The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, March 28, 1924, Image 1

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Washington, D. C. George C
Jewett, president of the American i newspapers and periodicals of
This country raises too much.
Board man Utelieni
Wheat Growers Associated, who is
here to assist in securing the pass
age in both the Senate and the
House, of the McN'ary-Haugen bill
for the relief of the wheat growers
and farmers of the United States in
stimulating an export demand for
farm products, returned recently
from New York, Inspired by devel
opments to believe the legislation
which Senator Mc Nary has spon
sored, will become a law.
"Due to Senator McNary's efforts
the measure is before the Senate
with a favorable report," Mr. Jew
ett said, on his arrival here. "Sen
ator McNary has been untiring and
resouceful in his powerful support
of the McNary-Haugen bill and we,
who have been so keenly alive to
the necessity of securing aid for the
wheat growers and farmers are
more and more certain that the
measure can become law. The ac
tion of the Senate in vf' down
the Norbeck-Durtness law l,$ the
field clear for this measure which
will enable the sale of the export
able surplus of wheat and other
"In view of the unusual commit
tee assignments of Senator McNarj
in the Senate and the confident
his colleagues have in his leader
ship, we are certain that favorable
actio - ' the Senate is assured, anr
that everything will be done t
make this help for the farmeri
quickly available. '
"As an example of the kind o
assistance from the business world
Senaior McNary is getting I desirt
o call attention to the fact tha'
John ft. Mitchell, president of the
Capitol National Hank of St. Paul,
and formerly member of the Feder
al Reserve Hank Hoard is here to
exert every possible influence in fa
vor of the McNary-Haugen measure
"Good bankers and economists
who have studied the problem of
the farmers and the need of definit
and immediate relief for the food
producer are more and more inclin
ed to unite on this measure as one
that will do more than any other
suggested remedy and we are great
ly encouraged in the probability of
a successful end to the right which
Senator McNary is making to gc
this legislation to President Cool
Idge for his signature."
The McNary-Haugen Export Cor
poration bill, now before congress
Is receiving the hearty support o
Representative Sinnott of Oregon
who has issued the following serla
of questions and answers regarding
the measure:
What is the purpose of the Mc-Narv-Haugen
Export Corporator
To equalize the farmer's dolla:
with the other man's dollar.
How will it accomplish this pur
By the establishment of an export
agency to handle wheat and othe'
major farm products, if, and whet
necessary, under provisions whicl
will maintain legitimate prices.
Does this mean the Government
is going into the general farm mar
keting business?
No, It will operate through regu
lar channels, and deal only as nec
essary to maintain proper prices.
Will it destroy cooperative mar
It will encourage cooperative
marketing by assisting eonperativi
associations in a task which they
cannot accomplish without such aid
What effect will it have on tin
It will relieve miller from th
dangers of serious price fluctuation?
due to speculation or other causes.
What will it do to present prices
of farm products?
It will increase present prices for
whtat from 40 to 60 cents a bushel,
hog prices about 4 0 per cent, cattle
about 30 per cent, etc.
Will increase production?
Not more than profitable prices
for farm products secured by any
other means, and profitable prices
must be obtained unless American
agriculture Is to perish.
How does it affect business men
and bankers?
America is an agricultural nation
The success of all depends on the
success of agriculture. The McNary
Haugen bill means success for ag
riculture. Is it fair to other industries?
Exactly. Under the bill farm pric
es increase only as prices for other
products increase. It does for the
farmer only what othe legislation
already is doing for other Industries.
land proclaim this. We raise too
much wheat, too much of all dairy
products, too much fruit, too many
vegetables, too much everything. We
have "over-production" and a great
"surplus" must be marketed abroad
and the inexorable rule of supply
aid demand fixes the price of all
agricultural products and puts the
farmer In his present plight.
So we should "diversify", the
learned economists and editors tell
us. We should change about and
raise more of what we do not raise,
ard less of what we do raise. And
all the other farmers should do the
same. And then our statesmen at
Washington get busy on legislation
that will permit us to borrow more
money to change our system and
run a little deeper into debt.
And in the face of this great de
luge of "over-production" the Unit
ed States Department of Agricul
m' broadcasts the facts that we
bought $36,000,000 of dairy prod
ucts from other countries in one
ear 19,000,000 more than we ex
torted: that we bought six and a
half million dollars' worth of eggs
ihrocd; that in 1fi23 we imported
i million and a half dollars' worth
f hay; over a million dollars of po
'totrs; $1,700,000 of tomatoes; al-
aOS n half million dollars of tin
Ips; $118,000,000 of hides
ikins, and so on with Hats of ini
lorts of products that we have a
'surplus" of that would fill a news
iaper column.
