The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, March 21, 1924, Image 1

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    rfotson E s
Following is a brief digest of the
proposed county unit school law,
published to give voters an idea of
the main features of the measure.
Elack face type Is used in places to
emphasize certain features of the
Management of the county unit
district would be in the hands of five
directors. The first board of direct
ors would be appointed by the county
judge, to hold office until the next
election, when the five directors
would be elected at large over the
All property, real anil persona,
now belonging to the school districts,
of second and third c lass and join!
districts would become the propertj
of the county district.
All indebtedness now
of everj kind, would b
ligations of the county
: he ob-
To employ a superintendent of
schools for the district and to fix his
term of office and compensation; pro
vided, that in the county school dis
trict the, county school superintend
ent b: i .ing when this act becomes ef
fective shall at no decrease in salaiy
be ex-officio superintendent of the
county district until the expiration 0!
his te :n of office. All nocessai".
traveling expenses shall be allowed
by the district, board.
To employ a school clerk, fix hit
Compensation and determine the
maimer of its payment and fix the
amount of his bonds.
To employ all necessary ssetstal
superintendents, supervisors, teach
ers, janitors and assistants, and to
fix their Compensation; provided thai
the county district board shall audi:
all the said distric t claims, and au
thorize the clerk to draw warrants
for the payment of said claims upon
the county treasurer; said orders to
be drawn in accordance with the
schedule Submitted to the county
clerk by the county district board,
which schedule shall give the names
of the persons, the amounts due each
and purposes for which issued.
To lease and build SChooihOUSe
and to buy and lease lands for school
purposes, and to furnish the school -houses
with proper furniture, light,
fuel, apparatus, etc., and to sell -
convey such lands and oilier property
belonging: to the district as may not,
in their judgment, be required for
school purposes.
To provide for polling p'.mes iu
each subdistrict as hereinafter de
fined for all school elections, appoint
judges and clerks and canvass al!
votes and poll books, and determine
the result thereof.
To prepare an annual budget and
lexy taxes as hereinafter provided.
To make an annual printed report
to the taxpayers of said district.
To coi'solid-itc schools and arrange
for necessaiy ttaaapoHattOW for p.i
plls, when deemed advisable bv the
To determine who are nonresident
pupils and to charge tuition for such
nonresident pupils at a rate fixed bj
the state superintendent of public
instruction based on an average cost
of such instruction in the state. Such
tuition bills shall be paid out of the
district funds of the district in Which
said pupil is a' resident; provided said pupil is unable convenlentlj
to nttend a similar elementary school
in his ov. n district.
To determine ei:e boundaries of the
territory t: be s.-'ved by each school,
in the district, said territory to be
known as a subdistrict.
The local Echoed board Of any sub
dtt'trici, has authority to visit the
school, determine the use of building
for civic purposes, report to the
county board and recommend im
prove eats. By unanimous vote th'.
lccnl beard may not later than 84
days before opening of school, reject
a teacher, provided such rejection i:
filed in writing and specifies the reav- boards "will still have the
lo.ver to organize and maintain high
; hc.ols in a district, but as the bttl
provides that all school property ii
to be taken over by the county board
the local board will have to build anS
equip a new high school, or lease or
buy back the high school buildings
libraries, equipment, etc., from the
county board.
chool In
has the
power to lovy a tax each ear upon
all ical and personal property in the
unity district, for the maintenance
operation and support cf the elemen
tary schools in the county district,
and tor acquiring and Improving
site:;.. The board prepare! a budget
by 0"tober 1 each year, and holds a
niblie meeting at which any legal
school elector urr.y criticize an item
of the budget, but the final determi
nation of the amount of tax to be
levied is :i;ade by the county board.
Indebtedness may be created bj
the county board In ar amount not to
exceed 5 per centum of the value of
the taxable property of the district.
Union high school districts are not
affected by the county unit, except
that one member of the union high
school board shall be elected from
each subdistric t involved in said high
school district.
In any county adopting the county
(unit the district boundary board shall
onsist of the county court or the
Bounty commissioners in any county
In which the commissioners are a
se parate body.
Many Boardman people attended
the dance given at the Community
hall on Monday night. An enormous
crowd was in attendance and a most
bountiful lunch was served. Every
one had a good time and moonshine
flowed freely, but be it said to the
I credit of Boardman that only one
came home in a "happy" state of
ANY GIRL, in trouble may communi
cate with Ensign Lee of the Sal
vation Army at the White Shield
Home, 665 Mayfalr Ave.. I'ortland,
A great number of people are ov-er-exciti-d,
worried, troubled in
short they are far from healthy
minded. The mind isn't simply the
brain in your skull. The mind liveo
in every extremity of the bodv, act
ing on every nerve and muscle, re
acted by every change in the body,
Our thoughts can change the beat
ing of the heart. Our emotions
change the very chemistry of the
body. Your actions and your
health are controlled by two close
ly allied nervous systems'.
