The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, November 30, 1923, Image 3

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    PORT! A NIY Offers a market
(BJ'?STTfr,4l it B Vomp,ete Chn Saturday. Adults. Week
BBoIlWAY M vmM4l I iay M''ee, 20c; Evenings, 40c. Continu-
HuoftuwAf at VAMHIU LJ "J . 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 cents U times.
PiAjHH Shipherd's Mineral Springs
"-tVm AnW gAIN. Manager Car.on, Wa.hln&n
rnaWnmn'HSTKH Winter Resort. Special Winter Rates.
j mimi 1i2L2l , Route-S. P. & s. Local from Portland to Car-
HRlJJBaB.nOl h n'ii VV1', Jly Aut0 t,J Cascade Locks via Co-
sHrT ' ' 'Ps.J i Highway. By Auto via the North Bank
I5Sw.K. 'a S3 "Ujnway. Hotel American Plan, Modern Hotel
Br. SSfettSb Accommodations. Baths Hot Mineral Baths: Cure
Sr . & a Jplr; Rheumatism, Liver, Kidney and Stomach
------- f-1 l.;i lld.-s: Sl,m Idstascs. Hunting and Fishing.
Mutual Creamery Co. I
4T1 f) JT HilTtif Wr'te U3 for prices and market conditions on
1 C&C iX OUI1 Veal, Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc.
Portland, Oregon Forty Years in the Same Location.
(fl TMf& &f'ipSE5 Eat More Wheat Maccaroni Spaghetti Ver
K ' ' !?: ' V..K-'"- 'ffigSSr micelli Noodles Alphabet Fresh Egg Noodles
Hofpl Carlton Most Homelike Hotel in Portland
5 ,V 1 PPu,ar Rates-Fire Proof Building
Mtli and V ashntrtor. Vlotot Brandt. Prop. Harry Fletcher, Mgr.
BR 0270
Typewriters-New & Rebuilt
Old Machines taken in trade as part payment. Complete
Rental and Supply department. Typewriters Repaired.
A. F. Jaksha, Mgr. 304 Oak St., 'Portland, Ore
All makes of light cars at lowest prices, easy
terms. Twelve years in this lecation.
Ilupmobile Distributor
431-435 Murnside St., Portland, Ore
Denby Trucks
nre pruarantoed for 00 days.
Parts and service for all models.
Denby Motor Truck Corp.
Factory Branch
loth and Davis Portland. Ore.
That Fit None Better
Dr. Harry Brown
149 Third St.
Osteopathic Physician.
Electronic Method of ABRAMS
Phone Main 2963.
393Va Yamhill at Tenth, Portland, Ore
We Specialize in
Hides Pells, Wool, Mohair, Tallow, Cascara,
Oregon Grape Root Goat Skins, Horse Hair
Write for Shipping Tags & latest Price List
Portland Hide & Wool Co.
Branch at I'ocatello. Idaho
50 Men and Women
At Once.
To Learn All Branches
of Photography.
Good wages paid nfter 8 weeks' training.
We secure employment for our students.
Sandy's School of Photography
The largest and most talked of School
in the West
Apply or write Sandy's Photographic
124 Broadway Portland, Oregon
North Portland Horse & Mule Co. will
hold weekly auction sales at the Union
Stockyards, North Portland, each Wed
nesday at one o'clock. If you have any
thing to sell In horses, mules or milch
cows, or harness and wagons, we would
be glad to solicit your business, as we
are always In touch with buyers.
Save 25 to 50 Per Cent
On Building- Material, Roofiojr Paper, Paints,
Varnish. Lumber. Lath, Nails, Shingles, Doors,
Windows, and Plumbing Supplies. New and
Second Hand. Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
Office & Yard, 4iK) Belmont St., Portland, Ore.
t, Kxpert fitting at lowest prices. All
flBEi styles of Glasses. lenses duplicated
9 from broken pieces. Mail in your bro
ken glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Dr. A. E. Hurwitz, 223 First St.. Portland. Ore.
Patent Attorney"
Protect that Idea with a United States
Patent. Others have made fortunes out of
Patents. Why not you? Thomas Bilyeu, 202
Stevens Bldg , Portland, Ore.
All long rye straw stuffed.
Insist on having the collar
with the "Fish" Label. If
your dealer does not handle
this brand collar, write to us
53 Union Av Portland, Ore.
1 I r.r.rril, from
letters of hundreds of grate
ful patient whom I hare
cured of Piles with my dob-
a surgical painless u-eii"rai
Writ, for FREE book.
