fat son E s eh ?J VOLUME IV BOARDMAN, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1924 NUMBER 8 $;5U,00,0(0 APPROPRIATED TO OREGON DURING THH PAST SEVEN YEARS More than $2, 000, 000 in feder al appropriations and authorisations for the development of Oregon's re sources and industries have been secured for Oregon during the sev en years that Senator Charles L. McNary has been in the United States Senate. This slupendous amount, $32, 024,387 to be exact, lias been gain ed largely through the perseverance and influence of Senntor McNary by virtue of his powerful positions with major committees of the Senate, his standing with the administration and the leaders in constructive leg islation; and, by reason of this pres tige, gained in recognition of his ability, fitness and close application to duty, he is now In position to se cure even greater service for Ore gon in the future. How .Money is Expended Of the aggregate appropriations secured for the benefit of Owgon: $9,005, 7.i!2 -is obtained Tor the improvement of the rivers and har bors Of .the state. $250,000 for the survey and pre liminary work in connection with the establishment of a submarine and destroyer naval base on thr lower Columbia river. $8,0-3,000 was procured for it rigation and reclamation. $100.i M for the survey of the Col umbia . ; in project and $50,000 for the survey of the Umatilla Rap Ids power project. $7,329,329 federal aid for tin construction of roads and highways $.1,805,828 for forest roads ano trails. $2,722,408 federal aid for post roads in the National Forests. Besides these major items he hat secued appropriations of $ 50,00 f for airplane service in the pro tec ticn of the forests from fire and di vers sums, amounting to thousand of dollar'-, for establishing a gov ernment frost station for the Rogu River Valey and Southern Oregon broadcasting of daily weather, mar ket and crop reports to the farmen expert investigation into the broc coli, cranberry, walnut and filbert and fruit Industries in order tlx' the Oregon producer may get hi products to market in competltlo with other states and countries. Appi-opriat Ions utiiori.ecl As chairman of the Senate Com mtttee on Irrigation and Reclams tlon, Senator McNary has secure authorization for expenditures o Oregon projects for the fiscal yea 1924-1925: $940,000 for continued construe tion jf the McKay Dam and Umatil la irrigation project. $695,000 for continued construe tion of the Klamath project. Only New Projects Since War Notwithstanding the strict em bargo placed by Congress and th Department of the Interior upoi federal aid for new projects and fo; the curtailment of expenditures fe the benefit of existing enterprises the appropriations procured fo; Oregon industries have steadily in creased since 1917, when Senato McNary took his seat in the Senat In 1921 he secured $400,000 foi the survey of the Deschutes irrlga tion project in Jefferson county; I) 1922 he secured $100,000 for th survey of the Baker Irrigation pro ject, and, during the present sec sion of Congress he secured an an proprbtlon of $500,000 for the de velopment of the Baker project. This is the only new irrigation pre ject that has been recognized and established in any state since tin war. THICK CREAM is BENEFIT TO FARM AND FACTOR "The adavntages of thick cream are mutual to the farmer and th' manufacturer," said B. D. Chappell, professor of dairy manufacturing. "Crram separators, if properly op erated skim thick cream as effici ently as they will cream with a smaller amount of butter-fat." Thick cream has a lower percent age of milk serum than thin creav and becaUM of this does not spoil as Quickly. This may be taken ad vantage of by the farmer who can not bring his cream to the cream ery very often. According to Profes sor Chappell, proper souring of thr cream is not objectionable, but whi n it is soured at random unde ' Rlrable odors and over-ripening nay occur, resulting in poor quality but ter. Thick cream bring lighter than thin cream lessens the "express charges for the farmer and reduces the bulk for the creameryman te handle. As manager of the O. A. C cr- amery, Professor Chappell has found that thick cream pasteurize? more efficiently, and larger amountr of starter may be used, which aid in controlling the flavor of the but ter. The containers used are reduc ed in size and numbers, making les? work sterilizing and washing ther.t "For proper churning, the cream should not be less than 30 per cen butter-fat," declared Professot Chappell. "When