One system is concerned with
voluntnry movements and act?, 61
the will. The other system is as
sociated with tha actions of invol
untary muscles in the blood vessels,
heart, intestines, or other organs
with secretory ceils. These two syn
tems, the cerebrospinal and auto
nomic are closely associated in act
ivity. The health of the nsrvour
system, and indeed of the body as f
whole, depends on a nice adjust
ment of the work to be done by the
two systems.
If yon wiih to attain the best re
suits from any hygienic, measure
you will have to satisfy the mind
along with the body. It is better tc
disregard some rules of hygiene ra
ther than worry over them. Health
demands the elimination or fear
worry, anger, hate, envy, jealously,
and many other depressing abnor
mal mental state.
A wholesome mental atitude l.
not suddenly acquired. It comes on
ly by persistent and conscientious
efforts to see straight, to keep th'
values of life clear. The secret of
equanimity consists not so much- In
repressing fear or worry, a In drop
ping or ignoring it, that Is, diver-,
ing .and ronlolling the attention
The main art of mental hygiene
consists in the control of the atten
tion. Wholesome mental traits csscn'i
al to health are confidence, open
tnlndednees, unselfishness, and faith
in the goodness of life. The way to
develop self-confidence is to ttj
honestly and keep at it until exper
ience of succoss comes. Experience
of success increases confidence. Open-minded
ness means plasticity of
mind, ability to feel new meanings,
to find new values. It makes for
variety, interest and health. Unself
ishness is to be cultivated because
nf its wholesome effects on health.
Mental health and growth feed '
satisfying situations. Faith in the
goodrness of life means optimism.
Enjoy the many wonderful things
of life. The path to faith in the
goodness of life lies among the com
monplace everyday affairs of work
and play. The simple life makes for
such faith.
To do anything well you must
practice. The healthful mental state
canbe developed just as surely as
exercise tends to tntnculnr develop
ment. The art of nerve control must
be practiced like penmanship, pub
lic speaking, singing or anything
el3e tHat Is worth while. This is
something that needs more than or
dinary effort. I earn to control the
power of attention and you will
form a power to turn on the cur
rents of thought as you would turn
on an electric light. The most vital
thing In mental hygiene Is decision.
Indecision is a mind worrying with
itself which is a waste of much use
ful energy. Learn to make clean-cut
decisions, and ou will establish a
habit that does not know failure.
Exercise an intelligent control
over your nervous system.
Congregational Meeting
Last Sunday was a day of special
interest at the Boardman Commun
ity church. Sunday school at 10 a.
I Old Theater Hewn Out of
Rocky Soil of Neopolis
I The shrine of the greatness of Syra
cuse is perbnpa the (Jreek theater
hewn out of the rock soil of Neopolis,
Home government
one of the principles
Institutions which the
al schools Is
of American
county unit
m. Preaching by Rev. D. A. Thomp-i aml open ,Ul.ough mre than twenty- school measure dees away With al
son ot I'ortland. Following tne
morning services a basket dinner
was served by the ladies of the
church. In the afternoon the pastor,
Rev Hughes, called the meeting to
Song 123, Prayer by Rev. Hughes.
Splo by Miss Wolff. Reading of the
minutes by Mrs. Boardman who act
ed as clerk pro tern. Piano selection,
Norman Gibbons. Address by Rev.
Thompson, "The Old World Cathed
rals." Solo by Mrs. Paulu of Uma
tilla. Report of Sunday school by
the secretary, Report of Christian
Endeavor by Rachel Johnson. Total
amount raised by all societies and
church was $879.34 for the year
ending March 16.
Following the reports Miss Wolff
gave an instrumental solo. Next in
order was election of superintendent
of the Sunday school which resulted
in Mrs. Boardman being elected..
Election of clerk, Mrs. Hereim.
Election of elders for three years
was Mr. Johnson. Election of
trustees, Mrs. Warner, Mrs. Board
man. Mrs. Allen, Mr. Johnson, Mr.
fjev Hughes, the pastor, acted as
moderator for this meeting. Then
Rev. Thompson was called to the
chair to preside, and Rev. Hughes
was called as stated supply as pas
tor for another year.
This was considered a good day
and much progress In the church
work. Rev. Geo. Wllber will preach
at Boardman and Umatilla next
Everyone is Invited.
Vaughn Keyes was married last
Fiday to Miss Jessie Montgomery of
Hood River at, the bride's home.
