THE BOARDMAN MIRROR VOLUME IV BOARDMAN, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1924 NUMBER 4 AUXILIARY PLAY LET'S GET MARRIED, A BIG SUCCESS DE- The Auxiliary play was given last Saturday evening to a packed house and was enjoyed by all. "Let's All Get Married" was the title, and Nate Macomber as leading man, and Mrs. Davis as his niece, both played their parts admirably. Nona Rands as the flippant stenographer, was very good, as she always is in any amateur theatrical, and Opal Wagner seems to always be cast as an ardent lover, no doubt because he plays the part so well. The vari ous predicaments in which he found himself held the interest of the aud ience. Albert Macomber made a good looking clergyman but had difficulty in making his voice carry. Alton Klitz was an excellent English butler, and Bob Smith aj an irres ponsible college boy made quite a hit with the audience. Mrs. Stewart played the part of the professor's fiance and her acting was very good, but she too, had difficulty in mak ing herself heard, as did Mr. W. A. Goodwin, who made a very1 goqd family lawyer. Mrs. Nate Macomber took the part of Miss Plun, the maiden aunt which she carried splendidly. The acoustic properties of the auditorium are miserable and takes a voice with good carrying power to make itself heard in that i room. Mrs. J. C. ISallenger directed the play. She and the players are to! be congratulated for their work as j it was a difficult play. Bob Smith and Mr. Dodd, operators at Messner, j both brought down the house with their vaudeville skit between acts, the former taking the part of the red-haired Irishman, and the latter a negro who flourished an enormous ra.or and carried an alarm clock Their songs and patter were good, and the audience responded heartily with their applause. Miss Juanita Wolff gave two pi ano selections which were greatly appreciated. She has a wonderful touch and plays the difficult pieces with the greatest ease. Boardman is fortunate in having so talented a person in their midst. People always like a home-talent play and we understand that more of them are under way. The cos tumes were superb and the stage settings delightful. Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Binns, former Boardman residents, came up Sunday morning, and visited at the Macomber home. Mr. Binns re turned to Portland that day, but Mrs. Binns remained for several days. Kertnntli Peterson Disappears Kenneth Peterson, 14 years old. after expressing a wish to go out and "see something of the world." left Portland on Friday. February 29, and was last seen at The Dalles. One man was told by the boy that he intended to go to Pendleton. He told another that he intended to go to Bend, expressing discouragement and a readiness to come home. His parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peter son, 190 Fourteenth street, Port land, Oregon, have not heard from him since he was seen by the agent at The Dalles station, Saturday. March 1, and are worried and an xious to learn his whereabouts, and if anyone knows of the whereabouts of this boy the parents will annre ciate their communicating with them at once by wire at their expense. The boy left Portland in company with Albert Butler, age 16. This boy is very noticeable on account of a large scar on his right taw, how ever, they may have parted com pany. Kenneth Peterson wore a light green coat and had a green flannel shirt and a light striped shirt, eith er of which he may be wearine: corduroy breeches. puttees and black shoes and a light cap. He ha? blue eyes, light brown hair and a fair complexion. He is five feet five inches tall and weighs 110 pounds. Defacement of signboards and other government property on the !national forests is another misde meanor which often results in fines In the t'matilla National Forest. Washington, a tourist who wanted his name to be handed down to pos terity via a signpost, was overtaken within a few hours from the time he practiced writing his signature. The judge gave him his choice of backtracking 25 miles and erasing his name from the signboard or paying a fine. He chose the former WANTED Fresh eggs and chickens. French Cafe, PendleUm. au31tf STATE MARKET AGENT PARTMENT "You fellows don't make any money. You don't buy anything from me except overalls for your selves and Mother Hubbards for your wives. oti don't buy any furniture except the cheapest. You don't buy kitchen utensils except tinware. The only way I can make pny money is buying up mortgages V your faiims and forclosingj on you. hut I don't want to make mon ey that way. I want to make money as a souare merchant and I can't do it