The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, November 23, 1923, Image 1

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The Boardman Mirror
Boardman, Oregon
Entered as second-class matter Feb
11, 1921, at the postoffice at Board
man, Ore., under act of Mar. 3, 187!)
Mrs. A. E. Harrison was a Pendle
ton visitor last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Rachel
motored to Pendleton last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Warren and
Donald went to Portland Monday?
P. IT. Board.nar - ' "acilly were
guests at the A. T. Hw'roiia home for
dinner Saturday evening.
J. C. Ballenger made a business
Hip to Portland and Hood River last
Mrs. It, K. Flickinger is spending
the week-end with her sister, Mrs,
An item which was overlooked':
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cohoon re
turned several weeks ago from Wash
ington, where they were during tue
The truck drivers on the highway
were ordered to move back to camp,
so the Vegas family and Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Thorp will move to Ca?tle
Rock. Mr. Boss has been transferred
to The Dalles.
Open season for beaver began 1
November 1. Trapping is restricted
to areas outside of the forest reserves.
Two lici'iiscs ars required.
The beaver season is open in Ore
gon in all but four counties, Jackson
Josephine, Curry and Coos. It has
been several years since open season J
has been declared, but the last leg-j
islature took action on the complain! s '
of the damage done by beavers and
announced an open season from Nov.
1, to March 1. Open season on bea
ver was stopped in the state several
years ago because of their scarcity.
There are no restrictions on the
manner of selling beaver hides this
Oregon Lambs Nearly All Sold
According to reports from the sheep
raising counties of the state Oregon
lambs have very largely been moved
out the state to Idaho, Montana and
Colorado feed'tig points. The govern
ment statistician estimates that less
than 10,000 lambs will be fed along
the line of the Union Pacific in Ore
gon, and that probably 20,000 lambs
will be fed in Western and South
ern Oregon, all of which will be mar
keted in the coast markets.
It is also estimated that a several
thousand old ewes will be fed for the
coast market.
One of the pleasant affairs of the
month was the stork shower given
at the home of Mrs. Jenkins, who
was joint hostess with Mrs. Royal
Hands and Mrs. Packard last Thurs
day. Tiie party was given for. Mrs.
I.ryce Dillabough and many dainty
gifts were received. About 2 5 guests
were present who enjoyed the after
noon and the bounteous lunch served'
by the hostess.
Our Pet Peeve
'Cop)-ritht. W. N. U.T
way in:
O. H WARNER, Proprietor
Boardman, Oregon
Wholesome Home Gooking
Best place to eat between The Dalles and
J A. Wheelhouse, Pres. S. A. Rossier, Viee-Pres.
H. M. Cox, Cashier Chas. F. Story, Ass't Cashier
From Department of Industrial Jour
nalism, Oregon Agricultural College
Tht following ration is recommend- j
ed by the dairy department of the
O.A.C. experiment station, assuming
that dairy owners have legume hay
such as clover, alfalfa or oats and
vetch, and corn silage. . .
All the hay and silage the cows will
clean up and a grain ration made' of
300 pounds each of barley, oats and
mill run, with lOOpounds -at is, high
protein concentrate such as linseed
oil meal, cottonseed meal or cocoa
nut meal, one pound of this feed per
day being allowed for each 1 V 1
pounds of milk produced. If kale
is available it may be fed in addition
to other feeds with excellent results.
Barnyard manure Is low in the
i plant food element phosphorus.
Adding euperphosphate reinforce
the manure with this plant food
element. The land plaster in the;
superphosphate also prevents loss of
I the plant food element nitrogen from j
the manure in the form of ammonia.' i
I Results from crop rotation are not'
very marked at first. In a rotation i
i experiment of the Oregon Agricul
tural college experiment station farm1
which has been going for ten years, J
grain continuously yielded 30 bushels;
of barley to the acre. On the samel
soil which had a rotation that include
a legume crop the yield of barley
I this year was 61 bushels to the acre,
Why Doesn't Farmer Put
Implements Under Cover?
Ask a farmer Why lie doesn't put
the farm implements in the shed in
stead of leaving them Just where he
Unbooked. He may unswer, "What's
Hie use' The parts that will rust out
ure covered with oil, and those that
aren't covered with oil hist longer than
the rest of the machine anyhow."
The implement dealer knows that If
the machinery is not housed he will
Sffl two machines where lie should
have sold only one, and that he will
also sell more repairs.
With both the farmer and the Imple
ment dealer satisfied, why house the
farm MckflMCff
Must Guard Our Pheatanta.
The shots and sdells of the World
war are even now damaging the game
bints of America. Indirectly hut none
the less vitally. Lee s. Crandall, cura
tor of birds of the New York Zoolog
ical park, in a report to the American
Game Protective association warns
that unless the feu fortunate posses
sors of aviary pheasants cherish and
increase thVm during the com lag
breeding season nil species are In
danger of hemming virtually extinct.
