The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, June 13, 1924, Image 1

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    t9n E S
11 Feb 2
C. E. Spence, Market Agent, 723
Court House, Portland.
The New Hampshire Division of
markets is showing its section of
-the country what really is the mat
ter of agriculture, or at least one of
the things. It takes for illustration
the potato crop of Minnesota, and
shows that the growers portion of
the retail price is 2 0 per cent, the
country buyers' part 15 per cent,
freight 13 1-2 per cent, city dis
tribution 50 per cent and retail price
100 per cent. Commenting on this
condition Commissioner Felker says:
"Can a fair minded person
consider our distribution sys
tem efficient or just when the
farmer who furnishes land, seed
fertilizer, labor and other neces
sary overhead, receives but one
fifth of the price paid by the con
sumer for his commodity."
Out Yields Other Varieties in Farm
Tests; Production Leaps From
Small Beginnings.
Co-operation in the east and mid
dle west is taking big strides. A
federation of all the dairy interests
of the New England states is under
way with consumer ownership of the
factories for the manufacture, of
butter, cheese and by-products-Minnesota
and Wisconsin are feder
ating their creameries and cheese
factories and propose to bottle and
sell their milk, sell their cream,
butter and cottage cheese.
"The farmer who sees his market
broken year after year by promis
cuous crop dumping and specula
tive marketing, and who sees the
middle men receive approximately
four times as much per capita as the
producer, is fast coming to learn
that the principles of co-operative
marketing must be substituted for
unrestrained competition if the farm
er is to exist In this day of organ
ization." Washington State Grange
How fast the farmers are learning
is illustrated by a report from the
Department of Agriculture of Was-h
ington, D. C, which states that up to
April 1, of this year that 10,160
co-operative associations had
made reports to the department.
Out of this vast movement results
are coming. Co-operators are learn
ing. They are federating and tak
ing over the field where others have
profited from reselling their pro
ducts, and when they learn to carry
their products from the fields to the
retailer, then will they be running
their own business as the manufac
turing industries run theirs.
Federation wheat under irrigation
in 12 plantings by Malheur farmers
cooperating with L. R. Breithaupt,
county agent, averaged 56 bushels
a:n acre against 4 1 bushel average
of other varieties including Jenkins
club, Dicklow and early Baart..
The plantings covered the entire
wheat area of the county, and the
high yield led to use of Federation
for more than half the county acre
age this year. It was introduced
by Mr. Breithaupt on recommenda
tion of the state experiment station j
n 1922, when 960 pounds was dis-1
Mibuted to seven farmers.
"The differences in the yield in
1923 in favor of Federation are not 1
entirely due to the real yielding
ability of the varieties reported, be- j
cause there is a tendency for grow-!
ers to give a new variety somewhat ;
better treatment than a variety com- I
nionly grown.," says Mr. Breithaupt.
"Federation has several character
titles , however, that make It peculi
arly suited to Malheur county irri
gated lands."
Chief among these is the stiff, up
right straw which prevents it from
lodging on rich, well watered land.
Varieties such as Dicklow and Jen
kins lodge badly under these condi
tions, with a consequent lower yield.
Federation also has the 'advantage
of being as early as any variety and
it produces as high quality of grain
as any unless it be Early Baart.
The annual school meeting of Dis
trict No. 25, Morrow County, Ore
gon, will be hi'ld at the school house
in Boardman, Oregon, June 16, 1924,
at 2:30 p.m.
15-3t Clerk
In a lengthy review of the potato
season of the Pacific coast states, R,
L. Ringer of the federal service, of
Portland, gives many interesting
facts. He states that Oregon is con
siderably behind Idaho, Washing
ton and California in production per
acre. During the past three years
Idaho has averaged 182 bushels to
the acre; Washington 145; Cali
fornia 140 and Oregon 97. Irriga
tion has much, to do with the dif
ference in yields, and Oregon's late
crop matures later. Mr. Ringer
states that Oregon has a distinct
place In the potato industry, but
that growers must get a higher price
for the products to offset lower pro
duction per acre, and that this be
done by certified seed, better pro
duct and high grade standards.
The review states that State Mark
et Agent Spence solved a large part
of the difficulties by securing fed
eral co-operation, and that because
of grading, standardization and com
pulsory inspection Oregon's well
graded stock soon advanced from
the bottom to the top of the markets
in California; that dealers early
found little difficulty in enforcing ac
ceptance of cars bearing a Federal
State certificate, while many cars
rolling in from Clarke county,
Wash, without such certificates
were a loss to the owners when the
market broke.