With the wage sca'es and living
standards of nearly all countries far
elow those of this nation: with the
nmrket values of the currencies of
heee nations dropping each day,
rnd with nearly all na'ions trying to
"11 to this country in order to get
ioney with value in it, how can the
v merican farmer hope to get pro
'untlon cost from his products in
oropetltion? Why shouldn't we
iav a "surplus" when we import
illliona of dollars worth of the same
-oods we raise? And why shouldn't
e have European prices when the
trices of these imported products
.re used to fix the home markets
Betwoeen tariff schedules
ombination strength the manufact
irers, utility corporations and oth
rs maintain profit prices, and the
tnanefal statements oT many large
nrferns show amazing earnings,
rhfle the soil producers get but
traduction prices, and less, and
aave to pay the high price of the
-oteeted. This condition makes two
tandards, two dollars an abso
ute'.y unfair and unjust system.
The farmer should be protected
o the extent of other Industries. If
he deluge of agricultural imports
lad the same duty as many manu
actured articles, and if the farmers
tad the same organization strength
if other industries, there would
hen be one standard dollar, and all
ndustries would be on an even
noting. If the millions of tons of
arm products now imported, and
trod need under low wages and low
'ving standards, had th" tariff pro
action of manufactured articles,
he deluge would be greatly tesi en
d and the products now imported
TOUld he grown here.
When farmers are organized as
t'-orgty as other industries they
'11! get the same protection. When
hey do their marketing they will
to able to cut out the thousands of
niddle profit takers that prey on
hem. When they control both pro
''ictinn and marketing they will
:ave an even break with the rest of
he country The "over-produc-ion"
hobcnblin is but the pretext
f the middle interests.
Edited by the High School Students
EDITOR, oe Hadley, '21
Ass't. Editor,
Joke Editor, Alton Klitz, '
Edward McClellan, '25"
An Autobiography
Near a beautiful little hamlet,
nestling at the foot of the Simcoes,
among the pine timber, one bleak
morning on the fifth of March,
1909, when the wind was racing
with the snowflakes, and singing
lullabyes through the pine trees,
and the howl of the coyotes was an
swered by an echo, a little girl first
opened her eyes to daylight. and
looked into the face of a happy
mother. The little eyes were very
dark blue and she had a quantity of
black hair. She was christened
Thelma Marguerite Beck.
Thelma was a healthy rugged
child and grew fast, and before one
could realize it, she was old enough
to enter school. Her first school
days, until she finished the third
grade, were spent at this little vil
age of Cleveland. Then she went
two years to a little country school,
and there finished the fourth grade.
an() . The next year her parents moved to
the little town of Bickleton, about
six miles distance where she enter-'
ed the school and completed both
the fifth and sixth grades. This was
a very pleasant place to go to school
and, having lived In the country
since her birth, she knew all the'
children her age and had many
friends and some good chums.
In the fall of 1922 the family
moved to Oregon, to a beautiful lit
tle irrigated place, by the lame of
Boardman, situated on tbx Colum
bia highway and the Oregon, Wash
ington Railroad and Navigation
company, along the banks of the
mighty Columbia river. This is a
and -uite little town, and looking across
A Tale of A Flunker
Much flirtation,
Ed's pet field for two bases.
The chase after that ball winded
Ed so bad that he didn't make a hit
in the whole game.
Speedball's air-tight playing on
first base was erratical.
Howard took two' steps and stole
second base.
Umatilla's pinch hitter couldn't
lerce lessons,
ale hours,
othing prepared.
The Boardman high school boys
got away for a lucky start in their
first baseball gurnet. It was alto
gether too close to be comfortable.
Box Score
Umatilla H. S.
Boardman H. S.
Score by innings:
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 0 0 3 0 1
7 8 9
0 0 0
100 3 0021
K nocked out.
To bob, or not to bob that is
the question. And when we bob,
We'll all go bobbing around and ask,
"How do we look, Bobby?"
The first baseball games of the
season were played last Friday be
tween Umatilla and Boardman.
proving quite successful for the
The grades played four innings,
ending in a score of 3 to 2, in Uma
tilla's favor, but of course, It was
an a-c-cident.
The next game, which was excit
ing from the start to the finish, was
supposed to be a nine-inning game,
but as our boys were leading the
Bcoro of eight to seven, the visiting
team decided to leave us.
We all went home with happy
hearts, and a ringing In our ears,
Mrs. Crowder.- "When did Cues
ar defeat the greatest number?"
Mildred. "I think on examina
t'.on day."
was that who
Teacher. "Who
laughed aloud?"
Pupil. - "I did, sir.
mean to do it."
Teacher. "You didn't
do it?"
Pupil.- "No, llr. I laughed In
my sleeve and I didn't know there
was a hole in my sleeve."
But I didn't
James. "What's the matter WlCh
Wei i mi's pompadour ?"
