The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, November 30, 1923, Image 2

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Brief Resurre Most Important
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
Producer of Wheat and Consumer of
Products Under Hardship.
Two men were killed when the
steamer Marlon exploded in the Mon
ongahela river, eight miles south of
Morgantown, W. Va., Tuesday.
Lather Wlzkc, convicted during the
was a German spy and saved from
a death sentence by President Wilson,
lias been ordered released from
Leavenworth prison.
It was accepted as certain in Paris
Tuesday that the entente would sur
vive tho present crisis, but thero was
very little enthusiasm for tho com
promise through which the break was
Louis Itussanano, of Nowark, N. J.
was drowned in a vat of wine Tues
day When ho was overcome by fumes
oi fermenting grape mash. Samuel
Kico.. who plunged into tho vat to aid
him, was rescued by firemen and taken
to u hospital.
Hampshire sheep raised by Mrs.
Minnio Miller of Thousand Springs
farm, Wendall, Idaho, captured first,
m Bond and third places in virtually
all sheep classes of that breed, judg
ed at Kansas City, Mo., Tuesday at
the American Hoyal Livestock show.
Work on tho tomb of Tutankhamen
was relumed Monday. Tho final pre
parations having been completed,
Howard Carter, head of tho expedition,
removed the outer woodwork and open
ed tho Iron gates, permitting entry into
the passage leading to tho nutecham
iter, which last season was cleared of
its royal treasures.
nepresentativo Iiawley of Oregon
has a vacancy to fill at West Point
Military academy, lie is therefore
ar.xious to hear at onco from any
aspiring hoys in tho first Oregon dis
trict. Applicants will be examined un
der civil service rules on January 5
and tho ono passing highest will re
ceive the appointment.
A fine of $350 which brought the
total assessed ngalnst him In justice
court this week on liquor charge to
$l3.r0, was levied against Aco Dobson
at Ilcnd, Or. Tuesday, when ho was
guilty of having liquor In his posses
sion. Tho other two charges on which
Dobson was convicted were for selling.
Ho will appeal all three.
A merry romp In a sand pile Fri
day resulted In the death Sunday of
Lenora Myrtle Hodman, 2-year-old
daughter of Carl Hodman of Santa
Marbara Cal. Until her death, seven
physicians were unable to diagnose
her sudden Illness, hut an autopsy per
formed yesterday showed that she bad
inhaled sand into her lungs.
Saloons and madhouses uro tho lono
somest places in Germany slnco the
decline of tho mark has forced the
price of beer up to a point which is
beyond tho conception and purso of
the average rural German. When the
price of a stein of beer rose to one
billion marks or more and continued
to rise, tho average German lost his
Tho steamer Kronos, bound from
Stottin, Germany, to lYtrograd, lias
been sunk off tho Island of Oesol In I
tho Haltie and 17 bodies have been !
washed ushore, according to a news j
agency dispatch from llolslngfors
Tuesday. Some of tho bodies wero I
badly mutilated, from which the deduc
tion was drawn that tho steamer was
blown UJ by a mine.
An Increase of 40 cents a day in
tho present minimum wage scale, for
the purpose of lessening tho spread
between tho minimum wage and tho
going wage, was approved Wednesday
by the board of directors of the Loyal
Legion of loggers luull.umbermen. the
appeal and legislating body represent
ing In equal numbers employers and
employes in the lumber Industry of
the northwest.
Secretary Wallace announced Tues
day that he had made demand on
Swift & Co., Chicago meat packers,
last week, to permit auditors of the
packers and stockyards administra
tion full access to the company's
books, accounts, records and memor
anda. A similar demand is being made
on Wilson & Co., and the Cudahy Pack
lug company. Tin' packine coiiuwnlcs
are given until November 23 to de
cide whether they will grant the per-j
mission, which is requested under the
packers and stockyards act.
Washington, D. C Needless con
tlnuation of bread-saving habits form
ed in war time, department of agri
culture officials declared in a state
mont issued Monday, is limiting Amer
lean wheat consumption to the dis
advantage of both producer and con
A return to pre-war food habits in
the use of wheat by the public and
the feeding of low-grade wheat to live
stock, department experts asserted,
would help greatly toward solving the
wheat problem.
The wide disparity between the cost
of bread to the consumer and the price
received by the producer for the whoat
from which it is made is cited by the
department as an illustration of the
disproportionate relationship which
exists between the price of farm prod
ucts and the price of things that have
gone through a manufacturing process.
