The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, April 11, 1924, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
U. S. Supreme Court Decides Against
Western Firms.
Events of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
Eight deaths In eastern Pennsyl
vania . were attributed to the flood.
Five others occurred at Kitzmlller,
Md., when an entire family was swept
down the Potomac river.
Senator Hale, republican, Maine, an
nounced Monday that he had been in
formed through the state department
that the British government had
agreed to modify its embargo on
American livestock caused by the out
break of the foot and mouth disease
in California.
Secretary Wilbur was advised Tues
day that Paymaster Ervine R. Brown
of Coronado, Cal., has been reported
missing from tho destroyer Somers
and an examination of his accounts
has disclosed a shortage of about
Eight masked men who opened fire
on a money car of the Bank of Hoche
laga, In Montreal, Que., Tuesday, es
caped with $142,288 after one of their
number and a bank employe had been
killed and another bank employe
slightly wounded.
Authorities are looking for the thief
wiio stole five tombstones from the
rear of the court house at El Centro,
Cal. Tho stones were shipped to El
Centro by the war department to be
uribd as markers on the graves of
world war veterans.
Tho death toll of the tornado that
struck Shawnee, Okla., Friday remain
ed at eight Tuesday, with threo per
sons suffering from serious injuries.
The loss is estimated at $750,000. Be
tween 160 and 175 homes wore dam
aged or destroyed.
More than 100,000 persons are walk
ing, it was estimated by Scranton,
Pa., authorities, as a result of tht
strike of BOO employes of tho Scranton
Railway company. Tho company's
lines between Forest City and Duryea,
including Scranton, were tied up.
A weapon partly like a shotgun and
partly like a pistol has been adopted
by tho Standard Oil company to com
bat robbers in Seattle, it wag an
nounced Tuesday. Bank messengers
and carriers of payrolls are expectod
to use the weapon here, it was said.
Only ono negro family remained
Tuesday in Dixie, a settlement on the
outskirts of Baton Rouge, La., where
Sheriff Day was Bhot and killed Sat
urday and where nine houses and one
church were burned Sunday. The
negro population of approximately 500
disappeared when a report was rerelv
ed that all of the settlement would be
John Ellis, the official hangman of
Oreat Britain, has resigned his Job,
but has not given any reason. For 23
years he has held the position, and
dozens of criminals, notorious and
otherwise, passed through his hands
to their doom, among whom were
Orlppen, Roger Casement and Edith
Thompson, tho last woman executed
In England.
Deaths In Toledo, Ohio, since Sun
day from drinking denatured alcohol
mounted to 12 lato Tuesday, when
Charles O Donnell, 55, Buffalo, N. Y.,
died at municipal hospital. O'Don
nell's death was the fifth today. Seven
men died Sunday and Monday. Half
a dozen were In hospitals suffering
from alcohol poisoning. Physicians ex
pect two to die.
enteral Krlch I.udendorf, master
strategist of the German army In the
world war, has been acquitted of the
charge of treason for the part he play
ed in the "boer garden" revolt at
Munich last November. It was a
popular verdict and in anticipation of
it great musses of flowers had bi-en
placed In front of the former German
first quartermaster-general and ono of
his co-defendants, Adolph Hitler.
Assurance that tho tax-reduction
bill would bo passed this session and
prediction that tho Boldler bonus bill
would be enacted Into law before con
gress adjourns was made Tuesday by
Chairman Snioot of the senate finance
committee, as loaders of both parties
and President Coolidgo centered at
tention on the legislative program
Senator Snioot told the senate the tax
bill probably would be ready for a
report to tho floor by Saturday.
Washington. D. C Shippers chaffc
ed higher rates for short hauls than
the published rates for longer hauls on
the same railroad and In the same
direction can only recover such actual
damages as they can prove, the su
preme court held Monday.
In an opinion by Justice McRey
nolds, it declarod the fact that the
rate for the longer haul was lower
than the rate for the shorter haul
would not of itself establish which of
the two was the unreasonable rate.
The question reached the court in
four cases. Threo came from the Pa
clfic coast, being brought against the
Portland Seed company and A. J. Par
rington, who won in the lower courts
The fourth case came from Minnesota
In all the cases the evidence show
ed that the railroads had in effect,
without the permission of the inter
state commerce commission, rates
which were higher for a short than
for a long haul. The shippers' es
sential charge was "that the carrier
demanded and received greater com
pensation for transporting freight tor
a shorter distance than its published
rate for transportating like property
for a longer distance over the same
route ar.d in the same direction."
