Hot 111 lr jp I ,ar I T 4 W1W-T vkw ' jB 3M lfX ism Ajr Kl ai ra raj IT i. V. .1 VOLUME III. BQAKDMAX, OklC a, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1923. MARKET MN ?nriT rnmi The United States Department ol Agriculture in its official publication gives a good illustration of what or ganization is doing for the fan-: ra In handling potatoes in Nebraska. It states that last year the grow;-.-: in south-central part of the stale were unorganized and five or six brokerage and shipping agencies op orated and the results to the grower-, were very unsatisfactory. This year the growers organ!"-"' ijnfl aln o-t 90 rwr cent of theacrc..-:: in that local ity is under contract to be sold thru a central selling agency, under stan dard grades. The federal publica tion states that the result Is that cash buyers are on the ground and they take all the potatoes offered every day and that "the present r ea son is much more satisfactory to dealers and growers alike." The growers are running their own G MSMG2 B&ffl, s9r3 ft Ml k-M Cigfimiks .....5fra business. They are putting up a standard pack. Buyers know what jthey are getting. By conrolling the j output the farmers are not fighting , each other for markets. It i3 a bus- inesss proposition of marketing a j commodity. It -is a system that must lie generally adopted. There is some opposition to the new potato grading and Inspection law in this state. There always is at first with any such law of regula tion. But if those who are dis3ati: tied will see what grading, standard- iation and inspection have done to I the fruit industry of California, thev Will welcome this law and heartily cooperate with it. The state cooperative poultry as sociation is asking its members li ' 1 ay will sign new members hip con tracts, the present contracts exjrfr Ing December of this year. The new contract will have a clause under which any member may withdraw a stated times if he is not satisfied with me association me associatio, under its present management, has had a very satisfactory year, members gen erally have been very much pleased With results, and there will no doubt be hearty becking of the new con tracts by producers. This associa tion has been thru the mill, made the usual mistakes, corrected then and is now in position to control thr egg production of the state to thr advantage of poultrymen, if they will get behind the association and sus tain it. The Department of AgricUltur Oi the state of Washington in its offic ial News Letter states that the com bined wheat crop of Canada and hi United States is 87,000,000 bush. Is lesss than last year, and that the bot tom of the fake about a tremendous surplus should have fallen out by this time. It says the millers ar quietly taking all the hard wheat of fered a substantial premims over Hoard of Trade quotations, leaving nothing but soft wheat for the ele- At" A .HQ1 su a nsfi r-c? ri o U -K Ee Who Eeitstes Is Safe -pn For srvat i7 i would se ie last fiv. years. to be nature's last law m he ra. 0.101 DAMfUU ( ftlmMf HvtoA the Dumber killed at the B; ttle of Gettysburg) have sacri ficed their lives at highway grade crossings in the United States thru failure to atop, look and listen. Train operation is sale because railway employes are care fully trained. Except in a fc w states, automobile drivers are turned loose without even an examination. Trains and street cars stop before crossing 'another rail road where there is no interlocking device. If ft he neces sary for them, how much more necessary for the auto driver! For most automobiles carry loved ones and friends of the driver. Yet, eight out of ten automobile drivers race across rail road tracks without stopping and looking in either direction. Many motorists disregard the watchman's stop signal. Run ning thru and breaking crossing gates is a common occur rence. One-fifth of all train accidents Involving automobile rwnw oj uie auiomouii j running into the side of 1-1 Uill. The railroads maintain warning signs and require engine men to whistle and ring the bell for every crossing. High ways are being relocated to eliminate crossings. But rail roads are powerless to prevent injury ;o occupants of auto mobiles who fail to exercise care for their own safety. It has been suggested that all grade crossings be re moved. There are 250.000 in the United States at $50,000 each it would cost $12,500.noo,000 - and take at lat ihlrtv years -to remove them. This expense is about two-thirds of the value of all railroad oi the country, as tentatively found by the Intersate Commerce Commission, and neither the railroads nor the municipalities have the money. The "Stop, UOk and Listen" rule can be followed now without cost. It takes a train but a f:w seconds to pass over a cross ing. Surely no one would racrfice his life and his loved ones to save a few seconds! Lives of rail passengers are Imperiled bv grade crossing accidents. Recent Iv everal train- on extern roi ds in-v been derailed by striking motor vehicles, and enginemen and passengers have been killed. Grade eaoaaiilg accidents would absolutely if every automobile drfcrec would stop, look and listen at every trade cross! ift. Won't you do it? Omaha. Nebraska, October I, 1923. C. R. GRAY, l'resident. I N ION PACIFIC S Y S T E M j J L Th 2 Annual Fall Nightmare 1 L 4S J&L JEN? h L'E Ik.. : .MYvJ.r.. Mli 1 LJ cHW.m.o.i - J I NUMBER 34 Farmers' Opinions