unless you fellows are making it." This was the opening talk at a big cooperative meeting In Califor nia by one of the big merchants in Fresno, and then h-j told the grow ers if they would organize right and dig in to help themselves, he would put every dollar he had in the world behind them. The interests of the farmer, mer chant, banker, lawyer, teacher and workers are closely allied. When the producers are prosperous the oth er iiteiosts are certain to be. Ore gon needs business men like this Fresno department store proprietor to walk into the cooperative move ment and help put it across. If all the cattle in Oregon Were marketed through one big cooper ative sellirg association, the stock men would be placed on an even liasis with the packers in the fix 'hg of nrloes. This plan has been worked out with wonderful success in some of the middle west states, and the official reports are on file in the state market agent's office These stork growers operate their own stock vanls. They control the stock all the wy through. The margin between the flour price and the bread price, for a har rel of flour, has spread from $TV4Q to MS. 30, while the price of wheat j to the grower is below the cost of , production. The department Of agriculture states that a pound of bread that cost the consumer 5.3 cents in 1913, in Minneapolis, now costs 9 cents, while floiT, which wa 14.48 a barrel in 1913, is now R 89 from the mnkers. The Portland Chamher of Com merce has reversed its first decision , and is now stronglv backing thj? wheat export bill before congress, and will send representatives to Washington to work for the law. , At the recent Portland meeting of the chamher and the wheat growers j of eastern Oregon, the bankers stat ed that many wheat growers have I turned their ranches over to the mortgage companies; that they are going deeper and deeper into debt, j and that unless some measure like the export bill gives them speedy re-1 lief, they will leave the farms in great numbers this summer and) fall. Minnesota is showing the nation ' what cooperation can do The state Is leading all other states in the movement because those who under- ' stand agriculture are directing it. In its cooperative dairy work Min nesota is getting 12 cents per pound more for its butterfat than Nebras ka, and 8 cents more than Wiscon sin, North and South Dakota and Iowa. Of farm products it markets almost half of the entire state's production, and in live stock, one half of the shipping is handled through cooperative associations. Of 20,900 cars of live stock handled the average cost was a trifle more than $8, and the net average profit more than $4, against a handling cost of $16 through commission men and a loss of $4 the differ ence between success and failure. What Minnesota is dotal .tic ha: done, Oregon can do, when the cat tle men, fruit men, dairy men and others will come to the one-way of thinking, unite solidly and put those at the head who know the work. The leaders of the cooper ative work in Minnesota state that united action of farmers is the big gest factor to save the Industry of anything so far suggested - that the farmers must save themselves. Boardman Utellem THIRD YEAR Edited by the High School Students No. 27 EDITOR, Zoe Hadley, '24 Ass't. Editor, Edward McClellaiir'25 Joke Editor, Alton Klitz, "24 Coming "Rip Van Winkle," a production to be put on for the school by Al G. Storey of Portland, will be of fered Saturday evening March 22. Mr. Story is an artist in his line and does the work with the assistance of twelve high school and grade children. He will divide receipts equally with the school. ' Being a scene painter, Mr. Story promises to help us furnish the stage with equipment such as scene painting of a drop curtain and pan els for exterior and interior decor ations. With the school board furnishing material and the manual training boys doing the work these things can be done at a small cost. Mr. Story will do the scene paint ing free of charge. The school and other organiza tions giving home talent plays will be saved much time and labor in putting up and tearing down im provised stage equipment. Board man audiences will be delighted with the colorful, restful environ ment which will greet them at every performance. Everybody boost for "Pip Van Winkle." The manual training shop is a busy place these days. The boys are beginning to realize that the end of the school year will soon be here, and that they must hurry to com plete their work. Cedar chests are the most popular project, and! it looks as thoug.i we would have some good ones. On windy days the boys work overtime in the shop, in the