The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, October 26, 1923, Image 4

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    Boardman Utellem
Kdited by the High School Students M'.MBER 7
Tmninn Messenger, '24, Kdltor Kathertne Brown, '20, Assistant Kdltor
Bdwrad McOlellan, '25, Joke Kdltor
The time is at hand when Board- Mrs. Dillon and Mrs. Wicklander
man citizens should consider the visited the school last Thursday,
question of a school gymnasium. ! .
The need of this school attribute The 7th and 8th grades are very
is very apparent. Our boys and girls much interested in the spelling con
have no place to play except upon test toeing given in the Portland
the rocky ground at the rear of the schools. They are going to Isee
school building. There is no suit- how many of those 1500 words
able place for athletic sports such as they can spell.
other schools enjoy, no protection!
from winter's chilling blasts or Choosing class colors is conta
gprlng and autumn dust storms. , e'ous. The 7th and 8th grades
1 will be the next room to have color
day, each class having chosen colors.
With a gymnasium the teachers
could conduct organized play during
inclement weather. Competitive games j Thc flrst group of offl(;er8 of th(J
between various groups of children Literary society in the 7th and 8th
couiu do carried on. school man-1
agement would be made easier, school
grade room has served one month
and another grouD has been chosen.
morale and efficiency higher, and u js tll, purpose t0 Rive every0ne
bodily health and physique of the ln ,h(, room lhe opportunity t0
serve at least once. All are learn-
frrigon Third Annual Hallowe'en
We are pleased to announce that
for the third year the Irrigon school
will hold its Hallowe'en carnival. It
will be held on the evening of Nov
ember 3rd and in the school build
ing instead of the gynasium as
formerly. Admission is free. Every
room will participate in a free lit
erary program, after which refresh
ments will be sold. We believe in
keeping a good thing going and im
proving it as we go. We are ex
pecting a larger crowd from Uma
tilla, Hermiston and Boardman than
I ever before. Those who have been
! attending we feel will surely need no
I encouragement to come again this
I year. Don't forget the date even-
Miss Winifred Steward, daughter
VVV2 II' !Ui
children improved.
At the present time if we are ing how to conduct meetings ac-
asked by a neighboring school for a cording to parliamentary rules.
friendly game to be played at Board-
Pint and Second Grades.
On Friday evening last there
man, our reply must invariably be
"Yes, we have no 'gym'."
Why not think it over and talk it ' came into existence a new family.
Miss Blanche Powell and her
brother, Charles Powell, motored tn
Hot Lake sanatorium from their 1 of Mr' and Mrs- Chas- Steward, and
home in Irrigon Wednesday return-1 Ly,e Seaman' son of and Mrs.
Ing the same night. They drove ' N' Seaman- wpre married on Satur
there to accompany Miss Madeline I day' 0ct 20th' Mrs' Seaman win
Boldman of Auburn, Wash., and E. : attenu school in Irrigon, she being a
D. Boldman of New York City, who Prominent member of the junior
Vinri hfin thoir tintiao tr. . ClaSS.
Bake where the latter couple will
take treatments for a few days. Mr.
Mr. Ben
of this city
over? It Is a question of ways and
means. The community spirit, is here.
The dollar will follow. Let Hoard
man have a gymnasium.