the cream reach. the creamery It should be in sue! condition that it can be handled t the heat advantage and churned ex haustively. These conditions are all Important in making the farm dair;. profitable." NSW FOOTBALL MENTOR MEANS NEW STYLE PI. AY OREGON RECEIVES MORti THAN NEIGHBOR STATES Corvallls A style of football new to the west will come in with the advent of tlie new coach, Paul J. Schlissler of Lombard college, at O. A. C. The new mentor is a dis ciple of tile mighty Knute Rockne, and ures the balanced line, huddle signals and screenfd attack, mado fatuous by Notre Dime. j fbU style of play has been used j iy Sch&sler for three years at Lom bard, a small; institution register- ing fomc 150 men. From this meag- j it grotyn the new coach built up terms thr.t played most of the small ' olloges and some of the big ones or a total of 24 games, winning 22. yii g Detroit and Wising to Notre Dame. His teams rolled -jp a toial i' 8flA points against H9 for all con tenders. The Notre Dame score .vas 14 to 0. Sehi. L-lcr will coach varsity foot uill'and help with other intorroi ggiate and all intramural sports. Fo i igned a three-year contract at a algry of $5500 the first year and 5'JCOQ thereafter, which will bo paid y student fees and admission Iiarges. The aim mi will assist in Direction f the work of physical iueruon for men will be scgregat- .1 and given to 7. A. Kenrns, di cier of recreation extension a' Oakland, Cal. K earns will have targe of all work in physical edu .itien for men - h tercollegiate and rtramural athletic and gymansium The new director is widely known eatlon work in peace and war met), lie is a trained official of ootball games and other sports and ficiated at the hist game the col go played against the University 'f California under Coach Joe Pi- xil. TOLLING OF FARM FLOCK IS ISIG STEP TO SUCCESS Salem, Oregon With "lax re- duetion, farm relief, law enforce-! ment, and Oregon development" as his campaign slogan, U tiled with the declaration of nomination in prmary. Maj lited States Nary today of state liia y for rn Rt pub'.can Senator McNary s conipletolng his I seventh year in the senate, and dur j ing his term of office ha3 acconip I Itched more for Oregon than any senator' in its history- In fart United States Senaior i Ceorge H. Moses. Republican laad j er in the senate from New Hamp shire declares that Senator NrNrry "has ammocpflsh'ed more d;t:-ing his I tenure in office than any westerh senator." Since Senator McNary entered the j senate Oregon has r pristions from the f tating the giant su FARM POINTERS (From o. a. c. Experiment Sta tion. ) Germination tests of seed corn grown on the farm are being made vow before the pirn ting season is at hand. Knowing the germinating percentage of the sscd will help in obtaining a full stand oe com It t. essential that eed rorn which Is purchased be of good variety and high germination. Virnwota IS is recommended by the farm crop-! de partment at O. A. C. an Icty for western On gon. DoU var or rod appro nment to-10,789,819. Improvement of the farm flock y culling is one of the longest tops to succes.-- In the business his, associated with intelligent ire, mould be considered by every 'Veep owner. In culling there arc several tiling: 'iat must be considered. ' It should Tst be remembered that about two hlrds of the return from an ewe , nines from the lu.)4b croii and one Srd from the wool. The ewe can roduce a good crop of both in n ear. Site is not likely to produce as uch wool together with the lamb op as she will without the lamb. As the lamb crop gives the most turn it is given the first consider ion when culling. A good type is .ost desirable. It is desirable to culi it the ewes with weak backs oi ,3dle backs. Kv.es with long legs, shallow bo - and weak constitution are off p end are not good lamb getters "ndcrshot and ovr rshot mouths are ndeslrahle from the standpoint of lod feeding ability and it is best 0 get them out of the flock. When it cornea to wool production 1 sheep that prcduce light, frousy "ool, lacking in density, or tho- irodttcing wool with too much vari tion in the size of fibers should In emoved from the flock. Fine wool sheep that produc -titclus of black wool on any par: if the body, also those producing i. J hairs should be culled. Kemj 1 usually found ctound the face I r legs and th'ghs. F.y culling the flock on this basis nd mating the eves saved with e am that confbtaes good type and icavy fleece, the farmer soon in reasi the average return of hir lock. ;.Pl-;i?lMKNT STATION NOTES (Fe-,1 More liny If every farm on the project had a sign painted on the front gate: "No Fay For Srle" the result: would come nearer solving oui problems than any other one factor ouid possibly exert. intveraity of Oregon Helping in l-ii! ItoWnl i -eitest University of Oregon The Uni-,-erslty of Oregon, school of journal am is working with the Oregon tate Editorial association and the VeEOciated Industries of Oregon in the promotion of a contest for the est editorial or article published In my Oregon newspaper on the bene ts of patronising Oregon industries nd hometown merchants. Dan C. 