The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, April 04, 1924, Image 4

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    The Boardman Mirror
Boardman, Oregon
Entered as second-class matter Feb
11, 1921, at the poHtofflce at Hoard
man. Ore., under act of Mar. 3, 1879
J. C. Ballenger and family were
Wasco visitors Tuesday.
Nate Macomber and wife motor
ed to Arlington Thursday on business.
George Agee was a guest at the
V. F. Klitz home for dinner Sunday.
E. T. Messenger and Jess Allen
left Thursday on No. 1, for Sacra
mento on business.
Leo Root and wife went to Herm
iston Sunday to visit the former's
brother who Is now located there.
Boardman Utellem
Edited by the High School Students
EDITOR, Zoe Hadley, '24 Ass't. Editor, Edward McClellan7 '25
Joke Editor, Alton Klitz, '24
The baseball game between Arl
ington and Boardman last Friday,
was a great success. The boys of
both teams were sure good sports
or they wouldn't have played in
such a storm.
On account of the terrible wind errors, 7.
and sand storm they only iplayed I Arlington
seven innings, ending with a score rors, 9.
of 8 to 6, in Boardman's favor. I The score by innings.
If our boys can win a game on I 1234567
a day like they won this one, we B. H. S. 0 1 3 0 2 0 2
aren't afraid but what they can A. H. S. 2 0 0 2 0 0 2
win all the rest. j The lineup:
R. Mefford, rf.; J. Howell
Boardman high school went Into
the game last Friday with a crip
pled lineup and a windy day but
came out on top of a 8 to 6 score.
The box score of the game:
Boardman Runs, 8; hits, 12;
-Runs, 6; hits, 9; er-
8 9 T.
Mr. and Mrs. Slago of Pilot
Bock visited at the Nate Macomh-
efn on their way home after a trip i delivered speeches at the meeting.
to Portland.
Mr. Mulkey, Helen Boardman, Ayers, 3b.; E. McClellan, 2b.; E.
and Norma Gibbons accompanied , Olson, ss.; R. Dempsey, c. A. Bailey,
Mr. Boardman to De Moss Springs, I lb-; H. Wicklander, cf.; A. Klitz,
Sherman countiy, Friday. The ' P-
occasion of this journey was a mass
meeting for the school children ofj Tne nuraery at the north end of
that county who are to begin a tree! tne scn0ol building will render
planting campaign fur the benefit of; planting much easier in future
that section. Many prominent j years as treea can De transferred
citizens of other counties were pres- wrierever needed
ent with a view to taking up the en- '
I Marjorie and Richard Peterson
terprise in their own communities.
Boardman school presented seeds
and trees, and its representatives
Mrs. Frank Cramer and son, Earl,
Were dinner guests at the Glen
iladley home Sunday.
The Auxiliary sent eight jars of
fruit and a number of cookies to the
hospital for disabled soldiers in
Portland the last of the week.
Mr. Andrew Andreg and son,
Charles, were guests at the Paler
home on Sunday evening, for din
ner. I 1 '4 . 1
B. S. Kingsley was In town Fri
day on his way to Boise, Idaho, on
'business. lie makes his home in
'J'orlland now.
Dorothy Boardman returned Sun
day to her work at Wilamette Uni
versity after a ten-days' vacation
with her parents.
George Mitchell returned lust
week from Hermiston where hp
Kent lo have the stitches taken In
his leg after his injury whe,n un
loading pipes.
Mrs. J. H. Johnson of Wasco and
(daughter and Mrs. 1. W. Michael
and baby of Portland were over
night visitors at the J R. Johnson
homo last week.
t'.eo Wicklander and family left
'Sunday for Salem where they will
make their home. They have been
farming the Barnes' place the past
Jack Gorham and wife left for
J'endleton Sunday on No. 18. Mr.
G orham returned Monday. Little
Janet Is staying with her grand
parents during her mother's absence.
Sunday the Boardman baseball
team plnyed with tin- Mutter Creek
t-am and the home team was vic
torious, winning 11 10 7, as the
score. The local team will play al
tone Sunday.
Leslie Williamson and family left
fl'hursilay for Estucado lo make
tLclr home They have lived on
the Dale Albright ranch for (he past
yaar. All of the East End friends
hate to see them leave.
