea of "success" conslBts In covering the course (of life) with the fewest possible strokea (ef effort). In China, a wife can be divorced In half a minute for talking too much. Oh, Ileno, w here Is thy sting I Somehow, r girl In breeches only seems to look more girl v I (Copyright by Helen Itowlan.) "What's in a Name?" By MILDRED MARSHALL aaaaaaaci rk ace H arae deal. eat I at aflnanll yaa keck day, kecky lew el SSSO -0 f A LINE & CHEER Lot Angeles Policeman Heir to $500,000 Estate Los Angeles, t 'ill. Itecel ving a me Rage Inquiring as to the whereabouts of Herbert It. KSTnOldg, described ss hcnelltilury of a flOO,000 cslulo In Philadelphia, police officials here ills covered the mini hi light Is n member f their (arcs und raited hits off a beat he wits traveling 111 Hollywood. Heynolds btgrd the ncwa without SB' ihusiusm sad declined to tall re port an bow It feel to b rich, lie said tha estute was that of his father In law. the lulu Mnngus II. Hrown. She Has Had 19 Babiea Oconto, Wis. The stork brought the nineteenth buhy to the home of I'eter Shallow, prosperous fanner of Little Ulver, Just mirth of this city. Of tho nineteen children born to the Shallow family, thirteen ure living. Tha fam ily bus had four sets of twins. By John Kendrlck Bangs. Z I CITY FLOWERS I a . - . ae Til Kill" may Ba nowers in me i ttald, a Uut sonitlmea on th city street Amid tha sura of wdy ylld A rar bloom I chanc to mt Bom f)owr of childhood on th t Of pain, with eye Ilk violets. .. Whoa laughter th dark e day Of all It trial and rgrt J Bom flower of womanhood that Down to t' arid depths of T car, i And llkn om lovely human roa J With beauty valla th aorrow a thar. (d) by UoClure New. paper Syndicate.) aaaaaejkaaaaaaaaaea. . I ELLA ELLA Is an elfin name, its soource lies In l alrylan 1. where the eives, or white sp. cits, ware supposed to be gifted shadowy beings given to influ encing strangely the lives of mortals. Ella means "elf's frien I." The e;f king w as alle d Elberich. His fairy kindred and their popularity In Englund and Ireland,' established the use of elf nil mas early In history. Everyone remembers Aelfglfu, the un fortunate Elgivn. whose beauty was like the fairy gift which ber name sig nifies, snd brought ruin upon herself and her BttsbeBd. Aelfwlne (elf darling), daughter of the earl of Southampton, was Knut't first wife. A bishop of Lichfield was called Aelfwlne. but be preferred to be addressed as Aella. This is the first appearance of Klla, snd It seems curious that It should have been of a masculine name. Aella, as it was then spelled, named tho sponsor for the execution of Kag nar Lodhrog, and it was Aelle of IVlra whose name caused Gregory the Great to say that "Alleluja" should be sting In those regions. Ella is much used In this country, but her significance is so little known, that her popularity must bo attributed to harmony of sound. The opal Is Ella's tallsmsnlc gem. but the fairy, which popular supersti tion declures Is Imprisoned within the stone, must he a good futry, for Ella is promised many friends, success and much happiness. Friday is her lucky duy und - her lucky number. (ffi by Wheeler Syndicate, Ine.) O X k ...Y, 1 .MiTiinaYMl 1 ' la ' rir IP sbi dak I i ii by UoClara Nawapapar Sjrndloat.) Mnrshflold. Work on the Coos buy Jetties will start soon after July 1, when the big rock quarries on North Coos river will be delivering the first rock. Mill Cli y. The dally vacation l!lhl school of the Presbyterian church now bis an enrollment of 12!i pupils, and all are taking an uctlve interest in tho work. SaleBl. There was a small gain In all linen of insurance written in the slate during the year, according to the llXteeatb annual report of Will Moore, insurance commissioner. SaJeto. The state