PA!?TI ANin OFFERS A MARKET VX JL .uni ar FOR YOUR PRHniirF Portland, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO PLAYS Complete Change Saturday. Adulta. Wtek day Matinee, 20c; Evenings, 40c. Continu ous 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 rente all times. Mallory Select Residential & Transient 15th and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon. Modern Fireproof American Plan RATES MODERATE Hotel C. G. APPLEGATH Portland's Oldest FUR House Establi.hod 1870. Remodeling, Repairing, Storage. 129 Tenth Street, near Washington. 1 UtKb Fageols All Sizes, Prices, Terms. Also Used and Re-built Trucks. Write for Catalog-. BADLEY SMITH CO., 9th and Burnside, Portland. Ora IMPORTED The Best of Everything Imported Groceries and Delicacies. What our local grocer does not carry WE SPECIALIZE IN., L. Mayer & Co., Klti Fifth Street, Portland. Mail Orders Solicited ONLY GOOD CREAM MAKES GOOD BUTTER MUTUAL CREAMERY CO., Portland. 'Next Ooor to evrtiinf rn 7dittn jV (lass A V K Up TncSenice 9 PARK A MORRISON 2 PORTLAND, f Yt D CThe, AIRY i CTATP MTTTirC 01fali IN BRIEF. 7 i 3 BETTER COWS QUITE Salem. -The state tax on sales of gasoline and distillate in Oregon dur ing the month of April aggregated $214,497.05, according to a statement ESSENTIAL IN DAIRY prepared here by Sam A. Kozer, sec etary of state. Dr. David Friday, formerly president Hlllsboro.- The Washington county of the Michigan State Agricultural col- . n,n plnnaar o.ociaHon will Cornelius Cafeteria Wholesome food cooked just right by cooks who know. SPECIAL Mc luncheon served daily that cannot be excelled. Park Street between Washington and Alder. We Specialize in Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair, Tallow, Cascara, Oregon Grape Root. Goat Skiss, Horse Hair Write for Shipping Tags & latest Price List Portland Hide & Wool Co. 106 UNION AVENUE NORTH, PORTLAND, OREQON. ltranch at I'ucatello, Idaho SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Removed without injury to the skin by Ney-Horn Depilatory. Sample oti request. Ney-Born Lab oratories 519 Morgan Bldg.. Portland Oregon. See Yellowstone and Southern California These two wonderlands have been reproduced in charming illustrations by the Union Pacific and bound in book form with adequate description. Both can be easily obtained and will prove extremely entertaining as well as Instructive. Write for copies to Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Pittock Block, Portland, Ore gon, who will forward them freely to any address upon receipt of request. PLEATING SPECIAL Cut, seara, hem and machina pleat skirts ready for timid. Hamstiti-hing, picoting and tin-king. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO. 85 H Fifth St. Portland, Ora. $1.00 INFORMATION nj DEPARTMENT Pleating Embroidery Hemstitching. Buttons Covered. STEHHAN'S 1CBV4 Tenth St., Portland Hr" REEVES, JNC. C03ef A PORITIONFOR EACH f.nAPUATS DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE AL1SKY BLDG. Your "TEETH SLEEP" While We Work Our Reputation Is our greatest asset. Dr. Keene, 351 Vfe WasMinrEon St., Portland AMERICAN BEAUTY SCHOOL Experts In all lines of Beauty Work. 326 Medical Bldg-, Portland, Oregon. "FOR WOMEN BY WOMEN" Women's Emplovment Bureau Help of all kinds, 409 Yamhill Street. lege, recently pointed out a fact that have its annual meeting Sunday, J um Guaranteed Home Treatment for Goitre Our prescription is not a patent medi cine but the result of years of study and experience in the treatment of lloitre. It contains no narcotics nor habit forming drugs nor anything that Is in any way Injurious to the human system. Ws re fund every dollar you pay If we fail to get satisfactory results for you. Johnson . Lloyd, Branch Managers 821 Cham, of Com. Bldg., Portland, Ore. ! woll L-.ii-.n-M imf ULro lata vtll known facts seldom anr.rl.ted. The ' c"7 ,ark nort' BDeC,al "X scrub dairyman gets 120,000 pounds of -'tcises will be held in the auditorium milk a veur from 40 cows averaging and all pioneers and their descendants 3,000 pounds each. He would be bet- are urged to be present. tpr nff with 30 nvorniriniT A OOO nminils each because he would get the same The Dalles.