They came to Boardman that even
ing and will make their home here.
ibX. Keyes has visited here at dlf
fe rent times and has made a num
ber of friends all of whom are glad
to welcome her to Boardman. The
Mirror extends congratulations and
good wishes to the newly-married
Honoring Mrs. Herschel Blnns of
Portland was the afternoon tea giv
en Friday by Mrs. J. C. Rallenger,
when a few friends were asked to
meet her. Mrs. Blnns visited at the
Nate Macomber home?. Those pres
ent were the Mesdames Albright,
Rands, Macomber, Hereim, Davis,
Goodwin, lliuns. The hostess serv
ed dainty lunch.
two centuries, to suu and wind which
have weathered the old gray stone
seats. In the solitude of u still-remembered
past, flowers are pushing their
way up along the edges of the stone,
anei wild thyme mattes ull things fra
grant. It was in this spot that
Aeseiiy I us saw his plays performed be
fore critical splendor-loving audiences
- Aeschylus, rebelling at the fact that
umn is bWtSd to surt'er In seeking free
dom. ...
There Pindar read some of his odes,
rejoicing in the powers of muu, de
lighting in man's activity, his tri
umphs, las fame, and endeavoring to
quicken in the audience the sense of
human newer; for I'huhr's life was
a stately pageant where honor and dig
nities abounded, ami men could achieve
lasting renown, Among the audiences
of the Fourth century 1'.. C. sat Plate.
. . . ever considering the soul, love,
Immortuillty, kinship with the divine1;
the thinker, acutely conscious of the
transitory, centering his thoughts upon
the idea of the eternal.
A hundred years after Plato The
OcritUS was there among the Syru
cuauns who had Inherited the gre:.t
memories. . . the old discussions
shout the Inexorable laws of fate, the
beauty of the present world, and the
problems of human happiness. What
did he conclude regarding the
drama of mortal existence? what lui-
most entirely. Evan in the eleit.on
to determine if the system shall be
adopted in the county, the people are
deprived of their right to have the
issue determined by a majority vote
of those directly concerned.
As an illustration of how this
might work, suppose that every dis
trict in the county outside of Pendle
ton and Milton-Free water should
cast a majority vote against the
measure, thus evidencing their dis
approval of the county unit. Iu the
face of this disapproval the measure
could still be adopted by a favorable
vYite in the cities mentioned. The In
justice of permitting the voters of
the cities to determine what shall be
done with the schools of the rest of
the county will be apparent to ail,
especially when schools of the cities
mentioned are not effected by the
proposed measure.
This Illustration is not intended as
an Implication that residents cf Peu
dletoU, or the other large towns in
the county, havo any Intention of
doing an Injustice to the rural dis
tricts, but is ueet merely to illus
trate one of the unfair features of
the county unit measure.
Another feature eif the elect' "l
pressed his Imagination iinel directed i that is a departure from estate' ., i 1
his genius to the writing of his j principles is the mat ier of o. la'lli-'a-Idylls?
For be, too, was a philosopher toU8 () voters. Heretofore no one
about life, writing not from Idleness. I ... vntn nt s,.hnn, if.;;,, ,,,,
nor Indifference to problems, but from
nn artist's acquaintance with hi
birthplace where he hnd probably
spent his boyhood before he went to
Cos to study, and where be lived, it is
supposed, about eight years before he
departed to Egypt. Martha Hale
Shaokfnrd, In the North American Review.
question of approving a
budget ot
. i authorising Indebtedness, unlets he
was a property owner or head ot a
family, in the county unit election
the bars are taken down and any
voter In the county, regardless of
property er family qualifications, can
vote on the adoption of the county
unit, a measure that effects the title
to all real and personal property
Argon From the Air
The atmosphere contains I tolerably owned by every second and third
class district In the county.
Let us print those butter wrappers. Read the home paper.
Mrs. H. II. Weston who received
a telegram from M. L. Morgan at
Orange, California to come as Mrs.
Morgan was seriously 111 and must
undergo an operation, received an
other telegram shortly after thai
Mrs. Morgan was better and It
would not be necessary for her to
"j - Our Pet Peeve f
' I o
large percentage of argon. It has
therefore been found difficult to extract
It industrially In a sutlleiently pure
state to be used in Ineeinilexrcnt lamps
except at too great a COS4 This Is
been use it ocenplet an Intermediate
state between oxygen and nitrogen
With regard to liquefaction, so that
when the attempt is innile to Isolate'
it by fractional compression or ins
tillation it always pusses over accom
panied by the twei former gases,
The problem was, however, solved
a short lime ago In the following man
ner: There la made use uf an appa
ratus in which there is eliminated the
nitrogen of the atmosphere by menus
of iicpiid air. The residue consists
of ii llepild composed of oxygen and
argOB from Which the iirgeui Is easily
extracted by burning the mixture with
the required proportion of hydrogen.
