The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, January 25, 1924, Image 3

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Portland, Orsjjon
Complete Change Saturday. Adults. Week
day Matinee, 20c; Evenings, 40c. Continu
ous 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 cents all timet.
WW wwv
We want your eg- shipments. We pay cash. No dis
count, prompt remittance. We will pay the top market
, price the day your shipment arrives.
Eat More Wheat Maccaroni Spaghetti Ver
micelli Noodle Alphabet Fresh Egg Noodle
Kenton Station. Portland. Oregon.
Real Franklin
Expert examination free All work guaranteed. Sen
Bible prices. We specialize in Complete Overhauling and
Cylinder grinding.
Moved to New Larger Garage. 9th and Hoyt. Portland
Rest Room for Ladies.
311 Washington St. Between Fifth and Sixth Streets
e Mallory
Select Residential & Transient
15th and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon.
Modem Fireproof American Plan
SEA FOODS. You Will Feel at Home Here.
Opposite S. P. Waiting Room Fourth and Stark.
M rkrrT r i 1 ortland a newost and most beautiful residential hotel opened Sep-
( A MPlAh I I tember 1. 1923.
fX ,J!. Every Room with Bath. Unusual Dining-room Service
(j U( "Jf Theaura- Banks and Shops. Garage. Cars to all parts of
UrPI7'f The Campbell Court Hotel.
II J 1 ELi Kates Moderate. Eleventh St. at Main
FAGEOL, 7 Speed,
Bear Tractors
All Sizes. All Prices. Terms
Large stock Parts. SERVICE
Write for FREE Catalog & Prices
9th and Burmide, Portland, Ore
f taken in time, prevpnt operations for Diabetes, Catarrh. Asthma,
I-unir. Throat, Liver, Kidney. Rheumatism, Blood, Stomach and all
female disorders. Bladder Troubles.
The C. Cee Wo Remedies are harmless, as no drugs or poison are used.
Composed of the choisest medicinal roots, herbs, buds and bark, im
ported by us from far away oriental countries.
Call or Write for Information
C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Company
New Location 262Va Alder St., S. W. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon
Established 23 Years in Portland.
That Fit None Better
Dr. Harry Brown
149 Third St.
New Pacific Northwest Pocket Map
The Union Pacific has just received
from the pre'-s a new pocket edition in
dexed map of the Pacific Northwest,
which is perhaps the most complete
and convenient map of Oregon and
Washington ever published. A copy
will be sent free to any address by Wm.
McMurray, General Passenger Agent,
Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon, upon
receipt of request by card or letter.
We started our weekly auction sales
Wednesday, Nov. 21st. If you have any
thing to OOmUrn In horses, mules, cattle,
harness or wagons, also farm Implements,
vou can ship direct to the North Portland
Horse & Mule Company. Wire, write or
phone Empire 0121, end we will give you
prompt attention. North Portland Horse
ft Mule Co., No. Portland, Oregon.
Pleating Embroidery
Hemstitching:, Buttons Covered.
165Vj Tenth St., Portland
We Specialize in
Hi V Pc!!s, Woo!, Mohair, Tallow, Cascara,
Oregon Grape Root. Goat Skins, Korse Hair
Write for Shipping Tags & latest Price List
Portland Hide & Wool Co.
Brunch at J'ocatello, Iduho
Central Mirror & Glass Works
Manufacturers of High tirade French
Mirrors; Beveling; Damaged Mirrors Re
Kllvered, 40c a square font, and Mirrors
Framed, i.lass for Auto Curtains, Wind
shields, Headlights and all Purposes. 355
Wheeler Street, Portland, Oregon.
Removed without injury to the skin by Ncy-Born
Depilator'-. Bampsj request. Key-Born Lab
oratories, D19 Morgan Ulug.. Portland, Oregon.
Easv Terms Used Fords Houirht and Sold
West Side (Two Stores) East Side.
28 Nor. 11th St. and 211 Grand Ave.. Portland,
Sanitary Beauty I ai ors We fix you up,
we make all kinds of Hair Goods of your
combings. Join our School of Beauty Culture.
