The Boardman Mirror Boardman, Oregon MARK A. CLEVELAND, Publisher PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE- Entered as second-class matter Feb 11, 1921, at the poitofflce at Hoard man, Ore., under act of Mar. 3, 1879 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Howard Packard is ill with an attack of La Grippe. Claude Ballenger drove to Alder dale Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warren re turned from Portland Fiday. Opal Wagner returned Monday from a week-end visit at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Porter left Tues day for Portland after a visit Hire. Jim O'Donnel and wife went to Wasco and Grass Valley on Sunday. Misses Louise Sears and Jeanne Marvin motored to Portland for the week-end. Mrs. A. T. Hereim was an all-day visitor at the W. A. Price home on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Attobury en tertained the Tate family at dinner on Sunday of lasl week. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins were din ner guests at the Royal Hands' home Sunday. C. H. DUlabaugh lost about :so baby chicks Tuesday, when the brooder house caught fire. Mrs. Hcrschel Rlnns left Thurs day for her home In Portland, after a ten day' visit ai the Macorabei home. W. A. Murchic and wife leti Thursday for their noma in Wasco after a short visit at the Ballanger bo George Mitchell, more commonly called "Fat", suffered a very pain ful accident on Tuesday, when a bolt cut his leg quite badly while he was unloading pipe at Peters. He was taken to Hermiston, and it wasl necessary to have eight or nine! stitches taken to close the wound.! He is still there staying at the home of bis brother. Word came on Monday afternoon that Arthur Chaffee, who has been working at Rul'us the past month, had been taken ill with apendicitis, also the appendix had broken. He was rushed to the hospital at The Dalles where an operation was per formed. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee went at once to Bee him, going with their older son Nathan, who was visiting here. They came back Tuesday on Number 2. The young man was reported resting well. His numer ous Hoard man friends hope for a speedy recovery. IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS 15y V .Seaman Frost during the past week has done more or less damage to various fruits in the district. N. Seaman and Son have smudged four nights! recently. This has saved the bulk of! their apricot crop. Some sheltered spots were not damaged as much as more open places. Fruits should not bloom in .March. It's too early. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION A most delightful birthday dn? ner was that, given last Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Mulkey at their home In the east end, celebrating the birthdays of four of those pres ent. Mr. Jim Howelll Sr., and son, Jim; Mr. and Mrs. Mulkey, all of whom had birthdays during the month of March. Mrs. Howell and Mrs. A. T. Hereim and children completed the guest list. A big birthday cake was the centerpiece. All thoroughly enjoyed the occasion. Mrs. G. C. Holland of Portland, who has been the guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Saling, for the past few weeks, returned home on Number 1 Wednesday. Mr. Hol land was up Sunday between trains. Earl C. Brownell and Mr. Tucker, of Umatilla were in Irrigon on busi ness the first of the week. The Umatilla Rapids Power pro ject property is being stored in the Reclamation service warehouse this Week until work begins on the pro ject in the near future. The Union Pacific System is pub l'shing a rate of seventy nine cents per hundred on hay from "Peters, Boardman and Irrigon to Los An geles, California via Salt Lake City and Los Angeles and Salt Lake City railroad on account of the hay shortage in Southern California this year. A nine and one half pound daugh ter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kunzlc Saturday morning. March 22. Bath Bleakman of Hard man is visiting bar friend Zo.' lladby. Hie Oame last Friday, returning homo on tfondaj . Mrs. Leslie I'ackard and daugh ter Hello returned last week from a trip to Salem and Other valb points. John Jenkins enjoyed a visit wit,, his brother of Cascade Locks, wbo came Sunduy and remained until Tuesday. Miss Dorothy lloardman came home Saturday for a visit during spring vacation. She Is a student at Wil lamette university at Salem. Mrs. Harry Then.ds (nee Blather Chaffee) and tiny son, and Mr. and Mrs. N. Chaffee and baby of Eu gene, came Saturday for a visit at the home of their parents. Another son arrived at the Paul Smith home early Monday morning lie weighed six pounds anil has been named Max Oliver Smith. Mr. Herbert llnnellne of llertnls ton stopped for a short time at the Royal Rands' and John Jenkins' homes last Friday on his way to I'ortland. N. Chaffee and wife and baby and Mrs. Harry Thenels and