The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, October 26, 1923, Image 1

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    Watson E S
11 Feb:1
The Board man Mirror
Boardman, Oregon
Entered as second-class matter Feb
11, 1921, at the postofflce at Board
man, Ore., under act of Mar. 3, 1879
The following article is from the
pen of Dean Lyle M. Spencer of the
University of Washington:
Few people in the average city ap
preciate the value of a newspaper
to a town.- Like flowers, they are
appreciated most by those who do
not have them. Like mothers,
the are wan. 6 rnGgt when they
arc gone.
Most people look upon a news
paper as the business of a single
individual. If it thrives, that is
the owner's or the editor's busi
ness, "if it falls, that also is the
owner's or editor's business. As
a matter of fact, the success or
failure of a paper is a matter of
grave concern to an entire town.
If it were not for our news
papers, rumor and gossip would
run riot over the world. Every
one knows how a simple question
asked by someone often la made
a statement by another, how that
statement is distorted by B second
or enlarged by a hird, and how it
goes on and on until people do
not know what to believe. Some
times such S story gets so big tha
the only way it can be stopped i
by something coming out in th
paper and stating the precis
truth. Such conditions we shoule.
have constantly if it were not. foi
our newspapers.
Newspapers, too, are the besl
advertisement a city has in the
outside world. Other cities judge
a town by the kind of a newspaps
it has. If it is supported well
given the news and the advertis
ing patronage It ought to have, it
thrives and is able to present ar
appearance of prosperity for thi
town to the outside world. If i.
does not thrive, outsiders are in
clined to look upon the town a.
undesirable to live in, and so
move on to other cities.
Newspapers are also our chisi
source of information. Most of
our reading matter afeT we leave
school comes from the newspapers.
What we know about the presl
dent's doings, about the struggle
between France and Germany n
the Ruhr, about Henry Ford as a
candidate for president, and about
other national and world prob
lems, comes from the papers
Thomas Jefferson once said thai
if he had to have government
without newspapers or newspapers
without government, he would
take the newspapers, because thru
them he felt th state could be run
with at least fair success.
If some of us appreciated more
fully the value of our newspapers,
we would make greater effort to
se that they get the nws and ad
vertising and so become success
ful. Modern society cannot get
along without newspapers any
more than it can without schools
and churches.
Opal Wagner was a Portland visi
tor last week. M
W. H. Mefford was a Hermiston
visitor Thursday.
Jim White of Willow Creek was
a Boardman visitor Tuesday.
Arthur Mefford is here from Spo
kane, Wash., visiting homefolks. I
Mrs .Crawford stayed with Mrs.!
Warner while Mr Warner was away.
George' Partlow of Mare, Island,
Cal., is visiting his father, John
Fast Bind Apple Show. Milton,
Nov. 1 and 2. fcimbodlas all
the features of a county fair.
Blue Mountain Potato S'.mv
and Highway Asso iatlon meet
ing at Weston, Oct. 30th. VA'i
chicken dinner and speeches
by Senator Stanl'icld, who nscd
to go to school at the old Wes
ton normal; Congressman X.J.
Shinott, Dr. Snmiuera, repre
sentative in Congress from tho
State of Washington) Dr. Pen
rose of Whitman college; luige
I owell and State Senator Roy
Ritner of Pendleton, and oth
ers. Goods roads will be the
chief topic of the day wlii the
Klgin-Weston road parth ularly
in mind,
A. T. Herelm returned Saturday
morning from a month at Long
view, Wash.
Lauren Blayden of New Plymouth,
Ida., is visiting his parents, C. 0.
j Blayden's.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Leathers of
Hermiston were guests at the Jack
j Gorha'ia home Thursday.
Mr WnnlHna 1b timno fn?- n few-
days, having been called here on ac-
count of Mrs. Hopkins' sickness.
Walter Talbott of Walla Walla
delivered a truck load of apples in,
this vicinity the first of the week.
Mrs. Arthur L. Larsen returned '
Surulay morning from Grandview,
Wash., where she visited relatives a
Pacific International livestock
Exposition at Portland, Nov.
: to io. This has become the
lai'Rvst and moAt varied live
stock show in America.. To
anyone Interested in studying
livestock breeding and produc
tion from the standpoint of re
sults (hi: show offers unpar
alleled opportunities.
C.B.Spence, State Market Agent
72:5 Court House, Portland
Hern are five stable prodiTcts of
the land that have so declined ir
pries that producers g t only cost
of production for them, and on eoiii
less than cost. These figures : r
frori the Department of Agricultur
for last yoar, shov ing the deflation
from 1919;
Hog3 have declined 4 4 per cent
beef cattle "5. hay 31, eggn 39,
wheat 21, and yd for the same per
lod wholesale prices of all coumod
ilies advanced 58 per cent.
