The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, June 20, 1924, Image 1

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    Jl Feb?-
By Miles Cannon
Director of Farm Economics
Bureau of Reclamation.
t p , t:Q,i ' Wa are miblishine: this week the The chairman of
iu a iui hi c i a i Lit i l w c mcii i -c -l " -
the poultry industry and dLcussecl , remarks of Congressman Slnnott on read what Dr. Mw.d had
the fact that the consuming publi
was willing and anxious to purchas
spring frys every day in the year,
even at prices, served on the table,
ranging from seventy-five cents to
a dollar and a half per half-chicken
and, it would seem, the higher the
price the smaller the chicken.
It has been suggested heretofore
that eggs should be fresh and stan
dardized and in this connection we
here reproduce the observations of
Mr. R. E. Shephard, of Jerome, Ida.,
the very efficient general manager of
the North Side Twin P"aT.3 project:
"Having found that the egg crop
of Idaho for 1922 exceeded in market
value the wheat crop of the same
year, even at the then prevailing
prices for eggs, I began to studv
somewhat into the poultry situatin.
It seems no trick at all to stir up
the animals and elect people to Con
grats over wheat, but I never hear:!
anybody getting very exicited over
hen's eggs, and yet when it conn '
to dollars and cents they are of more
"On a given day, several weelts
back, eggs were selling in Jerome
for 13c a dozen. That is what the
farmer got for good fresh egps.
On the same day they were selPr:;
at wholesale at Eos Angeles at sou thing
over 30 cents, depending upon
the quality. This seemed like a
very wide spread. I got our cream
ery here to buy 20 cases of eggs
that day from the farmers, and pay
them 17 cents a dozen, and they
were shipped to Eos Angeles alorg
with a carload of butter. The eggs
were indifferently packed, but at
that they sold on the Los Angeles
market making a net return to the
creamery of 25 cents a dozen
"A study of the game revealed
the fact that had we been in the
business a little stronger and known
how to classify eggs and had pack d
them according to market requii -ments,
we could undoubtedly have
received a net return of about 2Sc.
This set me going, and I found that
it would be no trick at all to increa ;e
the farmers' income from his poul
try by from 25 per cent to 100 per
cent. "
"Take this poultry game and put
It in. another way. I found you
could ship a dollar's worth of eggs
to Los Angeles for about 3 1-2 cents,
a dollar's worth of wheat to the same
point at about 60 cents, and a dollar's
worth of butter at about 8 cents.'
In view of the fact that New York
City alone, will take in a week all
the eggs that any western state is at
this time shipping in a year, the idea
that Mr. Shephard presents is very
interesting. If we are unable to
beat freight rates on commodities,
the thing to do is to find a way to
aviod this extraordinary feature in
our development by system of con
densation, standardization, and dis
tribution. With the lead Mr. Shep
hard has given ua we will go into
this question more in detail in our
next article.
the Deficiency Bill, carrying special
appropriations and also the Reclama
tion relief provisions in which the
settlers on this project are particu
larly interested. Mr. Sinnott says in
his letter to us "we finally won and
the committee
to say,
and here is the substance or ur.
Mead's advise to him:; That he
would not justify those appropria
tions unless they were tied up with
certain provisos.
Mr. HOWARD of Nebraska. Will
got a part of the appropriations, and the gentleman yield?
Mr. SINNOTT. Excuse me; I can
both Houses agreed on the relief
provisions, but the filibuster in the
Senate temporarily killed the bill,
but both houses have agreed on the
relief provisions and that feature will
become a law when Congress re-con
As the session was drawing to a
close time was very limited and in
contiol of the opposition, so Mr. Sin
nott was allowed but ten minutes,
but that was more than any other
member had.
Mr. SINNOTT. Mr. Speaker, 10
minutes to represent the hopes, the
aspirations, and the longings of peo
ple who have been waiting many
years for appropriations for these
projects, and a!so for the relief leg
islation expressed in amendment 5S,
seems to me like a travesty, like a
burlesque on representative, delib
erative government.
I have heard comments upon this
bill which made me think of iast
not yield now.