-A. L. (Jack! Weston, milk check with one-fourth less work 55, was sentenced to the penitentiary and overhend. The better dairyman for the remainder of his natural life uses 15 cows producing 8,000 pounds by Judge Fred W. Wilson, in the cir- ench to get his milk check, while the cuk court Saturday. Weston was con- successful dairyman gets VM,- yicted a week ago of the second-degree OOO pounds of milk from 12 cows aver- , , ., , .. R noar sistl,,.t aging iu.ouo pounds a year. While the successful dairyman gets You Want a Good Position Very well T:ike the Accountancy & Business Maiuineineiit. Privnte Secretarial. Culculator Comtoinetor. Stenographic. Penmanship, or Com mercial Teachers' Course at The foremost HuHineas College of tha Northwest which has won more Accuracy Awards and (..old Medals than any other schtol in America. Send for our Success Catalog. Fourth Street near Mor rison. Portland. Ore. Isaac M. Walker. President Oregon Luggage Co SPECIAL PRICES on TRUNKS, BAGS, SUIT CASES. 110 Sixth St.. Next Columbia Theater Itiventl SUITS 5 COAT! PLEATING, HEMSTITCHING Buttons Scolloping, I'earl-Plcot Kdge, Wide Hemstitching, Embroidery, Button Holes. All work guaranteed. Smith Pleating and Button Works, 823 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Ore. - JomoiAttVurd-s Portland, Ore THE WASHINGTON CLOAK-SUIT HOUSE 268 Wash. St., Between 3rd and 4th. I srline' Coats-Suits. $14.85 Dresses, $7.50 LaUICa sjk Hose. $1.00. Ask about our Spe rial Payment Plan and free photo offer. Men tion this ad. ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary Beauty Parlors We fix you sp, we muke all kinds of Hair Goods of ysur omblncs. Join our Schooi of Beauty Culture. 400 to 414 Dekum Bldg., Phone Broadway 6902, Portland, Oregon. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS Larry Sullivun. 212 S. Broadway, Portland. Telephone Main 8740. BATTERIES Rebuilt second hand batteries, J10 00. 46Grand Aven e, Portland. CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS W ill bring you relief, it e me monern method. You cannot possess good health with an Impaired nervous system, ura. Duckworth and Mastcn all modern drugr less methods used, 215 Swctland Bldg., Fifth and Washington, Portland. CAMERA AND KODAK REPAIRING Acloiph w. Harr, Atui.gton tug., r-ortiana. Complete Line Bottlers' Supplies Pot tlund Beverage & Sply Co., 431 Stark CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Bros.. Florists, 287 Morrison Bt. DR. ABRAMS SYSTEM For all Chronic Diseases, Madison Bids;. DENTIST Charles S. Wollin, Suite 601-602 Stevens Building, Portland, Oregon. FEATHERS AND FLOWERS Do not throw away your old feathers. We clean, dye and remodel and match samples. New Flow ers and Feathers made to order. 20 years estab lished. We ifuarantoa all work. Hartness Feath er & Flower Shop. 'I'Vj'.i Washington St, HATS CAPS SHOES I-Boys Oiiti'l(ur 386 A Morrison, opposite Olds, Vv orlman & King The Bob Shoppe When in Portland havs vour hair cut at ths BOB SHOPPE, Mar celling. Curling. Experts Only Employed Phone Main 157$ 100 Ungar Bldg. Portland, Oregon HOTELS WABASH. Rooms 50c Fertilisers $25.00 Vancouver, n 204 Madison St. Red Ash Seed Co Fertilize With Brains.' MANLEY AUTO CO. LATE 1922 HUPMOBILE A car used by a Portland attorney and was recently turned in on a sport Hupmo blle; we have reconditioned thoroughly and will guarantee; it is painted a deep blue with fenders and hood enameled black; has spring bumper, spotlight, auto windshield swipe, '24 license, barcap, etc.; car may be seen in our used car dept. or will arrange demonstration by 'phone appointment; price $875, terms given, also Ira d 63 MANLEY AUTO CO., Used Car Dept. 431 Burnside. Portland, Ore. WE WRECK AUTOS and TRUCKS Parts Sold at HALF PRICE Write or Call DAVID HODES CO., Inc. THE LIICILE BEAUTY SCHOOL The Luclle method makes you a real marceller. All branches of Beauty culture f.nnrht nv evnert instructors, ror iun in formation write 41 Selllng-Hirsch Bldg Phone Main 4337. Mill PR RARRFR COLLEGE ..hcM trade in weeks. Some Day while learning. Positions secured. Writs) for catalogue. 