The result of this condition is twe
standard of values, two price level'
Under It the farmer's dollar ii de
flated to 53 cents, as everything he
has to purchase has advanced 38 poi
cent while the product ho has to seP
to obtain the dollar has been so'
ba-'k on an average of 32 per cent.
There can't be permanent pros
, perous condition", under this daub
(system. P h not based on perma
nency.' High wholesale commodity
values are largely for-od by eo '
fM.natlon might, ".hlle 'ow prices fo:
land products are forced on o th
farmer bv the defenseless romllt'o'
of agricultur . Demand and rutupl
have little to do with either the hig'
Darling's Jolly Lassie, the great
est Jersey cow in the world, with a
production of over 1100 pounds of
butterfat in a year, will be at the
Pacific International this year. Last
year Lad's Iota was there with the
greatest Jersey production. Lassie
beat her since then and will be on
hand to see the folks. It is rumored
that Segis Pletertjej Prospect, the
Holstein cow with the greatest milk
production of any cow of any breed,
will be back again. This cow pro
duced an average of 48 quarts of
milk a day for a year.
On Monday morning S. H. Board
man received a brief telegram from
Los Angeles stating that his mother
had died suddenly and would be
burled on Tuesday.
Emma Jane Jones was I o; n
March 1. 1848, near Nashua, N. H.,
and on Feb. 4, 18 79, was married
to Geo. H. Poardiiiae. a widower
with one small son, of Lowell,
Mass. To them was born one
daughter, Blanche Gertrude, who
lives at Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Hoard
man died in 1911.
Of Mayflower-Pligrlm ancestry,
Mrs. Boardman embodied all the
virtues of that God-fearing people.
She was a member of the Congre
gational church and an efficient
worker. Faithful and self-sacrificing
to the utmost. God granted
her wish that she might pass sud
denly. "Be thou faithful unto death and
I will give thee a crown of life."
Boardman friends will sympa
thize wi'.h the Boardman family in
the loss of "Mother Boardman."
who has, visited here at different
rh-ir -an-agricultural
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goodwin moved
into their new home last week, which
was hastily erected on their lots. It
is a neat little two-room house.
Boardman has a new shoe repair
shop opened last week by Harvey
Huff of Dufur, Ore, in one of the
rooms north of the telephone office.
Mrs. L. V. Kutaner and three
daughters returned home last Sun
day from a three-months' visit with
her parents at Memphis, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warren left
Sunday for Portland. Mrs. Nizer
accompanied them and will remain
in that city for several months
while receiving medical attention.
(From O.A.C Extern-ion S.rvice.)
or low prices.
Oregon needs o comprehensive pro- So lork a-, the proaent system of
gram, based upon a tl-.oro acalvjlJ f-inf; prices prevails, the farmer lm
of both production and rr.r'-oting plv must get in the nnm and iri'l
possibilities, to serve as n Ri'do fo hp- up to the level of other
all agencies In the further develop- business- - he ': u t make hU dollar
menl of the state's agriculture. vorth as nirh ns tho other do"r.r '
., fcrhe o'her Indiftr'Rn nr- no' pa.
Bramble streak dona not show on ng i0 voluninrilv lnv
loganberries as it does on blak rasp- dare's to the pra-ent
perries, mere is a distinct avarnng levl.
of the canes that give them a stiff, Croup action, compact organl-w-
atalky appearance. Tho Paves are tlon is the mean. Farmers' must
small a-id crowded together. P'ants run their Industry Just as the manu
affected with atreak are uauallv light--facturlivg concerns operate theirs
er in color than plants not affected. They must pool their produce, do
. , - , tJ, , . their own selling and distributing,
The dairy industry should be the control their production, fly th ir
foundation on which a diversified own selling prPes The -otton (rrow
farmlng system is built In Oregon; ers nee' doing this; th- o'-icco grow -Special
opportunities are apparently Pr3 have pulled their industry out of
open in cheese production. Poultry, th mud into a profitable and pro
swine, farm flocks of sheep, legume n-rous 1 -is bv Joint act ton- the
seed, breeding stock, fruits and veg-. fnl, industry 'of California' has
etnbles constitute important second hanged disaster to proaperons ron
ary features of a diversified program, ditions bv producers standing ahoul-
der to shoulder.
Cars of potatoes pronerly graded Covernor Pierce in his re-remt
and in new or number one second speech in Portland stated that of
sacks sell better than a lot of in f;lrl products which the consumer
mixed and noor sacks. Spuds solel paM $3.00, the grower received but
in old printed feed or fertilizer sacks $1.o0 -.nri that there could not be
or In dirty or torn bags are contrary agnwAUv nroannrmn emuMttrw ,
io tne law ung are at a uisnuvantagt
in the market.