When Mr. Mead was before the
chairman of the committee on ap
propriations he was talking about
appropriations under the old recla
mation law. If you ado(pt amend
ment 58 in this bill, the new reclam
ation relief bill, then every one of
these appropriations will be safe
guarded and not a cent can be ex
ponded upon any one of these pro
jects until the secretary of the inter
ior and his engineers find, in oon-
foiHuity with subsection
make a finding in writing that it is.
feasible. Not until then can the
money be expended.
The gentleman from Ohio
BEGG) speaks as though this mor.iy
were coming out of the treasury.
It does not come out of the treasury.
It conies out of the reclamation fund,
a special fund set apart for irriga
tion purposes in the, west, a fund
that is designed in some way to
over there and superintend their ir
rigation propositions, and yet the
irrigationist from Ohio (Mr. BEGG).
with that air of finality in his voice
that almost makiM assurance doubly
sure, tells us that this bill is poorly
drafted; that we are going to reach
Into the treasury of the United States
and deplete the treasury; and the
gentleman from Texas (Mr. BEAN
TON), whose state was wise enough
to keep its own public lands, ridi
cules the bill.
Would the people of the North
west Territory, when they came jnto
the Union, when they wrung from
England at the Champoeg meeting
in Oregon in 1852, the tates of Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho, and parts of
Wyoming and Montana would that
they hud the sagacity of the pioneers
of Texas and retained their public
lards. Then we would not be here
(b), and i asking you for the proceeds from
this land to develop the land that
those proceed! were intended by the
God of Nature to be expended upon.
I wish I could take you out Into
my country and show you that the j
Almighty Himself meant the snows I
upon the mountain:' shoulc' he wed
ded to those broad areas of fertile '
volcanic dust. I wish you could see1
By Frederick Strieker, M.D.
Collaborating Epidemiologist of the
Oregon Stale Board of Health in i
C-Operation with the U. S. Public
Health Service.
The investment of adequate ap
propriating for effective disease pre
vention in the state will save at least
one-tenth of the cost of disease and
depend i icy. Thii would mijau a
saving 01 at lea t $4,000,000 an
nually. Whore can ou find a bet
ter investment,
All Public health effort must be
paid by taxation. Taxation is a
compulsory contribution levied upon
persons, property, and business tof
the support of the government. The
seven rules of taxation are equal
ity, certainly, convenience, econ
omy, productiv.ty, elasticity, and sta
bility. A tax for disease pievention Is
EQUALLY beneficial, it helps ovt ry
Individual in the community.
It Is CERTAIN because it insures
the health of the citizens, making
(hem able to contribute their por
tion of the support of the govern
ment .
It is CONVENIENT because there
is a diminished oh: noe of accruing
losses on account of disease.
It is ECONOMICAL because it is
much cheaper to prevent disease than
to have it.
It Is PRODUCTIVE because it en
From Department of Industrial Jour
nalism, Oregon Agricultural Collage
Red spiders, which are likely to
strike at almost any plant in
gen from low-growing annuals .o tail
trees, develop most rapidly and bo
come most harmful in dry weather.
The best protection so far reported
by the Oregon expet intent station la
dusting with sulfur. Most sulfur
containing Insecticides are effective
If applied thoroughly, and some grow
ers use liquid sulfur solutions.
Growers of newly planted orchards
may save themselves mum iua r
troublt trout the Hat head uuii.o
by shading the trunk of lae newly
set tr,.e, since the female ,uvciJ
in sunshine and seeks the direct
light for Uepo.iting her egg, boara
Bet up on the south side oi the tr,;0
to as to lean against It Offer goo-i
and adequate shade, the exp riuion;
I station reports. If the boards are
not handy a very good substitute
us recommended by the station is
newspaper vviapped about the trunk
to shade the Hoe.
Tuesday, when this House rebuffed recompense the west for the enorr.i
the petition of the dry farmer from oils areas of land that you have with
the west and the middle west in be
half of the McNary-Haugen bill,
and now we are asked to rebuff and
deny the appeal of tlie wet farmer;
at least that would seem to be the
held from taxation
IS. 000. 000 to 17.000.000 acres lofty, eternally snow-capped peaks,
situation judging from the comments of fore8t land. This little dole we ' once blazing beacons, nw only re
Which have been made by several Kot out of these appropriations will j fleeting above the dusfrof the valleys
in some part recompense us for the the soft glow of the setting sun as
withholding of that land from tax-j the day drops into the western wat-1 lllV(IHlM1
at(on. i ers oi me i acme. i uhh uwioipi
I ntomnl nra nlir reservoirs the Al-
this today? ...