The Industry of collecting and distrib
uting wild birds and animals hag been
badly demoralized by the war and
American breeders run no longer de
pend upon European Importations for
supply, he explained. The seed stock
of many kinds of gam birds and wa
terfowl has become dangerously re
duced and even if It Is possible to nb
tiiln fresh stock-, the newly-Imported,
wild-caught birds often breed with
great reluctance and years must pass
before a prolific breedfng strain can
be developed from them.
The Best is none too good
Try our Sherwin-Williams paints
and varnishes. There is none bet-
We have a complete line of
Cedar Flume Stock
Building Material
Builders' Hardware
Cement, Lime. Wood, Coal,.Posts
Boardman, Oregon.
Wiry We Say Hello
Bong, long ago wolves were numer
ous in all parts of the world, espec- :
tally in Bngland. Wolf-hunting was j
a favorite sport with the gentry, and l
to kill wolves was regarded as saned
duty of all Englishmen. French '
wolf hunters' cry was 'An Boup!' Au
1 I.oup' (to the wolf). These words I
heard at a distance sounded like a
loo', but the English, who always put
'h' on wherever they possibly can,
put It on the words 'a loo', and when
wolf hunting shouted 'ha loo.' This
form we use when we call hello.
Hotel Dorian .Pendleton, Is still
the house of welcome.
To kno
how good a cigarette
really can be mad
you must try a
Center of Goldfish Industry.
What makes Philadelphia the cen
ter for breeding rare und won
derful llsh one sees in tin a(iiarlum V
Expert! tell me It Is the center and
regularly produces the largest crop of
goldfish of unusual types and other
Strange kinds of what I may cull toy
fish. You will find the reason for this
old Industry In those despised ditches
which crisscross the Neck.
It seems that even ii parlor fish
thrives best on Its natural food. Fish
CUltUriStl know that end so they go
down to the .Neck and scon. up
from these stagnant water-holes and
trenches the lurwie which to a llsh are
as beefsteak and huked potatoes to an
I have It from a seu captain who
has been everywhere that here he
finds the largest variety und best
specimens of those llsh which are
meant to please the eye. but not up
PMM the stomach. Philadelphia Inquirer.
Over the Phone.
Mr. BfOltH hud hud telephonic con
nectlon established between hl office
sad house.
"I tell you, Smith," he whs suylng,
"this telephone business is a wonder
ful thing. I want you to dine with
me this evening, und I win Mttn lire, ;
Brown to expect you. (Sjnklng
through the telephone) : My friend
Smith will dine with us this evening.
Now listen and hear how distinctly
her reply will come hack."
Mrs. Brown's reply came hack with ' distinctness: "Ask your
Mend Smith if Ue thinks we keep a
By Frederick I). Utricle er, M. n.
Collaboratlog Epidemiologist of tht
Oregon State I'oard oi' Heal ' In
Co-OpernMon vrltfi the United
States Public Health Service.
Where did you get that cold?
Winter days are here and with
them comes the usual crop of coldl
sniffling, coughing, and meeting, II
you wish to be convinced of this Just
make a visit to any of the churches,
schools, theatres moving picture
shows, or any public assembly, and
notice how many people are affected
with colds. This is not the fault
ol the season however. Contrary to
I the popular idea, colds are not caught
from draughtB, cold air, open win-
dows.or wet feet. Cold air does not
cause a cold so long as vou are pro
tected with warm clothing und are
breathing fresh air. It is a well
known fact that Arctic explorers nev
er have colds until they got bak to
civilisation. The engineers and rire-
meO on the railroads are not the oner
who catch fold, hut the pa sen-"
In the train Colds are a gem
de ease. Colds are therefore pre
veniable, and are not at all nessasarj
either li summer or winter.
The air passages of a noriial In
dividual are generally flooded with
germs of all kinds, but these do not
thrive unless thev are planted on
favorable soil. The mucous mem
branes of the respiratory tracts are
provided with natural defences In
Which gariUI are thrown off end des
troyed. The dry stuffy air of n'enm
heated apartments and public build
ings is especially harmful, The
convected heat from steam healed
apartments and public buildings is
found to be more trying on the muc
ous membranes than the radiated
heat from open fireplaces.
How then can we avoid taking
cold? A correct Idea of the cause of
colds on the part or the laity Is nec
essary In order to avoid them. Merer
allow your rooms or apartments to
become over-heated and stuffy. Avoid
all crowded, congested, stuffy, and
over heated places. Children with
colds should not be allowed to go to
school. Strict observance of the rules
of personal hygiene will generally
prevent the catching of colds. Per
sons with Infected tonsils or adenoids
should have them removed, as they
are frequently Important factors in
predisposing to colds. Cough and
sneeze In your handkerchief and do
not spread your cold
One case of diphtheria and four
cases of smallpox are reported In
I'matilla county.
To Hunt Fojjili in Patagonia.
