II - i, , The Boardman Mirror Boardman, Oregon MARK A. ( l.K lil.AMJ, Publisher PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE-- Entered as second-clf;ss matter leb 11, 1921, at the postoiTiee at Board man, Ore., under act of Mar. 'A, 1879 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Garrettl and Richardson drove to Hermiston last Monday. Jim Howell and famijy wore Hermiston visitors last Thursday. J. C. Ballenger, N. A. Ma comber and W. H. Mefford motored to Heppner last Saturday. Jennie Marvin and Louise Sears were Hermiston visitors last Sunday. Mrs. V. Keys left Thursday morning for a few days' visit with her parents at Mt. Hood. Harry Warren and wife were din ner guests at the Henry Harrison home last Friday evening. Mr. HardilOO of the Mutual Creamery Company of Portland put In a receiving station in the north room of the Dodd building. Boardman Uteliem TIIIKI) YE.IK Edited by the High School Students KATHERINE BROWN Editor. WAHNONA RANDS, .Joke Editor, Alton Klitz, '24 IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS I Mrs. C. C. Grimm is in Portland and the Valley for a week or two visit. 1 ' 1 Ass't Editor. " The Freshmen home economics class have finished their cotton blouses and are now working on various articles. Mrs. Crowder acted as prompter. Miss Marvin directed the costum ing and was assisted in makeup by Miss Hlxson and Mr. Griggs. Miss Wolff presided at the piano and directed the musical part of the program. Mr. Boardman drove to De Moss Springs, Sherman county, last Fri day, and his passengers were his daughter Helen, Norma (iibbons, and Mrs. Mulkey. The occasion of this journey was a mass meet ing of the citizens of that county as an initial step In a tree planting campaign. A holiday for the schools was de claivd and many school children were present. Helen Uoardumn and Norma Gib bons each gave a speech on behalf of the Boardman schools when they presented seeds and trees for the children of Sherman county. For this token of good will they were the recipients of some real home like hospitality which they will not soon forget. A bountiful feast was spread and the visitors returned from their pilgrimage not hungry, but happy. Prof. J. 0. liussell and wife and son Elmo and Miss Talbot, a niece, were visitors at the J. C. Ballenger home last Friday. Oscar Koser, who has been In Harney county since last December came home Wednesday afternoon to visit. Ills wife and son, who have been here for the school year. Mrs. .1. I). Bommer of the Hope Millinery Shop, which is in tho People's Warehouse at Pendleton, will be in Iloardman on Tuesday April If), at (hi. Messenger's Rest with an assort ineiit of hats, veils and flowers. Boardman women are ask ed to come in and see them. Nate Maeomber and wife were hosts at a delicious chicken dinner Sunday evening, having Dale Al bright and Margerie as their guests Mr. Albright and son Dale, left that night for Portland driving down In their Ford and Mrs. Albright and children left next day on No. 17. They will make theii home in Port land for a time. The Master program will bo given at church Sunday, April 20, to be gin at 11:00 a. m. Everyone la cordially asked lo bo present at this time. Moardman's hasball team played at lone Sunday with a laro num ber of Iloardman folks to boost for the homo team. They were beaten. One of tho lone players had the mis fortune to break a leg J I!. Johnson, elder ol the Board man church, attended the meeting of Presbytery at Umatilla Wednes day. Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Boardnian, Mrs. Blayden and Mrs. Herelm ac companied him. Tho ladles of Finn tilla served a boutlful dinner of chicken with all the trimmings. Of special interest was tho devotional service conducted by Cash Cash and daughter Helen of the Fmatllla res ervation, speaking nud singing In their native Indian tongue. Her. Cornolleson of Tutuilla mission, interpreted for Cash Cash. Boardman people who met Mrs. Effle Ritchie of Freowator. who was here two years ago at C. E. Rally, wore grieved to learn of the tranlc death of her 20-month old son. who was accidentally killed recently at their home. It seems that ho fell In a poBt hole 6 feet deep and his muffler caught on a barbed wire, which was across the hole and he was strangled to death. Mrs. Hitch le came nere to attend a rally and was taken 111 with tonsllltls so spent several day here Instead of the ne day as planned. Rev. Cornolleson, who la also known bore had charge of the funeral services for the little one. ..Doardman Christian Endear- orera extend deepest sympathy to were Irma Rroyles and Norman the Ritchie family. , Bailey. Mr. Orlggs made an efficient 1 1 and hard boa tied squire, ami How-. The best home talent play ever ard Paokiml a rncl( Kphraim wa9 ; given Boardman was that given by excellont as was Ida Mefford his the high a.M.ool last Friday night wlfp. The four Kir,8 jl at the auditorium. It might bo dlf- arU Marit Messenger Zoo1 flcult to My who tho best char- Haau,y Unilso KaClg anJ Kh,r. actor was as they aJ! did so well, but , ,,r.,.r T,u sllmim,r boardor, special mention should bo made of wor a mo,u,v arrav and )u,ir cojij Miss Ketchum and Mr. Saunders. ,luma Wl.IV , rfl.,.v suled , Uw Katherlne