SotsonE S 11 Feb 21 E VOLUME III. BOARDMAN, MORROW COUNTY OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1924. NUMBER 50. HERE IS ALL THE FACTS EXAMINATION FOR ABOUT INCOME TAX COAST GUARD CADETS HOW VOl CAN HELP February 1, Every individual who had a net income of $1,000 or mere during 1923, if single, or if married and not living with husband or wife, must file an income tax return with Clyde G. Huntley, Collector of Inter nal Revenue, not later than March 15 The United States Coast Guard will hold ahold a competitive examination for appointment of cadets and cadet engineers comencing April 7, 1924. This is an exceptional opportunity for young men of the right caliber to complete their education at Gov- ADJUSTED COM PENS ATIOX DEMANDS LOCAL ACTION The American Legion of Board man We notlcG several of the en. will hold a maps meeting at 8 o'clock ldeuilc diseases are still prevalent in Saturday evening. Feb. 9, U,94. in different parts of the state, vis.. the auditoriumol' the schoolhouse. Don't forget that if unmarried and eminent expense and to become com had a net income of $1,000 or mor missioned officers in during the year 1923 you are requir- s,tates Coast Guard, one of edto file an income tax return in the !,;ll'-v, service, of the Unite office of Clyde G. Huntley, Collector of Internal Revenue, not later than March 15. Failure to do so makes the delinquent tax payer lia ble to heavy penalties. This also ap plies w wit l . ' 8 i cadets of the line are 18 and 24 years emption as head of a family and- for appointment of cadet en- Aiinougn me exemption ui a uicu measles and diphtheria. Controll of Public speakers will brin; ip im- aumum uepenas pri marily upon tin- ei torts of the local health authorities. Of coarse they must have the co-operation of the public. Every community eventually gets about the kind of health service It desires. If they are satisfied with poor service they generally get poor srvic; if they demand good service they generally succeed in geting this The State Tmard of Health portant points of the adjusted com pensation bill Everybody urged to the United come and express their ideas on this the mil- subject. ted State HOME POINTERS (From O. A. C. Extension Service) in which is offered service afloat and ashore. I Cadet and Cadet Engineers are trained to become line officers and engineer officers, respectively, and i ,m, ,ik the age limits for appointment of i uj' A,u''tu un,A 0a ... ,, kind. will r.ot settle to the bottom of the posseses broad power in the matter ried person whose net income for , ... . Massed his twentv- cu,p when the beverage is served. 1923 aggregated $2,000 and did not exceed $5,000, is $2,500, every mar ried person must file an income tax return if his net income was only $2,000. If the net income of a mar ried person last year was in excess of $5,000 he is allowed an exemption of only $2,000. March J 5 to the last day for filing these returns. The law provides heavy penalties for those who fail to file by that time. The federal income tax law requir es that a single person claiming e! -emption as the head of a family must fourth birthday on or prior to date : of prevention and control of com ! municable diseases. This power, however, la of little value without ; the knowledge of when, where and how these diseases occur. This : knowledge is necessary in order that , infected persons may be properly For variety, put apoached egg on of appointment will be ineligible for each serving of spinach instead of appointment as a cadet of the line, , chopped hard-boiled sggS. and one who will have passed his ! twenty-third birthday on or prior to For the winter Sunday night tea, the date of appointment will be in- serve an oyster short cake. Make S r spire butt;;: a ssa ,,imaU"4- " 13 i,ocessarv a!so to Cadets and cadet engineers are : oysters between the layers and on top. e. der to TJeierniine the source of In-j fcerve very hot. j fection, :ind ah o in order to properly j . j handle thoje v ho have been exposed Lett-over muffins are delicious .in order to avoid the occurrence of other cases. trained and educated at the Coast Guard Academy at New London, Con. and each summer are taken on an extended practice cruise. Cadets and cadet engineers receiv file a return if his net income ia n,,, m. .nil allowances as mM $1,000, or more, not .withstanding ine Bhipmen in -the navy($780 per annum j fast or tea. fact that as head of a family, he is entitled to an exemption of $2,000 and one ration per day). Upon graduation, after three year3 as well as $400 for each dependant a the Acadmy. a cadet is commit lion under is years ot age. income tss returns must be filed not later than March 15. Every unmarried man who Is In If you need a sleeping portion, .! an nnsicn, and a carl- f nmrlnwr. 4ahe cul' 01 1101 wit 11 a nine Is commissioned an ensign (engineer) I salt and pepper in it just before go- Conrmisftioned officers of the Coast Guard rank with officers in the Army head of a tamiiy ana wno mm a n.