The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, October 26, 1923, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Check on Increase in High-power Beer
Sought Daily Tests Favored.
Events of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
The supreme court announced Mon
day that it would recess from Octo
ber 22 to November 12.
According to a report from the Po
lish border, Polish gendarmes have
Killed un officer of the red army who
accidentally crossed the frontier.
TWO school teacher!, one supervis
ing teacher, one lieutenant, a sergeant
and eight privates o the Philippine
constabulary were killed by Moros last
Sunday at a school house at Lake Bul
UBn, I.anao province, island of Mindan
ao, according to advices received in
Manila. The aid of United State!
troops has been asked.
All supplies of the American mis
sion for the relief of sufferers of the
ri cent. Japanese earthquake were
turned over to the Japanes;) authori
ties Monday for general distribution
through the Japanese relief bureau
and the Japanese Red Cross.
A dispatch to the London Bxchsnge
Telegraph from Munich says that lr.
Ferdinand Sauerbruch, the noted sur
geon, has left for Moscow in an air
plane to attend Leon, war
minister of soviet Russia. Trotzky, it
is said, la suffering from cancer of the
The American Hlco Grower!' asso
ciation, with headquarters in I al e
Charlei, l.a., announced plans for the
organization of a pool or 1,000,000
bushels Of rice. Orderly marketing of
the 1MB crop and the financing of
grower who Join the pool are the ob
jects sought.
Kdmund A. Beck, business man and
ex mayor Of Salt l.aUe City, Utah, was
accidentally ihol and killed while
hunting ducks on Stockton lake early
Sunday. The accident occurred when
Deck and his hunting companion start
ed from a blind in the middle of the
lake io tbe shore In u small boat.
Washington, I). ('.-Expansion of
the federal government's prohibition
enforcement machinery in an effojt to
stop liquor smuggling and to check
what is described by officials as rapid
ly increasing supplies of high-power
beer is under consideration at the
treasury. The program contemplates
practically doubling the strength of
the coast guard and the placing of a
prohibition agent in every brewery.
While the changes under considera
tion for the coast guard have not yet
been placed before Secretary Mellon,
those in charge of the service have
calculated that approximately $20,
000,000 would have to be appropriated
by congress to carry them out. Tenta
tive plans call for the addition of more
than a score of cutters and about GO
speedy power boats to be used in
tracking down rum runners off the
coasts. Additional personnel is also
Secretary Mellon is said to recog
tllze that "high-power beer is hecom
ing all too common" in many sections
of the country and, it is reported, is
inclined to favor a return to the old
arrangement of putting an agent of
the treasury on guard in all breweries
so that daily tests may be made of
Treasury officials denied that the
new program was due to recent criti
cism that has come from several quar
ten regarding prohibition enforce
ment. On the other hand, it was de
clared the changes have been unde
consideration for some months and the
Internal revenue bureau has been en
gaged constantly In an effort to iron
out difficulties In the enforcement sit
The Internal revenue bureau is giv
Ing thought to means of alleviating
difficulties in the handling of indus
trial alcohol and alcohol for scientific
uses. Many complaints have reached
the treasury, officials said, regarding
llu mixture Of thy police side of en
forcement with the encouragement
Which, it, is declared, the Volstead act
states specifically the government de
sires lo give to development of uses
of industrial alcohol.
Physician and Surgeon
ni .1 TILL A
Formal Divorce From Berlin! TIIE SP1DHi,s 8TOR1
Proclaimed Sunday.
QNCB in a deserted old i
lived a white spider.
tie there
t had always been white or whether
it was so old it hud turned gray and
mini i g i . Ihen white no one who lived In the
PUBLIC HALL SEIZED ;astleknew- And 00 one dared tosli
luestions of this haughty While spi
der, for it sat on a throne.
Yes, in the very throne room on
Any Resistance Is to Be Pitilessly the very throne where once bad sal
Crushed, According to Announcement.
Purchase of more than 4:1,000,000
feet of yellow plno timber southeast of
llend, Or., wus made Tuesday by the
Brooks Scaulon Lumber company from
Iho Untied States national forest on a
big of $2.7r a thousand. The sulo is
one of the largest made by the Des
chutes national forest in recent years.
With a flush that lighted up the
cily and a noise that waked a great
number of citizens of Aberdeen, Wn..
at 5 o'clock Tuesday morning, three
in w gas tunks of the North Pacific
Public Service company at Michigan
and Hume si reels exploded, scattering
debris In every direction and shatter
ing all the windows in the vicinity.
Tbe American relief mission from
the Philippines, which lias been oper
ating under the supervision of Am
bussudor Woods, has departed for
Manila on the transport Soiutne, after
completing its work in behalf of the
uirthquuko Batterers. The mission
turned over all its medlcul supplies,
equipment and food to the Japanese
relief organization.