at Oregon suf fered a fire loss in l'J23 of approxi mat. ly $10,000,000, according to the annual report of Will Moore, state fire marshal. This sum makes a per capita loss of $11.25. Madras. Italn which fell net) has Increased the farmers' prospects for a fair CPOp materially. Although more rain is needed to make an average yield, farmers have more hope than they had the past month. Newberg. - The safe of the post of fice and store at Springbrook, two miles from Newberg. was rifled at 3 o'clock .Sunday afternoon of currency, helo veil to have aggregated $500. Marshfield. The Winchester Bay t timber company is making extensive Improvements in its mill with the ob Ject of enlarging its output. Log and deck machinery are the principal in stallations, and a Johnson shaper at tachment is being put in to save luin ber. Clatskanie. Preliminary plans were made at a meeting in Birkenfeld last week toward organization of a plon eers' society of the Nehalem valley Only those who took up government homesteads in the Nehalem prior to lsito will be eligible, according to pres ent plihs. The Dalles. Wasco county saved it self $40,000 on one bit of bhthwa. work alone, when it rejected a con tractor's bid for construction of the Wrentham Market road and decided to do the work itself, a check of Coun ty Hoadmaster Marx's figures showed Saturday. Sheridan. Bids for the local South ern Pacific station agent will close on June 2. On that date the oldest per son in the service of the company bid ding for the post will receive the as signment. The vacancy was created by the transfer of B. K. Montgomery to Independence. Eugene. Donley Turvey of Medford was killed Sunday afternoon when a motorcycle and sidecar in which he was riding ran off the grade near V.ipl. ton. west of Eugene, according to reports received here. E. T. Stan wood, who was riding with Turvey. suffered minor injuries. Eugene. Frank E. Taylor of Thur ston will be I-ane county's next sheriff succeeding Fred G. Stickels. whose resignation takes effect July 1. Mem hers of the county court stated that they had agreed upon the appoint me nt of Taylor, but that the official order hud not yet been made. Eugene. Lane county's bumper crop of cherries is finding a markei in many parts uf the Pacific coast sec tion. Several local buyers are ship ping to Los Angeles and other parts of California, while one is shipping large quantities to the canneries at Salem and to other points on the coast Clatskanie. Donaldson Bros, of Shelton. Wash., have purchased th. Clatskunie Electric company plant am! equipment and will take possession immediately. The Clatskanie Electric company was a subsidiary of the North Pacific Public Service, company of Tacoma. Donaldson Bros, are for mer owners of the Shelton plant. Eugene. Dr. and Mrs. 1). L. Woods of this city Sunday celebrated their ti:td wedding anniversary at their home at College Crest. The day wus not marked by any special entertuiium ni. but was quietly observed by tho aged couple, who had invited a few friends to their home. Df. and Mrs. Woods were married at Mecklin, Mo., June 22. 1SC1. Dr. Woods is M and Mrs. Woods S2. They are the parents of Major Leltoy Woods and U L Woods, both of this city. Marshfield. --Governor Pierce, ac cording to Jack Krouenberg of Han don, will see that the Coqullle Huiulon highway does not lack for funds to complete it. although Coos euunty has failed in voting match money to equal the state's expenditures this summer. Handon has been isolated while other pol l ions of the county have been well served through various bond Issues. It was expected tho failure to vote bonds to match the state funds might embarrass the work. TnirlaTc RePubIic irUlKS Fageols All RlzH, Prices, Terms. Also Used and Re-bullt