Send for our
Free Catalogue Fall
and Winter 1923-24
It will save you money when you
want Sheenlined Coats, Leather Coats,
Leather Vests, Macklnaws, Solid Lea
ther Guaranteed Shoes, All Leather
Leggings, Army and Commercial Wool
Underwear, All-Wool Sox, Rubber
Boots, and Genuine O. P. Wool Army
Blankets. Satisfaction Guaranteed pr
Money Refunded. . ,
Di OulUoor SfaS) of ftrllnd.O;
In Portland stop at the
446 Washington St., cor. 12th
New Management Aug. Kratz, Mgr.
Strictly first class and fire proof.
In the shopping and theatre district.
Rates, Single, without bath, $1.50 up;
with bath $2 00 up; Double, without bath,
$2.00 up; with bath 2.50 up.
Special weekly rates.
Doors and Windows
Hot-bed sash, mouldings, cupboard doors, flour
bine, saah for sleeping porches, millwork, glass,
rooting. See our odd stocks of sash and doors for
Downtown Lumber Store, 171 Front street, be
tween Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213
A complete stock of all models Coupes, Sedans.
Tourings. Roadsters. Prices. $8A.OO and up. If
you want junk, don't com: if you want a good
car, we have it. Easy Terms. FAKNHAM &
WILLIAMS. (Inc.) 2H N Uth. Bet. Burnsida &
Couch at. Portland. Oregon. Bdy 3214
New and used for all makes autos and trucks.
Mail orders filled. PORTLAND AUTO WRECK
ING CO.. 631 Alder street. Portland. Ore. Br 6241
Gives smooth. Gliding fin
ish to hard or soft-wood
Your druggist has It. If
Dot. send us stamps. 76e
for one -pound packag.
Portland. Orep
Squirrel's Curiosity Results in His Death
Washington. A gray squirrel, recon
noiterlng for food, wandered into the
capitol building recently arid became
entangled In an electric fuse. In con
sequence several miles of corridors
and many Inside rooms were thrown
into complete darkners. Two senate
committees, hearing evidence on
weighty public controversies, grouped
dismally over their document in a
semi-darkness that seemed to make
even more obscure the tangled skein of
affairs they were seeking to unravel.
After a search of half an hour, elec
tricians fouud the fuse with the life
less body of the little squirrel beside
At birth the brain of a baby gorilla
is airiest as hlg as that of a human
baby, but grows at v much blower rate
throughout Infancy.
Cut, seam, hem and machine or rrmt
pleat skirts ready for baud. 00 cuw
Hemstitching, picoting and tucking.
95 Vi Fifth St. Portland, Ore.
Sanitary Beauty Parlors We fix you up,
are make all kinds of Hair Goods of your
:ombiinjs. .loin our School of Beauty Culture.
100 to 414 Dekum Bldg., Phone Broadway
5902, Portland, Oregon.
Northwest Welding & Supply Co., 88 lit Bt.
Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St.
Teaches trade In 8 weeks. Some pay
while learning. Positions secured. Write
for catalogue. 234 Burnslde street, Port-
land, Oregon.
Marry if Lonely; most successful "Home
Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reli
able; years experience; descriptions free,
"The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash, Bos 658,
Oakland, California.
Our Store Is at your service
tor your convenience
prepared a Special
Christ masaAssortment;
Sugared Pates, New I- igs,
Wrapped Kisses, Best Milk
Chocolates. Nut Caramels,
and Choice Xmas Mixture of Candy and
Nuts. All prepaid for $3.50. Boxes of
Candy 60 cents and up. Choice Xmas
Boxes of Cigars $1.00 and up. Write us
your wants. Larger or smaller orders re
ceive the same courteous attention.
535 Wastrrngtoh 'St. at 16th, Portland, Ore.
We started our weekly auction sales
Wednesday, Nov. 21st. If you have any
thing to consign in horses, mules, cattle,
harness or wagons, also farm implements,
you can ship direct to the North Portland
Horse & Mule Company. Wire, write or
phone Empire 0121, and we will give you
prompt attention. North Portland Horse
& Mule Co., No. Portland, Oregon.
I A. . .A have
7 1T Fresh
We have hundreds of plans at $10.00 and up. Rend
us a sketch of the home you want and we will sub
mit similar specimen plans. No obligation except
to return plans if not suitable.
o. M. A K e r s
Designing and Drafting. 611-12 Couch Building,
Portland, Oregon.
Origin of the Dollar.
The dollar was Introduced Into
America by the West India trade be
fore the Revolution. The coinage act
of the 2nd of April, 1792, legalized It
and established It as a unit of Amer
ican currency. The Inconvenience of
the English system of money led con
gress In 1781 to Instruct Robert Mor
ris to devise a system of national
coinage.. His suggestions were not
adored, hut those proposed hy Jeffer
son were approved. He proposed the
dollar as a unit tn be equivalent to
one hundred cents.