All-State Auriculretrcl Economic Ooa-!
ference to He Held :v Coll go i.i I
January to Complete Work
.Believeel by suprrv'.sors to be the
Writers In th i history of agricultural
wtemion work in Oregon, the an
Mini confer nee of tho extension ser-
m ft HIT A!
lt!U liLi If Hi
a mot
a r
v ill
Oregon r.grlcult ere.
A few high light
ion:-, bearing on
reach In the confer
ows :
If the deeli'e of Oreeon agricul
ture is to lie avoided, conditions must
h hrought alout that
he average farmer to
from his investment an
mensurate with those
other Industries.
The development o
gon's specialty line
ttate B most pre: ;-i:ig
Cooperative market leg
adopted as th" aysl " i by
whieh Oregon farmers rar,
md standardl;'. - their proe
ite brands, develep market
Festus J. Wade Says Anarchy
Disappears With the De
velopment of Thrift.
etu rns
f. COMl-
ied in
inrttet - for Or
oustitutm the
and vc;
rices to growers,
dairy Industry is tht
which Oregon's df'v
.on --'o-iil bs d v
ba da
Ion el.
An all
-ta'e nrrripii
will be h !e
Mrs. Matheson and daughter,
mother and sister of Mrs. Elmer
Marty and Mrs. Jacob Marty Of
Portland were guests at the Elmer
Marty home over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Hisley and son are
living in the Warner house recently
occupied by Chas. Goodwin. Mr.
Risley is one of the foremen on the
highway, taking Mr. Johnson's posi
tion when he was transferred elsewhere.
An error was made last week by
some one in mentioning the ones who
were given a vote of thanks for the
success of the play. Mrs. Boyal
Rands' name was omitted uninten
tionally and we hereby stand cor
rected ,
F. F. Klltz sold two of his lots
re-cently to Mr. Rayburn of Condon,
an old friend of Geo. Agee. Mr.
Rayburn is building a house on his
lots and expects to make Boardman
his home. He, too, is a bachelor.
Mr. Klitz plans to finish his house
this winter when highway work
closes down.
The Ladies Aid has taken over the
agency of the California Perfume i
company, with Mrs. Klltz as the loc
al agent. This company handles i
perfumes, dental preparations, shav-'
ing soaps, and other articles. It Is
hoped that this will be a successful I
and satisfactory way to make money
for the Aid.
tier Btu'i an unjust and unbalanced
Co-onernMm bv producers, r ''It
ers and consume r"- enn reduflethis ex-
DLAVDBN HAVE MISHAP cea Ive middle-profit and middle ex-
. pernio, it i-iust be done If agrlcul-
C. G. Blavden and O. H. Warner l, r !' are to pro-per. A mor
motored to Bend last Friday. On direct svs.em of dHtVihutlon M -.
middle Interesta must be established
their way home Sunday while near cPducti must be brought to the
Wasco they ran into loose gravel working class consumers at prices
and the car struck the hillside al- ,h(i:-' Will pay, in order that th re
most turning completely over. Mr. "'ay b" ,nor,:,a.' '""'y"1 " ;'" . ' '
J St must receive a living profit for
Warnef was thrown from the car n, worh aml nv,,H, nll,nl to have
but received no injuries. Mr. Blay- normal production.
however, from There is room enough In I h
"spread between t he dollar the
L'rover eata and tin- II, re dnllnrn ihe
by striking the steering wheel. ramy pava. to brl. g abonl both of
Both men feel extremely fortunate- theses condltiona, but it v ill take ef
in not receiving more serious In- floin organization. It Is ImrTl te.
. lf understand thai both (On'Uimer:: and
producers will permit middle l-iter-ests
to add twice; the first cost eif
Mr. Hatch is a Portland visitor. products to the ultimate consumer.
den is suffering.
bruises of Ihe chest and ribs cause-el
resented. Fruit gwowem, wheat
grenvers, dn'r-ei-'n, Ilvest0"k t-n-ed-en)i
et-.. win npch meet with college
specialists, bankers, rcpresentutives
of commercial bodies, and others in
terostod in their particular branch
of agriculture, and win reconmend
to the conference a fruit program, a
wheal program, er a liveatock pro
gram as the ease may bo, These
vr'os commodity recomBiPda,lont
will, in total, torn an al'-aromvl
balan-ed agricultural pro'tam hat
can be used as a iruide by Individ
uals and organizations undertaking
deve'onT-ippi of env or all pbnaea of
agriculture In Ulia Mat,-.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Filler celebrated
their 1-ith we-deling annlve-rsary last
Friday by giving a most delightful
dinner at 7 p. m, The table looked
very pretty with Its decora1 Ions of
pink, and green; a lovely basket of,
dowers being the centerpiece, with!
