The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, March 07, 1924, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Senate to Investigate in Forbes Case
Conference Is Held.
Events of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Thi.igs Worth Knowing.
More wheat was exported from the
Columbia river during December, 123,
than from all of the other ports in the
United States combined.
Sergeant C. E. Conrad, Kelly field,
at San Antonio, Tex., broke the world's
record altitude parachute jump Wed
nesday. Ho leaped from 21,500 feet.
Twenty-seven Mexican convicts,
some of them serving terms for mur
der, escaped from the blue Ridge pris
on farm, 18 miles from Houston, Tex.
The escape was staged between 10
and 11 o'clock Wednesday night.
Ex-Field Marshal Ludendorf, Adolph
Hitler, leader of tho ISavarian fascist!,
and seven other defendants were
placed on trial for their connection
with tho "putsch" of last November.
All of the defendants except one are
charged with high treason.
Relieved to bo of tho Neolithic pe
riod, or later stone age, a boat 11 feet
long and three feet wide, hollowed
out of tho trunk of an oak tree, bus
boon found in tho mud at Elmley
Perry marshes, near Sittingbourne,
Kent, England. It is estimated by ex
perts to be 5000 years old.
Congress laid aside legislative busi
ness Wednesday to pay tribute to the
memory of Warren G. Harding. The
house and senate Joined in a memor
ial service, held in the house chamber,
with Secretary Hughes as tho only
speaker and President Coolidge, his
cabinet, supremo court Justices and
foreign diplomats iu attendance.
Mayor Hrown and Alfred H. Lundin
were nominated as mayoralty en ml i
datOB in tho primary ('lection held in
Seattle, Wash., Tuesday, according to
complete returns from all of the city's
294 products. Mayor Urowu polled
a plurality of 4SD1 votes over Lundin.
Tho unofficial returns tabulated from
tho 2U4 precincts gave: lirown, 27,592;
Lundin, 2.'f,01 1; Erickson, 17,344.
A chemical discovery said to be one
ot tho most Important of tho 20th
century has Just been made at the
Fixed Nitrogen Hosourch laboratory
at Washington, 1'rolVssor Arthur H.
Lamb of Harvard announced Tuesday
night. The discovery is a net catalyst
which will bring about the permanent
union of hydrogen and nitrogen atoms
and will yield 1 I per cent ot ammonia,
Professor Lamb said.
Further slashes in operating ex
panses have been determined upon by
President Palmer of tho emergency
fleet corporation. On top of the re
duction of $1S,0(I0 in the salaries ol
tho corporation's four vice presidents,
a similur sum will be saved through
elimination of the position of manag
ing director ot United States Inn .
made vacant Wednesday by tho resig
nation of William J. Love.
Serious interference with telegra
phic and radio communication is pre
dieted by Dr. David Todd, professor
emeritus of Amherst college, in a
statement In which ho announced the
discovery of a new outbreak ot "sun
spots." Tho area affected, according
to Dr. Todd, is about Utah) miles in
diameter. He believei the outbreak
to bo the beginning of a "sun spot
period," with auroral displays and eon
sequent difficulty in electric and radio
President Donnelly of the Northern
Pacific railway Tuesday denounced
the pending attack on the road's land
grants as "an attempt through some
form of congressional action to cir
cumvent tho decisions of the courts."
President Coolldgo has asked Chair
man Lenroot of tho senate public
lands committee to look into the sltua
Hon under which tho interior depart
ment, unless action is taken, will soon
bo called upon to turn over to the
railroad 3,900,000 acres of public lands,
some of it including forest reserves.
The students' mlllenium the day
when there will be no exams is com
ing on apace, in the view of educators.
SpeaKe-s before the annual conven
tion of the department of superintend
ouco, National Education association,
in Chicago, Tuesday ruled out the
periodic examination "aud all its
moral hazards" as unsound, uusci.iui
fie and "generally meaningless." For
tho examination mark, it seems, lias
been proved by years of testing by
educational psychologists to have, ab
solutely no fixed relation to mental
capacity or Intellectual ability.