-i fofavy, and Marine Corps, and receive income of $1,000, or more, during corresponding nay and allowances, 1923 must file a return in the office ,..ldp for grade, of Clyde G. Huntley, Collector of In- The mental examination for cadets ternal Revenue, although ue and cadrt engineers, which will fol-1 entitled to the same exemption of jow the physical, will consume two $2,000 allowed married persons, pro- or three days. Applicants for cadet T,rl,an r, ,1 i t nnc.A ., ,-. A Ki,tl.,p,l n .-. A ' No matter whether you are a health : servea very not wiin jam lor oreaa- oin,,,r a physician, a school sup. ; lintendent, or a laymen you can help I in the controll and prevention of dla-1 1 c-asss in jour community. If you are j a liealth officer see that all cases in 1 , your community are promptly and j properly reported. See that all opt a eases are promptly quarantined, flee I that prophylaxis Is applied to the contacts, and search for the foci of ! infection. Check up on your loci wheat physicians and see that they report their cases. If yon are a physician report your cases promptly and pro ing to bed. baby. You will sleep like a A balanced meal bread and milk. whole 1 , CO-ope rule Your oven is hot enough for bhv ' . . ":' p : u , ' , eiiert-vc trnai mint . t.';ieh tbeni toob- viding his net income does not exc en ship of the required moral character " " - Berve th.e proper quarantine m $5,000. The bead of a family under who present satisfactoy eetificates ; your hand in the oven while jrOtt uros and do not fail to the law is defined as a person who that they have completed the equiv- count slowly from 101 to 110. with your health officer. supports in one household one or alent of a four year high school! If you are a school superintendent more relatives by blood, marriage, or course and received fourteen credits' inspect your schools frequently, keep adoption. in subjects prescribed by Head-1 lry addlnS a tablespoon each of a close watch over jour pupils, ex- quarters will be required to take a ; chopped mind and watercress to or- elude infectious eases promptly and What Becomes of the Railroad Dollar wrlten examination in the following dinary mashed potatoes. Serve with co-operate with yourschoolnurse and what hecomes of the railroad dol- t subjects only tmathmetics, (algebra i,,v. ,,,,, physician. If you are a layman see lar is interestinelv explained in Pre1-- and geometry), history and English. I I that your doctor reports ident C.R.Gray's monthly t;nk which Those who do not present certificates appears elsewhere -in this issue of the snowing that they have the equiva A nice filling for a sweet sand- I that your doctor reports his cases ! promptly. If jcu have knowledge of communicable diseases report it to cream to spread easily. health officer and ask him! Where the Railroad Dollar Goes Boardman Mirror. Using round fig- lent of fourteen credits, as prescribed witch is made by combining chopped tlu! health officer. Observe all quar- ures only, 4 cents goes tor wages win ue requirea to taae an exaiuina-, dateB and nut wlth , wnippod anune measures tauniuuy nn1 salaries 9 cents for fuel, 26 tion in the following subjects:; ' ' 6 " p " If you have any doubt call up your cents for other operating expenses, mathematics, (algebra and geometry) 5 cents for taxes, 1 cents' for j history, English, physics or chemistry hire of equipment and joint facility j general science, Latin or German rents 12 cents for interest on bonds or French or Spanish, and General and other fixed charges and 1 hi Information. A high school gradu cents for stockholders. ates snul f able to pass the ex- In the five years between 1917 and amination either for cadet or cadet ... t tv, oii I engineer. Those who have not at- 1922 the gross earnings of the ruii-, tonded niKh s(hool jf DOSi.ible pre. roads increased, according to the sent certificates showing what statement, $1,567,000,000 but, says courses of study they have pursued Mr.Gray, this amount and more too ' and their extent. ' , m e nnn nnn in Applications to take tnis examinat- was paid out again, $918,000,000 i" I lon shonld be filed at onoo jn orde. added wages to railroad employes, (nat eacn candjaate may be advised $500,000,000 in added cost of fuel, whether or not he will be required and $122 000,000 additional for , to take the qualified examination. , ! A mark for general adaptability taxes, leaving none of the increase be (o a, candtdJes for the stock and bond holders. The examination is strictly com- "The Union Pacific System" says petetive and is open to all young Mr Gray "is one of the most who possess the qualifications , , tVlQ MiD j governing age, education and charac portant enterprises west of the Mls-tor portant enterprises west of the Mis-, Exnminat'ons will be held at llos soui River. Its nearly 50,000 em- ton, New London, New York, Phil h their families, constitute adelphia. Washington, Norfolk, I""'1" ."