A !lve-. em- hum for IoksIIs of ex
tincj species of maun;, its which ap
peared ages a;o, will lie begun soon,
when Prof. Klmer S. Itlggs. associate
curator of psleoetolegy of the flstd
Museum of Natural llislor., of Chi
cago, and three assistants will sail for
Puenos Aires on the Hist leg of their
expedition. After exploring the Ar
gentine pampas, the party will strike
southward along the Atlantic const as
far us the Straits of Magellan. In
pluces the work will he along beaches
where the ledges lire accessible only
a few hours each duy. In the extrem
ity of Patagonia, a land of strange
legends and folk story, the purty will
search for fossil remains of unique
and much more um lent animals, which
existed In South America in the nges
Whan it whs almost as widely sep
arated from North America as Aua
trulla Is now septirated from Asia,
This lsolutlon accounts for strange
Motor Coaches Driving Out Trol
ley in Some Towns.
Good Rords Throughout the Country
May Threaten the Electric
Car's Existence.
A town in Vermont tins now aban
doned Its trolley line and is to sub
stitute busses, it is announced that
when the change goes Into effect the
fare will be raised from 8 cents to
10. If the street railway company
had put up the price no one would
have stood for It, we presume. A
street-cur fare is one thing, a bus fare
another. Such Is our unitnalytical psy
chology. Few opportunities are ofTered for
getting more for your money than n
ride on a street cur. no mutter what
the rate charged. Yet trolley com
panics here und there are being driven
to tlie wall or out of business he
cause people "kick" at u levltimuta
fare, while they are willing to pay
more for perhaps inferior, at least
Irregular service.
Picture the busses In this Vermont
town getting proprietor, clerks and pa
trons down to the store on Main street
on the morning after heavy snowfall,
They will be good snow btlt-kers If
they do It, for they won't have any
plowed-out trolley tracks to run In.
This promises to he an Interesting ex
periment on this account. Where husses
heretofore have been tried Mthegj
they have not operated where they
had to contend with heavy snow or
they have run in the tracks of the
street railways.
The motor bus Is multiplying in
New York and In this state would
probably have sent the Connecticut
company's mils and curs to the Junk
mun had not the public utilities com
mission Intervened.
In the city of London there
are no street car lines. Motor
busses apparently serve the city and
environs dependably. Success of the
motor bus in this country will In
the end depend on the quality of
service rendered. llercnhout the- trol
ley seems to have certain advantages,
in regularity, dependability, cost und
UpbBilding f suburban territory which
it would he u calamity to lose. It whs
predicted tlilrty-nve yeurs ago, when
the trolley was In Its Infancy, that u
superior method of transportation
would soon lUpplaOt It. Tile under
ground cable and various other de
vices bava had their duy and disap
peared, hut the trolley still stops to
tuke us abroad. It has been u fullh
ful servunt.
Street Improvement, of course,
makes the motor bus a possible com
petitor. Little advantage apparent!
Inheres today In steel mils, us u well
surfaced road provides for rubber
tired vehicles good enough traction.
Qovernmeot, state and town appro-,
printing of hundreds of millions yeur
ly for good roads have created a con
dition thai may threulen the trolley's
existence. If that tints comes th-re
will have to he a lot of new lawmaking.--1
In 1 1 ford (Conn.) Times.
United State Abounds in Game.
Practically every known gem Is to
lie found somewhere In the United
sinies. Diamonds are to be found in
Arkansas, North Carolina, Kentucky,
(ieorgU, Ohio, Wisconsin, Colorado
ami California, Montana leads in the
production of sapphires und also of
rubles, while others of the same fum
lly, especially the true emerald, which
is often more vuluulile than diamonds
of equal b.e. Is found In North Cure
linu und New Mexico. While the
largest and richest of the bine varicti
of topaz comes from Russia. Colorado
hits produced a marvelous reddish
browg stone that cannot he excelled,
while the clear vurletles from New
England and Ctuh ure us lover) iis u
diamond. Many lands lime given gar
nets, hut the tlnest are from New Me .
ho. Nevada's opals have become Im
portant in the commercial world.
I'resh-water peurls come from the
mussel end are found iii the rivers of
Arkansas, Indiana ami Tenin ssee.- -Detroit
17,450 Worde on Postcard
A hank cushler of Nlines, Krunce,
believes he has beaten the wield
record ror postal curd correspondence.
On the hack of an ordinary postcard
he has slice Id in writing 2U9 lines.
containing 17,450 word., equivalent to
the normal umount of mutter on two
pagW of u new simper. The previous
record, M Prout believes, has not
more tluin li'.MS) words.
So microscopic is xi. plant's writing
that few were convinced It was not a
photographic reduction of a turgor
manuscript. Klnully all ilnuhts were
set ut rest when the Institute Pusteur,
to which the curd wus sent, certified,
after close examination under a micro
snipe, that the work hud actually been
dona with a pen. Milwaukee Journal,
Head the home paper.
Let us do that next printing ror yon.