The Colorado Potato Beetle, or
common potato bug, is starling its
work on potato plants in this sea
son of the year. The easiest time to
control it is to get it early. The in
sect passes the winter in the soil as
the adult striped beetle. They ap
pear in the Spring just as the pota
toes are coming up and feed on the
tender leaves of the plants, and aft
r a few days begin depositing egg3.
The eggs are laid in masses under
the surface of the leaves. The lar
vae are slug-like, deep reddish in
color and feed upon the leaves of
the plant. These bugs are easy to
control and Immediate steps should,
he taken by all farmers to eradicate!
thCB). Spray made by mixing four
pOttndl of powdered calcium or lead
arsenate to one hundred gallons of
water, will kill them. Paris green,
mixed at the rate of three pounds
to one hundred gallons of water,
will also control them, but is liable;
to damage or burn the plant. An
other method is to mix one part of
powdered calcium or lead arsenate
by weight, to nine parts of air-1
slacked lime and apply as a dust.
This can be done by putting the
mixture in a sack and shaking it
over the plant.
The Southern Pacific company has
secured an option on 39 acres of
Klamath FalU property which will be
utilized for switching, shops and
roundhouse facilities for the new Eu-geue-Klamath
Falls line.
Organization has been perfected i'
Portland of a daylight lodge of
Masons, whose membership is compos
ed of members who are employed at
night and who therefore can attend
only sessions held by day.
After receiving no fish since the
opening of the 3oason on Rogue river,
the Macleay Estate company at Wed
deburn has reached an agreement wit!
the union fishermen, who will be pais
8Vi cents for their catches.
Ten thousand pounds of chittlni
bark from trees in the Siuslaw na
tioual forest have just been sold b
the foreot service to William Wilbur
of Deadwood creek, according to Ralp
S. Shelley, supervisor of this forest.
Governor Walter M. Pierce was th
principal speaker at the communit
picnic held ut the Beaver Creek schoi
grounds Thursday, June 12, unde
auspices of the Beaver Creek grant?'
and the Beaver Creek Co-operative
Chester Wheatfill and Harold Stu
man, Eugene youths found guilty i!
circuit court on the charge of assaul
End robbery while armed with a dan
gerous weapon, were sentenced t
serve seven years each in the state
Kir that started in the dry kilns ol
the (ield Medal shingle mill, In the;
Nehalem. near Birkenfeld, destroyed
39 trucks of shingles that were ii
the kilns and about 1,500.000 shingles
on the outside, entailing a propertf
loss estimated at $10,000.
A. V. Stone, who en June 1 terminat
ed his connection with the Hood Rivet
Apple Growers' association, imrae
diately began the task of converting
the Mosler Fruit Growers' association
into an organization characterized by
strictly co-operative lines.
As soon as arrangements can bi
completed, an airplane forest fire pa
trol will be established at Eugene,
Senator McNary was told by Secre
tary of War Weeks and Colonel Wil
liam C. Greeley, chief of the forest
service. Three planes are to be pro
vided for the use of the patrol.
Several hundred residents of the
country lying north of Salem, staged
a demonstration in Salem with the
presentation to the county court o'
a petition asking for a paved roadway
connecting Brooks and Mount Ange!
and piercinir part of the Lake Labish
district. The petition contained 51
Carl D. Shoemaker has tendered
his resignation as master fish ward
en, to become effective July 1, after
which he will be known as office
manager of the state fish commission I
until the new master fish warden be
comes familiar with the work of the j
department. Mr. Shoemaker has ao
plans for the future.
Opposition to his policy in ha.idling
the horse show in the state fair caus
ed Dr. J. W. Morrow, democratic na
tional committeeman, to aend his
resignation from the state fair board
to Governor Pierce. Horace Addis oi'
Portland, field editor of the Oregon
Farber, was appointed as a member
of the state fair board to succeed Dr
J. W. Morrow.
Dallas was selected as the site for
the 1925 convention of the Oregon
state grange, in final sessions of the
51st annual meeting of that order. The
Convention held at The Dalles was
attended by more than 850 grangers
from over the state. George A. Pal
miteer of Hood River will serve as
master of the Oregon state grange for
another two years. His election to
that office, through a referendum of
the various grange lodges in the state,
was confirmed by the eonventi.Ta.