..' Savanna a buying power wnicn is me mam reliance of many businesses. The purchases of the Union Pacific Svstem from firms located anna. Key West, Mobile, Galves- tou, Buffalo, Petriot, Chicago, San franeisco and Seattle, should suffi cent applications be designated at on the these cities to warrant holding such . . nvlmantttnnc onH mini, ..'I,..,. ,. 1 System, or which have otlices on our 7" i a t. ' niav tin HaltnilM lines, aggregate millions of dollars each month." The statement quotes Thosce candidates who pass the examination and are tendered ap- Secretary Hoover's recent announc-; pointments will be required to l e nient that "one great contribution port to the Superintendent of the to the business stability of the past j Coast Guard Academy about three .... u weeks after the completion of the year has been the fact that we have examlnfttl0B and eaf.h wiM be rt,(iuir- had a free and regular and orderly j ed to deposit with the officer the sum movement of transportation." I of $150, to be applied to the pur- The railways are planing to spend ; chase of uniforms and I equipment. All candidates will be informed of hundreds of millions of new money . Uwir slatua &s soon af(pr exam. during 1924 to better serve the.jnation as practiable. For further public, sajs Mr. Gray. I particulars write to the Commandant U. S. Coast Guard, Washington, D. C. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallis, Jan. The new style book just put out by Sigma Delta Chi, pro fessional journalistic fraternity, for the O. A. C. Daily Barometer, is receiving much comment. Copies have been sent out to- newspaper editors of the state. The handbooks are not only used by all Barometer staff workers but also by a large number of industrial journalism students. The book contains infor mation about writing the news story, copjTeading, proofreading, and head line writing. Duties of members in each of the staff positions on the Bar ometer are also given. SocMum Fluoride Remedy Controls Poultry Lice It is hard to imagine any treatment which would be better than sodium 1 fluoride for lice on poultry, says Dr. I B. T. SlmniB, veterinarian of the O.A. C. Experiment station. It poseses i the advantages of being inexpensive, easily applied, very efficient and harmless when properly used. Many pouluymen have found that birds can be treated more rapidly at ni-iht as they can be caught moje ei illy at that time. Treatment con sists of rubing a small pinch of the powdered drug into the fluffy feath- ers around the vent, along the inside ers around the vent, along the inside Miss Helen Marourger of Ro3berg, the only co-ed in the colleee enroll, d of th thighs, under the wings, and in in commercial engineering, heads th? . some instances along the neck. A list of upperclass students ju.)t pledg- pound is enough to treat 500 or more ed to Chi Epsllon. local commercial en- j fowls. gineerlng fraternity. Seven men The use of sodium fluoride is well were taken into the honorary at : beyond the experimental stage. Var the same time. They are Howard ious experiment stations, the federal Lewis of Marshf leld. Arthur Salsbury department of agriculture, and thous of Turner, George Schmlt of Portland ands of poultrymen have found by and Edson Burch, Wayne Denman actual experience that this Is a most and Darwin Phillips of Corvalis satisfactory treatment for poultry lice -Practically all the money thp vnilrnarls fcnke in is immediately put back into circulation. Railroads do a large volume of business on a narrow margin of net income. Out of every dollar earned from op eration by the railways of tlje United States, there was absorbed in 1922, by Wages and Salaries 44.4 cents Fuel 9.4 " Other operating and maintenance expenses (In cluding such items as rails and ties, loss and damage) 25.6 " Hire of equipment and joint facility rents 1.5 " Taxes 5.4 " Net Operating Income 13.7 100.0 " Out of this 13.7 cents of net operating income, 12.2 cents went for interest on bonds and other fixed charges, leaving 1.5 cents for stockholders. Adding 6.9 cents of Income from outside sources, net corporate income was S.4 cents, of which 4.9 cents was paid in dividends, leaving 3.5 cents available for appropriations and surpl us Gross earnings of the railroads in 1922 were $1,567,000,000 more than In 1917. This $1,567,000,000 and more too, was im mediately paid out again, as follows: 9918,000,000 in IDDKD uages to railroad employes 186,000,000 in ADDED coot of coal, mostly miners' wages 122,000,000 for ADDITIONAL (axes 500,000,000 VDDITIONAL lor materials ami supplies hugely rcprwwmtmg wag's The stockholders and bondholders of the railroads got none of the increase. It is significant that good times are always coincident with heavy buy ng on th. part of the railroads and that bad times are periods of light railway purchase. The Union Pacific System Is one of the most Important enterprises west of