'reeman. of Portland, manager of he Associated Industries, U offer ng a prizi of $100, and the winner ill be announced at the state edit rial convention at Tillamook next 'uly. The committee in charge of he contest is: Hal E. Hoss, presi lent of the Oregon State Editorial Sam :.tion; George S. Turnbull, of the school of journalism faculty, nd Mr. Freeman. Political Notice I her:-by announce myself as a Republican candidate for Joint Rep--esontative for Umatilla and Mor--ow counties in the coming I'rim iry Election, subject to th will of 'he Republican voters in such coun ties. WILLIAM B. BARRATT. It has received' $9,255,702 for it3 river.; and harbors, which is $0,506, 2J8 mere than Washington received and $59,017 more than California received during the corresponding It has received $9,808,000 for its reclamation and power projects, which whsn reduced to an irrigable area basis is approximately $47 per acre for Oregon, which is $25 .per acre mere than Idaho received. Per acre more than Washington re ceiyed, and $1 ! per acre more than It received $11,138,107 for its tiuHi' roads, forest roads ?nd trails vhich Is $1,091,254 more (ban Washington received, and $1,350, 9(!2 more (ban Idaho received. In addition Ort gon received dur- i ing the seven years Senator McNary has been in the senate an appropri ation of $507. nop for agricultural relief, $50,000 for an aeroplane ' service for forest protection, and $30,000 for the extermination of! pine beetle. Within the last few days Senator McNary also has been successful in passing in the sena'e his bill appro-! printing $50,000 for a forest experi ment station to be located in Ore gon. During his term in office Senator McNary ha done more for the ag ricultural, horticultural, and live stock interests than any man in the senate. As a leader in the tariff bloc he secured a protective tariff on farm products including eggs, prunes, walnuts, filberts. meras ''hiiio cherries, cream, butter, but ter substitutes, cheese, cheese sub stitute's and other commodities. He secured appropriations for experts o make a study of the walnut, pear, apple and brocolli and cranberry in dustries, appropriations for frost -tations. and broadcasting of mar ket reports. He secured an amend ment to (he war finance act author izing the advan"'5rient of funds to the farmers and livestock men so tlat they could carry their products! tintil they could be sold. He also drafted, introduced, and is now j championing the McNary-Haugen j bill. He has introduced and has pond- : ing a bill to perpetuate the country's forest resources, and Which Will ma terially reduce taxes by doubling the stale's revenue from the sale of j timber from its national forests. Potato scab and Thi o tonia are controllable by treating the potato seed with corrosive sublimate pre vious to planting. The stock sol ution Is four ouncer of eorrosvtrs ublimate dissolved In one "allon of hot water. Adding 29 ga.lion3 of water make? up the rtandard dip ring solution. The recd is soaktd from one ai d one-half to two hour The solution may be ued as long as It Is clear, usually for fi,-e or six treatments. Wood or earthen ves sels are usually used as container., for the solution. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalies, Oregon. March 11. 1H2 4. NOTICE is hereby given tha! Victor Rletmamn, of lone, Oregon, who on October 28, 19 20. made Homestead Entry No 022002, for .'it iti 3cction :s . . 4QWAnlp .:. North. Range 2w EasJL Willamette Meridian, has filed notice at Inten tion to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land abov described, before Gay M. Anderson, luit.d States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 24th day of April. 