morn ing, at noon and at recess time. 1 Some of them star af'er school to finish up their work. Can you im agine how interested they must be, : to stay in after school without be ing compelled to do so? Toward the end of the year the1 domestic science and manual train ing departments will probably have a combined exhibit of the work they have done This should prove in leresling to the parents, and should stimulate the children to do good work. i 8KIX QUICKENS AND BOGS- BOARDMAN SCHOOLS llinr HOME IMPROVEMENTS -pQ STAGE PLAY Farm women of Charleston county, South Carolina, sold 5,441 pound.! of poultry and 10,388 iosen e:rg- during 1 923, as compared with f0 pounds of market poultry and 1,000 dozen eggs in 1920. This la t ,. . In crease In three years' was accomp lir.hod, an the part of extensior workers cooperatively directed b' the T'Mted State Department lei1" Agriculture and the stapi agricul tural colleges by co-.stanfly empha sising the value of purebred novi' trv and of Hie need of enuii'"; al' products. Thr homo demonstration agent rendered all possible assist nnce In the marketing of these pro ducts, but the good results are at trlbuted largely to the fact that .' everv meeting h'-ld, no matte- Herr Cominsky, the great, musi cian, desires to borrow a violin. He wants to do some fidllng in Uncle Ephraim's troupe, which will be here April 4th. Prof. Goowtsky will assist Cominsky in his artistic en deavors in the music line. Remem ber the date. And it came tot pass that two girls of the eighth grade appeared at the school one lay last wefek in dresses that flashed forth their class colors of blue and gold. Class spirit? Well, yes, and the eighth grade knows how, when, why and where to display it. what sub'ect was discussed, no"' try was advised as a means of in oreasiri? the home income Out of 138 women enrolled in bom" del n onntration work, 70 improved thei fbyka by 'he purchase of standard bred Cockerels or baby chick". In addition to selling poolr-, " I'.rtT IWMntU of butter and fro-' vegetables, amounting 'o IS.368.50 Were sold In the county. The "or oy earned hv the women in the?' ways was divided into three por tions. One part was laid awav fc a rain day, one par' was spent r supplying special needs of the chl' dret for food or Clothing and a thin' part was spent for homo Improvi ments. Anion". thoie Imnnov1 ments. 23 house - -,. 'WO'lelfld b havtng additions, new floors, or nev lighting systems. Eleven wome bought gasoline irons, two mad Wheel trnys. and four bought ki 'hen cabinet'.: fifteen planted fru' trees and 1 S 9 planted local tree and shrubs to beautify the hour grounds. Roy Dempsey, a former student, who has been away for some time, reentered school on March, 4th. Ruby McCallum, from Washing ton, was welcomed to the fourth grade last Monday. On account of contagion at the Olson home Ivy and Earl are ab sent from school this week. Mrs. Dempsey was a visitor in the school last Thursday. Every member of the eighth grade has written a story of the constitution, Its origin and what it contains. They also give their reasons for thinking it a good con stitution. Perhaps one of the)se stories will appear in next week's Issue. The county superintendent an nounces that she will hold a local teachers' institute at Boardman school Saturday, March 29. There will probably be forenoon and aft ternoon sessions and State Super intendent J. A. Churchill who is to be present, utuires to speak to the citizens of Boardman and also the teachers of this vicinity, Including those of Irrigon. All are invited to attend these meetings. Don't for get the date. The decorating committee of the seventh and eighth grade room are endeavoring to hasten the arrival of spring by adding a touch of col or in the way of tulips, Dutch chil dren, pussy willows and apple blos soms. The primary room is also gaily decked with tulips on the windows, while on the blackboard border may be seen umbrellas, indicative of March storms to come. A hundred-pound weight fell from the seventh and eighth gran-, room into the cafeteria Friday even ing. Fortunately no one was injured. Some of the boys want batting practice. Do they need it? Yea, bo! Mr. Macomber Is endeavoring to clean up the school premises by ... clearing me waste our oi me uuen es and burning It. The opening game of the season will be with Umatilla, on our grounds. Roth boys' and girls' teams will get into action. Are we going to beat 'em? Yea bo! The fifth and sixth grade sewing class have their little aprons about finished. Now this is the law of the jungle as old and as true as the sky; And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the