The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, March 07, 1924, Image 1

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    Sa tsoa E S
11 Feb?)
What ails the naticJs agricul
ture is too low prices to the farmei
and too high to the family table.
Too low prices to the raisers re
sult in farmers quitting the land and
going to the cities for jobs. Too high
prices to the consumers result in less
consumption and less demand.
If there could be a normal ratio
between the producing and selling
prices the whole country would be
vastly benefitted, and it would seem
that an aroused people could work
out one.
We have two great classes on the
prosperity of which depends the wel
fare of our country-producers and
consumers. The only condition that
will really make an Oregon farm a
real homo, and one thr.' '''. hold
the boys ar.d girls, is a condU.on un
der which the owner or renter feeh
certain that he can sell his product'
at a margin of profit sufficient for
him to make a home. The om
condition under which the workint
class outside of the farms will b'
contented is when they are able tc
buy the necessary food products o
the farm at a fair profit margin ov
er tl.' rice the farmer receives, am'
be a'le to save a little from th
waget' or salary.
There are two dollars added x
every one the farmer receives fron
products when they reach the con
sume. There can't be good husines
conditions under such a system. I1
is certain to tip itself over it is al
ready doing it.
Statistic are tedious, but they an
very significant these days. In 190r
sixty of every one hundred peopP
lived on the farms, contented and
happy. Today sixty of every hun
dred live in the cities and both th'
sixty and forty per cent are dissatis
fied and rebellious.
In New England, New York am
Pennsylvania there are today 75.00'
unoccupied farms, four and one-hal
millions of formerly cultivated lane'
In the middle Atlantic states thei
are 2,775,000 less acres of improved
lands than there were in 1910. I"
the east north central states ther
are 16,000 less farms today thr"
there were in 1910. In Indiana ther
are 10,000 less, in Illinois 14,000 les'
and 10,000 less in Michigan. Thes
figures are from the government
census, they are facts.
In Oregon thousands of rancher
have left their farms during the pas
four vears and thousands more wil
leave the coming year, unless con
ditions speedily change. A Portlan'
banker stated at the recent whea
meeting before the Portland Cham
ber of Commerce that 200 banks ha
recently failed in the Pacific north
west on account of failing farmer
and cattlemen.
There are a comparatively fev
middle handling agencies that ar
taking the profits that should go t
the producers and the lower price
that should go to the consumer
These middle agencies, not only i
agriculture but in manufacturing in
dustries, are holding up nationa
prosperity to a large extent by thei
profit tolls.
From both producers and' con
sumers should come organization t
control production from the farm t
the retailer. It would not be a foi
midable undertaking if they wouh
act together, and enough of then
act. With production, transportat in
and marketing controlled, thes
many large middle profits and ex
penses could be eliminated, or re
WHO? Single persons who
had net income of 1,000 or
more or gross income of $5,
oOO or more, and married
couples who had net income of
$2, tOO or more or gros income
of S o ,000 or moro must file
WHEN? The filing period is
from January 1 to March 15,
WHERE? Collector of inter
nal revenue for the district in
which the person lives or has
his principal place of business.
HOW? Instructions on Form
1010A and Form 1040; also the
law and regulations.
WHAT, Four per cent nor
mal tax on the first $4,000 of
net income in excess of the per
sonal exemption and credits for
dependents. Eight per cent nor
mal tax on balance of net in
come. Surtax from 1 per cent
to 50 per cent on net .incomes
over $6,000 for the year 1923.
Look out for larkspur and water
larsnips. Both these plants may be i
ound in the pastures now and are,
oisonous to stock.. Where stock has;
lied from poisoning before, pasture,
and should be carfully watched fori
aese plants. Preventive methods
rather than p'eatment of the trouble
'.re the best means of controlling
the poison.
Watch the chicks nini'o tVinn thr
hermometer. They will show you
f the temperature is right no
'tatter what the thermometer reads.
Watch them constantly during the
irst week as this is the critical per-od.
. i
Heavy losses iiave occurred by bas
ing sl?es of planting on fancy rath
er than rea;n.
Oregon apple and pear growers
have sustained heavy losses by has-,
ing their acreage on fancy rather
than o-i market demands, reported I
the agricultural economic conference
recently held at the state colirge.
Th" present acreage in the I'nited
States is enough to meet the de
mand. A marked increase in the
quantities of apples sent to market is
noted since 1917. So nearly does
the average production provide ap
ples enough for domestic use that
tn years of high production the to
tal commercial value of the crop is
less than in lighter years, and- only
growers With special advantages
make a profit.
Th" average yield in Oregon I" too
low to insure success in the apple In
dustry, average production in the
la-t three years being 113 boxes per
a?re. Better management and ure
of resources mnv increare this low
:r.' rage materially but "orchards in
unfavorable localities will never be
money makers," sa'd the fruit com
mittee of the agricultural economic
Unsuitable varieties is another
factor in lack of success. In some
cases of young trees working over
undesirable varieties with better ones
may succeed, but as a general rule
top working is not recommended.
Harvesting and handling the fruit
in the wrong way add to losses.