on Stock Feeding 1 fH it) Obtaining Feed Economi cally Is Most Troublesome Problem of Breeders. vators. The publication states when the exporters come into the market to gef the wheat that Europe must have "they will have to 'a;. for it. "The "great surplus of wheat" was a newspaper-created eur "lus in the interests of the grain '-,a " expense oi me ii was loiind impossible to ge! (hi American farmers. When the wheat ready by Oct. 0 as planned so date growers control their wheat and run will be announced next week. Watch their own business, newspaper prop- for it . The l adies Aid play is coming nicely. Wahnona Rands has charge Of It and is directing ihe caste.. I Is humorous and full of funnj situ ations depicting human nature as seen in the Union Station, and will be well worth the price of admission. aganda will not be able lakes over on a nation. to put such On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. W. O King was hostess at a pleasant af ternoon party honoring her mother who leaves this week for her home after a three-weeks' visit here. Th( afternoon passed rapidly with needlework and visiting. The who enjoyed this delightful o were the Last End vonien': dames Glen Hadley.P, J. Had'ey, N Ohrtotianson, Larson, Miller, Ear Cramer, Mead, Ray Brown, Carrett Richardson, Howell, ES, K. Mulkey Williamson, Hereim, and Mi ger. Mr. Pattee had a closim; out at bis ranch on the Last lhui its of ;uosts asion ftfea- Wednesday. He , men)-; d stock. crl( if sale. Oeo. Van Nost Wash., visited a Bock and Bailey's Thursday for bis sold all Mr. H. his im H. Wei sale last tie. on "Mother, what are these?" "Well, can't you see? These things were grown by farmers who are be bind the limes. Over there is tin way to fix tilings up to sell 'em." That mother got the point of tb extension service exhibit at the State fair. On the one hand were shown field and orchard run products poorly packed, dirty, Ungraded, un- stsmtardised, not backed by concert ed advertising just as many far mers have been aCCUttomCd 'o Mil larket. on- I heir prod It ril of Bl few days families. home. the left on ihe market. posed to I hem were BOOWB egg! ries, apples, prunes, and cheesf wore wen graded, attractively led, itandardized, advertised work of coopeiative growers' cia I ions. , ber that lab th" asao- Stanley Wain, (lie infant son o Mr. and Mrs. W. O. King was ehrli tened at the Community church Sun day. Cor Mrs. J. T. Heat land last week for with relatives. left for few days Port vi. 1 1 BfOTleE I'OH PI l?I It'ATID.N. !) partment of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September's?, 1023. MOW to grow 10 pounds of 'n -toes on a single plant under' g'a"s I shown at the station exhibit, Use of pure Drains ol Bonny Best, vigorous j disease-free plantH, and frequent I 1 regular potlenattOB of flowers turned the Hick. That every container of potai offered tor sale in Or labeled and may be Inspected asked by either grower, dealer. consumer, was shown in demons! rat Ion at the slat Ion All shipments In lois of 1 0 I more mil d be inspected. T not mean that lots stored or sold lo caiiv must be inspected. The grades be if grading exhibit, tons or llS does nd Mrs. Sam Beeks of Sun- dale, Wash., came Tuesday for few (lavs with the HeeW and Rollnv NOTICE Is hereby given that Sol- families. Mis. Beeks is a niece of onion C. Cummins, of are fannjr. No. I. o. 2 tot I, and culls. No. 1 Important and et sential marketing. i! Is tin pota- most Mr. Cummins, of Hermiston Oregon, who. on June 22, 1020. made Homestead entry, No. 010Y49, for BBUi Section 26, Township 3 3 N., Range SI B., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention lo make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. G. Blayden, United States Commissioner, a; Boardman, Oregon, on the 13th day of November, 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: Henry J. Tafel, Oliver Lee Gra ham, John Puller. Sherman Nelson, all of Echo, Oregon. Mrs. Bailey. E. K. Mulkey' s entertained Mr and Mrs. Tagg and W. 0, King and family for dinner ,u Sunday. The Nineteenth Hole. A merchant und n parson played golf together, and the parson, nearly always beaten, was griming gloomy. "Never mind, father," comforted of the my fun take o5-n9 J. W. DQMWCtl Y. Register. the merchant, "( you'll be preachhij fiion and then yon can ventre." "And at tliur It will be i me the retort inoroxi rales. days ral rour "Oregon's Marketing Hound Table" In the foreground or the extension service exhibit at Hie slat fair In eluded Oregon's potato, et;g, berry, nut, apple, and prune growers gath nr-d to discuss the problems eon fronting them in the profitable mar keting of their products, with a rep resentative of the extension s'.rvioe silting will them in an effort "to throw some light on the situation." This miniature tabic, with chain to match and figures of , nm mad ol the product each represented ra terestod fair visitors, HM'j (; ( N N E W S rFRCM THE EACTORY I 'OR BALE ly new. v. Oregon. -Majestic range. Near P. Trumbull, Stanfl Id o5-'itp ITALIAN ritUNKS. Sept. 1st. A large qUSility. Please bring your own containers as usual. Ten-acro or chard, 2 V4 miles north of Herm iston, Ore. K. 1. DAVB3 WANTED- Fresh eggs and French Cafe, Pendleton ROr L YOUiV OWN WITH BUI LA CHOW EVOSffllttliU NV OIRL in troubln may communi cate with Ensign Lee of the Sal vation Army at the White Shield Home, r,65 