"Tho price of bread in cities has
not fallen with the price of wheat and
flour," says the statement. "A pound
loaf of bread, which in Minneapolis in
11113-14 cost 5.3 cents, now costs ap
proximately 9 cents, while flour, which
in 1913-14 cost $4.43 a barrel, now
costs $6.89. Allowing 280 loaves to
the barrel, the margin between the
flour prico and the bread price has
increased from $10.40 to $18.30.
"It is obvious that such conditions,
however caused, work to the disad
vantage of both producers and con
sumers. Producers are injured by the
restriction which is caused in the de
mand and consumers are injured by
high prices which enforce an unecono
mic limitation in the use of an essen
tial food. All interests in the country,
including those of the bakers and mill
ers, would bo benefited by tho restor
ation of a more normal ratio between
the prico of wheat when it leaves the
farmers' hands and its price to the
Fake Army Stores Hit.
Washington, D. C. Retailers who
represent themselves to bo selling
army and navy supplies from the Uni
ted States governnient7"whcn in fact
they are not bo doing, will encounter
opposition from tho federal trade com
mission. An order in tho matter was
issued Monday by tho commission
against H. Mailender, an operator of
stores in Indiana, requiring him to de
sist. The custom was said to secure
for the dealer an unfair advantage
over competitors, based on misrepre
sentations. A retailing custom, exemplified, the
commission said, by the Jenkins Knit
ting Mills company of Provo, Utah,
was also attacked. Tho concern was
ordered to eliminate from its corpor
ate name tho suggestion that it oper
ated its own knitting manufactory, be
cause in fact it does not do so.
Filipino Presents Plea.
Washington, I). C. President Cool
idge was asked Monday by Pedro
Cm-vara, resident commissioner of the
Philippine Islands, to include in his
message to congress retommendat ions
for the solution1 of the problem of tho
islands, particularly that congress
proceed to give effect to the Jones net,
contemplating ultimate independence
of the Islands. The commissioner
presented his request in accordance
with a resolution recently adopted by
the Philippine legislature.
French Premier Declared on
Road to War.
Ex-Prime Minister Pleads That Angel
of Peace Be Given Chance
in Europe.
First Lady Entertains.
Washington. 1). C. Mrs. Coolidge,
wife of tho president, entertained at
tea Monday Mrs. Uarcluy Warburton
of Philadelphia, Mrs. Mary Flynn Law
rence of Pittsburgh and Mrs. Worth
Ington Scranton of Scranton. Mrs.
Warburton is republican national Com
mit tee-wonuin from Pennsylvania ami
vice chairman of the state organi.a
Hon, and Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs.
Scranton also are prominent in repub
lican politics in Pennsylvania.
Quake "Weather Shock."
Toklo. - - The earthquake which
shook Toklo Friday is explained by
experts here as a "weather shock."
Such shocks follow periods of incle
ment weal her. Despite many rumors
that another big earthquake was ex
pected Saturday, the day passed with
out any.
Wooden Conduits Lasted Long.
Relict of ancient waterplpes, con
sisting of the hollow trunks ot two
rv fine elm trees, were recently dug
up in London. These wooden conduits.
alUiough they had been laid down
mere than 200 years ago. wore still in
a wonderful state of preservation.
The Ancient Grudge.
Tho only way to rid one's self of a
grudge Is simply to let it go. Just
drop it and forget where you lost It
If you mark the spot you might some
times be tempted to go back and pick
it up again.
Glasgow. Former Prime Minister
Lloyd George declared in a speech
here Saturday that Great Britain's re
lations with France were never worse.
"I doubt whether in living memory
they have been so bad as now," he
Referring to tho European develop
ments of the last year, he said:
"Owing to what has happened in
the last year, the restoration of nor
mal trade conditions throughout the
vast population of central Europe
probably has been postponed, not for
a matter of months, but a matter of
The ex-premier asserted that the
liberal party's remedy for unemploy
ment was the restoration of peace in
Europe. "Let the angel of peace be
given a chance in Europe," he said.
France was beginning to realize
that there were no reparations in her
policy, he continued.
"A year ago last August," he said
"I told M. Poincare in London that it
you invade the Ruhr you will have no
cash but wagon loads of trouble.' 11
has had no cash and has had tons of
trouble and there will be more unless
ho gets out.
"He has started on the path that
made the most horrible war in his
tory. It was the invasion of France
the annexation ot French territory
that rankled in the soul of France
creating a temperature which at last
broke out into a fever, which spread
to Europe, America, Asia and Africa
the whole world suffered from It.
"Tho beginning was an attempt by
the Germans to annex territory which
didn't belong to them. Poincare lias
committed the world to exactly th
same policy now."