Americans are directing virtually
tin' entire Canadian American rum
miming Industry, according to a state
ment by (Jeneral V. A. S. Williams,
commissioner of tbe Ontario provin
cial police, appearing Tuesday in the
Toronto Evening Telegram. The state
local refutes the charge that Canadian
bootleggers are keeping the 1'nltod
States moist.
The currency issue now bus reach-
:l 2S, 230, 000. 000,000.000 paper marks,
according to the rolchsbank statement
Issued Saturday. The Issue trebled the
hist week in September. In the same
period the rotchsbank's home gold re
serve decreased by 26,000.000 marks,
while its holdings of discounted treas
ury hills, private checks and drafts in
creased by 34,000.000,000.000,000.
A hearing will bo held in London
November 5. the interior department
atinouncud Sunday before the Amer
Uan and Hrltish claims arbitration
commission to consider claims grow
ing out of the construction of the
Klo Criuule reclamation project in
Texas and Mexico. Tlje claims, rung
ing between $:i,000.000 and 15,000.000,
representing alleged damages sustain
ed by Hrltish capitalists who attempt
ed to develop irrigation some years
before the United States government
took up the project.
Lev. Walton Faces Charges.
Oklahoma City, Okla.--The investi
gating committee of the lower houst
0( the Oklahoma legislature Monday
reported the articles of impeachment
against Covernor Walton. The articles
alleged corruption in office, inconi
pi tency and offenses involving moral
turpitude, With additional indictments
to be returned within two days in a
supplemental bin.
Committee members said that if any
one ul I lie charges is sustained. M. 10
Trapp, lieutenant governor, would be
Dome acting governor.
Governor Wait on will face the ac
cusat Ions through to the end, he de
clared. "There is nothing to the re-
pert. be said when informed of
rumors that lie intended to resign.
"Such rumors are merely to weaken
my friends and Supporters and slam
pede I hem. I have no Intention of re
signing have never even contemplat
ed such a thing."
A majority Of the members of the
senate in a caucus agreed that If Im
peachment charges are filed against
the governor they would adopt a reso
lution I US Pending him from office dur
ing the trial.
A delay of two or three days in the
Impeachment program was seen when
the lower house voted to read all of
the testimony received by its com
mittee of investigation and impeach
ment before voting on the acceptance
of the committer's report, it was esti
mated that several hundred thousand
words were included in the volum
inous transcripts from which the testi
mony will he read.
Kluxers Ordered Shot.
Hutte, Mont. His men "have orders
tO shoot any Ku Kluxer who appears
in llitlte," Sheriff Dugan declared Mon
day after his men had climbed the
heights of the continental divide Sat
urday night to investigate a myster
ious light which observers report ed ap
peared to be a fiery cross. The sheriff
said bis meg saw evidences of a large
tin within a circle of smaller fir. s in
an area marked by numerous foot
Oakland Starts Busses.
Oakland, Cat. The city of Oakland
began operating big motor busses Mon
day and encouraged banned jitneys
to resume business in an announced
cunpalgn to "put the one man street
curs out Of business." The busses
ST! re dispatched from the city hall
with the announcement that they
WOtsld carry passengers for 5 cents
I cent less than the streetcar fare.
king did the White Spider spin her
silver webs! And the mice and rats
that lived there never dared even to
tpeak to her, for somehow, without
nyone saying so, they all knew she
ruled the deserted old castle.
Aix-Ia-Chapelle, Prussia. A Rine- j One day little Brown Mouse, who
land republic was proclaimed here i was very nice-mannered and never
Sunday ' mn a no'se running about at night
las did the others, sat at the foot of
Rhinelanders occupied the public j the throne nibbling something he had
building at 4 o'clock Sunday morning j found when White Spider let herself
without opposition from the security J down by a slender thread ri,L;ht close
beside him. Little Brown Mouse
started to run away, for he was afraid
They propose immediately to begin
an extension of their control through
out the Belgian area.
The city was calm, presenting its
usual Sunday appearance. The public
buildings occupied by the separatists
displayed the colors of the Rhineland
republic green, white and red.
Two proclamations were placarded.
The first of these said:
"To the People of the Rhineland:
The hour of liberty has struck. Berlin
has plunged us in distress and misery.
We come to our own assistance.
"We proclaim today a Bhineland re
public. Free and independent, we
wish to live in peace and friendship
with our neighbors and to work in an
effective manner with them for the
reconstruction of Europe.
"Workers, every man to hia post!
Immediate care will be taken to as
sure peace, work and bread.
"Leo Deckers and Dr. Guthardt."
The second proclamation was as fol
The Rhineland republic is an ac
complished fact. Any resistance will
be crushed pitilessly. Pillagers and
disturbers of public order will be pun
ished with the severest of penalties.