234 Buinside street, Fort- land. Oregon. SURGICAL CORSETS Made to measure, 467 Washington St. If you are troubled with Appendicitis or Stomach Trouble, write Hizz Company, Portland, Oregon, for free Information In German or English. PAINTS AND WALLPAPER Miller Taint Co., 1.2 First St. BAKRON'S E5 FREE 4x6 Photo of your BABY in Us BIRTHDAY Month Sowell Studio 145 1-2 3rd St. Between Alder & Morrison his 120,000 pounds from 12 cows In stead of 40, thus cutting his overhead, Ipbor anil feed oct by nearly three fourths, he luts an added advantage: which has recently been proved by the United States dulry division. The dairy division finds that cows produc- ln l'.tio. Pendleton.' Orders for tickets foi (he annual Pendleton Hound up have already started coming in, according to George o. Uaer, business manager of the show. F. ('. Norris of Apple ton, Wash., recently ordered a box toi Bobbed Hair Losing Out. New York. Bobbed hair is on the wane in England and knickers are look ed upon with disfavor by girls, accord ing to Miss Mnrgaret Backhouse, head of the Camplire diiio i.i i.iguiua, WHO has just arrived in this country to make a tour of summer schools in camping, conducted by Campfiro Girls in all parts of tho United States. On the Right Path. Wo stumble and falter and fall, but wo are never lost if even once In a while we can set our eyes upward and outward and our feet on n path which leads us to work for man, for mankind, and not for ourselves. Robert W. Bingham. lng 100 pounds of fat In a year made the entire show, and other orders havt an average return above feed cost of been received. $10 each. Cows oroducinsr 400 nounds of fat in a yenr made an average re- Salem. C. H. dram, stato labor turn above feed cost of $100. Thus It commissioner. Saturday resumed tak- seems that it only took four times as ng testimony witli relation to charges great production to make the cow ten nul( department had failed to en- times more profitable. With these figures In mind It Is very easy to see why there are failures In the dairy business and why, also, there are such marked successes. The way to get and keep a profit able herd Is to everlastingly weed out the culls, employ better methods by force the stato laws regulating the working hours of culinary employes and sunitory conditions existing '! local restaurants. Eugene. C. A. Horton, public ac countanC and John T. Evans, really keeping up to date on the new feeds dealer, have been announced as re and methods that make greater profit call candidates for school directors of and, lastly but by no means least, to lOugene to run against W. A. Hlkins use good, straight purebred dairy bulls an,i Mrs. Roy L-oomis, against whom with production records hack of them. rp,,nii movement has been stalled Old Surgery Still Practiced. Two thousand five hundred years ago Hindus performed surgical opera tions for cataract by a method which still survives. F. M. Criteser H. IX. I.ascelles, Fieldnian for the Colorado Dairy Commissioner. Third PERFECTO TRUNK MFG. CO. Trunks. Auto Trunks to order. and Pine, Portland. Ore. RYDER PRINTING CO. Feature Printing for Less 192 Third Street Portland, Oregon SALESMEN EARN $30.00 DAILY selling NOQAR Clothing Suits, $12 50 made to measure. Will oiiwar three ordinary suits. Absolutel 4nng proof, water and fire resistant. Write for Selling Tlan. 301 Couch Bldg., Portland. Ore. USED CASH REGISTERS Scales. Electric Coffee Mills, Show U. S. in Midst of Record Period in Road Building If proof were necessary that the United Slates, which, thanks to the de velopment of the motor vehicle, is now passing through the most Intensive period of highway development In the history of the world. Is building roads that surpass in quality anything of the kind constructed since the days of the Roman empire, that proof Is to be found In abundance. It exists not only In the quality and quantity of American highways, but In the development of road building methods and materials. The road builders of this country have not only outstripped their ancient predecessors In the use of the most ancient ma terials, but are getting better results with greater speed, less labor and lower cost. Test Cream Separators, Is Advice of Expert Cream separators that have not been tested for some time may be Cheating their owners out of a con siderable sum every week. That can be avoided, for skim