The French peasant, he said, was
very shrewd and when he realized he
was not getting the reparation to which
he was entitled, his common sense
would come to the rescue. He was
beginning now to realize it. In the
next place Italy, which at first sanc
tioned the invasion, was against it,
and Belgium was growing disillusioned.
But the greatest fact of all was that,
for tho first time since the retirement
of President Wilson, America was
coming in. She was entirely with
Great Britain on the settlement of
this policy, ho declared, and then he
'Does anyone mean to tell me that
with America and the British empire,
the two greatest communities of earth
and with Italy agreeing, it there Is
anyono there who can handle the sit
uation firmly, wisely and tenaciously,
you cannot impose conditions upon
anybody, provided they nro just?"
Discussing tho British credit, the
former premier said, it is almost as
good as America's, and "had it not
been for the foolish settlement of Mr.
Baldwin's, it would have been just as
good as America's by now."
He apparently was referring to the
funding of the British war debt to the
United States.
Chicago. Increases in wages affect
ing approximately 5500 railroad teleg
raphers and station agents and aggre
gating approximately $364, 4S2 were)
awarded in a decision announced Sun
day night by the United States rail
road labor board.
The board explained that it had at
tempted to correct existing inequali
ties without attempting standardiza
tion and without granting a general
increase. The payment of a punitiTe
rate of time and one half for overtime
to telegraphers and station agents also
was awarded and a few other changes
in rules were authorised.
Austria to Get Shilling
Vienna. Minister of Finance Kiea
bocck informed the national assembly
that, subject to its approval, he would
immediately introduce a silver "shil
ling" coinage in Austria, the repress,
tative coin being 10.000 kronen nnit
the value of the otuers 5000 and 8,-
000. The "shilling," the minister de
clared, would not represent a new
monetary unit, but later would be as
sociated with a new currency unit.
Physician and Surgeon
"v.VOE there was a little girl named
Lucy who was never ready to go
to bed when bedtime came around.
She fretted and pouted and grew so
disagreeable that one night her moth
er told her she could go to bed when
she liked but she was certain she
would wish she had gone at the right
Lucy was sitting on a rug In front
of the fireplace, so she curled up with
her book and began to read, quite sure
she would not be sorry she did not go
to bed early.
The firelight danced on the book
she was looking at and Lucy thought
once she could almost see some little
fire-imps dancing in the snapping
wood fire.
Her yes seemed to feel queer but
she rubbed them she was not a bit
sleepy. She was sure of that. It must
be the warm Are that made them feel
so queer.
The house seemed very still and
then suddenly from right out of the
"Here Is Another Stayup," Said the
fireplace there stepped one of the very
imps Lucy had thought she caught a
glimpse of.
He wore a red and black cape over
a tightly fitted suit of black and on
Ids head a black- cap with a waving
red feather.
At the tips of his shoes were the
same sort of wuvy feathers and on
his fingertips as well.
"So you sat up late tonight, did
you?" lie said to Lucy. "Well, come
along with me. All children should be
in bed before tills. Don't you know
this is the magic hour and It belongs
to us imps and other magic folks?"
Lucy did not wish to go with this
queer little creature, but she did not
seem to have anything to do with it.
The Imp just touched her with his
feathery-tipped fingers and away she
went right into the fireplace and up
the chimney.
Not away up, but a little way ; and
then a door opened and in she went
and the imp with her Into a room all
red and black. In a big high chair sat
a big red and black Imp a Grand
mother Imp, Lucy thought, because
she wore a ruffled cap of black around
her red face.
"Here's another stayup," said the
imp who had brought her, and then
on the floor around the Grandmother
Imp's chair Lucy saw a number of
children asleep.
The door closed with a click and
Lucy saw that the little imp had gone.
"He has gone to find more stayup chil
dren," said the Grandmother Imp.
"We will get them all in here after
"What will you do with them?"
asked Lucy, who had found her tongue
and was getting a bit frightened. She
wished she was In her own room in
bed and not in this red and black
"I can't tell you that until my hus
band comes home," said the Grand
mother Imp. "He has a different pun
ishment for every night, but this Is
your first night here, so he won't be
as hard on you as some of the others
who have stayed up before. But you
lie down beside the other stayups and
go to sleep until he comes."
Lucy could not find a soft spot on
the floor. She tried resting her head
on her arm, she curled up as she had
on the big fur rug in front of the fire
place. But it was no use. She could
not sleep.