Catches Strange Sea Monster.
Hampton, Va -Probably the most
remarkable deep sea creature ever
landed In this section was caught by
hook and line off Ocean View. The
creature has a body like 9 flounder and
wings that measured an even six feet
from tip to tip. It has a head like a
hog, with a sharp, long bone protrud
ing from the snout and a whiplike tall
that measured Co Inches from the body
to lis tip- At the end of the tall two
bony horns protruded from each side.
The body was 11 Inches thick.
Bruin Stages Parade.
Benton, I'a. A large black beitV
staged' a parade on Main street, the
tirst time In years a bear actually, lias
invaded the town. The bear shambled
ulong the street fearlessly for half a
block, went down an alley and Into
a corn field.
The Sea.
With all its treacherous, snaky,
slaughterons habits, there are people
who "love the sea." We love to look
at it ourself.
Apple Tree Spreads Fifty Feet.
Sullivan, Ind. What is believed to
be the largest apple tree in the county
stnnds on the farm of West Eaton,
four miles west of Sullivan. The tree
mensures eight feet in circumference
and the spread of its branches is flflj
feet. It is loaded with blossoms and
from appearances will bear a record
The city of Vienna once bartered a
railway bridge for a large pnrcel of
hog fat
: : ;. f : : 4
Charles Jones
BfcjBPP jjp4rrEi!W
F ;
Vincennes, Ind., was the place .here
Charles Jones, the "movie" star, first
saw the light. Startrngjhis career as
a cow-puncher on the Triangle-Bar
ranch, he enlisted in the United States
cavalry, went to the Philippine islands,
helped put down the Moro rebellion,
came back and joined- a Wild West
show. Overseas, before the United
States entered the war, he was at
tached to a French replacement camp
for horses. His remarkable riding won
the attention of 'Premier Clemeneeau
and the King of Belgium. At the close
of the war he was engaged by a promi
nent producer to enter western pictures.
. . vv
- is
"What sin a Name?"
Fads atoul your nam; Ka hltlonj;
meaning ; tchenc II wot JtrivtJ;
m. $tgn!fieanot; your tuot day
anJ luck jveal
Flsheries of Canada Prosper.
Ottawa. Csnadlan fishermen had
better "luck" in 1922 thnn In 192).
The various concerns fishing the sea
and Inland waters of the Dominion
produced H2.OUO.000 worth of fish last
year, as against $."..',f)00,000 the year
before The salmon catch alone was
sold for $13,.VJU,000.
, Strength of Mind.
Artemus Ward used to say that I
had a gigantic Intellect, b-f'ut the
time he didn't happen to tie-It with
him." Which is much Iffce common
sense. One may have plenty of It
without the strength of mind to use
AVERY unusual name is Stephanie.
Of late it ljas had greut vogue
.and represents !t revival of Interest ,10,,
the old Oreek names which had fair
more significance than our modern
versions. Stephanie, for instance, or
iginated with the Oreek games when
the wreath of the conqueror was an
appropriate allusion to those games
where the Greek 0u1 h delighted to
contend. The wreath was called a
Stephanos, and It is more than likely
that t lie first proper name Stephanos
was so called by a proud family
whose representative had returned
With a leafy crown on his brow.
Stephan, the'contractlon, was an old
Greek nrlm'e borne by the son of
Thucydlde$ before It was given to the
Hellenist deacon who achieved Hie
greatest of all victories and won the.
spiritual crown: old Greek hymn
writers rejebrated this accordance of
name and destiny :
Thou by name a rrown Irnplleat
Meekly then In pangs thou dlest; ...
For the crown of righteousness.
Stephanie Is the feminine form ap
proved in Grpece; it also signifies' a
crown. It received a sacred promi
nence since no less than seven saints
bore the masculine form of It, Includ
ing the t reat Saint Stephen the mar
tyr. The English gained Its use, It Is
said, throiv.'h William the Conqueror,
who (Iodic; -ted to Saint Stephen the
abbey built at t'aen to expiate the
marriage with the already betrothed
DM English have placed the stumf
of their own spelling upon il, atlil
while using Stephanie to a Ikr'gd ev
tent, also favor Sfephnr.8:. The French
call her Estephanie, siefante, Etlen
nette, and Tiennetti . Estoplmniii Is
the Portuguese form and Steplmnlne,
the (fcrman. Russia changes her to
-Stephanlda and Rtepnnlda.