milk testing will .reveal the honesty of the most de- Their candidacies were announced Frl day. Oeoansido. Thus far this season tho new Oceanside beach has been un usually active. Visitors havt; been at tracted to Hit! resort earlier this year than before, buildings are going up on many spots along the sea-coast town ami the predictions are dial the l'esurl will enjoy a much better season tins 3a JI1HH Oreqonians, Takk This Man's Advice! W. S. Illrdwell. employed in Everything lrom a ..onto an ciiKu.e. I pIIU Hoteliers' Distil Cranrl Ave., Cor. bst Salmon St., Set of $0.00 Teeth, ?V We jrusrantw material and workmanship. Painless extraction of tth rjic. 20 veare in the same location. U. S. DENTISTS. MM, aan- Ington cor. Second. Portland uregon. Cus HOXEIt TIlADtNO CO.. 129 First St. Portland, Oregon TeL BRoadway 7438 When You Have Sufered Enough and have spent enough money for drug medicines- that have pro duced no results. In .... . ,.l, WIH. troubles and RHEUMATISM, then write to me, state your ailtrient, aad enclose 1 cents in stamps for my Free Booklet, which will tell vou the way back to New Life. Heiilth and Happiness wtUI MARCELLS MIRACLE MINERAL Address, Marcell, the Nature Man, 901 W. Lombard St.. Portland, Ore. Please mention this pa per PLUMBING MATERIAL Baths, sinks, toilets, basins, boilers, pipe, valves and fittings. Prices reason able Standard Plumbing Heating Co. East 6th and Morrison Sts. Portland, Or. CLEANING AND DYEING f or reliable u.eaninr ann uye intr service send parcels to us. We pay return postage. Inform ation and prices given upon re quest. E.MKE'S CITY DYE WORKS.. Established 1890. Portland. Ore Advantages to Farmers in Living on Good Road Living on a good highway with quick transportation the farmer la en abled to enter Into the plans for the benefit of bis village and of his com munity, to take part in the town meet ings, to have a voice In the affairs of his district, to b helpful to his neigh bors, to uttend divine services on the Sabbath, to go to lectures, university extension courses and to aid In the or ganizations of those agencies that are helpful to the community and this meeting with his neighbors aids In the forming of co-operative associa tions that give him better marketing facilities and better prices for his products. celt ful separutor, according to O. A. year. lversun of the Iowa stute college. 'Snrnriuin ir reunlta linvft he. n nh- 1 Sab'lll talned wherever fairly large numbers the street department of the city, suf of hand separators have been tested," fered a crushed leg ami nlher in- Mr. Iverson says. "In Worth county, j-j,,.. when he was run down by a nve separators in one cow-iesung as- , .,,,,... .vnil(, spreading gravel on sociation were found to be losing ex cessive amo ,nt of butterfat. We feel certain that there are many separa tors In every community that are los ing butterfat' fur their owners. An annual loss of several dollars can easily result if the machine Is not regulated or run properly. a railroad crossing. Physicians said it probably would be several weeks before Mr. Bird well regains tho use ol hit log. Salem.-Several hundred residents of the country lying north of Salem Skim milk testing can be done by staged a demonstration bore Saturday the Babcoclc method with a special with tho presentation to tho county double-necked test bottle, In place of (.ourt ,,f a petition asking for a paved the 17.5 cubic centimelers of acid re- nm(iway connecting Brooks and Mount quired for whole milk, 20 are used for skim milk. Otherwise, practically the la fallowed iis In test ing whole milk. The test can lie made nl 57r' niim(JS by the farmers them, elves, or, if this is not convenient, by the local creamery. Angel and piercing part of the Lake I.abish district. The petition COntSiS- SILK SHOP Foreign and Domestic Kafoury Bros , 383 Alder St. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, TRUSSES Abdominal Supportere Arch Supports. Send for meas uring blanks. Lau?