The shippers contended that under
the long and short haul clause the
lower published rate became the maxl
mum which the carrier could charge
notwithstanding the higher published
rate, and that any amount collected
above the rate for tho long haul
amounted to an illegal action, recov
erablo without other proof of actual
damage and without regard to the in
trinsic reasonableness of either rate
Pointing out that the shippers had
not asked an injunction against il
legal rates, the court said that it was
"an effort to secure something itself
(themselves) without proof of pecun
iary loss consequent upon the unlaw
ful act."
Congress has not given any ind
cation, the court said, of an intent
"that persons not injured might never
theless recover what would really be
a penalty, in addition to the penalty
payable to the government."
Indians Are Thrifty.
Washington, D. C Chief Eagle Calf
of the Glacier National Park reserva
tlon is one of the progressive mem
bers of his tribe who has helped mak
the Blackfeet famed with the Indian
department here as the most thrifty
farmers of their race.
These Indians cultivated so much
wheat on their lands that the United
States government built them a mill
to grind their flour. The Blackfeet
are self-supporting and no longer ac
cept rations from Uncle Sam's hands.
Oil has made some tribes rich and
Uncle Sam has endowed others for
their lands, but the Blackfeet are the
only Indians that really have "lifted"
themselves by their own mocassin
thongs the Indian records show.
New Appetizer Found.
St. Louis. Ethyl gasoline, a re-cently-diBcoverod
product of tho Gen
eral Motors corporation, will not only
i llminate all "knock" from high-compression
motors, but serves as an ex
I client appetizer for thoso who handle
It. according to Thomas Mldgely Jr.,
vice president of tho corporation, who
uddressed members of tho National
Petroleum Marketers' association at
the first day's session of their four
day convention hero Monday.
Persons handling tho fluid. Mid-
gely pointed out, after a preliminary
period of lassitude and depression
developed great appetites and often
gain in weight from 25 to 35 pounds.
Langley la Indicted.
Covington, Ky. John W. Langley.
Kentucky representative In congress,
was indicted by a federal grand Jury
here late Monday on threo counts.
charging conspiracy to withdraw, sell
and transport whiskey. The indict
ment also named M. E. Huth aud W.
11. Carry of Canton. (.. and Albert F
Slater, Htrrfra W. Brenner and Wil
liam K. Upsohultz, Philadelphia, the
latter three prohibition ofricials of
Evelyn Brent
on Radio, Mali Jongg
Sets Only New Levy.
Practically All Rate Schedules Have
Been Agreed Upon Soldiers'
Bonus in Limelight.
Washington, D. C. A last minute
attack on the revenue bill in an all
day session of the senate finance com
mittee Saturday brought changes in
the taxes on radio sets, lewelrv ami' nanasome Evelyn Brent, the "movie'
. ! star, who recently starred in fifteen
estates, and postponed a report of the Pcture, mad, in Kngnd jt not an
measure to the senate until next English girl. She was born in Tampa,
week. i began her screen career as an
extra in a prominent production. Be
The 10 per cent radio tax was Blade na a talented young woman she was
applicable to all sets and parts with-' oon given leads.
nllf pTPtnntlnTi oftni ha I ' O
. . v u ' lug MMU1UH I '
'A -I
1'. '.
earlier in the day had voted to in
crease from 15 to J50 the minimum
price of a set on which the tax would
be levied.
This and the 10 per cent tax on
mah jongg sets costing more than
15 are the only new taxes carried
by the bill. The taxes are levied
on the manufacturer. The radio tax,
Chairman Smoot declared, would not
result in an increase in the price of
tho sets and parts to consumers.
Just which parts would be taxed,
however, would be left to the juris
diction of the internal revenue bureau
as in the case of the tax on automobile
parts, Mr. Smoot said. He figured
tho tax would net about $10, 000,000,
pointing out, however, that no ac
curate estimates were available.
Practically all of the rate sched
ules now have been agreed .upon, Mr.
Smoot said.
Chairman Smoot said the soldier
Reflections of a
Bachelor Qirl
TVyfARRIAGE is the ultimate proof
r,i that "It is better to fib a little
than to be unhappy much," and most
women that It Is better to be deceived
half the time than to be lonely all of
the time.
The flavor of the lipstick is becom
ing almost as necessary to a kiss as
the boudoir scene to a popular comedy.
When a bald-headed man refuses to
employ a bobbed-haired girl, can't you
just picture Adam swallowing the Inst
morsel of the apple, and then gravely
reproving Eve for having taken the
first teeny bite?
A man may risk his life for a wom
an, for the sake of a finht- hut when
bonus bill passed by the house would he gives up his personal comfort or
tie taken up by the committee. Little one of his pet habits for her, It Is
time would be necessary for disposi purely for love's sake!
tion of this measure, he added, and
several republican members predicted Lots of manages last until death,
the bonus bill would be given preee-i slraply because tw Dysons decide
Anr. .v, . ., . . that it Is easier to stick together and
dence over the tax bill on the Roor .. ... .
