The Boardman Mirror Boardman, Oregon MARK A. CLEVELAND, Publisher Mrs. A. T. Hereim, Ijocul Editor. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE- Entered as second-clans matter Feb 11, 1921, at the poatofflce ;it Board man, Ore., under act of Mar. 3, 1879 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Fred Edwards Is spending a few days on his place. Leo Root and family took dinner Sunday with Ellis Garrett's R. S. Davis enjoyed a trip to Herni lston Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Macomber were up from Arlington Sunday. TWO MEN KILLED AT BAUER BUNKERS NEAR HER.MISTOX The school election was a very (juiet affair this year with very few out. Mr. Packard was elected di rector with Mrs. Iioardman clerk. Shortly alter noon today two men, J. S. Coin of Stanliehl ;nil a man by the name (if Shaw, were killed al the i-ock crusher situated neai' the high way one mile north of Hermlston. The two men with several others were cleaning up around the bunkers ypfe(jaratory ;to (the removal lo al point near Slanfield. Crushed rock for the highway was obtained and prepared for the re-surfacing of the highway at these bunkers by the contractors, Bauer & Bauer. Roht. Rayburn made a buiijjes trip to Arlington Tuesday. The Grange has changed its busi ness meeting from the third Saturday of the month to the third Monday. Minnie florger left Saturday for Condon, where she will put in a dressmaking shop. Oenevieve went with her. Mrs. Earl Cramer came up from Portland last Saturday and returned Saturday with Earl in their new coupe. Basil remained with his grandparents. Lauren Cumins Is in La Grande traveling for a clothing company. About nine M. W. A. members went to Pendleton Thursday eve ning for the big meeting and all re port a very lovely time. Leo Root is carrying the mall while Victor Hango Is taking his vacation. C. E. Berger has been balling the new crop of hay, also loading some on cars for Portland. The state secretary of the A. L. Auxiliary visited a short time with Mrs. Davis Monday. Miss Louise Sears went through Iioardman last week on hOT way to Rlckreall, Oregon. .1. C. Ilallenger and family returned home Saturday after spending a few days in Portland on business. J. F. Deweese Is spending a few days with his son, while his ankle is healing. He was bit on the ankle by some kind of an insect while working up near La Grande Mrs. Deweese. Is also visiting with them. Mr. Bailey's sister, Mrs. Ward, and daughter came home with the. Baileys from Bickleton. where they enjoyed the annual picnic June 14. Mrs. Ward went on lo Pendleton, where she wlll'go to summer school. After spending a few days at home Fred Klages left Tuesday with his rathe wher EXPERIMENT STATION NOTES By H. K. Dean Cost of Butterfat The Oregon Experiment Station has recently completed an exhaustive study of the cost of producing but terfat. While these studies were for Willamette Valley conditions they bring out certain truths which apply to our conditions. It was found that the average production requirement per pound of butterfat, covering some 1500 cows, was suc culentg, 34 pounds; hay, 18 pounds; grain and millfeed, 8 pounds; labor, 15 minutes. These feeds gave a bet ter balanced ration than we usuall feed. The more nearly a ration is balanced to the cows' requirements tho more economical is the produe Hon so it is likely that the total nui'rients required to pr yduce a pound of butterfat under our conditions where in general we do not feed sue CUlenta or grain, is rather high The limiting factor in our dairy sue cess now is feeding. Until we havi root crops or silage for winter feet' and pastures for summer the ultl mate success of the dairy Industry, is doubtful. lor some ilace on the coast the) will work this summer. Ants' "Home Brew'' Ants manufacture their own home brew in their digestive canal by the action of yeasts en the milky juice which they extinct from aphid Or plant lice, which they keep for Unit purpose, according to Prof, Paul Llnd neri chief of the fermenting industry Institute in Berlin. , s .,., The "good old days" cover a mill Mr. and Mrs. Imus were in town mude f net so good. For ex Tuesday after supplies. They say tmyt tm! old-fashioned automobile Blanche is in Heppner taking treat- wth ttie r(,nr entrance that opened incuts for her side and has been occasionally and dumped the stout causing her much pain. , lady out upon the hard highway, IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS R. S. Lamareoux came up from Gd simian to attend the school elec tion Monday. " New potatoes began moving this week, Several shipments were made ea i and west and should move bulk next week. The Columbia stage, west bound, Wednesday afternoon had some en gine trouble and was delayed at Seaman's garage several hours mak ing repairs. W. T. Eggleston came over from Pasco Tuesday for a visit with Mrs. Eggleston who is staying with the Glasgows until she gets stronger from the recent operation. School election this year was rath er a quiet affair. Quite a good crowd turned out but there were only one candidate for director and