We shall apply all our care to the
questions fo food supply and work
and will preserve order and peace."
No other separatists attempt has
been reported from the other portions!
Of the occupied territory. It is report
ed here that Duesseldorf is tranquil
Kels Insurance Voided.
Stockton, Cal. Notice has been
served on Alex Kels, condemned to
hang at Polsom January 4. and on
Mrs. Kels that the New York Life In
surance company has canceled a $55.
100 life insurance policy. The can
collation was made on the ground that
it wus obtained by fraud.
Governors for Coolidge's Plan.
Washington, 1). O. Requested by
President Coolidge to assume their
share of responsibility for enforce
ment of the prohibition laws, gover
nors or representatives of governors
of 117 states and territories, meeting
with the president Saturday at the
While House, adopted a program of
The program was approved after
President Coolidge had addressed the
an ei ing and after an extended discus
sion of the prohibition enforcement
problem during which Governors
Smith of New York, and Ritchie of
Maryland, declared with some feeling
that they were not in altogether
thorough accord with the policy of the
federal government.
The New York and Maryland go
mors, however, joined in the unan
imous vote for adoption of the pro
gram, which provides:
Co-ordination of nil federal, state.
etinty and municipal enforcement
Issuance by the governors of calls
upon the press to support prohibition
law enforcement, stress law observ
ance and treat the enforcement pro
gram commensurate with the gravity
of lawlessness.
Summoning by the governors of
conventions of municipal, county and
state enforcement officials at a con
silient date to discuss and adopt a
program for the states, the federal
government pledging possiblo support
lo these conventions.
Calls by the governors upon the
prosecuting uttorneys in the various
districts of the states to confer on the
enforcement problem, with the federal
government pledging every facility to
aid In such discussions.
Adoption by the governors and by
the federal government of whatever
means are practicable to cause lawless
citizens and aliens to respect the ma
jesty and sanctity of the law ami to
respect the various agencies enforcing
"Don't Run Away, Littie Mouse."
he should not have been so near to
her royal throne. But White Spider
said, not in a cross voice but in a
pleasant tone, "Don't run away, little
mouse. Come back here and sit on
the throne beside me, and I will tell
you a story."
Little Brown Mouse dearly loved a
story so lie climbed up to the big
throne seat while White Spider sat in
her silvery thread house in a corner
by one arm and told him about a prin
cess who once lived in the castle.
"Long, long ago. in the tower of
this castle, a beautiful princess was
imprisoned," said the White Spider.
"Her mother was dead and the King
had married ngain. A bud, selfish
woman was the new Queen. She did
not love the little Princess, because
she would some day be Queen and
the stepmother wanted her own daugh
ter to have the royal title.
"So she coaxed the King into tak
ing a journey and leaving a servant
who was in the pay of the new Queen
to take care of the castle and the
Princess while they were away.
"As soon as they were gone this
wicked servant imprisoned the little
Princess In the tower and left her to
starve, for the new Queen and the
. . . i . I. I.' it, IV
servant had arranged to ten un
when he came home that the PrlnceM
had been sick and died while he was
"Then the wicked Queen expected
to coax the King into making her own
daughter a princess and his heir.
"Of course, the little Princess was
terribly frightened the diet nik'nt
when it grew dark In the tower and
she was hungry, too. But when the
moonlight came In through the little
window I crept out of my corner and
let myself down on the sill in the
" 'Poor Spider,' said the little Prin
cess. 'Have they shut you in here,
too? But you won't starve, I suppose,
as I shall". Oh dear! If someone
would only toll my father, how quick
ly all would he changed.'
"'You won't starve, my pretty dear,'
I told her, 'and your father shall know
before another day. For though they
did not know it, they have Imprisoned
you With an enchanted creature. Once
I lived in a cave with an old witch
and she threw over me a spell of en
chantment which enables mo to do
strange things.'
"Then I called by magic art the
night fairies and they brought her
food and before the Princess slept a
fairy messenger was on her way to
tell the King his child was iu great
"The next day the fairies brought
her food and that night the ,Klng
returned. And though the bad serv
ant tried to tell the King his daughter
was lost, in the end he became fright
ened and confessed all.
"The King quickly brought the lit
tle Princess from the tower and the
bad servant and the new Queen and
her daughter were sent out of the
country and never were seen after
ward. "But this all happened a long, long
time ago and the old castle is desert
ed ; and here I am Queen on the very
throne where the little Princess once
When the White Spider stopped
talking Little Brown Mouse asked:
"Did they reward you for saving the
"Well, you see they could never find
me. I hid every time anyone came to
the tower and then no one really ever
believed what the little Princess told
about the White Spider. They said
she was delirious with fright on that
"But never was a spider harmed
that lived in this castle and so you
see I wns rewarded, for here I am,
when all the royal folk are gone;
queen on a throne when all those who
lived here long ago are gone."