Rfown with her giggle parts (hoy plav , d Men Kin.: as the and Francos Cllbort and also of tho y.UKMx dude, played well as did surreragot and her husband, who xona Kands. Tho general science class have completed their regular work and are now taking a course in Botany. As It is spring, it will be easy to gather specimens to mount. Uncle Ephraim, his family, and Two resignations were also hand- :,uuuuer boarders, were well pleas-! ed in by Zoe Hadley, Editor, and, ed with the hearty reception accord-! Edward McClellan, Assistant Editor.1 ed them by the people of Boardman, j Those elected in their place were: while they lifted mortgage on their i Katherine Brown, editor, and Wah farm. Uncle Eph gave in return anjnona Rands, assistant editor. excellent entertainment of a kind seldom seen in a school. Not only was the play high class but the act ing and singing was above the aver age. There was no leading man or woman. Oopportunities for display of dramatic talent were rather ev enly distributed throughout, and every character was well portrayed. As Uncle Eph. remarked: "There is considerable dramatic talent in Boardman," and his play was well calculated to call it forth. Since there was no leading man or woman in the play it may also be re marked that there was no leading man or woman in the preparation of the entertainment. The entire school staff was behind it and cheerfully contributed to its success. Even the business men, and neighbors on the project cooperated in a most help ful manner, loaning clothing for costumes, and properties for the stage. It was Boardmau's day and Bo&rdraan'a play. The audience, though not overly large, was appreciative and showed a kindly sympathetic interest in the work of the children thus giving to Uncle Ephraim a clearer vision of the "bright side of life." For the Play Mrs. Crowder and Mr. Mulkey trained the speakers, arranged the details in stage performan'.'o George Allen's house burned down Thursday about 3 o'clock in the morning. The cause of" the fire was not learned. Since the science clas3 have fin ished most of their work they are having current events every two weeks. This makes the lessons more interesting and it is all very help ful to the students. The advanced sewing class has finished the work necessary to earn their credits and are now making dresses and doing fancy work. At the tree planting gathering at De Moss Springs, Sherman county, the following speeches were delivered: To the school children of Sher man county -On behalf of the Boardman Community school, I pre sent to you these seeds from our lo cust trees. If you plant and keep them well watered for a time they will produce manifold. They can and then be transplanted wherever de sirable, and will help to beautify not only your highways, but your homos as well. In the heart of a seed, Iluried deep, so deep; A dear little tree lay fast asleep. "Wake," said the sunshine, "And creep to the light." "Wake," said the voice of the rain drops bright. The little tree heard, And it rose to see What the beautiful outside World might be be. NORMA G1GGONS. Mrs, M. F. Wadsworth went to Hot Lake to visit Mr. Wadsworth Friday. She returned the next morn ing and reports Mr. Wadsworth resting easier. Do you know (here's lots o' people Sett In' 'round in this 'ere school Growling like the very dickens, Disobeying every rule? Don't you be thai kind of cattle, "Cause (hoy alnt no use on earth. You Just be a booster rooster; Crow nnd boost for all you' re w oi th. If your school needs boosting, booster; Don't set 'round nnd wait and see If some other feller's wlllln'; Sail right In, this country's free. Cast your loaves upon the waters They'll come back the sayln's true. Mebbo they'll come back all butter ed, When some feller boosts for you. Tho eighth grade class has cover ed the advanced work in all sub jects. They are preparing for their graduation program, which will be given at the close of tho school, pro viding enough members pass the ex aminations. The first and second year English class has finished Its work In sen tence and theme and will soon ho gin tho study of another classic. Monday morning a student bod meeting was held for tho purpose of Ladies and gentlemen - We are very glad for the privilege of being here today and it gives up great pleasure (o present these trees to Sherman county's boys and girls. At Boardman we have a school nursery in which we have planted two thousand trees and about ten thousands seeds from which we hope to reap a great harvest of trees. For over three hundred years man has been destroying the trees of this country. It remains for us to plant, plant and keep on planting trees lest our land become a barren plains and treeless mountains. If we begin now it will not be many years until we shall see East ern Oregon become a land beauti fied with living green. We should like to have you take those seeds and trees we have iirougtit today and plant them in ai school nursery. Then when it seems the proper time, transplant them so that they may adorn your school grounds, your homes and parks. - HELEN BOAKDMAN Tho freshman sewing class are pleased to think Miss Marvin took their picture Tuesday morning. L. P. Davidson one of the county commissioners, with