Washington, D. C Evidence that
"two members of congress" improp
erly accepted money, laid before the
Chicago grand Jury that indicted
Charles It. Forbes, will be Inquired
into by the senate veterans' commit
tee. A telegram was sent Monday night
to the district attorney at Chicago re
questing that he advise the committee
as to this evidence, and asking wheth
er it indicated sufficient connection
with the veterans' bureau to come
within the committee's jurisdiction.
The action followed a conference
between President Coolidge and Sen
ator Heed, republican, Pennsylvania,
chairman of the committee, at which
the grand jury's report was discussed.
Whether immediate action also is to
be taken by the executive branch of
the government upon matters discuss
ed in the report other than the indict
ments handed down was not disclosed
after the conference.
The special report of tho grand jury
announced that other sensational de
velopments involving alleged graft
had been developed before it in the
course of tho inquiry which led to the
indictment of Forbes. These develop
ments were not pursued, the grand
jury reported, because they were not
within its jurisdiction.
The jury stated that the develop
ments included speculation by one or
more officials of the government, in
volving the use of official information,
the payment of certain sums of money
to two members of congress and that
money was collected by certain per
sons, not attorneys, for obtaining per
mits for intoxicating liquor.
Tho jury also said it had informa
tion indicating that the files of one
department were turned over to per
sons having no official connection
with the department and that money
was accepted by persons who were
not attorneys, to obtain clemency for
prisoners, these persons basing their
effort! upon their Intimacy with officials.
ABOUT $446,000,000
Washington, I). C The tax bill as
passed by the house will produce 44G,
000,000 less revenue than the existing
law, in tlie opinion of the treasury ac
tuaries. II would produce $113,000,000 more,
the treasury figures indicate, than the
Garner democratic plan.
The treasury surplus under the pres
ent rates, according to present esti
mates, will bo only 132:1,000,000, so
that the house bill if finally enacted,
would result in a deficit of fl23,000,
000. Losses in revenue under the bill as
passed by tho house are estimnted to
bo $130,000,000 in normal income
taxes, 1150,000,000 in surtaxes, $90,
000,000 in earned income and $12ti,
000,000 iu miscellaneous taxes. These
same taxes as carried in tho darner
plan would have resulted, according to
the trensury, in losses from existing
amounts of $227,000,000 in normal in
come taxes, ?171,000,000 in surtaxes,
188,000,0m in earned Income and $126,
000.000 in miscellaneous taxes.
Provisions of both the Garner plan
and tlie bill as passed by tho house
SrOUld bring $50,000,000 more into tho
treasury than under existing law un
der the capital loss and limited deduc
tion section.
Parcel Post Is Probed.
Washington, D. C The postoffice
depart no 'tit is conducting an Inquiry
Into its panel post business. Assist
ant Postmaster-General Stewart an
nounced, to determine whether that
service cannot be so reorganized as
to hear the cost of Increased salaries
tor postal employes.
Mr. Stewart appeared before n joint
senate and house committee which, is
considering a salary bill, but said the
department would be unable to formu
late recommendations until a report
on the parcel post Inquiry was in hand,
probably in May.
Tax Refunds Are Huge.
Washington, D. C. Refunds on tax
payments totaling $123,992,820.94 were
made by the treasury in the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1923, according to
a report by the department. The re
funds, made to 263,320 persons, cov
ered payments for several years and
were made on account of "illegal or
erroneously collected taxes," The re
port showed 10,152 persons had re
ceived more than $1000 each iu reimbursements.
Washington. D. C The public debt
has been cut more than $4,800,000,000
in the four and a half years since the
great war indebtedness was at its
peak, August 31, 1919. Figures made
public Monday by the treasury show
that at tho opening of business Satur
day the national debt was $21,781,966.-
862. It has been reduced $933,000,000
Iu tho last year.
Marine Guard Around Ceiba
Consulate Is Doubled
Tangled Affairs of Central American
Republic Fails to Respond
to Adjustment.
Washington, D. C With a force of
American marines and bluejackets
guarding the consulate at Ceiba and
an American destroyer speeding from
Jamaica to the Honduran port of Puer
to Cortes, the Washington govern
ment has been forced to take action
in connection with the confusing revo
lutionary outbreaks in the Honduran
republic, which already have cost the
life of one American citizen.