Tree planting this spring has
been a good success. Every class
with the exception of the three low
er classes in high school have
planted a tree. We know of course,
that they will surprise us and plant
several later on.
of the first grade and Dorothy Pet
erson of the second grade, have left
us, and when Dale Cox who is also
going to Irrigon, and Majorie Al
bright, who is going to Portland,
leave us, our number will have di-
( minished greatly.
Ora Akin, a member of the elghih
grade, who entered school here in
January left last Wednesday for
Tier home in Washington.
The good news was received Wed-j
nesday morning that the mutts, who,
have waited so long for a party,'
were going to be entertained. We!
Parable of .lohab
are all looking forward in hope
that we will have a good time.
Jobab goeth to college.
Now it came to pass that Jobab.
son of Alumnus, set upon an ark
and did journey into far lands.
Mrs. Vanbusklrk and brother, of And strange were the manners
Amity, Oregon, paid a visit to Miss and customs of those who dwelt in
Marvin while on their way to Walla those far lands.
Walla last week. And Jobab took upon himself a
I color green and basted.
Lives of bookworms all remind us,j (To be continued.)
That we too, could get good
marks. The second grade has finished its
And departing, leave behind us,
Statues in the public parks.
; two method readers and have start
1 ed on a supplementary reader.
,just back of the
en 1 .
Boardman Trad-
Mr. Dougherty from
ing Co. store. Jay Cox and family land Chamber of Commerce was in
moved over to the Cramer house in
(lie next corner. Mr. Gagallia is the
section foreman on this section. ;
Mrs. Dale Albright left on No. 23
Wednesday night for Portland, tak-
Boardman Thursday and Saturday.
He is in charge of the land settle
ment work of the Portland chamber
and was here to get listings of the
places for sale or parts of places,
lie strongly advocated the cutting
t&g the boys with her. Margerle is up of the ranches into smaller
staying at the Macomber home .tracts. Because of his short stay
during her mother's absence. J lie did not have time to get the list-
j tiigs but has left a number of
Dale Albright left Wednesday for blanks with J. C. Ballenger and W.
Portland. He will return soon and A. Goodwin and anyone desiring to
get his family and they will make list their places with this source
Portland their home for a lime, may get information from the above
Mr. Albright was given a liO day to named This is part of the $300,
six months' leave of absence from 000 program which Is to be carried
his work as signal malnlainer. Mr. out by the Portland Chamber of
Wilson of The Dalles, has been sent , Commerce in advertising the state
up to take his place and he expects J,n the next two years.
Ip move his family here shortly.
f A local institute was held
Boardman is smiling over an
April Fool's prank which some of'
the young fry played on the mer-
chant Tuesday. Going In the differ-
ent places they asked for two-bits'!
worth of candy. On receiving the
candy they laid down two augox
Saturday at the school with about
30 in attendance. Superintendent J.
. Churchill, of Salem, spoke to the
teachers In the mornLng about their
work and In the afternoon spoke
about the County Unit plan, which
Is to be voted 0,11 in May. As we un-
blts and ran. Some of the merchants derstand the County 1'nit plan, it
appreciated the "sell" but othefs
didn't and forced the jokers to give
bark their ill gotten gains. All who
heard of it however, laughed heart-
puts school affairs in Ihe hands of
five commissioners, who are elected
f n the people from five different
zones in the county. These eomniis-
y over the affair.
A number of the relatives and
friends on the east end planned a
pleasant surprise on Mr. Schuell in
honor of his birthday last week.
veryone had a splendid time ami
Uie evening passed rapidly wlih fr dinner
games and ever) one enjoyed the re
The Herelms celebrated
seventh wedding anniversary
punday, having Nick Paler
wife and Miss Myrtle McNeil.
C. HaV.enger and family as guests : have
shiners to appoint a superintendent,
'who will do the actual work of siyp
t heir ' -ervlslng schools, selecting teachers,
last! tc. There will still be three direc
aiidjtrs in each district, who will look
indJ., after the school building, hut who
no power to elect teachers,
The Gorhnms.
Mr and Mrs. Chaffee drove to
lie Dalles Sunday to nee A r 1 h 11 1-
ho had an operation for append!
have alwa.ts been guests at the an
nual dinner, were unable to he pres- i
ent this year.