-Stephanie's Jewel Is the sapphire
which will protect her from all harm,
and Is said to attract divine favor to
Its wearer. Her lucky day Is Wednes
day and ,'i Is her lucky number.
( by Whe.ler Syndicate. Inc.)
- ,
Why Not7
S t . . . .. m
mistress (to appinani Mr post us
cook) And what about your refer
ences ?
"Yes. My advertisement stat
'best references.' "
"But I thought that applied to you!"
London Answers.
Grouch and Jag.
A man with a grouch or a man with
a Jag Is apt to be troublesome, bnl
with both In combination, be become
a menace.
Stole 70 Hens but Lost $750.
Stanton, Minn. Seventy bens Wfr
stolen from the henhouse of Mrs. Rob
ert Hadtk, near here. At the sn;e
titre she discovered the loss, the wom
an found a pocketbook cobtttiBlttg
$750 on the lloor of the coop. Later
In the day she saw two meo. ester the
coop and search the floor. Rue smlb I
and said nothing as they departed
empty handed. ; - '
Wril IITlAfcl
f v -j i yj i I s I .
By John Kendrick Bangs.
,j, T fcO my Forehead" was ap Ape,
S M As Is suggeated l.y my snn)V,
Man's Irhumortity to naii as Bade
U:usrid of lav.y.,s rich.
And If It can be proved that he
Waa 'always jllmhlrHt up ree,
I'll content, for It la clear,
Despite ilit habits rather. ur,.
He . s, . !,.;.. . ! a strong desire.
In what he did to'ollnib up hinder,
And that's a mighty worthy plan
For anybody. Ape or Man.
iZj ' r afcClur. Ncwttiiur Hrndlri
Salem. Glen Southwick, who lives
on a ranch near Salem, won the rib
bon for the best single ear of corn
exhibited at the annual Marion-Polk
corn show which opened here Thurs
day. Salem. There were five fatalities in
Oregon due to industrial accidents
during the week ending November 23,
according to a report prepared here
Saturday by the state Industrial acci
dent commission.
John Day. Johti I!. English, expert
mining' authority, who passed through
this city a few. days ago, declared that
there are -bright .prospects- for the
mining industVy llu'eughtSul this sec
tion. ' Mr..EngUsh once operated the
famous Qolconda mines.
Salem. Assessed valuations of pub
lic utility properties in Oregon for the
year 1923 aggregate $229,250,528.21, or
approximately $10,500,000 in excess of
the apportioned valuo of $189,359,
9S4.G0 of last year, according to a re
port completed by the state tax com
missioner hero Saturday.
Albany. Georgo Ray, a prominent
t'aniior of the Scio district, has a G0-year-old
pear tree on his.Tarm Unit
has borne two crops this year. Tho
second crop is now mature, and al
though the pears are not so numer
ous nor so large as the first crop,
they are of a delicious flavor.
Salem. Members of the state board
of forestry held a meeting here Satur
day and discussed plans .for next
year's operations. Reports received
hy the board indicated that this year';:
operations, were successful ami thai
the activities of the department had
been kept within its appropriation.
Eugene. Captain A. E. Burghduff.
stato game warden; Mutt Ryckman.
superintendent f stale trout hatch
eries: Harold Clifford of Prairie City
ind Ben F. Dorrls of Eugene, mem
bers of the stato game commission,
left here Saturiliiy for-Handon to se
lect a site for a hatchery somewhere
in Coos county.
Salem. Success .has marked the
operation ot tho boys' and girls' club
work in tho various schools ot the
state, during the past year, according
to a- r?port prepared hero Saturday by
J. E. Calavan, industrial field agent
for the stato department of education.
The report was filed with J. A. Chur
chill, state superintendent o public
Dallas. Considerable reduction is
contemplated by tho Polk county tax
supervising commission in tlio county
budget, which it has now under con
sideration. Increases in salaries-. of
deputies in some of tho offices, vhlch
were provided in tho original budget,
will doubtless be eliminated, and the
various road funds tiro also said to b
Slated for a general slashing. ' '
Hood River. So successful was tho
first annual show of tho Hood River
CoUntyTonltry association, closed Sat
urday night, that C. D. Nickelon of the
organization' announced that it. would
be made an annual affair. C. S. Brew
ster, who came from Portland. to an
as Judge, declared tho Hood River
fanciers hail made a remarkable show
lng on less than two weeks' notice.
Pendleton. -The sum of . $91.0,000 as
the estimated ' tieed of the greater
Umatilla project for the coming fiscal has been turned in hy Senator
McNary. aooordlng to u telegram re
ceived by -the Pendleton Commercial
association from Senator McNnry. The
money is for continuing' the construc
tion of-the McKay creek dam, work
on which was started last summer.'