400 to 414 Dekum Bldg., Phone Broadway
6902, Portland, Oregon.
Teaches trade In 8 weeks. Some pay
while learning. Positions secured. Writs
for catalogue. 234 Burnside street, Port
land, Oregon.
Northwest Welding & Supply Co., 88 1st St.
Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St.
Marry if Lonely; most auccessful "Home
Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reli
able; years experience; descriptions free,
The Successful Club,
Oakland. California.
Mrs. Nash, Box 650,
For reliable Cleaning and Dve-
5f57tlm ing service send parcels to us.
"ratsf H We pay return pontage. Inform
ation ana prices given upon re
Established 1S90. Portland, Ors
We have hundreds of plans at $10.00 and up. Send
us a sketch of the home you want and we will sub
mit similar specimen plans. No obligation except
to return plana if not suitable,
O. M. A K E R S
Desijrning: and Drafting. 511-12 Couch Building,
Portland, Oregon.
Set of $0.00
We guarantee material
and workmanship.
Painless extraction of
teeth. BOc. 2o years in
the same location. U. S. DENTISTS. Wash
ington cor. Second, Portland, Oregon,
All long rye straw stuffed.
Insist on having the collar
with the "Fish" Label. If
your dealer does not handle
this brand collar, write to us
53 Union Av., Portland, Ors.
46 Grand Avenue. Phone, Labt IMS.
, JfcffS
For many year. I fc"" ;'fc
i,ed ,n u-.stin.SU.! t( I
positively to euro any .
mlo or refund the patient a
fee. Sesd for ' " "'
North Portland Horse & Mule Co. will
hold weekly auction sales at the Union
Stockyards, North Portland, each Wed
nesday at one o'clock. If you have any
thing to sell in horses, mules or milch
cows, or harness and wagons, we would
he glad to solicit your business, as we
are always in touch with buyers.
Gives smooth. Gliding fin
ish to hard or soft-wood
Your druggist has it. If
not, send us stamps. 76a
for one-pound package
Portland, Oregon,
Hen Charged With Theft of Gem Freed by Judge
Boston. A be cannot steal, and
Lady Camllle Is beyond the clutches
of the Law, it was ruled In the Chel
sea district cotirt hy ludVC Blossom.
So the blue Orpington hen which
plucked n diamond from a ring on the
finger of George A. Hennessey and was
arrested for larceny was restored to
her coop at a chicken show here.
Hennessey had no redress against
John Strom. owner of Lady Camille,
the court said, as Strom had not com
mltted larceny. Unless Strom relents
and extracts the Jewel or sells the
bird to Hennessey, the latter must do
without his diamond.
Salem More than 20,000 will be
spent in remodeling and enlarging the
power plant of the Oregon Pulp &
Paper company, it was announced Sat
urday. The improvements will start
at once.
Cove. Baxter brothers, Robert Z.
and Roy Baxter, have purchased the
M. Borgren sawmill, planer and tim
ber and will take possession at once.
They will continue to operate a lum
ber yard and supply fruit boxes.
Salem. John H. Race of. the Oregon
Growers' Co-operative association, up
on his return here Saturday from
northern points, reported that the Chi
nese walnut is to enter into keen com
petition with the Oregon product.
Salem. Veterans of Foreign Wars,
Oregon department, held a meeting
here Saturday and went on record as
favoring some kind of a national bonus
for ex-service men. More equitable
pensions for Spanish-American war
veterans also was favored by the con
vention. Lebanon. The First Presbyterian
church of Lebanon was damaged by
fire early Sunday afternoon to the
extent of between J2000 and 53000.
The fire started in the furnace room
in the basement of the church and
was confined largely to the furnace
room, kitchen and dining room.
Eugene. - Peter Verigin, advance
representative of a Doukhobor colony
that proposes to locate in Lane coun
ty, announced Saturday that arrange
ments had been made to buy the old
Friendly farm of S00 acres, eight miles
southwest of Eugene on the Crow
road. He said that a number of fam
ilies are expected to arrive from Can
ada this year.