, . suffer than to get a divorce and run
"f the senate. ,,, ,., ,,,,..
kiio nan wi uiuli jiii i. ; 1 1 1 .1 j ' ii i v till
mo uuu3B provision opening lax re- over again.
turns to inspection by congressional
committees was broadened by elimin
ation of a previous restriction voted
by the finance committee, making it
possible for the committees to make
public "any relevant or useful inform
ation" obtained in inspection of the
tax returns. The committee had pre
viously voted to allow congressional
commitlees to make public only the
names, addresses, amount of tax paid
and amount of refunds given of the
taxpayers whose returns were inspected.
Secretary Mellon's proposal to cut
out the house amendment increasing
the estate tax in favor of the present
rates wero agreed to definitely. The
committee had planned to keep the
present rates but apply them to dif
ferent brackets so that 112,000,000
additional revenue would be raised,
tho same as would have been gained
under tho house amendment.
It also was decided to limit articles
exempt from the 5 per cent jewelry
tax to thoso selling for less than $25
rather than thoso selling for $40 or
ess, as voted by the house. Musical
instruments, eye glasses and spec-
acles, which wero exempted by the
house from any tax under this section,
again wero made subject to the levy
and articles used In religious services
were exompt entirely.
Changes made in the bill will not
alter materially the estimate that it
will fall by about $50,000,000 of rais
ing sufficient revenue to meet estimat
ed expenditures of the government
next year, Chairman Smoot said. He
has predicted, however, that such a
deficit would be wiped out by an in-
roaso in revenue over that estimated
by tho treasury.
A woman is like a flower: to a poet,
something to rhapsodize over; to a
scientist, something to dissect ; to the
average man, just something to take
home and leave around the house.
The kiss of today is the hope of yes
terday, the regret of tomorrow, and
the flattering memory of all the days
(Coyprlght. by Helen Rowland.)
"How much shall wo sue him for
In that breach of promise suit, $20,
000?" "No. Tou had belter make It
$10,000. He might change his
The Romance of Word
Spokane Deposits Grow.
Spokane, Wash.- An increase In de
posits of nearly $3,000,000 is shown
by Spokane banks during tho last 12
months, according to figures made
public here Monday In connection with
tho call of the controller of the cur
rency. Total deposits in local banks
March 31 were $52,572,716; cash due
from other banks. $11,048,146; loans
and discounts, $41,323,682; surplus
und undivided profits, $2,156,209.
Radio Monopoly is Hit.
Washington, D. C. A bill designed
to prevent a monopoly of radio com
munication was passed Monday by
the senate. It declares the air to be
the "Inalienable possession of the peo
ple" and prohibits licenses extending
more than two years.
Belgian Steamer Sinks.
Antwerp. The American steamer
WeBt Insklp, a 6500-ton freighter from
Baltimore and Norfolk. March 20. for
Rotterdam nnd Antwerp, collided in
the river Scheldt Saturday with the
Belgian steamer Slerre Grande of
2291 gross tons, tho Belgian vessel
being so badly damaged that she sank
in the channel. Her crew was sav
ed. The damage to the American ves
sel has not been reported.
WHILE the English or An- $
glo-Saxon "necktie" Is far Y
more generally used In this
country than the French
vat," the latter has a history
Not Consistent.
Bashful Boy "Sir, Jane and I hare
decided that our happiness is the big
gest thing in the world." Father
"You change your mind so often just
yesterday you wanted to marry her!"
era- X
more striking than could be at- J,
trlbuted to the combination of y
the two mono-syllabic words X
"neck" and "tie." J
The cravat Is so-called from n A
famous French regiment of light Y
horse, named "The Royal Cru A
t 1 o
viues, uecuusf iney were hi
tlred in the fashion of an Aus
trian province who made up a
large portion of the Austrian
army. In 1630, the French regi
ment bearing this name was In
uniform in lmltution of the
Croatian troops, precisely as
the Zouaves of a later day took
their name and their uniform
from s savage tribe in South
Africa and when the neckties
worn by these troops became
fashionable In civil as well as
In military life, the name of the
regiment was given to the tie.
The regiment has long since
disappeared from the roster of
the French army, but the name
persists, even In English, as a
reminder of the Austrisn troops
who first wore this style of neck
t$ by WhMlir Syndic!. Inc.)
Eggs for shipment should be packed
la new standard thirty-dozen cases
with new fillers and flats and six
excelsior pads. The fillers should
weigh not less than 3V4 pounds to the
set No claim for breakage will be
paid by the express company for eggs
packed In second-hand brown tillers.