1924. Claimant mames as witnesses: Claude Finley, of Lexington, Ore., George Forger, of lone, Ore.; Wer ner Rlelmann, of lone, Ore.; F Krause, of Echo, Ore. J. W. DONNELLY, Register. A. H. SWITZER ATTORNEY AT LAW Arlington, Oregon For County .lu,:ge To the Republican voters of Mor row county: 1 hereby announce my self a candidate for the nomination at your hands for the office of Coun ty Judge at the primary election in May, 1924. My experience of many years as county commissioner makes iae conversant with th duties ot Fe office I seek, atd I nm -:aii ii predate your support st the pri mary and for all past favors, 1 thank you kindly. iti G. A. BLEAKMAN, Hardman. WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORN EYK-AT4M Ml Heppner, Oregon. Or. gon livesto ck DwnoS are learning the value of growing their own feed as largely as p)3SiMo. This 'cans more barley in most coun ties, more alfalfa, clover, peas, v. tch and permanent pasture in westarn Oregon, Doubling the corn acreage v ill cut out the annual importation of 1500 to 2000 car-? of cora, and vastly reduce the purchase of mix ed feeds. These are tome of the im portant changes in farm practices advocated by the college farm crops department. S. E. NOTSON A T T O it X H V - A 1 - I. A w Otilce In Fourt House itBFPNBR - OREGON OOMM UNITY t'HFitt II SMRVIOF Ever KUIiAtt)' cigarettes Suilday School 10:30 a. in. Church Service .. t I in Christian L'.deavor 7: SO S. m All are welcome. REV, B, s. HUGHES, Paste. ONE ELEVEN BLISTER RUST A MENACE TO THE WESTERN TIMBER Freat investments la tha lumber industry, the means of making a living bv thQUSftrtds of mpti', and the unequaled beauty of the western forests these are endargerer1 by the appearance In the West of the white pine blister rust, according to a ew United States Department of, grlculturo motion pleture, "BHst-r Rust A Menace to Western Tim ber." The film is In two reels. It sl-owr the progress of the blister rust fro :u Eurote to America, its snread in ths forests of the Northeastern Statei, 1 and the destruction it wrought there and finally Its ani ' aran-e in Rrit ish Columbia, and !at"r In Wash ington State. Attention is 'centered on the destruction of black currant' as the most practleahle control mea sure, together with observance of the Quarantine regulations forbid -din:; Shipments of carriers of the disease from west of the Mississippi River. Some of the big lumbering opera tions and lumber mills of the West, together wiih some of the most wonderful scenery on this continent are seen in the film, which Is a con tribution to the Department of Ag riculture's educational film service from the Bureau of Plant Industry, Th film will b circulated through the educational film service of the Department of Agriculture and the cenperatlng state Institu tions. Copies may be borrowed for short perioe'i. the only cost being for transportation, or may be houg'i' by autorized institutions at the lah oratory charge. TO TRAD:- -FOR IRRIGATION ranch. 71 acres firm River Rot torn land In high state of cultiva tion on T'ock road. V4 mile to school, l'j miles to Cooperative cannery. W A. Fruvanhower. Rt. 1 Dayton, Ore. A NATION-WIDE , Jnl mm ( i institution m m m & m l m & lis WW l. l-j w-f n Kv.-iu iari ikjff mil trss5?, v.,-n saaiw c7t corfia rnted. &Esr 475 DEPARTMENT STORES 820 MAIN STREET. PENDLETON, OREGON EASTER In Un AM.El usual Displays We have assenibled an unusually interesting presentation of ap parel for Easter wear and the warm season to follow. You will find that an immediate inspection will suggest to you a satisfying selection of an outfit at a considerable saving of money. Also accessories, so import ant to the ideal outfit, may be chosen from our complete stocks. Well Corseted Means Much! The stylish appearance ol a new gown depends ii ti the figure being well cor seted. We can very heartily recommend Lady-Lvlce Cor set! lor they are made un der our own specifications. There are no better fitting nor more comfortable and serviceable corsets made. Aak to Have Lady-Lyke Corsets Shown to You They may be had in a number of distinctive mod els at different moderate prices but we especially call your attention to those priced only $1.98 Spring Hats Attractively Styled wmL IF Women's Dresses for street and afternoon wear, displaying the newest Spring colorings, Self trim adds a new style featun while other attractive trimmings are of laces and em broidery in -lt and contrasting colrjrs. Canton crepe Hat ecpes, latin Canton, Roshanara and novelty silks Sizes for women and misses. $10.90 to $44.75 j Choose from these new Hats oi straw, silk and bratd in all the newest colorings and shapes, which are in cluded in an interesting dis play at our low price of $4.98