-Davis Drug Co. Truss Experts 173 Third St., Portland. On DIVINE HEALING INSTITUTE Old-time Power of God 129 Fourth St., AUKIE PILLS For Weak Kidneys and Inflammation of the Bladder. Price 25c a Bax 1Kb $7.50 ORjy DR. R. W. We pay the Postage. WINKLER'S PHARMACY 52V4-54 North Sixth St.. PORTLAND. ORE PER SET DONOHUE CORNER SECOND AND MOKklSON HlTORSES and MULES Bought, Sold and Exchanged. We sre the old reliable firm that has always stood for square dealing. We guarantee ail stock as represented. We rent by the day, week or month; with or without harness. Call, write or fci.aeSi Pnrtlsnit Horse A. Mule Co.. Union Portland, Ore stock Yards. North Portland, Oregon. Telephone Bdy 60SS Roads Bring Business Anniston must have good roads leading out into every community and every county ftom which her mer chants elraw trade. For two years Anniston's commercial organizations and Anniston's merchunts have been energetically working to build up the country trade of this city, and the re sult has been gratifying. Despite the handicap of poor roads Anniston bus extended Its trade territory In every direction and now this city is the mar ket for a greater number of people from this and other counties than at any previous time In its history. An nleton Star. Making Better Butter Whether the product Is made at home or at the creumery, mutters lit tle, cream should be clean flavored to make good butter. To obtain prac tically nil of the cream from the milk ii nd have It In the best shape for but ter uklng requires the use of a good cream separator. Further, the thnr otigh cleaning and sterilizing of all dairy utensils is essential to the pro duction of n product having a good flavor. i Pendleton. Tho time Is coming when tho Umatilla Indian reservation will be owned entirely by white peo ple, according to tho statement made by Major K. L. Swart zlamler, superin tendent of the agency, at a recent meeting of the Rotary club, lie will leave nttxt week for Portland, alter having been here' for 15 years. Ilillsboro. A deer in tho fields near Witchhasel was tho cause of excite pent Saturday, When finally captur ed in the loganberry patch of F. II Wilson, tho deer put up quite a fight. ErideOCSS show it to be a pot of some one as it showed no fear until Mr. Wilson tried to handle it. The slale game warden has been notified. Portland, O r g "Dr. Tierce s Golden Medical Discovery anil Plea sant Pellet have given me a new lease on life. Several ytus atfO 1 contracted the 'flu' and tor weeks I was unable to leave my bed. My strength had all gone. 1 had a heavy cough and at times could hardlv get my breath, Mv stomach went hack on me and my bowels would not act naturally. I laid. 'I suppose this will finish me.' I was asked by a friend to try Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Pellet. a they had prolonged tnanv lives? These medi cines of Dr, Tierce's did wooden tor me I am now 82 years old, work every dav and enjoy good health; in fact, I feci better and more fit than I did twenty yens ago. Dr. Tierce's remedies have given me the privilege of enjoying a healthy old age." F. M. Criteser. 802 Mallory Ave. Go at once to your neighborhood drug store and get the Disc. very in tablets or liquid, or send 10c to Dr. Tierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y for trial pkg, Or the Price the Owner Paid. It is astonishing how quickly I lie merit of a picture can bo determined after wo know tho artist's name. Boston Transcript. Not Much New in Cotton Machines. Thousand of years before tho In vention of cotton machinery in Kuropo Hindus had cotton gins, spinning wheels and looms. Depth and Stillness. Clear writers, liko clear foiinlains, do not seem so deep as they are: the turbid look tho most profound. Wal ter Savage Landor. Regular Repairs Needed We have striking Illustrations In Oalliourof the result when road maln tename is neglected, says the Annis ton Star. Several rouds In this county thut were fuirly good roads a year or two a(0 now are In very bad shape simply bsseUBSS they have not been kept In repair. Pendleton, ltain which started fall ing Saturduy afternoon continuetl until Aid Dairy Community There ure two means by which the dairy cow population of a community may be increased, by breeding through .. . - m a I l.i.l).. ffssnm r.rvisfi tlie use OI pure um-.. ou,., ,.,,. Unn.lnv until I ancestry and by Importing from otlier . rt sectToni T mature cows ready for serv- total of 0.85 of an Inch had .alien. Ice at the pall. In the latter case of according to the weather report. Farm purchase of cows, we have two alter- ers and livestock men unit" in declar natives Importing animals from other nK that the benefits of tho preclplta- sections, and finding the anlmuls with- tiM ckrj hardly be estimated, as it Nowhere to Go but Home. 