the Missouri Itlver. Its nearly 50,000 employes, and their families, constitute a buying power which Is the main reliance of many businesses. The purchases of the Union I'ncliic System from firms located on the System, or which have office on our lines, aggregate mtllloas of dollars each month. The railways are planning to spend hundred! of millions or MW money during 1924 to better serve the public.. "Our transportation movement during 1923 Is tie- outstanding Industrial accomplishment ol the year. The waste of the year 1920 with Kb car shortage. Its derangement.; of price levels, stoppage of industry, probably amounted te not less than a bib'.on of dollars, and the American people and no economic fabric could have stood that loss that did not have a total Income in excess of sixty billions One great contribution to th business stability of tin- past year has been the fact that we have had a free and regular and orderly movement of transportation. " From address by Sfretary of Commerce Herbert C. Hoover, January 9, 1924. C. R. GRAY, Omaha, Nebraska President. February l. 192:4. I N I O N PACIFIC SYSTEM STATE MARKET AGEXT TALKS TO FARMERS Every eleventh farm house in the United States is vacant so states the Department of Agriculture ut V.'a: 1 -ington, D. C. It stales further that out of the total of 1,189,000 owners and tenant farmers more than 108, 000 have lost their farms or other property through foreclosure or bank ruptcy; over 122.000 have lost their property without legal proceedings, and nearly 373,000 have retained their property only through tho leg ency of creditors. i These figures fro'n this ssonrc should moan something to the farm- j em of Oregon, it should warn them I that It these conditions confir.ue that ; the value will drop out of their land as it did out of the German mark. The day is gone by for making iv.onoy in farming by buying a pie to of land and selling it ct a pro.'lt. The buyer today US OS cold figures and hard estimate-.. Can he make r,h; or seven percent interest on the price ashed for the farm? If he cannot, the price asked is too high, and he will not buy it. it i-i moat Important for farmers to realize that if they hope ;o have their I land worth anywhere near what thljr paid for It,' they must put a vahe. in that land. It is up to them to make farming profitable in order to maka land dettreable, This i '.ft he (lane! in the same way that a failing maft-l ufacturtng industry is reorganized and put on a paying basis. There I ;unl be an organization that can sell th" products of the farm at a fair margin of profit. If this organisation never went fur-1 ther than handling its product! from the producer to the retailer. It would make farming profitable, If It never got a cent higher prices for products Btan now, but tould Itself take ovrj a large part of the middle profit.;, farming would be profitable. rtctail prices are high enough row to warrant prosperous agriculture conditions, Tim trouble is the pro ducer dons not get the profits be tween he and the con-mmer. Any army of middle Intrests IP'; off the added cost between the farm and the home. Products go through far too many bands. II farmers received fair profits for their products today, and the middle intrests added their present profits and expellees, food products would go to consumers at such high prices they i ould not buy. So, In order that this middle toll ays teni ivrvv continue, products must be bought at. cot:ts, or less, from the (armor. What the farmer must do Is to or gan Ise again t this middle profit syn tem, by.enk it up nnd deliver tin It own goods. They must be their own middle men. They RttSt handle their goods all (he way from the farm to the retail store. It looks like a big undertaking and many nre discoarged before they start. They declare that such a movement must be national to he ef-'e'-tive; that it will m odlargo financ ing and farmers are not In a posit ion to stand the expense. They are looking at the Wrong end of the movement. Su- h oiganit tions must start locally. Let the counties organize first and when they are organized a slate union comes naturally, And how long would it take to have a powerful national or ganization if each stale would walk Into (he movement of Uniting the farmers of each county into strong selling ag ncles? if brokers, commission Interests, peculators, wholesalers and retailers can organize strong enough to force farmers to sell tin lr products for less than their prodmtion OOStS, cannot (he producers themselves organise Strongly enough not to sell to tliee middle profit takers? IMOMi; TA X IX NUTSHELL VII? Single persons who had Del income of 1 1,000 or more or grosB Income of $5,- 000 or more, and married couples who had not Income of $2,000 or more or gross Income of $5,000 or more must file returns. WHKJf? The filing period Is from January 1 io March 15, 1924. WHERE? Collector of Inter nal revenue for the district In which the