Those in high school who have re
ceived 100 per cent in deportment
for last month are as follows:
Zoo Hadley Wahnona Hands
Ida Mefford Marie Messenger
Alton Klltl Howard Packard
flenevleve Gorgcr Clara Marcus
Ray Denipsey Hoy Dempsey
Louilt Klages Catherine Herger
The prize pencils Offered by the
known as the Stick Family. The
members, that is all thelittle Sticks,
have been recognized by their badge
worn over their hearts and tho it
Powell has been a patient at Hot cached ln the community church
Lake. I Saturday evening and also Sunday
! morning
Lyle Seaman left for Portland ,
ill I i'J II W t!L
MB aS iPWnf'a. m W t f
SOO.OOO in Premiami
Largest livestock exposition under one roof in America. 10 acres of purebred Rv
and fancy beef and dairy cattle, horses, swine, ahip and coats. Combining- the mWj
07,1 . Y17 ; Pr.till-i-ir ar.A Rhnw Woatpvn flRirv PrnHiiflH RVkw WffJ
Manufacturers and Land Products Show; Northwest Hay and Grain Show;
Niirht Horse Show; Industrial Exhibits,
til'.inLLU jrAiicn ALL IlAlnUAlia WJ
Arlington, Oregon
Every Sunday
I ? Sell
i Insurance!
- o i . . ,. , ivuss M.nn hp Pnwoii v n.;
is nothing more than an innocent , '"""" evenmg to lane a course In' '
tne aocox Auto school. He expects ' uusmess ivion-
to be gone about four months. j day and Tuesday of this week. Mrs.
I kyle Seaman is taking her place dur-
William Norcross and Miss Hazel lnK her two days' absence.
Mr and Mrs. Beecher Lewis of
safety pin to the Sticks it means
much! more.
This family organized and made
their first expedition on Fridav.
They plan to meet every two weeks Smith wTe married Monday in Hepp ;
and are hoping ma.iv others will dl lUB "oule rar ana Mrs. U.
. . . W MpMq mop
The Dalles were Irrigon visitors Sun-
wui-umc outno VVVll IU1U NHHll ( ilVll ri.. rni.,,,,
good times performed the ceremony. They have " i,,c-T "'panieu Dy Mrs.
' purchased the Mrs. Debbie Bell Mc- Ge0' H,'narick and son Jay. Mrs.
Cune properties and will make their 8 was a Iormer student of the
A big serenade was J",su" '"sn sen001 ana 13 now at'
) of Mr. and tenam scnoI The Dalles.
Filth and Nixth OrodfN
A new recruit was welcomed in-
home here
Ciniiu i.ii,iiui,in.r , i u in flu. r.ih trraAm iot Mnn,io iin given inem at tne Home
vv....... . . . i . i i 1 1 1 j i . ' ' ' I i ii. unvr ih'mii ... ..AvitufAj. , tii-
hava Kutzner nus- Kay iamoreaux Monday even-
ine where the treat worn mH ' Tne Eversharp pe'ncils
awarded for those procuring the high
est number of subscriptions for tho
"Country tlentleman." Those re
ceiving the awards are as follows:
Marie Messenger (Catherine Brown
Blanche Imui
Weldon Avers
Fden Barsen
Truman Messenger
BSrraa Broylei
Zoo Hadley
Alex Ayers
Arthur Chaffee
Poetry by the Joke ESdttor
The boy stood on the railroad track.
The train was comlnif fast;
to be
Their many friends wish them a long "warun IO tnose who secured sub-
and happy married life.
The first frost of the season came
scriptions to the Country Gentleman
arrived Monday morning and were
distributed during the assembly per-
Tho boy stepped off the railroad the morning of the 23rd, followed Those receiving pencils were:
To let the train go past.
by another the night of the 24th.
I Who cares now? Melons are all
gone long ago and the money is corn
raise in(, ln nQW
The China pheasants seem to
know the season is over and are
liriiVAir airniM Tllnnl.. ie
------ 1 ftii, r.ii.y aic leit lor
... . next season.
U hi t :l in I. not y.i K
111,. I .. .. T " "
""" "-evieve i.m-ger ami r,)uv ..i.,,,, i
Kay Dempsey
While the football boys were away
at Lexington, some of the high school
students remained, and alter com
pleting their school work spent the
rest of the time cleaning house.
Weldon (freahie): "May I
my hand?"
Mrs. Crowder: "What for?"
Weldon: "1 want to ask a question.