Carl.---"He got the glue mixed
with the Stacomb."
(From o. a. c. Experiment Station)
A deformed foot or crooked lea nf
a horse Is often the result of neglect
in trimming the colt's feet.
the river into Washington and
back on the hills of Oregon, the
sight is restful to the eyes.
that we had won the first game of Pert- bushels are much less dnm-
aged if all pruning and trelllslng Is
complete before young buds are
the season.
Y.a, Bo!
Will we always win?
large enough to be broken off in
the work It will soon be too la
to prey t such breaking, so all In-
trelllslng should be
xttemta tuves uie oeauties or tnis A1 fl. story. wltn njs ..,., V(,..
.k.uu attu wyibi unisnea me sev- winkle" has come and gone. He has completed
enth and eighth grades here, she iPft . u.ith ,(i,,Hiv ! rushed.
feels that her first school days will of him and the work he dfd n(,rp
not hp cmnniPto,! i,r,iQo t, "c.c. fletler cabbage, tomatoes and
no, be completed unless she goes A good-sized audience greeted his other transplanted vegetables can
through the high school here, also, performance last Saturday night in generally be grown from strong
; which he was assisted by high Plants which are bought than from
. ri . " ,. , , school students and grade children. !,I:int, lrals"l'1 ,al "here there
Uncle Ephraim, with his family, .,. , Is neither hot house nor hot bet.
mi. Biuiy as ni l , proven mill- Unmm Di,uHllnrru r.ll..
Gone is the old work day of two
parts, six a. m. to six p. m., and
fro, i six p. ni. to six a. m., twelve
hours of labor. The eight hour day,
brought about by governmental leg
islation, labor saving devices, and
un;on agitation Is here to stay.
Work Is a wonderful tonic. Exer
tion should always be u purposeful
pleasure. Interest in jour work is,
however, essential. The completion
of an efficient day's work has for
Its reward a peaceful contentment
of real success, cm th(. other hand,
idleness is the breeder of trouble
and discontent. The remedy for th i
evils of Idleness Is obviously to find
some useful work which will inspire
real interest and enthusiasm
As an offset to occupations that
do not give full play to the muscu
lar and mental possibilities It is Im
portant that definite periods be giv
en to the exercising of the muscles
and faculties. Play should be active,
and not entirely passive. Th" seden
tary worker should exercise. Th"
most beneficial exercises are those
that Stimulate the heart and lung i
such as running, rapid walking,
hill climbing, swimming. Proper
kinds of amusements are essential.
The proper kind and amount of rec
reation make the life more vital,
more bearable, more wholesome. It
quicken the Individual's thoughts
In such a way as to make him e-on-
l omlcally more efficient. The pres
t0 1 ence of the play spirit means adapt
I ability, capacity tor quickly appre
ciating the influences about tovi,
keen enjoyment of the game, what
ever It Is that is being played, Rnd
a consciousness that there are oth
er players beside themselves.
The subject of sleep has always
ex dted wonder Th,. necessity of
this particular kind of in
action or suspension nf co--sclousness
which occurs periodically
in man and all the lower animals,
with general suppression of func
tional activity, is one of the most In
teresting of natural phenomena.
Just whly an individual must sleep
away one-third oi Ills ex1 tunce h is
not yet been satisfa. torll.v explain
ed. Sleep is nature's great reiuven
ator. Your sleep should be suffi
cient and regular Sleeping outdoors
Is more healthful and restful than
sleeping indoors. Go to sleep with
pleasant thoughts, and your sleep
will be peaceful and restful. If one
Is worried It Is a good plan to read
something diverting, but not excit
ing just before retiring.
Regular work, regular play, and
n (Ular sleep are habits that pro
ving life, health and happiness.
and summer boarders are drawing
nearer everyday, and will roll into
Boardman Friday night, April 4th.
This attraction is full of promise
and will no doubt be the biggest
one for the school given this year.
Uncle Ephraim has in his charg
about thirty boys and girls. Every
lad will make you glad and every
"Miss" will make a hit. Something
doing every minute. Everybody
come and help Uncle Ephraim lift
the mortgage from his farm.
grown seedlings are
' self to be a master of character raised in boxes kept near a " Indow
and due to the poor growing condi
tions, which are apt to be found
there, the plants become tall,
sprindling and weak and will not
develop well when set In the gar
den. Often such plants while In
the boxes are attacked by the damp-Ing-ol'f
fungus which will spread
rapidly throughuul the box. This
disease rots off the stem of the
plants at the surface of the ground,
thus making them worthless.
For early potatoes, while the
Suggestions for use of left-overs
from O. A. C. Home Economics De-
With skill, left-overs may be
iade as pleasing as the original
Msh. Too often they are put away in
he tce-obx until they spoil and are
then thrown out.
