The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, January 25, 1924, Image 4

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    The Boardman Mirror
Boardman, Oregon
Boardman Utellem
Edited by the High School Students
Entered ae second-class matter Feb
11. 1921, at the postofflce at Board
man. Ore., under aft of Mar. 3, 1879
By . Seaman
Mr. and Mrs. Walker and family
from Montana are guests at the
Fredrlokaon home for a week or ten
days, after which they expect to visit
with other friends at Lexington for
awhile. Mr. Walker is a brother-in-law
of Mr. Fredriekson.
The hay association is shipping
several cars of hay to Boston this
week via boat from Portland. This
Is choice hay only as they are trying
to build up a business in the east.
The ladies gave a dance Saturday
evening after the basketball games,
turning in the proceeds to tho ath
letic and Commercial clubs about 50
50. The Umatilla boys played the
Irrigon boys and the Umatilla girls
played the Irrigon girls a lively
game of basketball. Both games
were won by tJmatilla.
8. E. Notson was in the district
Wodnesday on various business mat
tors .
Raymond Jordan and Bill Knight
spent Sunday with Mrs. It. Knight
and family, returning to Hood River
Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Graybeal spent
Sunday in Herinlston.
Delbert and Pearl Knight are on
their way to recovery from tho sick
ness of last week.
W. B. Howard left for WallaWalla
last Tuesday on business.
Mr. Shell from Nebraska, Batle
Rand's cousin, is visiting at the Rand
Miss Margaret Seaman spent the
week-end in The Dalles visiting
On Saturday night of this week
Arlington will piny basketball with
the Irrigon team. It is hoped It will
be a good game. A dance will be
given afterwards. Everyone Is antic
ipating a Rood time.
Wednesday night Boardman played
basketball with Irrigon.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Jordan of
Umatilla spent Sunday in Irrigon.
Supt. Sturgill, Mrs. Sturgill, Miss
Dora Reeves and Harry Duckworth
motored to Stnnfleld Tuesday even
ing nnd attended the Joint Installa
tion of the H.bekahs and Odd Fl
lows at that place.
Tho Life of a Hook
'Twas evening In the library;
The books were left alone.
The snoring of the dictionaries
Made quite a monotone
"Old Julius Caesar" groaned because
He bail some pages loose.
The "brlgbt-eyed Ancient Mariner"
Made eyes at "Mother Oooge."
"The Lady of the l,ake"and"HamU t"
Were spooning by themselves.
"How dry I am," some Shakespeare's
Were singing from the shelves.
The book of "As You I.Ike It" lay
Exhausted In his place;
He suffered pain and yet he had
A smile upon his face.
Then quoth the "Ancient Mariner,"
'What makes thee look so queer -Thou
hast a weary look, and yet
A grin from ear to ear.'
"Oood sailor, all tho world's a stage,"
While chuckling, answered he,
"And people merely actors who
Act out a comedy."
I entered In the tudy room
A young and handsome book
I made my exit Just this eve,
And now tee how I look;
For I're been studied by a girl
A Freshman . young of age.
She broke my back and marred my
And tore most every page
Sh. 'd give me iiuch a look of hate
It makes me shudder yet;
Yet, by my troth, It was such fun
To see her frown and fret.
I laughed to see hr troubled look,
The anger In her eye.
And when she'd pout disgusted like
I'd laugh I thought I'd die!
By fault the printer left la mo
EDITOR, Zoe Hadley, '24 ASS'T EDITOR, Bay Dempsey
JOKE EDITOR, Roy Dempsey, '26
NO. 20
, "M
School Spirit
The girls and boys basketball
teams journeyed to Arlington In
Do our pupils show school spirit? charge of Mr and Mr8 j c Ballen.
Do cats like milk? The answers are ger, Mesdames Bailey, Johnson, Miss
the same. School spirit is the thing I Marvin Mr firw.. n,i m- mh,..
- - " ' 'rjo" tin am. uinry .
The games were well attended and
Mrs. Crowder "Alex, name a col
lective noun."
Alex "A vacuum cleaner."
Professor "If a person in good
health, but who imagined himself
sick, should send for you, what would
you do?"
Weldon "What Is that geometry !
like not solid geometry but soft?"
that puts the "pep" in all our school
activities. Without it school work
would be a tiresome duty, because
that "something" would not exist to
create ambition, or to excell in school
work and athletics.
School spirit cultivates loyalty.
team-work, and pride in something
that is worth while. Loyalty and
team-work are both shown in a bas
ketball team by obeying signals,
working together for the good of the
team and the name of the school.
This would not exist if that spirit
was not behind tho whole thing to
back it up.
School spirit has been shown in
colleges for a long time and today it
is the big thing that exists in all
Mr. Griggs in science clast "The
well played and reflected much credit! cause of so much sickness In winter
Itoy Dempsey, member of the soph
omore clasB, left Tuesday for his
home in Longview, Wash His de
parture will be a great loss to the
school, and especially to the basket
ball team.
The freshies owe tire upperclass
men a party. When are we going to
enjoy ourselves at the big entertainment?
The seniors have at last decided
upon "Mr. Hob" as their class play.
They will start practicing next week.
Clara Marcus, member of the soph
omore class, completed her work of
tho first semester and w:!l attend
school at Monument w.uvo her folks
reside. Clara made many friends
while among us and her leave-taking
is a loss to the school. !-iio will be
missed by her classmates, student
body and faculty, who wish her the
best of success.
Mrs. Mulkey returned last Friday
Iron) Monmouth whither she had
been called by the death of a brother.