In this way, by the most careful ann.y
sis, it bus been found easy to obtain
gaseous mixtures containing " to (W
pe r i t'ii t of argon and only 1 to 3 per
lent of nitrogen, together with the
The Legion and Auxiliary held a
joint meeting at the Nate Macomber
home on Thursday evening with
Mrs. Macomber and Mrs. Albright
as hoStesSeS. Eighteen were present
at this meeting and all enjowed the
social time which followed the bus
iness meeting.
The Ladies' Aid met at the Here
in home Wednesday with ten In at
tendance. Plans were made for an
Easter sale at which time the arti
cles now on hand will be sold and
cooked .food sold at the same time.
Mesdames Kosar and Hereim serv
ed light refreshments.
Boardman friends are Intc'rested
to know of the rotutn of Mrs. Adolf
Skoubo, who came home on Tues
day of last wok, bringing with her
one of the triplets. The tiniest one
dbd a few days aft-r birth and the
second girl Is still In Portland In
care of a sister of Mr. Skoubo.
"Cha" Attebunr Is enjoying a
Only One Guess
Be wore long tailed e-oat, a frock
tie and s stiff hal thnt marked htm a
a small-town aristocrat of the old
School. At the hotel lie strolled
around ths lobby with nn air of owner
ship llfht wns wry Impressive. But In
it three-days' stay not a nickel had
been Scattered among the help anil the
word hud Spread fast that the eolonel
was not ull Hint li seemed to be.
Hi' IiiiiI Just bad his "boots" shlned,
and us the boy brushed him off, he
remarked :
"OSOrge, what would you think if l
gave you fifty cents for this shine?"
(ieorge answered right up:
"Ah would think you wanted fo'ty
cents change, sub "
Taking No Chance
"I tell you thai I won't have this
room,'1 protested the old luely to tins
bell boy who was conducting her. "I
ain't goln' to pay good money for a
pigsty With a mciisly little foldln' bed ,(, ,,.u(
In It. If you think thnt Jest becnuse
I'm from the country "
Profoundly disgusted, the boy cut
her short. "Get In, mum Get In. This
ain't your room. This Is the elevator."
Boys' Msisslna
Lip Reading
i Up reading Is taught to all 'leaf
children of normal Intelligence In Lon
don. Tin unty council maintains
nine schools for the eleaf iu which 1175
children are taught by 71 teachers.
Attendance Is not compulsory until the
children are seven years old, but It
considered eicNimhlc to mlmit ti u
ns sion after the' age of three as pos
sible. Up to the age of thirteen the
deaf children atteBd speeial day
schools, where the elementar SUbJeelS
are taught. Special guides lire hired
by the county council to insist the
Children In going to and from school,
Residential schools are provided for
Children from thirteen to sixteen, Mil
for subnormal hoys nml girls wlm
must be taught by other methods than
lip reading, one for normal hoys, and
one for normal girls, Voeatloti In
struction occupies half the time in
these schools. Cablnet-iniiklng, tailor
ing, bootmnking anil baking are taUaht
to boys, and elressmaklng nnel Ann
laundry work to girls. Most f these
hoys and girls have little trouble In
finding employment after leaving ihi
Schools, School Life.
Had More of Them
Little Bam, while taking tea with a
neighbor, was given a piece of bread
ami butter. He said "Thank you " VST)
"That's right, Sammy," said tke
hostess. "I like to hear little boys
say Thank you.' "
"Well." said Sammy, "If you want
to hear me say It again you might put
some Jam 00 It."
The Other Fellow
An Irishman came home one night
with a black eye, broken nose and
split Up. "Tim Silllvan done It," lie
told his wife, us she begun to tiHtlie It.
"Shame on you," she replied, "belli
licked by a hard drinking cockrmich
like Tim 1 Why, he"
NufT said. Hut don't spake evil of
Roys' Mugnxine.
Lines in His Line
' Wife-John, you ure getting terribly
siege of the measles. His parents Hubby (an alvertUln gMMgrl
have never had them so .hey are -.That's all right, my dear. In my busl-
' i,,.,s a steady Income In total lines
im worried iei ,. nine u.n.i .., .. ,i,f, ilon - lloMon
"Mourn not the vanished ages,
With the great heroic men,
Who dwell in history's pages.
And live in the poet's pen:
For the grandest times are before us
And the world is yet to see
The noblest worth of this old earth
In the men that are to be."
Is a source
Roy Mac's courtship was very
aiiort, wasn't It?
Fay es. Indeed. Vou see lilx gin
had seven little brothers and sUiers,
nnd bribing a crowd like that is a big
expense. New York Suu uud Globe.
Change now to the
brand that never
changes and you'll
never change again.