The extent of motor travel from
other states into Oregon during the
current year may bo forecast from the
fact that during the month ot May
7081 motor vehicles licensed under
he laws of other states, were register
(1 under the Oregon non-resldSUt lav
according to figures made public b
Sam Kozer, secretary of state. Q
this number the gr. atest registration
was of California cars, of which ther
were 3921. Next in number is 179
cir3 from the state of Washing! or
and third, 538 cars from the stale o
With the arrest of Cyril Goff, a
amploye of the Irwln-Hodson corapan;
of Portland, on charges of larceny
police officials declared they !;ad mad
the first step in uncovering a ring
men who have been defrauding tl'
state out of thousands of dollar
through the counterfeiting of auti
mobile license plates. Goff, accordiir
to the police, helped furnish a pa
of counterfeit tags found on the mi
chine of P. J. Pierre, ex-motorcyil
policeman, when he was arrested
McMinnville on a minor traffic chargi
The lrwin-Hodson company has th
contract with the state to furnis
license plates. Dishonest workmen
the police said, have stolen or mad
duplicate sets of tags in the company
workroom and are thought to hav
done a profitable business In setlin
these at reduced rates to friends.
The Rev. iiobert A. Buchanan ol
Sitka, Alaska, has accepted the pas
torate of Grace I'r sbyterian church
at Albany, succeeding the Rev. A. 1).
Thompson, who resigned after serving
several years.
At the Quartz crossing about five
miles east of Baker, a west bounu
freight train ran into a herd of cattle
belonging to Palmer & Dunham and
killed twenty-two ami seriously Injur
ed a number more.
A convention of music teachers and
professional musicians of Oregon was
held at the University of Oregon Fri
day and Saturday of last week. Sev
eral hundred .ersons from all parts ot
the state attended.
Ether Waves
The Co-operative Associated Grange
Warehouse Co. of Seattle is the
wholesaler for 65 retail stores of the I
Btate. The movement Is fast going
ahead in our sister state, because
the producers do less talking and
more organizing than in Oregon.
Sixty-five retail stores in a state, 1
controlled by co-operatives, are bound
to help both producers and consum
ers by market regulation.
1 - .
nSS'J Kef m.. Atml -
H 1
(Ait Al2F i
CrrttM, W. M. U.T
station H-O-M-6
It is desirable to recognize that
from the President of the United
States to the laborer in the factory
or on the farm, all citizens not phy-
sically incapactlated, are, or should
be, workers. The fundamental needs
are responsibilities of nil, aii
as to the maintenance of health are
similar, and we cannot solve the
problems of the laborer unless we
consider him oue of the great art
of galnly employed In the state of
Sickness is a hazard to which all
are subjected and to which many
fall victims. Those who are disabled
by sickness suffer losses of time,
cost of care, which varies from slighi
hardships easily borne, to those
which absolutely ruin. There are
today over 9,000 wage earners in
Oregon confined to their homes on
account of sickness. The workers
lose on the average of sovt n days
annual' on account of sickness,
400,00.0 wage earners lose 2,800,
000 days annually on account of
Sickness every year. At a dally
minimum wage of $;i this means a
loss of $8,400,000, $3,300,000 is
pent annually for doctors. An
equal amount is spH-nt for nursing
and hospital care, $4,000,000 is spent
tor drugs, mostly self-prescribed.
Forty per cent of the deaths are
preventable or at least postponable.
The intimated value of the average
life Is $2500. In a state of this size
with an annual death rate Of 9,000
3,600 of these deaths are from pre
ventable causes. At an averag
value of $2500 this would mean a
loss of $22,5O0,000.The total annual
ioss from preventable disease Is:
Wages lost $ 8.4 00,000
Services of physicians 3,300,000
Hospitals and nursing.. 3,300000
Drugs of all kinds, pat
ent, etc 4,000,00fi
Loss by death 22,500,000
Disease costs the state of Oregon
over forty millions annually. As
these expenditures do not consider
many of the other expenses incident
to illness, the expenses in reality are
much greater. Sickness undoubtedly
causes a tremendous loss, and to a
Certain extent is preventable. It
certainly costs less to prevent the
disease Public health is purchas
able and within natural limits, a com
munity may determine its own death
rate. Take health work from un
certainty and place it on sure ground
Make It a potent factor and it will
Surely if we are rich enough to
pend $18 per capita for tobacco.
$8 for candy atnd confections, $6
for patent medicine, tonics and
drugs of questionable value, $1 fori
Cosmetics and 75c for gum we should
be willing to spend more than 10c
perl capita for the most essential
part of life health. Every com
munity must estimate Its own re
(lulrements and appropriate accord
I By
Miles Cannon, Director of Farm
Economics, U. S. Bureau of Recla
mation. In our last article we referred to
the demand for spring lambs and it
is now our purpose to offer a coa
crets example of what can be Uo.e
en a small unit.