The Ladies Aid met Wednesday
afternoon with ten present. Plansi
deride the amount of taxes neces
sary for the school or such things.
,as they now have power to do.
These five commissioners are to re
ceive only necessary traveling ex
penses As Mr Churchill explained
For a time fears won, held , . .T"" "",'s""n '" """
, - L ', r me r.asicr vtmlnly wlll bt managed on exactly
..... " e 1 geuing WM(oh wtll , April 12th at the
, r IO ,,ank bu,Mto Work, a few
uai this. aprons and cooked food will be
t 1 sold. As ma.ny of the Ladies' Aid
The Odd Fellows gave a farewell mmWrs who pORslbly can rt k.
.-r, ,or i.oorge VMeklajMder and ,,d u, oontr,ut fo,v, for ,
mnmy who are leaving this week to
make their home In the Valley. Mr.
Wicklander has been an active
member of this lodge since Its or
ganization. Everyone had a Jolly
Unie and all present tin joyed the
oyster supper.
Mr and Mrs. Nick Gagallia and
the same plan as the city school dis
tricts of the state are now managed
The high schools of the county will
till he cared for by the school
board as under the present plan,
ttance we will have a separate
sr ill 1111:1 II I II I 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 IT U 1 lull-
deficit of twenty dollars yyas paid , at.ompntlt Aft.. ,, ,hp
matter for several days, personalty
we do not approve the ylan. Would
The school is normal in attend
ance again, after the loss of so
much time on account of sickness.
New pupils just entered in the'
primary room from the Boardman
nchool, are Richard, Dorothy and
Marjorie Peterson.
A baseball game between both
the girls' and boys teams of Irrigon
and the Umatilla school is sched
uled for Friday afternoon of
All the teachers have been re
elected for next year. The interme
diate teacher will not arcept and
Mrs. Barker of Meacham was elect
ed in her place.
The high school play, "Parlor
Matches," is being rehearsed and
'will be given in the auditorium on
Saturday evening, April 19. The
price of admission will be reasonable.
Miss Marjorie Smith, state agent,
assisted by several ladles of Irrigon,
served chowder as a hot lunch to
the children at the noon hour on
Wednesday of this week.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
March 11, 1924.
NOTICE is hereby given thai
Victor Ilietmann, of lone, Oregon,
who on October 28, 1920, made
Homestead Entry No. 022002, for
all of Section 28, Township 3,
North, Range 2fi East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make three-year proof, to
establish claim to the land above
described, before Gay M. Anderson,
United States Commissioner, at
Heppner, Oregon, on the 24th day
of Apr H, 1924.
Claimant ;names as witnesses:
Claude Finley, of Lexington, Ore.,
C-orge Gorger, of lone, Ore.; Wer
ner Etletmann, of lone, Ore.; F.
Krause, of Echo, Ore.
J. W. DONNELLY, Register.
Political Notice
To the Republican voters of Mor
row county: I hereby announce that
I will be a candidate for the nomina
tion of County Clerk at the Primary
Election to be held May 16, 1924.
4tf (Incumbent.)
Arlington, Oregon
Office In Court House
Heppner, Oregon.
I Popular Priced, Modish 1
I Millinery
I at
! Cox Millinery
The teachers attended the dis
trict teachers' Institute at Board
man last Saturday. State Superin
tendent Churchill was present and
gave a very fine inspirational taJk
to the teachers upon the "Measure
ment of a Teacher." He also spoke
tn favor of the County Unit plan of
taxation and administration.
Be sure to feed good buttermilk
or sour skim milk. Many chicks arc
ruined each year by feeding milk in
which there is washing soda or son
other form of neutralizes
Department of the Interior, U. S
Land Office at The Dalles, Ore.
April 1, 1924.
NOTICE is hereby given that Am
brose C. Partlow, by T. E. Broyles,
mortgagee, of Boardman. Ore., who,
on April 4, 1919, made Homestead
JEntry, No. 020541, for WE
SE1, being Unit "B" Umatilla Pro
ject, Sec. 14, Township 4, N. Range
25, East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
llhree-year Proof, to establish claim
to, the land above described, before
C. G. Blayden, United States Com
missioner, at Boardman, Ore., on
the 13th day of May, 1924.