Trucks. Write for Catalog. BADLEY SMITH CO., 9th and Burnnlde Portland, Ore. FREE 4x6 Photo of your BABY In Ui BIRTH DA Y MontU Sowell Studio 145 fag Jraf St. Between Aldtr 4k Morrltan Cornelius by xka who loo. ii-kcIAL K fahataria beeaeellad. Park Street batwaaa VeUClCI 14 Waahlnuton and Aktae. DCCVCC IVn Couch IILLILO, inui JM WHOLBBALE FISH A " pOfltTTrjS' rOR EACH CP.ADUATB DECKER BUSINESS uULLElja ALI8KT BI.DQ. Vour "TkETH BLEEP" Whll W"Work Our Reputation Is our greatest asset. Dr. Eaeae, IV Washington St., Portland AMERICAN BEAUTY SCMUOI. iprt In all lira of R-auty Work. Err. W kUdlcal Bldf. Portland. Orgon "FOR WOMEN BY WOMEN" Women' Employrr. nt Buruu Hlp of all kinda. 401 Yamhill Stret. ZENITH CARBURETOR SALES a SERVICE COMPANY Ciit Super Praaur Lubricating Sytem 10TH AND DAVIS STB., PORTLAND SALESMEN EARM Uo.OO DAILY lllnc NOOAR Clothing SciU. 11150 made to measure. Will outwear thre ord!nry ulfa. Abolutly see proof. watr and fire realatanL Wrlr for Belling Plan Ml Couch Bldf . Portland, Or. WE WRECK AUTOS and TRUCKS PsrU Sold at t HALF PRICE I Write or Call ? naxrm HnnFS CO.. Inr. Everything from a Utk ta aa angina. 4 Cr.ee An verythinv from a bolt ta an enflno. 4 . . Car. Etf SaiM V. NrtUaJ. Or. You Want a Good Position Ve?ry well Tate the Accou.iUncy A Buaineaa Manatremerit. Private SejcretanaL CmU ulator- ComUinH-tor, Stenotrmphic. Penmanship, or Com mercial Teachers' Co Lira' at The forerrajat Buaineaa Colleire of the North weat whieh haa won more Accuracy A wan a and (jold Medal, than any other achool in America. Send for our Huceese Catalog;. Fourth Street near Mor riaon. Portland. Ore. laaac M Walker. Preaident Superstition and the Owl. The owl, with its curdling cry, has always been regarded with suptrstil tion as a forerunner of calamity. Thel Indians shrink from the cry of thel horned owl. Shakespeare refers to itl as the bird of evil onHn. Dowries for Titled Foreigners. It is said that the daughters of 500 of America's richest men have marJJ ried titled foreigners and that tli. irl aggregate dowry falls little ahort ol three-quarters of a billion dollars. In dianapolis News. Chinese Scale. Chinese scales in music were called pentatonic or five-toned scales. Each tone was name thus: Emperor, Prime Minister, Subject People, Estate Affairs and Picture of the Universe. He Probably Used a Flivver. The first man has been discovered again, this time down in Patagonia Wo wonder whether he rode therd from Java in an airplane or on a raff. Detroit Free Press. Philadelphia Made Pattern. Philadelphia was the first of mod em municipalities whose plan was pro pared for a particular site, and the rectangular plan there adopted has guided city planning in America ever alnce. Mrs. L. M. Barnes Are You an Ailing Woman? Why Not Enjoy Health? Salem, Orcg "For about three years I was in very poor health. I was suffering with feminine weak ness which was brought on thru motherhood. 1 became very thin and was nervous, could not sleep, and my appetite was poor. I suf fered all the time with aches and pains, especially backaches and bear ing pains. I was a physical wreck. I knew of Dr. IVirce's Favorite Pre scription thru my mother. I de cided to give it a trial and it relieved me of all my weakness and so com pletely brought back my health that 1 have never had to take any medi cine since, and have kept well and strong." Mrs. L. M. Uamcs, 1415 limes St. Start at once with tlm "Prescrip tion" and see how quickly you pick uji feel stronger and better. Write Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buf falo, N. Y., for free advice or send 10c lor trial pkg, tablets. uaed lor baby'a clothea, will keep them iwett and anow y - white until worn out. Try it and lor youreelf. At P. N. U. No. 26, 1924