She resumed her work Monday.
Four pages blank or more.
I heard her talking to the Prof.
She said, "It's bunk. I'm sore.
I understand this dope like fun.
But yet it could bo worse.
I llko that part, four pages, which
Aro written in blank verse."
.1 ( R E s
(lather you kisses while you may
Time brings only sorrow,
For the flappers who flap today
Are tho chaperones tomorrow.
Ficnchy "Every time I kiss you
it tends to make me a better man."
Fritz "Oh, you angel."
Karl "Mamma, am I descended
from a monkey?"
Mother "I don't know, son. I
don't know any of your fathor'a peo
ple." Masle (praying) "Oh, Lord, I
don't want anything only sond mother
a son-in-law."
Bob "I could go on dancing like
this forever."
Miss Hooves "Oh, no you could
not; you're bound to Improve In
Prof. S. (looking at hair brush,
absent-mindedly) "My, but I forgot
to shave this morning."
Minister "Mac, do you keep the
Ten Commandments."
Mac "No, they fine you for keep
ing books out of the library."
She ( referring to rain) "Oh
Its beginning to come down "
He--"Would a safety pin help any."
Department of the Interior, I' S.Land
Office at The Dalles, Oregon. Jan.
lti, 1924.
NOTICE is hereby glvm that Nich
laus Kaler. of Boardman. Ore., who
on Feb. 24. 1919. made Homestead
Entry. N'o 0204 13. for S'.SEV, be
ing Unit "C" Umatilla Project. Sec
tion 8. Township 4 North, Range 25
East, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to make time
year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before C. O.
Blayden. lulled State C'oniiuUiloner,
at Boardman, Oregon, on the 2Mb
day of February. 1924.
Claimant name ai wltnnwes:
Paul M. Smith. Jew O. Lower.
H. C. Harrison. I. Skoubo. all of
Boardman, Oregon.
on our young people and the school.
The girls lost by a small margin
while the boys won by a one-sided
score of 15 to 2.
A newly elected staff will be spon
sors for these columns during the
second semester. We heartily com
mend our predecessors for the good
work they have done and hope that
with the continued cooperation of
students and faculty we may serve
our school with entire satisfaction.
The Utellem has been very good. Let
us make it bigger and better.
The advanced sewing class has
completed the study of linen which
included the manufacturing, testing
and care. They are now beginning
on cotton dresses and sudying the
use of patterns.
time is due to the absence of violet
rays from the sun. These violet rays
are germ killers."
A Wheelhousej Pres. S. A. Rossier, Vice-Pres.
H. M. Cox, Cashier Chas. F. Story, Ass't Cashier
Earl "I know of one "Violet" ray
that shines winter or summer but
she hasn't killed me yet."
Medical Student "Give him some
thing to make him sick and then ad
minister an antidote."
Professor "Don't waste any more
time here, go hang out your shingle."
clan?" Carl-quit."
"Is Howard a good musi-
-"Yes, he knows when to
Work of the Mechanical
As we have been making some
blueprints this week, I will try to
tell you how it is done.
First we have to make a tracing,
then we take the tracing into a
dark room, where our blueprint paper
is. Then we cut the blueprint
paper and put it. on a board with the
green side up. Next put the tracing
on top of it, then put a glass over it.
Then we take it out in the bright
sun and expose it from 3 to 5 min
utes. Next we remove the blueprint
paper and put it in a tub of water
and take it out to dry.
The blueprints that we have made
this year have come out fairly good.
Tht faulty ones were caused by poor
paper or else the sun was not bright
Blueprints are used in place of
other drawings because they can not
be changed and are not so easily
soiled. They are easier to read, also
one can make several copies from
one tracing.
Miss Marvin "In what battle did
Gen. Wolfe, when hearing of victory,
cry, 'I die happy?' "
Truman "I think it was his last."
Mr. Griggs "Howard, did you
have any trouble learning to play the
Howard "Yep, I got a load of
buckshot in me and I lost two teeth.
It was easier after I took to practic
ing on the other side of the canal."
Tuesday morning Edward was so
anxious to get to the geometry class
that he ran into a desk and upset a
bottle of Ink.
ANY GIRL in trouble may communi
cate with Ensign Lee of the Sal
vation Army at the White Shield
Home, 565 Mayf air Ave., Portland,
French Cafe, Pendfleton. au31tf
WANTED Fresh eggs and chickens.
Heppner, Oregon.
The Best is none too good
Try our Sherwin-Williams paints
and varnishes. There is none bet
ter. also
We have a complete line of
Cedar Flume Stock
Building Material
Builders' Hardware
Cement, Lime, Wood, Coal, Posts
Boardman, Oregon.
iiiwsisjihimMiiIIIsiiiiiiiii urn ii mmw mmrnmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Arlington, Oregon
Oflice in Court House
:iI'NF.ft - - - ORFOON
Umatilla's Leading Hotel
Always Open -Night & Day
HHK-jn sawn, m.-
Just two things have made it possible for us to give
you this 20 reduction on Tuxedo:
1. A reduction in the cost of K. ntucky Burloy
tobacco and in package materials, as well.
2. The consolidation of three of our big plants
into one. (Mr. Ford may r.ot be in the
tobacco business but he is right about
You know that it is the desire a id policy of The
American Tobacco Co. to extend t : its c. stomers the
maximum of service.
Reducing the price of a great favc:ite like Tuxedo is
our idea of delivering this service.
Tuxedo is always FRESH. Every package is
I Guaranteed by