Claimant names as witnesses:
H H. Weston, W. O. King, Ray
L. Drown, and Claude Ballenger, all
of Boardman, Ore.
Tn the Republican Voters of
Morrow County:
I hereby announce that I will be
a candidate for the nomination for
County Judge, at the primary elec
tion to be held May lfi. 1984. Dur
ing my present term, my policy has
been to obtain efficiency in public
service, with economy and fairness.
If nominated and elected, I
pledge the same in the future.
April 4 (Incumbent).
For County Juage
To the Republican voters of Mor
row county: I hereby announce my
self a candidate for the nomination
at your hands lor the office of Coun
ty Judge at the primary election in
May, 1924, My experience of many
years as county commissioner makes
me conversant with the duties of the
office I seek, and I shall greatly ap
preciate your support at the pri
mary and for all past favors, I thank
you kindly.
2tf G. A. BLEAKMAN, Hardman.
So. Main St. Arlinffton.
On Highway Oregon
I Sell
Insurance !
rigatsd lands for Klickitat county,
Washington, timber lands kindly
write to H. M. Cox, Arlington, Ore
gon, describing the property offered.
ranch. 71 acres firm River Bot
tom land in high -state of cultiva
tion on Rock road. mile to
school. 1 12 miles to Cooperative
cannery. W. A. Umvanhower.
Rt. 1 Dayton, Ore.
J. C. Bal.enger
Boardman - Oregon ?
Every Sunday
Sunday School 10:30 a. it..
Church Service 11:30 a. m.
Christian Endeavor 7:30 p. m.
All are welcome.
REV. B. S. HUGHES. Pastor..
I The Best is none too good
Try our Sherwin-Williams paints j
I and varnishes. There is none bet-
I ter' I
We have a complete line of
Cedar Flume Stock
Building Material
Builders' Hardware
Cement, Lime, Wood, Coal, Posts
iSoardnian, Oregon.
mmmmmmmmm iimiimmijium - - ,w .
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of County Commis
sioner for Morrow county subject to
the will of Ihe Republican voters at
the coming primary election to be
held on the 16th day of May. 1924.
'April 1.
cream, eggs, cakes.
this s.ile.
pie, salad. A
by the Aid toward the minister's!
salary. It was decided to hold the
a,nnual roll call meeting the first
meeting in May. This will be an 1
afternoon affair Instead of the ua-'
ual all-day meeting. All former
member are asked to send a word
like to hear from some others re
garding the question.
The Drst week in the brooder
Tmi iu m,,,i " neuse is me critical one watc'i tne
Tmll one up recently from 0 of Krt,,UnK a, thu M ,.hk.ks rnri,ruv darb thl V.
lllo and are living In lloardnuut in n,.rv.U delicious refreshments Next, Most of trouble Is caused by
one of Mrs. Gladya Gibbou s houses, nieetuig will be pril 16 t over crowding, piling in the corners
' J a nd by chilling.
24, 1913,
of the Boardman Mirror, published
weekly at Boardman, Oregon, for
April 1, 1924.
State of Orogon, County of Mor
row, ss.
Before me, a notary public in and
for the state and County aforesaid,
personally appeared Mark A Cleve
land, who having been duly sworn
according to law, deposes and says
that lie is the publisher of the Board
man Mirror.
That th" names and addresses of
the publisher, editor, managing ed
itor and business managers are:
Publisher. Mark A. Cleveland.
Suinfield. Oregon.
Editor. Mark A. Cleveland, Stan
field Oregon.
Managing editors and business
managers: None.
That Ihe owner Is Mark A. Cleve
land, Stanfleld. Oregon.
That the known bondholders,
mortgagees, and other security hold
ers owning or holding 1 per cent or
more of total amount of bonds, mort
gages, or other securities are:
Sworn to and subscribed to before
me tnis 4th dav of April. m-N
O. F. MAYS, Notary Public.
(My commission expires J.muarv
17. 1926.)
A. Wheolhouso, Pres. S. A. Rossier, Vice-Pres.
H. M. Cox, Cashier Chas. F. Story, Ass't Cashier
1 A j - AtJL .',.... m - - - - - - -
The Hi
Read the home paper.
1 1
ghway Inn
O. H WARNER. Proprietor
Boardman, Oregon
Wholesome ffome Cooking
Test place to eat between The Dalles and