Wolf that shall break It must die. As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back For the strength of the Pack is tlie Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack Kipling. The boys threw the rocks off the infield last week. We would have a dandy athletic field if we could get rid of those rocks. Maybe some kind hearted patrons will help us out in fixing up our field. Some thing must be done before next football season. The seventh and eighth grade sewing classes are making summer dresses. They are now finishing them. By the way, we're going to have a championship football team next fall A little spring training Is now in order. Change now to the brand that never changes and you'll never change again. The Freshmen girls were each re quired to make a blouse of cotton material. The blouses are nearly completed. The advanced sewing classes have just about completed their renovat ed dresses, which they were requir ed to make. Jokes Mr. Mulkey -"Why do you want to read that book on the front steps?" Norman "Mrs. Crowder told me I would flunk If I didn't do MIDI outside reading." Howard- "What's the difference between a pan cake and a waffle?" Carl "A waffle has cleats on It." "Hector "My ear hurts, and I don't know what to do for it. Do you?" Blanche "Did you, ever ' try washing It?" CARE F GARDEN soil.s is sriwECT of i(ni:v (From Department of Industrie' Journalism, Oregon Agricultural College ) Garden soils, even I hough care fully selected sometimes do not pro duce ns expected. Tlie many In qulrtes coming into the department of vegetable gardening at O. A. C prompt the following recniumenda tlons which if carefully followed In the grower will enable him in. most cases to produce profitable crops. A chemical analysis of the soil Ir seldom of any benefit to a hotm gardener although an acidity test or an examination of the physical qualities of the soil may be useful .A liberal application of manure i generallv the best remedy for n poor soil. Well rotted horse man ure is preferable to any other ferl lllier, This material should b well mixed with the soil but not too deeply or much of its benefl' will be lost. I, ime is very often useful in Im proving the textdre Oi 'he soil which will help to make It productive. A good application rate is 10 to 18 pounMi per square rod of soil. Wood ashes will not take the place ,of lime If wood ashes are applied in too large quantities they will ruin any garden soil by converting it In to an alkaline condition. In addition to the manure appli cation it is oftentimes desirable to apply 4 pounds of a complete com- tnerclal fertiliser per square rod of garden soil. This is best broad casted over the soil and lightly worked in before spring seeding or transplanting. Bronze 2,400 Yean Old A splendid likeness In hmnse of Greek horse of 2,400 yean ago, has been added to the Collections of ths Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The horse weighs 25' pound and measures LB 18 M Inches in height by 14V4 Inches In length. It Ik an ad mirable expression of the greatness Bl (irwk sculpt?! Which was at tt n best In Interpreting human snd animal forms. It Is Interesting to note how the probable dule of the sculpture l fixed. Numismatists claim thst thr coins of s period generully tu ten yean behind tlie sculpture. Thll would place the year 470 B. C. as the most likely date, hs comparison of th bronze statue with the horses of tin chariots on lyTaCVSM coins of the period MO-tM H. C. would Indicate. Detroit News. Zoe "Perharfs I shall learn to say perhaps some day." EXPERIMENT STATION NOTES Paetmna The old notion that any sort of land will do for pasture is In the class of those things which "have gone forever." An acre of mixed grass pasture Is more valuable than an acre of alfalfa. On many projects the very best land Is profitably used for pasture We have, however, a moisture factor to consider. The pasture grasses are all more or less shalllow rooted ho must be put on land that holds moisture well. Much of the land on the project which "subs" some would make ideal pas ture. A good mixture for our con ditions has 4 pounds each of orchard grass, bluegrass, meadow fescue and smooth brome grass and 2 pounds of alsike clover per acre. If the ground is wet red top should be substituted for meadow fescue. Using a Hard One Waldo's leather had asked lilm tn write a sentence containing the word "amphibious," and us VVuhLi Is only twelve he had some trwuhle spelling the word, but after sevtrul culls on teacher for aid, evidently got It writ ten to his satisfaction. Then ensued s long period of concentration and wriggling. It was broken when