frilly little pink ami green basket!
for favors Each guest pulled a rib
bon on the basket and received a
small favor and a gay-colored paper
hat. The- dinner was bounteous and
delicious. The guests were Mrs. C. ;
0, Blayden and sem. Lauren Blayden;
Mr and Mrs. Jack Giu liani and Janet,
Mrs. A. T. Herelm and children and
Miss Myrtle- McN"ll. A small table
with wee pink baskets of after-dlnne-r j
mints delighted I hi- children present.
Temperance Sunday, tfov, I
Sunday, Neiv. ilh is the World's
Temperance Sunday. There win be,-
a program and appropriate exercises
in the- Boardman Community church
to which all are invited.
When the savings pass-book comes
into a man's life to stayhe red (lag
goes out. What the country needs is
to bring about a condition whereby
the man who works with his hands
shall take the same Interest in his af
fairs as the capitalist does In his.
Probably tho best way to do this
WOttM be to turn the workman Into a
capitalist. And this Is exactly wlmt
he becomes when he saves his money
and builds U a reserve fund. He re
mains a capitalist as long as he ho da
on tei that money. The satisfaction
of seeing his money reserve mount
up will dlseouraite the waster to lake
a layoff now ami then. It will encour
age him to work a full six-day week
and thereby Increase the labor hours
applied to production,
The American people can sedve any
problem they set th. ratal ve 'o We
provided for a sound cur wny when
the greenbackers and Mitl lion su
were POUted and the gold In Is est b
llshed. The Federal U-,.-r- e Hank
was established and H' iv d a n olden;
for which must DfOpte thou hi the-re
was no solution. A Dumber ef ye rs
ago. when there was a e-i h q h' a
a bank failed; we ill ils. el n shut up
our vaults tlht rd let Bui I g gei
out. Instead of bMerf eoidlltoM
we made them worse Now f tallut
OOCUr few people, except those direct
ly interested are disturbed.
IVrhap- i .e imv.-t I. lportant problem
of ail riglil irw Is io do away with
labor waste. Il o t 'X ran he done by
preaching, by aeitni.ui or by f rce It
Ban be done by selling the wo k nun
on tfie ilea of he-coming a cap tullsl.
This CSS he- brought about by the rlghl
;.ind or bank advertising Who bj
there 'o say that an advertlaliig dol
lar bringing aboTtl this result would
not h A constructive dollar? -FeetUS
J Wa!e.
When the IcehHin came out of the
house he- found a small boy silting on
one of his blocks,
" 'Fri'," be roare-d. "u !- ' are ,ver
ii-slttlng on that for? Oil OH of It."
The hoy raised a tear -stained face.
'W as you ever u ho.vV" he Inquired
fnliil l.v.
"l course I was." said Ihe jrtlBSIL
fuming, "But "
"And eliel you never play truant?"
put In the youngster.
"e if course I did," said thl Iceman.
"NOW then, you---"
"An' When yOU got home did your
futher take n slick un' "
"Sit where you are, my little iiuin,"
said the Iceman, "l understand,"
Our Pet Peeve
Mr. Tenby,, a representative of
Fairbanks-Morse, and Mrs. Temby
were visitors at the Ballengi r home
this week. Mr. Temby came to meet 1
with the city council regarding the
purchase of a pumping system for
the city well. loathing definite could
be done, however, until it was found
Just how large the flow of water
was. It was decided to install a
pressure tank instead of a gravity
system. The well has been drilled
something over 140 feet, we understand
Yiikima Count)' Hanks In 'he Kiate
of Washington have loaned is ti"u to
boy gad girl club members, Yakima
county lias Iweotr n n " rl'tb mein
n irs, twenty four poultry club mem-,,,-rs
and forty-three l-i'rv club me -i
iers. luilry club members are all
lalng pure bred itouk, local breeders
inii bankers co-operating with them
n thu fullest exti lit.
ANY OIRL In trouble- may communi
cate with Ensign Le-e of the Sal
vation Army at the White Shield
Home, 565 Mayralr Ave-., Portland,
Oregon. sell
WANTED fresh sggs and chickens,
French Cafe, Pendleton. auiiltf
First (ji'ade
$1.75 the box
First gfftde, faced and
$1.35 tho l)ox
(K II !ll'S RUN FROM ."o
01 MS'l'Hlt BOX l P
Bring your own containers
Irrlgon', Ovnnn