An American negro, whose name
has not been reported, was killed in
the recent fight at Ceiba during which
the consulate was repeatedly struck
by bullets.
Rear-Admiral Dayton, commanding
the special service squadron in central
American waters, and whose flagship,
the cruiser Denver, is at Ceiba, has
found it necessary to double the ma
rine guard of 35 men first sent ashore
to protect the consulate. An addition
al force of 35 bluejackets has joined
the marines of the guard and Admiral
Dayton reported that the situation a!
Ceiba was so menacing to American
interests that he did not consider it
wise to withdraw his ship from that
place at present.
While the revolutionary movement
which followed the failure to elect a
new president by constitutional means
has been a double-headed affair from
the first, apparently there are separ
ate revolts by various leaders also in
progress, and banditry has broken out
in some places.
Recent reports from Ceiba indicate
that the fighting there, which caused
the landing of American marines and
sailors, was between the forces of the
de facto government headed by Presi
dent Guiterriez and an unorganized
bandit force headed by a leader named
Mttnguia. Whether Munguia is sup
porting one of the revolutionary par
ties or operating without any connec
tion with the revolutionary movements
lias not been disclosed.
The third presidential candidate,
Hon ilia, also is said to have some
military support, but just which force
is seeking his preferment is not
Washington, D. C. Administration
influence will be brought to bear to
cause the modification of the house
tux bill by the senate finance coin
mil toe in important particulars.
Not only will a drive be made to
bring about a reduction in surtax
rates, but an effort also will be made
to obtain tlie elimination of a number
of amendme&tl added on the floor of
the house which are considered by
Secretary ot tho Treasury Mellon to
be objectionable.
Tho house amendment to which Sec
retary Mellon is expected to offer the
most serious objections is that which
increases present taxes on estates.
Secretary Mellon In his last annual
report declared that the present estate
taxes, ranging from 1 to 25 per cent,
were so high as to be confiscatory.
The house boosted the maximum rate
to 40 per cent over the protest of re
publicans who acted as spokesmen lor
the treasury viewpoint. It is under
stood that Secretary Mellon either in
n letter to tho senate finance commit
tee or in testimony before tho com
mittee, will urge strongly that the
estate taxes bo reduced at least to
the present level.
Secretary Mellon also is expected
to criticize the gift tax amendment
adopted by the house. Treasury ex
perts have taken tho position that the
tax on gifts cannot be administered
successfully and that It will not ac
complish much toward providing eva
sion of high surtaxes and high estate
18 Known to Be Dead.
New Brunswick, N. J. The number
of known dead as the result of Satur
day's disastrous TNT explosion and
celluloid fire at the little town ot
Nixon is placed at 18. Only one addi
tional body, tho torso of a woman,
was found Sunday. Rescuers who
worked In the smoking ruins through
out the day stated eight persons are
missing, six are unaccounted for and
60 are being treated for injuries suf
fered in the disaster.
: STATE news :
Governor Neff of Texas has issued
a proclamation placing an embargo
on importation of livestock from Cali
fornia and prohibiting importation
lrom Oregon, Arizona and Nevada ex
cept after proper inspection
Klamath Falls. Construction will
start soon at Klamath Falls on a new
sawmill with a capacity of 70,000 feet
per day, to' be located in the outskirts
of the city near the juncture of the
Strahorn and Southern Pacific rail
roads. Astoria. The body of a boy baby
about one day old was found near
liugby station Monday by Joseph J.
Saul of this city. He notified C. O.
Botts and H. N. Boyd of the Crossett
Western Timber company, who re
ported the case to Coroner Hughes.
Salem. Governor Pierce, who a
week ago underwent an operation for
the removal of his gall bladder at a
local hospital, probably will be re
covered sufficiently to return to his
home late this week. This was an
nounced by the attending physicians.
Pendleton. Purchase of 75,000 as
paragus plants with which to plant 15
acres of land in the Hermiston dis
trict has been closed with a Walla
Walla dealer, according to Fred Ben
nion, county agent. Otto Heinl of
Hermiston conducted the purchase for
a committee of west end growers.
Pendleton. Fire of unknown origin
practically destroyed a house and con
tents on Beauregard street occupied
by L. C. Graham Sunday morning at
3 o'clock. The fire was not discovered
until it had made considerable head
way. Mr. and Mrs. Graham and their
children were absent on a visit with
relatives in Walla Walla.