Wm. McCaleb, road supervisor from the south end of the county, were in Irrigon look ing over the ferry road Saturday. They are figuring on a direct road from the ferry to the Columbia Highway and will have same post ed at once. It will not be possible to do anything on thl road for a year or so, however, and the present road will be repaired for the time being. Six hundred feet of plank road will be put in where sand has caused some trouble and other patches fixed up temporarily. Regular monthly meetings of the farm bureau was held in the high school auditorium Saturday evening, April 5, and some very important business discussed, Including! state income tax question and the coun ty school unit plan. The bureau went on record as opposed to state income tax on account of its effect upon the state and practically no reductions in taxes due to income tax collections. Its repeal was rec ommended at the earliest possible date. The County School Unit plan was likewise condemned along the same lines, as being fostered by a few for the purpose of making big paying positions and additional tax es and graft. The only way to re duce taxes is to discontinue voting additional graft and useless taxes. R. B. Wilcox, president of the Morrow County. Farm Bureau, with his two daughters and boy, also County Agent Morse attended this n ting. Mr. Wilcox gave us a leng thy talk on the dairy cow while his children demonstrated milk testing and methods of keeping records. Mr. Morse talked at some length on the rabbit poison campaign question and arrangements were made to cover the territory thoroughly with paste bait on cedar shingles. Gates will be placed on all bridges over the main canal to keep the rabbits back in thej sage brush country. Forces are , lined un to do this work on Sunday April 13. AN Qw TIM Mr JSP AftHJtfj. tcs IX THIS ANNIVERSARY PRKCIATION BEGINS SATURDAY MORNING APRIL 12 and Continues the Following Week Watch the Fendleton East Oreffonian for Advertised Specials WE SHOW OUR, AP-PATRONAGE We appreciate the splendid patronage thai has been accorded this store. We are mindful of the fact that you are responsible for whatever measure of suc cess we have attained. And In appreciation a means of showing box appreciation we arc going to rciorse the regular order of things, and are going- to give' BIRTHDAY PRESENTS in the form of substantial sav ings on needed merchandise. The Crescent DRV noon co. PENDLETON, ORE. p. I' WANTED Fresh eggs and chickens. French Cafe. Pendleton. au31tf. 1 Political Notice .loke.s Norman "Are you going to the movie tonight?" Weldon "Yes, I'm going to walk In backward so that they will think l'm coming out." Howard "Mrs. Crowder says we are (he best class she has had in 1924." Carl (As he missed the ball) "I'll never touch another drop." First Student bra?" Second Student What is a Ze- A horse dress- cleaning up their debts of the play. 'd in a bathing ualt." I I Sell i Insurance! I J. C. Balletiirer t Boardman - Oregon f To the Republican voters of Mor row county: I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the nomina tion of County Clerk at the Primary Flection to be held May Ifi, 1924. GAY M. ANDERSON, Kf (Incumbent.) NOTIOK FOB PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. ' Land Office at The Dalles, Ore. April 1, 1924. NOTICE is hereby given that Am-; hrose C. Partlow, by T. E. Broyles, mortgagee, of Boardman. Ore., who. on April 4, 1919, made Homestead Entry, No. 020541, for WE- SB, being Unit "B" Umatilla Pro ject, Sec. 14, Township 4, N. Range 25, East, Willamette Meridian, has. Tiie Best is none too good Try our Sherwin-Williams paints and V3 rm shes. There is none bet ten also We have a complete line of Cedar Flume Stock Building Material Builders' Hardware Cement, Lime, Wood, Coal, Posts W. A. MURCHIE Boardman, Oregon. ttiaKK :i!;!!,!,s!:!,i"ii' filed notice of Intention to make j ? nhree-year l'roor, to estaousn ciaim to the land above described, before C, G. Blayden, United States Com missioner, at Boardman. Ore., on the 13th day of May, 1924. Claimant names as witnesses: H H. Weston, W, O. King, Pay L. Brown, and Claude Ballenger, all of Boardman, Ore. J. W. DONNELLY, Register. ARLINGTON NATIONAL BANK I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $'. 5,000.00 7-11 FOB COUNTY .11 IN K To the Republican Voters of Morrow County: I hereby announce that I will be B candidate for the nomination for County Judge, at the primarv elec tion to be held May Ifi. 1924. Dur ing my present term, my policy has bflU to obtain efflcienev in public service, with economy and fairness If nominated and elected, I pledge the same In the future. WM. T. CAMPBELL, April 4 (Incumbent). OFFICERS A. Wheelliouse, Pres. S. A. Rossier, Vice-Pres.-H. M. Cox, Cashier Chas. F. Ctcwy. Ass't Cashier ARLINGTON OREGON .'..r.wv-Y-w;ie.- FOB COUNT' CGMMI8SIONER The Sigh way Ij . i O. H WARNER. Proprtttor Boardman, Oregon I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Commis sioner for Morrow county subject to the will of the Republican voters at the coming primary election to be i held on the 16th day of Mav. 1024 ' m-ll 4. L. P. DAVIDSON. Read the home paper. Wholesome Home Cooking Best place to eat between The Dalles and Pendleton L