Mayfair Ave., Portland. Oregon. sel 4 Hotel Iwrlon, Pendleton the house of welcome Sbotweii Co net ruction company oi llermlHlon is getting nady lor a lot of highway work. A ear of lumber has beun received un l crusher is be ing installed a mile and a half east - - - f Irrlgon, just norm of Mr Rieks Ready about ,,iaee. The state highway depaitr crop of fine ment also eXDOCta to mil In 1.,, .,i work by day labor ht-itllog mud from pit near N. 0. Boavert'i plana for binder for the crushed rock work. In additlOO lo liiis, the district ex Pacts to build a mile of more of side roads. W. B. Howard bus purchased H.e blacksmilb shop from Chus. Powell and is putting Is BTOg days' work a week, namely, Wednesdays, Thurs dajs and Fridays. Other days can be arrungtxl In advance If ,ob Justi fies Huch additional time. This again lills the needs of Irrlgon district Since il. B. lane left more or leas Inconvenience lent tr. I... vnnn k... 1 , chickens. au31tf (rrepare.l by the t'nltpd stntea Department o( Ag-ru-ullure.) Producing or otherwise obtaining their feed economically is the most troublesome feeding problem of farm ers who keep live stock. This was brought out emphatically through a questionnaire sent out by the United states Department of Agriculture Which was answered by nearly 500 farmers scattered over the country. The replies showed that general econ omy of rations, the cost of grain, aud the cos: hi protein represent about iW per cent of the difficulties In feeding. These men classed balancing f ru Uoni next Ut Importance, other prob lems, such as labor, increasing pro duction, difficulties In wintering stock, short pastures, ami variety ami Ml. atauTllty (,r feeds apparently were thought of only in connection with Ihe principal difficulties, That these opinions are worth conaldaring is borne nut by thfl fact that nil of the men questioned were progressive otrm- ers and breeders, and the average pe riod of their experience , years. Adopt Balanced Rationc. During the two decades these stuck raisers have been working l get ahead, many Changes Law taken place in Uie ways of feeding Itnuiml. The Outstanding progressive step taken has been the wide uilnptlng of the bal anced ration. Other Improvement! in the order given by most of ihe Hve hundred farme rs are more liberal feed ing, feeding lunrg legumes, better wa ter supply, plUVtdiug mineriils, fei'd Ing accnnling t.o production, feeding more pTOtelO, and mure regular feed ing. At the same time they list the common errors In feeding which are responsible for poor results, poor com binations of feeds being the one most frequently mentioned, followed by 1111 dorteodlni us the next most effective reducer of proAta, Following these In regular order, based on the number of limes mentioned In the answers, no luck of protelfi, hick of water, lack of legumes, sudden changes of feed, poor housing parasites, lack of salt, waste of feed, poor equipment, und overfeed Ing. Practically ull of the . trouble! are easily preventable. Almost all of these oOO farmers bad raised at 0BC time or another scrubs, grades, and pure breils, und almost to a man they Joined in a paean Of praise of the pure bred, only I per cent of them reported that they bad failed with Improved stock. M,,si replies Contained Speetilc estimates showing the supe riority of well-bred over random-bred animals, und when itver- aged n as brought out thai these men consider that port breds make abOlM 40 per cent better returns on feed used than common stock. It Is l&tereatlng to note here thitt another questionnaire sent out by the depart' menl a year ago and answered by sev eral hundred fanners showed that In their opinion pure breds have a gen eral utility value a Ite more Umn 10 per cent greater than common si,,iU Many Use Self-Feec! rs. The repeat prepared by the depart menl nn the results of this feeding In vestlgat.iea contains many more in teresting sidelights en feeding ami corroborates a Bomber of tendencies ttUtt g I observers must have sus pected. For Instance, of 4tM) who an swered question regarding the use of self-feeders, .5 per cent bad used this method of feeding, leaving ul t three-fifths yet to lake up this econ omy. At present the self-feeder seems to be used mostly In hog raising ,8. trb is aiel lor poultry, In the Middle West more than half the farmers re porting used it. The general sen ti ro n1 geeiUS to be thai tills piece of equipment is especially suited to bogs and chickens, but u few farmers used It for feeding elves and sheep. Nearly all of those who replied made comment on the feeding of sl bige, und practically . p,.r t them use tSUS feed, in th alii- eastern states, where dairying is very generally followed, two-thirds of the farmers In the list have silo-. Al though., most of the slluge Is fed to dairy cows, the list of unlurals to which it is fed, according to tin- ques tionnaire, Includes ulso steers, breed ing ewes, and bfOOd mows. A few men niported feeding it In limited quontl tles to horses, hog., ni lambs. II Is worth while to note that more Umn '1 per cent of these fanners who answered the government questions credited farm pa pern as the principal source of their knowledge of feisllng problems, other Important sources mentioned were: Experience on home farm, general observation, bulletins, and books and records is still Let us do that next printing ior you. Ml blutkmnitb woik doi