"That is a very nice story," said
Little Brown Mouse, "and I am glad
I know you were always white, too.
Some of those who live here thought
you were very old and had turned
white with age."
"Oh, that is the enchantment the
witch threw over me," said the White
Spider. "I shall never grow old."
(. 1923, by McClur Nawipaper Syn.llcats.)
Physician and Surgeon
Fraternal Building
Stanfiekl, Oregon
D B N T I S T It Y
Dental X-ray and Diagnosis
Bank Building
'Phones: Oiilce 93. Residence 751,
Newton Painless Dentists
Dr. H. A. Newton, Mgr.
Cor. Main and Webb Sts. Pendleton
Umatilla Pharmacy I
W. E. Smith, Prop.
Mail orders given special atten
Quick Service
Satisfaction Qiiuranteed
Umatilla, Oregon
200 E. Court Street
Electrical Fixtures and f
Electric Contracting
Eat and Drink
1'endleton, Oregon
JOnly the Best Foods Served
Fancy Ice Creams
Furnished Rooms over Cafe
X Juick Service Lunch Counter
in connection lth Dining room
t You Are Welcome Here
New York Riding More.
New York. The metropolis is for
getting how to walk. The transit com.
mission, which Sunday made public
figures to show that Now York's sub
way, elevated and surface lines car
ried 90.S93.000 more passengers last
year than the year before, believes ao
"increase in riding habit ' is respon
sible. Statisticians estimate that the
New Yorker took ten times as many
rides last year as he did in the sim
ple days of 1S60.
A rood custom Is better than a law.
OUR friends are beginning to travel
Now it is more like old times, and
if our friends go abroad they go with
lighter hearts and with more baggage.
Therefore it is quite the thing to give
them little gifts and, if they want us
to, to see them off. Be sure, though,
that you are wanted. Nothing Is more
embarrassing than to arrive unexpect
edly on the deck of a Steamer to find
the friend you have gone to see off
surrounded by an invited party of
which you are not a member. So don't
go unless you are quite certain that
you are wanted, both for your sake
and for the sake of the traveler.
As for the gifts you send, be sure
that they are really desirable, and not
merely something that will till up the
steamer trunk and bags. If you know
of some traveling accessory of which
your friend stands In need, that is a
good choice. A book is never amiss
because after it is read It can be left
on shipboard if it is in the way.
Candy, although it is a conventional
present, and one of the few things that
a man is supposed to give to a woman,
Is nevertheless not a very good choice.
A great many persons even though
they enjoy ocean travel are particu
larly careful not to Indulge In sweets.
Flowers, another of the conventional
gifts of men to women, are always In
perfectly good taste. However, ihey
are sometimes in the way in the state
room. If you know that anyone dis
likes flowers on the steamer dou't send
As in all other cases where sifts are
concerned a man may send dowers,
candy or books to a woman. Books
in this case Include magazines, and
sometimes half a dozen current maga
zines are as welcome a gift as auyone
could receive. They provide Just the
kind of reading that some People like
on shipboard and can be discarded
without a qualm when their reader Is
through with them.
o fey MeCtar Mnt 3 nJUata.)
'TUBS word, generally used as
a synonym for "pirate," has
a most interesting history, being
derived in nn extremely round
about manner from the Dutch
vrljbuiter, translated phonetical
ly Into English as "freebooter"
and, by the nautical section of
the Hrltish Isles as "ilyboat."
"Flyboat" and "filibuster" do not
appear to have much In common,
but the original vrljbuiter be
came filibustler In the French
and fllihote In the Spanish,
while the pirates and smugglers'
who used these craft were
known as tilibusteros. Thus-we
have two words derived from
the same source "freebooter"
which is of unmistakably Dutch
origin and "filibuster" which Is
from the Dutch, by way of the
French and Spanish.
In this connection It Is also
interesting to note that the
"buccaneers," the generic term
for the pirates that menaced the
Spanish Main, were usually di
vided Into three classes the
boucanlers who hunted their
prey nearby, the filibustiers who
roved abroad in search of It and
the habltans who remained at
home and attended to the busi
ness details.
( bjr Whulit Syndlct. Inc )
We Specialize in
Take that next job to your
Home Printer
B. . Stan field, President.
j J 'nnk Sloan, Ut Viee-lros. t
M. it, I4ng,
X Ralph A. Holte, Cashier I
: 1
Bank of
! Stanfield
Capital Stock and
OUr Per Cprir Tnfm-ocf
Paid on Time Certifi
cates of Deposit
iOOTisu. mt. mmmt I M