Catherine Berger made the assembly
room look like new and achieved
some progreu in the library. Fden
l.arsen did some good work itralght
onlng out the tangle In the manual
training room. The Installing of rad
iators had rendered this room untidy
Mis.s Marvin spent the afternoon put
ting the cafeteria in order. Mrs.
Crowder and Mrs. Vlegas chaperoned
a crowd of girls to Lexington. Their
names ure as follows: Nellie Mess
enger, Louise Klages, 7,oe Hadley,
Irma Broylea, Clara Marcus and Mil
dred Duncan. Pretty big load for
one car! On the way (hey composed
many elln nnd Hongs for our team,
but, "alas!" mild Louise, "We had
but lltil chance to use them." Other
students being excused from school
meandered home thru the green fields J
of lhe project, listening to the warb
ling of birds and to tho cackling of
China pheasants.
All ready, run up
the curtain."
Arthur C
think i am, a squirrel?
H. C. Wolfe has purchased an
other house In the east end of town
Say, what do you km u,m i u.
...... ..I ninu n,ut- ii iu ma u-.:recige
Vivian Adams, Raymond Lamoreaux
Rvea Randsier, Leola Benefiel, Mar
garet Seaman, Walter Warner, Rob-
ert Smith and Winifred Seaman. The
! number of subscriptions taken was
The school has received and in
stalled a set of ball bearings for the
swings on the playgrounds, which is
certainly an improvement over the
old swings.
J. C. Ballenererf
Boardman - Oregon
Sunday School 10:30 a. tn,
Church Service 11:30 a. m.
Christian Endeavor 7:30 p. UX,
All are welcome.
BEV. B. S. HUOHES, Pnstor..
Heppner, Oregon.
m l V pet0'M'A Me RED BAND waumKJ
H? Highway
0. H WARNER, Proprietor
Boardman, Oregon
south of Irrigon. If he had sons or
The volley ball net has been put
up and the small child l-eil : i Q WiMl nu
The OitV linv "Tell me linnj'a i viuuglliers 11 WOUK1 lOOK like tie,,. ,
ino un tiii. leu me, now s ... lhe Inrte ones lti n itmi iioni f Dn.
t milk maid?" I was Duumni! a nest nem. but ' Z" "" c"
The Country Lass: "I, i.n't ! not th" ca8e' H s can- Ume-
w - - s-voZra;r jrr r r,,ce wm s,ari
. anil It l nrinnil tliat 1V
i.l. ww, .... l. . , " v ...wi mc f,iiin Lt-cllll
Time Is now given to the pupils
so they may appear ut the noon
luncheon with clean hands and faces.
Just before noon each room Is al
lowed a five minute period in which
to gather at the wash stand nnd per
form the act of ablution. This means
better appearance and more comfort.
The Toot hall boys received their
new suits last week and, naturally
nough, are quite proud of them. Re
sides being protection to the boys
they add to the appearance of the
Who I'uii Cell When (Where or Win )
1. The freshmen will wear their
colors next?
2. The football team will win?
3. Tho, clnsa editors will do their
4. The Jeffs will give the Mgtts a
6. The Lutln class will loam any
thing? 6. Mr. Mulkoy doesn't tell Jokes
7. The Student Body are going
on a vacation?
If someone hauled some sawdust
and put It on the football grounds It
would be appreciated very much.
Dlehert (out riding): "My clutch
is awful weak."
Mildred: 'So I've noticed."
Mildred D. winked at Dlebert the
other day and I think it's an awful
It is reported that Zoe H turned
Into a mechanic on the way back
from Lexington.
Ray D. (on the way to Lexing
ton): "Will we go thru Wells
Howard P.: "I think we'll try
to dodge or miss them."
Teacher: "Alex, give three rea
sons for believing the earth is
Alex: "Weil, my father says so,
tn y teacher Bays so, and the book
sayB so."
place so he can get a satisfactory
renter or leasee.