Careful grading, good fillers and good
cases will pay. Most breakage is due
to the use of bad fillers and poor pack
ing. The use of excelsior pads has
reduced breakage 75 per cent.
In packing the eggs first place an
excelsior pad in the bottom of the
case, then place a filler on this. It
will be noted in the honeycomb fillers
that two opposite sides of the walls
surrounding the eggs are firm and the
other two opposite sides are flexible.
The sides of the filler that are flexible
should run parallel to the sides of the
case. This lessens chance for break
age on the cars, since the egg cases
are plied In the cars with the sides of
the cases parallel to the sides of the
car. This method allows the firm part
of the filler to hold eggs against the
sudden Jars caused by stopping and
starting of the train. Place the eggs
In this filler with the small ends down,
imbedding themselves In the excelsior
pad. On top of the first layer of eggs
place a flat followed by a filler, again
placing eggs small ends down. Pack
the third and fourth layers the same
as the second. Directly on the fourth
layer place another excelsior pad,
packing the fifth layer of eggs directly
on this pad. In the same manner as
the first layer. On this top layer place
another excelsior pad. The cover
should be nailed on with five three
penny large-headed nails at each end,
but none In the middle. This leaves
a bulge in the center of the case that
absorbs shocks, yet holding the con
tents firmly.
At each end of the case place a tag
bearing shipper's and receiver's address.
Physician and Surgeon
Physician and Surgeon
Fraternal Building
Stanfield, Oregon
Dental X-ray and Diagnosis
Bank Building
Phones: Offlee 93. Residence 751,
Newton Painless Dentists
Dr. H. A. Newton, Mgr.
Cor. Main and Webb Sts. Pendleton
Turkey Success Depends
Greatly on Free Range
"Turkeys cannot be raised in brood
ers nor in the back yard with chick
ens," says H. B. Landsen of the Uni
versity of Arkansas extension service.
"Turkey hens are more successful with
young turkeys than are chicken hens.
Let them forage all tliey wish. They
require some wild variety of feed
which they find when at liberty.
"The dread disease known as black
head destroys more than 60 per cent
of all turkeys hatched," says Land
sen. "The only preventive and rem
edy that has been discovered so far
Is ipecac. As a preventive, begin with
the turkeys when they are two or three
weeks old, giving a teaspoonful of
powdered Ipecac to each unit of ten
turkeys, twice a week, until they are
ten weeks old. Those visibly sick may
be treated fairly successfully with Ave
drops of tincture ipecac three times a
day, but sick birds should be re
moved from the flock while being
Several Kinds of Feed
Good for Laying Fowls
"To feed nothing but whole grain
Is one of the common mistakes In
poultry feeding," says Prof. L. E. Card,
University of Illinois. "A complete
ration for laying hens must contain
not only scratch feed, or whole grain,
but also ground feeds, animal protein,
green feed, mineral feed, and water.
The omission of any one of these Is
certain to result In lower production
than would otherwise be possible.
When hens can be allowed to range,
especially during the spring and sum
mer months, they obtain a variety of
feeds for themselves. During the win
ter, however, when there is little to
be picked up. rare must be taken to
supply everything needed.
Umatilla Pharmacy I
W. E. Smith, Prop.
Mail orders given special atten
tion. Quick Service
Satisfaction QuaranUsed
Umatilla, Oregon
When the chickens sneeze, look for
germs, not fleas.
Hash is all right, but "slop" should
never be tolerated.
The best hens In the turkey flock
should be kept as breeders.
In cases of soft crop, a gill of strong
vinegar In a quart of drinking water
is recommended.
Almost any kind of Utter Is good
so long as It is clean and dry ; but
don't let the fowls work in damp
scratching material.
Select breeders that are nearest
standard of perfection and have
health, vigor and egg-laying capacity
The hen has not yet been Invented
that can make eggs without shell ma
terial to work on. Oyster shell or
broken limestone will supply the
The csuse of roup, colds, and chick
enpox Is often traceable to damp, un
clean Utter. A bale of musty straw
used as litter has often caused the
dee ti of nana.
206 E. Court Street
Electrical Fixtures and
X Electric Contracting X
X Eat and Drink
i E. J. McKNEELY, Prop.
Pendleton, Oregon
Only the Best Foods Served
X Fancy Ice Creams
f Furnished Rooms over Cafe
X Juick Service Lunch Counter T
Y In connection with Dining room X
X v,, Mri 1
X " nig man ihtc
We Specialize in
Take that next job to your
Home Printer
n. X. Stanfield, President.
Frank Sloan, 1st Vice-Pres.
M. n. Ling, 2nd Vice-Pres.
Balph A. Holte, Cosliier
Bank of
! Stanfield
Capital Stock and
Four Per Cent Interest t
ram on Time Certifi
cates of Deposit