Some of the best, varieties never
reach their best quality because they
are picked at the wrong time. Some
fruit that is of good quality is al
lowed to deteriorate by improper
Waste Places
Few farms on the project do not
have some waste places which would
feed a few head ot lambs. Lambing
is starting in the range bands in
the vicinity. The sheep man always
have orphan lambs wteicU can bi
saved under farm conditions. Sheer
have aptly been called plant scav
engers of the farm. Ditch banks,
lanes and fence lines will bo clean
ot weeds If sheep have access to
them. When used on such places
rheep will make an additional
source of revenue practically with
out cost and the farm will be in bet
ter condition because of their pres
Mrs. J. T. Healey and Mrs. Os
car and son, were dinner
guests at the hereim home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Murchie and
Mrs. flattie Andrews came Friday
lor a visit at the liallinger home.
They came to see the play, "Let's
All Get Married."
Ray Brown and wife were Arl
ington visitors on Tuesday.
Art Allen is installing a radio at
his home near town. This will make
three outfits in our immediate vicin
ity: one at the school house ana
Chas. Barnes has one at Mr. Bay
burn's home.
With the present price of buPer-
'at it is not advisable to churn at
ome with the idea of selling the
utter. Butter for home use may
ie secured by trading one pound of
utter-fat for one pound of butter
vt your local creamery, and this saves
'he work of churning. Dairy butter '
isually sells for from 5 to 10 cents
heaper than creamery butter, there-1
ore you can get as much for the fat j
is you can for the butter. A steady
nd regular trade for the butter I
aade is an exceptional case.
Boll cabbage In an uncovered ket
tle, taking care to have the kitchen
windows open a few inches both at
the top and hot lorn, and the odor
will be very slight.
Celery tops make a very ornamen
tal garnish, and are delicious when
chopped up in salad. They may also
be dried and rubbed to a powder, to
be saved for use in seasoning soups
and stews.
If you did not select hills of pola
oes in the field last fall now is a
ood time to pick out especially good
ubers for the special seed plot this
pring. Medium sized potatoes well
tiled out at the ends, free from
nobs, not misshaped, and without
ny tendency toward being spindly,
ire best. Potatoes with rather deep
yes for variety are often more free
if disease. Those with the stem end
llscolored are not suitable.
rigated lands for Klickitat county,
Washington, timber lands kindly
write to H. M. Cox, Arlington, Ore
gon, describing the property of
fered. rained by the producers and con
umers in co-operation. And If they
vere so retained and divided there
vould be prosperity in agriculture
md contentment in labor. Two dol
ars' profit added to one dollar's
forth of goods is what ails this country.
A wire hair brush is the best im
plement for removing thread and
hairs from the brush of the carpet
Prevent 'cheese from moulding by
wrapping it in a cloth wrung from
vinegar. Repeat as often as the
cloth becomes dry.
The chocolate which is j usually
wasted by sticking to the container
in which it is melted can be saved
by greasing the pt.n thoroughly be
fore putting in the chocolate.
Keep an apple in the cake box to
keep the cake from drying, changing
it whenever it becomes withered or
shows signs 6f decay.
To remove chocolate stains from
fabrics soak for half an hour in
strong cold borax water, pour boiling
water through the stain, and wash in
the usual manner. Sponge with chlor
oform when the stains are non-washable
ANY GIRL tn trouble may communi-j
cate with Ensign Lee of the Sal-1
vation Army at the White Shield j
Home, 565 Mayfair Ave.. Portland, !
Upset 11
Mrs. K. F. Andre of Portland,
is visiting at the W. H. Oilbreth
home. Mrs. Andre is Mr. Gilbreth's
mother. On Wednesday there were
four generations present at the De
marou home. Mrs. Andre, great
grandmother; Mr. Gilbreth, grand
father; Mrs. Paul Demarou, mother,
and the new little Russel Lee.
It is especially asked that all
who subscribed to the minister's
salary, if they possibly can do so,
pay their subscription before March
16, when the annual meeting is
held and reports for the year are
made. This church is behind with
their payments for his salary so it
is requested that as many as can
meet their payments this week.
MePevitts, from the lone coun
try, were in Boardman Wednesday,
and hauled two truck-loads of lum
ber which is to be used in building
the Community Hall out beyond
Carty's. It is planned to have the
hall dedicated the 17th, if It can be
completed by then. The building
hardware for the hall was also pur
chased in Boardman.
Boardman is getting prosperous.
Some of the farmers are planning
to build a telephone line all their
own. This will all be well If the
subscribers will pay up their phone
rent, but even a telephone line can
not be run without money, al
though that seems to have been ex
pected of the present company.
Boardman is not large enough to
support two phone companies but
as competition is the life of trade,
perhaps the results will far surpass
all expectations.
Old Folks in England
Who Ttavel by Proxy
Wc had the Old polks Reunion Tea
in our village a few weeks ago nn an
nual event arranged by the local
branch of the Woman's institute, when
all people more than sixty years old
are Invited and given h really good
meal, followed by a concert which In
cludes the old songs they love to hear.