'Mid pleasures and palaces though wo may roam, they all close at last and wo have to go home. San Fran cisco Chronicle, m the state. was (tie first general rain since ,-ariy February, Salem.--The single cottage plan In the construction of the proposed new state training school for boys was Gives Antitoxin Forcibly to Cut Diphtheria Source of Succulence Lebanon, Pa. Having forcibly ad ministered antitoxin to members of the faith tabernacle, a cult of faith curers, local health authorities are hopeful of checking the spread of diphtheria, which in three weeks lias caused the deaths of nine persons. All the vic tims were members of families of the faith tabernacle and all, the authori ties declared, had been denied medical attention. Five of the deaths occurred In the family of Mrs. Charles Both, her bus band and four children dying since April 21. One of the children died while the funeral of another wa be ing held. Mr. Both bad rvfused medi cal treatment for her family. She and four surviving children were inoculat ed, although he would not give verbal consent, but submitted without pro test. The dairyman needs a permanent ource or succulence ror summer I foe, liny Kelvin on blue eraas in- tures Is often unsafe because dry spells soAn burn them up. Such dry pelli cause the cows to drop In milk production. Sweet clover offers an .excellent pasture velue to the dairyman. Sweet clover, perferably the white variety, standi up under drouth condition, grows abundubtly. aud doe Lot cause bleat Creamery Activities Buying activities of 308 creameries Indicate that 2U per cent of the organ . or ruse cent huv con- .... .nd r. ner cent buy fuel. The adopted by members of the state hoard ,.,nnii tut of commodities purchased of control at a special mooting held hy the various organizations Include here Saturday. It was said this plan building muteriui, rencma, uruw, Implements, general merchandise, and miscellaneous product In addition to the commodities speciucally enumerated. Banana Leads Food Production. The banana produces more food to the aero than any oilier plant. Its yield is about fifty limes more than the potato, and about one hundred and fifty times more than wheat. The Letter Q. The origin of the letter Q Is iuler estlng in view of its similarity to the leti.-r (). The namo Is derived from the French wortl Queue, meaning tail, as the letter Is O with a tall. has the approval of L. IS. UlIDeiT, superintendent of tbu instltulion, and practically all of the welfare workers of the state who havt; given it consld ration. Cream Needs Good Care Salem. Dr. W. H. Lytb', stale voter- Ah hot weather a ppruaciifi ins insuitm. u.-ni.-n i.:i"." mm. cream taunt receive better care on the circulated in Portland ami other titles average farm. As soon after separ- U) tn() sjffoct that there aro several i atlng as possible, cool the ereum by (.aH1.H of foot unu- mouth disease In i setting the cun In com water. .eirr ,.aHl,.rn Oregon. 'These reports were mix the fresh cream with the cream rrant.(1.. gala Ur ,,yl,., "ami from previous separation untl cooled mBde " out of whole ua low as possible. Do not keep e ' cream too long at the far,,,. Poor stale - loll,. There has no been one as.. .., cream will not make good butter. If the foot and mouth dlseaao in the the creamery cannot muke good but- state of Oregon, despite these rumors ter the average price of cream will be to the contrary." lower than .If good butter can be made. Tip for Statesman. Lame ducks are Inevitably by prod ucts of popular government, But every stutesman should have a trade. Chicago Dally News. Foil Burglars 100 Years. For more than 100 years a famous firm In London has been Inventing and manufacturing locks and safes to hal flo burglars. I la she finest product of Its kind In the world. Kvery woman who has used it knows this statement to be true. P .N. U. No. 24, 1924 1 r. a S