"Click, click," Lucy heard. She was
sure It was the Grandfather Imp turn
ing the lock in the door. He had
come to punish the stayups. Up she
jumped and found herself standing on
the fur rug In front of the fireplace.
The room was dark, the .house
seemed very still, the fire was not
burning very brightly and a dying em
ber snapped. That was what she had
heard and it awakened her.
Lucy made her way up to her room,
but it was very pokey all alone at that
hour of the night; nobody to say
good-night and kiss you or tuck you
in. And when Lucy crept into bed
and pulled the bedclothes around her
she made up her mind she would
never be a stayup again and let the
red and black Imp catch her.
(. 1S23, by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
Physician and Surgeon
Fraternal Building
Stanfiekl, Oregon
Dental X-ray and Diagnosis
Bank Building
Phones: Office 93. Residence 761.
Newton Painless Dentists
Dr. H. A. Newton, Mgr.
Cor. Main and Webb Sts. Pendleton
Umatilla Pharmacy
W. E. Smith, Prop.
Mail orders given special atten
tion. Quick Service
Satisfaction Quaranteed
Umatilla, Oregon
206 E. Court Street
t Electrical Fixtures and I
X Electric Contracting X
Has a Man Like This Proposed
to You?
Symptoms: Awfully Umber,
capering, always cracking jokes,
always punning. He thinks well
of people if they think he is
clever. Always anxious to im
press you with his wit. Boasts
how he made the president of his
firm roar with laughter when he
brought him some papers at an
Important conference; loves you
because you Inugh at his jokes
and tell him he ought to write
them down and publish them.
Be Is himself u Joke u serious
Prescription for His Bride:
J) Pack up your troubles in
8 your own wit bag.
Use a spear of cocaine dally
to make you able to have seri
ous business cut Into by silly
Absorb This:
( by McCliir N'twapaprr Syndicate.)
Fish My. but you wear a. small
collar Mr. Clara!
Clam You forget I'm a Ilttle-neck
L h KcClun SjoJU-ala.)
I QheWhy 1
Superstitions g
HP HAT wearing a brass ring on the
finger will cure rheumutism Is a
common superstition in nearly all parts
of the country ; and in the South thero
la a belief among the colored popu
lation that wearing brass rings in the
ears will ward off the same disease. Iu
some sections It Is believed that the
wearing of a brass ring is not only
good for rheumatism but will prevent
Brass and bronze are both alloys ol
copper and both metals were Included
In the word "orichalcum" even down
to the Middle ages; though Strabo
calls brass orichalcum specifically and
describes Its manufacture. To the an
cients brass was hut another form of
bronze. The P.ronze age preceded the
Iron age. It was an era when, though
Iron was known, there were a few Iron
weapons even at the siege of Troy
bronze was the metal in common use
for weapons and purposes of general
When Iron came Into Its own con
servative people looked upon the new
fangled metal with suspicion and re
talned bronze for all purposes Intc
which entered the worship of the gods
or the performance of sacred rites
Itomnn and Sabine priests might not
be shaved with iron razors but onlj1
with razors of bronze, and with bronze j
shears they had to have their bait
cut. The Greeks attributed a certain
cleansing virtue to bronze and hence!
employed it In explntory rites. There'
was evidently some connection con-j
oelved to exist between bronze and Its
cousin, German brass, and the sun I
For bronze was used in the ceremonies
With which the Greeks greeted an'
eclipse of the sun and the Latin word'
orichalcum, derived from a Greek
word meaning mountain copper and!
supposedly generally to signify brass,1
became soon corrupted into aurichal
cum. that is, copper simulating goM,
the color of the sun. In short, brass Is
a mystic metal from the Age of Bronze,
believed through long centuries to pos
sess special virtues and ought, cer
tainly to be equal to a case of ordinary
I by McOlora Nwtapr Syndicate )
, o
There's a Time for Everything.
"I cell that new maid of your wife's
a peach, don't you?"
-Not while my wife's there." Lon
don Tlt-Blts.
Eat and Drink
X E. J. McKNEELY, Prop.
Pendleton, Oregon
j ; Only the Best Foods Served
; : Fancy Ice Creams
Furnished Rooms over Cafe
, I ?ui( k Service Lunch Counter
In connection with Dining room
J ' You Are Welcome Here
We Specialize in
Take that next job to your
Home Printer
It. N. Stanfleld, President.
Frank Sloan, 1st Vlce-Pres.
M. It. Ling, 2nd Vlce-Pres.
Ralph A. Holte, Cashier
j Bank of
! Stanfield
Capital Stock and
Four Per Cent Interest
Paid on Time Certifi
cates of Deposit