Hillsboro. The Oregon state dairy
men elected the following officers at
their annual convention here Friday:
C. L. Mulkey, McMinnville, president;
C. V. Laughlin of Astoria, first vice
president; H. W. Cooley of Jefferson,
second vice-president; P. M. Brandt of
Corvallis, secretary-treasurer; Horace
Addis of Portland, assistant secretary.
Bend. Earl Denny, 30, stopped off
a cliff near Terre Bonne late Satur
day night, falling 35 feet and suffering
fatal injuries. His skull was frac
tured and he lived only 25 minutes
after the accident. Denny is thought
to be from Idaho Falls, Idaho, and
Coroner Niswonger began efforts to
find his friends or relatives in that
Salem. The Willamette valley lo
ganberry crop for the year 1924 will
be approximately 70 per cent of nor
mal, according to officials of the Dra
ger Fruit company. In some parts of
the valley the entire loganberry acre
age was destroyed by tho frost, while
in other sections the crop will be 100
per cent. The average loss will be
30 per cent, officials said.
Salem. Approximately 10.000 state
income tax returns, representing pay
ments of $40,000, have been received
at the offices of the income tax col
lecting department here, according to
announcement made Saturday by Earl
Fisher, state tax commissioner. Mr.
Fisher estimated that not less than
75,000 returns will bo filed with the
department by March 31. Of the 10,
000 returns received up until Friday
night 4400 were classified as taxable,
while 5G00 were non-taxable.
Pendleton. Plans are being made
to test every milk cow in Umatilla
county this year to insure that the
present low rate of tuberculosis is not
permitted to show an increase, accord
ing to Fred Bennion, county agent.
Tho tests conducted in 1923 of 440
; herds, consisting of 2S37 head, showed
13 reactors and eight suspects. Dr.
G. W. Overhauso of the bureau of
animal husbandry, stationed at La
Grande, will conduct the tests in Uma
tilla county, which are to begin about
March 10.
St. Helens. With tho departure of
the steamer Multnomah Friday night
lumber shipments from St. Helens for
the week amounted to about 3,000,000
feet, all shipments being for California
ports. The steamer E. H. Meyer,
which departed Wednesday afternoon
for San Pedro, was laden with 1.016,
000 feet of lumber, and the steamer
Celilo which left Thursday night car
ried a 975,000-foot cargo of lumber
and piling for San Pedro and San
Diego. The steamer also had a fair
passenger list.
Klamath Falls. Before a full gal
lery of Indians the marital difficulties
ot Sarah Jim and Brick Jim, full
blooded Klamath Indians, were aired
iu the circuit court here Friday in a
contested divorce case, in which Sarah
Jim attempted to show she could be
freed from marriage ties with Brick
Jim, who had chased her on a horse
and beat her over the head. Mrs.
Jim's testimony was taken through
an interpreter, since she speaks only
the Klamath language. Judge Leavitt
denied the divorce.
"People who make money with
chickens, feed mash the year around,"
declares James G. Halpin, poultryman
at the University of Wisconsin.
"Don't think that the mash is not
necessary," says Mr. Halpin, "just
because the hens went into winter
quarters and you have plenty of corn
and small grain to feed.
"Hens are particular and they won't
lay unless they are given the right
kind of feed. The average farm does
not produce all of the feeds that are
needed by the laying flock and It Is
very poor management to get along
with what feed you have when by buy
ing a few pounds the prollts of your
flock can be greatly Increased."
He regards the mash as essential for
he says "Biddy not only likes it, but It
furnishes the necessary protein. In
the mash should be Included some of
the common by-products such 11s wheat
bran, middlings, and gluten feed. It is
an excellent way to feed animal pro
tein for skim milk, buttermilk, or some
form of waste can be mixed with the
"In some sections many farmers feed
their flocks fresh ment during the
winter with excellent results. This
meat consists of various animals, such
as rabbits, muskrats (caught for their
fur), calves not good enough to raise,
worn out horses or a farm animal that
has been accidentally killed, badly In
jured or that has died from some non
communicable disease.