migniy inviios us 10 wt-u un uuv
how amphitheaterlike the hi!'" rlae I aides more people to pay taxes. I
and radiate from the Colorado ftldj n s ELASTIC becau.-e llie more
Columbia to the cardinal per its raoaey lor health taxation
How HUH pile on lulls. How tnej n o ,i. mor healthy citizens He re will
the western in the purple haze ot twtitgnt use 0e to pay the tax.
b'.llows suddenly stilled on the crest- t K STABLE because
Darley waist high in good stand
wr.g earners. and good condition Is no. growing
It is true that public expenditures QU ht. experimWjl station grounds
Anthracnose disease of gOOaSbt r
rlei is indicated by the proteuoo of
many small dark spots on the iiuves
that often cause the leaves to divp,
Bordeaux applied in 4-4-so etrt&c&h
thoroughly to both surfaces of the
leaves is the remedy found eKK.t.VO
by the Oregon experiment staJou.
Directions for niaklng-and UllUg tue
spray may he had on application to
agricultural college a Oor-
f u 1H nijin,r, uecause u guai.ui
In my own state you have set aside, how the rim of the amphitheater tin-' tee the health and Income of lh
as a wood lot for the nation from , the horizon is pillared with a dozen
gentlemen, especially tne communis
made by the great irrigationist from
Ohio (Mr. BEGG,) who only demon
strate the Tact that
A little learning is a dangerous
Drink deep or taste not the irriga
tion spring.
(Applause.) He ridicules these
six projects and says they have not
been investigated, while the fact is,
Why do we want
"Hope deferred maketh the heart
sick." My state has put $12,000.
000 in the reclamation fund Which
conies from the sale of lands in my
state, and we have only received
1 from that fund between $5,000,000
gentlemen of the House, that every and $6,000,000, and yet the pco;l"
one of these six projects has been in my state look across state linos
thoroughly investigated for 10 or and we look into another slate that
20 years. The two projects in my j has put but $5,000,000 into the r e
state, the Owyhee and Wrarni Springs lamation fund and we see that State
projects, have been investigated, and carrying $25,000,000, and we believe
$100,000 has been expended in inves- we are entitled to this fund now.
tigating those projects. Those pro-j The expenditure is well pro
jects have been approved conditional- tected if you adopt amendment 58,
ly by the secretary of the interior and the relief bill. The gentleman from
by his engineer. They were sent Ohio (Mr. BEOG) ridicules tint
down to the Budget Bureau and bill, and yet that bill has been the
there held up. It is also true that subject of the thought and the ci re
every one of these six projects has and the counsel of the fact-finding
heen annroved bv the secretary of commission silting upon It for Six
i ------ .... .
the interior, subject to further in
vestigation, but they have all been
held up by General Lord of the
Bureau Budget. They have been
investigated for years.
months, the secretary of the inler'or
and Dr. Elwood Mead, the most
noted irrigationist in the world who
was paid nearly $50,000 a year by
the government o' Australia to go
on those mountains with our vast
areas of fertile, volcanic dust, and
this bill, if it is passed, will allow
us to do that in R very small measure
without taking a dollar from the
treasury of the United States, and
I hope the members of this House
will not today rebuke the wet farmer
of the west as you rebuked the dry
farmer last Tuesday. (Applause.)
Mr. MADDEN. Mr. Speaker. T
move the previous question on the
The previous question was ordered.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The
question Is on the motion of the gen
tleman from Oregon (Mr. SINNOTT)
to recede and concur.
The question was taken; and on
a division (demanded by Mr SIN
NOTT) there were ayes 70, noes
are Increasing more rapidly than the
population, But expenditures that
dlrctlj benefit the people are really
rts and not expenses.
Sickness causes a tremendous ex
pense, which can be prevented to a
certain ex'ent. It Is crazy extrav
agance to propagate criminals, the1
insane, epileptics, paupers, and d. TILLAMOOK COWS LEADERS
linqucntl ns we are now doing. Hy-j I.N OREGON AND ALL WEST
giene cm cut the numbers of these
classes. Is It our high intelligence Almost O In 10 Made More TIhmi W
at Corvallls. Many of the crops at
the station were never, better, even
though the season has been trving
by unusual drouth. The main fac
tors in the station crop condition
are rotation and thorough prepara
tion of seed bed.