Med ford A telegram Saturday from
I'nlted Stales Marshal Hotc.hklss noti
fied the city officials that tho United
States district court at Portland, at
the' 'request of the Southern Pacific,
company, bad lssuod a temporary r
straining order against the city of
Medford, prohibit lng titer - city 'from
eoQStrUCtlng the'proposed Sixth-street
grade crossing In' accordance with the
odor o'the public service commission
bf soirrt; time ago. .,' i .
VBalem. The total ' assessed valua
tion of property; in Marlon county for
the- year 1923 la $37,9G2,330, according
to a report prepared hero 'last week
by -Oscar Sti eihammcr.. county asses
sor. 'Tho levy for 192l'wUhe based
on thin valuation. Public utilities, the
valuations of whlcfi are fixed by I In
state, tax commission, aggregate $4',
73'J!, . wlilch will swell the grand
totjl valuations M 'Marloify county to
something .more .than $1100,000.
Damage Done by One Rat.
Eire effuse! .by rat. eating through
the insulation of un electric cable
caused abjjut $7,500 damage and threw
hi ot GOO men out of we'fk temporarily
at a 'strst factory, in Sheffield, Eng.
The .electHc .Installation was badly
dauiaxed, and the powor .plant put out
i "- 4BBi
Take it home to
the kids.
Have a packet in
your pocket for an
ever.eady treat.
t. delicious conies-
tion and an aid to
the teeth, appetite,
London's Ivory Warehouse.
One of the most wonderful places in
tie! London docks is the ivory ware
house, where tusks to the value Of hall
a million pounds are usually in sd" ;
About 50 tons of ivory aro used every
year for making knifo handles and
for Uecorative work. The valuo ot the
material is about 1,000 ($5,000) per
Wolverine Fur Prized.
The natives ot the North wear tho
furs that stand tho hardest wear, anil
wolverine is . Hie most prized fur
among Eskimos, as they trim their
parka hoods with it on account of
the hairs shedding water, or rather
the moisture of respiration.
Mrs. L. I. Ellis
How About the Kidneys?
Portland, Orcg. "I am glad to
recommend Dr. Pierce's Amine
(kidney and backache) Tablets as
a safe and reliable remedy to be
Riven to little children who are
afflicted with weak kidneys. My
little (laughter (between live and
six years of age) was troubled
greatly, especially at night. The
doctor said he cottld do nothing
for licr, but thai she tnig'it outgrow
it. 1 then decided to give her Dr.
Pierce's Anutic, just one-half a
tablet each night, until one bottle
had been taken. It strengthened
the organs mi that we have had
no further trouble with her. I feci
sure that Dr. I'icrcc's Anuric is
a safe remedy to M given tO chil
dren, if given intelligently." Mrs.
nL. t. Ellis, 717 E. 48th St.
Help weakened kidneys by obtain
ing this "An-uric" of Dr. Pierce's
at your nearest drub store, or send
10c fur trial pkg. of tablets to Dr.
Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo,
N. Y., or write fur free advice.
Man to Be Watched.
The man who is really good never
gion one tho impression that he
knows he ls:good. The man who tells
you hoW good he is, like the man who
boasts of his honesty, may be a pretty
good counterfeit, but ho certainly Isn't
ll gal tender.
The Fly in the Ointment.
No matter how lainous a UBO may
become in art, the professions or in
business In after years, there will bo
some in the old homo town who will
remember him chiefly for the pm'V ho
played in an amateur show.
One of Life's Chief Lessons.'
How hard a lesson it Is to wail!
Our life is brief, and bow much of It
Is spent In teaching us only this. Na-
iiiuni' i Hawthorne.
Importations From China.
Porcelain was Introduced Into Eng
laiitrWom Chlou about 1531. Tea fob
i'wftlfiiiiiii i6ou. orange were first
nw hi Into Europe from China In
U 17.
Those.Jar Girls Again.
Stella "Duitnt says she Is going to
have her rptoV cultivated." M.iud
"Well, I fayfnte tihe goes out on a 40
ncre farm .to ha,vo It done."
it needed III every department u1 lioue
keeptnff. -U,ully :"! (or toweU, table
linen. beets and pillovv cast . Grocrrt
Are You Satisfied? V&fQ
Is the biggest, most petactly esjiilpp.d
fluslness TraliilnK School In the North
west. Fit yourself for a higher position
with more rnonev. I'ertnaneut posltlooa
aHnri.. our Crndiiates
Write for catalog Fodrtu uiiu lanini:
P. N. U.
No. 48, 1923