Salem. With the practical exhaus
tion of the state highway bond funds,
the state highway programme has
now reached a point where it is de
pendent on its current income for a
continuation of the work. The estim
ated income for 1924 is approximately
$12,740,000, and a large part of this
money already has been obligated
through contracts awarded during the
year 1923.
Pendleton. The general indebted
ness of the city of Pendleton was re
duced by $24,000 during 1923, accord
ing to the annual report of Thomas
Fitzgerald, city recorder, to the city
council. A saving of $1200 annually
in interest charges is effected by the
retirement of the bonds. All depart
ments of the city kept their expendi
tures under the budget allowance, the
report stated.
Salem. The total bonded indebted
ness of the state of Oregon on Decem
ber 31, 1923, was $G0,246,S30, according
to the annual report of O. P. Hofr,
state treasurer, completed here Fri
day. Highway bonds top the list with
obligations aggregating $3S, 395,250.
World war veterans' state aid bonds
total $20,000,000, district interest
bonds $1,401,580, and rural credit
bonds $450,000.
Hood River. Crews are being as
sembled at Dee, where work will be
started soon on construction of a new
concrete dam by the Oregon Lumber
company. The dam, replacing an old
wooden structure, will be utilized in
backing up the waters of the east
fork of Hood river for a log pond and
to furnish water power for a hydro
electric system furnishing energy for
the company's big sawmill.
Salem. Within the next week all
necessary forms for making state in
come tax returns will be ready for
distribution. Approximately 85,000
blanks will bo mailed. Of this num
ber 73,000 will be sent to individuals
and 12,000 to corporations, partner
ships and fiduciaries. Each inclosure
will contain a form for the state re
turn, sheet of instructions, blank for
furnishing a copy of return to 1 1 . -government
and a return envelope.
Albany. A gigantic undertaking to
provide pure mountain water for all
of the valley towns In this section
with an outlay of approximately $7,
000,000 was started Saturday at a
meeting of about a dozen influential
business men of Albany. A tempor
ary organization to carry on the nego
tiations with the other valley towns
for the purpose of putting the project
through was completed at the meeting
under the name of the Pure Water
Development league.
St. Helens. The ruling of the Ore
gon supreme court that the tax con
servation commission act was void
had little effect In Columbia county
except to make it necessary to call a
meeting of the county court and the
budget advisory committee, which
was held Saturday morning. The
county tax commission had lopped off
- ' f
Why Mr. Minch
I Smiled
Body It Sliced In Two.
Neenah. Wis. Rudolph Pledrlekson,
twenty-four years old, of Neenah was
sawed completely In two when he acci
dentally fell on a buzz saw.
(, l2i, by McCIure Newspaper Syndicate.)
"Mr. Minch!" whispered a still,
small voice at the tall floorwalker's
lbow. "Mr. Minch!"
As the big blonde man did not rec
ognize this "still, small voice" as the
voice of his conscience, he bent his
head down to observe Lottie Miller, a
diminutive bundle wrapper, who was
registering great secrecy. "Kin I speak
a word to you?"
Bachelor though he was, Donald
Minch knew that when a woman asks
to say one word she means a score or
more, so he led the girl aside to a
quiet spot.
"What's the matter, Lottie? Any
thing been stolen?"
"Nothing like that, Mr. Minch. It's
about the picnic."
"Aha 1"
Mr. Minch, as chairman of the en
tertainment committee of the annual
picnic and merrymaking of the Smith
Stores, Inc., to be held at Holliday
Beach next Saturday, listened atten
tively. "You know that new girl on the
"Which one?"
Lottie sniffed. "Only one worth no
ticing, Mr. Minch. Name's Mary Smith
I bet that don't tell you anything."
"Don't be sassy, little girl !" warned
the floorman austerely. "There Is an
other girl, blue eyes, curly hair and
little freckles on her nose. A pretty "
"And he never noticed her 1" mur
mured Lottie, unafraid.