baby re turned Tuesday to their homes near Eugene after a week end visit at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs Gregory and Mr TVivoes and wife of rllngton, Vls tted at the Max Rewecse homo on Thursday. Mrs. Or- PTJ p Itataf of Max Dewaeta, and Mr. Deweose and wife of Arlington, his parents Mls Myrtle MeNlel drove to hr home In Portland Friday from her school at Upper Butler Creek. She returned Sunday evening and left here Monday morning to resume her work. EYE SPECIALIST COMING Dr. H. C. Curry, eyesight special ist of Seattle, who has made pro fessional visits to Stanfleld for many years, and Is known for good optical work at reasonable prices, will be at the Hotel Highway Inn Monday, April 7. Fyes exam ined and glasses fitted when needed. Lettuce acreage In Oregon will probably be smaller this year than last At least there will be no out standing Increase as bits been the case In the past few years. Matty sections are repotting smaller plant Inge than last year because prictn did not come up to expectations, Farmer Smith, Union l'acific Sys tem agricultural agent, is having N. Seaman and Son experiment on 100 pounds of sulphate of Potash and 100 pounds of M urate of Potash. Experiment will be made on berries and apricots and possibly on water melons and cantaloupes. Mr. Smith is expected in Irrigon some day this week or next for a day's visit. Have you paid your income tax? Perhaps you figure It does not catch you, but we have single men here who have easily earned their $1,000 and are not listed as tax payers. Either they did not get the wages claimed, or failed to pay what they voted for. Even the boot leggers get away with It for awhile, but sooner or later they get them. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. March 11, 1924. ViTICE is hereby given thai Victor Rietmann, of lone, Oregon, who on October 28, 1920, made Homestead Entry No. 022002, for all of Section 28, Township 3. North, Range 2fi East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of fnten lion to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above d fH ribed, before Gay M. Anderson, I ali id States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 24th dav of April, 1924. Claimant ;names as witnesses: Claude Finley, of Lexington, Ore., George Gorger, of lone, Ore.; Wer ner Rietmann, of lone, Ore.; F. Krause, of Echo, Ore. J. W. DONNELLY, Register. S. E. NOTSON ATTORN EY-A1-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER - - - OREGON ! WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon. Popular Priced, Modish J J Boardman - Oregon J Millinery at I Sell Insurance v Cox Millinery i J. C. Ballenger T COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICF Every Sunday a Political Notice To the Republican voters of Mor row county: I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the nomina tion of County Clerk at the Primary Eleetlon to be held May 16, 1924. GAY M. ANDERSON, 4tf (Incumbent.) i Sunday School in?an a in COX RESIDENCE I Church Service 11:20 a. m. V So. Main St. Arlington, J Christian fwleavor 7:30 p. m. 7 On Highway Oregon $ j All are welcome. i . .! 1 1" M t 0 t M i REV. B. S. HUGHES, Pastor. For County Jurtge To the Republican voters of Mor row county: I hereby announce ray-;-" If a candidate for the nomination at. your hands for the office of Coun ty Judge at the primary election in May, 1924. My experience of many years as county commissioner makes Ste conversant with the duties of the office I seek, and I shall greatly ap preciate your support at the pri mary and for all past favors, I thank you kindly. 2tf G. A. RLEAKMAN, Hardman. ANVONK WANTING TO TRADE IR rigated lands for Klickitat county, Washington, timber lands kindly write to H. M. Cox, Arlington, Ore gon, describing the property offered. TO TRADE I'OR IRRIGATION ranch. 71 acres firm River Rot tom land in high state of cultiva tion on Rock road. V mile to school. 1 miles to Cooperative cannery. W. A. Umvanhower. Rt. 1 Dayton, Ore. T Read the home paper. A. H. SWITZER ATTORNEY AT LAW Arlington, Oregon The Best is none too gcod Try our Sherwin-Williams paints and varnishes. There is none bet ter. also- We have a complete line of Cedar Flume Stock Building Material Builders' Hardware Cement, Lime, Wood, Coal, Posts W. A. MURCHIE Boardman, Oregon. mmmmmmm mmmmmm-mmmmmm : .;,i,;s ,! 5nUTne j p j Right now! Settle the whole cigarette question forever by rolling your own fromaBULL". You get more flavor, more en joyment, more tobacco taste, more quality and much more for your money. (100 for 15 cents) Mrs. Stoneman of Hardman, who hay been attending norma" -rhool at Monmouth, came to Hoard man Sunday for a visit at the Cram.: and Dudley homes. Her d ituhter. Bernlee, will remain for the rest of the school year, making her home at Glen Hartley' Mrs. Stoneman left Thursday for lleppm r. 5 Si CIGAITT EIGHT CENTS A BAG ES for 154