person lives or has his principal place of business. HOW? Instructions on Form 10I0A and Form 1 040; also the law and regulations. WHAT, Four per rent nor- ma! tax on the first 4,000 of net Income In excess of the per sonal exemption and credits for dependents Fight per cent nor ma! tax on balance of net In- come. Surtax from 1 per cent to 50 per cent on not incomes over $0,000 for the year 1923. The number of visitors expected on the campus for the educational exposition February 2 2 and 23 Is fast reaching to the thousands. For no other event In college , history has the college prepared for so great a number of guestn With the com bination of the agricultural show, the engineering show, the school of commerce business show, and exhibits from every school anil department of the college coming at the same time In the same mammoth show it is thought by the committee chairman that campus capacity will be taxed. FARM POINTERS l From o a. '. Uxp.rimcui (station) Range and exercise for (he breed ing slock are especially important factors in the production of eggs of high fertility and hatehabiltty. The best treatment for poultry dis eases is prevention. Provide com fortable, sanitary surroundings, keep the houses free from drafts, whole some feed and you have reduced the disease problem to a minimum. Caivle?s beekeepers la the state av eraged 10 to 15 pounds of surplus honey per colony this year . Com mercial beekeepers averaged 75 pounds per colony. For the entire United States the average honey pro duction was 39.1 pounds of surplus honey per colony. Potatoes for seed purposes should be kept from extreme chilling but stored at as low a temperature as possible to keep them dormant until planting time. A temperature of 30 to 38 degrees is a satisfactory storage temperature. Potatoes effected with soft rot can be sorted out before the trouble spreads to other tubers. Hatchability of eggs is determined to a large extent by the care given hens at this time of the year, liood hatching Sggl can not be pro IttCed from hens that have their healih and vitality run down by colds and roup. It is well lo remember thnt the qual ity of next year's flock depends lar re ly on the health of the bird.i during the breeding season. Grass seed for fall na ture v.Fl be wanted In about eight weeks or more, samples should be k cured now so that the test may be made in lime. Two-ounce sampl are tested free of charge at the O. A. C. seed laboratory. The tent caterpillars that caused much loss last year will not be so plentiful (his season according to the entomological staff of the Ortitjoii ex periment station. The constan.t,-fork of parasites is responsible for keeping tin' caterpillars in check. Production of orchard grass seeds on Oregon farms Is 4 50 pounds In stead of 4600 as an extra"nothl;'".it end of Hie number made the ": Pouters"last week say. The Oregon farm lands produce 700 pounds of rye grass seed per acre. I tot h of thest yields are unusually good. Un (11 Oregon farmers grow enough to stop the 4 minion pound Importation of these seeds annually into the Un ited Stales, her farmers have a share in this 6500-acre, $350,000 opport un ity, says the experiment station. Watch the litter at this time or tho year and change as often hh It becom es damp and heavy. In route local ities it is best to change l( every ten days. Damp litter causes the house to be clamp, anil Is the sourse of lunch disease. lioekeepers are urged lo see that the entrance to the hives are open so I he bees may come out on sunny days. Ily lifting the bac k end of the MVS one Is able to determine the amount of store s the bees have by the weight. Tin' spring rush may be les soned by get i ing equipment ready for use now. Scaly legs is caused by a parasite which erritates at first causing a scab. The paraslle then works It i way under the scab causing more er- rltatlon. Boak the effected legs with warm soap suds and then with S small brush remove what scule and erUStS 80AM off easily. Next scrap" with a dull knife and apply an oint ment. Are you planing on using clean ground for the chicks and growing slock this year? The poullrytnan who rotates his brooding runs and uses the same ground but once In three or four years not only ellmlnat- es chick disease such as DOCCldlOSlS, j but to a great extent ov r comes I trouble with c olds, roup and chicken- I pos when the pullets go into their laying quarters, Xew Farm Program Nought Hundred of Oregon farmers from all parts of the state met at the state Collage In Corvallls last week and worked out a new piogrum of farm production, based on marketing qital Itles as well as crop tonage. Need for such program was stressed by Waller M. Pierce, governor, and Dr. W J. Kerr, president of the college. College and federal specialists hud gathered a vast store of facts on sup ply and demand, which the leading farmers In many lines considered in arranging their new farm manuge- nient systems.