clerk, namely, C. E. Glasgow for director and H. W. Grim for clerk, who were elected unanimously. Mr. Leonard of the Union Pacific, district freight and passenger rep n tentative, called upon the local agent Monday. The movement of mi Ions and other products were dis cussed and Mr. Leonard assured us that he would do everything possible to iee that we got service desired. D. H. Ewers of Longview, Wash., who was on his way to Moscow, Ida., on the night of the 15lh, ran off the culvert just west of Irrigon and smashed up his Chevrolet but he i scaped with only slight bruises about the knees. Art Spinning came along shortly afterwards and rendered the necessary first aid and the next day towed him to Umatilla for general repairs. Earth's Central Core t Studies of varying velocity of earth quake tremors passing through the In terior of the globe led Professor Wie chert of Holland to conclude that Ihe earth consists of a central core of iron or steel, about 5,000 miles in diameter surrounded by I stony shell nearly 1, 04 to miles in thickness. Between the outer solid rind and the Inner layer of rock covering the metallic core, he thinks there Is a layer f liquid or plastic material a little less than 20 miles below the earth's surface. Explaining Battleground "Boy, Is this the field on which the great battle was fought?" asked the tourist. "No, sir; that be nt the top of the hill," replied the native boy. "Dear, dear!" exclaimed the tourist: "that must be a ndle away. Why didn't they tight It In tills field?" "1 suppose because this 'ere field be longs to Farmer Johnson. He never would lend his field for anything, not even for the village sports." way Inn O. H WARNER, Proprietor Boardman, Oregon Wholesome Home Cooking Best place to eat between The Dalles and Pendleton tOMtMMMiMMeMatMaitteeMttttet - ARLINGTON NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $V 5,000.00 OFFICERS A. Wheclhouse, Pres. S. A. Rossier, Vice-Pres. I H. M. Cox, Cashier Chas. F. Story, Ass't Cashier ARLINGTON OREGON 5nH BIG CELEBRA TI0N AT I Sell ; Insurance! J. C. Ballenger Boardman - Oregon BOARDMAN, ORE. Big Parade, Games, Sports and Races Patriotic Address Program Picnic Lunch, Baseball Game, Smoker in Evening, Dance After Smoker. Bring your lunch. Everybody Cordially Invited. AS" ROUND TRIP Excursion Fares on sale dally to September 15 Kansas City V St. Louis TTTW Chicago KS.40 Detroit lit! Cleveland 1 H H Washington ISf.W New York I3.M) Boston !. Corresponding fares to other Important cet ten. Final re turn limit October 11. 19S4. Liberal atop-over privilege going and returning. A side trip to Yellowstone at -.mall additional cost Call on R. S. Daris, Afit. Boarlmnn, Or. WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent Portland. Oregon notice pgr Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Juno 11, 1924. NOTICE ii hereby Riven that Lee Mead, of Boardman, Oregon, who, on August 25, 1920, made Homestead Entry, No. 0219:i2, for B WV6 SWV4, beinp Unit "B" Umatilla Pro ject, Section 14, Township 4, North, Range 25, East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. G. Blayden, United States Com missioner, Boardman, Oregon, on the 22nd day of July, 1924. Claimant names as witnesses: Ernest Brown, Thos. Miller, Ray L. Brown, S. B. Richardson, all of Iioardman, Oregon. J. W. DONNELLY, 18-22 Register. It was the dull, persistent business of working and not guessing that pro duced the pneumonia serum which is expected to save many lives. The true scientist is a hard worker rather tluiri a brilliant guesser. COMMUNITY CHTJJsOH SERVICE Every Kuiirtny Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Church Service 11:30 a. ra. Christian Er.'ieavor 7:30 p. m. All are welcome. REV. 15. S. HUGHES, Prstor.. WOODSON & SWEEK A TTOK X E IS-A T-1 .A W Heppner, Oregon. A. H. SWITZER ATTOHNEY AT LAW Arlington, Oregon S. E. NOTSON A T T O U N K Y - A T - L A W Office in Court House HEPI'NE.: OREGON a,.. y P 3 jMmwss&a op -IP !, V Hi lXs'Iuwm A r, rra Is tee nation's Greatest Playground Every American should share- in the Inspiration of Its towerins peaks, leaping goysers, growling grottos, boll r,-r uuldrona, In the midst of which are mcer;ii Icent hotels, charming cottage villages, 3" 0 miles of matchlea. Ijoulevards and nil the comforts c-i' home. Send for our hook 1. 1. It tells the thrilling story of nature's wonderlssd. Our THRCSJGfl SLEEPING CAR J DAILY during the season between Portland and West Yellowstone by the Union Pacific System I a' t our rv i rcisentutlvafl explain the various tours which enn! le visitors to st-e the Yellowstone at ir.lniri:um roat; also quote fares, prepare vour itinerary and make your reservations. Call on R. 8. DAVIS, Agent Boardman, Oregon. or address Wit McHUR&AY QaMral Pnssenper . ;rnt, Portland. Dragon ipniiiiB'iiciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiainii The Best is none too good- Try our Sherwin-Williams paints and varnishes. There is none bet- ter. also- We have a complete line ot Cedar Flume Stock Building Material Builders' Hardware Cement, Lime, Wood, Coal, Posts W. A. MLRCHIE Boardman, Oregon.