Boardman will celebrate the 4th
Delaying Work
"That Washington county walnuts
are gaining a wide reputation is in
dicated by numerous inquiries being
received, some being personal from
California growers who are inter
ested in locations and price of suit
able land. A gentleman from that
state who was in town last week in
quired the way to the Groner place
and another who made many in
quiries said he believed land and
climate conditions suitable for ch -.-t-nut
culture in which he was en
gaged in California. Of this nut
he said the supply has never equalled
the demand and prices run as high
as 60 cents a pound." Hlllsboro
Material Increase can be tirought
about in consumption of nuts with
out exceeding actual diet require
ments." reported the Agricultural
Economic conference at the college
this year. The area of commercial
production in the United States is
strictly limited, but western Oregon
is within that zone.
Boardman will celebrate the 4th. U
which keeps us from employing hy
giene? Disease Is an enemy, and although
It may be largely prevented, we do
not strive for the ounce of pi even
tlon which is greater than the pound
of cure.
If you wish to Incneasp the taxes
neglect, the publlo health. Lower
taxes by preventing disease. Con
serve the public health and conser
vation of natural resources will fol
low. RaiBO the health of the wage
earner and he will do the rest.
Every citizen owes It to himself
and to his community to take an in
terest In the health of the place in
which he lives.
l'Yr(il EggN i .in-, l..,ss in
FiirmcrH Every Summer
Pounds or Knt Each, Wlmil K
Way to Honor Itollsa
Tillamook cows in the cow testing
association No. 1 not only led Oregon
but also the entire west in high uv
erage production In April. Of the
lu81 cowh tested 9 Hi won their way
Into the honor column In (producliig
more than 40 pounds of fat each.
No other association In the 11 wes
tern states had so high an artrag i
by five pounds of fat per cow.
Oregon cows tested numbered
844S; 1000 more than were testing
associations for the month last year.
They produced an average of 988
pounds of milk carrying 40.42 pounds
of fat, 5 pounds more than all Oregon
cows In association tests averaged one
ear ago last April.
The winning association is the
oldest in Oregon and Its members
have become adepts ill picking out
cows that pay and throwing out all
the others. It Is gratifying to the
advocates of association work that
long continuous culling brings re
milts in comparative production
studies Compared with the average
yield of milk in Oregon the associ
ation results are outstanding and
A large part of the loss caused by
eggs spoiling in warm weather can
be prevented by producing only In
fertile eggs during the hue spring j
and summer. This loss, which is I
eonsei vatlvely estimated at nun u
than $15,000,000 a year, falls al
inosi entirely on the producer. Not
only does he lose I ho value of the
eggs which spoil, but the producer
suffers a further material loss In the
reduction of the number of eggs con
sumed caused by people getting bad1
eggs among those they purchase.
This loss can be entirely prevent-!
ed by producing only Infertile oggH
during the warm weather. This Is
accomplished by taking all male birds
out of the flock after the breeding
season Is over. The rooster has no
Influence on the number of eggs
produced. and should either be
marketed or killed the meat can be
canned or should be kept penned
The United State Department of
Agriculture has just published a
large poster Knowing the difference
In the keeping qualities of Infertile
and fertile eg.H during warm weath
er. TH poster aiso gives simple
ml. - for producing good quality ANV HIRE In trouble may com.ininl-
Ground hogs in the state of Wash
ington have not boon popular, even
when they did not see their own
shadows on the 2d of February. In
five counties, Okanogan, Douglas,
Grant, Kittitas, and YaUitua, definite
campaigns were carrh d on last year
to get rid of ground hogs entirely,
with a result that an estimated sav
ing of crops amounting to more than
$10,000 was made on 9,474 acres
in thehri counties. In Okanogan
county a district of 10 square miles
was entirely cleared by the destrueo
tlon of about 15,000 ground hogs.
The work was carried on under the
direction of Biological Survey of the
United Stales Department of Agriculture.
eggs on farms during the latter part
of the spring, throughout the sum
mer, and Into the early fall months.
THE QUELLE A good place to eat
in Pendleton.
cata with Ensign Lee of the Kal
vatlon Army at toe White Shield
Home, 665 Mayfalr Ave.. Portland.
Boardman will celebrate the 4th.