"What about her?"
"Mary Smith's been crying off and
on all day. She Isn't going to the pic
nic I"
"Why Isn't she going?"
"She won't tell ; Just wants to go
and can't. It's Just tragic!" sniffed
Lottie, who loved the "movies."
Mr. Minch looked disturbed. "Send
her to me, Lottie. I will wait here."
Lottie sped away on her errand, and
Donald Minch looked watchfully out
of the corners of fine blue eyes In the
direction of the distant glove counter.
Presently the dainty form of Mary
Smith came toward him. There was
timid appeal In her soft glance and a
scared look as of one summoned be
fore high Justice.
"You sent for me, Mr. Minch?"
1-e nodded kindly and took a note
book from his pocket and poised a sil
ver pencil. "Let me see, Miss Smith,
you are in department 39?" he asked.
"Yes, sir; gloves."
"How long have you been with us?"
"Four weeks."
He looked at the open page of his
notebook. "You know I am chairman
of the entertainment committee of the
picnic next Saturday?"
"Yes, sir," in an awed tone.
"I am checking the names of those
who are going. All employees are ex
pected to attend if able. Your name
Is not checked. Why?"
"I am afraid thai I cannot go, sir."
"Er domestic objection or trouble?"
he asked kindly.
Mary Smith smiled sadly and her
smile was beautiful. It startled him.
"No home trouble, Mr. Minch. I
have no home my people are all dead.
I am quite alone. I would love .to
come to the picnic, but I am a perfect
stranger here and I have no friends,
so I thought I would stay at home."
He shook his handsome head. "That
will not do at all, Miss Smith. It will
do you good to come and get acquaint
ed with the other workers. This Is a
get-together party, arranged by Harri
son Smith what Is the matter? Are
you 111?"
Mary Smith was leaning against a
pillar, looking white and startled.
"Oh, no. You were saying some
thing about Harrison Smith It la a
common name enough, but I had an
uncle by that name."
"Indeed? Where is he?"
"We do not know we never knew.
He and my father became separated
when they were quite young men and
lost sight of each other entirely. Dad
always said he was sure that his
brother was dead he traveled all over
1 the world."
"That Is very Interesting Indeed,
and now, Miss Smith, I shall expect
to see you at the picnic bright and
early Saturday morning. BUWM will
be at the store to run you out to the
park. Be here at nine o'clock."
"Thank you, Mr. Minch. You are
very kind Indeed," she murmured, her
pale cheeks growing pink under his
admiring gaze. If Mr. If inch had
known that his eyes were btl raying
him he would have closed them swift
ly, for he was a young man who ap
preciated the responsibility of his po
sition with Harrison Smith, Inc., and
a remote manner toward the young
women of the company was a notice
able characteristic.
"If you are not there, you will be
docked." he told Mary Smith.
So Mary Smith went buck to her
rounter. observed by all her fellow
; workers.
"You certainly struck twelve with
Minch !" remarked Ella Brady, also at
the glove counter.
"How absurd I" blushed Mary again,
whereupon Ella Brady sent a wink
j across the aisle to Lottie Miller, whose
the surrounding water, there was
nothing more to be desired for a play
ground. As chairman of the entertainment
committee, Mr. Donald Minch was
here, there and everywhere, directing
games, leading the dancing In the pa
vilion, always finding time to help
some one else have a good time ; mak
ing introductions, seeking out the lone
ly and the unpopular ones, making
everybody happy. Neither did he neg
lect his own pleasure, for did he not
dance repeatedly with pretty Mary
Smith until her cheeks were as pink
as her frock? For his part, Mr. Minch
quite made up his mind that a bache
lor's life was dull Indeed. Whereupon
he sought out Mary and invited her to
attend the theater with him one night
the following week.
At this particular moment along
came Mr. Harrison Smith, a breezy,
opulent gentleman, who shook hands
with Mr. Minch and looked Inquiringly
at Mary.