"In feeding such material care should
be taken that the meat does not spoil,"
declares Halpin. "Tlie best practice Is
to dress the animal just us though It
were to be ued lor food, and If the
animal is large, quarter It and hang
It up In a shed where the meat will
freeze solid and stay frozen until used.
The best way to feed such material Is
to cut off a piece and run it through a
bone grinder. This can then be fed
with the mash.
"When fresh meat is not available,
some meat scrap or tankage should
be purchased in its place. Hens will
not drink enough milk in cold weather
to give the most profitable production."
Physician and Surgeon
Physician and Surgeon
Fraternal Building
Stanfield, Oregon
Dental X-ray and Diagnosis
Bank Building
'Phones: Office 93. Residence 751.
New ton Painless Dentists
Dr. H. A. Newton, Mgr.
Cor. Main and Webb Sts. Pendleton
Umatilla Pharmacy
W. E. Smith, Prop.
Mail orders given speciul atten- 2
Quick Service '
Satisfaction Quaranteed
I Umatilla, Oregon
t MM MM Ml
200 E. Court Street
Electrical Fixtures and
Electric Contracting X
Light and Ventilation
Plan an Important Part
Plenty of light and ventilation in
the poultry house will help to keep the
flock healthy and the house clean and
Sanitary. The general appearance of
the Interior of a poultry house should
1 1 111, ,1,1, Mlll, ailU I Ml, II Ml- 1,1' ,
lng the Wall! and ceiling sprayed with
whitewash will produce this effect.
When there are enough windows, the
Interior of the house will be sufficient
ly lighted even on sunless days.
Sunlight is the best-known germ de
stroyer, therefore all openings should
be so located that the sun will strike
every part of the poultry house at
some time during the day. During the
wintertime windows play an Impor
tant part in keeping the birds active.
Both dampness and Impure air are
the result of poor ventilation. A damp
house is one of the surest ways to cut
down egg production and cause colds,
roup and kindred Ills. A curtain of
unbleached muslin will allow fresh
air to pass into the house and allow
bad air to pass out and it will also
prevent drafts. These curtains should
be used only in severely cold weather
and should always be open during the
day, except when it is necessary to
close them to keep out storms or
heavy fogs.
One square foot of curtain to sis
square feet of floor space Is a safe
rule to follow. All openings should
be far enough above the floor so that
there will be no drafts directly upon
the birds.
; Eat and Drink
E. J. McKNEELY, Prop.
) Pendleton, Oregon
; Only the Best Foods Served
; ; Fancy Ice Creams
1 . Furnished Rooms over Cafe
', ', Juick Service Lunch Counter
J 't in connection with Dining room
1 You Are Welcome Here
Early Maturing Pullet
the One to Breed From
The pullet that takes eight months
or more to mnture is not ns a rule a
paying proposition. It not only costs
more to keep her until she lays but
the very weakness which made a late
maturer of her prevents her from
making a good record the rest of the
year. In addition she misses the period
of high-priced eggs. There are too
many late developing pullets.
Early and late maturity are Inher
ited. Don't breed from a late devel
oper. Put a leg band on every bird
that has begun laying to date. Then
next September pull the bands from
those that have moulted or which
show very little gg cupaclty In the
rear. These two trips to the hen house
will save you a lot of trouble and
guessing when you want to pick youi
breeders next year and will pay m th
improvement of your stock. o C
Krum. Poultry Specialist. Colorado
Agricultural College.
We Specialize in
Take that next job to your
Home Printer
R. X. Stanfield, President.
I . . . I . ' 1 . . . I
,, .-.11 mil, isi ice-l res.
M. R. Ling, 2nd Vice-Pres.
Ralph A. llolte, Caalder
Bank of
: Stanfield
Better Roads Encourage
b armers to Buy New Cars
Good roads and more of them Is a
temptation that fanners cannot resist,
and these great concrete ribbons are
being built at the rate of approximate
ly 20,000 miles per year, with no In
dications of the work diminishing.
Reports from dealers throuuliout the
country are to the effect that farm
ers have already begun placing orders
for passenger cars and trucks for
spring deliveries la greater volume.
Capital Stock and
Four Per Cent Interest
Paid on Time Certifi
cates of Deposit