Soon Brothers! whose postofflce
address Is Delta, Colorado, occupy a
unit of the Uncoiupahgre valley pro
ject. They bought two carj of lambs
during the fall of 1923, and ran them
on sugar-beet-top pasturo as the
principal feed, although there was.
In addition, some corn fodder and
alfalfa pasture available.
The extent of the grazing ground
was regulated each day so as not to
permit any of the best tops to be
wasted. Toward the end of the feed
ing period the lambs were topped
off with a little alfulfa hay and some
corn. The average gain was 21
Bounds and the following financial
Statement teUS the story;
Gross return,
48,000 lbs. at
10.15 $7,200.00
Cost, 35,400 lbs.
at $0.11- $4,159.50
Freight, pasture
bills, labor
and all other
expenses 1,445.00 5,fi:.4.50
While other regions suffer from
lack of water, the Warm Springs lrri
gutlon project enjoys the distinction
of buing the only project in the west
with a surplus for 1924.
Charles H. Carey, delegate at large
from Oregon to the republican na
UonaJ convention was selected to
make a speech seconding the nomina
tion of President COOitdgS
The slate tax on sales of gasoline
and distillate In nn-gon during the
month of April aggn gati d $214,497.06,
.' 'Tiling to a Statement prepared by .
Sum a. Kozer, secretary of state.
A seawall of more than a half mile
in lengtll is one of Hie ambitious pro
jects of Newport. The wall bus hem
started and about 800 feel is under .
construction by the port commission
F. K. Mallory was wouuded In the I
face, chest and abdomen In exchang
lug shots with five men whom he
observed prowling around the mer
chandise store ot 11. N. Heck in Hub
bard. Henry Tuckman of Portland, died
at a Salem hospital as the result of In
Juries Buffered when a truck In which
he wuh riding plunged down a hill on
the highway between Hallas and In
Closer organization of the live stock i
Industry of the stale and the Pacific
northwest was emphasized at the lit!,
annual convention of the Cattle am'
Horse Raisers' association of Oregon
held in Maker.
Net profit $1,595.5 )
Studying this exhibit u little furth
er, w would estimate thui this crop
would Indicate not to exceed 4(H)
ewes and If, instead of buying the (wo
cai-8 of lambs at a cost of $4,159 B0,
the farmer could arrange to own these
ewes himself he m giit augment this
profit by the sale of 4,000 pounds
extra cost of keeping the liock. He
would also be able to contribute to
his table a bounteous supply of most
delloiOUUI meat and, In addition,
he would have an asset of possibly
tlOO in fertilizing his land.
The most unusual arguments that
a farmer could not take u "summer
trip to the coast" or a trip to the
mountains" or, again, that no time
could be spent joy riding with a
bunch of pesky sheep to take care
of, are, probably, uusurmountable.
These features, perhaps, constitute
the greatest barrier to success la
our day Another person would de
mur on account of the capital re
tiuircd. This objection, however,
may be overcome. If a man is In
clined to heed the call of the home,
to build himself a reputation and
take his place In the affairs of thti
eOmmtmlty, surely It would be a
short sighted banker who would re
fuse to flnnnt him in the laudable
enterprise of adding at least one car
of sheep to his annual income.
There Is yet another angle to the
Feature of spring lamb production.
Many of the government projects are
surrounded by a splendid summer
range and several neighbors joined
together can send their flocks to the
prairies or to the mountains, as the
case may be, and at a very reason
able cost and have them returned
to the farm unit In the fall in splen
did condition
The only disadvantage we see to
this line of activity is that, united
with the other features of the farm
unit, the water user would be com
pelled to concentrate to the fullest
extent on his buelness. This
rule, howe ver, applies to the banker,
the merchant, the professional man,
or to any other line of human OOCU
patlon. It is only a question of the
call of the home
Chintzes, wiien of good quality,
color, and design are good In any
room. Silks and velours are more
often usc-d In formal rooms, how
ever. Chintz Is associated with the
country home.
Dr. W. W. Illaley has returned to
Hermiston from Kansas City whe re
he has been for the past nine months
attending a medical college, and an
nounce the resumption of his prac
tice at Hermiston.
Operate your own Magazine Sub
scription Agency; real profits; no In
vestment. 4Vsk for our proposition
to field managers, giving exclusive
territory to authorized representa
BURBAC DESK n. 460 Fourth St .
San FraneiBCO,, (the largest whole
sale Subscription Agency In the