"A strange face to me, Mr. Minch.
This Is one of our flock, I suppose?"
he asked genially.
"Miss Mary Smith of the glove coun
ter has been with us a month. She
says she has an uncle somewhere In
the world who bears the same name
as yours," said Mr. Minch, as he pre
sented Mr. Harrison Smith.
"Run away, Minch, while I question
Miss Smith 1 may be her long-lost
uncle, although I have no strawberry
mark on my left arm," said Mr. Smith.
"Ah, my uncle Harrison didn't have
one either, but he did have one on his
left thumb," laughed Mary.
Mr. Harrison Smith calmly held out
his left thumb. "What's that?" he
"Oh I" cried Mary frightened.
"Are you my brother's daughter?"
calmly asked the successful merchant.
"My father was Uobart Henry
"Where Is he now don't answer,
my dear. I see It In your face. I did
not know what had become of any of
his family. I have spent much time
and money " His genial fuce was
overcast with sorrow.
"We are alone we two," he said
after a while. "You must come and
be my daughter."
Just then Mr. Minch came along
and heard the whole story. "Get all
the folks together, Minch. I want to
tell them about my adopted daughter."
And as Mr. Minch, looking depressed
enough over the shattering of his plans
for a wife named Mary, Mr. Smith
drew him aside with a little slap on
the shoulder. "There'll be no objec
tion on my part if she wants to marry
a likely young man In my store, say
the general manager, eh Minch?"
And Mr. Minch smiled.
Mrs. E. L. Henson
The Appealing Charm of Health!
Portland, Orcp. "I can speak In
forms, of highest praise of all of
Pierce's remedies, especially the
'FayoritC Prescription' for woman's
ailments and as a t-itiic and nervine,
and the Pleasant Betlets for stomach
and liver ills. While brklgfhK up
my fanitl", whenever I have been
in a run-doWri weakened or nervous
cc adition, I have always been
strengthened and helped by the use
of the 'Favorite Prescription'. And
in later years when my stomach
has become disordered, and tny food
seems to disagree with nie, then Dr.
Pierce's Pellets give me immediate
relief." Mrs. E. L. Henson, 70S E.
6th Sl North.
Start at once with the "Prescrip
tion" and see how quickly you pick
Up feel Stronger and better. Write
Dr. Pierce, President Invalids' Hotel
in Buffalo, N. Y., for free advice, or
send 10c for trial pkg. tablets.
Signs That Command Attention.
"Drive safely. A fatal accident oc
curred here." A number of signs bear
ing this inscription have been posted
on a Massachusetts highway near
Boston, at points whero persons have
been killed by automobiles.
Book of Human Life.
As we live each of us writes a chap
ter In the book of human life. Wo
write either In characters of good or
in letters of evil. Some of us are
using both. Pity it is some do not
re&llie what they're doing. Grit.
Knife Handles 30,000 Years Old.
About 500 tons of ivory are used
every year for knife bandies and dec
orative work. It is obtained from the
walrus, the elephant and tho masto
don. The handles of your table knives
may easily bo 30,000 years old.
Luxurious Zeppelins to Fly Between
Spain and South America In
Near Future.
Plans for an airship line between
Spain nnd South America have been
The king of Spain Is largely respon
sible for its Inception, and the Zep
pelin company Is reported to have re
ceived a commission to construct air
ships with i capacity of 4,500.000 cubic
feet, a length of 825 feet, capable of
carrying forty passengers, malls and
goods, and having a cruising speed of
nearly seventy miles per hour, for this
The details of these vessels, which
are given In the English scientific Jour
nal, Discovery, show a luxurious cabin
with a social ball nnd ten four-berth
sections somewhat similar to those of
a Pullman ear. The work of construc
tion Is expected to take two years, and
the service will probably be Inaugu
rated In 1939.
It Is anticipated that the Journey
from Spain to Argentina will require
a little over three days, and the re
turn Journey something over four days,
the longer time on the eastward course
being due to prevailing head winds,
says the Living Age.