The interval between the tea and the
concert Is always occupied by a few
minutes' chut by the fire, when the
group of "oldsters" congregute and
exchange reminiscences. This to an
outsider Is the most Interesting part
of the evening.
"Last time I heard from him he had
got a nice apartment Just near the
Chateau Prontenac," was m phrase that
caught my ear. A hale old mini of
seventy whs discussing his son in Que
bec a man who had dene well In the
real estate business since he left the
village thirty years ago.
And, without shame (for the con
versation was general), I listened in
to a little group of old men ami women
near the tire who were discussing son
and daughters who had left their
homes mid were seeking happy futures
They talked, with s real local knowl
edge, acquired front trurd letters,
of such places as llohart, Victoria,
Vancouver, Montreal, Auckland, the
Falkland Islands. Quebec, and other
places thousands of miles away.
The letters they treasure from their
wanderers are full of Interest and
crammed with news of the town and
country they have made their honn",
and these oldsters, narrow anil cir
cumscribed though their nhyeicnl out
look may be. have a wide fund of
knowledge, and know at second -hand
places that are hut romantic names
to the majority of us. London Mali.
Every Sunrtay
Arlington, Oregon
A T T Q K N E Y - A 1 - L A W
O.'nce In Court House
Iloppner, Oregon.
I Sell
II Insurance ;
:: i!
J. C. Ballenger
Boardman - Oregon
Sunday School 10:30 a. Ki
Church Service 11: 80 a. in
Christian Endeavor 7:30 p. ni
All are welcome.
REV. B. 8. HUGHES, Pastor.
Change' now to the
brand that never
changes and you'll
never change again.
Elmer Messenger and wife have
purchased the restaurant here from
Oscar Beck, taking possession the
first of the month. The Becks have
moved Into Mr. Blayden's house
iU8t south of the Boardman Trad
ing Company store.
Another business change was
made recently In Boardman when
W. A. Goodwin purchased the pool
hall from Mr. Ellis and he and his
son, Morris, have taken charge. Mr.
flood win plans to put in fji Ice
cream parlor, etc.
NOTICE VOfl pi Ri.icvnov.
Department of the Interior. P S
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
Feb. 5, 1924.
notice is hereby given that Ellen
M. Partlow, of Boardman, Oregon,
who. on Oct. 27. 1919. made Home
stead Entry. No. 0210X0. for BH
jaWHNWU. EV. NWKSW14. being
i n it J," rinaiuia rrvjem, mmuam
20, Township 4 North, Bange 2a East.
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of Intention to make three year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before C. G. Blawl'-n,
I'nited States Commissioner, at Hoard
man, Oregon, on the lKth day of
March, 1924.
Claimant names as witnesses:
W. A. Price, Ben Atteberry, Edd
Konze, Calvin Erwln, all of Hoard
man, Ore
J. W. DONNELLY, Register.
an average of
Cars at oniy
mm 2,400,000,000
KH) O(ll) Miles of Truck at only
IBS, 00 a Mile !
The Department of agriculture es
timates that the average cost of a
mile of Improved highway today, is
about $36,000.
60,000 bocWMOHtf at only 090,000
each i
Locomotives cost
about -00,000.
8, ton, otio Freight
91,000 earl
The average cost of a freight car
today Is about $2,f.00.
57,000 Passenger-Train Cars al only
si iui! i each i
AH steel passenger-train cars now
cost from $30,000 to $35,000 each.
Materials and supplies
Railroadl have to keep on hand
millions of tons of coal, rails, ties,
spikes, and all other material re
quired In maintenance and opera
tion. Working Capita a
50,000 Stations and Terminals, Yards
Signals, Uoiindliousr-s, Shops, Ma
chinery, Water Supply. Power
Plants, Elevalors, Din ks, Coal Pits,
ami nil other Items, Including ad
ministration In over 1,000 cities and towns, sta
tions and terminal facilities cost
over a million dollars apiece.
The shops and machinery engaged
In the repair of equipment consti
tute an enormous Industry in
themselves, employing nearly 400,
000 men.
The above property Is believed to
be worth fully $10,000,000,000
and could not be duplicated for
anywhere near that amount today.
Title Totals
And a valuation recognizing all the
elements of value assured to the
ordinary prupeil, -owner leonld be
far In eXCeet of this amount.
The tentative minimum valuation of the railroads at the end
of 1019 was found by the Interstate Commerce Commission to
be aiH.OOO.OOO.OOO. This valuation was based mainly on BO 1
of labor, materials, equipment, etc., on June 30, 1914 The sub
sequent Investment from January I, 1920, to December II,
1923, brings the Interstate Commerce Commission valuutlon for
rate-inakin gpurposes as of December 31, 1 923, up to about
Eaeh reader can Judge for himself the fairness of the con
tention that the Interstate Commerce Commission valuation
should be reduced by from $7,000,000,000 to $10,000,000.
Such a confiscation of values would In effect be a denial of the
railroads of their chief means of keeping pace with the devel
opment of the country.
Pair recognition of railroad iroXTty values Is essential for
adequate earning pout-r and credit for further expansion,
Omaha, Nebraska
March 1, 1924.