Deft-over vegetables make delici
ous salads, or may be mixed with
ach other to serve agrin. Peas and
arrots make a good combination.
First ami Second Grades
Dorothy Peterson, Doris Brown,
Glen Berger, Iris Gilbreth, Walter
Schull, Margaret Smith, Everett Ko
sar, Ralph Deweese, Warren Dillon,
and Murielle Brown received one
hundred in deportment this month
Warren Dillon has done such ex
ceptionally good work, in the first
grade, that he has been advanced
to the second grade where he will
still make some of his classmates
hustle and work very hard to do
better than he can do. All in his
room are very proud of Warren.
portrayal, Zoe Hadley as Gretchen,
his wife, played her part with much
credit. Alton Klitz as Derrick Van
Beakman. the heartless landlord.
Edward McClellan as Nick Vedder,
who took care of Derrick's drug
shop. Heindrirks Vedder, Nick's
son, who was In love with Meenle,
the beloved child of Rip, Also the
demons, Lavaughn Hapkins, How
ard Beck, Oran Bailey Edward
Change now to the
brand that never
changes and you'll
never change again.
Let us print those butter wrappers.
lfi-mtml it lil! rwiM ttie i,l inhtr r ;
Klages, Vernon Root, John Chaffee ,vn(, ,,,.,; 1h ,'., ,,nicUre Suc;,
and Itay Stewart, the hunchback. sited does not rot if the gennlna
In the third act, after Rip's re- ,,on Is slow.
turn from his long sleep, Blanche
IniUB represented Meenle, while Ar
thur Bailey was Heindricks Vedder.
Individually and collectively, ft
may be truly said that the perform
ers acted well their parts.
A pleasing feature of the enter
tainment was the part played by
the orchestra In furnishing some
irood music.
If j
Soft-boiled eggs. left from
breakfast, may be cooked hard and d for creaming or garnishing, or
the" n.anv he chopped fine and add
ed to vegetables or chopped meat.
I.eft over cereals may be fried,
aade Into griddle cakes, added to (
auffins, put into soups or gravies ,
md mixed with meat or vegetables !
for pies, scallopped dishes, stews or
souffles. They may also be sweet-,
enel, mixed with fruit and spice, !
and appear as puddings.
Save dry unbuttered bread, put ;
throut'h a food-chopper and put
iwav in covered jars. Same may be
We are glad to welcome Charles
and Margaret Smith back to school
after having been absent for sever
al days, because of the measles
their work Is centering just now.
lets for their spelling and numbers,
the coverings being decorated with
a windmill silhouette, carrying out
the Dutch Idea, about which all of
thei work is centering Jut now.
Arthur Bailey had the misfortune
to be struck on the lip by a base
ball. This resulted In the loosening
of a tooth and a painful bruise. Art
says he'd rather catch them In the
Sweet corn may be had through
out the season by planting varieties
which mature at different times.
Good gardeners in many sections
are using Portland Market and
Hnlden Bantam, and very often a
varietv for fall use, called Howling used as breadcrumbs for rolling
Mob Much better vields are to be ero itiettes or covering scalloped and
had by hating the sweet corn plot casserole dishes. Unless bread has
as nearly square as possible. Thi !en thoroughly dried in the te en
provides for better pollination and ' should not be kept in a dosed tin
consequent better vields. r Jar- storp I" n how' or pa-
per bag In a cupboard away from
Gt vour butter wrappers printed t. If stored while it still contains
. ', moisture, it will acquire a stale,
py the Standard. mugty
Last week closed the seventh
month of school.
The enrollment to date Is 139. 72
boys and 67 girls.
77 pupils were neither absent nor
The fifth and sixth, and seventh
and eighth grade roomes each made
994 per cent in attendance.
The play "Rip Van Winkle" will
not be given again Saturday even
ing, the 29h, as at first intended.
There are 32 pupils In the third
and fourth grades, since Bernlce
Stoneman came to the fourth grade
from Monmouth.
We have begun an operetta. '.The
Gypsies' Festival" which we hope to
give about the last of April. The
children are happy over It and
have already learned the first chor
A. Wheelhouse, Pres. S. A. Rossierf Vice-Pres.
H. M. Cox, Cashier Chas. F. Story, Ass't Cashier
Some of the Umatilla boys got
some good hits, but the ball would
not have gone so far If they hadn't
b'-en batting with the wind
Miss Beth Bleakman, who has
been attending school at Monmouth,
was a school visltod last Monday.
Our grade boys played an exhibi
tion game with Umatilla, and we
came out with the short end of a
2 to 3 score. The game went only
f'tur rounds, and there were no
The second man at bat for Uma
tilla put one of Al's pet curves over
The Highway Inn
O. H WARNER, Proprietor
Poardman, Oregon
Wholesome Home Cooking
Best place to eat between The Dalles and