Seville will be the European ter
minal and Cordoba the Argentine ter
minal. Buenos Aires Is an unsatisfac
tory landing point on account of Its
variable winds.
Practical Joke Ended Love.
My first love affair ended when tho
boy of my dreams attached a fluffy
lamb's tail to a pilfco of wire and
fastened it in my sweater. I, unaware,
paraded down the main streets of the
town. Exchange.
' I . .1 I. ...I 1. .. .,,.. I .1,..
some $40,000 from the budget as pre "'u l"c
.Ull'l 1UI witw &11 1 OIIU 1 "i 111,111.
pared by the county court and the
advisory committee. Its recommenda
Hon was adopted and the county as
sessor proceeded to extend the tax
roll on this basis.
What a wonderful Saturday that
was. To begin with. It was s perfect
1y beautiful day Holliday park bad
been reserved exclusively for the
Smith picnic, and with the fresh green
of the trees and .juu and thm hlum at
In Agony.
Everything had gone well with the
newly married couple. Directly after
their honeymoon they had taken
rooms in a hotel and so they had no
housekeeping worries to mar their
Disillusionment came when they took
a furnished house at a seaside town,
sweet young Angelica undertaking to
look after the cooking. It was far
from being a success. The pastry was
always as hard as a brick and the
puddings well I
One day they had a picnic on the
seashore and were sitting watching
the waves, when Angelica exclaimed
drnrnatb ally :
"How the sea moans !"
"No wonder," replied her husband
pessimistically, "I have Just thrown
some of your cuke Into It."
"Pig Iron."
Pig iron is so oalled because the
molten metal is run into a long mass
with shorter pieces attached to it at
right angles. Tho long pieces are
called tho sow and tho shorter aro
called the pigs.
Bees Have Hip Pockets.
In tho beo's legs aro pockets for
holding pollen, each pocket being
closed by rows of bristles whicUlnter
lock in the most wonderful manner, so
preventing the pollen from falling out.
Use of Mind's "Windows."
Our minds are full of windows. Some
of us are too busy to look out. Some
look out occasionally. Some think they
"seo it ill," Yet none of us uses those
windows as we should, else we'd have
broader vision.
"Adam's Apple."
"Adam's tipple" received its name
from I he belief of tho ancients that a
pi"ce of apple given to Adum by Eve
Stack in his throat.
He Knew.
Halfway through the second act the
heroine, aer having been left starv
ing with a bunch of children, snd gen
erally having been "put through It,"
got tired of this sort of treatment and
shot the villain dead.
"What have I done?" she cried In Im
passioned tones. "What have I done?"
"Shot the best bloornln' actor In the
bow, miss." came the reply from the
When Electric Globes Pop.
The strength of the glass prevents
an electric light bulb from burst Ing.
When a bulb is broken wilh a blow,
tho "pop" Is the result of the fact that
the interior was not filled with air.
Might Be Useful Some Times.
"I seo you always carry a spare
tire," remarked Brown. "Yes," replied
Black, "and when my wife Is driving I
wish I could carry a spare neck, too."
- Cincinnati Enquirer.
Sea Life Under Great Pressure.
Life has been found in the sea at
depths of more than 21,000 teat, al
though at such depths any object Ih
under a pressure of 10,000 pounds to
tho squaro Inch.
Helpmeet Imperative.
No man can either live piously or
die righteous without a wife.- -Kichter.
used for bsby's clothes, will keep them
west and snowy-white until worn out.
Try It snd see lor yourself. Attracts
What He Needed.
Sampson He's bashful. Why don't
you give him a little encouragement?
Dellah- Encouragement? He needs
a chewing section. Punch liowL
Are Vou Satisfied? IWtSat
Is the big-Kent, most perfectly es.ulppd
Business '1 rKlnInf Hchool In ths North
west. Mt yourself fur a higher position
with mure money t'ermaneot fosttlona
sssuied our limduatea.
Write for ta.ts.ios- fouru. BAu lainn;
P. N. U.
No. 4, 1924