Wholesome Home Cooking
Best place to eat between The Dalles and
Arthur Bailey's chief hobbies:
Chewing for WrlgJcy. kicking for
B US and flirting with Zoe."
Office ln Court House
Dr. A. H. Johnston
I'h.vsclun nml Surgeon
Office phone M 151 Res. M 33 2
Arlington, Oregon.
Calls answered at all hours
In Boardman Wednesday and Satur
day mornings.
will be able to play better than last
year. The boys, it is feared, will not
be able to play this year on account
of the short age of players.
It is believed that by spring the
school will be able to put in a tennis
FOR SALE Majestic range with
water front. Nearly new. W. P. !
Trumbull. se7-5t
Hotel Dorian .Pendleton, Is still
the house of welcome.
long will
(at Lexington ) :
I have io wait
SAVE $200
Teach.-r: "Eden
do something?"
Eden: "Aw, 1 can't see much
to do."
One sure way to make money
on your farm is to protect yow
iiii-iu mm lilnery .
The IWNt aiUIUjU loss from
del erl. ii at Inn alone on lariii ma
chinery left out iu ill',- Heather
is taoo.
A machine shed that Hill turn
(his annual loss into a profit
can Ik- built for a surprtsinglj
small amount.
Mrs. Mensenger and daughter,
Lois, visited school last Friday.
Current events ar all the rage
The firm and second year Englhth
class have them every Thursday.
and the third and fourth nearly as
often. The history class also have
their turn overy Friday.
"How I
a I
Oh, about three yea H
why don't. H
B UM tniihlmg youraeU durin
"OsS K slaik
aJh tr i i.iimiH i i oinpaiiN
ltjgp D IRRItiOX. ORKl.ON
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
September 27, 1923.
NOTICE is hereby given that Sol
omon C. Cummins, of Hermiston.
Oregon, who. on June 22, 1920, made
Homestead entry, No. 019749, for
SEK, Section 26. Township 3 N.,
Range 26 E., Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
final three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before C. G. Rlayden. United States
Commissioner, at Boardman, Oregon,
on the IStb day of November, 1923.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Henry J. Tafe-1, Oliver Graham
Lee, John Puller, Sherman Nelson,
all o Echo, Oregon.
o5-n9 Register.
A. Wheelhouse, Pres. S. A. Rossier, Vice-Pres.
H. M. Cox, Cashier Chas. F. Story, Ass't Cashier
Let The Boardman Mirror Print Your Butter Wrappers
ami ii'imoinical plans that out
n iiitcctuini Danartmeui has
rem!) for yowr btafMctflaM.
Department of the Interior. V. S. j
,, , , I Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
Hie slnsl Mown here Is only October 5 19" ;
one of many Carefully , ' NOTICE is herehv driven ht Cal-'
vln Erwln. of Roardnian. Oregon,
who. on October 8, 191S, made home
stead entry, No. 019913. for G4
Our lllnc d ints and Material NF.'NW'4. 1 : S 1 : 4 X V '4 (UttO
1 isis are so lomplete that It Is "A" l',t"a Project 1 , Section 20.
an easy matter for von to do Township 4 N., Range 2 5 E. Willam
ette .Meridian, nas nieu nonce ot in
tention to make final three year
proof to establish claim to the iand
above described, before C. G. Rlay
den. I'nlted States Commissioner, at
Boardman. Oregon, on the 17th day
of November. 1923.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Ed Kunie. Reniamin Atteberry. W.
A. Price, Joe Lytle. all of Boardman, 1
l. n. iv- . . i ,
' o!2-nl6 Rvgister.
Come Iu .-lie I . us slum j,iU
how little monej It taket.
H"" mmmmxs . : Mtsmiiaiiu
lhe Best is none too good-
Try our Sherwin-Williams paints
and varnishes. There is none bet
ter. also-
We have a complete line of
I Cedar Flume Stock
Building Material
Builders' Hardware
I Cement, Lime, Wood, Coal, Posts
Boardman, Oregon.