Waldo asked how to spell " untslfilng." At last he laid the results of his labor on the teu' lier's desk and this is whst she read : "My teacher lias asked me to write a sememe containing the word amphibious." Money is a commodity that will buy anything but health and happi r.oss, and Is a universal transport to every place but heaven. RIP VAN WINKLE Everything is set and ready for the play, "Rip Van Winkle." to be given by a cast from the Boardman schools, oft Saturday, March 22. Rehearsals are no' .under way and Directory Story says he Is ready for a show now, but that he will spend the remaining hours in whip ping up the action and building up a few spots. Indications are that Boardman folks are getting behind' the! stu dents in their financial efforts. Realizing the popularity and rep utation I have gained and the feel ing of confidence in which I am held by the people of many towns and cities of the west, I feel under obligations to do all in my power to sustain the reputation that 1 have established. In presenting school plays in the central and western states, my big gest success has been in the great play made famous by the late Joe Jefferson from Washington Irvlng's masterpiece, "Rip Van Winkle". The cast I have from the pupils of the Boardman school will, I am sure give a good account of themselves;; therefore It Is with a great deal of pleasure that I offer you this griat play at the high school auditorium. Saturday evening, March 22. It is an Oasis of pleasure In (he Desert of a wave A rollicking torrent "f pure, wholesome, llfe-g ving, worry dispelllng amusement, a positive cure for the blues. Come, and forget your . troubles. A. story never to be forgotten. Yours for clean amusement, A I G. Story. V-POISONS By Frederick I). Strieker, M, D, Collaborating Epidemiologist of the Oregon State Board of Health In Co-Operatlon with the United States Public Health Service. There are poisons that are de veloped within the body. The life processes produce poison as by products. The liver destroys these poisons and the skin, lungs, kidneys and bowels eliminate them. These loisoni cause old age and eventual ly death. Were It possible to lasill perfect elimination wi might llvo indefinitely. It is therefore Import ant that 1 diminution be promoted by Bfficlsal kidney action, regular bow i movements, and an active skin. ii is not alone Important to elimi nate the POtaon produced within the body, but it ts just as Important to Iteep out of the body poison from the outside. Drugs, self -administered us medicine, and bnbit formlm; drugs are Important causes of phys ical impairment. The typo or seir- medicatlon which Is particularly harmful Is the taking of headache powders, which in no instance ef fect a cure of the underlying cause. The abuse of purgatives and laxa tives la another type of poison. However, the most common form of poisoning is Infection. Infections are due to the growth In the body of minute animul or vegetuble forniB commonly known as germs. Infec tions enter the body through the skin and mucous membranes. These germs are carried from person to person and the diseases which they cause are known us "catching". Most of these germs develop in the body and leave by way of the dis charges. Mouth sprays, sneezing, coughing id kissing may convey the Infection to others. Infe-ted persons and curriers may through their discharges Infect waler, food, and eating utensils. Infection Is spread by unclean hands and prom iscuous expectorating Water sap piles are Infected by sewage. Avoid Infection by keeping away frost congested places during epi demics. Keep away from persons who are sick with acute Infection. Know that the persons who are bun dling your food are not "disease carriers." I'se no water or milk that Is not carefully safeguarded by the health department. Milk that Is not properly pasteurized may contain dangerous germs. There Is danger of Infection from germs In swimming pools that are not constantly filt ered and chemically purified. Although most healthy people's germs are not disease germs and arH therefore harmless to other peo ple, It is hard to tell when even healthy people mny get disea.-i germs from someone else. Try not to let other people pass on their germs to you, especially if (fiey have any kind of germs such as tuberculosis, typhoid fever, scar let fever, measles, etc. Persons hav ing on them or In them, germs of communicable disease, must be con trolled. To do this properly means intimate attention and supervision of Infected persons by health au thorities who know their business and do nothing else. Do not allow poison or Infection to enter your body.